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Warhammer 40,000/Tactics/Blood Angels(7E)


1 Why Play Blood Angels?

2 Army-Wide Special Rules


2.1 Warlord Traits

2.2 Fighter Aces

2.3 Baal Strike Force Detachment

3 Wargear & Powers


3.1 Melee Weapons

3.2 Ranged Weapons

3.3 Vehicle Equipment

3.4 Special Equipment

3.5 Relics of Baal

3.6 Psychic Powers

3.7 Psychic Powers (Angels of Death Supplement)

3.7.1 Fulmination

3.7.2 Librarius

3.7.3 Geokinesis

3.7.4 Technomancy

4 Unit Analysis
4.1 HQ

4.1.1 Special Characters

4.2 Troops

4.3 Elites

4.4 Fast Attack

4.5 Heavy Support

4.6 Lords of War

4.7 Fortifications

5 Supplements
5.1 Shield of Baal: Exterminatus

5.1.1 Archangels Archangels Warlord Traits Archangels Strike Force Relics of the Archangels

5.1.2 Flesh Tearers Warlord Traits Flesh Tearers Strike Force Relics of Cretacia

6 Formations
6.1 Shield of Baal: Exterminatus

7 Building your Army

8 Allies

8.1 Battle Brothers

8.2 Allies of Convenience

8.3 Desperate Alllies

8.4 Come the Apocalypse

9 Tactics

9.1 Psychic

9.2 Tactical Objectives

Why Play Blood Angels?[edit]

The Space Marines are the steadfast heroes of the Imperium. By their martial prowess and valor is
Mankind preserved from extinction at the hands of a galaxy filled with unimaginable terrors. As one
of the oldest and most revered of all Space Marine Chapters, the Blood Angels have stood at the
forefront of humanity's defense for over ten thousand years. With bolter and chainsword they hold
the foes of Mankind at bay in an unending battle for survival. Yet the Blood Angels are touched by a
terrible flaw that threatens to undo their endless centuries of heroism, a dark madness that only
strength of will can hope to contain.
The Blood Angels are the masters of war in all its forms, but they excel in the savage arena of close
assault above all others. Every Battle-Brother feels the lure of hand-to-hand combat boiling in his
blood - only eye-to-eye and blade-to-blade with the foe can the dark beast within the Chapter's
collective soul be given full reign. Caution is not the Blood Angels' way, and it cannot be yours.
Assault Squads, Death Company, Sanguinary Guard - these are the spearhead of your host, but the
rest of the army must follow close behind. Stormraven Gunships roar over the battlefield, bringing
fresh troops into the maelstrom. Tactical Squads make their implacable advance, heavy weapons
fire scouring the bastions of the foe, and tanks spur forward to spit death at the enemy from point
blank range. The Blood Angels are an army fit only for the boldest of generals. Do you have what it
takes to lead them to victory?

You like any of these things: The colors red, gold and black, jump packs, assault, angels,
vampires, blood, flamers, melta weapons, going fast,bitch tits and deep strike.

The Blood Angels are designed for blitzkrieg. The Blood Angels favor a fast-paced and
slightly reckless play style which means that you must absolutely focus on getting into assault as
soon as possible even as you take casualties.

The Death Company used to be the best close combat unit in the game but Wulfen have
recently taken the top spot. Still, they can be equipped to kill literally anything and are worthy of
a place in any Blood Angels army.

Stormravens that will take your superior dreadnoughts and Death Company right down your
enemy's throat in record speed.

You like to make Khorne players jealous of all the blood you spill. Blood Angels tactical
marines can become pretty killy in close combat.

Blood Angels are the only Space Marine Chapter with access to Overcharged Engines which
makes our vehicles Fast. Rhinos, Razorbacks and Baal Predators are overcharged by default.
Predators, Vindicators, and Whirlwinds must upgrade for 10 points.

The Blood Angels have army-wide Furious Charge. This is actually better than the old rule
that made you roll a D6 for each unit and they only got Furious Charge and Fearless on a roll of

The Red Thirst is now +1 Initiative on the charge as long as there are no disorganized
charges. This is unlocked by using the Baal Strike Force Detachment.

The Sanguinary Guard are the Blood Angels' unique honor guard with jump packs, artificer
armor, and master-crafted power weapons. Attach a Sanguinary Priest and they get WS5 and

Only Blood Angels Librarians have access to the Sanguinary Discipline which is a great mix
of abilities. You can't go wrong rolling on it.

Only Blood Angels Tactical Squads have access to Heavy Flamers which is great for
because they can keep moving and shooting and they can assault after firing. Other heavy
weapons force your units to remain stationary before they can be used.


The Blood Angels codex was the last of the pre-Decurion style books to be released. The
Exterminatus Campaign Supplement gave the army a lot of formations and additional
Detachments but no Decurion. It will probably be a long time before we get another update.

Blood Angels relics are decent but they can't compare to some of the extremely powerful
relics in other armies.

Dreadnoughts only have 2 attacks base and our Scouts are still WS/BS 3.

Vanguard Veterans have a weaker, less useful version of Heroic Intervention.

No access to Centurions, Storm Talons, Thunderfire Cannons or Grav Cannons.

No access to any of the extremely powerful Space Marine formations such as the
Skyhammer Annihilation Force.

Blood Angels cannot Squadron their tanks and dreadnoughts.

Lemartes takes up an Elites choice even if you take a unit of Death Company for him to join.

Furious Charge and The Red Thirst are only in effect during the first round of combat so the
army loses a lot of power in subsequent rounds. Avoid becoming entangled in prolonged
assaults. When deciding on what to assault, be sure you can wipe out the enemy unit in no more
than two turns; otherwise use ranged weapons until the unit is destroyed or sufficiently
weakened for a charge.

No more Assault Marine troops, but you can take six units of them if you use the Flesh
Tearers Strike Force.

Sanguinary Priests are HQ choices now and they only confer Feel No Pain to one attached
unit. However, they also confer +1 Weapon Skill to that unit.

Bitch Tits

Army-Wide Special Rules[edit]

Warlord Traits[edit]
1. Red Rampage: - Warlord gains the Rampage Special Rule. This is actually amazing on a
Librarian Dreadnought if you choose one as your Warlord. 2 base attacks, +1 attack for
charging, plus D3 Attacks, Initiative, and Fleet if you cast 'Quickening', plus D3 for being
outnumbered. Brutal. This trait is also nice if you put your Warlord in a small elite squad like
a Command Squad which maxes out at 5 models. Many units you charge will be larger than
6 models which will allow you to make use of Rampage.
2. Speed of the Primarch: - Warlord gains +1 Initiative, which stacks nicely with The Red
Thirst. If you're using the Baal Strike Force, a Librarian or Chaplain will strike at initiative 6
on a charge while a Captain will strike at initiative 7. Very few enemies in the game will
survive to strike back at you. Don't equip your Warlord with unwieldy weapons.
3. Artisan of War: - One of the Warlord's weapons gains the Master-Crafted Special Rule. This
does not apply to the Relics of Baal. Very nice on a Chaplain's Crozius or a Librarian's Force
Staff if you don't upgrade it to Gallian's Staff. If nothing else, apply it to their bolt pistol. It
never hurts to re-roll a miss.
4. Soulwarden: - Warlord gains the Adamantium Will Special Rule. Great for Mephiston.
Decent on any other HQ if you're playing an opponent who is using psykers but it is useless
against Sisters, Dark Eldar, Tau, or Necrons.
5. Descent of Angels: - Warlord and all jump infantry & skimmers in the detachment gains
the old 1d6" scatter rule. In addition; jump, flyer, and skimmer units may re-roll failed
reserves. This is a very powerful trait in a jump pack and deep strike focused army.
6. Heroic Bearing: - Warlord grants Fearless to all units within 12". This trait is nice for keeping
your army moving forward instead of getting bogged down due to taking casualties.

Fighter Aces[edit]
In Skies of Death, you now have a bonus rule allowing you to pay 35 points for one of 3 special traits
for any Flyer or FMC (FGC is still debatable).
1. Angel of Vengeance - +1 BS. Pretty nice.
2. Grace of Angels - Ace can now pivot up to 180 before moving, giving them a way to actually
back off and go around something if they want.
3. Wrath of Sanguinius - All fellow Blood Angels within 12" of the flier can get one turn with
Preferred Enemy. Blast shit off the map, charge with some big mob of DC, it's just gonna be
based on how your flyer's gonna run.

Baal Strike Force Detachment[edit]

The Blood Angels' codex-exclusive detachment requires 1 HQ 1 Elite and 2 Troops, but it gives you
an extra elite slot to use alongside the basic CAD. Aside from the mandatory Warlord Trait re-roll,
you also gain +1 initiative on the charge for all models in the army as long as there are no
disorganized charges. Unfortunately, your troops lose objective secured but you play Blood Angels
for choppy fast Space Marines. Being forced to take an elite choice isn't a problem because it's the
best part of the codex.

Wargear & Powers[edit]

While most of the weapons are accumulated on the Vanilla Codex, there are special tools available
to the red marines of go-fast.

Melee Weapons[edit]

Encarmine Axe: A two-handed MC S+1 Power Axe. Kinda...not that great, but it's at least
free for the Sanguinary Guard

Encarmine Sword: A MC Two-Handed Power Sword. Pretty decent for stock weapons.

Furioso Force Halberd: The weapon of the Librarian Dreads, it's a Power Fist that replaces
Unwieldy with Force and loses Specialist Weapon, costing you an attack. It's still rather
threatening either way.

Blood Talons: Once the epitome of cheese with that fucking "extra attacks that cause more
extra attacks" rule. Now they're just Power Fists with Shred instead of Unwieldy (and Blood Fists
are gone).'s nice, but those extra attacks were what allowed the Dreads to actually break
tarpits. If only the DC Dreads at least got Rampage for their troubles...

Ranged Weapons[edit]

Inferno Pistol: It's a melta-gun in pistol form. 6 inch range. 3 inch melta effect. Blood Angels
are the only Space Marine Chapter with access to this weapon. This makes up for not having
access to eviscerators because Blood Angels are all about hitting hard and fast. If you're close
enough to whack a tank with an eviscerator, then you are close enough to get the melta effect on
an armor penetration role while retaining +1 attack for close combat.

Hand Flamer: A flamer pistol. Strength 3 Flamer template. Blood Angels are the only Space
Marine Chapter with access to this weapon. Overall, it is pretty weak, but it wounds T4 on a 5+
and you can cover a lot of models under the template before you assault. Giving two of these to
your tactical sergeant allows for up to 4 flamer templates during overwatch.

Angelus-Pattern Boltgun: The guns of the Sanguinary Guard, it's a 12" S4 AP4 Storm

Frag Cannon: A unique weapon to the Furioso. It's an S6 AP- Template with Assault 2 and
Rending, making it ideal for murderizing GEQ and having a decent chance at clearing out MEQ.

Vehicle Equipment[edit]

Magna-Grapple: No longer a weapon, this one tool that once allowed Dreads to do the
Scorpion to whatever he wants and kill now just grants Move Through Cover and allows re-rolls
on the charge against Vehicles. Furiosos can replace Smoke Launchers with these, which is just
as well, since you pretty much need to be in combat.

Move through cover means immunity to dangerous terrain, which allows your magna
grapple dreads to jump out of storm ravens without fear of the scattering dangerous effect.

Overcharged Engines: Makes tanks Fast. Available for purchase on the Preds, Whirlwind
and Vindicator, while the Razorbacks and Rhinos have it stock.

Special Equipment[edit]

Blood Chalice: The trademark item of the Sanguinary Priests. Gives Blood Angels +1 WS,
making him only as useful as any other Apothecary for allied Marines.

Cluster Bombs A special tool for Scout Bikers, they can booby-trap a single piece of terrain
and make it Dangerous Terrain for the enemy. It's a pretty devious way of funneling a covercamping force to your location to kill them.

Very notably dangerous terrain for ONLY the enemy, so no worry of risk to your own

Death Mask: The trademark item of the Sanguinary Guard, it gives the wearer Fear. Being
only 1 point per model, it's honestly not a terrible grab. It's a shame that half of the armies can
negate it one way or another.

Relics of Baal[edit]
1. Crown Angelic: 10 Points and grants the Fear USR, and Fear tests are taken at -2LD. Shit
in a game where 90% of all armies are immune to fear one way or another outside Orks and
Guard, and IG at least have Commissars and Priests for that.
2. Gallian's Staff: A 10 Point special Force Staff. The Libby can re-roll all rolls of 1 when
making a Psychic Test, but he takes an unsavable wound if the re-roll is a 1. Good, but risky
3. Veritas Vitae: 15 Points and grants an additional Warlord Trait from the Strategic Table.
Rolling a 2,3,4,5 on this table is always going to be helpful in getting your fast, choppy army
up the board. 1 or 6, not so much.
4. Valour's Edge: A 20 Point AP2 Power Sword. It lacks special rules but AP2 at Initiative for
20 points is still amazing. Combos brilliantly with Furious Charge and The Red Thirst which
you get for free.
5. Angel's Wing: A 25 Point Jump Pack. The bearer and his unit may re-roll Deep Strike
Scatter Dice and Mishap roll. If targeted by a unit or weapon with Interceptor, that unit only
fires snapshots.
6. Fury of Baal: A 25 Point Master-Crafted Plasma Pistol without Gets Hot, making it a hellishly
more reliable weapon. If you want to take a Plasma Pistol in the first place, paying another
10 points for Master-Crafted and losing Gets Hot isn't that much of an increase in price.
Sure, but plasma pistols are too expensive as it is, so jacking the price up further is bad.

Psychic Powers[edit]
Among the standard disciplines, Blood Angels have access to the exclusive Sanguinary discipline.
Primaris. Quickening: WC1 Blessing. Psyker or target character within 12" has Fleet and
+D3 Initiative and Attacks.

1. Fear of the Darkness: WC1 Malediction. Target enemy unit within 12" takes a Morale
test with -2LD. Probably the weakest power in the discipline. Note that this is a Morale
test not a Fear test so it affects Space Marines. Useful for moving units off of objectives
or forcing them to move into charge range of another unit.
2. Unleash Rage: WC1 Blessing. Target unit within 18" has Rage. If the unit already has
Rage, they get +1A instead. Bless the Death Company. Watch them kill.
3. Shield of Sanguinius: WC1 Blessing. The Psyker and his unit have a 5++. You'll be
needing this against any AP2 or D shots.
4. Blood Boil: WC2 Focused Witchfire. A target within 18" must make 2 toughness tests.
The target takes a wound for each failed test. If the target dies, place 5" blast with S4
and AP5 Ignores Cover. Cast it and make anything T4 or lower go boom! This is a great
power for thinning out infantry units.
5. Blood Lance: WC2 Witchfire. It's a 12" beam with S8 AP1 and Lance. Haha! Time to
shoot tanks!
6. Wings of Sanguinius: WC2 Blessing. Target an infantry unit within 12", it may move up
to 12" in the psychic phase unless it is locked in combat. The targeted unit may not
charge after this movement. A unit that moves using this ability counts as moving for the
purposes of shooting weapons in the shooting phase. This power is an ideal tool for
transporting a squad out of a trap or chucking DC into position for a charge next turn.
This means that a DC squad with jump packs can move up to 24" in a single turn. (12"
movement phase +12" in psychic). This lets you place your deep-striking melta assault
squad with terrifying precision - Deep Strike them in a relatively safe spot, then move
them 12" into the rear armor of that enemy tank that needs to die.

Psychic Powers (Angels of Death Supplement)[edit]

In Angels of Death, Space Marines got 4 new psychic disciplines, possibly to ensure that your
Librarians have more variety. Thanks to a note in the book, all Spehss muhreen armies
(meaning BAngles, Dangles, GKs, and Wuufs) can take these powers if they want.
Primaris Electrosurge - WC1 S5 AP5 Assault 6 witchfire. Point at hordes and explode them.
1. Electroshield - WC1. The Psyker gains a 3++. An almost free Storm Shield for a turn.
Or, you could just drop 10 points if you have it lying around for, you know, an actual
Storm Shield which can't be denied or fail to go off.
2. Electropulse - WC2. A witchfire Nova with radius of 9", which gives enemies S1 APHaywire hits.
3. Lightning Arc - WC2. Witchfire, S5AP4 assault D6. Jumps to enemy units at 6" of the
primary target on a 4+. Same effect.
4. Fists of Lightning - WC1 blessing. Psyker only, +1S and A. For every hit the psyker
lands in close combat (not wound, hits), enemy units suffer 2 additional S5AP- hits.
5. Magnetokinesis - WC2 blessing, 18". Move target unit by 18".

6. Electrodisplacement - WC2 blessing or malediction, 24". Swap target unit with the
psyker's unit. Can work on allies and enemies alike. This will allow for epic trolling. Oh,
that enemy unit's sitting out of charge range from your Assault Terminators/Death
Company? Oh look, now they're right next to your entire army. Have fun blowing them
up and charging the remains.
AKA we jacked a bunch of powers from the Eldar and Grey Knights. Enjoy creating cheap as
fuck death stars.
Primaris The Emperor's Wrath - S5 AP3 witchfire blast.
1. Veil of Time - WC2. The Psyker and his entire unit re-roll all failed saving throws. This
power, right here, has caused tons of rage upon leaking. And with good reason. This will
all but ensure that your deathstar takes no damage as it plows into the enemy forces'
tight sphincter. Heck, bare bones Terminators with only a 5++ will scare the shit out of
enemies like they did pre-5th edition.
2. Fury of the Ancients - WC1. A 20" S6 AP4 beam with Pinning.
3. Psychic Fortress - WC1. Blessing that gives the Psyker Fearless and Adamantium
Will, as well as a 4++ bubble of 12" against Witchfire Powers only.
4. Might of Heroes - WC1. Gives +2 Strength, Toughness, Initiative, and attacks. It
essentially wraps up both Iron Arm and Warp Speed into 1 nice Warp Charge 1
5. Psychic Scourge - WC1. Focused Witchfire. Roll 2D6+ level against enemy psyker
1D6+level. On a draw or better, enemy lose 1W (no save), if you rolled way more than
him he loses a power.
6. Null Zone - WC2 Malediction. Targets an enemy unit, drops its invulnerable save
by 2 (to a minimum of 6+). This thing is essentially Banishment, but it's much more
versatile. This is what you use to counter fucks with 2++ bullshit (like Cursed EarthGrimoire deathstar shenanigans), Riptide's Shield Generator buff, Storm Shields, and
the like.
Primaris Chasm - WC2 Forces a dangerous terrain test without armor save, single unit.
1. Earth Blood - WC1. Targets a model in 18" of the Psyker. That guy immediately regains
D3 WOUNDS (The wording by default excludes vehicles), and the target plus his entire
unit gain IWND. The latter effect won't come into play too often unless you're hanging
out with Centurions, but the ability to replenish a guy's wounds (hint: like Smashfucker),
or restore wounds lost to Perils to max is great.
2. Scorched Earth - WC1 malediction, 24". Choose a point, it deals a single S5AP4 hit to
each unit within 6". This 6" area is dangerous terrain. Crap.
3. Land Quake - WC1 malediction that affects enemy units within 18" of caster. They are
considered to be in dangerous terrain, and cannot run, turbo-boost or flat out.

4. Phase Form - WC1 blessing, 24". Single unit. Give move through cover, and Ignore
cover to all weapons. Unit is also able to shoot on a unit WITHOUT LINE OF SIGHT,
only the range matters.
5. Warp Quake - WC1 WC, 24". Target building or ruin. Building gets a glancing or
penetrating hit, ruins: units in it get D6 S6AP- hits;
6. Shifting Worldscape - WC3 24". Move a piece of terrain by 24", including models in it,
forces dangerous terrain tests on the unit inside.
The discipline to use for mechanized armies. Also fares very well with Imperial Guard allies.
Heck, a Librarius Conclave and a CAD of tank-heavy Guard makes this all kinds of epicness.
The only question is, do the blessings affect the whole squadron if a target vehicle is part of said
Primaris Subvert Machine - 18" Malediction. You Select a weapon on an enemy vehicle. You
and your opponent roll a die. If he rolls higher, nothing happens. If you draw, he can only fire
snap shots. If you roll higher, You take control of said vehicle's weapon for a turn. This will be
horrible if your enemy has a Superheavy of some kind (Lord of Skulls, Stompa, Baneblade
variants, Knights), and given the current meta, it's common to see an Imperial Knight ally.
1. Blessing of the Machine - WC1. Blessing you give to 1 vehicle in 24". It now ignores
Crew Shaken, Crew Stunned, and either gives Power of the Machine Spirit, or +1 BS if
the target vehicle that already has PotMS (So basically every vehicle Space Marines
have except vanilla Rhino-Chassis vehicles)
2. Machine Curse - WC1. Focused Witchfire. Smacks a vehicle with 3 S1 AP- Haywire
3. Reforge - WC1. Blessing that either restores 1 hull point, or repairs either an
immobilized or destroyed weapon result, as well as giving the vehicle IWND.
4. Warpmetal Armour - WC1. Blessing that grants plus 1 AV to all sides for a turn. Or, if
put at a non-vehicle unit, gives +1T. Welcome to AV15 Spartan Assault Tanks/Leman
Russes/Land Raiders. And Gauss Weaponry still doesn't give a shit.
5. Fury of Mars - WC1. A S1 Haywire Beam.
6. Machine Flense - WC2. Focused Witchfire, 18". Target loses D3 HP. For each HP lost,
inflicts D6 S4AP6 rending hits to a nearby enemy unit.

Unit Analysis[edit]

Captain: With the new 7th edition codex, captains got the much needed love that they
deserved. They now have access to artificer armor, relic blades, and most of the other fun
toys that belong to vanilla Captains. Give him Valour's Edge, The Angel's Wing, and Artificer
Armor for a relatively cheap and effective HQ. Where the Librarian and Chaplain are force
multipliers, the Captain is a scalpel used to remove enemy HQs and other tough models.

Librarian: Identical to the vanilla Space Marines Librarian, though with a different discipline
availability. Still has no Invulnerable save, unless you take Terminator armor or luck out with
powers. Pretty much an auto-include if you don't run priest or Mephiston. You can choose to
manifest powers from Sanguinary, Biomancy, Daemonology, Divination and Pyromancy, so
no Telepathy for us.

Death Company with Endurance? Yes, please!

Or divination - DC with a 4++ and re-rolls to hit? Awesome!

Always take the Storm Shield option if you are using Terminator armor, it's only 10

Chaplain: RIP Reclusiarch, up yours GW. Has all the benefits of a vanilla Chaplain. Any
troops in the unit he is with (including himself) who are equipped with a Lightning claw can
reroll hits AND wounds in the first round of combat! If you intend on putting your regular
Chaplain in a Death Company squad, just take Lemartes instead; he is exactly the same
while having all the benefits of being in the Death Company, plus Fury Unbound.

Librarian Dreadnought: You do have some other buffed psychic powers, with +D3 A and I,
Rage, a 5++ or a an AP1 beam anyone? The other changes to the psychic phase also help
a fair bit: Having a psychic "phase" means that you do not lessen your shooting if you
choose to let rip with witchfire spells and having communal Warp Charges means that if you
have more than one psyker (you can have quite a few in an unbound list but in a single
battle-focused list, you can have 2 max plus one for every allied BA detachment) then you
can focus more power on the psyker in the best position. He can only roll on the codex for
WT and can replace your fist's gun with a Flamer or Melta.

Librarian Furioso Dreadnoughts are capable of being effective monstrous creature


Cast Quickening for Fleet and +D3 Initiative and Attacks, then activate the Force
weapon, then charge for +1 Initiative if using the Baal Strike Force Detachment. Now
you've got a model with Strength 10, Initiative 6, possibly 7 or 8, AP 2, Force Weapon
with 4 Attacks, possibly 5 or 6.

Sanguinary Priest: Was responsible for a fair bit of Blood Angel Bitching, but now is only
available as an HQ and you can only take one per slot; still a fairly solid and formidable
choice as far as HQs go, but you are going to need to cover your ass. Only grants the +1
WS and FNP benefits to the unit they are attached to, similar to a Painboy. This makes him
rather invaluable for allies, since almost every other Imperial Force only has apothecaries in
command squads though you will lose out on the +1 WS. They can have Jump Packs or
bikes, but can no longer grab Termie Armor. Bullets will no longer hurt your troops, as if
marines needed to become even more survivable. Enjoy your immortal demigod soldiers.
Attach one to your most powerful squad and abuse Look Out Sir! but sweet FUCK - watch
out for those challenge-cheesing characters and precision shots! One good swing from an
Axe of Khorne, a MURDER SWORD or even a well placed meltagun/fusion blaster/fusion
gun and you can kiss your cute little point sink/bullet-sponge generator goodbye! (Or not
considering that the Priest gained a wound in the new codex so you need at least 2 hits from
the Axe of Khorne- actually on a 6 the axe of Khorne would decapitate him so only one hit

Techmarine: A minor chance to make a vehicle move again. Now take an HQ slot, and
unlike vanilla Marines they can take Jump Packs (at the cost of their Servo-arm), so at least
they can keep up with the vehicles they're supposed to repair. One-wound model, though,
so they are good for little else than deep-striking with a combi-melta or attending to a Land
Raider, and even then, you can find a better use for an HQ slot. However, it is also worth
noting in recent FAQs the techmarine can repair vehicles while being inside of them. In other
words give a techmarine his servo-harness and put him in your stormraven and laugh as
you regain your hullpoints. If you take him and don't put him in the stormraven to fix it, then
you doing it wrong. (It's also worth noting that Servitors are cheaper than a harness.) Unlike
the Iron Priest, the BA Techie is limited to only 5 servitors to himself.

Space Marine Command Tanks (Warhammer World Exclusive) - The new Warhammer
World tanks both take up 1 Force Org slot, so you can have an HQ AND both of these
awesome tanks! Also, can be used with Blood Angels, Dark Angels, and Space Wolves due
to the Designer's note in the White Dwarf containing their rules. Their exclusivity is made up
for by being able to give Marines some serious anti-whatever tools and other support.

Rhino Primaris - Gives access to a Chapter Master's one-use 7" Blast Orbital Strike,
and has a fancy Servo-skull hub which can either grant a unit within 12" Snap-shots
(including overwatch) at full Ballistic Skill (Giving that OP Invisibility the middle finger),
restore a nearby vehicle's hull point on a 2+, or give said unit Fearless. Also, you can
co-ordinate Reinforcements by selecting a unit held in reserves to automatically come

Land Raider Excelsior - Comes with a Grav-cannon and Grav-amp for those re-rolls
to wound and immobilize and lascannon sponsons. Also has a 6+ Invuln and ignores
Crew Shaken/Stunned results. Also can grant a single unit in 12" (which can be boosted
to 18" for 10 points) one of a huge selection of special rules for the turn (Counter-Attack,
Fearless, Hit & Run, Interceptor, Preferred Enemy, Skyfire, Split Fire, or Tank Hunter),
and gets +1 BS if a Rhino Primaris is within 24". Pack with a squad built for assault, and
you can finally start to become a nuisance.

Special Characters[edit]

Astorath the Grim: He's basically a Reclusiarch with Artificer Armour, a jump pack, and a
two-handed power axe. He is initiative 1 due to that axe, so he will be the stain on the end of
your opponent's commander's boot if you're not careful (or just a dumbass), but to offset
that, rolling a 6 to-wound makes the wound automatic with ID. He also allows DC to re-roll
to-wound on a turn where he charges and is the only source of re- rolls to-wound for DC in
this edition. RIP Reclusiarch.

The Sanguinor, Exemplar of the Host: Your army's special character only wishes he was
half as special as this snowflake. Apparently responsible for a great deal of the Blood
Angels' past victories (including killing an Avatar of Khaine, but pretty much every faction
these days has someone or something killing an Avatar so meh), he's nowhere near as
impressive on the tabletop. Yes, he has high Initiative and WS 8. Yes, he has an Encarmine
Sword and a jump pack. Yes, he has 2+ armour, 4+ invulnerable, Furious Charge, Fearless,
Eternal Warrior, and can re-roll to-hit and to-wound in challenges. Yes, he can give
all units models within 6" a free attack so they can make that big assault, bolstered by the
army-wide Furious Charge. However, he's still only T4 and has 3 Wounds, which means he
can be shot to death by Orks, Termagants or Guardsmen. He can't take a bodyguard to
back him up, since he doesn't have Independent Character. His only shooting weapons

are grenades and he's only slightly cheaper than Dante. Against mediocre opponents, you
can do fine hiding him behind bawkses and keeping him out of LoS of killy guns, but he's not
as good as everybody thinks he is (plus an actual Avatar will probably wreck his
maybe it kept rolling 1s when they fought). His model's pretty damn cool though. This is the
kind of guy you take in a super heavy/fluff list where you can spare 200 points for him.

Mephiston, Lord of Death: Mephiston's changed! His Warlord trait gives him Adamantium
Will, so stick him in a squad and watch as you deny witchfires and maledictions on an
average of 3+ (+1 For Psyker rule, +1 for Adamantium Will, give or take 1 extra if up against
ML2, +2 against ML1). He's now only WS6 but he can get his WS7 back by accompanying a
Sanguinary Priest, and with S/T5 it means he can now be insta-killed by Demolisher
Cannons/Railguns/Powerklaws, no need for enemies to waste Force and other ID bullshit.
He has Furious Charge, Fleet and ATSKNF replacing Fearless. However, Mephiston's an
Independent Character so if you're feeling threatened stick him in a Terminator Squad with
Storm Shields and abuse that 2+ Look out sir! He can still roll on Biomancy to buff his stats,
he has Sanguine Sword (A WC1 blessing that makes him S10) as a personal power, and he
has Transfixing Gaze; Each turn Meffy's in a challenge, you roll 2D6. If you roll equal to or
higher than the enemy's Ld, Mephiston hits on a 2+ like a boss. He's still a badass, just
slightly different so he's still the Blood Angels go-to Character. Always keep him away from
Force and S10 weaponry.

Captain Erasmus Tycho: Good ol' Cap'n Tycho, a mainstay from the olden days, now lost
in purpose. He has a master-crafted combi-melta that has an 18" range on the melta part
and is AP4 on the bolter part. No more specialist ammunition though. He's also lost his
ability to punch through tanks and armour and so has absolutely no close combat special
abilities other than Digital Weapons and Hatred (Orks). He's cheap for a special character at
130 points, but an upgraded captain can potentially do much more than he can, use him
with care.

Tycho the Lost: Tycho off his happy pills. The upgraded version of Tycho, he's still
an Independent Character this time around, so no longer needs to run around solo,
though he can only join Death Company squads like Lemartes. His profile is unchanged
though, and now only gets the addition of Feel No Pain, Fearless and Relentless, which
is not bad for an extra 15 points. Unfortunately his gear remains the same so he's stuck
foot-slogging with non-jump pack Death Company.

Brother Corbulo: Bullets no longer hurt your troops and you get one free re-roll. And this
can be for any roll except deployment (though he can re-roll Seize) or game continuation.
Unless he dies before you use it, at which point you kinda didn't deserve it anyway. He has a
S5 Rending chainsword and grants +1 ws AND initiative to every Blood Angels unit within 6"
(including himself). This doesn't stack with the WS bonus from a Blood Chalice but stacks
with the initiave bonus granted from the Baal Strike Force Detachment. Did we mention that
his fixed warlord trait is Speed of the Primarch? It could be kinda funny to make him your
warlord, if only to see him put out 5 strenght 6initiative 8 rending attacks on the charge.
Costs as much as 2 ordinary Priests and is still vulnerable to powerfists, though, so be
careful with him.

Malakim Phoros (Forgeworld): Lamenters Chapter Master. The 2013 Forgeworld update
turned him from an average character to a scary monster. He lost his ability to force enemy
rerolls on successful leadership tests but instead gained the zealot special rule and also
generates a 6" hatred bubble around himself, furthermore if he loses a wound he flips out
and gains +1 S and A and also confers rage to himself and any unit he joins. All of this

makes him very similar to a overcharged chaplain. His Inferno Pistol is now 12" range and
his Glaive Encarmine grants +1 Strength on the charge. Finally, he's the ONLY Blood Angels
character who has the chance to suffer /(benefit) from Red Thirst. Although nothing
compared to Mephy, he's still awesome with DC in a LRC, or if you have balls of reinforced
Ununoctium, a Spartan from FW. 24 Blood Crazed Maniacs + Malakim Phoros = An awful lot
of dead things, also watch as your opponent's sense of Target Priority utterly EXPLODES.

Cheap tactic When you Disembark out of the Sparten put Malakim Photos in the
front and LOS all but one wound and tank it (armour saves are not mandatory) to unlock
the Rage unto death

Captain Karlaen (Deathstorm): Basic Termie Captain with an MC Thunder Hammer and
Iron Halo for 160 points, which is a little bit more than a normal/vanilla captain with the same
loadout, but he has Counter-Attack and Furious Charge built-in, which 5th Edition BA
Captains didn't get. His Warlord Trait allows him to re-roll on Seize and gives a re-roll on
Reserves at any time while he's alive, which is admittedly incredible for a DS-heavy force
like the Blood Angels. Mix him in with an Archangels formation and you've got a turn one
deep striking, re-rolling reserves, at 1d6 scatter, with stubborn, and The captain still toting
Counter-attack! Sweet mercy that's painful.


Tactical Squad: Your baseline troops are essentially a tax of shooty dudes in an assault
themed army. The ability to bring a flamer/heavy flamer combo is great for assaulting
enemies in cover as well as camping objectives. 2 Strength 5 Initiative 5 attacks per model
on a successful charge doesn't suck, but if you don't kill the entire unit in one turn(and you
won't) you're locked in with S4 1 attack having chumps. They should have 2 CCW to make
up for losing Assault Marine troops, but GW hates us.

Scout Squad: Cheap and infiltrating, just like every other Scout unit. They're not much of a
combat unit despite Furious Charge with their 4+ save and WS3, furthermore their use as
beacons is mostly redundant since Tactical Marines can now take Teleport Homers as well
and do the same job (which only applies to units comprised entirely of Terminators - again
REALLY pushing that kit aren't they?). What to do with your scouts is to provide some
ranged support by equipping them with sniper rifles for 1pt each so you can try to snipe the
hidden power klaws and similar threats before your marines have to engage it in melee.

If you want real accurate deep strike in your army you should be choosing drop pods
or scout bikers instead who may take the more useful locator beacon which allows ALL
deep striking units to arrive accurately.

When coupled with Baal Strikeforce, close combat scouts can be an

annoying little distraction. A 5 man unit with camo cloaks and a veteran sargeant
with a power sword will run you about 90 points. Infiltrate them in ruins for a 3+
cover save, and then see what happens. I've had these little guys take out many a
devastator squad. 16 I5 S5 attacks (4 of them being ap3) is nothing to sniff at. Very
fun unit to play.

Raphen's Death Company (Deathstorm): 5-Man DC that's still Troops, but with a Sarge
that gives +1A/Ld, a Power Sword, a Power Fist, a Thunder Hammer, and an Inferno Pistol.
For 10 more points than an equally-kitted squad the major rules advantage is that they'll get

ObSec in a CAD and allow you to spend that Elites slot one one of the multitude of Blood
Angels Elite units.

Cassor the Damned (Deathstorm): 5 points more than an equally equipped DC dread gets
you 'Character' and more importantly moves you to troops. Obsec DC Dread anyone? Only
way to relive the DC dread as troops days of yore.


Command Squad: You start off with 3 customizable Vets, the Champion, and the
Sanguinary Novitiate with the options being either weapons for the vets, the Company
Standard, or Jump Packs so they can at least keep up with the attached leader. Do not
bother equipping a Command Squad for close combat because Sanguinary Guard are a
more cost-effective choice. Instead, equip a Command Squad for a variable battlefield role,
they can be equipped with special weapons that are unavailable to Sanguinary Guard or
Death Company.

Sanguinary Guard: They come equipped with jump packs, two-handed master-crafted
power weapons, in AP 3 Sword or AP 2 axe flavors, and 12" AP4 Storm Bolters. You can
take up to 10 of these guys in a squad. One of them may carry the chapter banner which
grants +1 attack to every member of the squad. They can swap out their usual gear for
power fists, encarmine axes, plasma pistols, or inferno pistols. They can also take death
masks at 1 point per model, which force the enemy to take a Fear test in each round of
combat. They have a 2+ armor save but no invulnerable save. Attach a Sanguinary Priest
for Weapon Skill 5 and Feel No Pain. Attach a Librarian with Shield of Sanguinius for a 5++
save. People compare this unit to the Vanilla Honor Guard and complain that they can only
get a maximum of 4 attacks on the charge but they forget that this unit gets 2 Str 4 AP 4
shots before they charge which isn't the same, but it is nice to have. Additionally, having
master-crafted helps even things out because they can hit more consistently. Also keep in
mind that thanks to the Sanguinary discipline, you can give them Rage so they will have 5
attacks on the charge.

NOTE: While Sanguinary Guard are awesome (and they are) you really do need to
add in a Sanguinary Priest if you want to get them anywhere, and pick your fights
carefully. Absent FNP and WS5, they'll quickly get shot to ribbons by anything AP2
(Grav-Weapons will tear them to pieces) and/or get stomped hard by the top tier of
Close Combat Squads (Incubi, Genestealers, Deathwing Knights, most Assault
Terminators will all handle them pretty definitively). They may be 7 points cheaper than a
Terminator, but that lack of Invul save hurts more than you might expect, especially
since they're still more than 30 points a model. So be careful.

Death Company: You play Blood Angels for the sauce and this is it. No longer WS5.Just
take an assault squad if you don't plan on spending points to outfit them properly, its the cost
effective choice. They have a basic Space Marine stat line, but they also have Fearless,
Feel No Pain, Furious Charge, and Rage for maximum carnage on the Charge. Do not
forget that they are Relentless, so give bolters to fist-equipped guys for free extra shots. If
you're going to use these, it's highly advisable to throw in Astorath to re-roll to-wound and an
array of close combat weapons. Taken together they make Death Company the last word in
terminal close encounters. A Land Raider Crusader actually makes a good transport for
these guys if you don't equip them with jump packs.

Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost: The berserker maniac Chaplain of the Death Company.
Lemmy's weapon change to a power maul in 6th Ed seems like it's nerfed him somewhat,
but the moment he gets wounded he gains a +1 bonus to strength and an extra attack. With
Fury Unbound, you're looking at 6 Str 8 AP 4 attacks on the charge, which can be useful.
However, he costs 130 points and like all Chaplains he no longer gives re-rolls to-wound.
Use him only if you'll need those bonus attacks and can ensure that he won't die too fast,
though having FNP does help a bit. While he seems pricey, consider the fact that he's
allowing your DC to reroll their hits in close combat, making them far more reliable. He also
does some serious damage on his own. Remember that Lemartes is a character so he
can be the target for Quickening in addition to Fury Unbound which turns a decent
character into an absolute monster with possibly Initiative 10, Strength 8, and 9
attacks while re-rolling misses on the charge!

Death Company Dreadnought: Similar to the Furioso, but with even more concentrated
awsomness. It can score now thanks to 7th edition, but no luck on Objective Secured. Blood
Talons are the go-to choice here allowing your DC dread to maximize the damage done
from landing all those attacks. If you want a more anti-tank oriented dreadnought, consider
taking a Furioso.

Dreadnought: Blood Angels love Dreadnoughts, and you should too. The assault cannon is
probably the most cost-effective shooting weapon available to them, and replacing the
standard storm bolter with a heavy flamer can't hurt either. You can kit them out for tankhunting, but other units can easily fill that role, too. They're no slouches in melee either
(unless you were a fool and swapped the DCCW for a missile launcher) but it can't compare
to the Furioso pattern when it comes to well and truly smashing something to kingdom
come. Instead, try doubling up on Twin-linked Autocannons for long-range support - there's
a reason as to why rifleman dreadnoughts suddenly proliferated many a Space Marine list.

Furioso Dreadnought: Furioso isn't so good anymore, it lost a point of WS(now WS5) and
has less attacks than a standard Marine dread even when equipped with dual fists, it is still
13/12/10 but, eh.... Blood Talons were nerfed, losing the admittedly cheesy attacks that
generate more attacks gimmick, in return they got the (much, much worse) consolation prize
of AP2 and Shred, meh. On the positive side; two meltagun and heavy flamer Furiosos in
drop pods dropped on the back lines are bound to fuck with your opponent's plan. That and
the Frag Cannon(S6 AP- Assault 2 rending template) is absolutely hilarious against GEQ
and anything else in cover.

Terminator Squad: They're Terminators, what's not to like? Use them just like you
would vanilla Terminators, there's not much of a difference. Heavy Flamers are cheap and
ignore cover, and Assault Cannons and Cyclone Missile Launchers ensure long-range
carnage. Remember to bring at least one Chainfist, and a Sanguinary Priest couldn't hurt
either (but he needs to be kept in the back of the party because he can't take Termie armor
anymore). If you're fighting 'Nids, reminisce about the good old days of Space Hulk.

Squad Alphaeus (Deathstorm): A Termie Squad with a Chainfist and Heavy Flamer.
For about 5 points more than a normal squad with the same loadout, you get PE
(Tyranids) while the Sarge is still alive and no Combat Squad because the squad is fixed
at five models.

Terminator Assault Squad: Ours cost 5 points more per model than Vanilla Marines but
they have Furious Charge which makes up for it because no other Space Marines have a

Chapter Tactic that works so well with a unit specifically designed to rip and tear. They come
stock with Lightning Claws, and are upgradable to TH/SS for 5 points each. If you use
Claws, stick a Sanguinary Priest with them like everything else. The gap between S4 > S5 is
more valuable than S8 > S9 unless you are fighting against AV13-14 vehicles or monstrous
creatures (but Assault squads with Meltabombs or regular terminator squads can deal with
those effectively anyway). The 3++ is preferred only if you expect to be facing a lot of AP2/1
weaponry such as melta/powerfist spam, but ready access to FNP mitigates against
plasma/axes slightly, so consider what your opponent is bringing. Also they got a new Blood
Angels specific pack which costs the same as Dark Angels Deathwing Terminators.

It is absolutely necessary that you take a Land Raider Crusader or Redeemer to

ensure they make the long trip to the enemy. They benefit greatly from a buffer unit like
a Sanguinary Priest (a squad 2+ armour saves, 3+ invul. saves with Feel no Pain? Yes
please) or a Librarian (In case you needed yet another sledgehammer in your squad).
Bottom line: great CC squad, but they can become really expensive, really soon.

One member may take a Company Banner and there is no limit on the number of
squads that can take it, but don't go thinking you can Troll Deathwing players by having
Banners all over the place, they guy holding it has to replace a Lightning Claw or Storm
Shield (depending on your loadout), thereby reducing his overall effectiveness, but all it
does is allow BA units within 12" to re-roll on morale/pinning and nothing else. It's only a
5 point upgrade so only take if you tend to have problems with morale-checks.

Sternguard Veteran Squad: Yep, they're back. Yep, they're still awesome. Dakka, dakka,
dakka. Just keep 'em away from tanks and high-armor units, unless you remembered to
bring some combi-meltas/plasmas. Not as useful for Blood Angels, with the amount of antiinfantry and meltaguns they usually possess, but still a fine buy. 10 pts cheaper compared to
vanilla marines.

Vanguard Veteran Squad: Just skip. These days Vanguards are just cheaper(barely) and
worse Death Company (though they can take lightning claws, which DC cannot; could be
used for mobile MEQ removal, but you have other, more effective choices). You're paying 1
point less but losing Fearless, Rage, Feel No Pain and Relentless. There are 2 reasons to
maybe take Vanguards over DC; 1) They can all equip storm shields and be a mobile 3++
assault unit(This gets very, very expensive) and 2) they can all take melta bombs for 5pts
each and become the absolute bane of vehicles that can jink. Otherwise just don't bother
with them.

Blood Angels Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought (Forgeworld): Exactly what it says on

the tin, which is to say it gives you everything you love/hate about Furiosos in a
Contemptor's package. Benefits include Atomantic Shielding, 13/12/10 armour, fleet, S7,
WS5, The Red Thirst, two DCW's with storm bolters - and that's just to start! You get the
option for both Contemptor fun (trading a DCW for Kheres Assault Cannon, other standard
dread guns, etc) and Blood Angel goodies (Blood Talons, upgrading a storm bolter to a
meltagun to break people out of their metal bawkses, the Frag Cannon arm replacement,
and the chassis-mounted Magna Grapple). There's not much of a reason to take Blood
Talons on Contemptor unless you know you're facing lots of 2+ saves, otherwise anything
else is better. Keep in mind that taking Blood Tallons restricts the ranged weaponry to the inbuilt weapon systems only, so if you use them you may want to consider taking a Lucius
Pattern Dreadnought Drop Pod as well to assist getting it into combat.

Land Raider Prometheus (Forge World): What happens if one were to cross a Crusader
and a Proteus. It has the Proteus's transport capacity of 10, however, its sponsons outdakka the Crusader by a large margin, each sponson having 2 Twin-Linked Heavy Bolters. It
lacks any sort of hull-mounted weapon, although it purportedly makes up for this with 2
additional rules: Improved Comms and Battle Auspex. Battle Auspex simply gives the tank
Night Vision as well as the ability to reduce enemy cover saves by one. Its the Improved
Comms that make this tank of note to the BA; they give +1 to controlling player's reserve
rolls. However these are not cumulative so don't go thinking you can spam them and bring in
reserves whenever necessity decrees. It does go a long way, but its not a game breaker.
Remember it still shares the Land Raider traits of PotMS and Assault Vehicle, so in terms of
transporting, use it exactly like one would use a Phobos. PotMS also means that both
sponsons can fire at full BS even moving at combat speed, however as one starts to add
pintle weapons they would have to snapfire. It is still worth taking the HKM along with the
Storm Bolter and the Multi-Melta for Weapon Destroyed results, and a Dozer Blade is
always worth it considering how much this tank is going to move if you are using it efficiently,
as well as Extra Armour. Instead of transporting melee troops as it's capacity usually just
isn't big enough, maybe use to save points as a replacement for a Razorback. When doing
this, be aware that this allows for full squad size, unlike the Razorback.

Fast Attack[edit]

Assault Squad: They can be tooled any number of ways and most of them are deadly.
Small squads with up to 2 Meltas, Plasma/Inferno pistols, or flamers and a fast razorback
with Lascannon and twin-linked plasma gun, or a large 10-man squad, either flying, in a free
drop pod, or in a free Rhino. In a competitive meta, the 10 fly guys are the way to go as a
transport may get blown up as it steps out and you don't want these guys foot slogging.

Land Speeder Squadron: Basically the damn same as the Land Speeders in the Space
Marine codex. If you run one, run two, same as other vehicles. Not as good as previous
incarnations due to how jink works now. AV10 and only 2hp means you pretty much have to
jink when a bolter looks at you, which means that multi-melta hits on 6 and no heavy flamer
at all. They're still not terrible but you might want to consider your loadout carefully.

Attack Bike Squad: 1-3 Bikes with heavy weapons. Give them Multi-Meltas and go tank
hunting. Other units can handle anti-infantry roles, such as the Baal Predator.

Bike Squad: Blood Angels aren't as good as vanilla Marines are with bikers (open to
debate), if only because they lack the ability to take bikes as Troops (although they can still
score). Still, they can prove to be useful as skirmishers as long as you don't let them get
bogged down in an assault. Take a meltagun and/or a plasma gun to kill shit faster (they can
take grav as well). There's also a build, known as Blood Rodeo, in which ASM and Bikes are
used together. FNP and FC bikes? Yes please. Sanguinary Priest with bikes, +1 WS, +1 I,
FNP, max the unit, kit out the Vsgt for a killy assault unit that is also incredibly survivable.

Scout Bike Squad: More fragile than standard Bikers, have WS/BS 3, and can't take
meltas/flamers/plasma guns; instead, all they can do is replace their bikes' boltguns with
rapid-firing grenade launchers. However, they can Infiltrate and Scout, and thanks to their
Sergeant, an Infiltrating Power Fist on a bike is nothing to sniff at. They can also take
Locator Beacons, to help put that deep-striking Jump Pack squad of doom where you want it
at, and Cluster Bombs, which make a piece of terrain DT for enemies. Just don't bring them
into open conflict.

Rhino: Looks like the Orks were right after all: The red ones DO go faster. Costs 10 more
points than a vanilla Rhino (45 compared to 35) but is now a Fast vehicle, making them
absurdly useful. Take one for as many infantry units as you can. Can be taken as a
dedicated transport.

Razorback: It's fast. It has a big gun on top. Use it in conjunction with Sternguard or your
hero unit + Sanguinary Guard/Command Squad. Take the las/plas turret if you can spare the
points, since you can move 12" speed and fire both guns. Can be taken as a dedicated

Drop Pod: Perfect for putting Dreadnoughts where they need to be. A great platform for
Tactical squads with flamer setup, or ASM with 2 meltas and 2 inferno pistols. Can be taken
as a dedicated transport.

Land Speeder Tempest Squadron (Forge World): For the equipment it's got, relative to the
standard Land Speeder, it's actually (in terms of points) one hell of a bargain! For starters, it
gets an extra point of armour on the front, and the Afterburners rule, which must be ignited
at the start of any of its turns upon which it wishes to use them. It may not fire (that's MAY
NOT, NOT SNAP FIRE) any of it's weapons for that turn, but it counts as a Zooming Flyer.
Not that useful, but great for zipping off into ongoing reserves when it looks like your
opponent is going to wipe you out. On terms of weapons and gear, the bargain only gets
better from here, with an Assault Cannon, Twin-Linked Missile Launcher (with Flakk stock!)
and also coming stock with Extra Armour and an Armoured Cockpit, which allows it to ignore
Crew Shaken and Crew Stunned results on a 4+. Like normal Land Speeders, up to 3 in a
squadron. The number one strength of the Tempest over stock speeders is it's versatility,
with its highly versatile weapon payload, and the fact that its no slower than a regular
speeder, means they can adapt to many tabletop situations where a stock Speeder with
more specialised equipment wouldn't be able to. Secondly, with clever positioning, it's
possible to mitigate the threat of that ubiquitous S4 ranged weaponry about, where a normal
speeder cannot do this. All in all, if you were planning to bring Speeders and use them to
provide mobile anti-cover camper firepower, bring these instead if you can spare the funds,
but if you are bringing the normal Speeder with its infamous dual Multi-Melta suicide loadout
for anti-vehicle, then stick with that for anti-vehicle.

Javelin Attack Speeder (Forge World): Again for its points its quite the bargain, although
its not as powerful here as it is in Legion lists for reasons that will be explained later. To start
with the pros, It builds on the armour of a regular speeder going 11, 11, 10, and it is no
slower for this. It also costs the same as a normal Speeder with its Heavy Bolter and
Cyclone Missile Launcher, and comes with aforementioned additional armour, and two more
special rules, one good and one bad. The good news is that this beauty can OUTFLANK!!!
The bad news is that it's a Relic of the Armoury, and if you want to take more than one of
those in the army, since Reclusiarchs vanished, you now need a Techmarine, not someone
usually seen in Blood Angel armies, and certainly not someone who would have good
synergy with this vehicle. Also, you cannot squadron this, which puts it at a severe
disadvantage in Kill Points games. In terms of options, the Twin-Linked Lascannon is rarely
a good replacement for the Cyclone, so skip. In terms of replacing the Heavy Bolter, a
Heavy Flamer would be mad considering how much jinking you are probably going to be up
to. However, a Multi-Melta can make this baby into a specialised outflanking tank hunter,
with few rivals for points efficiency when combined with the Cyclone, and the fact that this
can also take two Hunter-Killer missiles in a Tau-tank-esque fashion. And a Searchlight is
always a good utility option for one point. Overall, in Kill Points, think carefully due to the

incredible fragility and value cursed upon it by no squadron and RotA, but it can be a
premiere tank hunter in the hands of a skilled general.

Heavy Support[edit]

Baal Predator: The Blood Angels' unique Predator with overcharged engines and armed
with a twin-linked Assault Cannon. Can take Heavy Bolter or Heavy Flamer sponsons, or
replace the Assault Cannon with a Flamestorm cannon, the S6 AP 3 flamer found on the
Land Raider Redeemer. It's fast, it chews up infantry, and it will draw a lot of fire to stop it
from killing their troops.

Stormraven Gunship: Basically, a flying Land Raider. This ugly flying brick is now available
to vanilla Marines and Black Templars, no more Blood Angels/Grey Knights onlyfor no
adequately explained reason. Go figure. It costs 200 points base, has AV12 all around, and
meltaguns don't get the extra D6 for AP when shooting at them. It's also bristling with guns;
it has a twin-linked heavy bolter, a twin-linked assault cannon, and four Stormstrike missiles
(72" S8 AP2, Concussive, one shot each), and that's only standard issue. It can replace the
heavy bolters with a twin-linked multimelta for free or a Typhoon missile launcher for 25
points, and replace the assault cannon with a twin-linked plasma cannon or a twin-linked
lascannon for free. And if that's not enough dakka for you, it can take hurricane bolters in
side sponsons. It can't deep strike, but it can take a locator beacon. (So you could use it as
a highly mobile beacon for a jump squad or termies.) The real gravy comes with its transport
capacity; it can carry 12 guys in power armor (or 6 Jump Infantry/Terminators) AND one
Dreadnought. Watch your opponent cry tears of bitter rage as your Death Company comes
out of fucking nowhere to ruin his day because it's an Assault Vehicle. It'll cost you an arm
and a leg, but you certainly get what you pay for.

Predator: Marginally more useful than the vanilla Predator, since you can pay 10 points to
make it fast, Meaning it can move further and fire more guns at once. The Baal Predator is
better than the Destructor against infantry (Compare S7 AP4 Heavy 2 to twin-linked S6 AP4
Heavy 4, Rending); use the Annihilator variant to hunt tanks and Monstrous Creatures

Devastator Squad: They're just like the vanilla Marines' Devastators, only with the FC.
Great with 4 missile launchers - a cheap and universal squad with a lot of firepower. Carry
around a priest to babysit them. Park them in cover. Perfect for shooty army-list.

Vindicator: It's a massive gun strapped to a Rhino. Imperial Guard wished they had
something this awesome *coughcough*Thunderers*coughcough*. Even if the gun gets
blown off (likely, considering the amount of fire this thing will draw), you can go all-out and
ram your target instead for massive damage. Just bear in mind that your choice of targets
will be limited once the rest of your army gets into melee, and no-one likes scattering S10
AP2 "friendly fire" pie-plates. Except maybe your opponent.

Whirlwind: The Fast engine can actually help Whirlwinds out if they get too close to
enemies; just zip off to somewhere safe for you to rain fiery death down upon them. But, as
it's strictly anti-infantry, you're forced to let someone else take down tanks and the like. You
have to buy fast now, but the need for it is really minor.

Relic Leviathan Dreadnought (Forge World): - For about double the price of an Ironclad,
you get a rounder Dread with S8, AV 13/13/12 with a 4+ Invul that adds d3 to both the range
and strength of its death-explosion, two heavy flamers on his body, total immunity to

Maledictions powers, and two claws with meltas, Wrecker, and the odds to inflict d3 extra
wounds. When this adds to the fact that it adds +1 to its initiative and 2 HoW attacks on the
charge as well as a mandatory sweeping advance, you see that the goal of this thing is to
touch anything that runs near it. For it's cost, it might have been better off with AV14 or some
better tools. The claws can become drills so you get Armourbane for pennies. You could also
make it shooty by replacing a claw with a Leviathan Storm Cannon, that is Heavy 6 S7 AP3
hits with Sunder or a Cyclonic melta lance (not actually a lance weapon), which is a Heavy 3
S9 AP1 18" Meltagun. You could give it Ceramite to cure it of its fear of Melta and three HKs
to help pop tanks, but you've already got so much for that goal. To add to that, this thing
counts as a Relic of the Armoury, but can't take a Legacy of Glory, nor can it ever score or
benefit from a detachment or formation, so taking this requires extra care. If you want to,
you can consider it as a more anti-vehicle DC Dread or a Furioso with some melee punch
now that Bloodfists don't exist. With some luck and the right loadout, it can give an opponent
fielding a LOW smaller then a Warhound a headache.

Land Raider/Crusader/Redeemer: Pretty much the same as the vanilla counterparts:

normal Land Raider is schizo, Crusader is God-tier for Terminator transport, Redeemer
fucks infantry's shit up. Use one for heavily-armored delivery. Now they are no longer
dedicated transports for anyone(Actually, Terminator squads can still take them in 7th ed
codex), and they can no longer deep-strike - not that you should have, but this is most
certainly GW listening to their audience and scrubbing Matt Ward's baleful influence from the
game that it once had.

Relic Sicaran Battle Tank (Forge World): As of IA Volume Two Second Edition they are
now Heavy Support choices for a Codex: Blood Angels army! YAY! It's a Fast tank, so it can
keep pace with the rest of your armoured spearhead. The TWIN-LINKED Accelerator
Autocannon makes skimmers cry as no jinks against it. It's also got rending and fires out 6
shots at standard Autocannon range, meaning Fast need not be utilised to get into range,
but to get to the best firing position! Comes stock with Extra Armour, Searchlight and Smoke
Launchers, as well as Hull-mounted Heavy Bolter in Leman Russ-esque style. It can take
Heavy Bolter or Lascannon sponsons, Heavy Bolters for shredding light infantry and ultralight vehicles (eg Scout Sentinel light), Lascannons for hunting bigger fish and perforating
transports. ALWAYS take the HKM, but never fire it, it helps for Weapon Destroyed results.
Dozer Blade is meh, depends on how much terrain you play with. Which brings us to the
ALWAYS. It is unfortunately a Relic of the Armoury, and since Reclusiarchs vanished, you
now need a Techmarine to take more than one, which dosen't really fit in with the whole fast
assault thing. Overall, an excellent support element tank. Also note its AV of 13 on the front
facing, and 12 on side and rear (This is according to errata, the incorrectly printed books
have 13 on all faces), so it is significantly tougher than other standard GW rhino based
vehicles. If you have the money, go for it.

Whirlwind Hyperios Air Defence Tank (Forge World): A Whirlwind without the option for
Overcharged Engines, the cost seriously cranked up and the replacement of the standard
launcher with a Hyperios Missile Launcher. That being a fancy name for a Krak missile with
Skyfire and Heat Seeker, meaning it can re-roll to Hit against Fliers and Fast Skimmers. For
the price tag, skip.

Spartan Assault Tank (Forge World): Land Raider Phobos on steroids. Lots of 'em. It has a
Transport Capacity of 25 models. Also 5 HULL POINTS. (although it's no Super-Heavy, so
under 7th it can only transport 1 squad with any attached characters.) The two Quad
Lascannons on the side make it more than capable of punching through most vehicles, so

leave the Laser Destroyers at home. It also comes stock with Extra Armour which is befitting
of its transport role, and it retains the Heavy Bolter of the Phobos. Always take the Frag
Assault Launchers if you are using it to ship Terminators into the enemy as it's still an
Assault Vehicle, but Death Company, Sanguinary Guard and Veterans already have them so
in that case leave at home. A HKM always helps for Weapon Destroyed provided one never
fires it. Armoured Ceramite is mandatory considering what this sweet baby will draw its way.
For pintle guns, a Heavy Bolter or Multi-Melta would be best. Make sure to use that 25
capacity for the killiest melee squad one has, even consider giving them Jump Packs just in
case something goes wrong after you charge out. Bear in mind, this is no Relic of the
Armoury, so it's perfectly possible to use these tanks, with melee deathstars inside and
attached characters, and some other infantry behind them (eg Tactical Razorbacks or
Assault Meltamarines). This allows your BA to focus on what they do best, one can always
ship in a cheap ally for AA, or take the Battle of Sarosh Legacy of Glory on one of these to
allow those Quad Lascannons to get Skyfire, Interceptor, Tank Hunters and Night Vision for
a turn, although this only really works if your opponent only has 1 flyer. Usually better to ship
in an ally. It is however pricey, with the barebones price only beaten by the Achilles in the
non Super-Heavy league of BA tanks. So in conclusion, another wonderfully overpowered
tank from FW, but it really excels in big games and having your army based around it's
presence, rather than as a support element.

Land Raider Helios (Forge World): Whirlwind, Razorback and Phobos have a threesome.
This is the product. It is a Phobos with the Heavy Bolter switched out for a Whirlwind Missile
Launcher, the transport capacity toned down to 6, and the ability to replace said launcher
with the aforementioned air defence launcher. Don't forget with PotMS it can fire
independently of the Lascannons, and although this tank still has Assault Vehicle, unlike the
Achilles or Proteus, the only way it could find use would be with HQ + Command
Squad/Honour Guard. HKM's, Dozer Blades and Extra Armour follow the same rules here as
most vehicles; if you can spare the points, do. Take it if you wanna switch out a Razorback
for a bigger toy and don't want to or can't afford to take an independent AA asset. Only pay
the price for the air defence when you have nothing else to airwatch, otherwise stick with the
standard one, it is of much greater target versatility.

Land Raider Proteus (Forge World): The grandad of all Land Raiders. If one is going to
bother with it, always take the Explorator Augury Web. Yes it reduces the transport cap to an
awkward 8. But in BA this gives ypu the vital ability to re-roll all reserve rolls. This tank has
obvious synergy with the Prometheus; re-rolling 3+ reserves on turn 2! Lovely. It can also
disrupt the enemy's reserves, if put into this mode they have to -1 from all their rolls. You can
only choose one mode per turn however, so pick well. Again, the presence of multiple EAW's
has no cumulative effect, so don't bother spamming them. In terms of the awkward 8,
consider it a slower, tougher, Razorback with more room to spare for bodies. If you really
want to use it as a cheaper Phobos, (it is 4/5 of the points cost admittedly) then make sure
the unit you are transporting will not need to assault out of it as it has no Assault Ramp. It is
worth noting however, that with the stock gear of the Phobos which it can buy (which is to
say, all of it except for the ramp), it is still 30 pts cheaper, so if you are using the Phobos as
a transport for Sternguard (or tacticals if you happen to be mad) this is the cheaper option in
terms of points, but NOT MONEY, it costs almost twice as much!

Land Raider Achilles (Forge World): This tank is weird, overpowered but weird. First of all,
it has the transport capacity of 6, fine for said HQ and Bodyguards, but it lacks an Assault
Ramp. So it again can be used as a razorback alternatives for your tacticals. Its sponsons
are Twin-Linked Multi-Meltas. You might think this is insane, after all, to get close enough to
melta something means it can return fire with meltas, but this is where the rule that makes

this tank so broken comes into play: Ferromantic Invulnerability. It ignores all melta double
dice, the lowering effects of Lance weaponry (Dark Eldar cry) and it reduces all Penetrating
hit results by -1 on the damage table. WHAT. HAS. HAPPENED. If that's not enough then
fear not, it strips out the Heavy Bolter, and replaces it with a THUNDERFIRE CANNON. OH.
DESTROYED RESULTS, ALWAYS. ALWAYS. ALWAYS. Dozer Blade is good here, and so is
Extra Armour. It has one flaw, its price tag. Once you have bought all the mandatory bells &
whistles, it comes to as many points as there are degrees in a circle. Being FW it will also
break your bank as well as your points allowance, but if you have a niche it can fill, then it is
strongly recommended

Lords of War[edit]
As with the Space Wolves and Grey Knights 7th Edition Updates, Commander Dante and
Chapter Master Seth have been moved to Lord of War slots in same fashion as Logan
Grimnar and Kaldor Draigo.

Commander Dante: Pretty damned powerful for a Chapter Master, with a jump pack, inferno
pistol (Melta in pistol form), and a Power Axe (great for Hit and Run).His mask gives him
fear(also for every enemy unit at the begin of each fight sub-phase (not only for units in
basecontact with him))and not an enemy character -1 to Ws, Wounds, Attacks and Initiative
anymore. He can deal with pretty much any kind of enemy in the game with a decent
chance of winning. As of the 7th edition update he now has his much needed Eternal
Warrior. Throw him at S8-10 weapons if you're feeling gutsy, and now that melee weapons
have AP values his artificer armour lets him laugh at power swords. His WT reduces the
scatter distance of the unit he's with, so pair him with a Honour Guard unit with multiple
meltaguns to kill a tank and threaten its contents the next turn, or deliver some other killy
unit with precision. Take him and Mephiston for extra lulz. Also as of 7th Edition his axe is
now S+2 AP2 and strikes at his stupidly high initiative.

If you run Maelstrom with Dante as warlord, you also get to roll on the Tactical Traits
table. Joy.

Chapter Master Gabriel Seth: The incredibly badass Chapter Master of the Flesh Tearers.
Doesn't have a power weapon, but his huge chain sword, Blood Reaver, hits at Strength 8
(in Initiative order, even!) and has Rending. His other feature is the ability to make another
hit on a to-hit roll of 6 (With the likelihood that these bonus hits can make wounds that make
more attacks) (this skill works more like necron tesla, so no additional attacks like old blood
talons). Also, he's low priced at 155 points, has 4 attacks base, and is Fearless by default to
boot. The downside is that he doesn't buff your army in any way (other than granting
Fearless to the squad he's in), so take stick an HQ with him to make him and the army more
effective. While not quite amazing, as a pure combat character, Gabe is pretty far from a bad
buy get him into combat with a decent squad, then: 'Watch the Magic happen...'

Alternate POV: This guy is only usefull to chop Imperial Knights and those mecha LOW out
there while on quickening (+attacks,FLEET), pretty dodgy to make him worthy but relatively
easy to double his cost with those mecha LOW. He works better isolated (much of glass
cannon). NEVER give him warlord, rampage isnt neccesary on a ws6 model who already
has 6 attacks on charge and better quickened.


Bottom line, don't take them. (Although Vengeance Weapon Batteries may be useful for
softening infantry before you chop, rend and tear them to red ruin) The Blood Angels are at their
best when they are on the offensive. Your guys are meant to charge, not sit behind cover.
However, if you still want more information, here are some general tactics for fortifications [1]

Shield of Baal: Exterminatus[edit]
Not really a full supplement, but contains more than enough in it to count, new formations should
be discussed in the formations section, leaving the other rules and benefits in here.
This is essentially the First Company of the Blood Angels as an army. This means lots of
Termies and Vets, as the FOC shows.
Archangels Warlord Traits[edit]
1. Grim Determination: Warlord is Fearless - not so great if your warlord is a chaplain,
where it's already there.
2. Aggressive Defence: Warlord and his unit have Counter-Attack, which isn't bad so you
can react to whatever charges.
3. Blood Champion: Re-roll to-hit in a challenge. It's not bad, and most of your HQs can
do okay with it.
4. Master of the Field: Warlord and his unit get Objective Secured. AWESOME. Stick with
a squad with Cyclones.
5. Lord of Baal: Units within 12" may re-roll failed morale checks, pretty much exactly the
same as a normal standard bearer. At least it sorta saves cash from spending it on the
new relic banner.
6. Angel of Death: Grab Preferred Enemy. Good take.
Archangels Strike Force[edit]
This detachment's fluff is meant to depict the entire First Company, and what better way to
portray that by only allowing 2 HQ and 16. ELITES. SLOTS. Yeah, 16 elites slots, 10 reserved
for Termies and Vets, while the other 6 are for Dreadnoughts (sadly no Libby Dreads, so that
Dread Army with Bjorn and MURDERFANG THE MURDERBORN will have to wait), and the
HQs need to be Termies. Using it brings back the classic d6" deep strike scatter on ALL units
(not just Jump Infantry like with Descent of Angels), re-rolls on failed reserves and a re-roll on
the new Archangels Warlord Traits Table.

The reduced scatter distance would stack with the Descent of Angels warlord trait
for perfectly accurate deep striking for Jump Infantry in the detachment, especially since
you may "choose" to roll on the new traits, rather than being forced to. But your FOC re-roll
only applies to the Archangels traits.

Relics of the Archangels[edit]

Note, that these relics are taken in addition to the Relics of Baal, rather than replacing them.

1. Banner of the Archangel Host: Terminator Assault squad banner. Same rules as any
other by granting morale re-rolls, but also grants Preferred Enemy to the unit, makes for
a cheap pseudo-chaplain.
2. Archangels Edge: A terminator-sergeant relic, which limits the utility only slightly. But
for only 5 points more than the Sergeant's Power Sword you can Instant Death MC's on
a 6 to-wound.
3. Executioner's Hood: Psyker can now ignore Shadow in the Warp. Extremely
situational, but great to rub it in to the crying Tyranid player that when you perils you use
your unmodified kickass Ld to test.
Flesh Tearers[edit]

Now has an official Supplement available for download! With it's content pulled directly from
"Leviathan" and "Echoes of War: A Son's Burden", players now have a convenient means of
accessing the rules from those books in one spot. This is especially true for anyone having a
hard time finding those original books to begin with -and happens to be cheaper than buying
each separately. For reference, here's the link to Black Library/Warhammer

Warlord Traits[edit]
1. Incandescent Fury: Warlord and unit get Hatred - Chaplains can already do this, so
make sure you take advantage of that WT re-roll if you use the FTSF Detachment.
2. Savage Rage: Get Rampage, making them kinda better against mobs.
3. Avalanche of Destruction: Warlord and unit have HoW, for added charging hilarity.
4. Unstoppable Momentum: All units within 12" have Crusaders USR, good against
everything but loyalist marines with the added sweeping advance bonus.
5. Berserk Frenzy: Warlord and unit get Rage USR, which is...alright. You're at least not
completely forced into making really long charges.
6. Blood Frenzy: Feel No Pain. On the plus side, your priest now gets 4+ FNP.
Flesh Tearers Strike Force[edit]
The normal FOC, but with two of the troops slots (and one compulsory one) removed
and THREE added to fast attack. For this you get the customary re-roll on Flesh Tearers warlord
traits but also any unit in the detachment that rolls greater than a 10 on charge distances gets
the Rage USR. A nice grab, but really good for all those Fast slots, Assault Squad spam has
This FOC also allows you to take a full walker list. E.G 2x Librarian dreadnoughts, Cassor the
Dammned, 3x Furioso dreadnoughts, 6x Drop pods!, Warhound Titan. ALL FOR 2000 POINTS
Relics of Cretacia[edit]
Note, that these relics are taken in addition to the Relics of Baal, rather than replacing them. On
the plus side, they're incredibly cheap, like 5-15 points cheap.

1. Bones of Baelsor: Dreadnought upgrade that works like extra armour, with the added
bit that any Tyranid bio-plasma weapons or Venom cannons don't penetrate the hull but
only count as glances. Nice. Charge a Carnifex.
This is the only way to get Extra Armor on a Librarian Dreadnought.
2. Slayer's Wrath: Flesh Tearers Bolter that replaces a Boltgun OR a Bolt Pistol. 24" range
rapid fire, with master-crafted & poisoned (2+). Not too shabby. Honestly though you
might just be better off with a plasma pistol on anything with limited amounts of MC.
3. Shield of Cretacia: Regular old Power Armour that makes them immune to the
poisoned rule, which means enemies have to wound on strength which for many
poisoned weapons is 1 or nothing. Good for trolling Dark Eldar. Cheap as chips too at
only a 5 point upgrade.


Blood Angels Battle Company - Captain and Chaplain, Command Squad, 6 Tac Squads, 2
Assault Squads, 2 Devastator Squads, 1 DC, and a Dread of the standard & Furioso
Patterns. You not only get the Re-roll of WT and the +1 I on all charges, but you also
shockingly get Objective Secured for the Tac Squads. Imagine the look of those yiffs' faces
when you run this and get ObSec.

Flesh Tearers Blood Rain Strike Force (White Dwarf 47) - A Death Company Squad,
Vanguard Veterans, Assault Squad, a Furioso Dreadnought, and a Stormraven to cart them
all in if you don't give absolutely everyone here a Jump Pack. Everyone gets Crusader,
which is okay for this assault squad. If they ride the Storm Raven, anyone that disembarks
can re-roll failed charge rolls and has Rage for that turn. If you don't use the Storm Raven as
a transport, then all the little guys must Deep-Strike on the board as a single unit and get
Fearless and Counter-Attack the turn they arrive.

Angel's Fury Spearhead Strike Force (White Dwarf 47) - 3 Tactical Squads of 10 with
Homers (for free) get 3 Stormraven Gunships to ride in. Not only do these guys get ObSec
to shove it in the other Marines' faces, but they also let anyone (blood angel's faction) who
Deep Strikes within 12" of them to not scatter and charge as soon as they arrive. And as a
plus to this, the entire formation has to enter reserves and can drop in as soon as Turn 1
(with a re-roll to reserves). All in all, a shockingly good take. An extremely expensive
formation, both in terms of points as well as actual money.

Angel's Wrath Intervention Force (White Dwarf 47) - A Vanguard Veteran Squad joins 2
Assault Squads, all with Jump Packs. The formation has to arrive from reserves, but if the
Assault Squads arrive 6" from the Vanguard Vets, there's no scattering. In addition, any
suckers within 6" of them has to take an S4 AP- hit and are stuck in difficult terrain for the
rest of the turn and the beginning of the next. While this helps the team avoid getting
charged like bitches and is a cheap setup since you probably have so many Assault Squads
thanks to 4E/5E, but...this really can't do much to make them necessarily good.

Strike Force Deathstorm (Deathstorm) - Put the Deathstorm Blood Angels units together.
Aside from everything else, you get Fearless (Or Counter-Attack for the DC since they have
Fearless already) and once per game, Karlaen can allow everyone to re-roll to-wound one

assault phase. Helpful for the rape train of DC, but...they seem to be the least astounding of
the pack.

Space Marine Company (Apocalypse) - A Captain, Chaplain, Command Squad with

Standard, and trio of Dreads have a choice. If they're from a battle company, they must have
6 Tac squads, 2 Assault Squads, and 2 Devastator Squads. If they're from a reserve
company, they must have all 10 squads be of one type of the three. All squads must have 10

Librarius (Apocalypse) - 5 Librarians or Rune Priests. If you want, you can replace one of
them with Mephiston, making them all Blood Angels.

This is a straight-up murder squad. Their biggest boost is a bonus to their charge
equal to the number of turns it is from turn 2 onwards. Things will DIE here.

Lucifer Armoured Task Force (Apocalypse) - Tycho, an Honour Guard, and 3 Tac Squads
get 2 Predators, 2 Baal Predators, and 4 Land Raiders of any sort.

This is not an assault force; it's too small for that. What it can do, though, is give you
3 additional assets on the first break and give them a 3++ on the turn they use their
Finest Hour/Sons of the Primarch ability.

The Black Rage (Apocalypse) - Astorath grabs 1+ Chaplains, 3+ Death Company squads
(with one holding Lemartes) and 2-4 Death Company Dreads. They can also get DC Tycho
as well.

These Librarians form a Warp Charge 4 (!!) power called Force Vortex, a 24" S:D
AP1 Heavy 1, Large Blast Vortex. IF they don't recall it before it moves, then it'll scatter
off and kill everyone. Before you run with this ask yourself: How confident am I that this
won't kill absolutely everything?

Masters of the Chapter (Apocalypse) - A Chapter Master can take an optional Honour
Guard squad along his 4-10 Captains of the same chapter. Any of them can be replaced
with a named Character where fitting.

A fluffy formation that really works depending on how you kit them out. No matter
what, they get an Orbital Strike Strategic Asset and Counter-Attack. If they're within 12"
of an objective, they get Stubborn. If someone charges an infantry unit of this formation
within 12" of them, they get the Tau Supporting Fire rule once per assault phase.

The Land Raiders get Fast and Scout in exchange for a Hull-Point, so make sure you
keep a good eye on them and their health while transporting the teams where they need
to be. Other than that, they're the same as normal.

Wings of Sanguinius (Apocalypse) - JETPACKS FOR EVERYONE! A Captain and a

Chaplain get 10 Assault Squads of 10 and a choice of either an Honour Guard or
Sanguinary Guard. Oh, and optional Sanguinor.

Since everyone's a jump unit, they all get Deep Strike and Descent of Angels, with
the option to Deep Strike at ANY TIME THEY WANT. THE SHIT. They also all get
Shrouded the turn they Deep Strike.

Shield of Baal: Exterminatus[edit]

Blooded Demi-Company - Half a company: only 3 Tactical Squads, 1 Assault Squad, 1

Devastator Squad, 1 regular Dreadnought and one Captain or Chaplain. You also get a
Command squad if you took a Captain, or a Furioso Dreadnought if you took a Chaplain.
Unfortunately, you don't get Obsec, but you do get The Red Thirst (+1 Initiative), but
basically if you're playing this you've built yourself the beginnings of an army right there so
you might as well be using a normal FOC anyway since you can add more stuff to it.

Archangels Orbital Intervention Force - Three Terminator squads (any type, any
combination), when the formation arrives via deep strike they may run & shoot in the assault
phase. A bit of a lack-luster attempt at pushing the new Terminator kits, especially since the
Archangels FOC is so much better for deep striking terminators.

Archangels Sanguine Wing - 2 x 10-man Vanguard squads (MUST have jump packs) and
a 10-man Sternguard squad transported inside a Stormraven. They arrive together from
reserve on a single roll, and you get a free single Power Weapon/Lightning Claw per model
for the Vanguard Vets and a free Storm Bolter/Combi-Weapon per model for the
Sternguard. Thats it, basically this saved you a few points on stuff you could do anyway.
Actually, this can save you a whole ton of points (400) if you kit your squads out and makes
them a whole lot more cost efficient, although the actual use of this formation is

The Archangels - basically the Archangels FOC when it's almost completely filled up. You
need 10 veteran/terminator squads (in any combination), a Terminator Captain (or Karlaen)
a Terminator Chaplain and four Furioso Dreadnoughts. Doing this via the Archangels FOC
would have left you two slots, but this is better, if a bit more demanding since you can't take
anything less. You not only get the reduced deep strike scatter and re-roll reserves bonus,
but your company also is Stubborn and units from it may be rolled from reserve on the first

Archangels Demi-Company - Half of the First company, only five squads and two
dreadnoughts. Same as above but lose the ability to start rolling for reserves on the first

Strike Force Mortalis - Three squads of death company, 2 DC dreadnoughts, 1 Chaplain &
1 Stormraven. They all have Crusader and they all get Rampage-lite, where if they don't
already have Rampage they get +1 attack if outnumbered by the enemy. Can be an
impressive boost to already killy DC squads.

Dante's Avenging Host - Take a regular Blooded Demi-Company (so 5/6 squads and 1/2
dreadnoughts), mix in a pinch of Sanguinary Guard, one Sanguinary Priest, a single
Librarian AS WELL as Mephiston, three Stormraven Gunships for luck and finish off with
Dante on top. Your Demi-Company still has The Red-Thirst, but all non-vehicle units in the
formation also gain Objective Secured AND the reduced Deep Strike scatter and the ability
to re-roll failed reserves from Storm of Angels rule that the Archangels usually get.

Essentially this is a slightly less model intensive alternative to a full battle company and
combines the best rules of both except that only the redshirts get The Red Thirst.

Also remember that as Warlord, Dante has Descent of Angels, which would further
reduce the deep-strike scatter distance of Jump Infantry by another d6", meaning exact
precision, but only for Jump Infantry since Descent of Angels doesn't apply to anything
else in this formation (like drop pods), where the Storm of Angels rule does.

Flesh Tearers Vanguard Strike Force - 3 Tac squads, 1 Assault squad a Furioso
Dreadnought and a Vanguard squad to finish it off. They all get The Red Thirst, but whilst
the Vanguard squad is still on table, everybody has Stubborn and may ignore any penalties
for disordered charges, which does pretty well for the Assaults.

Lysios Relief Force - Gabriel Seth, Tactical Squad, Vanguard Squad, Stormraven, 1 normal
& 1 Baal Predator. They all get Crusader and must begin the game embarked on a transport
(not a drop pod) if not already jump infantry. They all arrive as one roll on reserves. Not that
impressive, but an easy formation to put together as an allied force.

Defenders of the Cathedrum - Another simple one to put together, Terminators, Death
Company, Assault Squad, 2 Tacticals and a Furioso. They get Counter-Attack and Stubborn,
nothing fancy, but does the job in offense or defense.

Strike Force Razorwind - Take the Lysios Relief Force, and combine it with the Defenders
of the Cathedrum and you get this, each sub-formation keeps its own special rules, but in
addition everyone within 12" of Seth is Fearless and you may roll for your reserves on turn

Building your Army[edit]

All right 7th edition mother fucker lets do this. Here is the bare bones way to make a decently
competitive list out of the Blood Angels codex.
First off, you better be running the Baal Strike Force Detachment. If not, go have fun with the
The best all around HQ is a Level 2 Librarian, consider using Gallian's Staff. They are extremely
cheap, and you can easily gear them to fit your army as you please. Throw a jump pack on him
and put him with a Death Company squad. You're better off with a Captain or Chaplain if you are
facing any army that can negate your psychic phase e.g., Eldar, Librarius Conclave, Grey
A tactical and scout squad is fine. Do not mix up your heavy and special weapons on the tactical
squad. Either go flamer and heavy flamer or ditch the heavy weapon because it's pretty useless
in an assault focused army. Alternatively, run your list as a Flesh Tearers detachment, forget
Tactical Squads and take Cassor the Damned as your compulsory Troops choice, leaving more
room for you to spam Assault Squads. Tactical Sergeant Teleport Homer can be very useful with
Terminators in reserve, especially if its a 6-man squad for a Razorback with suicide flamers
that's been sent to get the opponent's natural objective. Deep Strike your Terminator armoured
killing machines straight into the heart of the battle! This also allows for max squad size where
Land Raiders do not. (Although a Spartan Assault Tank would)

Run Death Company with jump packs in squads of 5-10 with 1 power fist per five. A single squad
of MSU hunting Sanguinary Guard is a valid choice because they wont draw too much fire and
will eat MEQ all day. Furioso Dreadnoughts in drop pods are great for threatening the enemy's
flanks and drawing fire while the bulk of your army races to get into combat.
Fast Attack
Double Meltagun Assault Marine squads are your best bet. Don't forget to keep the Jump Packs
for increased mobility. Or if you still want to keep the old 'Spear of Sanguinius' alive, Land
Speeders are cost-effective tank hunters. Bike squads make good grav-gun delivery.
Heavy Support
Stormravens are our only real effective anti-air choice but they are sturdy transports and they
are extremely versatile. Vindicators with Overcharged Engines are a nightmare to both infantry
and vehicles, being able to move up 12" and lob a S10, AP2 pie plate in your opponent's face.
Bear in mind, these things will draw a lot of fire. Take two of them, which halves the amount of
enemy firepower being thrown at them and still means the enemy are shooting at your big, scary
guns instead of your Death company and objective-humping units. Game-tested, very
successful, always add Siege Shield, Storm Bolter, Hunter-Killer Missile and Extra Armour.
Consider adding a third to really get on your opponents nerves, or a Sicaran, as its fast and
makes skimmers cry. At higher points values, consider Land Raider Crusaders as transports for
maxed non Jump Pack Death Company with a character.
Lord of War
Commander Dante is an LoW now, not an HQ, so he's pretty expensive since you need another
HQ choice before you can take him in a BSF. A cheap Sanguinary Priest with an SG Squad
makes for a good escort for Dante, and if you can get him into cc, he'll beat everyone to death
with his 6 WS7 S7 Ap2 attacks at I7. Not to mention he's got Eternal Warrior with a 2+4++, and
with the Priest hes got FnP 5+, so he's hard to kill and can tank wounds for his squad.

Battle Brothers[edit]

Adepta Sororitas: Why? All the good units they have to offer are the Priests and Jacobus
(Much cheaper and better than chaplains for War Hymns to potentially give your Death
Company rerolls on wounds and any saves), you already have fucktons of flamers and
meltas while your tac marines can do the same as normal bolter babes with +1 S/T.
However, putting 4 Dominions with meltas in 3 drop pods can be great, especially
considering the Dominion act of faith ignores cover. 4 meltagun shots that ignores cover?
Great for tank hunting.

Adeptus Mechanicus/Skitarii: Skitarii bring numerous, cheap and flexible troops that can
provide a variety of roles that compliment a BA force. Ruststalkers/ Infiltators add specific
melee counters and will do will charging something that the Death Company do too. The
Army is Fast enough to keep up and for real lulz you can put them in pods for some super
strong alphastrike. Plus Array Onagers are the death of flyers. Period. Mechanicus on the
other hand bring spades of Grav and or MC, something the BA also lack.

Dark Angels: - A very good combo with Blood Angels, as they are the more shooty and
resolute marines compared to your own quick moving, melee marines. You can also perform
really good alpha-strikes with lots of turn 1 TURN 2 with the new and improved Deathwing

Assault special rule *cough sarcasm *cough Deathwing deep strike (particularly with Belial)
and are one of the few other Space Marine chapters with access to divination, while this is
no longer the go-to discipline as it was in 6th edition it combos especially well with
Mephiston if he's already on biomancy steroids and will force your opponent to make panic
induced mistakes.

Grey Knights: It's just repeated deep-striking and a massive points sink. It's purely
redundant like the Black Templars from Codex Space Marines.

Imperial Guard: Excellent fire support for a up-in-your face army. A neat little army list is a
CCS in a chimera (so he doesn't die if the enemy sniffs at him), a veteran squad with camo
behind an ADL w/quad gun (or an infantry platoon if you have the points), and a few leman
russes. All the fire support you'll ever need. So for a CCS in a chimera, Camo veterans, and
ADL w/quad gun and a Leman Russ, this all costs only 445 points (a little more or less
depending on the Leman Russ variant and if you take upgrades for your Veterans or if you
take an infantry platoon. With an ADL, the chimera isn't a necessity anyway). Alternatively,
you could take them as meat shield distractions. But it's mainly recommended that you use
them as long range fire support/ objective campers. Priests are highly welcome here to
make sure that blob of Guardsmen can never die.

Inquisition: Servo-Skulls and Mystics work really nice with your deep-striking units.
Inquisitors also have hilarious shit like the Conversion Beamer (small blast that gets
stronger the farther the target is from the Inquisitor holding it) and the Psyocculum which
gives your units BS10 when shooting at units containing Psykers and Brotherhood of
Psykers/Sorcerers. Death Company got the assault gear, Inquisition lays down a shooty
advance. You can take Crusaders to suck up heavy weaponry and Power Weapons with
their storm shields, so they are awesome meatshields too. Always a good choice.

Space Marines: Pretty nice alpha strike potential here if you throw in Vulkan He'Stan. You
can also combine with White Scars or Raven Guard to come from nowhere to hit your foes
everywhere, or bring Iron Hands for slightly more durable Predators, Devs and other
support. Iron Hands benefit from your Pirest's FNP Aura. Yes, you can now give basic
marines a 3+FNP with a Priest, IH IC from the Gorgon's Fist Strike Force + the native
bonuses. Oh and Smashfucker has easy 2+ FNP with the Gorgon's chain. There is a reason
the 9th Legion are so close to the 10th in number.

Space Wolves: Long Fangs for epic long range shooting prowess, and Rune Priests. But
Mephiston can do it better. Space Wolves with Counter-Attack make fantastic defensive
allies to hold the line while Blood Angels go out and rip and tear.

Imperial Knights:' Nothing much to say but yes! Big scary, fast Super-heavies to give your
target too many things to shoot at in too little time.

Allies of Convenience[edit]

Eldar: this army has the advantage of actually being able to keep up with you, but you might
find that there to be a lot of overlap within the two codxes, that being said they are really
quite a bit less durable than your standard troops, so just think carefully about whether or
not you just want more Blood Angels. One thing the Eldar do bring, though, is the ability to
defeat heavy armor - Wraithguard and Fire Dragons are the bane of anything without strong
cover or invuln saves (WG a little better against MCs, FD a bit better on vehicles), plus all
shuriken weapons have quasi-rending. Might be useful if you're having trouble chewing

through big or heavily armored foes fast enough. On the flipside, you now get grav-guns.
Consider using some.

Harlequins: the clown elfs are vaguely similar in style to your red-armored ragemarinesfast-moving melee specialists. While they have the potential to hit a little harder due to their
various kinds of almost-rending attacks (making them especially good against TEQ's), they
totally lack your Marines' survivability (almost everything is T3, 5++). You're not really
gaining a lot out of this relationship unless you're fighting a Terminator-heavy army and you
take a lot of caresses and/or zephyrglaives.

Desperate Alllies[edit]

Tau Empire: If all else fails, use them in the same fashion as Guardsmen. Rail guns and
other devastating long-range shooting, but you must always remember One Eye Open.
Crisis, Stealth and Riptide battlesuits are better for close-in support, and fast enough to both
keep up and stay out of OEO trouble range. Riptides also have the advantage of being good
anti-air and not entirely helpless in melee.

Alternative View* Tau Crisis Suit Teams deep striking down the board to support your Elite
Jump Troops. Taking Tau Flyers/Broadsides with Velocity Trackers are much better and
cheaper anti-air options than the 2 lone ones available to Blood Angels playing a bound list
(Storm Ravens and Missle Launchers with Flak Missles). Take a horde of Kroot for your
mandatory troop choice to infiltrate and a Battlesuit Commander with Body Guards
deepstriking so you dont have to worry about deployment. Now you have deep striking
Crisis Suits helping to slaugter the enemy down the board with your Elite Jump Troops
assaulting and fast tanks blowing up everything in sight. Only downside is having to remain
6 inches apart but the Tau should be in a support shooting role versus the Blood Angels core
assaulting ahead of them so should be easy enough to avoid each other. A mob of Kroot
with Krootoxes in cover and Crisis Suits can hold one third of the board long enough to wipe
out the other two thirds.

Dark Eldar: Their speed is good, but you're also within OEO range often so that sucks! They
also are an in your face army with lots of scary close range shooting.

Come the Apocalypse[edit]

Necrons: Similar to the vanilla; take blobs of warriors to eat enemy attacks while you deep
strike your marines to carry the day. Excellent amout of anti-tank too, leaving you free to
load up on anti infantry.

Orks: Well...I guess it can work? The fact is, One Eye Open stings like a bitch so big Ork
hordes necessitate Deep-striking. Also OEO doesn't apply to units locked in combat already.
That's an advantage.

Tyranids: Look at Orks pretty much. Also, the new Tyrannocyte Spores provide deep-strike
synergy with 'Nids so OEO doesn't sting so bad.

Chaos Space Marines: You can do assaults better, why the hell would you take this when
your main army can do all that without allying at CtA levels? Pass! Just take Loyalist

Chaos Daemons: Psysic overload ahoy! Thats it. You need SHOOTING, not more CQC.
Pass. Take inquisition or GK if you want that stuff so badly.

You have an army made expressly for one purpose, blitzkrieg! Watch as your opponent cries
out in horror as your army crosses half the board in the first turn. Your troops are utterly focused
on getting close as fast as humanly possible to the enemy and obliterating them at close-range
and/or in CQC. You have the best conditions for deep striking of any army if you use
Commander Dante or have the appropriate Warlord Trait, Use Dreadnoughts in drop pods,
combine them with fast flying Stormravens carrying a ten-man assault squads joined by a
Sanguinary Priest and Overcharged Vindicators on the ground lobbing strength 10 large-blast
templates all over the table. Combine all this with the units mentioned above, along with their
aforementioned tactics and you will basically bring all your opponents to their knees crying bitter
tears of rage and frustration after you stand victorious at the end of turn 2.
The Death Company are point-for-point still the last word in CQC. A fully tricked out Death
Company will turn anything it comes in contact with into a fine red paste in one turn.
Always use Furiosos with Blood Fists in Drop Pods. Trust me, they're bound to screw up your
opponent's strategy.
Sanguinary Priests are your friends, especially for allied armies. Since most armies only have
FNP distributed either in a Command Squad (aside from Wolf Priests), you'll be better off taking
one to assist a team you'll expect to take a lot of fire. (as they take up an HQ slot for one it may
be worth considering if you want a Libby or a Chappy instead)
Now you can take 10-man squads of assault marines with two meltas in free Drop Pods or Fast
Rhinos. They are Fast Attack now though so go fill your troops with all that's left. 10-man Tactical
Squads with flamer/heavy flamer in Fast Rhinos compliment the above well for a comparable
points cost, and they're capable of annihilating hordes. Mechanised tactical and assault marines
is a surprisingly competitive list.
7th Edition Tactics: Remember ABC - Always Be Charging! Your units are at their best when
you play aggressively and are charging into combat! With Furious Charge and The Red Thirst
you can wipe out most enemies before they ever get a chance to hit back. If you aren't charging
into combat you should be maneuvering to get into charge range for next turn. To that end, if one
could kitbash or find some Power Lances, this may be one of the few armies in the game where
they see serious consideration as they are undoubtedly the worst Power Weapon when you get
jammed in combat, but provided you get the charge off with Death Company, that's 5 S6 AP 3
attacks per man, and when using the Baal Strike Force, one can also throw I5 into the bargain!
Take advantage of the Blood Angels' strengths (except their cool but slow moving
Dreadnoughts.) Use your Heavy Support slots on any combination of fast Vindicators, Baal
Predators, and/or Predators(I use 2 Vindicators and a Baal Predator personally). Put a couple 56 man Tactical Squads on foot in fast Razorbacks to fill in Troop slots that can keep up. I like to
take Dante and slap him in a squad of Sanguinary Guard with a Sanguinary Priest and take as
many Death Company Squads with Jump Packs that you can afford (since there is no longer
any rules stating you can only take 0-1 Death Company Squads). Run a line of tanks side by
side towards your enemy forming a moving wall in front of your elite jump troops until they're in
range of using their 12 inch jump move to put them in the face of whatever enemy needs to be
slaughtered. Disembark your Tactical squads(preferably armed with dual Flamers/Plasma Guns)
from their Razorbacks to lay some fire down for your soon-to-be charging jump squads to
completely obliterate anything and everything in front of you with some of the best close combat
troops in the game, hands down. At this point break up the tank wall and start securing
objectives and the win versus whatever your enemy has left to muster. If you do it right your

enemy will be able to draw a minimal at best line of sight on any of your assault troops as they
jump across the board keeping them mostly safe until they are in range to charge. Most armies
you play will only have so many options to punch through your front armour 13 on your tanks
and only a couple more to get through the front armour 11 on your Razorbacks. Still keeps this
tactic viable against everything but Tau though. Some will be lost as you cross, as long as they
don't explode they will still cover your troops that turn and you just adjust and re-tighten the line
next turn. At higher point totals throw in Terminators/Assault Terminators with dedicated Land
Raiders for more tank charging/enemy busting fun. This is a heavily tested strategy that has
proven very successful.
Blood Angels Psykers have access to almost all rulebook powers except for Telepathy, which got
replaced by the unique and awesome Sanguinary Discipline. Here are the sets of powers ranked
from best to worst.

Sanguinary: What did you expect? It's a Psychic discipline designed by Blood Angels, for
Blood Angels. Quickening granting fleet and +D3 Initiative is a lot like Warp Speed from
Biomancy, Unleash Rage giving you more attacks, blanket invulns to ensure your squad w/
Sanguinary priest remain immortal demigod soldiers.

Biomancy: If anything, Biomancy is a very aggressive Discipline, ensuring you can dish out
the damage (Iron Arm, Warp Speed), and take it at the same time (Life Leech, Endurance).
Second only to Sanguinary.

Divination: Prescience also grants you re-rolls in Combat, allowing you to stretch out your
good shooting too. Perfect Timing and Misfortune are epic powers as well. It's just that Blood
Angels are the Assault marines, they need more choppa, even at the sacrifice of a good
amount of Dakka (Sternguard and Tactical Squads).

The rest of the disciplines aren't very good. Pyromancy is all about Psychic Flamers and Melta,
which you already have in abundance, Telekinesis is a schizo-discipline, and Daemonology risks
your psyker blowing up on any double.

Tactical Objectives[edit]
11 - Valor of Angels
+1 VP for issuing a challenge. EASY MONEY.
12 - Aerial Assault
+1 VP if you have a Jump/Skimmer/Flyer unit destroy an enemy unit. +1d3 VP if the unit that
did the killing arrived from reserves on the same turn.
13 - Purity Through Bloodshed
+1 VP if you killed a unit in Assault. +1d3 if 3-5 units die. +1d3+3 if you killed more than 6
units in Assault.
14 - Decapitating Strike
+1 VP if you killed the Warlord on this or any prior turn. Nice.
15 - Swift Advance
Draw the card, opponent chooses two objective you must hold. Win 1 VP if you control one
of them at the end of your turn, win 1d3 if you secure both.
16 - Noble Self-Sacrifice
In order to better imitate their Primarch, you win 1 VP if your Warlord dies during your assault
phase. However, if you ever refuse a challenge, this goes away.

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