Carthesian Product

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Cartesian product of multiple sets

What a cartesian product is, knows everyone who ever saw a table. For example:
| hard-working | lazy |
| smart | smart and hard-working | smart but lazy |
| dumb | dumb but hard-working | dumb and lazy |
It’s an example of product of two cartesian sets: {hard-working, lazy} and {smart,
dumb}. It’s easy to generate such a product in bash:
maciej@clover ~ $ echo {smart,dumb}-{hard-working,lazy}
smart-hard-working smart-lazy dumb-hard-working dumb-lazy
It’s a list of all the possible pairs of elements.
In order to generate a cartesian product of two sets, one usually writes two nested loops.
For example, in Python:
for i in ['smart', 'dumb']:
for j in ['hard-working', 'lazy']:
print i, j
What if we want to generate a cartesian product of three sets? Three nested loops? What
about four sets? What about N sets?
I’ve found a thread with examples of code generating such cartesian products. I
especially liked the solution with generators, because it avoids keeping in memory
potentially enormous tables with data. The example from the forum thread:
def cartesian_product(L,*lists):
if not lists:
for x in L:
yield (x,)
for x in L:
for y in cartesian_product(lists[0],*lists[1:]):
yield (x,)+y
It’s a short and effective solution, using recursion. This particular implementation has one
distadvantage: lists need to be given as function arguments:
cartesian_product(list1, list2, list3)
I wanted a solution where I could give it a list of lists instead.
UPDATE: James Hopkin suggested using an asterisk (thanks!):
Here’s my original solution:
def cartesian_product(lists, previous_elements = []):
if len(lists) == 1:
for elem in lists[0]:
yield previous_elements + [elem, ]
for elem in lists[0]:
for x in cartesian_product(lists[1:], previous_elements +
[elem, ]):
yield x

Usage of this function can look like this:

a = []
a.append(['in', 'out'])
a.append(['put', 'come'])
for i in cartesian_product(a):
print “%s%s” % (i[0], i[1])
Another example, generating a natural binary code, with the number of bits as a
parameter. Please note that when you give it a very large number of bits, it will take a lot
of time to execute, but it will not exhaust the memory.
bits = 5
for i in cartesian_product([range(2) for x in range(bits)]):
print i

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