Memcomputing NP-complete Problems in Polynomial Time Using Polynomial Resources

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Memcomputing NP-complete problems in polynomial time using polynomial resources

Fabio L. Traversa,1, 2, Chiara Ramella,2, Fabrizio Bonani,2, and Massimiliano Di Ventra1,

arXiv:1411.4798v1 [cs.ET] 18 Nov 2014

Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093, USA
Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy
(Dated: November 19, 2014)

Memcomputing is a novel non-Turing paradigm of computation that uses memory to store and
process information on the same physical platform [1]. It was recently proved mathematically that
memcomputing machines have the same computational power of non-deterministic Turing machines
[2]. Therefore, they can solve NP -complete problems in polynomial time, however requiring resources that only grow polynomially with the input size. The reason for this computational power
stems from three main properties inspired by the brain and shared by any universal memcomputing machine: intrinsic parallelism, functional polymorphism and information overhead, namely the
capability of storing more information than the number of memory elements (memprocessors for
short). Here, we show an experimental demonstration of an actual memcomputing architecture that
solves the NP -complete version of the subset-sum problem in only one step and is composed of a
number of memprocessors that scales linearly with the size of the problem. We have fabricated this
architecture using standard microelectronic technology so that it can be easily realized in any laboratory setting, whether academic or industrial. This result demonstrates the considerable advantage
of using memcomputing machines over traditional Turing ones, by offering at once increased computational power and solution of the energy and time limitations of our present-day von Neumann

There are several classes of computational problems

that require time and resources that grow exponentially
with the input size when solved. This is true when
these problems are solved with deterministic Turing machines, namely machines based on the well-known Turing paradigm of computation which is at the heart of
any computer we use nowadays [3, 4]. Prototypical examples of these difficult problems are those belonging to
the class that can be solved in polynomial (P ) time if
a hypothetical Turing machinenamed non-deterministic
Turing machinecould be built. They are classified as
non-deterministic polynomial (NP ) problems, and the
machine is hypothetical because, unlike a deterministic Turing machine, it requires a fictitious oracle that
chooses which path the machine needs to follow to get to
an appropriate state [3, 5, 6]. As of today, no one knows
whether NP problems can be solved in polynomial time
by a deterministic Turing machine [7, 8]. If that were the
case we could finally provide an answer to the most outstanding problem in computer science, namely whether
NP=P or not [3].
Very recently a new paradigm, named memcomputing [1] has been advanced. It is based on the brainlike notion that one can process and store information
within the same units (memprocessors). This paradigm
has its mathematical foundations on an ideal machine,
alternative to the Turing one, that was formally introduced by two of us (FT and MD) and dubbed universal
memcomputing machine (UMM) [2]. Most importantly,
it has been proved mathematically that UMMs have
the same computational power of a non-deterministic
Turing machine [2], but unlike the latter, UMMs are
fully deterministic machines and, as such, they can actually be fabricated. A UMM owes its computational

power to three main properties: intrinsic parallelism

interacting memory cells simultaneously and collectively
change their states when performing computation; functional polymorphismdepending on the applied signals,
the same interacting memory cells can calculate different functions; and finally information overheada group
of interacting memory cells can store a quantity of information which is not simply proportional to the number
of memory cells itself. Although these theoretical features are very appealing, no experimental realization of
such a machine, able to solve very difficult problems in
polynomial time, has ever been reported.

In this paper we demonstrate an experimental realization of a memcomputing machine, theoretically proposed

in Ref. [2], and show that it can solve the NP -complete
[9] version of the subset-sum problem (SSP) in polynomial time with polynomial resources. This problem is as
follows: if we consider a finite set G Z of cardinality n, is there a non-empty subset K G whose sum
is a given integer number s? Here, it is worth stressing that our results do not answer the NP=P question,
since the latter has its solution only within the Turingmachine paradigm: although a UMM is Turing-complete
[2], it is not a Turing machine. Other unconventional approaches to the solution of NP-complete problems have
been proposed [8, 1015], however none of them reduces
the computational complexity or requires physical resources not exponentially growing with the size of the
problem. On the contrary, our machine can solve an
NP -complete problem with only polynomial resources.

Control Unit

0.5[(1+cos(1t)] 0.5[1+cos(2t)] 0.5[1+cos(3t)]






Internal collective state

- s/2

cos(st) sin(st)

~ ~




Read-out Unit

FIG. 1. Scheme of the memcomputing architecture used in this work to solve the subset-sum problem. The central spectrum
has been obtained by the discrete Fourier transform of the experimental output of a network of 6 memprocessors encoding the
set G = {130, 130, 146, 166, 44, 118} with fundamental frequency f0 = 100 Hz.


The machine we built to solve the SSP is a particular

realization of a UMM based on the memcomputing architecture described in Ref. [2], namely it is composed of a
control unit, a network of memprocessors (computational
memory) and a read-out unit as schematically depicted
in Figure 1. The control unit is composed of generators applied to each memprocessor. The memprocessor
itself is an electronic module fabricated from standard
electronic devices, as sketched in Figure 2 and detailed
in the Supplementary Information material. Finally, the
read-out unit is composed of a frequency shift module
and two multimeters. All the components we have used
employ commercial electronic devices.
The control unit feeds the memprocessor network with
sinusoidal signals (that represent the input signal of the
network) as in Figure 1. It is simple to show that the collective state of the memprocessor network of this machine
(that can be read at the final terminals of the network)
is given by the real (up terminal) and imaginary (down

terminal) part of the function

g(t) = 2n


(1 + exp[ij t])



where n is the number of memprocessors in the network

and i the imaginary unit (see Supplementary Information
or Ref. [2]). If we indicate with aj G the j-th element
(integer with sign) of G, and we set the frequencies as
j = 2aj f0 with f0 the fundamental frequency equal for
any memprocessor, we are actually encoding the elements
of G into the memprocessors through the control-unit
feeding frequencies. Therefore, the frequency spectrum
of the collective state (1) (or more precisely the spectrum of g(t) 2n ) will have the harmonic amplitude,
associated with the normalized frequency f = /(2f0 ),
proportional to the number of subsets K G whose sum
s is equal to f . In other words, if we read the spectrum
of the collective state (1), the harmonic amplitudes are
the solution of the subset sum problem for any s.
From this first analysis we can make the following considerations. Information overhead: the memprocessor
network is fed by n frequencies encoding the n elements

Inverting Differentiator

needed for the computation is independent of both n and


Voltage Multiplier






vv1+ 1vv2


vv2 1vv1




Re[v] cos(st)


Im[v] sin(st)


Voltage Multiplier

FIG. 2. (a) Simplified schematic of the memprocessor architecture used in this work to solve the subset-sum problem
(more details can be found in the Supplementary Information). (b) Schematic of the frequency shift module.

of G, but the collective state (1) encodes all possible

sums of subsets of G into its spectrum. It is well known
[7] that the number of possible sums s (or equivalently
the scaled frequencies f of the spectrum) can be estimated as O(np) where p = max[G] min[G]. Obviously
p (also called the precision of the problem) has exponential growth [16] on the minimum number of bits used to
represent the elements of G. Thus the spectrum of the
collective state (1) encodes an information overhead that
grows exponentially with the precision of the problem.
Computation time: the collective state (1) is a periodic
function of t with minimum period T = 1/f0 because
all frequencies involved in (1) are multiples of the fundamental frequency f0 . Therefore, T is the minimum time
required for computing the solution of the SSP within
the memprocessor network and so it can be interpreted
as the computation time of the machine. However, this
computation time is independent of both n and p. Energy
expenditure: the energy required to compute the SSP can
be estimated as that quantity proportional to the energy
of the collective state in one period E = 0 |g(t)|2 dt. By
using (1) we have E 0 dt 1/f0 , so also the energy

With this analysis we have proven that the UMM represented in Figure 1 can solve the SSP with n memprocessors, a control unit formed by n + 1 generators and
taking a time T and an energy E independent of both
n and p. Therefore, at first glance, it seems that this
machine (without the read-out unit) can solve the SSP
using only resources polynomial (specifically, linear) in
n. However, we need one more step: we have to read
the result of the computation. Unfortunately, we cannot simply read the collective state (1) using, e.g., an
oscilloscope and performing the Fourier conversion. This
is because the most optimized algorithm to do this (see
Supplementary Information and Ref. [2]) is linear in (and
hence exponential in the bit representation of) p, i.e., it
has the same complexity of standard dynamic programming [16].
However, a solution to this problem can be found by
just using standard electronics to implement a read-out
unit capable of extracting the desired frequency amplitude without adding any computational burden. In Figure 1 we sketch the read-out unit we have used. It is
composed of a frequency-shift module and two multimeters. The frequency shift module is in turn composed
of two voltage multipliers and two sinusoidal generators
as depicted in Figure 2 and it works as follows. If we
connect to one multiplier the real part of a complex signal v(t) and to the other multiplier the imaginary part,
we obtain at the outputs vup (t) = Re[v(t)](exp[is t] +
exp[is t])/2 and vdown (t) = iIm[v(t)](exp[is t]
exp[is t])/2. The sum and difference of the two outputs are vup + vdown = Re[v(t) exp[is t]] and vup
vdown = Re[v(t) exp[is t]]. From basic Fourier calculus,
v(t) exp[is t] and v(t) exp[is t] are the frequency spectrum shifts of s /(2) and s /(2) for the function
v(t), respectively. Consequently, if we read the DC voltages VDCup and VDCdown of vup (t) and vdown (t) using two
multimeters and perform the sum VDCup + VDCdown and
difference VDCup VDCdown we obtain the amplitudes Vs
and Vs of the harmonics at the frequencies s /(2) and
s /(2), respectively (see Figure 1).
Hence, by feeding the frequency shift module with the
Re[g(t)] and Im[g(t)] from (1), reading the output with
the two multimeters, and performing sum and difference of the final outputs we obtain the harmonic amplitude for a particular normalized frequency f according to
the external frequency s of the frequency-shift module.
In other words, without adding any additional computational burden and time, we can solve the SSP for a
given s by properly setting the external frequency of the

|s| s /(2)
130 13.0
146 14.6
248 24.8
485 48.5
486 48.6

VDCup VDCdown


Vs #subs. #subs.
[V] sum s sum s

TABLE I. Measurements from the read-out unit of Figure 1

for a 6memprocessor network with fundamental frequency
f0 = 100 Hz encoding the set G = {130, 130, 146, 166,
44, 118}. In the fifth and sixth columns the voltages are
respectively given by Vs = 26 (VDCup + VDCdown ) and Vs =
26 (VDCup VDCdown ). The last two columns are the analytical

frequency-shift module.
It is worth noticing that, if we wanted to simulate
our machine by including the read-out unit the computational complexity would be O(np) (the same as that
of standard dynamic programming [16]). In fact, from
the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem [23], the minimum number of samples of the shifted collective state
(i.e,. the outputs of the frequency-shift module) must be
equal to the number of frequencies of the signal (in our
case of O(np)) in order to accurately evaluate even one
of the harmonic amplitudes [17]. The last claim can be
intuitively seen from this consideration: the DC voltage
VDCup must be calculated in the simulation by evaluating
the integral VDCup = T 1 0 vup (t)dt and this requires
at least O(np) samples for an accurate evaluation [23].
On the other hand, the multimeter of the hardware implementation analogically measures the integral over a
continuous time interval T , directly providing the result,
thus avoiding the need of sampling the waveform and
computing the integral.
In Figure 3 the absolute value of the spectrum of the
collective state for networks of 4, 5 and 6 memprocessors is compared with the theoretical results given by the
spectrum of (1) (see Supplementary Information for more
details on the hardware and measurement process). Nonidealities of the circuit and electronic noise in general are
the sources of the small discrepancies with respect to the
theoretical results. However, the strongest limitation for
the actual machine presented here is that, in order to
limit the energy consumption, the harmonic amplitudes
are dumped by the factor 2n . For large n, this factor drastically decreases the signal-to-noise ratio giving a
hard limitation (due to the quality of the hardware). Finally, in Table I, the measurements at the read-out circuit
are listed for different harmonics for a 6-memprocessor
network. The precision is up the the third digit as can
be seen from the comparison with the theoretical results.


In conclusion we have demonstrated experimentally

a deterministic memcomputing machine that is able to
solve an N P -complete problem in polynomial time (actually in one step) using only polynomial resources. From
complexity theory we then know that we are able to solve
any other N P -complete problem in polynomial time. We
stress again that this result does not prove N P = P ,
which should be proved only within the Turing paradigm.
Nevertheless, it shows the computational power of these
memcomputing machines. Finally, it is worth mentioning that the machine we have fabricated is not a general purpose one. However, other realizations of UMMs
are general purpose and can also be easily built with
available technology [1822]. Their practical realization
would thus be a powerful alternative to current Turinglike machines.


The hardware realization of the memcomputing machine was supported by Politecnico di Torino through
the Neural Engineering and Computation Lab initiative.
MD acknowledges partial support from CMRR.







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4 memprocessors

Number of subsets


5 memprocessors


6 memprocessors






Frequency (KHz)





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The operating frequency range of the experimental

setup needs to be discussed with the measurement target
in mind. For the measurement of the entire collective
state, the limiting frequency is due to the oscilloscope we
use to sample the full signal at the output of the memprocessor network. On the other hand, the measurement
of some isolated harmonic amplitudes using the readout unit, transfers this bottleneck to the voltage generators and internal memprocessor components. It is worth
stressing that measuring the collective state is not the actual target of our work because it has the same complexity of the standard algorithms for the SSP as discussed
above and in Ref. [2]. Here, for completeness, we provide
measurements of the collective state only to prove that
the setup works properly. The actual frequency range of
the setup is discussed in the next section.

Let us consider aj G, and the integer

A = max
aj ,
aj .

aj <0

fOP AM Pmax > Af0 ,


aj >0

We also consider f0 R and we encode the aj in the

frequencies by setting the generators at frequencies fj =
|aj |f0 , so the maximum frequency of the collective state
will be fmax = Af0 . From these considerations, we can
first determine the range of the voltage generators: it
must allow for minimum frequency (resolution)
fgmin f0


and maximum frequency (bandwidth)

fgmax f0 max{|aj |}.

On the other hand, note that the frequency range can be,
in principle, increased by using wider bandwidth generators, up to the GHz range.
Another frequency limitation concerning the maximum
operating frequency is given by the electronic components of the memprocessors. In fact, the active elements
necessary to implement in hardware the memprocessor
modules have specific operating frequencies that cannot be exceeded. Discrete operational amplifiers (OPAMPs) are the best candidates for this implementation
thanks to their flexibility in realizing different types of operations (amplification, sum, difference, multiplication,
derivative, etc.). Their maximum operating frequency
is related to the gain-bandwidth product (GBWP). We
used standard high frequency OP-AMP that can reach
GBWP up to few GHz. However, such amplifiers usually show high sensitivity to parasitic capacitances and
stability issues (e.g., a limited stable gain range). Typical maximum bandwidth of such OP-AMPs that ensures
unity gain stability and acceptable insensitivity to parasitics are of the order of few tens of MHz, thus compatible with the bandwidth of the Agilent 33220A Waveform
Generator. Therefore, we can set quantitatively the last
frequency limit related to the hardware as


We employed the Agilent 33220A Waveform Generator,

which has 1 Hz resolution and 20 MHz bandwidth. This
means that, in principle, we can accurately encode G
when composed of integers with a precision up to 13 digits (which is quite the same precision of the standard
double-precision integers) provided that a stable and accurate external clock references, such as a rubidium frequency standard is used. This because the internal reference of such generators, introduces a relative uncertainty
on the synthesized frequency in the range of some partsper-billion (109 ) thus limiting the resolution at high frequency, down to few mHz at the maximum frequency.
However, as anticipated, this issue can be solved by employing an external reference providing higher accuracies.


and ensure optimal OP-AMP functionality. Finally using (3)-(5) we can find a reasonable f0 satisfying the frequency constraints.

The memprocessor, synthetically discussed previously

and sketched in Figure 2, is shown in the pictures of
Figure 4-(a) and a more detailed circuit schematics is
given in Figure 4-(b). Each module has been realized as
a single Printed Circuit Board (PCB) and connections
are performed through coaxial cables with BNC terminations. According to Figure 2, each memprocessor must
, four multiplications, one
perform one derivative j1 dt
sum and one difference. Since v(t) = 0.5[1+cos(2f0 aj t)]
and j = 2f0 aj , then j1 v(t)

= 0.5 sin(2f0 aj t), i.e.

the quadrature signal with respect to the input v(t). This
can be easily obtained with the simple OP-AMP-based
inverting differentiator depicted in Figure 4-(b), designed
to have unitary gain at frequency j . Similarly, an inverting summing amplifier and a difference amplifier can
be realized as sketched in Figure 4-(b) to perform sum
and difference of voltage signals, respectively. The OPAMP selected is the Texas Instruments LM7171 Voltage
Feedback Amplifier.
Implementing multiplication is slighly more challenging. OP-AMP based analog multipliers are very sensitive circuits. Therefore, they need to be carefully calibrated. This makes a discrete OP-AMP based real-

is quite high since all of the 10 active components work
with 15 V supply. OP-AMPs have a quiescent current
of 6.5 mA, while the multipliers a quiescent current of 4
mA, yielding a total DC current of around 50 mA per
Finally, we briefly discuss how connected memprocessors work. From Figure 2, if we have v(t) = 0.5[1 +
cos(t)], v1 = Re[f (t)] and v2 = Im[f (t)] for an arbitrary
complex function f (t), at the output of the memprocessor we will find









v1out = 0.5[1 + cos(t)]Re[f (t)] 0.5 sin(t)Im[f (t)] =

= Re[0.5 1 + eit f (t)]







15 Inverting








Inverting Differentiator





v2out = 0.5[1 + cos(t)]Im[f (t)] + 0.5 sin(t)Re[f (t)] =

= Im[0.5 1 + eit f (t)]
Since we can only set positive frequencies for the generators, in order to encode negative frequencies (i.e., a
negative aj ) we can simply invert the input and output
terminals as depicted in Figure 4-(c). Therefore, if we
set f (t) = 1 for the first memprocessor, i.e., v1 = 1 and
v2 = 0, at the output of the first memprocessor we will
find the real and imaginary parts of 0.5(1 + exp[i1 t])
that will be the new f (t) for the second memprocessor.
Proceeding in this way we find the collective state (1) at
the end of the last memprocessor.










FIG. 4. Memprocessor module. (a) Pictures, (b) schematic,

(c) connection rule of the memprocessor module.

ization quite challenging and the integration expensive.

We thus adopted a pre-assembled analog multiplier: the
Texas Instrument (Burr-Brown) MPY634 Analog Multiplier, which ensures four-quadrant operation, good accuracy and wide enough bandwidth (10MHz). The only
drawback of this multiplier is that the maximum precision is achieved with a gain of 0.1. Therefore, being the
input signals in general quite small, this further lowering
of the precision can make the output signal comparable
to the offset voltages of the subsequent OP-AMP stages.
For this reason, we have included in the PCB a gain stage
(inverting amplifier) before each output to compensate
for the previous signal inversion and lowering. These
stages permit also manual offset adjustment by means of
a tunable network added to the non-inverting input, as
shown in the schematic. Finally a low-pass filter with
corner frequency fc  Af0 has been added to the outputs to limit noise. Figure 4-(a) shows a picture of one
of the modules, which have been realized on a 100 mm
80 mm PCB. The power consumption of each module

In order to test if the memprocessor network correctly

works, we have carried out the measurement of the full
collective state g(t) at the end of the last memprocessor.
This task requires an extra discussion on the operating
frequency range. Indeed, the instrument we used to acquire the output waveform is the LeCroy WaveRunner
6030 Oscilloscope. The measurement process consists in
acquiring the output waveforms and apply the FFT in
software. Being the collective state a purely periodic signal, i.e., a signal containing only frequencies multiples
of f0 and with known maximum frequency fmax = Af0 ,
from the discrete Fourier transform theory and NyquistShannon sampling theorem [2, 23], we need to sample the
interval [0, 1/f0 ] into N = 2fmax /f0 + 1 subintervals of
width t = (N f0 )1 to compute the exact spectrum of
g(t). In other words we need samples g(tj ) with tj = kt
and k = 0, ..., N 1 to compute the exact spectrum of
g(t). Therefore, with the oscilloscope we must be able
to acquire at least N + 1 samples of g(t) into the time
interval [0, 1/f0 ].
This relationship turns out to be a constraint on the
usable frequency range since we must perform the measurement in a reasonable time, and we cannot exceed
the maximum sampling frequency of the instrument that
we use for acquisition, nor its maximum memory capability. In our experimental proof, the LeCroy Wa-

veRunner 6030 Oscilloscope is characterized by 350 MHz
bandwidth, 2.5 GSa/s sampling rate and 105 discretization points when saving waveforms in ascii format (i.e.,
NOmax = 105 ). The bandwidth of the oscilloscope is very
large thus it is not really a constraint, while the limit
NOmax is, in fact we have the constraint


Waveform generators





(NOmax 1) .





With this value, choosing f0 = 1 Hz allows to have A

(105 1)/2, fmax <
50 KHz and requires 1 s measurement
time which is a quite long time in electronics. Therefore,
without varying A, we can choose larger f0 that allows
for a smaller measurement time. We choose f0 = 100 Hz
which means a measurement time of only few tens of ms,
and fmax <
5 MHz.


DC supply / 1V


Frequency shift



The laboratory set-up we have employed is sketched in

Fig. 6-(a), while Fig. 5 reports a picture of the same.
The order of cascade connection of the memprocessors is
arbitrary. For this test, we ordered the module such that
G = {130, 130, 146, 166, 44, 118} (see Figure 6(a)) in order to have the two memprocessors related to
the two positive numbers (130 and 118) at the beginning
and at the end of the chain, respectively, thus minimizing the number of the swapped connections (see Figure 4-(c)). A two-output power supply (model Agilent
E3631A) is used to generate both the 0 and 1 V at the inputs of the first memprocessor and the 15 V supply for
all the modules (parallel connection). The input v(t) of
each module is generated by a Agilent 33220A waveform
generator, while the output is observed through both an
oscilloscope (model LeCroy Waverunner 6030, see Figure 6-(c)) and a multimeter (model Agilent 34401A). In
particular, the oscilloscope is used for the AC waveform,
while the multimeter mesured the DC component in order to avoid errors due to the oscilloscope probes which
are very inaccurate at DC and may show DC offsets up
to tens of mV.
Another issue concerns the synchronization of the generators. The six generators we use must share the same
time base and they must have the same starting instant
(the t = 0 instant) when all the cosine waveforms must
have amplitude 0.5 V. To have a common time base we
used the 10 MHz time base signal of one of the generators (master) and we connected the master output signal
to all the other (slave) generators at the 10 MHz input.
In this way they ignore their own internal time base and
lock to the external one. In order to have a common
t = 0 instant we must run the generators in the infinite
burst mode. In this mode the generators produce no output signal until a trigger input is given, and then they
run indefinitely until they are manually stopped. The

Connection of the
second module

FIG. 5. Pictures of the laboratory test bench.

trigger input can be external or manual (soft key): the

master device is set up to expect a manual input while
the slave devices are controlled by an external trigger
coming from the master. Finally, in order to correctly
visualize the output waveforms we must synchronize
also the oscilloscope. The trigger signal of the oscilloscope must have the same frequency of the signal to be
plotted, or at least one of its subharmonics. Otherwise,
we see the waveform moving on the display and, in case
two or more signals are acquired, we lose the information
concerning their phase relation. To solve this problem we
connect the external trigger input of the oscilloscope to a
dedicated signal generator, producing a square waveform
at frequency f0 , which is the greatest common divisor of
all the possible frequency components of the output signals. This dedicated generator is also used as the master

for synchronization. Fig. 6-(b) shows how the generators must be connected in order to obtain the required


Agilent 33220A
Waveform Generators
13 kHz

Agilent E3631A
Power Supply

13 kHz




Agilent 34401A
Digital Multimeters

4.4 kHz


Master sync.
(Agilent 33220A)

0-6 V / 25 V
- +

Le Croy WaveRunner 6030

Digital Oscilloscope

11.8 kHz

14.6 kHz

- GND +

16.6 kHz

100 Hz



Ext. Trig.














Freq. shift












Ext. Trig. I/O


FIG. 6. (a) Sketch of the laboratory test bench. (b) Synchronization of the waveform generators. (c) Collective state of 6
memprocessors network read by the oscilloscope.

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