7.09 Review Maths Algebra 2

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1. (07.

What is the solution to the equation 9(x 2) = 27? (1 point)

x = 2.5
x = 0.5
x = 0.5
x = 3.5
2. (07.01)

What is the solution to the equation

= 4(m + 2)? (1 point)

m =

m =


3. (07.01)
The value of a dirt bike decreases by 20% each year. If you purchased this dirt bike today for
$500, to the nearest dollar how much would the bike be worth 5 years later? (1 point)

4. (07.01)
What is the exponential function modeled by the following table?




(1 point)
f(x) = 2x

f(x) = 2x + 1
f(x) = 3x
f(x) = 3x + 1
5. (07.01)
The frog population at a lake doubles every three weeks. The population can be modeled by f(x) =
15(2)x and f(6) = 960. What does the 15 represent? (1 point)

The population after six weeks

The starting population
The rate the population increases
The number of weeks that have passed
6. (07.01)
The amount of a radioactive isotope decays in half every year. The amount of the isotope can be

modeled by f(x) = 346(

)x and f(1) = 173. What does the 173 represent? (1 point)

The starting amount of the isotope

The amount of the isotope after one year
The rate the isotope decreases
The number of years that have passed
7. (07.01)
The population of a species of rabbit triples every year. This can be modeled by f(x) = 4(3) x and
f(5) = 972. What does the 3 represent? (1 point)

The starting population of the rabbits

The population of the rabbits after five years
The rate the population increases
The number of years that have passed
8. (07.01)
A painting is purchased for $350. If the value of the painting doubles every 5 years, then its value
is given by the function V(t) = 350 2t/5, where t is the number of years since it was purchased
and V(t) is its value (in dollars) at that time. What is the value of the painting ten years after its
purchase? (1 point)


9. (07.01)
Wes has been tracking the population of a town. The population was 3,460 last year and has been
increasing by 1.35 times each year. How can Wes develop a function to model this? (1 point)

f(x) = 3460(1.35)x where 1.35 is the rate of growth

f(x) = (3460 1.35)x where 1.35 is the rate of growth
f(x) = 1.35(3460)x where 3460 is the rate of growth
f(x) = 3460(x)1.35 where 3460 is the rate of growth
10. (07.01)
A savings account compounds interest, at a rate of 22%, once a year. George puts $750 in the
account as the principal. How can George set up a function to track the amount of money he has?
(1 point)

A(x) = 750(1 + .22)x where .22 is the interest rate

A(x) = 750(22)x where 22 is the interest rate
A(x) = 750(.22)x where .22 is the interest rate
A(x) = 750(1 + 22)x where 22 is the interest rate
11. (07.02)
What is the logarithmic function modeled by the following table?





(1 point)
f(x) = logx2
f(x) = log2x
f(x) = 2 log10x
f(x) = x log102
12. (07.02)
If Joe wanted to create a function that modeled a base of 8 and what exponents were needed to
reach specific values, how would he set up his function? (1 point)

f(x) = x8

f(x) = log8x
f(x) = logx8
f(x) = 8x
13. (07.02)
Express 64 = 4x as a logarithmic equation. (1 point)

log4x = 64
log464 = x
log644 = x
log64x = 4
14. (07.02)
Express 32 = x as a logarithmic equation. (1 point)

log3x = 2
log32 = x
log23 = x
log2x = 3
15. (07.02)
What is the solution of log2x + 3125 = 3? (1 point)


16. (07.02)
What is the solution of log2x + 727 = 3? (1 point)

x = 2
17. (07.03)

Which of the following is equivalent to log432? (1 point)

18. (07.03)
Which of the following is equivalent to log507 rounded to three decimal places? (1 point)

19. (07.04)
Given the exponential function A(x) = P(1 + r) x, what value for r will make the function a decay
function? (1 point)

r = 2.1
r = 2.1
r = 0.1
20. (07.04)
Given an exponential function for compounding interest, A(x) = P(1.01) x, what is the rate of
change? (1 point)

21. (07.04)
The function f(x) = 10(5)x represents the growth of a lizard population every year in a remote
desert. Crista wants to manipulate the formula to an equivalent form that calculates every halfyear, not every year. Which function is correct for Crista's purposes? (1 point)

f(x) = 10(52)

f(x) =


f(x) = 10(5)x

f(x) = 10(


22. (07.04)
Phillip is using logarithms to solve the equation 63x = 18. Which of the following equations would
be equivalent to his original expression? (1 point)

6 log 3x = log 18
3 log 6 = x log 18
x log 3 = 6 log 18
3x log 6 = log 18
23. (07.04)
What is the solution to the equation 21


= 14? (1 point)

x 2.133
x 1.846
x 3.867
x 4.154
24. (07.04)
What is the solution to the equation 9


7? (1 point)

x = 0.376
x = 0.295
x = 0.295
x = 0.376
25. (07.04)
What is the logarithmic form of the equation e 2x 1732? (1 point)

ln 1732 = 2x
log2x1732 = e
2 logxe = 1732
ln 2x = 1732
26. (07.06)

Which of the following represents the graph of f(x) =

27. (07.06)
What function is represented below?

? (1 point)

(1 point)

f(x) =

f(x) =


f(x) =

f(x) =

28. (07.06)
Given four functions, which one will have the highest y-intercept?

Blake is tracking his

savings account with
an interest rate of 5%
and a original deposit
of $6.



x g(x)
1 6


j(x) = 10(2)x

2 8
3 12

(1 point)

29. (07.06)
Given four functions, place them in order of their y-intercept, from highest to lowest.


g(x) = 3(20)x


Al is monitoring the
decay of a population
of fungi. It is reducing
in half every four weeks.
The population started
at 14.


x j(x)
1 5.00
2 2.50
3 1.25

(1 point)
g(x), h(x), j(x), f(x)
h(x), j(x), g(x), f(x)
f(x), g(x), j(x), h(x)
j(x), g(x), h(x), f(x)
30. (07.06)
For the graphed exponential equation, calculate the average rate of change from x = 0 to x = 1.

(1 point)

31. (07.06)
For the graphed exponential equation, calculate the average rate of change from x = 1 to x = 4.

(1 point)

32. (07.06)
What transformation has changed the parent function f(x) = 3(2) x to its new appearance shown in
the graph below?

(1 point)

f(x) + 2
f(x) + 4
f(x + 2)
f(x + 4)
33. (07.06)
What transformation has changed the parent function f(x) = (.5) x to its new appearance shown in
the graph below?

(1 point)

f(x) 2
f(x + 2)
f(x) + 1
1 f(x)
34. (07.07)
Which of the following represents the graph of the function f(x) = log 3(x+2)? (1 point)

35. (07.07)
What function is graphed below?

(1 point)

f(x) = log (x 3)
f(x) = log (x + 3)
f(x) = log x + 3
f(x) = log x 3
36. (07.07)
Which graph represents the function f(x) = log10(x + 2)? (1 point)

37. (07.07)
Using the graph of f(x) = log10x below, approximate the value of y in the equation 10 y = 5.

(1 point)

y 0.01
y 1.48
y 0.70
y 2.01
38. (07.07)
Using the graph of f(x) = log2x below, approximate the value of y in the equation 2 2y = 4.

(1 point)

y 0.47
y 4.01
39. (07.07)
What transformation has changed the parent function f(x) = log 2x to its new appearance shown in
the graph below?

(1 point)

f(x + 3)
f(x 3)

f(x) + 3
f(x) 3
40. (07.07)
What transformation has changed the parent function f(x) = log 3x to its new appearance shown in
the graph below?

(1 point)

f(x 2)
f(x + 2)
f(x) 2
f(x) + 2
41. (07.07)
What transformation has changed the parent function f(x) = log 2x to its new appearance shown in
the graph below?

(1 point)

2 f(x)
2 f(x)
f(x) 2
f(x) + 2
42. (07.08)
A heated piece of metal cools according to the function c(x) = (.5) x 11, where x is measured in
hours. A device is added that aids in cooling according to the function h(x) = x 3. What will be
the temperature of the metal after five hours? (1 point)

8 Celsius
26 Celsius
32 Celsius
56 Celsius
43. (07.08)
A population of flies grows according to the function p(x) = 2(4) x, where x is measured in weeks.
A local spider has set up shop and consumes flies according to the function s(x) = 2x + 5. What
is the population of flies after two weeks with the introduced spider? (1 point)

15 flies
23 flies
32 flies

36 flies
44. (07.08)
A video game sets the points needed to reach the next level based on the function g(x) = 8(2) x + 1,
where x is the current level. The hardest setting promises to multiply the points needed in each
level according to the function h(x) = 3x. How many points will a player need on the hardest
setting of level 5? (1 point)

15 points
512 points
527 points
7680 points
45. (07.08)
Given the function f(x) = 2x, find the value of f1(32). (1 point)

f1(32) = 0
f1(32) = 1
f1(32) = 5
f1(32) = 16
46. (07.08)
Given the function f(x) = log3(x + 4), find the value of f1(3). (1 point)

f1(3) = 7
f1(3) = 12
f1(3) = 23
f1(3) = 31

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