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3 February 1957


FAB 16 19S7

BROTHER Bert Ellis, who formerly preached at Cabool, Missouri, is now

preparing tdkiPsAM with Mrs, Ellis and son John to Join the V, Alex
Bills family in Korea, where a Christian radio transmitter is planned.
During the latter part of February Brother Ellis will be in

Florida; during March he will be in Kansas and Colorado; in April he

will be in the Chicago area for special radio work. Speaking engagements
may be arranged by addressing him at"Box 268, Cabool, Missouri.

A news-sheet published by the Bert Ellis family, recruits of the Christian

Radio Mission, building and operating a Christian missionary broadcasting

station at Pusan, Korea

Volume I, Number 4

March, 1957

Mr. & Mrs. Bert Ellis and John, Box 268, Cabool, Missouri
Associated with:

The Alex Bills Family

Mrs. Exle Fultz
The Bob Clemens Family

Miss Flora Maye Guernsey

The Joe Seggelke Family
The Ray Goodman Family


We certainly wish this little news sheet had space enough so that we
might tell of the wonderful reception we have enjoyed in the many churches
we have visited in the last few months but there is just simply not enough
space so we will simply have to say, "God bless all of you wonderful
people,* and then list them.

During December we visited the following churches: Prairie Green

Church, Hoopeston, 111., Paul Benjamin, minister; West Lebanon, Ind.,
Orris Doty, minister; Catlin, 111., Reggie Thomas, minister; Ferris, 111.,
Dr. H. F.York, minister; LaHarpe, ill., A. G. Vail, minister; Brownstown,

111., Jack Busby, minister; Palmyra, 111., Robert Sloniger, minister; Mo

desto, 111., Robert Barr, minister; Oreana, 111., Wayne Armstrong, minister.
In addition to this we had a number of conferences with various ministers,
visited with the rest of our recruits at Lincoln, 111., where they were
having a farewell dinner for Bob and Phyllis Clemens who were moving to
Valparaiso, Ind., so that Bob might continue his engineering studies, and
while home at Cabool over the holidays participated in several programs
at the local church.

During January we visited: 1st Church, Johnson City, Tenn., J. H.

Dampier, minister; East End, Bristol, Va., Oscar Sutherland, minister;

1st Church, Elizabethton, Tenn., Fred Smith, minister; Love's Chapel,

Erwin, Tenn., Don Stiffler, minister; Lilly Dale, Erwin, Tenn.; Forest
Ave., Knoxville, Tenn., Russell Bowers, minister; 1st Church, Harriman,
Tenn., Bob Pate, minister; Fairview, Festus, Mo., George Gahr, minister;

Shelbina, Mo., Lyle Brassfield, minister; Clarence, Mo., Lyle Armstrong,

minister. We also spoke at Milligan College, Johnson Bible College, to
several womens groins at Johnson City and had a number of personal
conferences with ministers.

During February our travels led us to: Shelbyville, Mp., Raymond

Gibson, minister; Novelty, Mo., O. S. Lincoln, minister; Highland Park,

Chattanooga, Tenn.,^ Don Black, minister; West End, Louisville, Ky.;

Lyndon, Ky.,. Lilburn Skftmons, minister; Clifton, Louisville, Ky., Herbert
Graham, minister; Fountain City, Tenn., Albert Dickson, minister; Lonsdale, Knozville, Tenn., Robert Black, minister; Greenville, Tenn., Robert
Black, minister; Greenville, Tenn., Robert Shannon, minister. During this
month we also spent some time in conference with the chairman of our
Home Committee, G. B. Gordon; visited Mission Services and transacted

some business there and had several conferences with ministers and possible recruits for the mission.

With all of this traveling and speaking and with correspondence and
varied matters of business we have managed to keep busy.

While I am traveling Marge is home at Cabool taking care of a great

deal of the correspondence and financial affairs and looking after John
who is in school. What with all this and her activities in the local church

she too has managed to have her hands fulL


Our plans are that Bert will continue to travel and speak in the churches
for the next month or two at least. We are all (Bert, Marge and John)
planning to attend the North American convention at Pittsburgh die first
week of May and hope to see many of our friends there. June 17 to July 5
Bert and Marge are planning to attend summer school at Moody Bible In
stitute at Chicago where a short radio course is being offered. John will
probably stay with his grandparents at Danville, 111., for at least part of
this time.,

Otx plans after that are indefinite. We may take part in some Christian
service camps or speak among the churches. We are still hoping to leave
for Kprea sometime diis summer and perhaps by the next issue we can
give more definite information.

A financial report for the past three months is enclosed in this issue
of KILOCYCLES. Our needs have been wonderfully met since we started
in this work. Some of our friends were a bit worried about us when we

started in this work six months ago with no assurance that even our needs
for daily living would be met.

We are happy to report that our income, although not tremendously

large, has been sufficient to allow us to be paid a salary every week and
to meet the necessary expenses of our traveling,correspondence, supplies

We have trusted in the Lord thus far and through the goodness of His
people He has met our every need. We are confident that if this work is
His will He will continue to do so.

With this in mind we present our needs: Our living link support is
figured at 14300 a year; 13900 of this being salary and the other |600 per
year to go into a travel fund which over our five year term in Korea will
accumulate an amount sufficient to bring us back to the States and take
us back out to Korea without a specail appeal at the last moment. We still

need regular pledges on this amount. During the past three months we
have received additional monthly pledges from the churches at Callao,
Mo.; Lancaster, Mo. and Donovan, 111. We do so appreciate these regular
amounts. Several other churches have inquired about regular pledges. If
yours is one of them we would so appreciate hearing from you as soon as

We will also need several thousand dollars for our travel and shipping

of necessary supplies to Korea. The only place we know to obtain this

money is from Christian friends. If every church which we have visited
M>d every individual \^o receives this news letter would make a special
contribution we could soon obtain this amount.

If your church or class or some other organization is looking for a

project here are several items that we need to take with us: a Jeep (a

good, used one will do); electric refrigerator; kerosene cooking stove;
kerosene heating stove; kerosene water heater; two (2) box springs; a set
of plastic dishes; a plastic or porcelain topped table and chairs which can
be folded up for shipping; linens; typewriter (a used one will do); two (2)
file cabinets. If anyone has an old Zenith radio with the various short
^ave bands we could use it also. We will be glad to submit any infcvmatlon needed on these various items.

Our hands are pretty well tied until at least some of these needs are
met. If we had all these various needs taken care of we could leave for

Korea as soon as school is out. Alex and Betty need us in Korea for the

work is dreadfully difficult for a lone family starting a new work. We will
go just as soon as you will send us. We have done everything we know to
do so far. We have given up a nice home, most of our personal posses*
sions and are investing our lives and every dollar we have. We cannot do
more than this or we would. Won't you help us to get to Korea, not for any

personal ambitions on our part, but chat we might be able to tell those
who live in darkness about our wonderful Lord. We are counting on each
one of you who read this news sheet.


Beginning with this issue of KILOCYCLES our paper will be printed

and distributed by MISSION SERVICES at Joliet, Illinois. All correspond
ence relative to our work should still be addressed to the Cabool address.

We certainly appreciate the valuable service that Harrold McFarland and

all the rest at Joliet are offering to the missionaries. This cakes a ter
rific load off our shoulders.


A number of people have asked just what the procedure will be about
funds and correspondence after we leave the States. We would like to an

nounce that all of this will be handled by our forwarding agent, Miss
Loraine Lindsey at Cabool. Miss Lindsey is a dear friend who has
graciously accepted this responsibility. She is a member of the Cabool
church and is cashier of the Cabool State Bank. She comes from a family
which has been active in the- church there for a long time. Until his
death about a year ago, her father was an elder in the church and taught a
Bible school class for years. At present her brother is an elder, chairman
of the board, and helps to sponsor the young people's program. All of the
funds and correspondence will continue to be directed to Box 268,Cabool,
Missouri. Our bank account will be in the Cabool State Bank and we will

simply draw checks upon it. We do so appreciiote Loraine's willingness to

help in this wi^. This is not an easy job nor is it a job that we would
want to turn over to just anyone but we have full confidence in Loraine's
ability and devotion. .


39 C. F. R. 34.65 (e)

Box 268

Cofaool, Missouri

United States

Permit 77

Non-Profit Organization

Postmaster: Postage for Return of Form 3547 Guaranteed

Send to Mission Services, Box 968, Jolict. Illinois


IN Cabool, Missouri, Bert Ellis Is resting ""cbnflned at home with

orders from the doctor to do nothing but listen to the ball games
and read and not do a lick of work." He is suffering from

Bell's Palsy, brought on by exhaustion from eight months of heav^y

travel in behalf of the work of Christian hadio Mission.

He hoped to be recovered sufficiently 60 that he and Mrs. Marge

Ellis could attend the short summer radio course at Moody Bible
Institute in Chicago June 17 to July 5; and continue |i4ans to leave
for Korea in late summer.


Brother Ellia wrote "We are ready to go as soon as we have the

money. We have ^3,900 pledged on our livinglink and need $600 more for
a total of $4,500. We need service link pledges of at least $1,000 a
year and we need $3,500 cash for our travel and shipping of necessary
items," Address is Christian Radio Mission, Box 268, Cabool, Missouri,

9 December 1957
r ;




THE Bert Ellis family of Gabool, Missouri are completing plans to sail
for Ktorea where they will work with Christian Radio Mission. They

plan to sail on the S. S. China Bear of the Pacific Far East lines
leaving San Francisco February 12th,

Brother Ellis wrote that they have most of their livinglink support
promised but will need service link funds pledged for the work and about

13^500 in freight and transportation funds.

Good used clothing is needed for their distribution in Korea, and
they ask that such clothing may be sent to them at 209 West North,

Danville, Illinois^by January 1 to be included in packing. Correspondence

should be addressed to Box 268, Cabool, Missouri,

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