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Europe '72 Notebook

I have always loved the music of the Europe '72 tour. Is there anyone
here who doesn't? I will always remember living in Southern France
during the spring of 1992. Every afternoon I had to drive two hours on
the A9 highway, from a small fishing village near Montpellier to the
French/Spanish border town of Port Vendres to buy Bluefin Tuna. I would
make the best of the trip each day by rolling a joint of Amsterdams
finest, and listening to the Europe '72 album during the long drive in
my little Renault. Upon reaching the beautiful walled city of Perpignan
I would insert disc two into my player, so that high as a kite, I could
enjoy the Morning Dew Prelude while approaching the snow capped
Pyrenees Mountains and shimmering Mediterranean Sea. It was a
particularly happy and exciting time in my life, and I associate the
music from the Europe '72 tour with that period.

The music from the Europe '72 tour is unmistakable. The gorgeous tone
of Jerry's Nash Strat, Weir's Gibson ES-354 and Phil's "Big Brown" with
Keith's Steinway and Pig's B-3 mark a unique and extraordinary moment
in the band's history. There can be no disputing the consistently high
quality of just about every performance from the tour. But what is it
that makes the music from this period so special? How is it that
virtually every show, with the exception of Bremen (4/21/72), was
performed at such a consistently high level? Was it hypnocracy? The
vibe of being in Europe? I believe there are a panoply of reasons;
Weir's emergence as a bona fide co-front man for the band, Keith
becoming completely comfortable in his position and fully integrated
into the group, and Kreutzmann's continued adjustment to performing
without Mickey. I think all the new material introduced on the tour
certainly added some freshness and may have piqued the interest of the
band members. But certainly there was much more to it! Having finally
achieved both critical and financial success, the band was in a good
place and well rested. The tour was as much a vacation as a working
tour. Most importantly, the band was really having fun on the European
continent. The twenty-two performances being spread out over two full
months allowed the band the really enjoy themselves and make the most
of the culture of Europe, getting inspiration from visiting places like
Stonehenge, Solsbury Hill, smoking grass in the Gardens of Kent, and
playing baseball in Kensington Gardens, while performing in beautiful
old theatres like Tivolis Gardens, Jahrhundert Halle and the Strand
Lyceum. And of course enjoying all the libations Europe had to offer.
Naturally the drugs might have had something to do with it too, along
with the freshness of European beer on tap and first growth Bordeaux.

As much as I have appreciated this music, for some reason it's rather
infrequently that I listen to the performances. And when I do, it's
usually the same shows like Wembley, Tivolis and Rotterdam. In an
effort to become reacquainted with the music from Europe '72, over the
past two months I have fully immersed myself in the twenty-two
performances of the tour, re-listening to each show in succession
before going back and concentrating on the second set jam segments. Of
the many observations I made, one was the contribution of Pigpen.
Although he was suffering from the liver disease that would take his
life only one year later, his contribution at times is remarkable. And
it's not just on songs like Chinatown Shuffle, Two Souls in Communion
and his Good Lovin' raps, some of which would turn out to be his final
performances. It's the twin keyboard sound of his organ along with
Keith's piano that mark some extraordinary and breathtaking passages,
particularly during some of the performances of Morning Dew. The finest
example of this being the rendition of the song in Munich (5/18/72). I
was also impressed by the relatively high level of sound quality on
most of the recordings, and particularly the FM broadcasts. The first
show in Paris (5/3/72) and the Radio Luxembourg (5/16/72) performance
both circulate in phenomenal sound quality. The clarity and brilliance
of these two is extraordinary.

This was not an easy project to stick with. The material being somewhat
limited and the set lists often repetitive. The first sets in
particular are largely interchangable. Although the sequences vary
somewhat, there is little differentiating the performances of Jack
Straw, Tennessee Jed, Black Throated Wind, etc, etc. from one show to
another. The exceptions being Playin' in the Band and Good Lovin'.
Though not nearly as stretched out as it would become in 1973,
virtually every 12 minute performance of Playin' was excellent and very
psychedelic. The first set rendition from Wembley (4/8/72) in
particular is a stand out. Though the song opened the second set of a
few shows, Good Lovin' was another first set highlight and the superb
Wigan (5/7/72) performance is the high-point of that first set.

But the second set jams are all extremely rewarding! Each one is
entirely unique and compelling. Several are extraordinary and among the
finest music that the band has ever performed. Although the tour is
known more for it's Dark Stars, Wembley (4/8/72), Rotterdam (5/11/72)
and Dusseldorf (4/24/72) being three of the all-time greatest
performances of that song, I was struck by the intensity of many of the
performances of The Other One. Each version being quite different from
the next. The Paris (5/3/72) performance in particular features an
extraordinary rendition of The Other One, and the Aarhus (4/16/72)
version is rather unique. The greatest joy, however, was in re-
discovering some of the less well known or acclaimed performances from
the tour. Shows like Newcastle (4/11/72), Lille (5/13/72), Radio
Luxembourg (5/16/72), Munich (5/18/72) and London (5/25/72), not
regarded as highly as Copenhagen (4/14/72), Frankfurt (4/26/72) and
London (5/26/72), are still phenomenal performances. I came away with a
renewed appreciation for both performances in Paris, (5/4/72) for its
jazzy Dark Star, as well as the incredible show in Amsterdam (5/10/72).

There were a few surpises too; Hearing Jerry play the organ on the
5/25/72 Good Lovin' while Weir plays lead guitar was pretty cool. And I
was amazed by a few incredibly jazzy jam passages that I hadn't paid
close attention to before. The Truckin' from 4/11/72 in particular
features a phenomenal bass driven jazz movement during the second
instrumental break. I had always avoided listening to the Hamburg
(4/29/72) performance because the soundboard was so muddy, only to
discover that the Matt Vernon audience recording was actually superior
and quite listenable. While 4/14/72 and 5/11/72 had always been my
shows of preference, I now regard the extraordinary performance on
5/3/72 as my new favorite from the tour.

Because I generally concentrate on jam suites when I listen to the

Grateful Dead, the repetitive nature of the first sets from this tour
wasn't really that much of a factor for me. However, although I
certainly appreciate the consistently high level of energy, creativity
and focused musicianship of the performances from the Europe '72 tour,
I found the lack of real extended thematic jamming, with the exception
of the gorgeous Mind Left Body Jam from from Wembley (4/8/72), to be
detrimental. Missing for me also was the blistering primal bare wires
intensity that I love from the earlier years. I understand why I dont
listen to the performances from this tour quite as much as shows from
1968 -1971 and 1973 -1974. Still it was an extremely enlightening and
positive experience, focusing on these performances, and I came away
with an increased regard for the music of Europe '72. But, I will
continue to prefer the music from my beloved early era just bit more,
as well as the extended jamming from '73 and '74.

For some reason the Europe '72 tour and its shows don't seem to garner
that much attention at this forum. For whatever reason, the subject is
rather infrequently discussed here. I recently spent a week helicopter
skiing in Alaska. Before I left New York I loaded my ipod with ONLY the
twenty-two shows from the tour. I used some of the bad weather time
when we couldn't fly to update my notes and revise my scores for these
performances. Although it's still a work in progress (and probably
always will be due to the magnitude of the material), I'm sharing my
notebook now in the hopes it will initiate some discussion here on this
important period in the Grateful Dead's history and the incredible
music performed on what might be the bands greatest tour ever.

What are your thoughts, observations and feelings about this tour and
its amazing music? Is this the absolute peak period in the quality of
the Grateful Dead's live performances? Or do you find the set lists too
repetitive? Is there another tour with such tight execution AND as high
a level of creativity? Why do you think it is so consistently
excellent? Or do you believe that the performances and music are
overrated? What are your favorite shows? Song performances? What do you
think about the sound quality of the recordings? The official releases?
Ever watch any of the video footage that circulates? Which renditions
of Dark Star and The Other One do you enjoy most? What European show
would you most like to see as the next official release? Please feel
free to correct any errors I have made (I'm sure there are plenty) and
to disagree with my opinions. Perhaps you feel a particular
transfer/source is superior to one I have chosen, or you prefer a show
or song performance, etc? I believe Robword and Snori attended shows
from this tour. Perhaps they or any other heads lucky enough to have
attended will share their experiences with us? And of course the
question remains: Why have we not seen more official releases from this
tour and what does the future hold? Peace...

04/07/72 (92*)
04/08/72 (99+)
04/11/72 (94)
04/14/72 (100)
04/16/72 (94)
04/17/72 (96)
04/21/72 (89)
04/24/72 (99+)
04/26/72 (99)
04/29/72 (94*)
05/03/72 (99)
05/04/72 (98)
05/07/72 (98+)
05/10/72 (98)
05/11/72 (100)
05/13/72 (95)
05/16/72 (97)
05/18/72 (96)
05/23/72 (97)
05/24/72 (96)
05/25/72 (97*)
05/26/72 (100)

Best Sound Quality: 5/3/72 & 5/16/72

Best Audience Recording: 4/29/72

Most Underrated Show: 5/3/72 & 5/10/72

Most Unique Show: 5/16/72

Best First Set: 5/26/72

Best Official Release: 4/24/72

Show I would most want as the next official release: 4/29/72 or 5/25/72

Best Performance By Pigpen: 5/7/72

Best China/Rider: 5/16/72

Best He's Gone: 5/10/72

Best Playin' in the Band: 4/8/72

Best Good Lovin': 5/25/72

Best Caution: 5/11/72

Best: Truckin': 4/11/72

Best Morning Dew: 5/18/72

Best Sugar Magnolia: 5/4/72

Best Uncle Johns Band: 5/25/72

Best NFA/GDTRFB: 5/23/72

Best Lovelight: 5/7/72

Best Other One: 5/3/72 & 5/10/72

Best Dark Star: 4/8/72 & 5/11/72

Best Thematic Jam: 4/8/72

Jazziest Dark Star: 5/4/72

Scariest Feedback: 4/26/72

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Poster: ganges Date: April 25, 2010 10:34:17pm

Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: Europe '72 Notebook
Hi Cliff, this is an amazing and great post, there's so much in it and
I thank you for this, I'll have to dive into it for a while.

I was fortunate enough to attend 2 shows from this classic tour,

Frankfurt and Munich, 4-26 (38 years ago TODAY, we young hippies drove
our VW bus up from the south of Germany) and 5-18 and I was really
Grateful to finally have a chance to see the band over here. I'm not as
knowledgeable as many here and also not an expert in judging, rating,
comparing and writing in depth about all the aspects of the wonderful
music, but I enjoy and appreciate a lot what many of you all are
discussing and sharing here.

I kind of lost touch with the GD in the later 70s, never had any tapes
and didn't like the 80s albums that much at the time - I only got back
in the late 90s with box sets like So Many Roads and finally finding
this place here about 5 years ago. So now I listen to almost 100%
GD/Jerry and try to get the big picture - all the different eras, all
the many changes, all the countless shows and special moments - and
being in this process still there's always something new to discover.

Anyway thank you - from the 2 shows I saw I remember mainly the vibe -
finally West Coast music in Europe - not so much exact performances of
certain songs. Those I get back to by listening again today. Last year
I came back to Munich and took my bike to the Deutsches Museum, where
they played. It looks pretty much the same still and many memories came
back, I had this crappy tape recorder and taped the show, very minor
quality but at least I had ONE tape. It's long gone but now there's all
the hundreds of shows to listen to...

So unfortunately I don't comment that much on the many aspects of the

tour but just share a little of what I feel about it.

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Poster: light into ashes Date: April 26, 2010 01:39:37am

Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: Europe '72 Notebook
Finally....I knew you had it in you.

(Unfortunately I'm not up to an E72 discussion today...)

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Poster: micah6vs8 Date: April 26, 2010 03:14:32am

Forum: GratefulDead Subject: Re: Europe '72 Notebook
Damn, Cliff this is a boatload of work. A shining example of a head on
a wonderful obsessive streak. Thank-you. I am one of those apostates
regarding E72 but 5-3 is cued up after many many moons. I like your 100
pt scale, have strongly considered 'adopting' it for a while- with full
credit to you of course :)-(maybe it's being in the wine biz.)On
another note, Hey jrose if you are still around and care, this is what
I meant by contributing something.

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Poster: Cliff Hucker Date: April 25, 2010 08:51:02pm

Forum: GratefulDead Subject: MAY

05/03/72 Olympia Theater - Paris, FR

I ) Bertha, Me & My Uncle, Mr. Charlie, Sugaree, Black Throated Wind,

Chinatown Shuffle, China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider, Beat It On
Down The Line, He's Gone, Next Time You See Me, Playin' In The Band,
Tennessee Jed, Good Lovin', Sing Me Back Home, Casey Jones

II ) Greatest Story Ever Told, Ramble On Rose, It Hurts Me Too,

Truckin'-> Space-> The Other One-> Drums-> The Other One-> Me And Bobby
McGee-> The Other One-> Wharf Rat, Jack Straw, Sugar Magnolia, Not Fade
Away-> Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad-> Not Fade Away, E: One More
Saturday Night

Best Source: SBD masse.142.sbeok.shnf

Sound Quality: A/A+
Score: 99 pts

("Honeymoon theft" / master reel source = phenomenal sound quality!

Thank you Dick R.I.P. The masse.142.sbeok.shnf is exceptional. Very
quiet, with superb clarity and separation. This multi-sourced file
showcases some of the very best sound quality of the E '72 tour!)

Comments: Could a boxed set of this and the following performance be

the next official release from this tour?

Official Release: China/Rider, Tennesse Jed and Jack Straw are on

Europe '72.

Taper's Section: Playin in the Band (4/28/08), Good Lovin' (4/30/07),

Other One> Drums> Other One> Bobby McGee> Other One> Wharf Rat (5/4/09)

The Other One Schematic: The Other one Jam (9:22) > first verse (0:42)
> transitional Jam (0:26) > Bobby McGee (5:31) > spacey Jam (1:52) >
the Other one Jam (4:37) > The Other One Jam (1:47) > second verse
(0:48) > Wharf Rat

"Olympia Theater in Paris just like the Fillmore East, if anything, a

bit more funky. Tradition-riddled place. Everyone keeps saying how
special it is because of who's played here: the Stones, the Who, Pfaf,
Aznavour...Hallowed ground, but with insufficiant electricity." Rock

Notes: c'est magnifique! A stunningly beautiful performance, the band

seems revitalized in Paris. And it doesn't hurt that this music is
sourced from the "Honeymoon Theft" tapes! This high-energy show smokes
from start to finish, each song exploratory yet flawlessly played.
Bertha, China/Rider (on Europe '72), Sugaree and Sing Me Back Home are
dynamite. Virtually every song played at this performance is a
candidate for best of the tour, with One More Saturday Night and Jack
Straw (on Europe '72) being possible best-ever renditions. The second
set jam suite is extraordinary; the amazing Other One rivaling the
incredible performance in Frankfurt one week earlier. An intense
Truckin' slips into an eerily quiet passage before Bobby and Phil again
revisit the georgeous theme they explored in Aarhus. This time Phil is
a bit more persistent though, eventually leading the way into a more
structured Other One Jam. It's all hands on deck before yet another
quiet passage featuring some sublime chord by Bob Weir, punctuated by a
second jazzy visit to The Other One theme. A drum break preceeds an
ultra-jazzy Phil solo accompanied by some snappy drums. This one sounds
like Jimy Blanton and Gene Krupa. The balance of the first reprise is a
wonderfully jazzy combination of intense Jerry/Keith duets and more
lovely Weir/Lesh interplay. Still not finished with the theme, the
second verse/reprise follows a soulfull Bobby McGee. NFA> GDTRFB> NFA
is superb as well. Another amazing performance and one of the very best
shows of the tour! (99 pts)

05/04/72 Olympia Theater - Paris, FR

I ) Greatest Story Ever Told, Deal, Mr. Charlie, Beat It On Down The
Line, Brown Eyed Women, Chinatown Shuffle, Playin' In The Band, You Win
Again, It Hurts Me Too, He's Gone, El Paso, Big Railroad Blues, Two
Souls In Communion, Casey Jones

II ) Good Lovin', Next Time You See Me, Ramble On Rose, Jack Straw,
Dark Star-> Drums-> Dark Star-> Sugar Magnolia, Sing Me Back Home,
Mexicali Blues, Big Boss Man, Uncle John's Band, Goin' Down The Road
Feelin' Bad-> Not Fade Away, E: One More Saturday Night

Best Source: SBD miller.77294.sbeok.flac16

Sound Quality: A
Score: 98 pts

(Brilliant sound quality, possibly sourced from "Honeymoon" tapes?

There are several cuts, but this Rolfe sourced Charlie Miller remaster
is still among the very best in sound quality for what circulates from
the tour)
Official Release: Sugar Magnolia is on Europe '72.

Taper's Section: Good Lovin' (4/30/07), Dark Star (4/18/08)

Comments: Casey Jones and NFA are cut. Cut at the end of Dark Star.
False start on Next Time You See Me.

Dark Star Timing: Dark Star theme/jam (2:19) > spacey Jam (8:58) >
transitional Jam (0:23) > first verse (1:50) > Space with drummers
(3:25) > 'happy' Jam (1:13) > spacey Dark Star Jam (3:21) >
transitional Jam (0:14) > second verse (2:04) > Sugar Magnolia

Notes: Another Parisian masterpiece, this time with an exceptional

performance of Dark Star. While the first set is not quite as
spectacular as that of the night before, although Mr. Charlie could be
a best-ever performance of the song, the second set is another magical
moment among many on this tour. Pig's 23 minute Good Lovin' set opener
is a fantastic performance. But the high point of this show is of
course the moody/exploratory two-part Dark Star split by a drum break,
and what is possibly the best Sugar Magnolia of 1972 (on Europe '72).
This gorgeous Dark Star soars from the opening notes. It is brilliant
and jazzy, sustaining momentum through the entire pre-verse segment.
Jerry's playing is particularly inspired. At the 6:00 mark, Billy
intiates a snappy jazz beat that drives the ensemble through an
extended Coltranesque jam, with Weir slashing in some interesting fills
before the verse. The post verse space segment is rather dark and
atonal, with some eerie rumblings from Phil before the two and a half
minute drum break. Post drums, Phil picks up where he had left off.
Things remain spacey and quiet untill 7:15 when Jerry initiates another
movement and things get real jazzy again. This one moves quickly for a
bit, Jerry blazing before things slow down into a gorgeous UJB type
theme jam before the second verse conclusion to one of the jazziest
performances of Dark Star on the tour. The following peformance of
Sugar Magnolia, used on the Europe '72 is phenomenal. Sing Me Back
Home, a lovely UJB, and a start up GDTRFB round out an incedible set.
Both of these treasures from France deserve to be boxed and released in
their entirety. (98 pts)

05/07/72 Bickershaw Festival - Wigan, GB

I ) Truckin', Sugaree, Mr. Charlie, Deal, Beat It On Down The Line,

He's Gone, Chinatown Shuffle, China Cat Sunflower> I Know You Rider,
Black-Throated Wind, Next Time You See Me, Playing in the Band,
Tennessee Jed, Good Lovin', Casey Jones
II ) Greatest Story Ever Told, Big Boss Man, Ramble On Rose, Jack
Straw, Dark Star-> Drums-> The Other One-> Sing Me Back Home, Sugar
Magnolia, Turn On Your Love Light-> Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad->
Not Fade Away E: One More Saturday Night

Best Source: AUD/SBD (composite).clugston.9193.sbeok.shnf

Sound Quality: B+/A
Score: 98+ pts

(Unfortunately no longer available here, the Clugston composite file of

this performance consists of a fair to poor (hissy/noisey) audience
recording of the majority of the show, and a very nice quality master
reel sourced soundboard recording of the second set jam and the later
portion of the set)

Comments: Bill Kreutzmann's 26th birthday. False start on Lovelight. At

least segments of this performance exist on film, rumors of an
official/commercial release persist.

Official Release: Mr. Charlie, Playin', Good Lovin', Greatest Story,

Big Boss Man, Ramble On, Lovelight> GDTRFB are on Steppin' Out.

Taper's Section: Dark Star> Drums> Other One> Sing Me Back Home
(5/5/08), Good Lovin' (4/12/10)

Dark Star> Other One Timing: Dark Star theme (4:17) > spacey jam (2:22)
> Dark Star theme jam (4:07) > spacey jam (4:05) > Dark Star theme
(0:43) > first verse (1:16) > transition to spacey jam (1:04) > space
(2:30) > Drums (2:32) > Other One intro (5:09) > Other One jam (2:31) >
Other One recue (1:23) > first verse (0:40) > Other One (0:36) > space
(14:18) > jam (2:02) > Other One (3:01) > second verse (0:41) >
transition (0:10) > Sing Me Back Home

"The crowd had built bonfires around the perimeter of the field to keep
warm, but now they piled on the fuel and Bickershaw became a pagan
festival, dancers circling the flames, and, in the words of a local
writer, the 'Dead had offered safe passage through the wierd terrain.'"
Dennis McNally

Notes: A rain sodden and chilly weekend seems to have dampened this
festival, though the weather appropriately cleared just before the
Dead's show closing performance. Although the sound quality for most of
the show renders it rather difficult to enjoy, its obvious why so many
songs from this performance were included on the Steppin' Out release.
This festival gig was, for the most part, very well played
(particularly the second set) and at an extremely high energy level. It
also represents Pigpen's finest performance on the tour, and what might
be his last great show. The Truckin' opener cooks, while Playin' in the
Band, Good Lovin' and the Lovelight> GDTRFB are all great performances.
The highlight though, is certainly the phenomenal second set jam suite
preserved in master reel source sound quality, featuring both Dark Star
AND the Other One. It's the only performance during 1972 to include
both songs. Though somewhat abreviated from other Dark Stars on the
tour, clocking in at just over 16 minutes, this is a top notch effort
nonetheless. The pre-verse theme intro is brilliant. Jerry is soaring!
But what really stands out on this one is some rather fine playing by
Bobby. His chord-work throughout is gorgeous. It might be his finest
contribution to a performance of Dark Star on the entire tour. After a
post-verse Space/Drums segment, the band just explodes into The Other
One. It's a raging monster performance of the song. Not as jazzy or
sophisticated as some of the best versions from the tour, this
performance is more primal in nature. At times sounding more like '69
or '70 with a fierce pre-verse attack by Garcia and some amazing
swirling organ fills from Pig. After the first verse there is an
awesome solo by Phil, perhaps his best of the tour. The space segment
continues with Jerry and Weir eventually going atonal. Finally Weir
drives the band back into the theme and it catches fire again prior to
the second verse. The show concludes with a superb performance of
Lovelight, featuring some great slidework by Jerry before another
excellent GDTRFB/NFA. If the music of the first set was available in
better sound quality, this amazing performance might garner a perfect
score. (98+ pts)

05/10/72 Concertgebouw - Amsterdam, NL

I ) Bertha, Me & My Uncle, Mr. Charlie, China Cat Sunflower-> I Know

You Rider, Black Throated Wind, Loser, Next Time You See Me, El Paso,
He's Gone, Chinatown Shuffle, Playing in the Band, Big Railroad Blues,
Jack Straw, Tennessee Jed, Big Boss Man, Greatest Story Ever Told,
Casey Jones

II ) Truckin'-> Drums-> The Other One-> Me And Bobby McGee-> The Other
One-> Wharf Rat, Beat It On Down The Line, Two Souls In Communion,
Ramble On Rose, Sing Me Back Home, Sugar Magnolia-> Not Fade Away->
Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad-> Not Fade Away

Best Source: SBD .kaplan.1582.sbeok.shnf

Sound Quality: A/A+
Score: 98 pts

(The MR sourced Greg Hamilton/kaplan.1582.sbeok.shnf is virtually

perfect. The sound quality of this recording is amazing. The
mix/separation is particularly brilliant)

Comments: Bertha fades in.

Official Release: He's Gone is on Europe '72.

"Amsterdam, where the Concertgebouw was a jewel of a theater, the

cocaine was far too good..." Dennis McNally

Notes: Perhaps overshadowed by the monumental performances preceeding

and following it, this treasure might be the most overlooked gem of the
tour. This vastly underrated show is extremely well played from start
to finish. Virtually every song is a standout performance. The sound
quality is superb and the mix lively. The separation is excellent
making it easy to hear how well both Keith and Bobby are playing. While
the highlights include a terrific Bertha opener, an excellent Truckin'
and what is possibly the best early performance of He's Gone, the
centerpiece of the show is another jazzy and extraordinarily jammed out
Other One. This one is as fine as the performances of the song in
Frankfurt and Paris. It's highly exploratory, visiting numerous themes
over its more than 35 minutes. Erupting out of Drums, from the opening
notes this performance of The Other One percolates like a pot of fine
Blue Mountain. Extremely jazzy in nature, there are several
extraordinary movements. A particularly brilliant passage starts at
4:45, after the jam slows down it gets real smokey with an almost
Clementine type theme. Close your eyes and you can imagine being in a
jazz club. Ten minutes in, the Other One theme emerges again. After the
first verse, it gets spacey, eventually going atonal with some wild
notes from Phil before another spectacular jazz segment commences at
20:00. Over the next fourteen minutes, this amazing music covers a ton
of ground, never losing momentum. Several times the Other One theme re-
emerges but somehow the band avoids the second verse. Instead Phil and
Bobby initiate an amazing Dylanesque passage at 32:00. Garcia's playing
becomes highly emotive, the music is both haunting and sublime. It's
one of the most amazing pieces of music on the entire tour. As if the
theme has reached its zenith, with nowhere left to go, they segue into
Bobby McGee, before finally completing the journey into the reprise and
second verse conclusion to what might be the finest performance of The
Other One on the tour. Amazingly, there is another full hour of music
left in the set including fantastic performances of Wharf Rat, Sugar
Magnolia and a dynamite show closing NFA> GDTRFB> NFA. (98 pts)

05/11/72 Rotterdam Civic Hall - Rotterdam, NL

I ) Playin' In The Band, Sugaree, Mr. Charlie, Black Throated Wind,

Deal, Chinatown Shuffle, Mexicali Blues, China Cat Sunflower-> I Know
You Rider, It Hurts Me Too, Beat It On Down The Line, Brown Eyed Women,
Jack Straw, Big Railroad Blues, Good Lovin', Casey Jones

II ) Morning Dew, Me & My Uncle, Two Souls In Communion, El Paso,

Tennessee Jed, Next Time You See Me, Dark Star-> Drums-> Dark Star->
Sugar Magnolia-> Caution (Do Not Stop on Tracks)-> Who Do You Love->
Truckin'-> Uncle John's Band E: One More Saturday Night
Best Source: SBD ashley-bertha.7364.sbefail.shnf
Sound Quality: A
Score: 100 pts

(Though it gets just a bit oversaturated at the highest levels, and

there is a minimal amount of hiss during the quietest parts, the sound
quality of the MR sourced ashley-bertha.7364.sbefail.shnf is excellent
and definately superior to the Samaritano transfer)

Comments: Final performance of Caution. 15 beats on BIODTL. Saturday

night encore is missing.

Official Release: Chinatown Shuffle is on So Many Roads Boxed Set.

Taper's Section: Caution> Who Do you Love> Truckin' (5/28/07)

Dark Star Timing: Dark Star theme (2:48) > Jam (10:47) > Drum Solo
(4:03) > Bass and Drums (1:44) > Spacy Jam (3:13) > Dark Star
theme/First Verse (2:30) > Jam (3:40) > Dissonant/Tiger Jam (7:15) >
Uptempo Country Jam (1:40) > Uptempo Caution -like Jam (6:00) > Slow
tease filled Jam (3:22) > Sugar Magnolia

Notes: A monumental performance, this treasure might be the finest show

of the entire tour, if not one of the greatest performances of all
time. Every member of the band has brought their A game to Rotterdam,
even Pigpen who shines every chance he gets. It's his last chance at
Caution, and he makes the most of it, as well as giving a fine effort
on Chinatown Shuffle. From the opening moments of the show it becomes
apparent that this is going to be special, as the band launches into a
dynamite version of Playin' in the Band. Though it only clocks in at
10+ minutes, and it's not as exploratory as the song would get in 1973,
it's still a brilliant jazzy rendition as the band twists through the
Main Ten theme. Virtually every song extremely well played. Sugaree,
Morning Dew and Good Lovin' are all fabulous performances. But
certainly all are eclipsed by a 45+ minute Dark Star which has to be
considered an opus. At times it's so beautifully played that you might
find yourself forgetting to breathe. It's an ultra jazzy oddyssey that
you must listen to in a quiet environment with no distractions in order
to fully appreciate. Singularly one of the finest moments in the bands
history, this one soars right from the opening notes of the theme. 4:30
in, the band briefly locks in on a choppy riff before breaking down
into jazzy space. Eventually Jerry steers the band into a quiet passage
which eventually takes on a loose Let It Grow theme, Weir slashing in
fills. At the 10 minute mark Jerry begins playing a repetitive scale,
initating another extraordinary passage lasting untill the drum break.
Right out of the drums Phil and Billy collaberate on a sublime Bird
Song themed jam that is all too brief before Jerry joins them and
gradually guides the jam back to the Dark Star theme and into the first
verse. The eleven minute post verse space jam begins with a brilliant
duet between Jerry and Phil before things get atonal, gradually
building in intensity. The segment turns incredibly wild as Phil
detonates an awesome series of explosions, Jerry continuing his attack.
The final 11+ minute movement starts out with a fast paced and ultra
jazzy passage before briefly aquiring a Caution type theme, Phil
returning with a second bombing run. This is followed by another
extremely intense Caution themed passage and screaming guitars. By now
I imagine the fire alarms had to be going off at the Civic Hall. The
concluding passage is beautifully Dylanesque with Pig's swirling organ
and some eerie notes from Jerry, finally segueing into Sugar Magnolia.
Still there is more to come; a second jam suite featuring a blazing hot
Caution> Who Do You Love> Truckin'> UJB. Is there a better performance
on this tour? (100 pts)

05/13/72 Lille Fairgrounds - Lille, FR

I ) Bertha, Black Throated Wind, Chinatown Shuffle, Loser, Beat It On

Down The Line, Mr. Charlie, China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider, Me
& My Uncle, Big Railroad Blues, Next Time You See Me, Playin' In The
Band, Sugaree, Mexicali Blues, Casey Jones

II ) Truckin'-> Drums-> The Other One-> He's Gone, It Hurts Me Too,

Sugar Magnolia, Not Fade Away-> Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad-> Not
Fade Away E: One More Saturday Night

Best Source: SBD .ladner.3457.sbeok.shnf (complete?) /

.miller.21725.sbeok.shnf (partial)
Sound Quality: A-/A+
Score: 95 pts

(The Ladner transfer consisting of the majority of the performance,

though hissy, is still an enjoyable listen. The partial
miller.21725.sbeok.shnf, consisting only of the second set jam, is
superior, possibly sourced from the Taper's section. It's particularly
clear, with superb separation, however Phil is a bit low in the mix)

Comments: Free concert. Big River may be missing. The conclusion of the
second set is missing?

Tapers Section: Truckin'> Drums. Other One> He's Gone (5/7/07) Bertha,
Black Throated Wind, Chinatown Shuffle, Loser (5/12/08)

"...Lille looked like an impressionist painting, cows in the distance,

poplar trees in rows, with a little LSD, it wasn't hard to see why
Monet and company liked the light in their native country. For Phil
especially, it was one of the truly spectacular experiences of a
lifetime, as though for an hour or two he lived inside a Seurat or a
Cezanne." Dennis McNally
Notes: Back in France for a make up date, the band pulls off another
stellar performance. Interrupted by rain, it's not quite as superlative
as some of the preceeding shows, however the second set is dynamite.
The set opening performance of Truckin' is excellent, featuring some
some great licks by Jerry and slashing leads from Weir. Towards the end
of the instrumental break you can hear a brief, but unmistakable shot
at a Nobody's Jam. The highlight of the free concert is an excellent
28+ minute, sometimes spacey performance of The Other One. The jamming
on this one is not nearly as cohesive as the performance in Paris ten
days earlier. Still there is some great playing; Weir in particular
contributes his trademark slashing leads throughout, and Pigpen adds
some eerie organ fills that add to the mood. Following the intense
meltdown segment, at about 20:40, there is a compelling movement that
contains some brief hints of a Spanish Jam. This is followed by an
interesting jam with Billy hammering out a drumbeat and containing some
great guitar work from Bobby who comes through the right channel
crystal clear. The show ending NFA> GDTRFB, though cut, is terrific as
well. Sound quality on the incomplete Ladner transfer is fine, but the
partial Miller file is better, possibly sourced from the Taper's
Section. It is likely that portions of this performance are missing.
(95 pts)

05/16/72 Theatre Hall - LU "Radio Luxembourg"

I ) Bertha, Me & My Uncle, Mr. Charlie, Sugaree, Black Throated Wind,

Chinatown Shuffle, China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider, Beat It On
Down The Line, It Hurts Me Too, Tennessee Jed, Playin' In The Band,
Promised Land

II ) Truckin'-> Drums-> The Other One-> Sing Me Back Home, Sugar

Magnolia, Not Fade Away-> Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad-> Not Fade
Away E: One More Saturday Night

Best Source: FM/SBD.unknown.10353.sbeok.shnf

Sound Quality: A/A+
Score: 97 pts

(An extremely high quality European bootleg CD of this show called

"Dead Deluxe" circulated during the mid-nineties. Regardless of which
transfer, the sound quality of this performance is exceptional. In
spite of minimal hiss during the quietest parts, this recording is
brilliant and cristal clear, with an ultra lively mix and great
separation. This is one of the very finest recordings of the tour)
Comments: Performance for worldwide radio broadcast. Big River and
Sugar Magnolia are soundchecked.

The Other One Timing: Other one Jam (5:06) > spacey Other one-ish Jam
(1:15) > first verse (1:27) > Other one Jam (1:24) > spacey Jam (6:06)
> spacey Other one-ish Jam (2:46) > second verse (0:46) > Sing Me Back

Notes: Tight as a drum, with perhaps the most well played first set,
this might be the most underrated performance of the tour. Though it's
a bit shorter, perhaps to accomodate the radio broadcast, sonically
it's superior to most shows from the tour excluding only the official
releases. Crisp and clear, the live-wire mix is particularly lively and
the separation remarkable. The musicianship too is laser focused and
precise. Virtually all the songs are extremely well executed and played
at a tempo just a bit faster than was normal for the tour, giving it a
vibe somewhat unique to the other Europe shows. Highlights include
great performances of Bertha, Me and My Uncle with a great solo by
Jerry, a fantastic Sing Me Back Home and what might be the best
China/Rider of the tour. Weir's leads blaze through the transition into
IKYR. Pig's Chinatown Shuffle is likely his best performance of the
song on the the tour and Playin' in the Band is also notable. Though
it's not quite jammed at the level of the monumental performances in
Copenhagen and Rotterdam, the second set jam suite is excellent.
Truckin' is exceptional and includes some incredible leads by Garcia.
Although it only clocks in at just under twenty minutes, the Other One
is an amazing performance. The intro in particular is unbelievable! It
is one of the best Other One intros of all time! The intensity level of
the first two and a half minutes is off the charts! This one moves
rather quickly into the first verse, mainly sticking with the Other One
theme and carrying the momentum well. There is a wild post verse
passage starting at 11:00, eventually leading to an awesome explosive
barrage from Phil, and ultimately some major lengthy sustained notes
from Jerry. A jazzy movement follows, with some Spanish Jam hints
before Phil drives things back into The Other One theme prior to the
second verse climax. The balance of the set is also well played. This
is a thrilling performance from start to finish. (97 pts)

05/18/72 Kongressaal, Deutsches Museum - Munich, DE

I ) Truckin', Sugaree, Mr. Charlie, Jack Straw, Tennessee Jed,

Chinatown Shuffle, Black Throated Wind, China Cat Sunflower-> I Know
You Rider, El Paso, It Hurts Me Too, You Win Again, Playin' In The
Band, Good Lovin', Casey Jones

II ) Sitting On Top Of The World-> Me & My Uncle, Ramble On Rose, Beat

It On Down The Line, Dark Star-> Morning Dew-> Drums-> Sugar Magnolia,
E: Sing Me Back Home E: One More Saturday Night*
Best Source: SBD miller.79057sbeok.flac16
Sound Quality: A
Score: 96 pts

(A relatively recent and welcome upgrade for this performance, the MR

sorced miller.79057sbeok.flac16 is excellent)

Comments: 10 beats on BIODTL. First ever Dark Star> Morning Dew.

Dark Star Timing: Dark Star theme/jam (10:52) > Restate theme (1:56) >
First Verse (1:28) > Spacy Jam (4:45) > Jerry, Phil and Bob (1:25) >
Dissonant Scary Jam (5:35) > transition (1:37) > Morning Dew

Notes: Another very strong performance, if somewhat less spectacular

(with the exception of Morning Dew). Recent upgrades in sound quality
have made this show more enjoyable. It's consistently well played.
Stand outs include what might be the best ever performance of It Hurts
Me Too and of course the superb performance of Dark Star> Morning Dew,
the first time that this combination was played together. The 26 minute
Dark Star is superb. It's not as beautiful as the performance of the
song at Wembley, or as jazzy as the Rotterdam version. Nor is it as
cohesive as the rendition in Copenhagen. Still, it is an excellent and
up beat performance of the song that carries its momentum entirely
through its duration. The intro theme jam is gorgeous. Following a
brief bass solo, there is a lovely duet between Garcia and Weir
starting at 7:00 that turns nice and jazzy before soaring back into the
pre-verse theme. A second bass solo follows the verse and things get
atonal for a while, building in intensity before the first ever segue
from Dark Star into Morning Dew. This performance of Morning Dew is
unique and extraordinarily beautiful. Although the rendition on 5/23
seems to garner more accolades, this one is just a bit better in my
opinion. Jerry's voice is strong and his interpretation here is highly
emotive. He really slows it down and turns reflective prior to the
refrain. One of the elements that sets the music of the European tour
apart is the dynamics of having two keyboard payers. Nowhere is this
more apparent than during this gorgeous performance of Morning Dew.
Pigpens swirling organ fills really seem to complement Keith's piano
work on the beautiful quiet parts. It's one of the high points of the
tour. An interestingly placed drum break follows Morning Dew before the
band launches into a great Sugar Magnolia. (96 pts)

05/23/72 Strand Lyceum - London, GB

I ) Promised Land, Sugaree, Mr. Charlie, Black Throated Wind, Tennessee

Jed, Next Time You See Me, Jack Straw, China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You
Rider, Me And My Uncle, Chinatown Shuffle, Big Railroad Blues, Two
Souls In Communion, Playing In The Band, Sittin' On Top Of The World,
Rockin' Pneumonia & The Boogie Woogie Flu, Mexicali Blues, Good Lovin',
Casey Jones

II ) Ramble On Rose, Dark Star-> Drums-> Dark Star-> Morning Dew, He's
Gone, Sugar Magnolia, Comes A Time, Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad->
Not Fade Away-> Hey Bo Diddley-> Not Fade Away E: Uncle John's Band

Best Source: SBD unknown.16089.shnf (complete) / SBD

cribbs.32863.sbeok.flac16 (partial)
Sound Quality: A-/A
Score: 97 pts

(The Rex Jackson/GEMS remaster might be the best quality complete

transfer of this performance. However it's no longer available here.
The unknown.16089.shnf is complete and still available here. It's a
satisfactory recording, with perhaps some minimal hiss. The partial
cribbs.32863.sbeok.flac16 of the second set jam might be just a touch
better for that segment of the performance)

Comments: NRPS opened. First Rockin' Pneumonia.

Officia Release: China/Rider, Sitting On Top of the World, Comes a

Time, NFA> Hey Bo Diddley> NFA, UJB, Two Souls in Communion are on
Steppin' Out.

Taper's Section: Good Lovin' (5/21/07)

Dark Star Timing: tuning (0:42) > spacey tuning (0:48) > Dark Star
theme (1:42) > speedy Jam (4:15) > Slow Spacy Jam (4:40) > Bass and
Drums (2:50) > Dark Star Jam (3:50) > Dark Star theme (0:33) > First
Verse (1:27) > Spacey Jam (4:50) > Dissonant tigerish Jam (2:30) > Jam
(1:40) > transition (1:40) > Morning Dew

"The visine bottles came out, and the levels of LSD consumption went
up..." Dennis McNally

Notes: This might be the most overrated show of the tour. That said,
it's still a phenomenal performance, much of it available in vault
remastered sound quality. The number of songs included on Steppin' Out
is a testiment to how well played it is. Although, one could also
speculate that perhaps superior performances such as in Rotterdam,
Copenhagen and Paris might be being reserved for future official
release in their entirety? Regardless, it's a very strong show,
particularly for Pigpen who shines brightly on Two Souls in Communion.
The set list is one of the most interesting of the tour, including a
few rare numbers like Sitting On Top of the World, Rockin' Pneumonia
and Hey Bo Diddlley. Several songs such as Comes a Time and Uncle Johns
Band are candidates for best of the tour . Obviously cogniscant of how
powerful the combination was, the band reprises Dark Star> Morning Dew
from the previous performance in Munich. In fact they almost can't
wait, breaking it out early in the second set. This thirty minute Dark
Star goes a bit further, though. And while it doesnt quite reach the
dizzying heights achieved on 4/8, 4/24 or 5/11, it is certainly an
exceptional performance. Perhaps not quite as cohesive as those
versions, but surely not lacking in intensity. Jazzy, almost from the
opening notes, the initial intro theme jam is punchy and upbeat.
Another interesting passage developes at 8:00, with Jerry bending and
sustaining his notes with Phil rumbling. After a brief drum segment
there is another jazzy segment, this time its Weir and Garcia getting
together before the verse. A wild space follows before a sublime
transition into Morning Dew. Again Morning Dew is an extremely powerful
performance, superbly played, perhaps superior to the 5/26 version
immortalized on Europe '72, and eclipsed only by the extraordinarily
emotive rendition from Munich. The show closing GDTRFB> NFA including a
rocking Hey Bo Diddley is likely the top performance of this suite on
the tour. (97 pts)

05/24/72 Strand Lyceum - London, GB

I ) Cold Rain & Snow, Beat It On Down The Line, Mr. Charlie, Deal, Me &
My Uncle, It Hurts Me Too, Dire Wolf, Black Throated Wind, Chinatown
Shuffle, China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider, Playin' In The Band,
You Win Again, Jack Straw, Casey Jones

II ) Rockin' Pneumonia, Mexicali Blues, Black Peter, Truckin'-> Drums->

The Other One-> Sing Me Back Home-> Sugar Magnolia, Turn On Your Love
Light-> The Stranger (Two Souls In Communion) E: One More Saturday Night

Best Source: AUD pye-jones.harper-sirmick.87027.flac16 (incomplete) /

SBD unknown.91509.flac16 (2nd set partial)
Sound Quality: B-/A
Score: 96 pts

(This entire performance may not circulate in its entirety. The

incomplete audience recording sirmick.87027.flac16 is rather poor in
sound quality and difficult to enjoy. The partial second set Andy
Lemieux remastered soundboard recording unknown.91509.flac16 is quite

Comments: NRPS opened. Final Pigpen Lovelight. Mexican Hat Dance tuning
before Truckin'. There are a number of cuts in the first set. Sing Me
Back Home Fades. Sugar Magnolia is cut. Lovelight> Two Souls and
Saturday Night are missing.

Official Release: Hurts Me Too and You Win Again are on Europe '72.
Cold Rain and Snow, Mexicali Blues, Black Peter, Chinatown Shuffle and
Rockin' Pneumonia are on Steppin' Out. Lovelight> Two Souls in
Communion in on the Rockin' the Rhein release.

Taper's Section: Truckin'> Drums> Other One> Sing Me Back Home

(5/25/09) Rockin' Pneumonia (3/8/10)

Notes: Another rather difficult performance to score. If the complete

show was available in the sound quality of the Andy Lemieux remaster it
would undoubtedly garner a score a couple of points higher. Although a
number of songs from this performance have been included in official
releases, the incomplete show is only available in poor audience
recordings and unfortunately several songs are cut, and a significant
portion of the second set is entirely missing. Luckily a partial
recording including the compelling second set jam is available as a
very good quality soundboard. Following the neat Mexican Hat Dance
tuning jam, Truckin' seems a bit rushed. But the thirty-minute
performance of The Other One, though somewhat dissonant at times, is
nicely jazzy and contains some brilliant passages. It's a rather edgy
version, largely driven by Phil's bass lines. A gorgeous jazzy theme
developes about three and a half minutes in, but unfortunately it
breaks down prematurely. At 6:30, both guitars lock in on a great duet,
Garcia and Weir sounding not unlike Duanne and Betts during this
extended passage prior to the first verse. An atonal space segment
follows, but Phil pushes this into a nice jazzy groove starting at
17:30. A Caution-like theme developes before a another spacey jam with
sustained keyboard effects. Once again it's Phil bass driving the band
back into The Other One theme prior to the second verse conclusion.
Pig's following performance of Lovelight> Two Souls is excellent.
Unfortunately, most of the balance of the set is missing. Against the
extraordinarily high level of the performances preceeeding this one, it
pales somewhat in comparison. But in truth this is a dynamite show! The
second set jam as well as the material included on the official
releases is certainly quite compelling. (96 pts)

05/25/72 Strand Lyceum - London, GB

I ) Promised Land , Brown Eyed Women, Big Boss Man, Black Throated
Wind, Tennessee Jed, Mr. Charlie, Jack Straw, China Cat Sunflower -> I
Know You Rider, Me And Bobby McGee, Good Lovin', Playing In The Band,
Brokedown Palace, Casey Jones

II ) Me And My Uncle, Big Railroad Blues, Chinatown Shuffle, Ramble On

Rose, Uncle John's Band -> Jam -> Wharf Rat -> Dark Star -> Sugar
Magnolia, Comes A Time, El Paso, Sittin' On Top Of The World, Goin'
Down The Road Feeling Bad-> One More Saturday Night

Best Source: SBD .miller.87682.sbeok.flac16 (incomplete)

Sound Quality: A-/A
Score: 98 pts*

(Although the relatively new but incomplete Eaton sourced

miller.87682.sbeok.flac16 is rather hissy during the quiet portions,
it's still highly enjoyable, and we are quite lucky to have it. The
audience recordings that circulated prior to its availability were
rather poor in quality)

Comments: NRPS opened. Final Pigpen Good Lovin'. Garcia plays organ
during intro of Good Lovin'. Tennesse Jed, Playin' in the Band and
Sugar Magnolia are cut. Comes a Time, El Paso, Sitting On top of the
World, GDTRFB> One More Saturday Night are missing.

Tapers Section: Uncle John's Band> Wharf Rat> Dark Star> Sugar Magnolia

Dark Star Timing: Opening theme/Jam (8:25) > Spacey and dissonant Jam
(6:00) > Jazzy Jam (2:06) > tiger Jam (7:32) > Sugar Magnolia
transition (0:40) > Sugar Magnolia.

"Acid madness of epic proportions in full swing." Rock Scully

Notes: Perhaps the last great performance by Pigpen. Only relatively

recently has a more comprehensive, but still incomplete soundboard
recording of this fantastic performance become available. Sadly, a good
chunk of the second set of this excellent concert is still missing.
Although the show gets off to a bit of a slow start, by the middle of
the first set things start to heat up. The 17 minute, last Pigpen
performance of Good Lovin' is phenomenal. It features a nice smokey jam
and some extraordinary lead guitar by Weir. Is that really Garcia
playing organ during the intro? Playin' in the Band is typically
psychedelic. It's one of the better performances of the song on the
tour, the band starting to stretch it out a bit. The highlight of the
show of course, is the incredible second set jam sequence and another
amazing performance of Dark Star. A great Uncle John's Band kicks off
the suite, possibly the best of the tour. But it's during the jam prior
to Wharf Rat where the music really takes off. It's an amazing
rendition of the song, highly emotive, and perhaps the best performance
of Wharf Rat on the tour. Once again we are treated to monumental
performance of Dark Star. This exploratory performance covers a great
deal of ground during the almost 17 minutes prior to the first verse,
much of it is quite jazzy. The snappy opening theme jam in particular
is dynamite, and an intense spacey jam punctuated by some wild bass
chords preceeds the first verse. After the verse, at about 18:30, a
rather amazing bass driven jam developes with some very cool interplay
between Billy, Keith and Phil. Eventually Weir leads the band into a
beautiful Feelin' Groovy Jam that lasts several delightful minutes
before things get rather wild, Phil producing some rather interesting
sounds prior to things melting down into a dizzying space segment.
Unfortunately, the conclusion of the performance is missing after Sugar
Magnolia. You might think that after two months on the road, the band
might show more evidence of fatigue or a lapse in creativity, however
this is a tremendous show. Will we ever hear the complete performance?
(98 pts*)

*If the new soundboard recording contained the complete show, this
performance might garner a perfect score!

05/26/72 Strand Lyceum - London, GB

I ) Promised Land, Sugaree, Mr. Charlie, Black Throated Wind, Loser,

Next Time You See Me, El Paso, Dire Wolf, Two Souls In Communion,
Playin' In The Band, He's Gone, Cumberland Blues, Jack Straw, Chinatown
Shuffle, China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider, Not Fade Away-> Goin'
Down The Road Feelin' Bad-> Not Fade Away

II ) Truckin'-> Jam-> The Other One-> Drums-> The Other One-> Jam->
Morning Dew-> The Other One-> Sing Me Back Home, Me & My Uncle, Ramble
On Rose, Sugar Magnolia, Casey Jones E: One More Saturday Night

Best Source: SBD waddell.89641.sbeok.flac16 (GEMS)

Sound Quality: A-/A
Score: 100 pts

(All four of the available MR sourced transfers here are more or less
comparable in sound quality. There is just a minimal amount of hiss.
More so on Matt Vernon's remaster, though it may also be just a touch
more brilliant. I went with the Todd Evans sourced GEMS remaster, but
the difference in quality is inconsequential)

Comments: NRPS opened.

Official Release: Truckin' /Epilogue and Prelude/Morning Dew are on

Europe '72. Jack Straw is on Steppin' Out.

The Other One Timing: Other one Hints (0:15) > Jam (3:55) > Other One
(0:39) > Bass (0:57) > Other One (2:45) > Spacey Drum Jam (2:00) >
Other One (4:40) > Drums (2:19) > Other One (0:46) > first verse (0:40)
> Other One (0:52) > Prelude (10:02) > Morning Dew (9:37) > Other One
(4:52 )> second verse (0:50) > Sing Me Back Home

"He's playing with his back to the audience, tears streaming down his
face, the music playing the band...Ecstacy on every level." Dennis
McNally on Jerry during the Prelude sequence prior to Morning Dew
Notes: A monumental performance, the band has pulled out all the stops
for their last show of the tour. The nineteen song 2+ hour first set,
perhaps the finest of the tour, is a monster, featuring fantastic
performances of Cumberland Blues, Jack Straw, China/Rider, Playin' in
the Band and a surprise Dire Wolf. Concluding with a jammed out NFA>
GDTRFB> NFA, this set on its own would have been a great show. But of
course the band still has a bit of magic left in the tank, the second
set comencing with a jam suite right off the bat. This one will sound
very familiar with the incredible Truckin' and Morning Dew immortalized
on Europe '72 split by an epic 35+ minute, largely percusion driven
performance of The Other One which gets reprised twice. The post
Truckin' "Epilogue" is phenomenal. Seamless, it's difficult to discern
where Truckin' ends and The Other One begins, Jerry and Keith are
locked in so tightly. A brief but intense bass solo preceeds the intro
theme. After a great drum solo the theme fires up again. Keiths playing
is extraordinary here. During a brief segment just prior to the first
verse he sounds like Steve Winwood. The following ten minute post-verse
"Prelude" to Morning Dew is one of the most compelling passages that
the band has ever played. After the phenomenal performance of Morning
Dew the band finds their way back into The Other One. Three minutes
into second reprise there is some rather cool interplay between Weir
and Garcia which its followed by a brief but sublime duet between
Pigpen and Keith that must be heard to be believed. Simply beautiful,
it's an amazing conclusion to this epic tour. (100 pts)

Reply to this post

Poster: Cliff Hucker Date: April 25, 2010 08:48:09pm

Forum: GratefulDead Subject: APRIL

04/07/72 Wembley Empire Pool - London, GB

I ) Greatest Story Ever Told, Sugaree, Chinatown Shuffle, Me and My

Uncle, China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider, Big Boss Man, Black
Throated Wind, Loser, Mr. Charlie, Beat It On Down The Line, Tennessee
Jed, Playin' In The Band, Casey Jones

II ) Truckin'-> Drums-> The Other One-> El Paso-> The Other One-> Wharf
Rat, Ramble On Rose, Sugar Magnolia//, Not Fade Away-> Goin' Down The
Road Feelin' Bad-> Not Fade Away E: One More Saturday Night

Best Source: AUD sirmick.31329 flac / Steppin' Out

Sound Quality: D-/A+
Score: 92 pts*

(Both the SIRMick and Hanno/Uli audience transfers are horrendous in

quality. The sirmick 31329, is a composite of two different AUD
sources, both extremely over saturated among other problems. One source
improves slightly during the second set. But it's still virtually
unlistenable. These might be the worst sounding recordings circulating
of any show from any era. Although the beginning of the first set is
not intact in the vault, most of this performance is available on the
Steppin' Out release or at the Taper's Section)

Official Release: Truckin'> Drums> Other One> El Paso> Other One> Wharf
Rat are on Steppin' Out.

Tapers Section: Chinatown Shuffle, Me and My Uncle (9/3/07), Greatest

Story Ever Told, Sugaree (8/27/07), China/Rider (8/20/07), Loser
(8/13/07), Mr. Charlie (7/30/07), Ramble On Rose, Sugar Magnolia
(8/6/07), Playin', NFA> GDTRFB> NFA (4/2/07)

Remarks: Originally scheduled for the Rainbow Theatre. Soundcheck Hey

Bo Diddley.

Comments: Me and My Uncle was played but is missing. Sugar Magnolia is


"THE DEAD STORM BRITAIN" Melody Maker Magazine

Notes: This is a difficult show to score. Both audience sources

archived here are extremely poor in sound quality, rendering both
transfers virtually unlistenable. Perhaps due to Wembley being a
"chilly, cavernous sports facility" this performance, the first show of
the tour, is not of the same caliber as many of the subsequent
performances. This show has always had a rather poor reputation,
however the music available from vault reel sources is excellent,
particularly the jam suite on disk three of the Steppin' Out release.
The first set is unremarkable, with the exception of a well played
China/Rider. The second set kicks off with an excellent performance of
Truckin' that includes a very nice Garcia solo. After a drum break, it
segues into a superb Other One featuring a brief Me and My Uncle Jam
and a very nice melodic space segment. The reprise gets quite jazzy and
there is some marvelous interplay between Jerry and Keith before the
second verse. Athough quite a few of the following shows on the tour
feature more spectacular performances of The Other One, this one is
certainly worthy of its inclusion on the official release. (92 pts*)

*If this performance was released in its entirety from vault reel
masters it would garner a score in the mid-nineties!

04/08/72 Wembley Empire Pool - London, GB

I ) Bertha, Me & My Uncle, Mr. Charlie, Deal, Black Throated Wind, Next
Time You See Me, Cumberland Blues, Brown Eyed Women, Beat It On Down
The Line, Tennessee Jed, Playin' In The Band, Good Lovin', Looks Like
Rain, Casey Jones

II ) Truckin', Big Railroad Blues, It Hurts Me Too, Dark Star-> Mind

Left Body Jam -> Sugar Magnolia-> Caution (Do Not Stop On Tracks) E:
One More Saturday Night

Best Source: SBD.miller.83714 flac16 / Steppin' Out

Sound Quality: A/A+
Score: 99+ pts

(The sound quality of the Rolfe sourced miller.83714 flac16 is

excellent. Sadly it's no longer available here. It's a brilliant
recording with a particularly lively mix)

Official Release: Cumberland is on Europe '72; Looks Like Rain is a

bonus track on the Europe '72 remaster; Big Railroad, It Hurts Me Too,
Black Throated Wind, Saturday Night and Dark Star> Sugar Magnolia>
Caution are on Steppin' Out.

Taper's Section: Dark Star> Sugar Magnolia> Caution (4/6/09)

Comments: Garcia plays pedal steel on Looks Like Rain. 12 count BIODTL.
Dark Star is first verse only. Pig sings Who Do You Love During Caution.

"There's a sort of peak optimum, and right now we're at one of those
peaks." Jerry Garcia - London 4/72

Notes: Apparently the band was feeling a bit warmer on this night
because the second show at Wembley is certainly among the finest
performances of the tour as well as a top ten of 1972. Playin' in the
Band is dynamite and possibly the best performance of this song on the
tour. The interplay between Jerry and Phil on this one is mindboggling!
Looks Like Rain is a remarkable rendition with Jerry on the pedal
steel. Cumberland Blues (on Europe '72) and a terrific Good Lovin'
round out a very well played first set. The extraordinary Dark Star,
with its beautiful Mind Left Body Jam, is among the very best ever
performed from any era. Some of the Dark Stars performed on this tour
are are celebrated for their pre-verse explorations. This one is
special because of its post-verse thematic jamming. It's likely the
most cohesive performance of the song on the entire tour, and rivaled
only by the performance in Rotterdam. This one is compelling from start
to finish and contains several breathtaking passages. The intro theme
jam is lengthy and features some gorgeous chordwork by Weir before a
brief, quiet transition that gets punctuated by an interesting
repetitive theme initiated by Jerry. It moves quickly into a fantastic
jazzy passage prior to the first verse. The post verse space segment
drifts into another intense and extended jazzy movement which gets
really interesting at 21:00, the band visiting several different themes
before eventually going atonal. After another space segment the band
locks into a phenomenal Mind Left Body Jam at 27:00. This sublime jam
is one of the most beautiful pieces of music the band has ever
performed, 4+ minutes of pure bliss before segueing into a dynamite
Sugar Magnolia. In spite of the extraordinary Dark Star, the high point
of the show just might be the smoking version of Caution, featuring
some blistering Garcia leads, and a bit of slide work as well. Its
amazing how quickly the band found its footing on the continent after
just two performances, with a gorgeous sound and tone quite unique to
this tour. (99+ pts)

04/11/72 Newcastle City Hall - Newcastle, GB

I ) Greatest Story Ever Told, Deal, Mr. Charlie, Black Throated Wind,
Tennessee Jed, Big Boss Man, Beat It On Down The Line, Sugaree, Jack
Straw, Chinatown Shuffle, China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider,
Playin' In The Band, Next Time You See Me, Brown Eyed Women, Looks Like
Rain, Big Railroad Blues, Casey Jones

II ) Good Lovin', Ramble On Rose, Truckin'-> Jam-> Drums-> The Other

One-> Comes A Time-> Sugar Magnolia, E: Brokedown Palace

Best Source: SBD jackson.smith.94377 flac16

Sound Quality: A- (hiss)
Score: 94 pts

(The sound quality of both the MR sourced jackson.smith and Giles

transfers are not bad, the former being just a touch cleaner in my
opinion. It's a bit muddy, with considerable hiss, and oversaturation
at times, which is typical of a few of the degraded recordings from the
tour. While the jackson.smith.94377 flac16 is not as brilliant as some
of the better recordings from this European tour, there really is not
much to complain about)

Official Release: Sugaree, Deal and Brokedown Palace are on Steppin'


Taper's Section: Good Lovin' (4/9/07)

Comments: Garcia pedal steel on Looks Like Rain. 14 beat false start on

Truckin' > Other One Timing: Truckin' (5:03)> Jam (2:46)> Truckin'
Finale (0:45)> Jam (0:40)> Other one tease (0:15) > Dreamy Jam (4:05)>
Unknown theme (1:00)> take 5 Jam (3:36)> Drums (3:11)> Other one Jam
(7:13)> First Verse (0:42)> Other One Jam (7:00)> Second Verse (0:48) >
Comes A Time
"A municiple concrete dump, with a balcony all the way around and big,
fucking, comcrete pillars that interfere with sight lines. Still, the
place is packed. Thousands and thousands and thousands. Perhaps we're
finally catching on." Rock Scully

Notes: Minor sound issues detract somewhat from what is otherwise

another very compelling Europe '72 performance. In spite of GEMS
efforts, this remains a bit hissy, though it is still by all means a
very enjoyable recording. The centerpiece of this show is of course,
the dynamite second set jam suite. The somewhat unspectacular first set
features a great performance of Casey Jones, an excellent China/Rider,
and a particularly hot Playin' in the Band. Other highlights of this
fairly well played show include a terrific Good Lovin' and Sugar
Magnolia. But it's during the second set that his show really cranks
up. The loose Truckin' is extremely well jammed and one of the very
best performances of the song. Both instrumental breaks are
outstanding, particularly the second one which features an
extraordinary jazzy bass driven jam. The subsequent jam after Truckin'
contains a gorgeous duet between Keith and Jerry before Phil takes over
just a few minutes before the drums segment, providing a rather unique
and jazzy bass themed movement almost initiating The Other One. This
one is structured somewhat like the Dark Stars of the period; an
exploraratory pre-verse intro that covers quite a bit of ground, then
explores multiple themes before melting down into space, finally
revisiting the main theme prior to the second verse conclusion. It's a
top notch effort that includes some brief Caution licks and a beautiful
Feelin' Groovy Jam. A precursor to the amazing performances to come.
(94 pts)

04/14/72 Tivolis Koncertsal - København, DK

I ) Bertha, Me & My Uncle, Mr. Charlie, You Win Again, Black Throated
Wind, Chinatown Shuffle, Loser, Me And Bobby McGee, Cumberland Blues,
Playin' In The Band, Tennessee Jed, El Paso, Big Boss Man, Beat It On
Down The Line, Casey Jones

II ) Truckin', It Hurts Me Too, Brown Eyed Women, Looks Like Rain, Dark
Star-> Sugar Magnolia, Good Lovin'-> Caution (Do Not Stop on Tracks)->
Who Do You Love-> Caution (Do Not Stop on Tracks)-> Good Lovin', Ramble
On Rose, Not Fade Away-> Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad-> Not Fade
Away, E: One More Saturday Night

Best Source: FM/SBD ashley-field.34931 flac16

Sound Quality: A
Score: 100 pts
(Excellent soundboard, audience and FM sources circulate for this
performance. Both the miller-repitched.76006.flac16 and the MR sourced
bertha/ashley transfer are superb in quality)

Official Release: Brown Eyed Women is on Europe '72. Good Lovin'>

Caution> Who Do You Love> Caution> Good Lovin' is on the Europe '72

Comments: Garcia pedal steel on Looks Like Rain.

Dark Star Timing: theme (4:00) > Jam (2:00) > Space (1:30) > Jam on DS
theme (3:00) > Space (4:00) > Jam on DS theme (2:00) > First Verse
(2:00) > Space (0:30) > Jam (3:00) > Jam on Feeling Groovy theme (3:00)
> Space with sputnik hints (4:00) > Sugar Magnolia

Notes: Walt Disney got his inspiration for Disneyland after visiting
Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen. Apparently the Grateful Dead were also
inspired by the venue, this gold standard show is not only a contender
for the best performance of the tour, it's likely among the best shows
ever performed by the band. Both intense and energetic, the show is
brilliant from start to finish. Virtually every song is a standout.
Although less than 12 minutes in length, Playin' in the Band is a
frenzied psychedelic effort and Brown Eyed Women, featured on Europe
'72 is dynamite as well. Looks Like Rain is a remarkable rendition with
Jerry on the pedal steel. Naturally the highlight of this performance
is the Dark Star, with a gorgeous Feelin' Groovy Jam. The pre-verse
jamming is intensely beautiful. Things start to move quickly after the
verse, with a rather jazzy segment before Jerry again taps the 57th
Street Bridge theme. This time it's at a faster pace before it slows
down and rumbles into space, finally breaking down before an abrupt
transition into Sugar Magnolia with Garcia sustaining a note deep into
the Sugar Mag intro. Of course the Good Lovin'/Caution sandwich is also
a treasure. It's very psychelelic and well jammed, the rap by Pig one
of his finest moments on the tour. Although the Bertha-Ashley sound
quality of this lively mixed performance is excellent, just a touch
cleaner perhaps than the newer Miller remaster in my opinion, this
incredible performance deserves to be an official release! (100 pts)

04/16/72 Stakladen, Aarhus University - Aarhus, DK

I ) Greatest Story Ever Told, Sugaree, Chinatown Shuffle, Black

Throated Wind, Tennessee Jed, Mr. Charlie, Beat It On Down The Line,
China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider, Mexicali Blues, Loser, Next
Time You See Me, Playin' In The Band, Dire Wolf
II ) Good Lovin', Cumberland Blues, El Paso, Deal, Truckin'-> The Other
One Jam-> Me and My Uncle-> The Other One-> Not Fade Away-> Goin' Down
The Road Feelin' Bad-> Not Fade Away//

Best Source: SBD hanno.19861 shnf (1st set) / SBD miller.18103 shnf
Sound Quality: B/A-
Score: 94 pts

(The first set is only available in rather poor quality. The second set
sounds better, though still suffers some oversaturation. Although the
miller.18103 shnf is complete, the hanno.19861 shnf partial of the
first set might be a touch better in sound quality for that portion of
the performance)

Taper's Section: Greatest Story, Sugaree, China/Rider (6/4/07),

Truckin'> Jam> Me and My Uncle> Other One (4/16/07)

Comments: There are a number of cuts during the first set. Uncle John's
Band and Caution were not played. The Other One is first verse only.
Cut at the end of NFA.

Notes: Although the first set suffers from several tragic cuts and is
rather poor in sound quality, the band must have felt comfortable
performing in the low ceilinged university cafeteria. The second set of
this performance is another amazing gem. A well jammed Good Lovin'
precedes a smokey performance of Truckin'. With some brilliant soloing,
Jerry just rips through both instrumental breaks. It's certainly one of
the best performances of Truckin' on the tour, in spite of a couple
vocal miscues. There is a remarkable passage during the very last part
of the segue into the very uniquely jammed Other One. Bobby and Phil
briefly lock in on a rather facinating theme which is later revisited
several times during The Other One Jam. This is an atypicaly structured
performance of The Other One. It contains several rather quiet passages
and is played largely without any drums. One of the intense segments
occurs during the early stage of the jam. First Jerry and Phil
collaberate before Keith eventually chimes in. Deep into the jam, the
Other One theme loosely resurfaces. Weir again slashes those similar
leads, continuing to exploit the previous theme with Phil. Finally
Billy returns to the stage and the band segues into a short but sweet
Me and My Uncle before the band finally gets around to the first verse
of The Other One. Two and a half minutes later its on to a short but
sweet NFA> GDTRFB> NFA suite and this one is in the books. (94 pts)
04/17/1972 Tivolis Koncertsal - København, DK

I ) Cold Rain & Snow, Me And Bobby McGee, Chinatown Shuffle, Sugaree,
Black Throated Wind, Mr. Charlie, China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You
Rider, Jack Straw, He's Gone, Next Time You See Me, Playin' In The Band

II ) Casey Jones One More Saturday Night, It Hurts Me Too, Ramble On

Rose, El Paso, Big Railroad Blues, Truckin'

III ) Dark Star-> Sugar Magnolia-> Caution (Do Not Stop on Tracks)->
Johnny B. Goode

Best Source: Video/SBD ashley-field.34032 .sbeok.flac16

Sound Quality: A/A+
Score: 96 pts

(Despite some isolated digi-noise, the sound quality of the MR bertha-

ashley remaster from the 16 track master reel source is superb!)

Comments: Excellent video of a portion of this performance circulates

from a French/Danish television broadcast. Set list may be out of
order. First He's Gone. Saturday Night is likely an encore.

Notes: An outstanding performance, including some great playing by

Weir, two sets of which are immortalized in an excellent video from a
European television broadcast. It features superb sound quality and a
gorgeous soaring Dark Star with a beautiful segue into Sugar Magnolia.
Although the songs from the first two sets don't get stretched out
much, perhaps due to the television broadcast, everything is
particularly well played, particularly the China/Rider, an excellent
Big Railroad Blues (the performance where the band wears the Bozo masks
for this number), and a classic styled performance of Casey Jones.
While this 30+ minute Dark Star is not quite as brilliant as some of
the monumental efforts that follow, it is still a stunning effort,
largely due to some great work by Keith. The pre-verse intro is simply
beautiful. Right from the opening notes there is some beautiful
interplay between Jerry and Keith, though it eventually breaks down.
After several attempts, Jerry re-establishes the theme and pulls it
back together. Immediately after the verse there is a lilting duet
between Jerry and Billy, though this too is unsustained. Following some
rumbling from Phil, this one briefly gets quiet, and then the magic
starts. At about 24:00, Weir steers the band into a gorgeous and jazzy
jam similar to WRS. Its amazingly sublime, the entire ensemble locking
in on the theme for several minutes before a thrilling segue into Sugar
Magnolia. An excellent performance of Caution follows, the beginning of
which is particularly jazzy. This is a gem of a show and the video is
fun to watch! (96 pts)
04/21/72 Beat Club - Bremen, DE

Bertha, Playin' In The Band, Mr. Charlie, Sugaree, Truckin'-> The Other
One, One More Saturday Night

Best source: FM/SBD vernon.9380.sbeok.shnf

Sound Quality: B+/A-
Score: 89 pts

(The degraded Vernon FM soundboard recording is rather poor. It suffers

from oversaturation, distortion, hiss and pitch issues)

Comments: Performance for German television. Loser and Black Throated

Wind are from the soundcheck. Mr. Charlie, Sugaree and Saturday Night
are missing.

The Other One Timing: transition (0:45) > Drums (1:27)> the Other one
(5:16) > verse 1 (0:42) > the Other one (1:07)> Space (4:48) > Other
one Jam (3:10)> verse 2 (0:47) > Space (2:43) > Jam (3:23)

"The Beat Club, a kind of disco joint managed by straightlaced,

technical little German shits. 'You vill do it zis vay!' The Grateful
Dead follow the rules? Good fucking luck, dudes!" Rock Scully

Notes: Perhaps the weakest performance of the European tour. Not

particularly well played and the sound quality is somewhat problematic.
Still, the short Playin' in the Band is a decent performance while The
23 minute Other One has its moments and contains a couple of
interesting passages, the most compelling of which are a brief melodic
jam immediately after the intro and a particularly intense Garcia solo
starting around the 13 minute mark. (89 pts)

04/24/72 Rheinhalle - Duesseldorf, DE

I ) Truckin', Tennessee Jed, Chinatown Shuffle, Black Throated Wind,

China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider, Mr. Charlie, Beat It On Down
The Line, Loser, Playin' In The Band, Next Time You See Me, Me And
Bobby McGee, Good Lovin', Casey Jones
II ) He's Gone, It Hurts Me Too, El Paso, Dark Star-> Me & My Uncle->
Dark Star-> Wharf Rat-> Sugar Magnolia, Not Fade Away-> Goin' Down The
Road Feelin' Bad-> Not Fade Away E: One More Saturday Night

Best Source: Rockin' the Rhein

Sound Quality: A/A+
Score: 99+ pts

(The complete performance is avalable in HD from 16 track on the

Rockin' the Rhine official release. The sound quality is naturally
superb, although it might fall just a bit short of other commercial

Comments: Dark Star is first verse only.

Official Release: The entire performance is on Rockin' the Rhein.

Notes: The first of a triumvirate of exceptional performances in

Germany. Prior to this show being officially released as Rockin" the
Rhein, it was not regarded as a particularly strong performance. We now
know it to be one of the best of the tour. It's a superb performance
from start to finish. The 17+ minute Good Lovin' is exceptionally well
jammed. Other highlights include a well played (particularly by Weir)
Tennessee Jed and a great He's Gone. The 40 minute Dark Star,
immortalized in dynamic vault remastered sound quality, is simply
dynamite. It's argueably one of the finest performances of the song to
be officially released by the band. The eleven minutes of pre-verse
jamming is superb. A gorgeous intro theme featuring some stunning piano
work by Keith prefaces a wild, spacey Garcia led passage. Immediately
after the verse an orbital jam precedes another extraordinary space
segment, with Garcia sustaining notes like Carlos Santana. Sixteen
minutes in, Jerry and Keith again get together in a nice jazzy movement
before things once more get wild and crazy. The following space jam
segment might be the finest of the tour. Finally Weir slashes in. It's
almost a surprise when the band slips into Me and My Uncle. Another
lovely duet between Jerry and Keith developes after the cowboy song,
Weir providing some interesting fills. Then an almost a MMU Jam
developes, but again the music gets spacey. Seven minutes into the Dark
Star reprise the main theme briefly emerges before Weir steers the band
into a different theme. The following extended passage is extraordinary
as Jerry takes over and the ensemble locks in before segueing
seamlessly into an emotive rendition of Wharf Rat. Another short but
well played NFA> GDTRFB> NFA suite is an excellent conclusion to this
phenomenal performance. (99+ pts)
04/26/72 Jahrhunderthalle - Frankfurt, DE

I ) Bertha, Me & My Uncle, Mr. Charlie, He's Gone, Black Throated Wind,
Next Time You See Me, China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider, Jack
Straw, Big Railroad Blues, Playin' In The Band, Chinatown Shuffle,
Loser, Beat It On Down The Line, You Win Again, Good Lovin', Dire Wolf

II ) Truckin'-> Drums-> The Other One-> Comes A Time-> Sugar Magnolia,

El Paso, Tennessee Jed, Greatest Story Ever Told, Two Souls In
Communion, Casey Jones, Turn On Your Love Light-> Goin' Down The Road
Feelin' Bad-> One More Saturday Night

Best Source: Hundred Year Hall / SBD vernon.9197.sbeok.shnf (outtakes)

Sound Quality: A+/A
Score: 99 pts

(Much of this performance is available on the 16 track recorded Hundred

Year Hall release. It's sonically perfect. The sound quality of the MR
sourced vernon partial soundboard is also excellent)

Comments: sbd.vernon.9197 is the best source for the tracks not

included on Hundred Year Hall.

Official Release: Bertha, Me & My Uncle, China Cat Sunflower-> I Know

You Rider, Jack Straw, Big Railroad Blues, Playin' In The Band,
Truckin'-> Drums-> The Other One-> Comes A Time-> Sugar Magnolia, Turn
On Your Love Light-> Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad-> One More
Saturday Night are on Hundred Year Hall

Notes: Another extraordinary concert preserved in pristine vault

remastered sound quality. Unfortunately the Hundred Year Hall release
does not contain the entire performance. Even worse, the songs included
are out of sequence. Still, the 16 track sound quality is phenomenal,
with the balance of the show available on the excellent quality Matt
Vernon remastered soundboard. Performed before a rather stoic German
audience, it's still one of the strongest shows of the tour. This one
rocks and features a phenomenal performance of the Other One. It's
certainly the most up-beat if not the best performance of the song in
Europe. Virtually every song in this show is extremely well played,
particularly Bertha, Playin' in the Band, Good Lovin' and Dire Wolf.
One More Saturday Night is possibly a best ever performance and
Lovelight is exceptional as well. It's one of Pigpen's finest moments
on this tour. The second set jam suite kicks off the second set with a
great version of Truckin' both instrumental breaks of which are very
well jammed. The later features a nice jazzy drum segment before Billy
hammers out the intro to The Other One which is a tour de force
performance. Listen to this one at maximum volume to get the most out
of it! The blistering introduction lasts a full eight minutes, the band
completely locked in before moving on to a space segment. Twelve
minutes in Phil initiates the Other One theme, continuing to drive the
jam after the first verse and through another space jam that follows.
At 18:30 Lesh directs the band into an interesting jazzy theme with
Weir slashing along before yet another spacial jam. Things start to get
scary when Phil starts dropping bombs behind screeching feedback from
Jerry. At 26:40 Weir starts a Spanish Jam but Jerry is having none of
that, continuing the long feedback runs. Gradually emerging out of the
smoldering wreckage, Jerry briefly hints at Caution before initiating
an amazing guitar passage at 30:40. This uniquejam lasts about three
minutes before Garcia rips back into the second verse theme. The
balance of the set is packed with more great music, concluding with the
Lovelight into GDTRFB sans NFA. (99 pts)

04/29/72 Musikhalle - Hamburg, DE

I ) Playin' In The Band, Sugaree, Mr. Charlie, Black Throated Wind,

China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider, Big Boss Man, Jack Straw,
Loser, Chinatown Shuffle, Me & My Uncle, Big Railroad Blues, Good
Lovin', Casey Jones

II ) Greatest Story Ever Told, He's Gone, Next Time You See Me, Dark
Star-> Sugar Magnolia-> Caution (Do Not Stop on Tracks), E: One More
Saturday Night, E: Uncle John's Band

Best Source: SBD sirmick.32877.sbeok.flac16 / AUD vernon.5250.sbeok.shnf

Sound Quality: B+/A-
Score: 94 pts*

(The sirmick.32877.sbeok.flac16 is a muddy, dull and degraded

soundboard recording suffering from hiss, pitch issues and
oversaturation. The vernon.5250.sbeok.shnf is a decent quality audience
recording. Among all the recordings and their matrices, the Matt Vernon
AUD might be your best bet. Take your pick. Both recordings are rather
challenging to enjoy. However, the more you put into listening to this
performance, the more you will get out of it!)

Comments: Dark Star is first verse only. Who Do You Love was not played.

Taper's Section: Good Lovin' (12/3/07)

Dark Star Timing: Dark Star theme/jam (4:38) >spacey Jam (1:42) "happy"
Jam (1:27) > spacey Jam (5:54) > Dark Star, first verse (1:54) > theme
(1:05) > Space with drummers > Sugar Magnolia

Notes: This rather interesting performance starts out quite a bit

differently from the shows that precede it, with a nice jazzy and
explorarory 9+ minute Playin' in the Band. However the balance of the
first set is not noteworthy and with the exception of a dynamite
rendition of Good Lovin' is somewhat less compelling. Sadly both the
AUD and SBD sources, as well as the subsequent matrices are fair to
poor in quality. Otherwise this show would certainly garner a higher
score. This is unfortunate because the second set really heats up with
another excellent Dark Star. This 30 minute spacey performance, though
not quite as exceptional as several of the masterpieces from earlier in
the month, soars from the opening notes. This performance features some
dynamite interplay during the extended pre-verse theme intro, with some
rather cool percussion sounds. Though much of this version is atonal,
there are a couple of dynamite jazzy passages, with a nice Feelin'
Groovy Jam starting about 7:20. There is also a fantastic jazzy segment
loosely based around a Caution theme that starts around 22:00. Keith in
particular really shines on this performance, contributing some of his
finest work on this tour. The segue out of Dark Star is atypically
abrupt as the band leaves deep space for a particularly hot version of
Sugar Magnolia, followed by another excellent performance of Caution.
It's really a shame about the sound quality of this one. (94 pts*)

*An excellent performance that would garner a score in the upper 90's
if only the sound quality was better!

Terms of Use (10 Mar 2001)

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