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2-Week ISTE Workshop


Prof. Mandar Inamdar


Prof. Sauvik Banerjee


26 November- 6 December, 2013

Engineers Mechanics

Mechanics is the science which describes and predicts the conditions of rest or
motion of bodies under the action of forces. Mechanics is the foundation of most
engineering sciences and is an indispensable prerequisite to their study.
Branches of Mechanics:
- Statics body is at rest under the action of forces. All quantities are
time independent
- Dynamics body is at motion under the action of forces. All quantities
are time dependent


Engineering Mechanics
What is the need for an elaborate course?
Basic rules are simple, force balance and moment
balance, in general.
But, there are many intricacies. Multi-body
interactions can be very complex.
A good understanding of fundamentals goes a long
way in solving such complex problems.
Concepts of appropriate Free Body Diagrams and
equations of equilibrium (motion in dynamics) will
be indispensable in later studies

Engineering Mechanics
A major chunk of lecture materials based on:
Vector Mechanics for Engineers, Beer, Johnston et al., McGraw-Hill
(Eds 8 and 10)
Referred to as BJ 8 &10. Indian Edition available.
A lot of slide contents is courtesy of McGraw-Hill

Other texts:
Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics, Meriam and Kraige, Wiley
(Eds 5 and 7).
Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, R. C. Hibbeler, Prentice Hall.

Useful Links


Engineering Mechanics

Vectors and Scalars
Parallelogram Law
Newtons law
Principle of Transmissibility
System of Units

Engineers Mechanics- Introduction

Space - associated with the notion of the position of a point P given in
terms of three coordinates measured from a reference point or origin.
Time - definition of an event requires specification of the time and
position at which it occurred.
Mass - used to characterize and compare bodies, e.g., response to
earths gravitational attraction and resistance to changes in translational
Force - represents the action of one body on another.
In Newtonian Mechanics, space, time, and mass are absolute concepts,
independent of each other. Force, however, is not independent of the
other three. The force acting on a body is related to the mass of the body
and the variation of its velocity with time (i.e accelaration).


Engineers Mechanics- Basics

Vectors and Scalars
Vector: parameters possessing magnitude
and direction which add according to the
parallelogram law.
Examples: displacements, velocities,
accelerations, Force.
Scalar: parameters possessing magnitude but
not direction.
Examples: mass, volume, temperature

Engineers Mechanics- Introduction

Newtons Law
Newtons First Law:
Every particle continues in a state
of rest or uniform motion in a
straight line unless it is compelled
to change that state by forces
imposed on it

F ma

Newtons Second Law:

The change of motion is
proportional to the natural
force impressed and is
made in a direction of the
straight line in which the
force is impressed


Engineers Mechanics- Introduction

Newtons Law
Newtons Third Law:
The forces of action and
reaction between two
particles have the same
magnitude and line of
action with opposite sense.

Newtons Law of Gravitation: Two particles (mass M and m respectively)

are attracted with equal and opposite forces,


W mg ,

G = Universal gravitational constant

= 6.673(10-11) m3/(kg.s2)


M=mass of earth=5.976(1024) kg
R= radius of earth=6371(103) m

Engineers Mechanics- Introduction

Principle of Transmissibility:
Principle of Transmissibility Conditions of equilibrium or motion are
not affected by transmitting a force
along its line of action.
NOTE: F and F are equivalent forces.
Moving the point of application of
the force F to the rear bumper
does not affect the motion or the
other forces acting on the truck.
Principle of transmissibility may
not always apply in determining
internal forces and deformations.


Engineers Mechanics- Introduction

Systems of Units

Kinetic Units: length [L], time [t],

mass [m], and force.
Three of the kinetic units, referred to
as basic units, may be defined
arbitrarily. The fourth unit, referred
to as a derived unit, must have a
definition compatible with Newtons
2nd Law,

F ma

International System of Units (SI):

The basic units are length, time, and
mass which are arbitrarily defined as the
meter (m), second (s), and kilogram
(kg). Force is the derived unit,
F ma
1 N 1 kg 1

US Customary Units (FPS):

The basic units are length, time, and
mass which are arbitrarily defined as the
foot (ft), second (s) and slug (-). Force
is the derived unit,
F ma
1lb 1slug 1

Engineers Mechanics- Introduction

Unit Conversion
The NASA Mars Climate Orbiter, the first interplanetary weather satellite
designed to orbit Mars, was lost during entry to Mars orbit because one of the
teams used FPS system and failed to convert them to SI system. As a result, the
$125 million orbiter was lost. As Dr. Stone, director of the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, California succinctly said "Our inability to recognize and correct this
simple error has had major implications."
1 ft = 0.3048 m
1 slug = 14.59 kg
1 lb = 4.4482 N
1 kip (kilopound) = 1000 lb

Giga (G) = 109

Mega (M) = 106
Kilo (k) = 103
Milli (m) = 10-3
Micro () = 10-6
Nano (n) = 10-9

g = 9.81 m/s2 (SI)

= 32 ft/s2 (FPS)


Engineers Mechanics- Introduction

Idealization of Mechanics
Rigid body assumption
- no deformation, assumes original geometry
- pure translation and rotation

A particle idealizes a body by placing its mass at its center and

neglecting its physical size.

Engineers Mechanics- Introduction

Method of Problem Solution
Problem Statement:
Solution Check:
Includes given data, specification of
- Test for errors in reasoning by
what is to be determined, and a figure
verifying that the units of the
showing all quantities involved.
computed results are correct,
- always apply experience and physical
Free-Body Diagrams:
intuition to assess whether results seem
Create separate diagrams for each of
the bodies involved with a clear
indication of all forces acting on
each body.
Fundamental Principles:
The fundamental principles are
applied to express the conditions of
rest or motion of each body. The
rules of algebra are applied to solve
the equations for the unknown


Engineers Mechanics- Introduction

Modeling of Real Life Problems
Any physical/mechanical model is
simply a caricature of a real-world
Such a model is our way of
understanding of real-world in as
simple and tractable way as
The real skill is to remove
unwanted flab, and get a bare-bones
model, which gives a quick and
reasonably accurate solution.

Engineers Mechanics- Examples



Engineers Mechanics- Examples


Use of statics in Robotics to build evil Terminator.


Engineers Mechanics- Examples

Equivalent Load System in an Aircraft Wing

The main spar of an aircraft is designed to conservatively carry all of the

wing aerodynamic lift forces. For the simplified wing up-bending loads
shown, find the equivalent load system and support reactions


Engineers Mechanics- Examples


Loading, supports and connections of a


Engineers Mechanics- Examples

Rigid Body Dynamics






Engineers Mechanics- Examples

Mechanical Vibrations

Car suspension system is a good example

of mass-spring-damper system


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