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The Elder Scrolls V


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"Your Voice is strong, for a mortal"




By: Greg Boccia aka noz3r0




Version: Final


Copyright 2012 Greg Boccia



Table of Contents

I. Introduction ...............................................
| II. Races ......................................................
- Argonian .................................................

- Breton ...................................................
- Dark Elf .................................................
- High Elf .................................................
- Imperial .................................................
- Khajiit ..................................................
- Nord .....................................................
- Orc ......................................................
- Redguard .................................................
- Wood Elf .................................................
| III. Walkthrough ................................................
- Unbound ..................................................
- Before the Storm .........................................
- Bleak Falls Barrow .......................................
- Dragon Rising ............................................
- The Way of the Voice .....................................
- The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller ............................
- A Blade in the Dark ......................................
- Diplomatic Immunity ......................................
- A Cornered Rat ...........................................
- A Chance Arrangement ...................................
- Alduin's Wall ............................................
- The Throat of the World ..................................

- Elder Knowledge ..........................................
- Discerning the Transmundane ............................
- Alduin's Bane ............................................
- The Fallen ...............................................
- The World-Eater's Eyrie ..................................
- Sovngarde ................................................
- Dragonslayer .............................................
| IV. The Companions Quests ......................................
- Take Up Arms .............................................
- Animal Extermination ...................................
- Animal Extermination Part 2 ............................
- Hired Muscle ...........................................
- Trouble in Skyrim ......................................
- Family Heirloom ........................................
- Escaped Criminal .......................................
- Rescue Mission .........................................
- Proving Honor ............................................
- The Silver Hand ..........................................
- Stealing Plans .........................................
- Striking the Heart .....................................
- Retrieval ..............................................
- Blood's Honor ............................................

- Purity of Revenge ........................................
- Glory of the Dead ........................................
- Purity .................................................
V. The College of Winterhold Quests ...........................
- First Lessons ............................................
- Rejoining the College ..................................
- Out of Balance .........................................
- An Enchanted Journey ...................................
- Restocking Soul Gems ...................................
- Valuable Book Procurement ..............................
- Shalidor's Insights ....................................
- Forgotten Names ........................................
- Under Saarthal ...........................................
- Arniel's Endeavor ......................................
- Arniel's Endeavor Part 2 ...............................
- J'Zargo's Experiment ...................................
- Onmund's Request .......................................
- Hitting the Books ........................................
- Good Intentions ..........................................
- Revealing the Unseen .....................................
- Containment ..............................................
- The Staff of Magnus ......................................

- The Eye of Magnus ........................................
- Aftershock .............................................
- Rogue Wizard ...........................................
- Arniel's Endeavor Part 3 ...............................
- Arniel's Endeavor Part 4 ...............................
- Destruction Ritual Spell ...............................
- Illusion Ritual Spell ..................................
- Conjuration Ritual Spell ...............................
- Restoration Ritual Spell ...............................
- Alteration Ritual Spell ................................
| VI. The Thieves Guild Quests ...................................
- A Chance Arrangement .....................................
- Taking Care of Business ..................................
- Loud and Clear ...........................................
- Dampened Spirits .........................................
- Scoundrel's Folly ........................................
- Speaking with Silence ....................................
- Hard Answesr .............................................
- The Pursuit ..............................................
- Trinity Restored .........................................
- Blindsighted .............................................
- Darkness Returns .........................................

- No Stone Unturned ........................................
- The Jobs of a Thief ......................................
- The Numbers Job ........................................
- The Fishing Job ........................................
- The Bedlam Job .........................................
- The Burglary Job .......................................
- The Shill Job ..........................................
- The Sweep Job ..........................................
- The Heist Job ..........................................
- Imitation Amnesty ........................................
- Summerset Shadows ........................................
- The Dainty Sload .........................................
- Silver Lining ............................................
- Under New Management .....................................
| VII. The Dark Brotherhood Quests ................................
- Innocence Lost ...........................................
- With Friends Like These... ...............................
- Destroy the Dark Brotherhood .............................
- Sanctuary ................................................
- Contract: Kill Narfi ...................................
- Contract: Kill Ennodius Papius .........................
- Contract: Kill Beitild .................................

- Mourning Never Comes .....................................
- Whispers in the Dark .....................................
- Contract: Kill Hern ....................................
- Contract: Kill Lurbuk ..................................
- The Silence Has Been Broken ..............................
- Silenced Tongues .......................................
- Bound Until Death ........................................
- Contract: Kill Deekus ..................................
- Contract: Kill Ma'randru-jo ............................
- Contract: Kill Anoriath ................................
- Contract: Kill Agnis ...................................
- Contract: Kill Maluril .................................
- Contract: Kill Helvard .................................
- Contract: Kill Safia ...................................
- Breaching Security .......................................
- The Cure for Madness .....................................
- Recipe for Disaster ......................................
- To Kill an Empire ........................................
- Death Incarnate ..........................................
- Hail Sithis! .............................................
- Where You Hang Your Enemy's Head... ......................
- The Dark Brotherhood Forever! ..........................

- Olava the Feeble .........................................
|VIII. The Civil War Quests - Legion ..............................
- Joining the Legion .......................................
- The Jagged Crown .........................................
- Message to Whiterun ......................................
- Battle for Whiterun ......................................
- Reunification of Skyrim ..................................
- Compelling Tribute .....................................
- The Battle for Forts ...................................
- Battle for Windhelm ....................................
| IX. The Civil War Quests - Stormcloak Rebellion ................
- Joining the Stormcloaks ..................................
- The Jagged Crown .........................................
- Message to Whiterun ......................................
- Battle for Whiterun ......................................
- Liberation of Skyrim .....................................
- Rescue from Fort Neugrad ...............................
- A False Front ..........................................
- The Battle for Forts ...................................
- Battle for Solitude ....................................
X. The Daedric Quests .........................................
- The Black Star ...........................................

- Boethiah's Calling .......................................
- A Daedra's Best Friend ...................................
- Discerning the Transmundane ..............................
- Ill Met by Moonlight .....................................
- The Cursed Tribe .........................................
- Pieces of the Past .......................................
- The Whispering Door ......................................
- The Break of Dawn ........................................
- The House of Horrors .....................................
- The Taste of Death .......................................
- The Only Cure ............................................
- A Night to Remember ......................................
- The Mind of Madness ......................................
- Waking Nightmare .........................................
| XI. Side Quests ................................................
- Blood on the Ice .........................................
- Forbidden Legend .........................................
- The Forsworn Conspiracy ..................................
- No One Escapes Cidhna Mine ...............................
- The Golden Claw ..........................................
- In My Time of Need .......................................
- Kyne's Sacred Trials .....................................

- Laid to Rest .............................................
- Lights Out! ..............................................
- The Man Who Cried Wolf ...................................
- The Wolf Queen Awakened ..................................
- Missing in Action ........................................
- Promises to Keep .........................................
- A Return to Your Roots ...................................
- Rise in the East .........................................
- Rising at Dawn ...........................................
- Unfathomable Depths ......................................
- The White Phial ..........................................
- Repairng the Phial .......................................
- Tending the Flames .......................................
- The Lost Expedition ......................................
- A Scroll for Anska .......................................
- Siege on the Dragon Cult .................................
- Evil in Waiting ..........................................
- Infiltration .............................................
- The Blessings of Life ....................................
| XII. Miscellaneous Quests .......................................
- The Legend of Red Eagle ..................................
- Masks of the Dragon Priests ..............................

- Hevnoraak ..............................................
- Krosis .................................................
- Morokei ................................................
- Nahkriin ...............................................
- Otar the Mad ...........................................
- Rahgot .................................................
- Vokun ..................................................
- Volsung ................................................
- Konahrik ...............................................
- Becoming Thane ...........................................
- Thane of Haafingar .....................................
- Thane of Hjaalmarch ....................................
- Thane of the Pale ......................................
- Thane of the Reach .....................................
- Thane of Falkreath .....................................
- Thane of Winterhold ....................................
- Thane of Eastmarch .....................................
- Thane of the Rift ......................................
- Thane of Whiterun ......................................
- Forgemaster's Fingers ....................................
- Angarvunde ...............................................
|XIII. Skills .....................................................

| XIV. Magic Spells and Shouts ....................................

- Alteration ...............................................
- Illusion .................................................
- Destruction ..............................................
- Conjuration ..............................................
- Restoration ..............................................
- Shouts ...................................................
| XV. Crafting ...................................................
- Alchemy ..................................................
- Ingredients ............................................
- Enchanting ...............................................
- Smithing .................................................
| XVI. Version History ............................................
|XVII. Closing ....................................................

Thank you for choosing to read my guide on Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. This
is massive and this guide will help you tackle it in full. This is the first
Elder Scrolls that I have played and it is quite enjoyable; I hope you enjoy

the game as much as I have and thank you again for reading.






|::.|:. |rgonian
Bonus skills: +10 Lockpicking
+ 5 Pickpocket
+ 5 Sneak
+ 5 Light Armor
+ 5 Alteration
+ 5 Restoration
Power: Hitskin - You regenerate health 10 times faster for 60 seconds.
Racial Abilities: 50% Disease Resistance
Underwater Breathing
Little is known and less is understood about the reptilian denizens of the
Black Marsh. Years of defending their borders have made the Argonians
in guerrilla warfare, and their natural abilities make them equally at home
water and on land. They are well-suited for the treacherous swamps of their
homeland, and have developed natural immunities to the diseases and poisons
that have doomed many would-be explorers into the region. Their seemingly
expressionless faces belie a calm intelligence, and many Argonians are wellversed in the magical arts. Others rely on stealth or steel to survive, and

their natural agility makes them adept at either. They are, in general, a
reserved people, slow to trust and hard to know. Yet, they are fiercely
and will fight to the death for those they have named as friends. It is
that Argonians descended from the intelligent Hist trees of Black Marsh. The
band of mercenaries named "The Blackwood Company", is made up of mainly
Argonian and Khajiit warriors commissioned by the Emperor. Most of the
Argonians are immigrants from Black Marsh, and all are highly skilled in the
art of combat. The Blackwood Company serves as a sort of competitor of the
Fighters Guild, and are a point in the last few Fighters Guild quests. The
guild hall in Leyawiin, where they have their hist tree, imported from Black
Marsh. Hist is what all soldiers of the Company drink before doing a
Argonians are the only race not to get effects from drinking hist.
Argonians, like Khajiit, were oppressed and enslaved by rich families and
primary industries in the Morrowind, the last of the provinces to have
legalized slavery. Though slavery is now illegal in Morrowind, House Dres
still practices it. Racism is also strong against Argonians, as with all of
Despite both being seen as beast-races, and a sharing a history of
from the men or mer races there is strong racial dislike between both the
Argonians and the Khajiit. Members of both races commonly see the other as
vastly inferior to themselves. If it were not for the lands of the Imperial
held Niben Bay, that seperates the lands of Black Marsh and Elsweyr, it is
very likely that both races would have gone to war with each other long ago.




|::.. . /reton

Bonus skills: +10 Conjuration

+ 5 Illusion
+ 5 Speech
+ 5 Alchemy
+ 5 Alteration
+ 5 Restoration
Power: Dragonskin - You absorb 50% of the Magicka from incoming spells for
60 seconds.
Racial Abilities: 25% Magic Resistance
Bretons are the human descendants who hail from the province of High Rock.
According to the Third Pocket Guide to the Empire, they have descended from
people of Nede and Aldmer. The Aldmer thought of making a superior race with
their own "Elder", or "Superior", blood, by mating with other races. The
Bretons are sometimes called "Manmeri" because of this.
They are pure spell weavers and are advanced in all the Arcane arts. While
lacking in physical skill, they make up for it in their ability to resist
cast spells that overwhelm most people. They are united in culture and
language, but are divided politically. Their origins can be traced to the
First Era of Tamriel's history, when the Aldmer intermingled extensively
the Nedic people. This mostly happened during the period in the first Era
Mer held Men as slaves, which lead to masters impregnating their female
captives. Bretons are tall, dark haired, people. They are highly
willful, and have an outgoing personality. It is said that Bretons are
on magic, for it seems to suffuse their very being. Intermingling with Elven
blood has given Bretons an affinity for magic, though hardiness is also part
of their heritage. Breton culture operates under the Feudal system, and
society is agrarian and hierarchical.

Passionate, eccentric, poetic, flamboyant, intelligent, and willful, the

Bretons feel an inborn, instinctive bond with the mercurial forces of magic
the supernatural. Many great sorcerers have come out of their home province
High Rock, and in addition to their quick and perceptive grasp of
enchantment, and alchemy, even the humblest and least prominent Breton can
boast a high resistance to destructive and dominating magical energies
their universe.
The main religion in High Rock is the worship of the Nine Divines, however
some Bretons still worship the gods of their Elven ancestors.




|::.. . /ark Elf

Bonus skills: +10 Destruction
+ 5 Illusion
+ 5 Sneak
+ 5 Alchemy
+ 5 Alteration
+ 5 Light Armor
Power: Ancestor's Wrath - Creates a Flame Cloak that does 10 damage to
foes for 60 seconds.
Racial Abilities: 50% Fire Resistance
The Dunmer, more commonly referred to as Dark Elves, are the dark skinned
elves originally from the province of Morrowind. They have red, glowing eyes

and their skin tones vary from green to grey, and even light blue. They are
known to be extremely strong, intelligent, and very quick, but are said to
ill favoured by fate. Their combination of powerful knowledge learned from
centuries past and strong, agile physique make them superior warriors and
sorcerers of great and powerful magic. On the battlefield, Dunmer are known
for their skill with a balanced use of the sword, the bow and destruction
Offensive Spells seem to prove worthy alongside a spellcasting Dunmer in
In character, they are grim, aloof, and reserved, keeping to themselves as
much as possible. They are just as distrusting and disdainful of other races
as they are to other Dark Elves. The Dunmer and their national character
embrace these various connotations with enthusiastic behaviors. In the
'Dark Elf' is the common used term used by any humanic race, but in their
homeland; Morrowind, and among their Aldmeri brethren, they are known as
In Morrowind the main religion is the worship of the Tribunal Temple but a
large number of Dunmer also worship Daedric deities. They see Malacath and
Boethia as primary Daedric deities, and their lack of proper social
links them to their dark worshipping of the gods. The commoners ban their
behaviors with harsh distrust. The lack of proper etiquette among these
dark-skinned elves make them far inferior in the eyes of an Imperial.
Originally the Dunmer were Chimer, however, they were changed by Azura
the Tribunal Temple's betrayal of Indoril Nerevar.
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|::.|:. |igh Elf


Bonus skills: +10 Illusion

+ 5 Conjuration
+ 5 Destruction
+ 5 Restoration
+ 5 Alteration
+ 5 Enchanting
Power: Highborn - For 60 seconds, you regenerate 25% of your maximum Magicka
each second.
Racial Abilities: +50 Magicka
The Altmer, or High Elves, are a race of elves that inhabit parts of
They hail from the Summerset Isle and are primarily known for their enhanced
magical abilities.
As a race, the Altmer strive to maintain the appearance of their ancestor
race, the Aldmer, primarily through highly selective traditions surrounding
marriage and reproduction. They are among the tallest of the humanoid races,
taller than most humans and even most other meri races. Their skin maintains
very pale gold hue, not quite the pale white of the northern human races
as Nords or Imperials, but far lighter than the Bosmer. They are slender,
prominently pointed ears and almond-shaped eyes.
On average, Altmer are of smaller build than humans, and thus generally
as strong. Their tall stature also makes them less agile than their Bosmeri
cousins. However, Altmer are among the most intelligent and magicallyinclined
races on Nirn, surpassing even the Bretons in magical aptitude. This strong
tie to Magnus, the god of magic, has the unfortunate side effect of opening
Altmer up to magical attacks more than most other races. To their benefit,
however, their years of selective breeding have also provided them with a
strong resistance to diseases, nearly matching that of the Argonians.





Bonus skills: +10 Restoration
+ 5 One-Handed
+ 5 Destruction
+ 5 Block
+ 5 Heavy Armor
+ 5 Enchanting
Power: Voice of the Emperor - Calms nearby people for 60 seconds.
Racial Abilities: Gold can be found in every container
Natives of the civilized, cosmopolitan province of Cyrodiil, the Imperials
are well-educated and well-spoken. Imperials are also known for the
and training of their citizen armies. With this they were able to fight off
Redguard and control most of Tamriel. Though physically less imposing than
other races, the Imperials have proved to be shrewd diplomats and traders,
these traits, along with their remarkable skill and training as light
have enabled them to subdue all the other nations and races, and to have
erected the monument to peace and prosperity that comprises the Glorious
Empire. Imperials have a grudge on the Khajiit. The Imperials control most
ports in Tamriel and are similar in appearance to Bretons despite their
skin color.

The Imperials forcibly took control of Tamriel under the leadership of

Septim, all provinces of Tamriel were brought under Imperial rule by force
except for Morrowind, they were brought in by treaty, so they are allowed
of their privileges they had before hand.
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|::.| . )hajiit
Bonus skills: +10 Sneak
+ 5 One-Handed
+ 5 Lockpicking
+ 5 Pickpocket
+ 5 Alchemy
+ 5 Archery
Power: Night Eye - Improved night vision for 60 seconds
Racial Abilities: 4x Unarmed Damage
The Khajiiti race is made up of several subtypes with very distinct
appearances. All Khajiit are feline in appearance, placing them among the
known as "beast races" by the human and mer inhabitants of Tamriel. The
appearance of a particular Khajiit is determined primarily by the phases of
moon at the time he or she was born. According to recent studies in Elsweyr,
it appears that the phases of the moon Massar determine the primary form,
ranging from humanoid to resembling a domesticated cat; the phases of the
Secunda determine the relative size. Some scholars have claimed as many as

twenty different subtypes, but only about a dozen have been identified and
named to date.
Outside of Elsweyr, only one or two subtypes of Khajiit are typically seen
a given area. The Ohmes-raht make up most of the Khajiit in human inhabited
regions, such as Cyrodiil and High Rock. They also strongly resemble humans,
with light fur and a noticeable tail. A smaller subtype, the Ohmes, appear
almost identical to Bosmer, and those living outside of Elsweyr often tattoo
their faces to distinguish themselves from the mer. The Suthay-raht, and
smaller cousins the Suthay, are more feline like, but still clearly humanoid
and bipedal. They have more variety in their fur and facial features, and
up most of the Khajiit found in Morrowind.
Visitors, or more likely intruders, to Elsweyr often encounter the Cathay
and Cathay-raht, which are often described as "jaguar men". These are still
bipedal, but very feline in appearance, and much stronger and faster than
humans or mer. The popular series A Dance in the Fire depicts multiple
encounters with these Khajiit, which appear to make up much of the Khajiiti
army and defense forces. They are described as having "pointed ears, wide
yellow eyes, mottled pied fur and a tail like a whip", and have at least
powers of speech. There is a fourth bipedal form, the Tojay and Tojay-raht,
but little is know of them, as they tend to live deep in the southern
and forests.




Bonus skills: +10 Two-Handed

+ 5 One-Handed
+ 5 Block
+ 5 Smithing
+ 5 Speech
+ 5 Light Armor
Power: Battle Cry - All nearby foes flee for 30 seconds
Racial Abilities: 50% Frost Resistance
The Nords are a tall and fair-haired people from Skyrim who are known for
their incredible resistance to cold and even magical frost. They are
enthusiastic warriors, and act as soldiers and mercenaries all over Tamriel.
Eager to augment their martial skills beyond the traditional methods of
they excel in all manner of warfare. They thrive in the cold, reminiscent of
their native Atmora, and are known as a militant people by their neighbours.
Nords are also natural seamen, and have benefited from nautical trade since
their first migrations across the sea from Atmora. They captain and crew the
merchant fleets of many regions, and may be found all along Tamriel's




|::.. . |rc
Bonus skills: +10 Heavy Armor
+ 5 One-Handed
+ 5 Block
+ 5 Smithing
+ 5 Two-Handed
+ 5 Enchanting

Power: Berserk - For 60 seconds, you take half damage, and inflict double
damage in melee combat
Racial Abilities: None
The Orsimer, commonly known as Orcs are the sophisticated barbarian
of the Wrothgarian Mountains, and Dragontail Mountains. Though they are
in the walking city of Bosmer kings, Falinesti, and in other great cities
throughout Tamreil. They are in-fact elves or mer, hence the name Orsimer,
means 'Pariah Folk'. They are noted for their unshakeable courage in war and
their unflinching endurance of hardships. In the past, Orcs have been widely
feared and hated by the other nations and races of Tamriel, but they have
slowly won acceptance in the Empire, in particular for their distinguished
service in the Imperial Legion. Orcish armorers are prized for their
craftsmanship, and Orc warriors in heavy armor are among the finest frontline
troops in the Empire and fearsome when using their Berserker Rage. Most
Imperial citizens regard Orc society as rough and cruel, but there is much
admire in their fierce tribal loyalties and generous equality of rank and
respect among the sexes. In the middle of the Merethic Era, the Orsimer and
their leader Trinimac tried to halt the movement of Prophet Velothi and the
Dark Elves. The Daedric Prince Boethiah ate Trinimac, corrupting his body
spirit and he emerged as Daedric Prince Malacath. All of the Orsimer people
were also changed into what they are now known as, the Orcs.




|::.|:. |edguard

Bonus skills: +10 One-Handed

+ 5 Archery
+ 5 Block
+ 5 Smithing
+ 5 Destruction
+ 5 Alteration
Power: Adrenaline Rush - You regenerate Stamina 10 times faster for 60
Racial Abilities: 50% Poison Resistance
Redguards hail from the province of Hammerfell. They are a stocky,
race that are known to be extremely quick and hardy. Legend has it that
Redguards are innately more proficient at weapons than any other race. They
excellent in all arts concerning blade and shield. They are descended from a
long line of warriors and mystic seers.
The most naturally talented warriors in Tamriel, the dark skinned, wiry
haired Redguards of Hammerfell seem born to battle, though their pride and
fierce independence of spirit makes them more suitable as scouts or
or as free ranging heroes and adventurers, than as rank and file soldiers.
addition to their cultural affinities for many weapon and armor styles,
Redguards are also blessed with hardy constitutions and quickness of foot.
The main religion of Hammerfell is a type of religion mixed between
worship and a nine divines type religion. According to Trayvond the
in Hammerfell, they "don't much like spellcasters, because Wizards steal
and tamper with minds. If you use magic, you're weak or wicked." They
particularly hated Conjuration, relating it to Necromancy and Mysticism
because it messed with the mind. However, he does mention that he and other
Redguards were fond of Destruction spells -- suiting their culture well.

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|. / \


|::.|:. |ood Elf

Bonus skills: +10 Archery
+ 5 Sneak
+ 5 Lockpicking
+ 5 Pickpocket
+ 5 Light Armor
+ 5 Alchemy
Power: Command Animal - Target animal becomes your ally for 60 seconds
Racial Abilities: 50% Disease and Poison Resistance
Bosmers, or Wood Elves, hail from the province of Valenwood. They are a
people of the forests, matching their features to all that is found growing
the green woods of their homeland. They are known to be extremely agile and
quick. Their nimbleness serves them best in any art involving thievery. They
are also the finest archers in Tamriel.
The Bosmer are cousins of the Dunmer, or Dark Elves, and the Altmer, or
Elves. The Wood Elves lineage is less noble than that of the Altmer, but
have adapted well to Tamriel.
The Wood Elves are the various barbarian Elven clanfolk of the Western
Valenwood forests. In the Empire, they are collectively referred to as Wood
Elves, but Bosmer or Tree Sap People is what they call themselves. Tree Sap
suggests the wild vitality and youthful energy of the Wood Elves, in

with their more dour cousins, the Altmer and Dunmer. Bosmer reject the
formal tradtion of Aldmeri high culture, preferring a romantic, simple
existence in harmony with the land, its wild beauty and wild creatures.
country cousins of the High Elves and Dark Elves are nimble and quick in
and wit, and because of their curious natures and natural agility, Wood
are especially suitable as scouts, agents, and thieves. Their ability to
command a simple creature is well known.


___ ___




|::.. . |nbound
| Objectives:

1. Make your way to the Keep


2. Enter the Keep with Hadvar or Ralof


3. Loot Gunjar's body / Find some equipment


4. Escape Helgen


5. (Optional) Search the barrel for potions


6. (Optional) Attempt to pick the lock to the cage

| Unique Items: Helgen Keep Key

Spell Tome: Sparks


After the opening scene has completed you will find yourself amidst the
of the village. The quest [UNBOUND] starts and Ralof commands you to follow
to the Keep. Head into the tower and up the steps where the dragon will
through the walls. Jump down and into a building then make your way into the
streets where Hadvar and some soldiers are fending off the dragon. Follow
Hadvar to the Keep where you meet up with Ralof. Now it's time to make a
choice to follow Ralof or Hadvar.
Following Ralof
Enter the Helgen Keep where Ralof will free your hands. Loot Gunjar's body
and equip his gear then the Imperial Captain will enter. Set up for the
with Ralof and slay the Imperials, then loot the [HELGEN KEEP KEY].
Head through the corridor from where the Imperials came to find a room
several [CHESTS], one of which contains another copy of the [HELGEN KEEP
Return to the initial room and open the gate. You can find a bit of [FOOD]
amongst the containers. When you are done head down the steps and enter the
room to the left. Fight off two Imperial Soldiers and search the area for
[POTIONS], [FOOD], and various [INGREDIENTS]. Check the [BARRELS] just

you reach the hallway to find minor [POTIONS] and complete an optional side
Continue down to the dungeon where you will find the Torturer and his
assistant fighting some Stormcloak Soldiers. Aid them and then pick the lock
to the cage where you can find [SPELL TOME: SPARKS] and some gold near the
mage. In the large cell you will find an [IRON SHIELD] if you haven't
a means to block yet. There is a [KNAPSACK] with [LOCKPICKS] inside, might
well pick them up for later. Proceed down the hallway where there are locked
cells that you can increase your lockpicking on. One of the cells has a
[SKELETON] and a [COIN PURSE] inside.
Make your way through the cavernous passage to a large open room with
Imperial Soldiers. Kill the ones that are in close quarters and when the
wave arrives on the other side of the room, use the spell Flames to light
oil on the ground to quickly dispatch them. Just around the corner is a
that controls the drawbridge. When you and Ralof cross it, it will collapse
itself, leaving the others behind. Jump down where the bridge collapsed to
a [SKELETON] and a [COIN PURSE]. Meet up with Ralof to find another [COIN
PURSE] lying near a skeleton.
The next room is littered with Frostbite Spiders. Focus them down one at a
time or simply cast spells until they melt away. You can search the room for
eggs and Skeever Tails. but that's about all that's here. In the next area
will encounter a Bear. Ralof suggests sneaking by it, but you can always
an arrow at it and pick it off from distance for the added experience. Just
past this area is the exit to Skyrim. The quest completes and the next one,
[BEFORE THE STORM], picks up.
Following Hadvar

Hadvar will free you of your bindings then task you with finding some gear
wear. Search the [WARDEN'S CHEST] and equip the gear you find then note the
[HELGEN KEEP KEY] you've obtained. Search another [CHEST] to find a helmet
follow Hadvar to the main entraceway where Ralof would have taken you. Here
find some Stormcloaks and Hadvar wants to reason with them. Unfortunately,
draw weapons and you must kill them.
Head down into the cellar where two Stormcloaks await. Slay them and
the barrel nearby for some [POTIONS] and any of the shelves or tables for
more of the same. Follow Hadvar to the torture room and kill the Stormcloaks
then search the Knapsack for some [LOCKPICKS]. Open the cages and especially
the one with the dead mage to find [SPELL TOME: SPARKS]. In the northeast
corner of the room you can find an Iron Shield and Iron Mace if you needed
use those instead of your swords.
As you move down the halls search the prison cells to increase your
Lockpicking and find a Skeleton with a coin purse nearby. As you descend
a watery room Stormcloaks will attack. Strike them down and when
come you can light the oil at their feet with the Spell: Flames to make
work of them. Move towards the bridge and use the [LEVER] to lower it. As
cross the bridge collapses from a rock implosion. Jump down where the bridge
collapsed to find a [SKELETON] and a [COIN PURSE]. Meet up with Hadvar to
another [COIN PURSE] lying near a skeleton.
The next room is littered with Frostbite Spiders. Focus them down one at a
time or simply cast spells until they melt away. You can search the room for
eggs and Skeever Tails. but that's about all that's here. In the next area

will encounter a Bear. hadvar suggests sneaking by it, but you can always
an arrow at it and pick it off from distance for the added experience. Just
past this area is the exit to Skyrim. The quest completes and the next one,
[BEFORE THE STORM], picks up.




|::.. . /efore the Storm

| Objectives:

1. Talk to Gerdur/Alvor in Riverwood


2. Talk to the Jarl of Whiterun

| Unique Items: None

With renewed freedom, follow the road towards Riverwood. At a point along
road you will find the Guardian Stones; [THE THIEF STONE], [THE MAGE STONE],
and [THE WARRIOR STONE] that will grant blessings allow skills in those
to be learned 20% faster than normal. As you continue to Riverwood you may
encounter some Wolves.
Followed Ralof

Approach Gerdur and tell her that you know Ralof. She will tell you to
the Jarl of Whiterun about the dragon.
Followed Hadvar
Find Alvor the Blacksmith in Riverwood and tell him you helped Hadvar. He
will tell you to inform the Jarl of Whiterun about the dragon.
If you speak with Lucan Valerius in the Riverwood Trader you can start the
quest [THE GOLDEN CLAW]. When you are ready to continue, head north to
If you head through Pelagia Farm you may run into the Companions, a group
is stationed out of Whiterun. They will suggest that you head to Jorrvaskr
see if you are worthy of being a Companion. When you reach the gate a
Guard will halt you, tell him you have news of the dragon then enter
Make your way through the city and up to the Keep, Dragonreach. You will
again be halted, respond the same. Talk to the Jarl to receive your just
for bringing the news. This quest ends and [BLEAK FALLS BARROW] begins.




|::.. . /leak Falls Barrow


| Objectives:

1. Talk to Farengar


2. Retrieve the Dragonstone


3. Deliver the Dragonstone to Farengar

| Unique Items: Arvel's Journal



Golden Claw


Word of Power: Force, Unrelenting Force


Follow the Jarl and speak with Farengar. Accept Farengars quest and head
Bleak Falls Barrow. You should meet some resistance before actually entering
the dungeon, but it shouldn't be anything you can't handle. As you enter the
area it will seem quiet but there are Bandits on the far side of the initial
room. Unlock the [CHEST] and continue onward through the long and winding
chasms until you reach an ominous room with a Bandit. This room has symbols
that give hints on how to unlock the gate. The correct combination to enter
the pillars on the bottom floor is [SNAKE], [SNAKE], [WHALE].
Skill Book Alert!
Search this next room to find the book Thief. This will increase your
Pickpocket skill by 1 if it's the first time you've read it.

The next small room has a [CHEST] and some [POTIONS], but be careful of
Skeevers coming up the winding staircase. Head down the steps and through
rooms until you find a pathway blocked by spider webs. Remove them and enter
the room to find a Wounded Frostbite Spider trying to attack a man. You can
bait the spider back to where you entered the room, it cannot cross into
room so you can sit back and launch magic at it for an easy kill. If you
yet to start the side quest [THE GOLDEN CLAW], it will start when you cut
Arvel down. Immediately slay him or he will take off deep into the crypts
become harder to track down.
Loot Arvel's corpse for the [GOLDEN CLAW] and [ARVEL'S JOURNAL]. Move
the burial room and into the crypt where ancient nords, the Draugr, will
and attack you. Be careful of the trap door and continue down the hall where
Restless Draugr is accompanied by some normal Draugr. The next trial is to
it through a narrow channel where axes are swinging. Simply time your run
sprint through to reach the other side unscathed. Descend the stairs and
the oil on the ground here. Bait some of the Draugr onto it and light it
a fire spell, such as Flames, and watch them burn.
Move through this crypt and up the steps to a watery room where a Restless
Draugr will emerge from his coffin. Slay him and loot the [CHEST] then pull
the [CHAIN] on the southern end and follow the watery path to a cavern.
the [CHEST] at the intersection. Continue down the path and kill the
Draugr then head to the bottom of the waterfall to find a [CHEST]. Go north
pass through the halls until you reach the last room where a Draugr Wight
challenge you. Once the Draugr falls, enter the Bleak Falls Sanctum.

The first room in the sanctum has a few Draugr that appear from the tombs
and there is oil on the floors that can be lit. Ascend to the second floor
cross the bridge and go through an iron door. The gate at the end of this
can only be opened by setting the pieces in the correct order. The order is
found on the Golden Claw, [BEAR], [BUTTERFLY], [OWL]. Enter the massive room
and search the [CHEST] then approach the Word Wall to learn [WORD OF POWER:
FORCE, UNRELENTING FORCE]. After learning the word, a Draugr Wight Lord will
awaken from his tomb. Defeat it and loot the [DRAGONSTONE], then activate
[HANDLE] at the top of the steps to reach the exit. Don't pass the [CHEST]
your way out and return to Farengar to deliver the Dragonstone and complete




|::.. . /ragon Rising

| Objectives:

1. Talk to Jarl Balgruuf


2. Meet Irileth near the Western Watchtower


3. Kill the dragon


4. Investigate the dragon


5. Report back to Jarl Balgruuf


6. (Optional) Use your new Shout power


| Unique Items: Axe of Whiterun


Dragon Soul


Letter from a Friend


This quest starts once you deliver the Dragonstone to Farengar. Head up
steps and talk to the Jarl. He will reward you for the previous quest then
ask you to meet with Irileth due to the recent sighting of a Dragon. Head to
the Western Watchtower with Irileth then scope the tower out itself to start
the battle with the Dragon, Mirmulnir. It's best to battle the Dragon from
range until it lands, in which case you should attack from the sides to
the fiery breath. When the Dragon falls, investigate it and take the
You absorb the [DRAGON SOUL] and unlock the Word of Power that you
earlier in the Bleak Falls Barrow. Go to your Magic menu and set this Shout
then test it out in front of everyone. Return to Jarl Balgruuf with the news
of the Dragon. On your way back into Whiterun however a Courier will stop
and deliver a [LETTER FROM A FRIEND]. Jarl Balgruuf will give you the [AXE
WHITERUN] as a reward and the quest concludes as [THE WAY OF THE VOICE]


| |




|::.|he Way of the Voice


| Objectives:

1. Speak to the Greybeards


2. Demonstrate your "Unrelenting Force" Shout


3. Speak to Arngeir


4. Learn the Word of Power from Einarth


5. Demonstrate your "Unrelenting Force" Shout (3/3)


6. Learn the Word of Power from Borri


7. Demonstrate your "Whirlwind Sprint" Shout


8. Speak to Arngeir for further training

| Unique Items: Word of Power: Balance, Unrelenting Force

Word of Power: Whirlwind, Whirlwind Sprint


Before departing on quite the trek to the Throat of the World, talk to
who becomes your housecarl (follower) now that you are a Thane. Make your
east and eventually to the village of Ivarstead. Just stick to the roads and
follow the signs until you get there. From here you should be able to climb
the 7,000 steps up to High Hrothgar where the Greybeards reside. Once
speak with Arngeir then fire your Shout at him and talk to him once more.
Probe him with any questions you might have then he will ask you to learn
Master Einarth.

Look at the Word of Power and you will learn it and Einarth will transfer
his power to you. You can now hold down your Shout button to use a more
powerful Unrelenting Force. Fire your upgraded Shout at the ethereals that
are generated. After you have destroyed three of them you will get to learn
new Word of Power from Borri. Meet him in the Courtyard to learn [WORD OF
POWER: WHIRLWIND, WHIRLWIND SPRINT]. Watch the demonstration and perform the
Shout yourself, making it through the gate in time. Return to Arngeir for
more training and the quest will complete, [THE HORN OF JURGEN WINDCALLER]
starts afterwards.


| |




|::.|he Horn of Jurgen Windcaller

| Objectives:

1. Retrieve the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller


2. Read the note


3. Meet with whoever took the horn


4. Return the horn to Arngeir


5. Learn the Word of Power from Wulfgar


6. Receive the Greybeards' greeting

| Unique Items: Horn of Jurgen Windcaller

Word of Power: Fade, Become Ethereal


Word of Power: Push, Unrelenting Force


After accepting this quest, make your way to Ustengrav which is northwest
Whiterun. There are some Bandits and some Necromancers along the way, but
eventually you will find the dungeon. The first room is a large one with two
Apprentice Necromancers. Take them out so that their summons go away then
check the [CHEST]. Go through the narrow corridor to find some Necromancers
fighting off the Draugr. Pick them off and continue into the next area. Move
into the northern room where there are lots of urns and a [CHEST]. You can
also find the book [MYSTERY OF TALARA, V2] that raises your Restoration
Leave that room and folow the path to another intersection, this time take
western path to the end and spot a [CHAIN] that opens up a new path to a
Return to the main path and continue south, defeating the Draugr that
your progress. When you reach the overhang, loot the [CHEST] near the
unit and cross the bridge to reach the Ustengrav Depths. Follow the path and
kill a Draugr, but avoid going down the middle of the next archway as it
trigger fire to spew up and torch you. In the next room, quickly cross the
bridge and descend the ramp to the bottom floor. Defeat the Draugr here and
search the tables for [INGREDIENTS] and [FOOD]. On the opposite end, ascend
ramp and make your way to the next room.
As soon as you enter this room activate the [HANDLE] on the left and then
a second [HANDLE] next to a coffin where a Draugr pops out. This should open
the gates that are preventing you from reaching the [CHEST] and an [ARCANE
ENCHANTER]. A large expansive room is next, this time with Skeletons. Head
a set of stairs where fire is flailing at the top. Turn left left after the

the flames to find a [CHEST] and check the corners for [INGREDIENTS]. You
cross the broken bridge high above in this area by using your new Word of
Whirlwind. The first two gaps can be jumped but the next longer one requires
Whirlwind to cross. Make it all the way across and you are rewarded with a
Make your way safely down to the bottom floor. Opposite the waterfall is a
[CHEST] and if you run through the waterfall you can find another [CHEST],
one is guarded by a Restless Draugr. Leave the waterfall to find the [WORD
POWER: FADE, BECOME ETHEREAL] to your left. Head back up and cross the large
bridge to the east. There is a Skeleton up the steps but where you want to
is by the large rocks on the bottom floor. They will illuminate as you pass
them and open barred gates blocking your path for a short time. Use the
Whirlwind Sprint Shout to overcome this challenge and march down the path
towards the Frostbite Spiders.
A Giant Frostbite Spider will drop down to aid the lesser ones. Break
the spider webs to the east and move into another room through the door and
the [CHAIN] in the hallway. Move down the pathway and read the [MYSTERIOUS
NOTE]. Go through the door in the back and open the [CHEST] then follow the
narrow path out to Ustengrav. At the end of the path use the [LEVER] to open
the wall up then exit to Riverwood.
Stay the night at the Sleeping Giant Inn in the attic room. Delphine will
tell you that room doesn't exist but shows you to another room. Sleep here
a brief time and Delphine will come in to talk with you and eventually give
the [HORN OF JURGEN WINDCALLER]. The quest [A BLADE IN THE DARK] starts, but
first follow Delphine. After a longwinded conversation, quite a lot has been
revealed. Be sure to raid this room for all the [INGREDIENTS]. Return the

to Arngeir then learn the final Word of Power for Unrelenting Force, [WORD
POWER: PUSH, UNRELENTING FORCE]. After you have completed this task, you
receive the Voice of the Greybeards and the quest will end.
Dragon Soul Alert!
If you return the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller to it's altar back in
you will receive a free [DRAGON SOUL]!




|::.|:. | Blade in the Dark

| Objectives:

1. Talk to Delphine


2. Locate the dragon burial site


3. Kill the dragon Sahloknir


4. Talk to Delphine

| Unique Items: Delphine's Secret Door Key

Dragon Soul x2


Return to the Ustengrav Depths and place the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller
on the Tomb to absorb a [DRAGON SOUL]. From here Fast Travel to Whiterun and
begin heading due east, or if you've discovered anything near Windhelm you
Fast Travel there and find Kynesgrove just south of Windhelm. When you
you will be greeted and Delphine will lead the way to the burial site. Here
witness Alduin resurrecting Sahloknir. Start unloading on the Dragon as it
begins to revive for some quick and easy damage. Use the same strategy as
you defeated Mirmulnir and the battle should go smoothly. After the battle
the Dragon and talk to Delphine to receive [DELPHINE'S SECRET DOOR KEY] and
learn quite a bit regarding the Dragons reemersion. The quest concludes and




|::.. . /iplomatic Immunity

| Objectives:

1. Meet Delphine in Riverwood


2. Meet Malborn in Solitude


3. Give Malborn the equipment


4. Meet Delphine at the stables


5. Talk to Malborn


6. Create a distraction and get away from the party


7. (Optional) Retrieve your gear


8. Search for information about the dragons returning


9. Escape the Thalmor Embassy


10. Talk to Delphine


11. Recover your equipment

| Unique Items: Dragon Investigation: Current Status

Investigation Chamber Key


Party Boots


Party Clothes


Thalmor Dossier: Delphine


Thalmor Dossier: Esbern


Thalmor Dossier: Ulfric Stormcloak


Trap Door Key


This quest will start as soon as you have slain Sahloknir. Return to
Riverwood and meet with Delphine, she has a plan but needs you to meet with
Malborn in the Winking Skeever at Solitude. Make the journey to the far

and locate Malborn. He can sneak a few things in for you since you can't
to enter the Thalmor Ambassador's Manor fully loaded. When you give Malborn
few things you can't live without leave the Inn and meet Delphine near the
stables at Katla's Farm.
Delphine will give you the [PARTY CLOTHES] and [PARTY BOOTS] that you need
to equip. When you are ready let her know to be taken to the embassy in the
carriage. Approach the guard when you arrive and hand her the invitation
letter to be let in. Inside you will meet the Ambassador and Malborn. Speak
with Malborn when Elenwen leaves then track down Razelan who wants a drink
is rather vocal about it. Grab some Colovian Brandy from Malborn and give it
Razelan. Ask him to make a scene afterwards and he will happily oblige.
Sneak through the back door with Malborn and collect your gear. Make your
way either stealthily or brazenly through the area. The western room doesn't
have much but the eastern one has steps leading to the next floor. There
much up there either, so when you are done head outside via the eastern exit
on the first floor. In the courtyard you will meet some resistance, so slay
the Thalmor foes and enter Elenwen's Solar. Sneak past Rulindil or slay him,
either way you need to pass his room and his door is open. The [CHEST] you
Grab your prizes and head upstairs to find a few [CHESTS] and an [UNUSUAL
GEM]. Make your way to the basement floor and enter the Dungeon. There is a
[CHEST] containing the [THALMOR DOSSIER: ESBERN] which will give the
you seek but you can always just talk to Etienne Rarnis who is locked in the
cell. Release Etienne and Malborn will appear with some Thalmor on his tail.
Take them out, loot the [TRAP DOOR KEY] and enter the Reeking Cave via the
[TRAPDOOR]. Kill the Frost Troll in this small area and return to Skyrim's
outdoors. Delphine is waiting for you in Riverwood with your gear. Tell her
about Esbern and the quest will conclude, [A CORNERED RAT] begins.





|::.|:. | Cornered Rat

| Objectives:

1. Talk to Brynjolf


2. Search the Ratway for Esbern's hideout


3. Find Esbern in the Ratway Warrens


4. Talk to Esbern

| Unique Items: None

Make your way east to Riften in search of a Blade named Esbern. As you
enter the city a man will stop you, but there are a handful of ways to get
past him; Give him Gold, Intimidate, Persuade, or show him an Unusual Gem
will start the quest [NO STONE UNTURNED]). After you gain access to the city
find Brynjolf who agrees to give you the information you want but in return
needs a favor and [A CHANCE ARRANGEMENT] begins unless you persuade him to
divulge the information now or are a member of the Thieves Guild in which
you can skip the quest.

A Chance Arrangement

1. Meet Brynjolf during daytime

2. Steal Madesi's Ring
3. Plant Madesi's Ring
4. Speak to Brynjolf

Tell Brynjolf you are ready to begin and he will call everyone to gather
around. Sneak over to Madesi's stand and unlock the sliding door and steal
[MADESI'S RING]. Now pickpocket Brand-Shei and place the ring on him. Return
to Brynjolf who is more than pleased to tell you what you want to hear.
Note: This could be a perfect opportunity to start the Thieves Guild

if you haven't already started it. Refer to section [06.00.00] for


Head over to the Ratway underneath your current location. The area is
and there are few enemies so traverse the sewer east until you reach The
Ragged Flagon. Speak with Vekel the Man and persuade him with your gold or
your tongue. Vekel will tell you where to find Esbern and you start by
the area into the Ratway Vaults. Thalmor will strike at you but you can jump
down to the bottom layer and make a quick escape if you so choose. Make your
way through the area and up the ramp to find Esbern. Talk to him and tell
that "Delphine said to 'remember the 30th of Frostfall.'" Esbern will let
in and when speaking to him let him know you are Dragonborn. The quest will
end and [ALDUIN'S WALL] will begin.




|::.|:. |lduin's Wall

| Objectives:

1. Escort Esbern to Riverwood


2. Talk to Esbern


3. Gain entrance to Sky Haven Temple


4. Learn the secret of Alduin's Wall

| Unique Items: Annals of the Dragonguard

Esbern needs a minute to grab a few supplies but then you begin the
Where you may have just jumped down to quickly reach Esbern, you must now
traverse the long corridors back to the Ragged Flaggon. Make your way west
flip the [LEVER] on the wall to lower the bridge. Cross over and back into
Riften where you should Fast Travel to Riverwood and enter the Sleeping
Inn where Delphine waits. Talk to Esbern to learn the location of Alduin's
which is in Sky Haven Temple. Grab the [ANNALS OF THE DRAGONGUARD] and head
Karthspire, located between Markarth and Morthal.

As you enter the cavern you will encounter three Forsworn. With the help


Esbern and Delphine they should go down easily. Search the area for a few
[INGREDIENTS] and a [CHEST] at the foot of a bed. Follow Delphine and Esbern
to find three pillars with symbols on them. Turn them all to the symbol of
[DRAGONBORN], a somewhat heart-shaped symbol with and arrow pointing
and a bridge drop allowing access to the next area. The pressure plates on
floor are traps that will seriously injure you. Step only on the plates with
the symbol of the [DRAGONBORN] then pull the [LEVER] at the end to disable
the pressure plates.
Move north and across the bridge then up the stairs to find the entrance
Sky Haven Temple. Search the large [CHEST] and activate the [BLOOD SEAL] to
gain entry. Head up the steps into the massive room and search the western
room for a [CHEST] and some [DRAGONBONE]. When Esbern finally makes his way
up he will begin to decipher Alduin's Wall. After some insightful
the quest ends and [THE THROAT OF THE WORLD] starts up.
Note: At this time you can begin to work with Delphine and Esbern and the
Blades Quests.


| |




|::.|he Throat of the World


| Objectives:

1. Talk to Arngeir


2. Learn the "Clear Skies" Shout


3. Use the "Clear Skies" Shout to open the path


4. Talk to Paarthurnax


5. Learn the Word of Power from Paarthurnax


6. Use your "Fire Breath" Shout on Paarthurnax


7. Talk to Paarthurnax

| Unique Items: Word of Power: Inferno, Fire Breath

Word of Power: Sky, Clear Skies


Word of Power: Spring, Clear Skies


Word of Power: Summer, Clear Skies


Make your way back to High Hrothgar and talk to Master Arngeir. He will
mention his leader Paarthurnax and will teach you a new Shout to reach the
Master of the Voice. In the courtyard you will learn [WORD OF POWER: SKY,
SKIES] thus mastering this Shout. Ascend the staircase and use your new
to clear out the impassable wind. As you climb the mountain you will
Wraiths and Trolls and your visibility will be low. Cross the bridge after

clearing the wind and continue to climb higher still. There is a third and
final area you must use Clear Skies on before Paarthurnax will appear.
Converse with the Master of the Voice, which he truly does enjoy. Inquire
about the Dragonrend Shout and he will lead in teaching [WORD OF POWER:
INFERNO, FIRE BREATH]. Use your newly learned Shout on Paarthurnax then
with him. After learning the secrets of Alduin and what must be done, the
quest ends and [ELDER KNOWLEDGE] begins.






|::.. . |lder Knowledge

| Objectives:

1. Learn the location of the Elder Scroll or (Optional) Talk

to Arngeir
2. Recover the Elder Scroll

| Unique Items: Crimson Nirnroot

Effects of the Elder Scrolls


Elder Scroll


Ruminations on the Elder Scrolls


Seek out Arngeir who will point you to the College of Winterhold. Make
way inside and to the Arcanaeum where you will find Urag gro-Shub. Inquire
Elder Scrolls and he will bring you [EFFECTS OF THE ELDER SCROLLS] and
Discerning the Transmundane

1. Ask Urag about the insane book

2. Find Septimus Signus
3. Transcribe the Lexicon

Question Urag about the books then begin your journey to find Septimus
who is heralded as the most knowledgeable on the Elder Scrolls. Leave the
College and head north to Septimus Signus's Outpost where you will find the
crazy old man. He has a lot to say so listen close and head for Alftand to
the south. Once here cross a long bridge to enter the Alftand Glacial Ruins.
This quest will not be completed during this main quest, it just happens


overlap. For more information please see the Daedric Quest section,
The path is rather uneventful and there isn't much loot so follow the
trail until you hear a voice. This is the sign that hostiles and items are
ahead. Move up another ramp and defeat the Dwemer machines that attack. Stay
on the blood trail to find J'darr and J'Zhar, one of them dead and another
fighting a Dwarven Spider Worker. Clear the enemies and move into a much

room. As you approach the center pillar two Dwarven Spheres will strike.
Watch out for the traps in the next hall as you make your way to another
room. There is a lot of oil on the floor so use it to your advantage as more
Dwarven Spider Workers attack. Unlock the gate on the far side of the room
find two [CHESTS] inside. Exit the room to the west and move through the
defeating the enemies as you go. The final room has pistons that will push
down below, you must cross the upper floor to reach the Alftand
Make your way east and use the oil once again to slay the Dwarven Spheres.
When you reach a massive room you'll notice you are at the top. Before
your descent search the alcove where a Dwarven Spider Worker lurks to find a
[CHEST]. Unlock the door at the bottom of the ramp and fight off more
machina. There are several [CHESTS] and another locked gate with better loot
and more [CHESTS] inside. Leave this room and drop down below where you can
find the corpse of Yag gra-Gortwog. Head up the ramp to the west to find a
[CHEST] sitting at the end of it.
Continue to descend and slay the Falmer that strike and dodge the pistons
that attempt to push you to your death. At the end of this ramp is a flame
you must go around to enter the next room. This room has a few Falmer in it
but also [INGREDIENTS] and an [ALCHEMY LAB]. Further down you will find
of Falmer and their huts. More [INGREDIENTS] are along the back wall and the
last hut on the south end will have a [CHEST]. Use the [ANVIL] if you feel
need to create new gear then head down the steps. There is a Falmer
Shadowmaster accompanied by two Falmer Gloomlurkers. Defeat the Shadowmaster
and his cronies and note the quick exit back up to the Ruins.
Leave this room to return to the main one with all the ramps leading down.
Descend and fight off the Falmer and Frostbite Spiders that attack you, it's
safest to bait them up the ramp so you can fight them one at a time. As you

pass through the final door and head down the steps, avoid stepping on the
before you reach the door because it will trigger a trap. Enter the Alftand
Cathedral and make your way down the path. Hug the wall to avoid the trap
from above as you move west.
Slay the Falmer Gloomlurker and enter a large room. Kill another Falmer
raid his tent to find a [CHEST]. Head up the steps to find two more [CHESTS]
and the [LEVER] that raises the gate leading up to a [DWARVEN MECHANISM].
Open the nearby by [CHEST] and unlock the [GATE] in the back. This lever
take you outside, but use the Dwarven Mechanism to reach Blackreach. While
are here you will encounter Falmer and Chaurus along the beeline you should
take towards the quest marker. Be sure to snag some [CRIMSON NIRNROOT] to
start the quest [A RETURN TO YOUR ROOTS]. Stick to the road once you reach
the water and you will see the tower you have been seeking. Open the door
use the lever to enter the Tower of Mzark.
Search this room for some [INGREDIENTS] and a [CHEST] then enter the main
chamber where the Lexicon is located. At the top of the ramp activate the
[LEXICON RECEPTACLE]. Use the button second from the right a few times and
watch for the button second from the left to light up (the Blank Lexicon
also glow at this point). Press this button twice and the far left button
light up. Press this button and your long worked for prize will descend.
down and snag the [ELDER SCROLL]. The quest finally ends and [ALDUIN'S BANE]
immediately begins.




|::.|:. |lduin's Bane


| Objectives:

1. Read the Elder Scroll at the Time-Wound


2. Learn the "Dragonrend" Shout from the Nord heroes


3. Defeat Alduin

| Unique Items: Word of Power: Finite, Dragonrend

Word of Power: Mortal, Dragonrend


Word of Power: Temporary, Dragonrend


Use the quick exit to reach the outdoors once more and notice you are
a ways from where you initially entered the dungeon. Return to the Throat of
the World and use the Elder Scroll at the quest marker to view a scene from
the past. During the scene you will learn [WORD OF POWER: MORTAL,
which will come in handy during your next test. The scene ends and Alduin
appears at your location!
Use your newly acquired Dragonrend Shout to bring him down. Take note that
Alduin is invincible except when under the effects of Dragonrend. Alduin
take to the sky every chance he can get and rain fireballs down upon the
Make sure you hit Alduin and not Paarthurnax from the skies, it's easy to
confuse the two. When Alduin is grounded strike from the side and avoid his
Fiery and Icy Breath. Use Dragonrend every chance you get and you should be

able to take Alduin down before he can take off.

Unfortunately, Alduin flees after seeing your strength and the quest ends.
[THE FALLEN] starts immediately.


| |




|::.|he Fallen
| Objectives:

1. Talk to Paarthurnax or Talk to Arngeir or Talk to Esbern


2. Talk to the Jarl of Whiterun


3. Get Greybeards' help in negotiating a truce


4. Learn Shout to call Odahviing


5. Prepare a trap for Odahviing


6. Call Odahviing to Dragonsreach


7. Interrogate Odahviing

| Unique Items: Word of Power: Hunter, Call Dragon

Word of Power: Snow, Call Dragon


Word of Power: Wing, Call Dragon


Confer with either Paarthurnax, Arngeir, or Esbern and you will be given
guidance to speak with the Jarl of Whiterun since Dragonsreach was once a
place to capture Dragons. Speak with the Jarl of Whiterun and he agrees to
help you if the Greybeards can host a peace council.
Season Unending

1. Talk to Arngeir
2. Talk to General Tullius
3. Talk to Ulfric Stormcloak
4. Talk to Arngeir
5. Take your seat
6. Negotiate a truce

Tell Arngeir you want the Greybeards to host the council. He seems
reluctant but then agrees that it's the only way to stop Alduin. Seek out
Ulfric Stormcloak at the Palace of the Kings and persuade him to go to the
council. Then head to Solitude and do the same with General Tullius. With
both parties agreeing to meet, return to Arngeir then take your seat at the
council table. There are several choices you must make:
- You must choose to have Elenwen stay or leave
- You must choose to give up Markarth or Riften
- You must decide a counter offer for giving up Markarth or Riften
- You must decide on additional concessions for the weaker side
With the truce in place you must now learn to call a Dragon to
Talk with Esbern who starts the quest [PAARTHURNAX], a quest that requires

to slay the Dragon. In addition to giving you this quest, Esbern will also
DRAGON], and [WORD OF POWER: WING, CALL DRAGON] so that you may summon the
Dragon Ohdaviing. Return to Dragonsreach and talk to Jarl Balgruuf and tell
him you are ready to spring the trap. Head to the Great Porch and use your
Shout to call Ohdaviing. Use Dragonrend to force it to land then weaken him
and lure him into the Keep. When he is far enough back the soldiers of
will trap him.
Interrogate the captured Dragon to learn the where abouts of Alduin. The
beast complies but forgets to mention that the only way to reach Skuldafn is
by air. You are at an impasse, but agree to free the Dragon. The quest ends
while [THE WORLD-EATER'S EYRIE] picks up.


| |




|::.|he World-Eater's Eyrie

| Objectives:

1. Set Odahviing free


2. Talk to Odahviing


3. Reach Alduin's portal to Sovngarde


4. Enter Sovngarde

| Unique Items: Diamond Claw

Dragon Priest Staff


Dragon Soul x4




Word of Power: Storm, Storm Call


Head up the steps and speak with the Whiterun Guard. Ask him to release
trap and the Jarl will comply. Talk to Odahviing and he will take you as far
as he can to the portal to Sovngarde. As you pass under the large arch you
likely to encounter a Dragon. Dragonrend works wonders, so bring it down and
slay it. Further ahead a Draugr Scourge is ready to brawl and just past him
will encounter another Dragon. Go east up the steps and you will find more
Draugr Scourge using their Voice to strike you back. When you reach the top
the area you can enter the Skuldafn Temple.
Move down the right path to find a [CHEST] then continue north, slaying
Draugr Scourge that blockades your path. The next room has some Draugr
and another pillar puzzle. The eastern pillar should have the [SNAKE] symbol
facing east. The western pillar should have the [WHALE] symbol facing west.
The middle pillar should have the [HAWK] facing north. Pull the [LEVER] and
the right gate will open. Change the middle pillar to a [SNAKE] and flip the
[LEVER] again to make the left door open. The area past the [HAWK] gate has
[CHEST] and the [SNAKE] gate leads onward.
The ritualistic burial chamber holds a [CHEST], loot it and move to the
halls where Frostbite Spiders reside. As you approach a set of double iron
doors, take a detour to notice the [CHEST] wrapped up in all the spider
In the room past the double iron doors is another pillar puzzle and some

Scourge determined to stop you from solving it. The first pillar in the
should read [SNAKE]. The southern pillar on the second floor should read
[HAWK] and the northern pillar should read [WHALE]. Pull the [LEVER] to
the bridge and cross over to the other side.
Ascend the spiral staircase and slay the Draugr in the room at the top of
them. Inside the southern area is a [CHEST] and a [LEVER] that grants access
to the northern hall. RUsh through here and meet a Draugr Death Overlord
to face. Slay this foe and loot the [DIAMOND CLAW] off his rotting corpse.
Observe the Diamond Claw and then enter this symbol combination into the
[WOLF], [MOTH], and [DRAGON]. The door will retract and you will find a Word
Wall with [WORD OF POWER: STORM, STORM CALL]. Move to the next area,
just past the Word Wall.
You arrive back outside and you are in for a fight. Turn the corner and
up the steps to spot the portal to Sovngarde. Unfortunately, there are two
Dragons and a Dragon Priest guarding the entrance. Take out Nahkriin first
because he will conjure Atronarchs and you don't need more enemies. Then use
Dragonrend to bring one Dragon down at a time and slay them. In the end you
should obtain [DRAGON PRIEST STAFF], [NAHKRIIN], and [DRAGON SOUL x2].
the seal using the Dragon Priest Staff and a huge beam of light will form.
Enter this light to be taken to Sovngarde and complete the quest.




|::.. . |ovngarde

| Objectives:

1. Find out how to defeat Alduin


2. Gain admittance to the Hall of Valor


3. Talk to the heroes of Sovngarde

| Unique Items: None

Descend the steps and you will quickly notice that Alduin is flying around
this area. As you progress towards the mist you can see Stormcloak Soldiers
running by. Stop and talk to one if you wish, he will just get swooped up by
Alduin. Move north as far as you can and approach Tsun near the large Dragon
skeleton. Challenge him to a fight and when you win he will grant you access
to the Hall of Valor. Ysgramor will greet you as you enter the Halls of
and the quest marker will update to the heroes of Sovngarde. After hearing
plan the quest ends and [DRAGONSLAYER] immediately begins.




|::.. . /ragonslayer

| Objectives:

1. Help the heroes of Sovngarde dispel Alduin's mist


2. Defeat Alduin

| Unique Items: Word of Power: Champion, Call of Valor

Word of Power: Hero, Call of Valor


Word of Power: Legend, Call of Valor


Group up with the Heroes and use the Clear Skies Shout to remove the mist.
It will take several attempts but it will eventually go away. Fight Alduin
much like you did the previous time. Use Dragonrend to drop him and keep him
down as the team strikes together. Continue to pummel Alduin from the side
use Dragonrend to keep him grounded. When the quest completes talk to Tsun
be taken back to Skyrim. You will also be bestowed [WORD OF POWER: HERO,
The main questline is now complete but there are plenty of other things to


in the land of Skyrim.



| |




|::.|ake up Arms
| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Speak to Kodlak Whitemane


2. Train with Vilkas


3. Give Vilkas's sword to Eorlund


4. Bring Aela her shield


5. Follow Farkas to your quarters

| Unique Items: None

If you run through the Pelagia Farm on the outskirts of Whiterun you can
the clash of metal. There is a band of Warriors fighting a Giant, you can
or simply watch. After the battle you will get some information on who the
Companions are and how you can become a member of their heralded Guild.

Talk to Kodlak Whitemane in Jorrvaskr and tell him you want to be a

He will have you train with Vilkas in the courtyard to test your mettle. You
must attack with melee, magic will not suffice. After a few swings Vilkas
have you take his sword to get it sharpened. After some talking, Eorlund
ask that you take Aela her shield. After you return the shield, Aela will
summon Farkas to take you to your quarters.
Animal Extermination
Prerequisite: Take Up Arms

1. Kill the [Animal]

2. Return to Aela

This quest starts from Aela the Huntress. The quest is fairly simple, just
head to the area stated and kill the animal that is inside the dwelling. The
animal is hostile from the moment you enter so kill it quickly, take it's
and return to Aela.
Animal Extermination Part 2
Prerequisite: Take Up Arms, Animal Extermination

1. Clear out the [Animal Den]

2. Return to Aela

Tell Aela that you are looking for some work and she will send you to a
nearby animal den and request that you dispose of all of the occupants. When
you reach your destination just wipe the area clean of all animals and when
they are all taken care of the quest will update and you can return to Aela

with the good news.

Hired Muscle
Prerequisite: Complete Take Up Arms

1. Intimidate [Random Person] in [Random Location]

2. Return to Farkas

This quest starts from Farkas as soon as you finish Take Up Arms. This
requires you to brawl with a troublemaker. Seek out the ruffian and
him/her to a brawl. Do not fight with weapons and kill this person, only
them out with your fists. Once they have collapsed, return to Farkas for the
Trouble in Skyrim
Prerequisite: Complete Take Up Arms

1. Kill the leader of [Random Location]

2. Return to Farkas

Tell Farkas you are looking for work and he will tell you about a recent
disturbance that must be dealt with. Journey to the location of the incident
and slay those responsible, this time make sure you kill them and not just
brawl. To complete this quest you need only kill the leader of the faction
you should kill the other assailants as well. When you are done return to
Farkas for your reward.

Family Heirloom
Prerequisite: Complete Take Up Arms

1. Retrieve the [Heirloom] from [Random Location]

2. Return to Skjor or Vilkas

Speak with Skjor or Vilkas and they will inform you that a valuable family
heirloom belonging to a high-ranking family that is friends with the
has gone missing. Go to the location of the heirloom and fight or sneak your
way to the flagged area on your local map. The [HEIRLOOM] is usually found
within a [CHEST]. Once you have secured it return to the quest giver, either
Skjor or Vilkas.
Escaped Criminal
Prerequisite: Complete Take Up Arms

1. Kill the [Criminal]

2. Return to Skjor or Vilkas

Skjor or Vilkas will inform you that a wanted criminal is on the run from
local authorities. Your objective is to hunt down this fugitive and kill
Head out to the area of the lawbreaker and bring about his swift demise.
may be some other resistance from additional foes, so deal with them as you
deem fit. Return to Skjor or Vilkas for your reward.
Rescue Mission

Prerequisite: Complete Take Up Arms


1. Rescue [Random Victim] from [Random Location]

2. Return [Random Victim] to [Origin of Kidnapping]
3. Return to Skjor or Vilkas

Skjor or Vilkas will give you information about a member of an important

organization that has been kidnapped. The culprits have taken this person to
their hideout and your objective is to save this person and return them
The target is normally near the enemy leader and is locked away in a cell.
best to just clear the area and then quickly rescue the hostage. When you
the world map Fast Travel to a location near the return area and trek it the
rest of the way. With the hostage returned, speak with Skjor or Vilkas for





|::.|roving Honor
| Prerequisite: Complete Take Up Arms and One Radiant Quest
| Objectives:

1. Speak to Farkas


2. Retrieve the fragment


3. Return to Jorrvaskr


4. Follow Vilkas

| Unique Items: Dustman Cairn's Key

Fragment of Wuuthrad


Word of Power: Fire, Firebreath


This quest can start by talking to Skjor after completing [TAKE UP ARMS]
one of the many [RADIANT QUESTS] available from the Companions in Forrvaskr.
Accept Skjor's quest and talk to Farkas. Head northwest until you reach
Dustman's Cairn. Make your way through the passages, killing the Draugr and
looting their corpses until you reach a wooden door. This path leads to a
open room with an Arcane Enchanter and lots of [POTIONS]. Head through the
gate and flip the [LEVER] to start a short scene. With the scene over, head
through the newly opened passage and fight off the Silver Hands. When you
the large room be sure to search thuroughly after dispatching the enemies.
You will find several locked [CHESTS] and if you button hook left from the
top of the stairs you will find a [CHAIN] that reveals a secret chamber with
another [CHEST]. Continue through the corridor and fight off more Silverhand
and Draugr. The enemy grows more numerous as you descend towards Dustman's
Crypt. As you enter this area you will hear the fighting below of Draugr and
the Silver Hand. Rush down and unlock the [CHEST] then finish off the victor
the fight. Through pathway you will come to a room where several Silver Hand
will strike at you. Don't miss the locked [WOODEN DOOR], because inside is a
shelving unit with some rare [INGREDIENTS].
This next room is fairly large and empty. Search the [CHEST] on the left

find [DUSTMAN's CAIRN KEY]. Use the key to unlock the door and fight off the
Skeevers. There is an [ALCHEMY LAB] and a locked [WOODEN DOOR] in the next
room. Continue through the narrow hallway and kill the Frostbite Spiders and
Skeevers that attack you in the open cavernous area. Cross the cavern and
a cryptic hallway until you reach an iron door. In this next room you will
the [FRAGMENT OF WUUTHRAD] in the center of the table in the back. Approach
the Word of Power to learn [FIRE BREATH]. Draugr will spawn continually from
every coffin in the room until they are all opened and defeated. Be careful
fight with Farkas to increase your chances of survival. Once the area is
cleared, return to Jorrvaskr where Vilkas is waiting for you.



| |




|::.|he Silver Hand

| Prerequisite: Complete Proving Honor and One Radiant Quest
| Objectives:

1. Talk to Skjor


2. Meet with Skjor at night


3. Enter the Underforge


4. Participate in the blood ritual


5. Talk to Aela


6. Kill the werewolf hunters

| Unique Items: None

After helping Aela she will offer another quest. Talk to Skjor and then
him at the Underforge out back of Forrvaskr between 7PM and 8 AM. Here you
the option of joining the Circle and becoming a Werewolf. Choose to
in the ritual and are turned. After a short scene you regain control and are
off to attack the Silver Hand. Enter the Gallow and slay the Silver Hand
attack you and Aela. Head into the dungeon and pull the [CHAIN] to release
barricade on the door. More Silver Hand await in the room, kill them and
the [CHEST]. There is a dead Werewolf in one of the small chambers, another
door is barred from the inside. Proceed through the wooden door that does
and continue down the hall.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: You can use Beast Form during this quest. Access it from your Magic
Menu to make the quest a bit easier.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Kill the Skeever that strikes and proceed up the steps. Tread carefully as
there is a trap door and two more Silver Hand waiting to destroy you. This
can be deadly as a large group of Silver Hand will come up the stairs and
strike at you from distance. You can release the Werewolf but it will strike

you if you aren't in Beast Form. Head down the steps from where the Silver
had come from and into a large room. Don't head upstairs quite yet, and
the area for [PELTS] and a [MASTER CHEST] in the back room. Head upstairs
kill some more Silver Hand, this room has steps leading downstairs but
the wooden door first to access a room with [POTIONS] and [CHESTS].
The final room houses the leader, Krev the Skinner. If you can lure him
into the hall it will mitigate the damage you will take from the archers in
room. Loot the corpses and the large [CHEST] in the back amongst other
then use the door and unbar the next one to return to the beginning of the
dungeon. You must now complete three Radiant Quests for Aela before moving
the next quest.
Stealing Plans
Prerequisite: Complete The Silver Hand but before starting Blood's Honor

1. Steal the plans from [random Silver Hand camp]

2. Return to Aela

Locate the Silver Hand camp that Aela has specified and go in full force.
Slaughter the helpless foes and secure the [SILVER HAND STRATAGEM], normally
found under a table, but it can be in a [CHEST]. With the plans in hand,
to Aela.
Striking the Heart

Prerequisite: Complete The Silver Hand but before starting Blood's Honor

1. Assassinate the Silver Hand leader

2. Return to Aela

Inquire Aela about the next target and she will send you to a random
where the Silver Hand Leader is located. Regardless of the area you are sent
to, plow through the cronies first and then take out the leader. Return to
with the good news.
Prerequisite: Complete The Silver Hand but before starting Blood's Honor

1. Retrieve the fragment of Wuuthrad

2. Return to Aela

Aela will tell you about her targets and mention a fragment of Wuuthrad.


to the designated location and kill the Silver Hand forces inside. You can
the [FRAGMENT OF WUUTHRAD] in a [CHEST] or on a table, usually in the same
area as the leader of this group of Silver Hand. With the fragment in hand,
return to Aela.




|::.. . /lood's Honor


| Prerequisite: Complete The Silver Hand and Two Radiant Quests
| Objectives:

1. Speak to Kodlak Whitemane


2. Collect a Glenmoril Witch's head


3. (Optional) Wipe out the Glenmoril Witches


4. Return to Kodlak

| Unique Items: Glenmoril Witch Head

Speak with Aela after completing two of her Radiant Quests to begin this
Kodlak Whitemane has requested an audience with you, best not keep him
After some dialogue, he will request that you kill a Glenmoril Witch and
back her head so as to remove his "curse." Begin the long trek to the southwest and enter the cavern. The Coven has a main cave and then branches out
the smaller caves. The Glenmoril Witches are in these caves and each one of
the branches has a [CHEST] with the exception of one. Be wary of the Witch's
familiars and slay them one by one, then return to Whiterun. As you approach
Jorrvaskr you should notice the slaughter and realize the Silver Hand has
attacked. Head inside and talk to Vilkas to immediately start the next





|::.|urity of Revenge
| Prerequisite: Complete Blood's Honor
| Objectives:

1. Retrieve the fragments of Wuuthrad


2. (Optional) Wipe out the Silver Hand


3. Return to Jorrvaskr

| Unique Items: Fragment of Wuuthrad

This quest begins immediately after finishing Blood's Honor. Clear out
inventory and make your way to Driftshade Refuge in the far north.
you make your way through the snow-filled lands and into the dungeon. Head
down the steps and slay the Silver Hand members in this room. The door to
north is barred so head west where you will find more enemies. Pass through
two more rooms and head up the stairs to find yourself on a balcony. Kill
more Silver Hand and descend, searching the alcove for a [CHEST]. Continue
north down the steps, but not too quickly or you'll miss the [LOCKED] wooden
door to the west.

Open the door and kill the Silver Hand, then loot the room and the [CHEST]
of it's valuables. Continue to the northern room and slay two more Silver
then check the southern room for some [FOOD]. Use the [LEVER] to retract the
bars on the east gate and enter the Driftshade Cellar. Button hook left to
find a [CHEST] then continue north. Make your way through the wine cellar
fight off more foes. Don't miss the [PULLBAR] that will move a gate out of
way and grant access to a [CHEST] that is just past the cell with a Werewolf
Head to the next room where you can see traces of snow. Continue your
slaughter of the Silver Hand and make your way into the snowy cavern. There
some cages above with a Werewolf inside. The next area is fairly large but
only a handful of Silver Hand, it should pose no threat. March onward to
the home stretch and back into the Driftshade Refuge. There is only one room
left and it houses the last three Silver Hand. The two-hander will take much
more to kill then the others, but he will eventually fall. The [FRAGMENTS OF
WUUTHRAD] are on the table and there is a [CHEST] near the [ANVIL] and the
[WORKBENCH] on the west side of the room. Once you are done looting the
return to Jorrvaskr.





|::.. . |lory of the Dead

| Prerequisite: Complete Purity of Revenge

| Objectives:

1. Attend Kodlak's funeral


2. Retrieve Kodlak's fragment


3. Give the final fragment to Eorlund


4. Meet the Circle


5. Go to Ysgramor's Tomb with the Circle


6. Return Wuuthrad to Ysgramor


7. Go to the burial chamber


8. Speak to Kodlak


9. Put witch head into fire


10. Defeat the wolf spirit


11. Speak to Kodlak

| Unique Items: Amulet of Mara

Fragment of Wuuthrad


Shield of Ysgramor


Spell Tome: Lesser Ward


Word of Power: Animal, Animal Allegiance




This quest starts as soon as you return to Whiterun. Head to the backside


Jorrvaskr and attend Kodlak's funeral. Afterwards, Eorlund will approach you
and take back the fragments of Wuuthrad, but ask you to retrieve another
that Kodlak kept in his room. You will find this [FRAGMENT OF WUUTHRAD] in
end-table in Kodlak's quarters. Secure it and return to Eorlund where he
informs you that the Circle is waiting for you in the Underforge. Enter and
listen to the debate until Eorlund enters with the reforged Wuuthrad.
gives you [WUUTHRAD] and marches onward to Ysgramor's Tomb.
The closest place to Fast Travel is probably Driftshade Refuge, so head
and continue onward toward Ysgramor's Tomb. Enter the tomb and return
to Ysgramor and be prepared for a fight. Descend through the tomb and kill
Skeevers that attack. Companion Ghosts will appear from here on out, luckily
they go down easily. When you reach a large room with water in the middle
will encounter a larger amount of Companion Ghosts. There is a [CHEST] in
room amongst other things and when you cross into the next room Farkas will
depart the group. Break through the spider webs and fight back the Frostbite
In the next area a larger Frostbite Spider is accompanied by a few smaller
ones. Once defeated, use the [CHAIN] to open the barred door. Continue the
onslaught through the burial chambers and destroy the Companion Ghosts as
appear. When you head through the iron door at the top of the steps approach
and activate the [HANDLE] to open a new passage to the north. This is the
second to last room and has a few [POTIONS] in the middle altar area, but
must first dispatch a few more Companion Ghosts. In the final room you will
find Kodlak, speak with him and put a witch head in the fire.
A ferocious wolf spirit will spawn, defeat it with haste and talk to

once more to end the quest. From here you can toss another witch head in the
fire to cure yourself. Before leaving, search the northeast corner of the
and [AMULET OF MARA]. Activate the [CHAIN] to the east of this chest and
return to the entrance room. If you activate [YSRGRAMOR] you can take back
[WUUTHRAD] to use in battle, if you so choose. Exit to the west and ascend
mountain via the steps until you reach a word wall and learn [WORD OF POWER:
ANIMAL ALLEGIANCE]. With this quest completed you can perform a few more
Radiant Quests.
Prerequisite: Complete Glory of the Dead

1. Cleanse Vilkas/Farkas of beastblood

2. Kill Vilkas'/Farkas' wolf spirit
3. Talk to Vilkas/Farkas

Speak with Vilkas or Farkas to find that he wants to be cured of the

lycanthropy. Return to the Tomb of Ysgramor with a Glenmoril Witch's head
toss it into the fires. Fight off the wolf spirit to cleanse the Companion
speak with him to finish the quest.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: This quest can be done twice, once for Farkas and once for Vilkas. Be
sure to cleanse them both.









|::.|irst Lessons
| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Cast a [Spell]


2. Report to Mirabelle Ervine


3. Tour the College of Winterhold


4. Listen to Tolfdir

| Unique Items: Spell: Lesser Ward

To enter the College of Winterhold you must approach Faralda outside the
bridge leading up to it. Talk to her and ask to gain entry then either
persuade her to let you in or show her your skills in magic. Cast the spell
she requests of you and then cross the bridge and speak with Mirabelle

She will give you some Mage clothing and take you on a tour around the
When the tour is over head into the Hall of Elements and listen to Tolfdir
he briefs new apprentices. Suggest to learn something practical and Tolfdir
will begin a lesson with Ward Spells. If you don't have one then he will
you [LESSER WARD]. Use the Spell: Lesser Ward and Tolfdir will fire a spell
you that is blocked. The quest concludes and [UNDER SAARTHAL] begins.
Rejoining the College
Prerequisite: Complete First Lessons, Committ a Crime against the College
Objectives: 1. Speak with Tolfdir
2. Give Tolfdir 250/500/1000 gold to lift your suspension.
Beat down or kill someone in the College and this quest will start. After
days leave from the College return to talk to Tolfdir who will lift the
suspension for a fee. The first time is 250, the second is 500, and the
and all subsequent suspensions will cost 1000 gold to return to the College.

Tolfdir's Alembic
Prerequisite: Complete First Lessons
Objectives: 1. Find Tolfdir's Alembic
2. Return Tolfdir's Alembic to Tolfdir
While not an actual quest, this can be done once a day for a reward of 30

gold and a soul gem. Talk to Tolfdir to find he is missing his Alembic, a
green bottle. [TOLFDIR'S ALEMBIC] can be found in the Hall of Countenance,
opposite the Hall of Attainment where your room is. Check the bottom floor
top of a crate, the chamber where the Arcane Enchanter is located, and the
top floor directly across from the steps on a barrel.
Out of Balance
Prerequisite: Complete First Lessons
Objectives: 1. Cleanse the focal points for magical energies around the
2. Return to Drevis Neloren
Speak with Drevis Neloren and see if he has anything that you can aid him
He will ask you to cleanse the magical energies around the College and give
you the [MYSTIC TUNING GLOVES]. The Mystical Focal Points are now visible
you can find them in the courtyard, the Hall of Attainment, and the Hall of
Countenance. Once you have cleansed the focal points, return to Drevis to
complete the quest.
An Enchanted Journey
Prerequisite: Complete First Lessons
Objectives: 1. Go to [Random Person] in [Random Location] and pick up
2. Return the item to Sergius Turrianus

Talk to Sergius the Enchanter and ask if there is anything you can help
with. He needs you to venture out to a client and pick up an item that they
want enchanted. Head to the location, typically one of the Holds, and take
item from the person back to Sergius to complete the quest.

Restocking Soul Gems

Prerequisite: Complete First Lessons
Objectives: 1. Collect [Random Number] of [Random Type] Soul Gems
Talk to Sergius the Enchanter and ask if you can assist him. He will tell
you that the College is in short supply of Soul Gems and will ask you to get
a random amount of a random type of Soul Gems. Once you have obtained them,
return to Sergius to finish the quest.
Valuable Book Procurement
Prerequisite: Complete First Lessons
Objectives: 1. Find the copy of [Random Book]
2. Return the book to Urag gro-Shub
Talk to Urag in the Arcanaeum and ask if you can assist him. Urag is
for a certain book and will tell you he has last seen it at a random
Head to that location and grab the book, then return to Urag to complete the

Shalidor's Insights
Prerequisite: Complete First Lessons
Objectives: 1. Find Shalidor's writings
2. Talk to Urag gro-Shub
Speak with Urag gro-Shub in the College of Winterhold's Arcanaeum and
inquire about any special books he's looking for. He will refer to Shalidor,
an incredibly powerful wizard from the First Era. Head to the location that
Urag wants you to invesigate, typically a dungeon, and fnd [SHALIDOR'S
INSIGHTS]. When you return to Urag he will give three random scrolls and
increase one of your magic skills.
Forgotten Names
Prerequisite: Complete First Lessons
Objectives: 1. Find the Ornamental Rings
2. Release Velehk Sain
3. Find Velehk Sain's Locker
Head into the Midden Dark past the Augur's room (take the steps) until you
reach a room with a statue of a Hand and engraved with the symbol of
On the table nearby you can find the [MIDDEN INCIDENT REPORT] and the
[INVESTIGATOR'S KEY]. This key will unlock the [INVESTIGATOR'S CHEST] in the
Arcanaeum, but you could have done that before. Take the four rings and
to the Hand. Place the rings on the Hand on the correct finger; Katarina's
Ring goes on the Index Finger, Treoy's on the Middle Finger, Balwen's on the
Ring Finger, and Pithiken's on the Little Finger.

This will release Velehk Sain who will bargain with you for his release.
Freeing him will give you [VELEHK'S TREASURE MAP]. Head west of Winterhold
but south of Ysgramor's Tomb to find a Shrine of Talos. If you've reached
Pilgrim's Trench you've gone too. Search this island and [VELEHK SAIN'S
will appear with all it's treasures.
___ ___




|::.. . |nder Saarthal

| Prerequisite: Complete First Lessons
| Objectives:

1. Meet Tolfdir outside Saarthal


2. Follow Tolfdir


3. Find Arniel Gane


4. Search for magical artifacts (4/4)


5. Use the Saarthal Amulet to escape the trap


6. Follow Tolfdir


7. Tell Tolfdir about the vision


8. Follow Tolfdir


9. Find the danger within Saarthal


10. Talk to the Arch-Mage

| Unique Items: Gauldur Amulet Fragment

Saarthal Amulet


Staff of Jyrik Gauldurson


Staff of Magelight


Word of Power: Ice, Ice Form


Writ of Sealing


Leave the College and move a short distance to the southwest to find
where Tolfdir waits. Tell him when you are ready to enter Saarthal then
his lead. When you reach the bottom of the spiraling ramp Tolfdir will stop
and see if you have any questions. Tell him you are done with questions and
he will give you an objective; Find Arniel Gane. Follow the pathway high
the ground and eventually down to where Arniel is located. Talk to him and
will task you with finding some magical relics.
Search the surrounding area for three [ENCHANTED RINGS] and the [SAARTHAL
AMULET]. When you grab the amulet a spear trap is set off and locks you in
room. Equip the Saarthal Amulet and check the wall where you took it from.
a spell at the wall and it blasts away! Tolfdir makes his way through and
you to follow him. When you reach the bottom area an apparition named Nerien
appears and tells you a chain of events has been set in motion that cannot

undone and that The Psijic Order believes you are the only one who can stop
Tell Tolfdir what you saw then follow him. As he approaches one of the
a Draugr awakens and strikes. There are a total of three that will attack,
sure to take them out. As you go further in you will find a [LEVER] to gain
access to a larger room with many coffins. Draugr will pop out in groups of
two, dispatch them quickly with Tolfdir's aid. When they are slain you can
continue to delve further into Saarthal. Activate the two [CHAINS] then head
through the door into a new area.
Pass through the hall and Draugr will emerge from their coffins, including
a Restless Draugar and a Draugr Wight. Go up the steps and back towards the
entrance of the room to find a [CHEST]. From the top of the steps head east
discover a [CHEST] and an iron door. Through the door and down the ramp you
find yet another [CHEST] and more Draugr to defend it. The next room has six
pillars and a [LEVER] that must be pulled when all the pillars are aligned
correctly. The trick is to match it with the smaller carving above it. From
the entrance heading towards the lever, the left side (north wall) should
[HAWK], [SNAKE], [WHALE]. The south wall should read from right to left (the
entrance to the lever) [WHALE], [HAWK], [HAWK].
Head into the next room and as you ascend the stairs a Draugr Scourge will
attack. Search the [CHEST] through the iron door and dodge the lightning
as you reach another puzzle. This puzzle is a little tricky as moving one
pillar could cause others to move.



Pillar 1: This moves pillars 1,3 and 4

Pillar 2: This moves all 4 pillars
Pillar 3: This moves pillars 3 and 4



Pillar 4: This only moves pillar 4

The easiest way to do this is start at pillar 2 and turn it until it's
it needs to be. Then move to pillar 1 and do the same, then pillar 3, and
finally pillar 4. Pull the switch when all four pillars match the carving
above to enter the next area. Watch out for the dart traps and enter a large
room with a mysterious power. Fight off Jyrik Gauldurson by attacking with
spells that counter his shield, ie; a Frost Shield will melt under a few
based attacks. Loot the corpse to find a [GAULDUR AMULET FRAGMENT] and the
[WRIT OF SEALING]. You can also find the [STAFF OF JYRIK GAULDURSON] on the
middle table. Talk to Tolfdir and he will ask you to report to the ArchMage.
Leave the room and find a [CHEST] in front of a Word Wall in the next room.
This Word Wall grants [WORD OF POWER: ICE, ICE FORM].
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: You can read the Writ of Sealing to start the quest [FORBIDDEN
Apparently, there are other Gauldur's in the world that have been
sealed away.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Return to the College and speak with Savos Aren. Tell him about Saarthal
he will give you the [STAFF OF MAGELIGHT] and the quest [HITTING THE BOOKS]
will start as this one comes to an end.
Arniel's Endeavor
Prerequisite: Complete Under Saarthal
Objectives: 1. Deliver ten cogs to Arniel Gane
Speak with Arniel Gane and question him about one of his projects. He

divulge much information but he wants 10 Dwemer Cogs. You can find them in
and Dwarven ruin but namely the one you venture in during [REVEALING THE
UNSEEN], a quest you will eventually come across in this quest line.
Arniel's Endeavor Part 2
Prerequisite: Complete Under Saarthal and Arniel's Endeavor
Objectives: 1. Speak to Enthir
2. Acquire the Staff
3. Deliver the staff to Enthir
4. Talk to Arniel
After turning in the 10 Dwemer Cogs, talk to Arniel again and he will ask
you to speak with Enthir. He will inform you that he has what Arniel wants
but he requires a staff as payment. You will be sent to a random dungeon
location to acquire the [STAFF OF TANDIL] which is usually on the boss of
dungeon. Once you have the Staff of Tandil take it to Enthir and he will
you the [WARPED SOUL GEM]. Talk to Arniel and give him the gem to complete
J'Zargo's Experiment
Prerequisite: Complete Under Saarthal
Objectives: 1. Test J'Zargo's Flame Cloak spell on the undead (3/3)
Speak with J'Zargo after clearing Saarthal and he will ask that you test
some scrolls on the undead. Find a place where Draugr will arise and use the
Flame Cloak three times on them. With that accomplished, return to J'Zargo
with the results.

Onmund's Request
Prerequisite: Complete Under Saarthal
Objectives: 1. Speak with Enthir
2. Find the staff for Enthir
3. Deliver the staff to Enthir
4. Deliver the amulet to Onmund
Talk to Onmund who explains that he mistakenly gave Enthir a sentimental
amulet. Speak with Enthir and you are going to have two options, either
persuade Enthir to return the amulet which is fairly difficult, or retrieve
Staff that Enthir wants back. Head to the random dungeon location and pluck
[GRAND STAFF OF CHARMING] from a [CHEST]. Return the staff to Enthir who
you the amulet that you should immediately give to Onmund and complete the

___ ___




|::.|:. |itting the Books

| Prerequisite: Complete Under Saarthal

| Objectives:

1. Speak with Urag go-Shub


2. Find the stolen books (0/3)


3. (Optional) Free Orthorn


4. Return the books

| Unique Items: Fellglow Ritual Chamber Key

Fragment: On Artaeum


Night of Tears


The Last King of the Ayleids


This quest starts as soon as Under Saarthal is completed. Seek out the
Lorekeeper in his library and inquire about Saarthal to which Urag informs
that books regarding the matter have been stolen by Orthorn. Head to
Keep, located east of Whiterun and fight your way into the dungeon. Move
through the watery area until you reach an Ice Mage and two Frostbite
Move straight through the intersection, dodging the dart trap, and through a
door to find a [CHEST]. Take the other path at the intersection to find some
cells with Vampires locked inside. A Conjurer enters but can be easily taken
out. Search the room then head to the next.
There are three casters in this room so be careful how you deal with them.
Signs of obvious experiment on different races are scattered throughout the
room. Make your way down the steps at the end of the room to find a mage and
a pack of Wolves. Slay the foes and begin to search the room where you can

find a locked [WOODEN DOOR] with a [CHEST] inside. Speak with Orthorn and
optionally free him from his cage by pulling the middle [LEVER]. You can
him or have him follow you, but either way you need to progress further past
this room.
The next room has some Mages practicing their spells on some Vampires.
them and search the shelves for [POTIONS] of resistance then continue to
another cryptic area. A Necromancer and several Skeletons lurk this hallway,
so take out the spellcaster first. Just past this room you will enter
part of Fellglow Keep. The first major room has two casters and possibly an
Atronarch. They explode once they are defeated so steer clear once you drop
Continue to fight your through to a large area with another caster and
Atronarch. There is a door leading to Skyrim but it's locked. Search the
on the bottom floor and the west room on the top floor. The southern door is
barred but the eastern path is available and leads to more Mages. Head up
stairs and into another hallway that leads to an Atronarch. Before getting
far, duck into the side rooms to find a [CHEST]. The room at the end of the
hallway is locked but leads to the [SHRINE OF JULIANOS] which blesses you
+25 Magicka for 7 hours. The bedroom has a [CHEST] and other rare
in it. Return to the hallway and make your way up the steps.
At the top of the steps be sure to grab the [FIRE RESIST POTIONS] and [ICE
SPIKE SCROLLS] from the shelves. Enter the Ritual Chamber to find The Caller
rightly upset. Use one of the Fire Resist Potions then start laying into The
Caller with everything you have. She will continually summon Fire Atronarchs
so there is no need to worry about killing them, they'll just come back.
The Caller dies loot her corpse for the [FELLGLOW RITUAL CHAMBER KEY]. Then
pick up the three books, [NIGHT OF TEARS], [FRAGMENT: ON ARTAEUM], and [THE
LAST KING OF THE AYLEIDS]. Loot the next room of it's plentiful

and search the [CHEST] before returning to Urag.

When you give the books back to Urag he rewards you with several other
that will increase your magical skills; [2920, HEARTH FIRE, V9], [DAUGHTER
ARTS ON TRIAL]. The quest ends and [GOOD INTENTIONS] starts.





|::.. . |ood Intentions

| Prerequisite: Complete Hitting the Books
| Objectives:

1. Speak with Tolfdir


2. Listen to Tolfdir


3. Follow Ancano


4. Speak with Quaranir


5. Find the Augur of Dunlain


6. Report to Savos Aren

| Unique Items: Mages' Circlet


Find Tolfdir near the Saarthal orb and listen to what he has to say about
Ancano rudely interrupts and requests you to follow him immediately. Talk to
Quaranir in the Arch-Mage's quarters. After receiving the news, Quaranir
you to seek out the Augur of Dunlain, but no one knows where he is or if he
even exists. You can persuade Mirabelle for this information or simply ask
Tolfdir. Head into The Midden in search of the Augur of Dunlain.
This first part of the Midden has but a Draugr and Wraith along the very
linear path to The Midden Dark. Loot the [INGREDIENTS] that you find and
a beeline for the next area. Cross the icy bridge and bypass the set of
to find a door where you can hear the Augur of Dunlain try to sway you into
leaving. Continually try to open the door to be granted access. Speak with
Augur to learn about the Eye of Magnus then return to Savos Aren with the
He will give you the [MAGES' CIRCLET] and the quest will end, starting up




|::.|:. |evealing the Unseen

| Prerequisite: Complete Good Intentions

| Objectives:

1. Speak with Mirabelle Ervine


2. Find the ruins of Mzulft


3. Search for Synod researchers


4. Reach the Oculory


5. Find the Focusing Crystal


6. Return the Crystal to Paratus


7. Follow Paratus


8. Place the Crystal into the Oculory


9. Talk to Paratus


10. Report to Savos Aren

| Unique Items: Focusing Crystal

Mzulft Key


Mzulft Observatory Key


Mzulft Room Key


Research Log


Seek out Mirabelle and probe her about the Staff of Magnus. She eventually
divulges that the Synod were looking for it, last heading towards Mzulft.
will find these ruins to the far southeast of Windhelm. When you finally
it to the ruins you will find Gavros Plinius dying and whispering direction.

Loot his corpse for the [MZULFT KEY] and his [RESEARCH LOG] then continue.
down the large hallways until you encounter some Dwarven Spider Workers -Lightning magicka will take them out rather quickly.
Head up the ramp and fight off more Spider Workers then open the northern
door, quickly stepping back to avoid the spear trap, and entering to find
another Spider Worker and a [CHEST]. Go through the eastern door and up
ramp, defeating the Dwarven Spider Worker as it crawls out of it's hole.
you reach the cavernous area don't shy away from the [ORE VEINS]. Up ahead
will meet a Chaurus, slay it and note two more dead Synod Researchers. March
through the cavern until you encounter more Chaurus. Cut through them and
your way up a ramp past the next door. You should encounter a Dwarven Sphere
at this point.
Unlock the large gate infront of you to find two [CHESTS] and a plethora
Dwemer products. Head north and up a ramp to find yourself in a large
yet again. When you reach a set of stairs go down them and unlock the gate
the end of the corridor to gain access to a [CHEST]. Return to the top floor
and move north to a large open room. Head along the left side and hug the
wall. If you have Whirlwind Sprint you can use it to cross without being
pushed off by the pistons, alternatively you can dodge them or jump over.
Sprint through the hallway to find a dead Falmer just before the entrance to
the Mzulft Boilery.
There are plenty of decommissioned Dwarven machinima strewn amidst this
The Falmer have dominated it and they are the bulk of your encounters now.
northeast through the halls until you reach a room with a few cells and two
Falmer. Unlock one of the cells to find more scrap parts then continue east
a cavernous area. When you encounter a Chaurus take a small detour to find a

[MOONSTONE ORE VEIN] and a [CHEST] in a small alcove. Traverse the terrain
you will stumble upon a Falmer hut with a [CHEST] inside, but you must first
defeat the foes guarding it.
Ahead you will encounter more Falmer and quite possibly a Gloomlurker.
the tent to find another dead Synod Researcher then head north. In the next
passageway, slay the Chaurus and find the [CHEST] hidden near the ramp
moving on. When you return to the Dwarven ruins you should find a master
[LOCKED DOOR] inside you can find a [CHEST] and the [MZULFT ROOM KEY]. As
begin to move west there is a door to the north. Unlock it and search the
[CHEST] before continuing. This large room has two Falmer and a sewer area
the middle. Enter the southwest room to fight off a Chaurus Reaper and find
Progress northwest to enter the Mzulft Aedrome. Head up the ramp and into


enormous room, but obviously after crumpling your foes, one of which hold
[FOCUSING CRYSTAL]. Head east and follow the hallway to the end where you
fight a Dwarven Sphere Master. There is plenty of Dwarven materials but the
[CHEST] in this room contains the [MZULFT OBSERVATORY KEY]. Back in the
room you can find a Falmer tent with a [CHEST]. The door to the north can be
picked to find a [CHEST] behind it as well. Ascend the western staircase and
search the [CHEST] to the left of the door. Use the key and head up the ramp
to reach the Oculory and talk with Paratus Decimius.
Follow him into the Oculory and place the Focusing Crystal in it. Put
in one hand and Frostbite in the other. Stand under the Crystal and use
Frostbite until the light starts to criss-cross and shift. When the lights
are all positioned in the middle of the rows that you can move, head up to
the alignment buttons and move the reflectors until the all reflect the

of light. Talk to Paratus once this is completed then make your way back to
the College. Nerien will only reaffirm that something is amiss as you make
way out of the ruins. When you reach Savos a scene occurs and the quest
[CONTAINMENT] immediately starts.






|::.. . |ontainment
| Prerequisite: Complete Revealing the Unseen
| Objectives:

1. Find the Arch-Mage


2. Protect the town of Winterhold


3. Defeat the creatures infesting Winterhold (10/10)


4. Report to Mirabelle Ervine

| Unique Items: Savos Aren's Amulet

Torc of Labyrinthian


Luckily you remain unharmed from the blast. Rendezvous in the courtyard
talk to Tolfdir; the Arch-Mage did not make it. The town of Winterhold is
being effected by the energies of the Eye of Magnus, you must defend it!
down the bridge and see if Faralda will join you, it will certainly lower
casualty rate. The Magic Anomalies are rather obvious as they rush through
town. Be dead accurate with your spells or you will end up killing the
that you are here to save. When they are wiped out, report to Mirabelle.
another turn of events you are off to Labyrinthian, but not before Mirabelle
gives you the [TORC OF LABYRINTHIAN] and [SAVOS AREN'S AMULET]. This quest
over, but the quest [THE STAFF OF MAGNUS] has just begun.


| |




|::.|he Staff of Magnus

| Prerequisite: Complete Containment
| Objectives:

1. Enter Labyrinthian


2. Find the Staff of Magnus


3. Return to Tolfdir


| Unique Items: Morokei


The Staff of Magnus


Word of Power: Time, Slow Time


The trek is long and tough through the wintery area where Frost Trolls
frequent. As you approach the door you will see the ethereal figures, but
cannot speak to them. Enter the dungeon and head straight to the door out of
this room. The spectral party makes another appearance but ignore them and
flip the [LEVER] and pass into a massive room where a Skeletal Dragon will
attack along with several Skeletons. The Skeletons quickly drop and the
will succumb to Fire-based damage for an easy take down. Descend the ramp to
an etched tablet then enter the Labyrinthian Chasm.
Move down the ramp and you will hear a voice speaking in the tongue of
Dragon. Defeat the Frost Spirit and enter a large cavern. Make progress
and slay the Draugr and Draugr Wights that attempt to halt you. There is a
room to the south with an [ALCHEMY LAB] and [ARCANE ENCHANTER] that you
stop by to find [INGREDIENTS] or craft any last minute potions. Continue to
descend into the depths of the cavern. Cross the bridge and the voice begins
speak in native tongue. Slay more Draugr and raid the shelves of their
[INGREDIENTS]. Go down to the watery/misty area and enter the Labyrinthian
Make your way through the chasm and unlock the gate. There are two
on this path (the other path leads to the same location but on lower
Move into the next room where a Troll resides. Slay it and check the

corner of the room for a [CHEST]. Move into the northern room and defeat the
Skeletons then cross the bridge to the west and kill the Trolls. There is a
[CHEST] in the back of this room. Return to the main room and throw the
to lower the spears. Move through this archway and turn left to ascend the
steps and find another [CHEST].
Move through the graveyard area and fight the Wispmother. The next door
spawns a Flame Spirit, just hit it with Frost spells and open the door with
another Frost spell. Head east and continue to descend through the Draugr
and Skeleton onslaught until your reach the Labyrinthian, Tribune. Move down
the hallway and snag the [CHEST] before continuing west. The hallways is
littered with traps so be careful. The next room has a small tower that you
climb and on the top level a [CHEST] sits. Drop down to the bottom level and
move west then turn south at the intersection and unlock the gate to find
enchanted [WEAPONS] and [ARMOR].
Take the other path west and dual it out with a Drauger Deathlord. When
the Deathlord falls approach the Word Wall to learn [WORD OF POWER: TIME,
TIME]. Move down the hall and into a small room where another flashback of
occurs. Open the iron door to a large room where, Morokei, the Dragon Priest
being held in check by Enthralled Wizards. Take the Wizards down to release
Morokei and fight him however you please. Just know that hearing his Voice
drain you Magicka. Loot the corpse for [MOROKEI] and the [STAFF OF MAGNUS].
Make your way out of the room opposite where Morokei was. Snag the contents
the two [CHESTS] and continue towards the exit until you are halted by
Slay him and return to the Winterfold to meet with Tolfdir on the bridge to
the College. The quest will end and the final chapter of this quest line
unfolds as [THE EYE OF MAGNUS] begins.

| |



|::.|he Eye of Magnus

| Prerequisite: Complete The Staff of Magnus
| Objectives:

1. Use the Staff of Magnus to enter the College of Winterhold


2. Reach the Hall of the Elements


3. Defeat Ancano


4. Talk to Tolfdir


5. Speak with Quaranir

| Unique Items: Arch-Mage's Quarters Key

Archmage's Robes


When you arrive at the Hall of the Elements, Ancano will be there to meet
you. Magic is useless at this point and Ancano will cast a massive spell
more. Equip the Staff of Magnus and cast it on the Eye of Magnus when it is
fully open. This will seal the Eye and allow you to hurt Ancano, let loose!
With the battle over speak with Tolfdir and then Quaranir. The quest ends
you receive the [ARCHMAGE'S ROBES] and the [ARCH-MAGE'S QUARTERS KEY].

Prerequisite: Complete The Eye of Magnus
Objectives: 1. Close the rupture
2. Talk to Tolfdir
Speak with Tolfdir after stopping Ancano and he will send you to a random
location where there is a rift leeking Magic Anomalies. Clear them out with
Staff of Magnus and seal the rupture. Return to Tolfdir for a reward, unless
the rupture occurred in Winterhold.
Rogue Wizard
Prerequisite: Complete The Eye of Magnus
Objectives: 1. Deal with the rogue wizard
2. Talk to Tolfdir
Speak with Tolfdir after the events of The Eye of Magnus has completed.
Your learn of a troublesome mage that is wreaking havoc and Tolfdir wants
to stop him. The location is random but the Insane College Wizard will
be there with a few companions. Slay the traitor and return to Tolfdir with
the good news.
Arniel's Endeavor Part 3
Prerequisite: Complete The Eye of Magnus and Arniel's Endeavor Part 2

Objectives: 1. Place the warped soul gem into a Convector

2. Heat the Convector
3. Retrieve the soul gem
4. Place the warped soul gem into another Convector
5. Heat the Convector
6. Retrieve the soul gem
7. Place the warped soul gem into a final Convector
8. Heat the Convector
9. Retrieve the soul gem
10. Deliver the soul gem to Arniel
Continue to aid Arniel is his project and he will give you [ARNIEL'S
CONVECTION]. There are many places you can find a Convector but the easiest
is going to be Mzulft since you have already cleared that dungeon. Place the
[WARPED SOUL GEM] in the Dwemer Convector then use Arniel's Convection to
the Convector. Take the gem out and move to another Convector -- the Dwarven
Storeroom outside Mzulft is probably the closest. Place the gem, heat it,
take it out again then head to a final Convector. You can find one outside
ruins of Bthalft. Repeat the process for the last time then return to Arniel
to complete the quest.

Arniel's Endeavor Part 4

Prerequisite: Complete The Eye of Magnus and Arniel's Endeavor Part 3
Objectives: 1. Talk to Enthir
2. Find the courier
3. Deliver the package to Arniel
4. Observe Arniel's experiment

Wait approximately 36 hours after completing the previous quest then talk


Arniel once more. It seems Enthir is holding out once more, but upon further
investigation it seems a courier got lost coming from Morrowind. Head to the
dungeon and seek out the lost delivery man. Loot [KEENING] off of the corpse
of the unfortunate then return to Arniel. Watch his experiment and when he
disappears you gain [SUMMON ARNIEL'S SHADE].

Destruction Ritual Spell

Prerequisite: Achieve Destruction Skill of 90 or higher
Objectives: 1. Complete the book Powers of the Elements
Talk to Faralda and see if she will teach you anything new. She hints that
you can learn newer, more powerful spells. The riddle in the book points to
Windward Ruins, west of Dawnstar. Find the pedestal and place the Power of
Elements on it. Cast a Fire-based spell on it and then pick it up after the
explosion to find new text. This clue hints towards the North Skybound
which is east of Riverwood. Place the book on the pedestal and use a Frost
spell this time. After the explosion more text appears, leading you to Four
Skull Lookout which can be found between Markarth and Morthal.
Move to the pedestal here and once again place the book. Cast a Lightning
spell and read the book after the explosion. This time you learn [SPELL:
STORM] and the quest completes. Return to Faralda to notice she now sells
other master spells [BLIZZARD] and [LIGHTNING STORM].
Illusion Ritual Spell

Prerequisite: Achieve Illusion Skill of 90 or higher
Objectives: 1. Bring the Four Master Illusion texts to Drevis Neloren
Speak with Drevis Neloren who is surprised you can see him. Inquire if
isn't else to learn about Illusion spells and he will give you the [VISION
THE TENTH EYE] and ask you to find four hidden books. The first book is
in the Hall of Countenance's second floor in the southeast room on top of a
barrel, it is called [MASTER ILLUSION TEXT]. The second [MASTER ILLUSION
is found on the second floor of the Hall of Attainment under a bench at the
top of the steps.
Move from here to the Arcanaeum and take a left around the circle. The
table on the outer ring has the [MASTER ILLUSION TEXT] sitting next to The
Legend of Red Eagle. The fourth and final book is in the Midden in the same
room with the sacrificial pedestal. Return to Drevis with all four books to
receive [SPELL TOME: HYSTERIA]. The quest ends but Drevis' stock increases

Conjuration Ritual Spell

Prerequisite: Achieve Conjuration Skill of 90 or higher
Objectives: 1. Summon and subdue an Unbound Dremora
2. Deliver the stone to Phinis

Speak with Phinis Gestor and ask if there is anything more to learn about
Conjuration. He will prepare a place for you to summon an Unbound Dremora
that you will subdue then obtain a sigil stone from. Head to the very top of
the Hall of Attainment and stand in the summoning circle. Cast the spell and
fight off the monster then resummon it. Talk to it and it refuses to submit,
slay it again. The third time the Unbound Dremore submits and will comply.
The fourth summoning is a charm and the Dremora will bring the [SIGIL
Return to Phinis to obtain [SPELL TOME: FLAME THRALL] and finish the quest.

Restoration Ritual Spell

Prerequisite: Achieve Restoration Skill of 90 or higher
Objectives: 1. Get the Augur's approval
Talk to Colette Marence, typically found on the second floor of the Hall
Countenance, about learning more from Restoration. She tells you that you
the Augur's approval first, so head down to the Midden Dark and speak with
He gives harsh words and warning that you will rely on your skill as a mage,
not on your items. You are stripped of your gear and left only to use the
Restoration magicka you know. Keep yourself alive through the fight with the
Ghosts and they will eventually disappear. The Augur approves and you are
learn the spell [BANE OF THE UNDEAD]. Colette will now sell [SPELL TOME:

Alteration Ritual Spell


Prerequisite: Achieve Alteration Skill of 90 or higher
Objectives: 1. Use Kavohzein's Fang to collect Heartscales
2. Bring Dragon Heartscales to Tolfdir
Speak with Tolfdir and inquire about learning more about Alteration. He
tells you he's been working on a new spell but needs Heartscales. You are
to a random dungeon where you can find [KAVOHZEIN'S FANG]. The item is
in a large [CHEST]. With the item in hand you must slay a Dragon (the dagger
must be equipped when looting) and loot it. The item won't actually be on
corpse but you will obtain [DRAGON HEARTSCALES]. The easiest way to obtain
is to go to a Dragon corpse that you haven't looted for some reason. Return
Tolfdir to obtain [SPELL TOME: DRAGONSKIN]. Tolfdir also sells [SPELL TOME:
MASS PARALYSIS] now that you have helped him.




|::.|:. | Chance Arrangement


| Objectives:

1. Meet Brynjolf during daytime


2. Steal Madesi's Ring


3. Plant Madesi's Ring


4. Speak to Brynjolf

| Unique Items: Madesi's Ring

After you gain access to the city of Riften find Brynjolf who needs a
and [A CHANCE ARRANGEMENT]. Tell Brynjolf you are ready to begin and he will
call everyone to gather around. Sneak over to Madesi's stand and unlock the
sliding door and steal [MADESI'S RING]. Now pickpocket Brand-Shei and place
the ring on him. Return to Brynjolf who is more than pleased should you


| |




|::.|aking Care of Business

| Prerequisite: Complete A Chance Arrangement

| Objectives:

1. Locate Brynjolf at the Ragged Flagon


2. Collect Keerava's debt


3. Collect Bersi Honey-Hand's debt


4. Collect Haelga's debt


5. Return to Brynjolf

| Unique Items: Statue of Dibella

This quest will start after you have worked with Brynjolf. Make your way
through the sewers and into the Ragged Flagon to speak with Brynjolf. Your
next task will make you a Guild Member so get to it. Start off with Keerava
the Bee and Barb. Brawl with her or listen to her excuses and seek out
TalenJei to get some dirt on Jeerava. Return to her and threaten her to get the
first bounty.
Bersi Honey-Hand is located in the Pawned Prawn. You can quietly beat him
silly until you get his money via a brawl or halt his excuses and smash a
Dwarven pot. Talk to Bersi again and ask if he wants anything else broken,
which he replies by handing over the 100 gold pieces. Haelga is in Haelga's
Bunkhouse and you can brawl her just like the rest of the others. If you
to go the pacifist route then break conversation and steal the [STATUE OF
DIBELLA] (it's a Goddess statue) then return to her and threaten to dump it.
After two of the debts have been collected the third person will simply hand
over the money. Return to Brynjolf to finish the quest and receive some






|::.. . |oud and Clear

| Prerequisite: Complete Taking Care of Business
| Objectives:

1. Follow Brynjolf


2. Listen to Mercer Frey


3. Talk to Brynjolf


4. Burn three bee hives (3/3)


5. Clear out Aringoth's safe


6. (Optional) Speak to Vex about Goldenglow Estate


7. (Optional) Enter Goldenglow using sewer


8. Return to Brynjolf

| Unique Items: Goldenglow Bill of Sale

Goldenglow Cellar Key


Goldenglow Safe Key


This quest starts after you complete Taking Care of Business. Follow
to Mercer Frey who welcomes you to the Thieves Guild and assigns you a new
task that not even Vex could do. Inquire about the mission and Brynjolf will
give you information that let's you question Vex about the Goldenglow
Talk to Vex and she will tell you the best way to infiltrate the estate is
the sewers.
Move out towards the Goldenglow Estate and search around for the entrance


the sewers. The quickest way to reach the safe is via the exit at the south
east of the sewers. If you take the northern exit you will end up near the
backdoor to the estate. From here you can sneak up to the second floor and
high enough Sneak you can actually make it to Aringoth and steal the
sewers, with or without the key, and open the safe to find the [GOLDENGLOW
OF SALE]. With this objective complete you need only burn the bee hives.
outside and burn only three of them or Brynjolf will be angered. This will
certainly attract the guards attention so sneak away or prepare for a fight.
Return to Brynjolf when all objectives have completed to finish the quest.
You can now do a number of things as a full-fledged member of the Thieves
Guild: Fast Travel to the back entrance, the hidden Caches in Riften are now
available, guards can be bribed, and you can now loot almost anything within
the Thieves Guild without stealing it.




|::.. . /ampened Spirits

| Prerequisite: Complete Loud and Clear
| Objectives:

1. Speak to Maven Black-Briar


2. Speak to Mallus Maccius


3. Speak to Sabjorn


4. Poison the Honningbrew Vat


5. Poison the Nest


6. Return to Sabjorn


7. Attend the tasting ceremony


8. Speak to Mallus Maccius


9. Identify Sabjorn's silent partner


10. Return to Maven Black-Briar


11. Return to Brynjolf

| Unique Items: Honningbrew Brewhouse Key

Honningbrew Decanter


Honningbrew Meadery Key


Pest Poison


Promissory Note


Sabjorn's Dresser Key


This quest starts right after Loud and Clear completes. Leave the Ragged
Flaggon and search for Maven in the Bee and Barb. She needs to run her only
competition, the Honningbrew Meadery, out of business. Maven sends you to
to Mallus Maccius in the Bannered Mare in Whiterun. Talk to Mallus to
he has already come up with a plan to ruin Sabjorn, the owner of
You can talk to Mallus to gain a better understanding of the situation if
want. Leave Whiterun and head over to the main building of the Honningbrew
Talk to Sabjorn and tell him you will clear out the vermin in his
Head down there with the [PEST POISON] you received and unlocked the door
the [HONNINGBREW MEADERY KEY]. Watch out for bear traps and Venomfang
as you make your way through the narrow cavern halls. Just past the Skeevers
is a family of Frostbite Spiders, slay them and continue to the Nest. Poison
the nest and search the [CHEST] then make your way to the Honningbrew
Near the door you can find the [HONNINGBREW BREWHOUSE KEY] and on the second
floor a [CHEST]. Lift the Vat and poison it's contents then return to
who has been stalling Commander Caius.
Talk to Mallus after the taste test is completed to obtain [SABJORN'S
DRESSER KEY]. Go upstairs and search through Sabjorn's Dresser to find the
[PROMISSORY NOTE]. Unlock the door next to the dresser and you will find the
[HONNINGBREW DECANTER] which will start a Miscellaneous Objective. With this
completed, return to Maven Black-Briar in Riften. Give her the news and she

will reward you with a [RANDOM ENCHANTER WEAPON]. Return to Brynjolf and
about the strange symbol that has now appeared more than once. The quest
and Mallus becomes the Fence at Honningbrew Meadery.




|::.. . |coundrel's Folly

| Prerequisite: Complete Dampened Spirits
| Objectives:

1. Speak to Mercer Frey


2. (Optional) Speak to Brynjolf


3. Speak to Gulum-Ei


4. Steal case of Firebrand Wine


5. Get information from Gulum-Ei


6. Shadow Gulum-Ei


7. Confront Gulum-Ei


8. Return to Mercer Frey


9. Speak to Tonilia about exchanging a piece of armor

| Unique Items: East Empire Shipping Map


Goldenglow Bill of Sale


With the discovery of the same mark on two clients, Mercer wants you to
to an old Argonian contact for the Guild named Gulum-Ei. This Argonian is
Guild's inside man for the East Empire Company. Talk to Brynjolf for more
information on Gulum-Ei then head to Solitude in search of the old friend.
You will find the lizard in the Winking Skeever where you must use the code
name of Gajul-Lei to draw his attention. Persuade, bribe, or intimidate him
get what you want. If you are forced to bribe Gulum-Ei you have to steal a
case of Firebrand Wine from the Blue Palace in Solitude.
When you get the information you feel as if Gulum-Ei isn't telling you all
that he knows. Follow him to the East Empire Company Warehouse where you
to Sneak around. If you are seen you'll be in for a real fight so do your
to stay hidden. As Gulum-Ei moves into the Brinwater Grotto you can take a
small detour to the Foreman's Office and snag the [EAST EMPIRE SHIPPING
Enter Brinewater Grotto and watch out for trip-wire traps that will drop
at you. At the dead end you will find Gulum-Ei who suddenly wants to tell
everything to spare his life. The Dunmer Karliah is the one he is working
and she apparently killed Gallus, a former Guild member. Let the Argonian
since he gives you the [GOLDENGLOW BILL OF SALE].
Return to Mercer Frey and he is shocked to find the mastermind is Karliah.
If you have some Thieves Guild clothing you can visit Tonilia and exchange
for a new set with better stats. Gulum-Ei also becomes the Fence for





|::.. . |peaking with Silence

| Prerequisite: Complete Scoundrel's Folly
| Objectives:

1. Meet Mercer Frey outside of Snow Veil Sanctum


2. Find Karliah


3. Speak to Karliah

| Unique Items: Word of Power: Weapon, Disarm

Mercer Frey is tagging along this time in your pursuit of Karliah, the
murderess. When you reach Snow Veil Sanctum you will find Mercer Frey
for you. You can ask him about Gallus and Karliah to find out about their
relationship. Move towards the door to the Sanctum and Mercer Frey will
it for you. Lead on through the halls until you find a dead Draugr and an
unlooted [CHEST]. Enter the next room and you get ambushed by a few living
Draugr. Pull the [CHAIN] and dodge the spike trap then move down the hall.

Slay the Draugr Scourge that emerges from the wall and unlock the iron
to find some [POTIONS]. The next area will be littered with Draugr, Draugr
Scourge, and a Draugr Deathlord. Mercer Frey will likely charge in and begin
assault before you get a chance to. Back him up with Shouts and when the
has calmed search the area for a [CHEST]. There is a [CHAIN] inside a tomb
the left of the gate, pull and fight through more Draugr. At the end of the
hallway is another locked door with a [CHEST] in the room.
Move east and pull the [CHAIN] to continue deeper. Slaughter more Draugr
Deathlords and move up the steps until you reach a small area filled with
Take the [SHIP MODEL] off the pedestal and immediately move off the oil as
lights it. A different set of steps will take you deeper into the Sanctum.
place is filled to the brim with Draugr Deathlords so be careful. When the
coast is clear you will find two [CHESTS] and a [CHAIN] to have access to
next room.
Make your way through a set of double iron doors where you will find a
Death Overlord. Slay him and loot the [CHEST] then search the Word Wall on
end opposite the entrance to learn [WORD OF POWER: WEAPON, DISARM]. Move a
further and you will reach a Claw gate. Mercer will unlock is somehow and
a scene takes place, eventually leading to the quests end.
___ ___




|::.|:. |ard Answers


| Prerequisite: Complete Speaking with Silence
| Objectives:

1. Speak with Enthir


2. Speak with Calcelmo


3. Gain entry to Calcelmo's Museum


4. (Optional) Obtain the key to Calcelmo's Museum


5. Obtain Calcelmo's Falmer Translating Guide


6. Duplicate the writing on Calcelmo's Stone


7. Return to Enthir


8. Speak to Enthir


9. Speak to Karliah

| Unique Items: Calcelmo's Laboratory Key

Calcelmo's Stone Rubbing


Dwemer Museum Key


Gallus's Encoded Journal


Nightingale Blade


Spider Control Rod


You receive [GALLUS'S ENCODED JOURNAL] from Karliah and you need to get it
translated. Enthir in Winterhold should be able to help but he ends up
you to speak with Calcelmo in Markarth. Calcelmo is in the Understone Keep
he doesn't want to be bothered. The only way he will grant you access to his
research is if you have high enough bribery or if you have aided him before
which case you already have access to his Museum. Either way you need to
the [DWEMER MUSEUM KEY] from him or from his table (steal it). With the key
hand head over to the Dwemer Museum and sneak past the guards to enter
Calcelmo's Laboratory. You could always just fight your way through and reap
the rewards of all the [LOCKPICKING] you'll get to do.
Once in the Laboratory enter the first room on the left to find a [SPIDER
CONTROL ROD]. From here you need to make your way into the northwestern area
by Sneaking to find [CALCELMO's LABORATORY KEY]. Likewise you can just slay
all the Wizard's Guards and loot the key off of one of them. The southeast
area is where you want to get to and you can find the [DWEMER PUZZLE CUBE]
nicely displayed on a wall. Enter the Markarth Wizards' Balcony to reach the
top of Calcelmo's Laboratory. On your way through the room you will
no guards so feel free to run to run to the top. Snag a [ROLL OF PAPER] and
some [CHARCOAL] then activate [CALCELMo'S STONE] to receive [CALCELMO'S
Head back to Enthir in the Frozen Hearth in Winterhold but watch out for
the Wizard's Guard that enter, led by Captain Aquilius. Sneak past them or
fight your way back to the balcony then take a detour down a small path to
find a waterfall. Jump down into the water to arrive back in Markarth so you
can finally Fast Travel. Enthir reveals what Karliah feared, Mercer was
everything and Karliah believes the best course of action is to return to
Guild as soon as possible. You receive the [NIGHTINGALE BLADE] and Enthir

becomes a Fence for Winterhold.



| |




|::.|he Pursuit
| Prerequisite: Complete Hard Answers
| Objectives:

1. Meet Karliah at the Ragged Flagon


2. Follow Karliah


3. Speak to Brynjolf


4. Infiltrate Mercer's House


5. (Optional) Shoot the mechanism to lower the ramp


6. (Optional) Speak to Vex about Vald


7. (Misc Obj) Talk to Maven about Vald's debt


8. (Misc Obj) Locate the Quill of Gemination under Lake


9. (Misc Obj) Bring the Quill of Gemination to Maven


10. Discover evidence of Mercer's location


11. Speak to Brynjolf


| Unique Items: Bust of the Gray Fox




Mercer's House Key


Mercer's Plans


Quill of Gemination


Vald's Debt


You cannot enter the Thieves Guild from the graveyard entrance, you must
enter via the Ratway. When you arrive you will find Karliah already waiting
for you. Follow here to the Cistern where Brynjolf, Vex, and Delvin are
waiting. Karliah hands over the book and everyone goes to check the vault.
It's empty, all of it, not a single thing left. Talk to Brynjolf and tell
everything you've learned then ask him about the best way to break into
Riftweald Manor, the residence of Mercer Frey.
If you talk to Vex she will give you details on Vald. These objectives are
listed as Miscellaneous but pertain to this quest. Talk to Maven about
debt and she will explain that he lost the Quill of Gemination, a very
valuable item that Maven paid the College of Winterhold a great deal to
If you recover this item for her she will consider his debt erased. The
location won't show on your map so you'll have to trek out between Riften
the Goldenglow Farm.
The boat was sunk literaly in the middle on the lake. The easiest way to
where to dive is maneuver yourself to the east of Goldenglow and west of

There are two small ships to the east and west, dive between them and you
find the boat along with [VALD'S STRONGBOX]. Inside is the [QUILL OF
GEMINATION] that Maven wanted. Return to Maven with the quill and she will
give you [VALD'S DEBT].
Head to the back of the Riftweald Manor and wait for Vald to come out. You
can give him the debt if you have it, persuade him to let you in, or pick
lock and deal with him (either through evasion or fists). Either way results
in you having the [MERCER'S HOUSE KEY] so you can enter the building. The
best way in is to shoot the mechanism that's holding the ramp up so you can
sneak in via the top floor.
Sneak down to the middle room of the bottom floor and check the
WARDROBE] and move the [FALSE BACK PANEL] to enter a side sector of the
Ratway. Make your way down to Mercer's hidden room just past the swinging
axes to find [MERCER'S PLANS]. Next to this is [BUST OF THE GRAY FOX] and
there is a locked display case where you can find [CHILLREND]. With the loot
secure, return to Brynjolf with the location of Mercer.


| |




|::.|rinity Restored
| Prerequisite: Complete The Pursuit
| Objectives:

1. Listen to Karliah


2. Meet Karliah at the standing stone


3. Follow Karliah


4. Activate the Armor Stone


5. Equip the Nightingale Armor


6. Follow Karliah


7. Stand on vacant floor glyph


8. Speak to Karliah


9. Speak to Brynjolf

| Unique Items: Nightingale Armor

Nightingale Boots


Nightingale Gloves


Nightingale Hood


Meet Karliah at the standing stone to the south and she will tell you
the Nightingales. Follow her inside and she will have you don the armor of
the Nightingale. Approach the Armor Stone and you will receive the
Equip the set and follow Karliah once more. If you want, take a detour to
east and find a [CHEST] in the sleeping quarters. Karliah will tell you that
you are going to become a Nightingale, but you must take an Oath to
before you are granted your powers.

Stand on the western glyph and Karliah starts the ceremonial Oath.
accepts her offer and Brynjolf and yourself become Nightingales. Talk to
Karliah and Brynjolf afterwards to figure out where Mercer has gone.




|::.. . /lindsighted
| Prerequisite: Complete Trinity Restored
| Objectives:

1. Travel to Irkngthand


2. Speak to Karliah


3. Locate Mercer Frey


4. Slay Mercer Frey


5. Retrieve the Skeleton Key


6. Escape from Irkngthand


7. Speak to Karliah

| Unique Items: Left Eye of the Falmer

Nightingale Bow


Right Eye of the Falmer


Skeleton Key


As if traveling to Irkngthand wasn't enough, when you arrive there is a

whole clan of Bandits inhabiting the area. The second floor has a [LEVER]
can use to lower the spears at the main entrance, but to enter the Arcanex
you need to climb to the very top floor. Inside the Arcanex around the fire
is a [CHEST] and your quest updates to find Karliah. Journey through the
Dwemer ruins and past the room of fire to an elevator leading to the Grand
Cavern. Talk to Karliah and Brynjolf and open the door from the side as it's
booby-trapped to release a mace down the middle.
As you move on Karliah will spot Mercer down below. Descend the ramps and
you will come across a Falmer Shadowmaster in a hut. Move to the end of this
platform, bypassing a chance to continue downward to find a [LEVER] and a
[CHEST]. Pull this lever and find it's match on the exact opposite end. Use
the stairs inbetween to quickly reach it. This will lower the gate on the
bottom floor. If you are having trouble doing this, kill the Falmer that are
on the bottom floor first.
In the next area rush to the end and fight off the Falmer that strike at
Climb the ramp and you'll eventually enter a room that's obviously been
raided since there are tons of empty [CHESTS]. Leave this room to enter the
large area where Mercer was spotted. There are a lot of Falmer and even a
Dwarven Centurion, which you can release to turn on the hapless Falmer. You
will eventually see the door to the Slave Pens but more Falmer and Frostbite
Spiders will hinder your path.
The Slave Pens smell horrible and Brynjolf will let you know of it. Head
down the steps and attract the Falmer then flip the [LEVER] to watch the
spinning blade dice them. The next area is a series of smalls camps run by

the Falmer and their pets the Chaurus. You can sneak by most of it but there
are a few [CHESTS] inside the huts. Ultimately, your goal is to reach the
Mercer is here and plucking the Eyes of the Falmer out. If you have
of Detect Life (which could be found earlier in the dungeon) or the spell
itself you should use them. Mercer can fade into the shadows and sneak
you for massive damage, but not if you can detect him! He isn't all that
of a challenge if you know where is at all times. When Mercer dies loot the
amongst other jewels and items from his corpse. Water begins to fill the
room but as it does you are granted access to a small passage that leads to
the Bronze Water Cave.
After your grand escape from death talk to Karliah and she will grant you
the [NIGHTINGALE BOW] as she no longer needs it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: As long as you have the Skeleton Key in hand you can pick locks
having to worry if the lockpick will break. Ofcourse this means you
also will never finish the last quest in the questline if you don't


the Skeleton Key back. Use this chance to unlock any door or chest you




|::.. . /arkness Returns


| Prerequisite: Complete Blindsighted
| Objectives:

1. Enter the Twilight Sepulcher


2. Speak to the Nightingale Sentinel


3. Follow the Pilgrim's Path


4. (Optional) Retrieve Nystrom's Journal

| Unique Items: Anders's Message

Nystrom's Journal


Make your way west to the Twilight Sepulcher near a mountain stream. Head
down the path and speak with the Nightingale Sentinel, who is actually
Here his plight then ask a few more questions to get an optional objective
find Nystrom's Journal. Head east to find Nystrom's skeleton and loot it to
receive [NYSTROM'S JOURNAL]; there is normally an enchanted weapon near his
skeletal remains as well.
Read the journal then move south through the iron doors. The first test is
to defeat the Nightingale Sentinels in the room you just entered. There are
total of three that you must kill before entering the next room.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: It is highly recommended that you save at this time. The next room is
deadly and you'll have to backtrack quite some ways if you die without
----------------------------------------------------------------------------In this room the light is damaging. The darker the area the better off you
are. As you reach the first set of steps take caution as a dart trap is
set off. When you jump down another one awaits, so dodge it and progress to
the bridge. Sprint across the bridge and dodge the dart trap that shoots
straight down the middle of it. Maneuver through the slim areas of purest
darkness to reach an iron door at the top of the steps and leave the
dangerous room.
This next room has a statue of Nocturnal and two [CHAINS] hidden by the
large torch holders. Pull the chains and exit via the newly opened pathway
behind the statue. Continue down the path until you see a corridor with
swinging axes. You can opt to go this route and set off a dart trap that
guarantee some damage or you can take a detour to the left of this corridor
and unlock the gate to take an alternate path with no blades. There is a
path off this course that leads back to the main room but there are only
Nightingale Sentinels in there to fight.
Enter the Inner Sanctum and move through the hallway to a well. Jump down
and loot Anders for [ANDERS'S MESSAGE]. While thinking you are stuck here to
have the same fate as poor Anders, the Skeleton Key responds and drops you
into the Ebonmere! Return the Skeleton Key and Nocturnal appears. Listen to
what she has to say then speak with Karliah. Afterwards, choose a path of
the Nightingale that you desire and the questline completes.
Nightingale Subterfuge - People and creatures in the spell's area of effect
will attack anyone nearby for 30 seconds.
Nightingale Strife - Instantly absorb 100 points of Health from the target.

Shadowcloak of Nocturnal - For 120 seconds you automatically become

while sneaking.




|o Stone Unturned
| Prerequisite: Find an Unusual Stone
| Objectives:

1. Recover the Stones of Barenziah (24/24)


2. Become a full member of the Thieves Guild

| Unique Items: Crown of Barenziah

Prowler's Profit


Stone of Barenziah


These stones are found as [UNUSUAL STONE] until you take one to Vex in the
Thieves Guild. She will inform you that they are part of a set of 24,
originally making up a crown. Acquire all 24 stones and return to Vex to get



| #01 | Solitude (Proudspire Manor) - In the master bedroom
| #02 | Solitude (Blue Palace) - On a shelf in Jarl Elisif the Fair's room
| #03 | Thalmor Embassy (Elenwen's Solar) In one of the bedrooms
| #04 | Dainty Sload - On a small table in the Captain's Quarters
| #05 | College of Winterhold - On a shelf in the Arch-Mage's Quarters
| #06 | Yngvild (Throne Room) - In the chamber behind the throne
| #07 | Hob's Fall Cave - In the necromancers' sleeping area
| #08 | Markarth (Treasury House) - On a nightstand in the Master bedroom
| #09 | Markarth (Dwemer Museum) - On a table in a locked side room

| #10 | Dead Crone Rock - On a makeshift altar
| #11 | Whiterun (Jorrvaskr) - In Kodlak Whitemane's bedroom
| #12 | Whiterun (Hall of the Dead) - In one of the wall crypts at the foot

of a skeleton

| #13 | Whiterun (Dragonsreach) - In the Jarl's bedroom
| #14 | Rannveig's Fast - On a table near the watery prison
| #15 | Fellglow Keep - On a counter in the workroom at the top of the foyer
| #16 | Windhelm (House of Clan Shatter-Shield) - In a bedroom
| #17 | Windhelm (Palace of the Kings) - On a table in Wuunferth the

Unliving's Quarters

| #18 | Stony Creek Cave - In the Bandit Wizard's cavern
| #19 | Ansilvund - Near Fjorl's ghost in the burial chambers

| #20 | Sunderstone Gorge - On the Altar infront of the Word Wall
| #21 | Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary - On the dresser in Astrid's room
| #22 | Pinewatch - In a locked treasure room
| #23 | Riften (Mistveil Keep) - In the Jarl's Chambers on a bedside table
| #24 | Riften (Black-Briar Lodge) In the Master bedroom upstairs

After collecting all stones and speaking with Vex she will inform you that
she knows the location of the Crown of Barenziah. This requires you to go
through Tolvald's Crossing, so set out for it (the World Map location is
Tolvald's Cave). Make your way through the first two caves where Trolls and
Falmer lurk. As you enter the Crossing Chaurus begin to surface and aid the
Falmer in your attempts to find the Crown of Barenziah. As you reach a pile
of scraps in a dead end to the north you will find the [CROWN OF BARENZIAH].
Return this to Vex and she grants you the [PROWLER'S PROFIT] perk which
increases your chances of finding gems while scavenging dungeons.


| |




|::.|he Jobs of a Thief

| Prerequisite: Complete Meet the Family
| Objectives:

1. Talk to Delvin or Vex for information on jobs you can do


to help the guild


This section covers the seven different repeatable quests that span the
major cities. Once you've done enough jobs (5) in a particular city you can
start to gain influence for the Thieves Guild there and perform a quest
to that city. You can accept one job from Delvin and one from Vex at a time.
The Numbers Job

1. Makes changes in the ledger at [Random Business] in [Random

2. Return to Delvin

This quest starts from Delvin who will ask you to go forge some numbers in
a ledger of some business in one of the nine Holds. Sometimes the ledger is
the main office of the building so it's best to tackle those at night when
one is in the shop.

The Fishing Job


1. Retrieve [Item] from [Person] in [Hold]

2. Return the [Item] to Delvin

This job doesn't involve fishing at all. Delvin wants you to steal an item
off of a random person in one of the nine Holds. Set out to the area and
behind the person you are stealing from. While unseen, pluck the item from
their inventory and return to Delvin.
The Bedlam Job

1. Steal [X Gold] in goods from [Hold]

2. Return to Delvin

This job requires to go to a Hold and steal a number of items to add up to

the set gold amount. Obviously, stealing things that are more valuable will
make this go by faster and reduce your chance of being caught.
The Burglary Job

1. Retrieve the [Item] from [Building] in [Hold]

2. Return the [Item] to Vex

Vex hands out this quest and it involves simply stealing from someone.
out to the place of interest in one of the Holds and steal the item Vex
Make your way back to Vex without being caught for a handsome reward.

The Shill Job


1. Plant the [Item] in [Building] in [Hold]

2. Return to Vex

This job requires you to plant some incriminating item to remove a mark,
killing is for the Dark Brotherhood, not the Thieves Guild. Head to the
and drop the item in the designated area then return to Vex.
The Sweep Job

1. Clear [House] in [Hold] of valuables [Random #]

2. Return the valuables to Vex

Vex wants you to go to a house and clear out the valuables in it. Head to
house in one of the Holds and perform the deed. Return to Vex once the
are gone to find she is quite pleased.

The Heist Job


1. Retrieve the [Item] from [Store] in [Hold]

2. Return the [Item] to Vex

This job is exactly like the Burglary Job except it's always going to be
a store and stealing from the shopkeeper's container. Sneak in during night

the best results but if your good enough you can do it during the day.




|::.|mitation Amnesty
| Prerequisite: Complete five or more Jobs in Whiterun
| Objectives:

1. Speak to Olfrid Battle-Born


2. Steal the letter incriminating Arn


3. Forge the prison registry


4. Return to Olfrid Battle-Born

| Unique Items: Letter from Solitude

Accept Delvin Mallory's special job and head to Whiterun to find Olfrid
Battle-Born. The man is trying to save his dear friend, but you need to
a letter and forge the prison registry to clear his name. Enter the Jarl's
Quarters in Dragonsreach and head to the second floor and search the back
for the [LETTER FROM SOLITUDE]. From here make your way down the steps and

to the room where the [PRISON REGISTRY] is located. Forge the registry then
seek out Olfrid Battle-Born to give him the good news. The quest concludes
your reward is an [ENCHANTED RING].




|::.. . |ummerset Shadows

| Prerequisite: Complete five or more Jobs in Windhelm
| Objectives:

1. Speak to Torsten Cruel-Sea


2. Speak to Niranye


3. (Optional) Discover leverage to sway Niranye


4. Travel to Uttering Hills Cave


5. Recover Fjolti's Silver Locket


6. (Optional) Destroy the Summerset Shadow's Banner


7. Return to Torsten Cruel-Sea

| Unique Items: Fjolti's Silver Locket

Linwe's Armor


Linwe's Boots


Linwe's Gloves


Linwe's Hood


Niranye's House Key


Second Letter from Linwe


Accept Delvin Mallory's special request then head to Windhelm and talk
Torsten Cruel-Sea. He explains that his daughter was recently murdered and
someone stole a family heirloom from her corpse. He hints at Niranye so
her down and persuade or intimidate her to find out what's going on. If you
cannot sway her then enter the basement of Niranye's house and steal the
[SECOND LETTER FROM LINWE] and use that as leverage.
Make your way to Uttering Hills Cave and sneak past the guard as you enter
the cave. Sneak through the cave and past the first Summerset Shadow or you
can just start cutting down the rival Guild. Down the hall are two more
near a firepit. Through the door and down the stairway are a few more
and Linwe in his room. Slay him or if you are sneaking, pickpocket him to
obtain [FJOLTI'S SILVER LOCKET]. You can also obtain his gear; [LINWE'S
Before leaving be sure to burn down the Summerset Shadow's Banner so that
Guild shall rival your own. Return to Torsten Cruel-Sea after raiding the
and searching the [CHESTS]. He is pleased with the completion of the job and
asks you to tell Delvin that the Thieves Guild has his support.


| |




|::.|he Dainty Sload

| Prerequisite: Complete five or more Jobs in Solitude
| Objectives:

1. Speak to Erikur


2. Acquire Balmora Blue


3. Plant the Balmora Blue


4. Return to Erikur

| Unique Items: Balmora Blue

Balmora Blue Note


Red Wave Safe Key


Sabine's Footlocker Key


Delvin gives this special request after you complete five or more jobs in
the Hold of Solitude. Speak to Erikur in Solitude and he is upset that
Volf has reneged on their trade agreement. He wants you to acquire some

Blue and plant it on his ship. The item is highly illegal and could land the
Captain in some serious trouble. Head towards the East Empire Company
and meet with Sabine Nytte. You can purchase the [BALMORA BLUE] from her for
1,500 Gold or you can steal the [RED WAVE SAFE KEY] or [SABINE'S FOOTLOCKER
KEY] and make your way to the bottom of the Red Wave. Open the safe with the
key to find the [BALMORA BLUE NOTE].
Read the note then jump into the water to find [SABINE'S FOOTOCKER] where
is hiding the [BALMORA BLUE]. With the item secured, make your way to the
Dainty Sload. Sneak into the Captain's Quarters and unlock the [CAPTAIN'S
then plant the Balmora Blue inside. Return to Erikur and he will give you a
random [SPELL TOME] and his regards for Delvin.




|::.. . |ilver Lining

| Prerequisite: Complete five or more Jobs in Markarth
| Objectives:

1. Speak to Endon the Silversmith


2. Enter Pinewatch


3. Recover Endon's Silver Mold


4. Return to Endon

| Unique Items: Endon's Silver Mold

Pinewatch Key


Pinewatch Treasure Room Key


Roras's Letter


Silver Candlestick


After gaining some reputation and influence in Markarth, Delvin will give
this special request. Go to Markarth and speak with Endon the Silversmith to
find the items he ordered were stolen. He wants the items back and points
to Pinewatch. Make the long journey into the pine forest to find Pinewatch.
door is locked but is easily picked. Head to the cellar and confront Rhorlak
read the [NOTE TO RHORLAK] to bribe him. There is a button next to the large
bookshelf, press it to watch the bookshelf swing open.
Make your way through the caverns, slaying Bandits and looting the
and [POTIONS] strewn across the place. Cross the wooden bridges as you move
north to where you will stumble upon Pinewatch's Bandit Sanctuary.
the Bandits here to find [RORAS'S LETTER] then proceed west through the
catacombs. Proceed to the camp area and take the [PINEWATCH KEY] and
TREASURE ROOM KEY] from Rigel Strong-Arm. Move towards the Treasure Room and
cross the bridge quickly to avoid the dart trap (Whirlwind Sprint is a great
choice). The door just before the treasure room triggers a swinging mace so

sure to dodge it. You'll find [ENDON'S SILVER MOLD] and a [SILVER
amongst the vast treasures.
Return to Endon with the good news and he is grateful. He pays his
to the Thieves Guild and gives you an enchanted [LIGHT ARMOR].
___ ___




|::.. . |nder New Management

| Prerequisite: Complete Imitation Amnesty, Summerset Shadows, The Dainty

Sload, and Silver Lining

| Objectives:

1. Speak to Brynjolf about becoming the Guild Master


2. Proceed to center of Cistern


3. Become Guild Master for the Thieves Guild


4. Speak to Brynjolf about being Guild Master


5. Retrieve your Guild Master Armor from Tonilia

| Unique Items: Amulet of Articulation

Guild Leader Armor


Guild Leader Boots


Guild Leader Gloves


Guild Leader Hood


Tribute Chest Key


When the special requests have been completed in each of the four Holds,
quest will automatically start. Return to the Thieves Guild and speak with
Brynjolf. He says it's time to make it official, you will become the Guild
Master. Head to the center of the Cistern and Brynjolf will perform the
ceremony. Speak to him afterwards to receive the [TRIBUTE CHEST KEY] and the
[AMULET OF ARTICULATION]. If you head over to Tonilia as suggested you will
The easiest ways to get access to this questline are:
- Talk to the various Innkeepers around the continent of Skyrim and ask if
they have heard any rumors. They usually have something to say about an
escaped orphan named Aventus Aretino.
- Visit the Honorhall Orphanage in Riften and wait for Grelod the Kind to
the children to bed. Speak with any of the children and they will mention

Aventus Aretino escaped and went back to his home in Windhelm.

- Visit the Aretino Residence in Windhelm and over hear a conversation that
Aventus Aretino is trying to summong the Dark Brotherhood and have someone




|::.|nnocence Lost
| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Kill Grelod the Kind


2. Tell Aventus Aretino that Grelod is dead

| Unique Items: Aretino Family Heirloom

Speak with Aventus in his house to find that his mother has recently died.
He has escaped from Honorhall in Riften because Grelod the Kind most
does not live up to her name. He mistakes you for a member of the Dark
Brotherhood and tasks you with slaying the evil headmistress. Head to Riften
and enter the Honorhall then watch the short scene. Follow Grelod into her

small room and close the door, then finish her off and sneak out unnoticed.
Return to Aventus Aretino and tell him the good news. He returns the favor
by handing over the [ARETINO FAMILY HEIRLOOM]. Head to another city and a
Courier will rush up to you and deliver a [MYSTERIOUS NOTE]. Open it to see
a black hand and a simple message "We Know."
___ ___


|. / \


|::.|:. |ith Friends Like These...

| Prerequisite: Complete Innocence Lost and sleep in a bed
| Objectives:

1. Kill one of the captives


2. Speak with Astrid


3. Enter the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary


4. Speak with Astrid

| Unique Items: Abandoned Shack Key

Shrouded Armor


Shrouded Boots


Shrouded Gloves


Shrouded Helmet


This quest will start after you have slain Grelod the Kind and sleep in a
somewhere. When you wake up you will be in a mysterious attic with a woman
named Astrid. She tells you that Grelod was a Dark Brotherhood kill and now
you owe her. She has three captives behind you:
Fultheim the Fearless - A soldier, a mercenary of sorts, that claims to be
a sellsword. He has killed many people but surely
doesn't want to die.
Alea Quintus - Mother of six with quite the temper. She doesn't really
many questions and continually threatens you even in such a
dire situation.
Vasha - A Khajiit crime lord who has been the target of a hit before, but
unsuccesfully executed.
Kill whoever you feel, the choice really doesn't matter in the end. Talk
Astrid once the execution is over and she formally extends her hand to allow
you into the Dark Brotherhood. With the location and password in hand, head
through Pine Forest and into the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. Talk to Astrid
once more and she will hand over the regalia of the Dark Brotherhood; you
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: You can kill Astrid and instead start the quest [DESTROY THE DARK
BROTHERHOOD]. See the next section for more details.





|::.. . /estroy the Dark Brotherhood

| Prerequisite: Kill Astrid during With Friends Like These...
| Objectives:

1. Report Astrid's death to a guard


2. Speak with Commander Maro


3. Kill everyone in the Sanctuary

| Unique Items: Abandoned Shack Key

Blade of Woe


Stone of Barenziah


Word of Power: Kill, Marked for Death


This quest is completely optional and should you choose to take this path
will be the last Dark Brotherhood quest that you do since you are going to
wipe them out.
After killing Astrid loot the [ABANDONED SHACK KEY] and the [BLADE OF WOE]

then find a guard to report the death of the leader of the Dark Brotherhood.
Tell him you have slain the leader of the Dark Brotherhood and he will point
you to Dragon Bridge so you can report this information to Commander Maro.
Enter the Penitus Oculatus Outpost and talk to Commander Maro. He will give
the passphrase to enter the Sanctuary then task you with slaying all members
the Dark Brotherhood!
Head to the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary in the southern area near
Give the correct password: "Silence, my Brother" then enter. The first of
many assassins you come by is Arnbjorn and he uses a two-handed axe. In his
room is a [STONE OF BARENZIAH], grab it and Veezara should be coming in to
attack you. Veezara is a dual wielder but goes down much more quickly then
Arnbjorn. There are all kinds of equipment and even the rare book [SITHIS]
be found before heading down the steps.
Down the steps and to the east you will find Festus Krex, a mage. Close
gap on him and end his life. North of here you can find Nazir, a Redguard.
Open the nearby [CHEST] then head west to find Gabriella who is a Conjurer
wields a bow. With all of the members slain enter the main area and search
a Word Wall to learn [WORD OF POWER: KILL, MARKED FOR DEATH]. Return to Maro
who rewards you with 3,000 gold.




|::.. . |anctuary

| Prerequisite: Complete With Friends Like These...
| Objectives:

1. Speak with Nazir


2. Receive the first set of contracts from Nazir

| Unique Items: Word of Power: Kill, Marked for Death

Head down the steps and you can listen in on the family telling stories of
their previous contracts. Talk to Nazir and he will give you three contracts
to perform. You can return to him after atleast one of them is completed but
is recommended you do all three at this time. Before heading out be sure to
check the Word Wall to learn [WORD OF POWER: KILL, MARKED FOR DEATH].
Contract: Kill Narfi

1. Kill Narfi
2. Report back to Nazir

You must travel to the town of Ivarstead and kill the beggar Narfi. You
typically find him near his isolated house across the creek. Sneak up behind
Narfi and let him have it then report to Nazir with the good news.
Contract: Kill Ennodius Papius

Objectives: 1. Kill Ennodius Papius
2. Report back to Nazir
Head to Anga's Mill in search of the ex-miller Ennodius Papius. Up the
from the Mill you can find Ennodius by himself in his little hut. This is a
fairly simple kill so just sneak up behind him and let him feel your blade.
Contract: Kill Beitild
Objectives: 1. Kill Beitild
2. Report back to Nazir
Go to Dawnstar and kill the mine boss, Beitild. It's hard to catch her
but you can do so at night time in the confines of her home. Slay her how
you wish then return to Nazir.
___ ___


|. \_/


|::.|:. |ourning Never Comes

| Prerequisite: Complete Sanctuary and one or more Side Contracts

| Objectives:

1. Speak with Astrid


2. Talk to Muiri


3. Kill Alain Dufont


4. (Optional) Kill Nilsine Shatter-Shield


5. Talk to Muiri


6. Report back to Astrid

| Unique Items: Aegisbane

Lotus Extract


Muiri's Ring


After completing one or more of Nazir's Side Contracts report back to him.
will tell you to go speak to Astrid then the quest will begin. You will find
Cicero arriving with the Night Mother and the family is gathered around.
will be grateful if you happened to aid him along the roadside where the
broke down (this is completely optional). When the conversation is over talk
Astrid who gives your first major contract.
Talk to Muiri, the apothecary's assistant in The Hag's Cure, in Markarth.
has apparently performed the Black Sacrament and is trying to contact the
Brotherhood. Talk to Muiri whos wants you to kill the bandit leader Alain
Dufront, who is holed up with his gang of cutthroats in the dwarven ruin of
Raldbthar. Dufont's death will satisfy the contract but Muiri will pay some

kind of bonus if you also eliminate Nilsine Shatter-Shield, in Windhelm.

If you go further into the conversation you will receive the two [LOTUS
EXTRACT] that Muiri was going to use to kill your marks with. You can find
Nilsine in the Halls of the Dead most often by herself. Killing her is far
easier than Alain but that's to be expected. Head to Raldbthar where three
Bandits are located outside; kill them or sneak by to enter the Dwemer
There is fire blocking the main path so take a detour to the southeast
you can find a Bandit. Further ahead are two Marauders that you can pass up
kill. At the end of the hallway you can unlock the [GATE] but it's a master
lock or you can head down the ramp. Taking the high road leads you to a much
better position if you are fighting your way through. Since Alain is in a
group it's recommended you go above and use the [LEVERS] to fire arrows down
Light the oil at Alain's feet and watch him burn then pick off the others.
Loot Alain to find [AEGISBANE] and make your way through the gate in the
This will lead to another Bandit Marauder but on the right side is a Master
locked [GATE]. Inside are rare [METALS] and a [CHEST]. If you want to go
deeper into the ruins you will find Dwarven machines that have yet to be
by the Bandits. Return to Muiri with the news and she will give you 50 Gold
killing Alain and [MUIRI'S RING] for killing Nilsine. Report back to Astrid
has startling news and a new quest for you.
___ ___


|. / \


|::.|:. |hispers in the Dark


| Prerequisite: Complete Mourning Never Comes
| Objectives:

1. Hide in the Night Mother's coffin


2. Eavesdrop on Cicero


3. Talk to Cicero


4. Talk to Astrid


5. Receive a side contract from Nazir

| Unique Items: None

Astrid has heard Cicero speaking with someone, in whispered tones, in the
chamber of the Night Mother. She fears they're conspiring against the
and wants you to eavesdrop on the conversation. Sneak into the chamber and
in the Night Mother's coffin and eavesdrop on Cicero. After some one-sided
lunacy from Cicero the Night Mother begins to speak to you. She has chosen
as the Listener and the coffin opens up. Cicero is quite hysterical at this
point and demands you explain yourself. Astrid comes in and when you explain
what's going on she claims she needs some time to think. Go to Nazir and
acquire some new side contracts, once one or both of them are completed you
may continue the questline.

Contract: Kill Hern


1. Kill Hern
2. Report back to Nazir

Travel to Half-Moon Mill and kill the vampire Hern. It's easier than it
sounds because Hern won't attack you on sight so long as you strike during
daytime. A swift attack from behind will do the trick and you are on to the
next target.
Contract: Kill Lurbuk

1. Kill Lurbuk
2. Report back to Nazir

Head to the town of Morthal and find the bard Larbuk. Enter the Inn to
Larbuk in a chair in a secluded room. This makes killing him that much
since no one can see you. Report back to Nazir with the good news.


| |




|::.|he Silence Has Been Broken


| Prerequisite: Complete Whispers in the Dark and one or more Side Contracts
| Objectives:

1. Speak with Amaund Motierre


2. Deliver the letter and amulet to Astrid


3. Show the amulet to Delvin Mallory

| Unique Items: Amaund Motierre's Sealed Letter

Ceremonial Axe


Ceremonial Sword


Dragon Priest Dagger




Jeweled Amulet


Word of Power: Life, Aura Whisper


As you return to the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary with the Side Contracts
fullfilled, Astrid will stop you for a talk. Astrid has agreed to let you
to see Amaund Motierre in the dungeon known as Volunruud, as commanded by
Night Mother. Move north and enter the dungeon where you will find [HEDDIC'S
VOLUNRUUD NOTES] on the floor, starting the quest [SILENCED TONGUES].
Silenced Tongues

Move north and fight off the Draugr that strike. When you enter a thronelike
room you will face off against some Draugr Deathlords. Above the throne is a
[CEREMONIAL AXE], grab it and return to the main room. Head northeast from
into a large room with plenty of Draugr to slay. Make your way to the third
floor and cross the bridge to find the [CEREMONIAL SWORD] in a coffin. As
take it three Draugr emerge from behind you. Return to the main room and
the ceremonial weapons in the [ELDER CAIRN DOOR] then enter and defeat
the Tongue. Loot [EDUJ] from the remains of the spirit and search the
There is Word Wall nearby that teaches you [WORD OF POWER: LIFE, AURA
Further ahead is a dead end with the [DRAGON PRIEST DAGGER] on the ground.
With a quick and very rewarding side quest out of the way, move southwest
to find Amaund Motierre and his personal guard Rexus. Amaund has
the Dark Brotherhood to kill several people, all of which will lead to the
assassination of a primary target - the Emperor of Tamriel. You are given a
with. She wants to get the amulet appraised and tells you the only one who
do it is Delvin Mallory at the Ragged Flagon, home of the Thieves Guild. If
you've been there before then Fast Travel to the Thieves Guild. If not,
through Riften and through the Ratway until you find Delvin.
Delvin will appraise the jewel and inform you that it belongs to members
the Elder Council. Delvin hands you a letter of credit and sends you on your
way back to Astrid. Astrid comes up with an idea to draw the Emperor to
and the quest concludes.





|::.. . /ound Until Death

| Prerequisite: Complete The Silence Has Been Broken
| Objectives:

1. Kill Vittoria Vici


2. Report back to Astrid

| Unique Items: Firiniel's End

Summon Spectral Assassin


Astrid's plan is to kill Vittoria Vici, a close relative of the Emperor,

publicly during her wedding reception at the Temple of the Divines in
If you speak with the members of the Dark Brotherhood they each give some
on how to go about killing Vittoria. There are a few new Side Contracts that
you can pick up from Nazir if you choose to do those first.
When you arrive at the ceremony location you can kill Vittoria many ways.
Babette suggests pushing the old statue off the ledge and crushing her.

Gabriella suggests using a small parapet where she has left [FIRINIEL'S
[ELVEN ARROWS], and an [ELIXIR OF TRUESHOT]. The best escape route comes
Babette's method but grabbing the items Gabriella left behind isn't a bad
either. However you do the deed be sure to have your escape route properly
planned. Rush out and back to the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary where Astrid
awaits your return. You receive [SUMMON SPECTRAL ASSASSIN] for the kill and
a bonus in Gold if you killed her mid speech.
Contract: Kill Deekus

1. Kill Deekus
2. Report back to Nazir

You can find Deekus at the shipwreck on the Northern Coast near Hela's
Deekus is alone so handle him however you want and be sure to grab his
gems before leaving.
Contract: Kill Ma'randru-jo

1. Kill Ma'randru-jo
2. Report back to Nazir

The Khajiit Ma'randru-jo travels with one of the caravans around Skyrim.
He is hard to locate since Fast Traveling will move time along and he
Grab a horse and catch up to his location before finally dealing the killer
Contract: Kill Anoriath


1. Kill Anoriath
2. Report back to Nazir

The archer Anoriath is normally found at his food stall in Whiterun or

hunting in the plains outside the city. Take him out and report back to
who has another Side Contract for you.
Contract: Kill Agnis

1. Kill Agnis
2. Report back to Nazir

The old woman Agnis serves as a servant in Fort Greymoor. This area is
with Bandits unless you are in the middle of the Civil War Quests, in which
case this area has soldiers of the same faction as Whiterun Hold. If you are
the same side as the soldiers you can sneak in but otherwise it's best to
fight your way to Agnis.
Contract: Kill Maluril

1. Kill Maluril
2. Report back to Nazir

The wizard Maluril can be found investigating the Dwarven ruin of

Head there and fight your way through the bandits to enter the dungeon. Once
inside continue your onslaught until you reach a large door where Maluril is
hiding behind. Kill the guard here and take [MALURIL'S ROOM KEY] to enter.

Maluril is sitting in a chair, just asking for you to slit his throat. Loot
his corpse for the [STAFF OF FIREBOLTS] and you can take [MALURIL'S JOURNAL]
from the table.
Contract: Kill Helvard

1. Kill Helvard
2. Report back to Nazir

Helvard is the housecarl of Falkreath and is usually found sitting high

the Jarl, by himself. Quickly dispose of him and remain hidden as Helvard
summon the guards. Loot the [KEY TO THE JARL'S LONGHOUSE] and report back to
Nazir with the deed done. Nazir has one final contract for you.
Contract: Kill Safia

1. Kill Safia
2. Report back to Nazir

Safia is the pirate captain of the ship Red Wave, which is moored at the
in Solitude. Nazir tells you this is by far the most challenging contract he
has given you and with that head out to the Red Wave. As you approach Safia
seems to have expected you. You can talk to her and she will tell you that
are far from the first assassin sent to kill her. Be the last assassin she
meets then report back to Nazir.





|::.. . /reaching Security

| Prerequisite: Complete Bound Until Death
| Objectives:

1. Speak with Gabriella


2. Kill Gaius Maro


3. (Optional) Steal Gaius Maro's travel schedule


4. Plant the Incriminating Letter on Gaius Maro's body


5. Report back to Gabriella

| Unique Items: Gaius Maro's Schedule

Incriminating Letter


Olava's Token


Astrid informs you to speak with Gabriella about the next contract, which
something to do with the Emperor's security. Your objective is to kill Gaius
Maro, an agent of the Emperor's security force. Once dead, you must plant a
letter on his body that will incriminate him in a plot to kill the Emperor.
earn the bonus you must kill Gaius in one of the cities he visits.

To better track Gaius, head to Dragon Bridge and take [GAIUS MARO'S
on the table within the Penitus Oculatus Outpost. From here you move to the
city he will be at and wait for him there. Without the schedule you won't be
able to track Gaius's location unless you are close to him, so it is highly
recommended to grab the schedule. The easiest time to kill him is during
when is sleeping and security is low. Use the Wait or Sleep meters to find
which day it is then go to that town. Kill Gaius, plant the [INCRIMINATING
LETTER], and return to Gabriella for your just reward, [OLAVA's TOKEN].


| |




|::.|he Cure for Madness

| Prerequisite: Complete Breaching Security
| Objectives:

1. Talk to Astrid


2. Search Cicero's room


3. Talk to Astrid


4. Behold Shadowmere


5. Locate Arnbjorn


6. Talk to Arnbjorn


7. Enter the Dawnstar Sanctuary


8. Kill Cicero


9. Kill Cicero, or leave the Sanctuary


10. Report back to Astrid

| Unique Items: Cicero's Boots

Cicero's Clothes


Cicero's Gloves


Cicero's Hat


Cicero's Journal - Final Volume


Cicero's Journal - Volume 1


Cicero's Journal - Volume 2


Cicero's Journal - Volume 3


Cicero's Journal - Volume 4


Jester's Boots


Jester's Clothes


Jester's Gloves


Jester's Hat


Staff of Fury


Apparently there is some kind of incident with Cicero. Talk to Astrid to

find that Cicero went berserk and tried to kill everyone. Head to Cicero's

and find [CICERO'S JOURNAL - FINAL VOLUME] (and if you so choose the
four volumes) then take it back to Astrid. She will give you her horse,
Shadowmere so you can chase after Cicero and Arnbjorn. Go outside and
will emerge from the pit. Mount the horse and Fast Travel as close as you
to the Dawnstar Sanctuary.
As you approach the Sanctuary you will find Arnbjorn wounded but alive. He
will tell you he got Cicero just as good and that you can just follow the
blood inside to track him down. Approach the Black Door and answer
my Brother" to gain entry. As you enter, Cicero will mock you and you can
on the table. Slay the Sanctuary Guardians as the jester continues to taunt
Approach the bridge and time your run as to avoid the spears that try to
stick you. At the bottom of the steps you can light the oil to take out more
Guardians. Move through the icy caverns and fight off the Troll named
and search the [CHEST]. Continue south through the double doors and activate
the [CHAIN] to lower the spears. Descend the staircase and fight off some
Guardians before facing Cicero. Search the [CHEST] to find the [STAFF OF
then make your decision to either kill Cicero or let him live. You will get
optional Radiant Quest if you let him live. If you kill him you can loot his
Return to Astrid and tell her that Cicero is dead, whether it's the truth






|::.|:. |ecipe for Disaster

| Prerequisite: Complete The Cure for Madness
| Objectives:

1. Report to Festus Krex


2. Question Anton Virane


3. Kill Anton Virane


4. Kill Balagog gro-Bolob


5. (Optional) Drag Balagog's body to a hiding place


6. Take the Writ of Passage


7. Report back to Festus Krex

| Unique Items: Uncommon Taste - Signed

Writ of Passage


Talk to Festus who understands you are tasked with killing the Gourmet,
only one person knows the famous chef's true identity and location - a man

named Anton Virane. Seek out Virane in the Understone Keep at Markarth. When
you find him you can perform an intimidate check and lie to him so he
flee when you get the information you want. Kill him when it's convenient
make your way towards Balagog gro-Bolob, aka the Gourmet, who is residing at
the Nightgate Inn.
Approach the Gourmet who is near the docks. Quickly take him out as he is
alone. Drag the body under the pier and snag the [WRIT OF PASSAGE]. Return
the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary and inform Festus Krex of the good news. You
receive 1,500 Gold and the bonus of the [NIGHTWEAVER'S BAND].


| |




|::.|o Kill an Empire

| Prerequisite: Complete Recipe for Disaster
| Objectives:

1. Report to Astrid


2. Report to Commander Maro


3. Report to Gianna while wearing a chef's hat


4. Make the Potage le Magnifique


5. Follow Gianna to the dining room


6. Kill the Emperor


7. Escape the Tower!


8. Return to the Sanctuary

| Unique Items: Jarrin Root

Report to Astrid who says it's time to kill the Emperor. She has arranged
your escape and a method by which to kill the Emperor, the [JARRIN ROOT].
to Solitude and approach Commander Maro. Give him the Writ of Passage and he
will let you pass to meet with Gianna, the castle chef. Approach her with a
chef's hat on (you can find one on a nearby shelf) and help her prepare the
Potage le Magnifique. Put whatever you want into the soup and include the
special ingredient if you want to poison the Emperor, quite possibly the
simplest way for him to meet his untimely demise.
With the Potage complete, follow Gianna to the dining room where everyone
waits. Slay the Emperor or watch him die from eating the Potage and the
will come after you. Make a quick escape outside towards the tower only to
confronted by a vengeful Maro who was tipped off. Apparently, you killed
Mede II's double and Maro has betrayed the betrayer by sending troops to
destroy the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. You cannot Fast Travel to the
but you can move in from a distance, preferably Falkreath. As you approach
you will undoubtedly find Maro's men along the roadside. Sneak past or go in
blades swinging.





|::.. . /eath Incarnate

| Prerequisite: Complete To Kill an Empire
| Objectives:

1. Enter the Sanctuary


2. Search for survivors


3. Kill Nazir's attacker!


4. Speak with Nazir


5. Escape the Sanctuary


6. Embrace the Night Mother


7. Talk to Astrid


8. Kill Astrid


9. (Optional) Retrieve the Blade of Woe


10. Return to the Night Mother

| Unique Items: Blade of Woe

With Penitus Oculatus strewn across the Pine Forest you must make your way

into the Sanctuary. Move down the steps to find two Agents then enter the
area to help Arnbjorn. Move to the back where Nazir is being attacked by
Arcturus. Slay the foe and talk to Nazir who agrees, you need to escape and
fast! As you move down the hall kill another Penitus Oculatus Agent and heed
the Night Mother's call. Enter her coffin and you survive the flames.
and Nazir free you and the Night Mother tasks you with finding Astrid.
has made a contract on her own life since she set you up. Grab the [BLADE OF
WOE] and kill her.
Return to the Night Mother for your next task - finding Amaund Motierre at
the Bannered Mare in Whiterun.
___ ___




|::.|:. |ail Sithis!

| Prerequisite: Complete Death Incarnate
| Objectives:

1. Talk to Nazir


2. Talk to Amaund Motierre


3. Board the Katariah


4. (Optional) Kill Commander Maro


5. Kill the Emperor!


6. Report to Amaund Motierre


7. Retrive the payment


8. (Optional) Kill Amaund Motierre


9. Report to Nazir

| Unique Items: Emperor's Robes

Katariah Master Key


The true Emperor must be assassinated - the contract with Amaund Motierre
must be completed. Tell Nazir the plan then head for the Bannered Mare in
Hold of Whiterun. Speak with Amaund and he is extremely pleased that after
that has happened the Dark Brotherhood will still honor it's agreement. He
tells you that the real Emperor is leaving via Solitude on the ship named
Katariah. Ask him about Maro and he tells you he is the one seing the
off, leaving you a chance at revenge. You can find Maro near the East Empire
Company Warehouse.
Make your way to the Katariah and swim over to the chain to enter. Sneak


fight your way up and through the dining room. On the second floor you will
find Captain Avidius. He holds the [KATARIAH MASTER KEY] and you want it, so
take it via Pickpocketing or from his lifeless corpse. You can also obtain
key from Lieutenant Salvarus on the next floor. On the top floor you can
the Emperor's Room where you find Emperor Titus Mede II. He will give a
speech and ask that you kill the person who set this in motion.

Deliver the killing blow and loot his body for the [EMPEROR'S ROBES].
the rest of the room, which might as well be a small library. There are
[CHESTS], and other valuable items scoured through out the area. Return to
Amaund to receive the drop location and kill him if you see fit, he has
a few valuable [GEMS] on his person. Return to Volunruud and search the Urn
find 20,000 Gold! Report to Nazir in the Dawnstar Sanctuary and tell him how
much gold you collected.
___ ___


|. / \


|::.|:. |here You Hang Your Enemy's Head...

| Prerequisite: Complete Hail Sithis!
| Objectives:

1. Employ Delvin Mallory's services

| Unique Items: None

Head to the Ragged Flagon in Riften and seek out Delvin Mallory to see if


can help refit the Dawnstar Sanctuary. Out of the 20,000 Gold you got for
job you will have to spend 19,000 of it on remodeling the Sanctuary. At
your new home looks good now.
The Dark Brotherhood Forever!

1. Approach the Night Mother

2. Speak with the contact
3. Kill the target

When you get to the Dawnstar Sanctuary you can speak with the Night Mother
who will continue to hand out contracts. Meet with the contact and kill the
person they want taken out. You will receive a reward based off of your
in gold.




|::.. . |lava the Feeble

| Prerequisite: Complete Breaching Security and receive Olava's Token
| Objectives:

1. Receive a reading from Olava the Feeble


2. Locate the assasin of old

| Unique Items: Ancient Shrouded Armor

Ancient Shrouded Boots


Ancient Shrouded Cowl


Ancient Shrouded Gloves


Hag's End Key


Word of Power: Sand, Slow Time


If you complete Breaching Security and receive the bonus you can do this
completely optional objective. While not even a quest, the rewards for doing
this are linked to the Dark Brotherhood and it's highly recommended that you
complete the objectives.
Talk to Olava the Feeble in Whiterun and have her read your future. She
mention an old assassin that wishes to give you his treasures. The area she
is refering to is at Deepwood Redoubt. In actuality you need to go to Hag's
and not Deepwood Redoubt. Make your way into the dining hall where Witches
a Hagraven strike. Make your way up the steps and fight off a few more
until you find the bridge. There is a [HANDLE] to pull at the end of the
that reveals a hidden passageway to the Dark Brotherhood Assassin. On his
well then throw the [LEVER] lowering the bridge.

Follow the Witches and at the intersection use the [HANDLE] to remove the
gates. On the other side you can unlock a gate to find a [CHEST]. At the top
of the steps you will find more Witches and Hagraven as well as locked doors
that don't hold much behind them. Pull the [CHAIN] in the middle of the room
then contiue southeast through the tunnel. At the top of the tunnel you find
Word Wall that teaches you [WORD OF POWER: SAND, SLOW TIME]. Leave out to
balcony and slay the Hagraven to find the [HAG'S END KEY] and check the
Witch to find [BLOODTHORN].


To join the Legion simply talk to Hadvar or any Imperial Guard and they
send you on your way to becoming a member. The Miscellaenous Objective Join
the Imperial Legion will begin and will take you to Legate Rikke in the
Dour in Solitude.



|::.. . |oining the Legion

| Prerequisite: Speak with Legate Rikke

| Objectives:

1. Clear out FOrt Hraggstad


2. Report to Legate Rikke


3. Take the oath

| Unique Items: None

In order to prove yourself to Legate Rikke, you must head to Fort

and clear out the Bandits that are living there. You are on your own for
mission but there aren't that many Bandits. On the outside there are about
eight Bandits amongst the top of the fortifications and a few that will
you. Clear them out since they don't hit that hard then make your way into
dungeon. There are two Bandits in the entrance and one upstairs where you
find a [CHEST] on the wooden platform.
In the back of this room you can spot the Bandit Chief singing a song.
him then leave the dungeon back outside to the main area and into the
There are three Bandits in this area and a single [CHEST] in the basement.
all three areas cleared (Outside, Dungeon, and Prison) return to Legate
You can take the oath and be sworn into the Legion or you can turn it down
you still wish to join the Stormcloaks instead. You get the Miscellaneous
Objective of talking to Beirand to get some Imperial gear. You don't have to
wear it but it's free and you can sell it for an easy gain.



| |




|::.|he Jagged Crown

| Prerequisite: Complete Joining the Legion
| Objectives:

1. Talk to Legate Rikke


2. Meet Legate Rikke outside Korvanjund


3. Retrieve the Jagged Crown


4. Deliver the crown to General Tullius

| Unique Items: Ebony Claw

Jagged Crown


Word of Power: Eternity, Slow Time


After you've made the decision to join the Imperial Legion and fight to
preserve the Empire, talk to Legate Rikke for your first assignment. She has
gotten word that the Jagged Crown, a great symbol of the previous High King,
has been discovered at the ruins of Korvanjund. Head out to Korvanjund and

with Legate Rikke and her soldiers. The Stormcloaks beat you to the
but you have the element of surprise. If you move along the top of the
you can pick off the Stormcloak Soldiers as the Imperial will strike from
At the bottom of the area is a master locked [GATE] that once opened
access to a [CHEST]. Head up to the middle tier and enter the Korvanjund
Temple after a brief warning from the Legate. Open the [CHEST] in the first
room and then either wait for Legate Rikke's signal to charge or go ahead
yourself. There are a few Stormcloaks ahead and once cleared the Imperials
secure the entrance.
Head down the steps into another area guarded by Stormcloak Soldiers. With
this area secure, Legate Rikke will ask that you find another way in. That
other way is via the steps on the second level. You can overhear the
Soldiers preparing for an ambush. Start your assault, be it stealthly or
and the Imperials will rush in to aid you. Join up with Legate Rikke in the
western room and enter the Korvanjund Halls.
Follow the soldiers through this area and kill any Stormcloak that try to
stop you. There is a path to the west through swinging axes that leads to a
[CHEST] and the [LEVER] to stop the swinging blades. At the northern end you
discover two dead Stormcloak Soldiers and the [EBONY CLAW] on the floor.
up the claw and examine it to find the correct order for the symbols on the
door, [WOLF], [MOTH], [DRAGON]. Activate the keyhole to gain entry to a
In this room your path is blocked by a gate. Move north up the steps and


the western wall at the top of the steps you can find a dagger sitting on a
plinth. Remove it and a secret passageway opens to the left. Activate the
[CHAIN] at the dead end to reveal another hidden room with a [CHEST] inside,

just beware the spears that attack from all directions. cross over to the
east to find a [HANDLE] to your left and a [CHEST] in the back. Pull the
to open the gate below and prepare to fight a few Draugr.
Enter the Korvanjund Crypt and strike the Draugr hunched over in the
This will cause the Draugr to attack you, but at least you found the [JAGGED
CROWN]. Slay the Deathlord and take the crown for yourself. Find a [CHEST]
behind the throne and move to the Word Wall on the southern end to learn
OF POWER: ETERNITY, SLOW TIME]. Head up the steps and take a shortcut back
the Temple. Unbar the door and make your way back to General Tullius.
___ ___


|. \_/


|::.|:. |essage to Whiterun

| Prerequisite: Complete The Jagged Crown
| Objectives:

1. Deliver message to the Jarl of Whiterun


2. Wait for the Jarl's response


3. Deliver axe to Jarl Ulfric


4. Return to Whiterun and warn the Jarl


5. Report to Legate Quentin Cipius

| Unique Items: Balgruuf's War Axe

Message from General Tullius


General Tullius needs you to deliver a message to the Jarl of Whiterun

regarding the war. The Jarl is somewhat indecisive but then hands you
[BALGRUUF'S WAR AXE] to deliver to Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak. Head to the
of the Kings in Windhelm and deliver the message. Ulfric does plan to attack
and says he will see you again soon. Return to Balgruuf who has already
Ulfric's response. Talk to Quentin Cipius to complete this short quest.




|::.. . /attle for Whiterun

| Prerequisite: Complete Message to Whiterun
| Objectives:

1. Meet with Legate Rikke


2. Defend the Barricades


3. Destroy Attackers (100%)


4. Defend the Drawbridge


5. Defend the Main Gate


6. (Misc Obj) Report to the Jarl of Whiterun

| Unique Items: None

The Stormcloaks are already attacking Whiterun. Move out and rendezvous
Legate Rikke. You are immediately thrust into combat as the Stormcloak
move to break through the Barricade. Rain down on them from above or fight
infront of the Barricade for as long as you can. If the enemy breaks through
you must fall back and defend the Drawbridge. Employ the same tactics here
if they break through again you are forced to defend the Main Gate. The
way to win this battle is to poke enemies and then let the Imperial Soldiers
fight while the Stormcloak are distracted on you instead of breaking the
and taking the Barricade/Drawbridge/Main Gate.
When the battle is over your receive a Miscellaneous Objective to report
the Jarl of Whiterun, even though the quest has completed. He will grant you
the ability to purchase a home in Whiterun if you have not already had that




|::.|:. |eunification of Skyrim

| Prerequisite: Complete Battle for Whiterun
| Objectives:

1. Report to General Tullius


2. Regain the Rift


3. Report to General Tullius


4. Regain the [Hold under Stormcloak Control


5. Report to General Tullius


6. Regain Eastmarch

| Unique Items: Incriminating Letter

Ulfric's Boots


Ulfric's Bracers


Ulfric's Clothes


General Tullius needs your help to quell the Stormcloak rebellion and
Skyrim under Imperial control. You will be tasked out to a few locations
below but which one you go to first is completely random.

Compelling Tribute

1. Find evidence
2. Blackmail Anuriel
3. Report to Legate Rikke
4. Meet the men
5. Follow Hadvar and ambush enemy scout
6. Take over the caravan
7. Report to Hadvar

This quest takes you to the Rift Imperial Camp where you meet with Legate
Rikke. Your objective is to blackmail Anuriel, the Steward of Laila LawGiver,
to obtain important information and assets. Move east to Mistveil Keep in
Hold of Riften. You can make your way back into Anuriel's room however you
to find the [INCRIMINATING LETTER] in her dresser. Show her the letter and
her what would happen if it went public. She folds under the pressure and
agrees to ship gold and valuable assets like weapons and armor. If you can
persuade her she will give you a large sum of gold on the spot.
Report this news to Legate Rikke and she will tell you she has men
along the roadside and requests that you meet with them to see if you can
overpower the caravan. The men are near Shor's Watchtower and speak with
who has a plan to ambush the caravan. You can go along with his plan or just
take care of the situation yourself. When the battle is over you can loot
[CHEST] for a plethora of weappons and gold. Report back to Legate Rikke to
your next mission
The Battle for Forts


1. Join the men attacking [Fort]

2. Take over [Fort] by defeating the enemy (100%)

You will go through a series of capture missions at this point, regaining

control of all the Forts that Tullius deems necessary. Once you have
enough Forts to appease the General the final quest will begin.
You need to assist the men and take the Fortress. Don't Fast Travel in or
the battle will start without the men. Instead move near and locate the men
then charge into battle with them. Make your way to the top of the
fortifications and take out the archers. Join the Imperial in battle and
continue to move to a higher location so the Stormcloaks cannot fire arrows
at you. Fight from the towers and you should have easy one-on-one fights
the enemy forces are depleted. Report the news of the victory to General
Tullius back in Solitude.
Battle for Windhelm

1. Get your Orders from General Tullius

2. Force Ulfric Stormcloak to surrender
3. Execute Ulfric Stormcloak

Join General Tullius in the final attack on Windhelm. Listen to his

speech at the gates of Windhelm then fight your way through the fire and the
flames until you reach the Palace of the Kings. The General and Legate meet
you in the Palace where you must strike down Galmar Stone-Fist and Jarl
Stormcloak. Kill Ulfric yourself or leave it to General Tullius then loot



You can join the Stormcloak Rebellion if you talk to Ralof or any
Soldier across who will give you the Miscellaneous Objective - Join the
Stormcloak Rebellion. Make your way to Windhelm and enter the Palace of the
Kings and talk to Galmar Stone-Fist.



|::.. . |oining the Stormcloaks

| Prerequisite: Speak with Galmar Stone-Fist
| Objectives:

1. Kill the Ice Wraith


2. Return to Galmar


3. Take the oath

| Unique Items: None

Accept Galmar's challenge and move north to The Serpent Stone. The Ice
isn't much of a challenge so deal with it however you see fit then return to
Galmar with news of your victory. Make your membership official and take the


| |




|::.|he Jagged Crown

| Prerequisite: Complete Joining the Stormcloaks
| Objectives:

1. Talk to Galmar


2. Meet Galmar outside Korvanjund


3. Retrieve the Jagged Crown


4. Deliver the crown to Ulfric Stormcloak


5. Get new orders

| Unique Items: Ebony Claw

Jagged Crown


Word of Power: Eternity, Slow Time


After your initiation talk to Galmar who gives you your first mission. The
Stormcloak Rebellion seeks out the Jagged Crown from the depths of the ruins
of Korvanjund. The Imperial Legion has unfortunately beat you to the
but you have the element of surprise. If you move along the top of the
you can pick off the Imperial Soldiers as the Stormcloak will strike from
At the bottom of the area is a master locked [GATE] that once opened
access to a [CHEST]. Head up to the middle tier and enter the Korvanjund
Temple after a brief warning from the Legate. Open the [CHEST] in the first
room and then either wait for Galmar's signal to charge or go ahead
There are a few Imperials ahead and once cleared, the Stormcloaks secure the
Head down the steps into another area guarded by Imperial Soldiers. With
this area secure, Galmar will ask that you find another way through. That
other way is via the steps on the second level. You can overhear the
Soldiers preparing for an ambush. Start your assault, be it stealthly or
and the Stormcloaks will rush in to aid you. Join up with Galmar in the
western room and enter the Korvanjund Halls.
Follow the soldiers through this area and kill any Imperial that try to
stop you. There is a path to the west through swinging axes that leads to a
[CHEST] and the [LEVER] to stop the swinging blades. At the northern end you
discover two dead Imperial Soldiers and the [EBONY CLAW] on the floor. Pick
the claw and examine it to find the correct order for the symbols on the
[WOLF], [MOTH], [DRAGON]. Activate the keyhole to gain entry to a large

In this room your path is blocked by a gate. Move north up the steps and
the western wall at the top of the steps you can find a dagger sitting on a
plinth. Remove it and a secret passageway opens to the left. Activate the
[CHAIN] at the dead end to reveal another hidden room with a [CHEST] inside,
just beware the spears that attack from all directions. cross over to the
east to find a [HANDLE] to your left and a [CHEST] in the back. Pull the
to open the gate below and prepare to fight a few Draugr.
Enter the Korvanjund Crypt and strike the Draugr hunched over in the
This will cause the Draugr to attack you, but at least you found the [JAGGED
CROWN]. Slay the Deathlord and take the crown for yourself. Find a [CHEST]
behind the throne and move to the Word Wall on the southern end to learn
OF POWER: ETERNITY, SLOW TIME]. Head up the steps and take a shortcut back
the Temple. Unbar the door and make your way back to Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak.
___ ___


|. \_/


|::.|:. |essage to Whiterun

| Prerequisite: Complete The Jagged Crown
| Objectives:

1. Deliver axe to the Jarl of Whiterun


2. Wait for the Jarl's response


3. Deliver axe to Jarl Ulfric


4. Wait for orders from Jarl Ulfric

| Unique Items: Ulfric's War Axe

Ulfric Stormcloak is tired of letting Jarl Balgruuf of Whiterun stall. He

sends his axe with you as a message, ultimately asking if he wants to go to
war. After some discussion the Jarl of Whiterun decides to side with the
and you must return [ULFRIC'S WAR AXE] to him. Ulfric is hesitant to give
order to strike Whiterun but ultimately does.




|::.. . /attle for Whiterun

| Prerequisite: Complete Message to Whiterun
| Objectives:

1. Get your Orders from Galmar Stone-Fist


2. Break through the Enemy Barricade


3. Open the Drawbridge


4. Force Jarl Balgruuf the Greater to surrender


5. Accept Jarl Balgruuf the Greater's surrender

| Unique Items: None

Ulfric Stormcloak has given his order and you are to join Galmar StoneFist
in taking the city of Whiterun. After Galmar gives his war speech follow the
men into battle. The first task is relatively simple since you can break the
barricades with a spell. To reach the drawbridge you need to climb your way
and the ledge and drop in behind enemy lines. At the top of the archway you
can trigger the [LEVER] that drops the drawbridge and forces the Imperials
Make your way up to the Dragonsreach, destroying barricades and slaying
Imperial and Whiterun Soldiers that impede your path of justice. Force the
to surrender. After some bickering and harsh words, Galmar orders you back





|::.. . |iberation of Skyrim


| Prerequisite: Complete Battle for Whiterun
| Objectives:

1. Report to Ulfric Stormcloak


2. Liberate [Hold under Imperial Control]


3. Report to Ulfric Stormcloak

| Unique Items: Forged Documents

Fort Neugrad Prison Key


Imperial Missive


Give Ulfric Stormcloak the news of your victory at Whiterun and he rewards
you with an Imperial officer's sword. You are then tasked with liberating
Holds from Imperial rule.
Rescue from Fort Neugrad

1. Meet the men near Fort Neugrad

2. Free the prisoners
3. Take over the fort
4. Report back to Ralof

Head out to the Falkreath Stormcloak Camp and report in with Galmar StoneFist

who needs you to break into Fort Neugrad and free the captives, then take
the fort. Make your way to the eastern end and enter the Fort Neugrad Prison
and slay the Imperial Soldiers. Loot the [FORT NEUGRAD PRISON KEY] off a
soldier and move to the basement where you can free the prisoners. Loot a
[CHESTS] then head back outside and begin the slaughter of every Imperial
Soldier before entering the Dungeon.
Make your to the southernmost room where you can find the Fort Commander.
Search his [CHEST] and check the table for the [IMPERIAL MISSIVE] where the
Commander warns that the fort will not withstand another attack. Clear out
the few remaining Soldiers and loot the [CHESTS] before climbing to the roof
of the tower. Talk to Ralof then report back to Ulfric Stormcloak.
A False Front

1. Find the Imperial Courier

2. Retrieve the Imperial Courier's package
3. Bring the documents to Galmar Stone-Fist
4. Bring the forged documents to Legate Tauris Duilis

Go to the Hjaalmarch Stormcloak Camp and talk to Galmar Stone-Fist who has

task for you. You are to intercept the Imperial Courier passing through the
area and relieve him of his documents. Head to Dragon Bridge or Rorikstead
talk to the Innkeeper who will give you the location of the Courier.
or kill the Courier to obtain the [IMPERIAL DOCUMENTS]. Return to Galmar
the documents and he makes the necessary adjustments. Go to Morthal with the
[FORGED DOCUMENTS] and give them to Legate Taurinus Duilis.
The Battle for Forts


1. Join the men attacking Fort [Name]

2. Take over Fort Snowhawk by defeating the enemy (100%)

You will go through a series of capture missions at this point, liberating

all the Forts that Ulfric deems necessary. Once you have captured or retaken
all the Forts that Ulfric wants the final quest will begin.
Find the soldiers that are waiting for you then strike the Fortress in
weakened state. Much like any capture mission you need to fight your way to
high ground and play it safe when there are multiple enemies after you. Use
Stormcloaks as a shield as you lay waste to the Imperials. You can sneak up
behind most of the Imperial since there is easy access to the roof. Return
Ulfric with the good news after this battle.
Battle for Solitude

1. Get your Orders from Ulfric Stormcloak

2. Force General Tullius to surrender
3. Execute General Tullius

Join Ulfric Stormcloak in the final attack on Solitude, putting an end to

Imperial Legion in Skyrim, once and for all. After Ulfric's motivational
enter the city and rush to Castle Dour where you will find General Tullius.
Slay Legate Rikke and wound Tullius so that he surrenders. You are given the
option to make the kill yourself, but you can defer. Loot [GENERAL TULLIUS'
ARMOR] from his corpse and talk to Ulfric.



The Daedric Quests are part of a questline yet there is no sequence you
follow and the quests usually require a little work on your end just to get
them started. The rewards are usually very good and the quests are usually
challenging. You may do these quests in any order you choose, pending you
the prerequisites.


| |




|::.|he Black Star

| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Find the elven mage from Aranea's vision


2. Speak to Nelacar


3. Find Azura's Star


4a. Speak to Azura


4b. Tell Nelacar you're ready to enter the Star


5. Tell Azura you're ready to enter the Star


6. Destroy Malyn Varen's soul

| Unique Items: Azura's Star

Broken Azura's Star


Fisherman's Journal


Hooded Black Mage Robes


Staff of Flames


The Black Star


To start this questline talk to any barkeep until you obtain the
Objective - Visit the Shrine of Azura. Talk to Aranea Ienith, the single
person there who seems to be praying.
Aranea, a priestess of Azura, says that you are destined to find an elven
man, who can turn the brightest start as black as night. She believes this
man is in Winterhold, so get a move on it. Enter the Frozen Hearth Inn and
talk to Dagur who redirects you to Nelacar. This elf was a student of Malyn
Varen, who was experimenting on Azura's Star. Malyn's last known location
was Ilinalta's Deep.
Enter Ilinalta's Deep and search a Knapsack to find the [FISHERMAN'S
then move through the halls until you find some Necromancers and Skeletons
a room. Slay them and move through the dining hall to a kitchen with
[POTIONS]. Move north through a different door in the dining room to find
another Necromancer and Skeleton. There is also a [CHEST] and if you dive

the water you can swim down to another room where a second [CHEST] lies.
through the living quarters into a study where two more Necromancers can be
found. Unlock the door to the west and you can find another [CHEST].
Continue north to find the Arch Necromancer and a [CHEST]. You can pull
[CHAIN] to lower the bridge and dive into the water to find a locked door
a [CHEST] and some [POTIONS] behind it. Stop by another locked door on your
way up the steps for some more [POTIONS]. Make your way through the barred
and into Ilinalta's Deluge.
Kill the two Necromancers in the initial room and search the eastern room
some [POTIONS] and books. Loot the [CHEST] as you progress west through the
prison where a Master Necromancer keeps watch. In the next room another
Necromancer stands in a watery area. Slay him and move up the steps to find
you can take the Star back to Aranea or Nelacar.
Bring the Star to Aranea
Take the Star back to Aranea and she will have Azura speak to you. Azura
tell you that the Star is corrupted by Malyn Varen and that if she sends you
into that realm you can cleanse the evil that haunts the Star. Enter the
and kill Malyn Varen, just be careful of the Dremora that are also summoned
into this plane. Loot the [STAFF OF FLAMES] and [HOODED BLACK MAGE ROBES] as
the Star is purified.
When you return you receive [AZURA'S STAR] and can recruit Aranea.
Bring the Star to Nelacar

Take the Star to Nelacar and he will want to restore it so that only black
souls may enter it. Nelacar cannot do this since Malyn Varen is still inside
he wants to send you in to kill him. Oblige him and enter, just beware of
Dremora that assist Malyn. Loot the [STAFF OF FLAMES] and [HOODED BLACK MAGE
ROBES] from his corpse before Nelacar pulls you back. Talk to Nelacar once
are out to receive [THE BLACK STAR].




|::.. . /oethiah's Calling

| Prerequisite: Reach Level 30 or Higher
| Objectives:

1. Find the shrine of Boethiah


2. Find the cult of Boethiah


3. Lead someone to become trapped by the shrine and slay them


4. Speak to Boethiah's Conduit


5. Slay the other cultists


6. Speak to Boethiah's Conduit


7. Slay everyone at Knifepoint Ridge stealthily


8. Retrieve and equip the Ebony Mail

| Unique Items: Blade of Sacrifice

Ebony Boots


Ebony Gauntlets


Ebony Mail


Ebony Shield


Ebony Sword


During your travels you will undoubtedly find a book called [BOETHIAH'S
PROVING] and upon reading it receive the quest. If you are having trouble
finding this book then head to Sepitmus Signus's Outpost to the far north of
Winterhold to find it on his bookshelf. Make your way to the Sacellum of
Boethiah located east of Windhelm. When you find the shrine you will find a
Priestess of Boethiah at the nearby cult. She will ask you so coerce someone
into touching the Pillar of Sacrifice and then have you slaughter them with
Doing this will summon Boethiah and the easiest way to acquire a sacrifice
via a Follower (hopefully one that you dislike). Boethiah will take over the
body of the sacrifice and question you, then have a last man standing match
see who is worthy enough for her task, make sure it's you. After the
is over you are tasked to kill Boethiah's previous Champion, without him
able to defend himself.

Head to Knifepoint Ridge at night time and use any items or spells you
that will make your more stealthy. Pick off every member outside then enter
Knifepoint Mine. You can find a [CHEST] next to a Bandit in the initial
Move down the ramp to find another Bandit with his back turned to you at the
Alchemy Lab. Move down the steps to find a miner with his back turned as
There are two more members in this next room, one at the far end mining is
easy target but the one on the wooden platform can be tricky, try to kill
at range.
Sneak up to the house in the back and fortunately it's poorly made. The
way to kill the Champion is an arrow through one of the cracks, though you
climb to the roof and drop down behind him for a quick kill as well. With
everyone dead, loot the Champion of Boethiah and don the [EBONY BOOTS],




|::.|:. | Daedra's Best Friend

| Prerequisite: Achieve Level 10 or Higher
| Objectives:

1. Speak to Lod


2. Find the Dog outside Falkreath


3. Travel with Barbas to the shrine of Clavicus Vile


4. Retrieve the Rueful Axe with Barbas


5. Return to the shrine of Clavicus Vile with Barbas and the


Rueful Axe
6. Give the Rueful Axe to Clavicus Vile OR kill Barbas with
the Rueful Axe

| Unique Items: Atronarch Force Recipe

Masque of Clavicus Vile


Rueful Axe


Head to the town of Falkreath and speak to the Imperial Soldier at the
entrance. He asks if you've seen a dog and regardless of your answer he
you in the direction of Lod, the town's Blacksmith. Likewise, you can avoid
guard and speak directly with Lod. The man wants you to find his dog outside
of Falkreath and you can persuade him for a little cash now and more when
return the dog. Leave Falkreath and as you reach the objective a dog named
Barbas will approach you and talk with you. The quest should start now and
need to take Barbas to the shrine of Clavicus Vile.
Barbas takes the longest round about way you can think of to get where he
needs to go so go ahead to Haemar's Shame if you know where its at (east of
Helgen) to alleviate the long trek. Slay the Vampire's Thrall in the first

room and loot the [CHEST] from his platform. Move through the hallway
another Vampire until you reach the stairs. There is an Ancient Vampire in
back of this area near a [CHEST], so be careful.
Continue to the next room which is completely filled with Vampires. At the
southern end you can find a cove with a [CHEST] and a few coffins. Move down
the steps and enter Haemar's Shame. Kill the Frostbite Spider and move west
through the hallways and past the room. In the last room you must face a
Volkihar Master Vampire, but at least there is a [CHEST]. Activate the
OF CLAVICUS VILE] and tell him you wish to return Barbas to his side. He
you to retrieve an axe from Rimerock Burrow, Barbas can lead you there.
As you enter the Burrow you should find it relatively empty with the one
exception of Sebastian Lort. Kill him if you want but the item you want is
his table, [THE RUEFUL AXE]. Head down to Sebastian's quarters to find a
containing an [ATRONARCH FORGE RECIPE] then return to the Shrine of Clavicus
Vile. You are given the option of slaying Barbas and keeping The Rueful Axe
letting Barbas live and ultimately receive the [MASQUE OF CLAVICUS VILE].




|::.. . /iscerning the Transmundane

| Prerequisite: None

| Objectives:

1. Ask Urag about the insane book


2. Find Septimus Signus


3. Transcribe the Lexicon


4. Give the Lexicon to Septimus


5. Harvest High Elf blood


6. Harvest Wood Elf blood


7. Harvest Dark Elf blood


8. Harvest Falmer blood


9. Harvest Orc blood


10. Bring blood to Septimus


11. Take the Oghma Infinium

| Unique Items: Crimson Nirnroot

Effects of the Elder Scrolls


Elder Scroll


Essence Extractor


Ruminations on the Elder Scrolls


Runed Lexicon


Reference the first part of Elder Knowledge [03.12.00] on how this quest

Seek out Arngeir who will point you to the College of Winterhold. Make
way inside and to the Arcanaeum where you will find Urag gro-Shub. Inquire
Elder Scrolls and he will bring you [EFFECTS OF THE ELDER SCROLLS] and
[RUMINATIONS ON THE ELDER SCROLLS]. After reading both, the quest
Question Urag about the books then begin your journey to find Septimus
who is heralded as the most knowledgeable on the Elder Scrolls. Leave the
College and head north to Septimus Signus's Outpost where you will find the
crazy old man. He has a lot to say so listen close and head for Alftand to
the south. Once here cross a long bridge to enter the Alftand Glacial Ruins.
The path is rather uneventful and there isn't much loot so follow the
trail until you hear a voice. This is the sign that hostiles and items are
ahead. Move up another ramp and defeat the Dwemer machines that attack. Stay
on the blood trail to find J'darr and J'Zhar, one of them dead and another
fighting a Dwarven Spider Worker. Clear the enemies and move into a much
room. As you approach the center pillar two Dwarven Spheres will strike.
Watch out for the traps in the next hall as you make your way to another
room. There is a lot of oil on the floor so use it to your advantage as more
Dwarven Spider Workers attack. Unlock the gate on the far side of the room
find two [CHESTS] inside. Exit the room to the west and move through the
defeating the enemies as you go. The final room has pistons that will push
down below, you must cross the upper floor to reach the Alftand
Make your way east and use the oil once again to slay the Dwarven Spheres.
When you reach a massive room you'll notice you are at the top. Before
your descent search the alcove where a Dwarven Spider Worker lurks to find a
[CHEST]. Unlock the door at the bottom of the ramp and fight off more

machina. There are several [CHESTS] and another locked gate with better loot
and more [CHESTS] inside. Leave this room and drop down below where you can
find the corpse of Yag gra-Gortwog. Head up the ramp to the west to find a
[CHEST] sitting at the end of it.
Continue to descend and slay the Falmer that strike and dodge the pistons
that attempt to push you to your death. At the end of this ramp is a flame
you must go around to enter the next room. This room has a few Falmer in it
but also [INGREDIENTS] and an [ALCHEMY LAB]. Further down you will find
of Falmer and their huts. More [INGREDIENTS] are along the back wall and the
last hut on the south end will have a [CHEST]. Use the [ANVIL] if you feel
need to create new gear then head down the steps. There is a Falmer
Shadowmaster accompanied by two Falmer Gloomlurkers. Defeat the Shadowmaster
and his cronies and note the quick exit back up to the Ruins.
Leave this room to return to the main one with all the ramps leading down.
Descend and fight off the Falmer and Frostbite Spiders that attack you, it's
safest to bait them up the ramp so you can fight them one at a time. As you
pass through the final door and head down the steps, avoid stepping on the
before you reach the door because it will trigger a trap. Enter the Alftand
Cathedral and make your way down the path. Hug the wall to avoid the trap
from above as you move west.
Slay the Falmer Gloomlurker and enter a large room. Kill another Falmer
raid his tent to find a [CHEST]. Head up the steps to find two more [CHESTS]
and the [LEVER] that raises the gate leading up to a [DWARVEN MECHANISM].
Open the nearby by [CHEST] and unlock the [GATE] in the back. This lever
take you outside, but use the Dwarven Mechanism to reach Blackreach. While
are here you will encounter Falmer and Chaurus along the beeline you should
take towards the quest marker. Be sure to snag some [CRIMSON NIRNROOT] to
start the quest [A RETURN TO YOUR ROOTS]. Stick to the road once you reach
the water and you will see the tower you have been seeking. Open the door

use the lever to enter the Tower of Mzark.

Search this room for some [INGREDIENTS] and a [CHEST] then enter the main
chamber where the Lexicon is located. At the top of the ramp activate the
[LEXICON RECEPTACLE]. Use the button second from the right a few times and
watch for the button second from the left to light up (the Blank Lexicon
also glow at this point). Press this button twice and the far left button
light up. Press this button and your long worked for prize will descend.
down and snag the [ELDER SCROLL] but also make sure you acquire the [RUNED
Return to Septimus Signus and he is most pleased. He needs you to harvest
the blood of the various races of elf. As you try to leave the Wretched
stops you and identifies itself as Hermaeus Mora. He wants you to serve him
after Septimus Signus' time is up. Begin your journey to acquire the blood
the elven races.
High Elf Blood - Hob's Fall Cave, Yngvild, or any Warlock will provide the
blood you seek. Search caves around Dawnstar.
Dark Elf Blood - In addition to the locations you can find the High Elves
can also find Dark Elves in all forms of random encounters.
The areas around Dawnstar seem so house Warlock and the
Necromancers, which are High and Dark Elves.
Wood Elf - Pinepeak Cavern has a dead Wood Elf outside it's entrance and any
Hunter Camp has 25% of it's ranks as Wood Elf.
Falmer - Dwarven Ruins, Falmer Hives, and Blackreach are all viable places

find Falmer. Backtrack to where ever you enter Blackreach to find

the ones you've already slain.

Orc - Cracked Tusk Keep, Rift Watchtower, and random bandit camps have
Orcs. You could always slay the ones you find in the Holds but that


it's repercussions.
With the blood extracted, return to Septimus. He completes the mixture and
the oversize cube opens up. Inside you can find [OGHMA INFINIUM] and
meets his end (where you can recover the Lexicon and Essence Extractor if
so choose). With the book in hand the Wretched Abyss stretches forth once
After the conversation re-open the book and you can read a path for
skill gain.
The Path of Might - +5 Smithing, Heavy Armor, Armor, Two-Handed, One-Handed,
and Archery
The Path of Shadow - +5 Light Armor, Sneak, Lockpicking, Pickpocket, Speech,
and Alchemy
The Path of Magic - +5 Illusion, Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration,
Alteration, and Enchanting




|::.|ll Met by Moonlight

| Prerequisite: None

| Objectives:

1. Speak to Sinding


2. Kill the great beast


3. Begin the hunt


4. Join the hunt


5a. Kill the Hunters


5b. Kill Sinding


6a. Talk to Sinding


6b. Skin Sinding


7. Speak with Hircine

| Unique Items: Cursed Ring of Hircine

Ring of Hircine


Savior's Hide


Sinding's Skin


Go to Falkreath and head to the graveyard on the far west of town behind
Hall of Dead. Talk to Indara and Mathies about their slain child and they
point you in the direction of Sinding. With this news head over to the
Barrachs and talk to Sinding. He will admit he is a Werewolf and that he has
the ring of Hircine, Daedric Lord of the Hunt. The ring seems to change him
random times and if you take the ring from him and are a Werewolf yourself,

will have a 10% chance every minute of changing you to Beast Form.
Venture into the wilds and hunt down the White Stag. Since it flees at the
sight of you, ranged weapons and stealthy approaches are recommended. The
Aspect of Hircine wants you to track down and kill Sinding, skin him, and
his skin to gain favor. There are hunters that are also trying to win
favor though. Head to Bloated Man's Grotto to find corpses everywhere. Join
hunt and search the water near the waterfall for a [CHEST]. Through the path
you will meet with Sinding once more.
Siding with Sinding
If you choose to spare Sinding then head through the ruins and loot a
then slay the two hunters below. There is another group of three around the
corner and three more past the creek. With all the Hunters slain, the Ring
Hircine becomes uncursed and you can talk to Sinding who will remain here
from anyone he might hurt. With the [RING OF HIRCINE] no longer cursed you
granted one extra Beast Form transformation per day if you are a Werewolf.
Killing Sinding
If you chose to slay Sinding as ordered by the Daedric Lord then head up
steps and loot the [CHEST]. You can try and catch up to Sinding as fast as
can but he is swift and kills the hunters in a single blow. When you finally
kill Sinding you must tear the skin from his body. Talk to the Aspect of
and you are rewarded with the [SAVIOR'S HIDE].



| |




|::.|he Cursed Tribe

| Prerequisite: Achieve Level 9 or Higher
| Objectives:

1. Bring Troll Fat and a Daedra Heart to Atub


2. Observe Atub's ritual


3. Speak with Yamarz


4. Meet Yamarz at Fallowstone Cave


5. Protect Yamarz


6. Defeat the giant


7. Take Shagrol's Hammer back to Largashbur


8. Place Shagrol's Hammer on the shrine in Largashbur

| Unique Items: Shagrol's Warhammer



Head to Largashbur, home to Orcs, in the southwestern corner of the Rift.


you approach this stronghold the Orcs are in combat with a Giant. Help them
simply watch and when the Giant is felled talk to Atub who will immediately
tell you that her tribe needs your help. Their leader is stricken with a
and Atub begs you to seek out ingredients to summon Malacath. The Troll Fat
is obvious and can be bought at stores if you can't find a troll to slay.
Daedra Heart, however, is another story. You can get one during the quest
Black Star, steal one from Kodlak Whitemane's room in Jorrvaskr, or perhaps
easiest way is to purchase one from Enthir in the College of Winterhold.
Return to Atub with the ingredients and she will get Chief Yamarz to come
outside for the ritual. Malacath has spoken and now Yamarz wants you to go
Fallowstone Cave with him to slay a Giant. Meet him at the entrance and he
lead the way in. You will drop all the way down and pass up two Giants but
Cave Bears will be your first test. Enter Giant's Grove and Yamarz will try
strike a deal with you. If you kill the Giant he will pay you, but in the
reneg on his deal and must be slain. Likewise, you can watch Yamarz try to
the Giant only to be felled by the mighty club.
Either way, Yamarz and the Giant are dead and you have [SHAGROL'S
Malacath will speak to you and call you back to Largashbur, appease his
After talking to Atub, Malacath will have you place the Warhammer on the
and then change it to [VOLENDRUNG] for you to keep.





|::.|ieces of the Past

| Prerequisite: Achieve Level 20 or Higher
| Objectives:

1. Pieces of the Past


2. Retrieve the pommel of Mehrunes' Razor


3. Retrieve the balde shards of Mehrunes' Razor


4. Retrieve the hilt of Mehrunes' Razor


5. Bring the pommel stone to Silus


6. Bring the blade shards to Silus


7. Bring the hilt to Silus


8. Meet Silus at the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon

| Unique Items: Cracked Tusk Vault Key

Dead Crone Rock Key


Hilt of Mehrunes' Razor


Pommel Stone of Mehrunes' Razor


Shards of Mehrunes' Razor


Stone of Barenziah


Word of Power: Fear, Dismay


Enter any city after reaching Level 20 and a courier will give you a
that starts the Miscellaneous Objective - Visit the museum in Dawnstar. As
you approach the museum Silus Vesuius greets you and the quest officially
begins. Ask about the job he has prepared for you to find out he wants to
complete Mehrunes' Razor. Mehrune Dagon is the Daedric Lord of Change,
Destruction, and Ambition so retrieving this Razor would prove invaluable to
The Pommel of Mehrunes' Razor
Fight your way to Dead Crone Rock through the Forsworn and Trolls that
this territory and call it home. Snag the items on the table and search the
[CHEST] at the top of the steps. Slay the three Forsworn that attack you and
head up the steps into a ritual room. Avoid the flames that are shot from a
well placed Soul Gem and search the [CHEST] in the corner. Use the [LEVER]
the next room to raise the gate in the main room at the top of the steps.
through the newly opened passage and to a balcony out in the open world.
A Hagraven named Drascua will attack you here. If you can lure her between
the pillars that hold Soul Gems you can make quick work of her. Likewise,
can sneak up on her or simply fight her head on, but Hargravens are tough
opponents. Loot the [POMMEL STONE OF MEHRUNES' RAZOR] off her corpse and
miss the [STONE OF BARENZIAH] on the sacrificial altar as well as the [DEAD
CRONE ROCK KEY]. Search the [CHEST] and then approach the Word Wall in the

The Blade Shards of Mehrunes' Razor

Head to Cracked Tusk Keep, home of Hunter Orcs and Bandits. Sneak inside
kill a Bandit making supper it seems. Upstairs is an Orc and a few [POTIONS]
and [FOOD] on the tables. In the back room you will find Ghunzul, clad in
armor and huge sword. Take him down and loot the [CRACKED TUSK VAULT KEY]
check the [CHEST]. Go back downstairs and through the doors to the western
where you can remove a panel and activate a [BUTTON] to gain access to the
Cracked Tusk Vaults.
Activate the [BUTTON] on the wall to access the first room on the right.
There are a few [POTIONS] and other miscellaneous items in the chamber worth
grabbing. The same thing applies for the room across the hallway where you
can find a skill book. Loot the [CHEST] at the end of the hallway and hit
two [LEVERS] to enter the treasure room. The middle path has tripwires that
will release darts and the sides have traps that will fling spiked walls
you. Disarm the tripwires and obtain your prize, the [SHARDS OF MEHRUNES'
The Hilt of Mehrunes' Razor
Head to Morthal and visit Jorgen and Lami's House on the other side of the
bridge. Unlock Jorgen's [CHEST] and take the [HILT OF MEHRUNES' RAZOR], by
the easiest piece you have acquired.
With all the pieces in hand, Silus informs you that he knows how to put
all back together along with the fourth piece he has in his display case.
Silus at the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon and place your hands on the altar to

speak to Mehrunes. He wants you to slay Silus and it's best to oblige. If
don't kill Silus then you miss out on all the loot and two Dremora strike at
you. If you abide by Dagon's wishes you can loot Silus Vesuius' corpse for
Mehrunes Dagon reforges the Razor and has you fight the two Dremora as a
Win the battle to obtain [MEHRUNES' RAZOR] then loot the Dremora for their
hearts and a [KEY TO MEHRUNES' SHRINE]. Inside are two more Dremora and
the abundance of crafting supplies, armor, weapons, and [CHESTS] to search
through. Take what you want, you've definitely earned it.


| |




|::.|he Whispering Door

| Prerequisite: Achieve Level 20 or Higher
| Objectives:

1. Find out what's wrong with Nelkir


2. Listen to the whispering door


3. Speak to Nelkir


4. Obtain the key to the whispering door


5. Open the whispering door


6. Retrieve the Ebony Blade

| Unique Items: Admonition Against Ebony

Ebony Blade


Whispering Door Key


Talk to the Innkeeper in Whiterun's Bannered Mare until she mentions the
Jarl's children to start the Miscellaneous Objective - Ask about Balgruuf's
strange children. Visit the Jarl and ask what's going on with his youngest
son Nelkir to officially start the quest. Talk to Nelkir and he will tell
to check out the whispering door. Approach the door in the basement of
Dragonreach to find that it's the Daedra Lord Mephala, the Lady of Whispers.
She tells you to seek guidance from Nelkir who tells you that his father
and Farengar are the only two with a key to that room. The easiest way to do
this is to pickpocket Farengar for the [WHISPERING DOOR KEY]. Once inside,
pick up the [ADMONITION AGAINST EBONY] and the [EBONY BLADE]. This blade
grow stronger the more you strike down Followers or anyone you have
a quest or mission objective for.


| |




|::.|he Break of Dawn


| Prerequisite: Achieve Level 12 or Higher
| Objectives:

1. Find Meridia's Beacon


2. Bring Meridia's beacon to Mount Kilkreath


3. Replace the beacon


4. Guide Meridia's Light through the temple


5. Destroy Malkoran


6. Retrieve Dawnbreaker

| Unique Items: Dawnbreaker

Meridia's Beacon


Staff of Fireballs


Word of Power: Air, Elemental Fury


Head to the Statue to Meridia in the mountains to the west of Solitude and
Meridia will speak to you and mark the location of her Beacon on your map.
you move northeast from the Statue of Meridia you can find a World Wall to
learn [WORD OF POWER: AIR, ELEMENTAL FURY]. It is possible to obtain
Beacon prior to speaking to Meridia and thus start the quest that way.
[MERIDIA'S BEACON] is in a random chest in Skyrim and when you have it,
to Mount Kilkreath and place it on the pedestal. You will be taken high into

the air and given your task from above Skyrim.

When you have feet back on the ground descend to and enter Kilkreath
Move down the hallway and you can immediately notice the darkness rising
the floor. Before turning towards the light, unlock the door and hit the
[LEVER] to open the gate across the hall where a [CHEST] lies. In the middle
of the next room activate the [PEDESTAL] and reflect the light. Head east
the steps and slay the Corrupted Shades.
Move up to the [PEDESTAL] and activate it to reflect the light further
the ruins. Continue south and you'll eventually enter a small room with a
[CHEST]. Go east and fight off more Shades then climb the steps and jump
to the [PEDESTAL] and activate it. Move to the back wall and unlock the door
to find a [LEVER] that raises the adjacent gate where a [CHEST] sits. With
area looted, go south and out to the Kilkreath Balcony.
Open the [CHEST] before heading back up the steps into the Kilkreath
Move through the halls and up the steps to find another [PEDESTAL] to
Button hook around and make your way through the door on the right to find a
[CHEST] inside, just watch out for the spears coming out of the floor. There
is another [CHEST] on your way north and a [TRIPWIRE] right around the
that will disable the swinging axes if you disarm it.
Make your way onto the balcony and leap across to the [PEDESTAL], activate


and go west but turn right before going through the door to find a [CHEST].
Slay the Shades and climb the steps to the right to reach the top [PEDESTAL]
that will open the door. Drop down and enter the Kilkreath Catacombs. Use
first [PEDESTAL] here to open the door and find Malkoran. Once you kill him
he becomes a Shade as well so don't think it's over once he dies.

Loot the [STAFF OF FIREBALLS] from his corpse then activate the last
[PEDESTAL] to obtain the [DAWNBREAKER]. You will speak with Meridia up above
Skyrim once more and the quest concludes.


| |




|::.|he House of Horrors

| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Search the abandoned house


2. Find your reward


3. Find the priest of Boethiah


4. Free Logrolf


5. Go to the abandoned house


6. Beat Logrolf into submission


7. Kill Logrolf


8. Speak to Molag Bal

| Unique Items: Mace of Molag Bal

The first time you enter Markarth you will witness the murder of a woman


a kiosk in the center of town. Leave the Hold and return, passing west of
killing, to meet Vigilant Tyranus. Enter the Abandoned House with Tyranus
loot the three [CHESTS] you come across. When you reach the locked door,
to open it and a voice will command you to slay Tyranus. Oblige and be
as the door is now unlocked and you can receive your prize.
As you approach the altar at the bottom of the bowels you are caged in a
prison that only Molag Bal, the Lord of Domination, would trap you in. He
wants revenge on Boethiah since his Mace has become useless and rusted. To
this you must seek out the priest of Boethiah so he can perform the ritual
more time, where you will be waiting for him. Find Logrolf the Willful as
indicated on your map and free him of his bindings, convincing him with your
silver tongue of why you are releasing him.
Logrolf wastes no time in heading for Markarth, so beat him there. Molag
will trap the weak Logrolf and have you beat him to death with his Mace.
dies but Molag Bal revives him so you can beat him into submission. Kill the
priest one final time and Molag Bal gives you his mace with it's true power,


| |




|::.|he Taste of Death


| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Clear the Draugr from Reachcliff Cave


2. Speak to Eola


3. Convince Verulus to follow you


4. Lead Verulus to the Shrine of Namira


5. Kill Verulus


6. Feast on Verulus

| Unique Items: Markarth Hall of the Dead Key

Ring of Namira


Talk to Kleppr, the Innkeeper of the Silver-Blood Inn in Markarth, and ask
him if he's heard any rumors lately. He will mention Brother Verulus has the
Hall of the Dead closed and you obtain the Miscellaneous Objective - Speak
Verulus about the Hall of the Dead. Enter Understone Keep and talk to
Verulus. Convince him to let you visit the Hall of the Dead and he will tell
you the gruesome truth, that the dead have been eaten. He gives you the
[MARKARTH HALL OF THE DEAD KEY] and now you have access to it.
As you walk through the crypt a voice, Namira the Lady of Decay, will call
out to you as if you were a cannibal. You should encounter Eola who will

speak of this and how you blocked out your first meal. The quest officially
starts at this point and your task is to meet Eola at Reachcliff Cave.
You have the choice of taking Eola in with you or having her wait at the
entrance. Move through the first room and slay the Draugr that get in your
Eventually you'll make your way to an intersection in a hallway, choose to
left so you can jump the gap to a [CHEST]. Move through a small room and
through the iron doors into the final large room. The target here is the
Priest but it has a lot of health. Take out the Draugr first and when you
kill the Dragon Priest. Search the area for a [CHEST] then return to Eola.
Eola wants you to convince Brother Verulus to follow you to the cave where
the Daedric Lord Namira will then do the rest. Return to the Understone Keep
to find the Brother. Convince him to follow you then Fast Travel back to
Reachcliff Cave. Lead the good priest down to the dining hall and when he
lies on Namira's Shrine kill and feast on him. Namira will speak to you and
call you her Champion then give you the [RING OF NAMIRA].


| |




|::.|he Only Cure

| Prerequisite: Achieve Level 10 or Higher
| Objectives:

1. Obtain some Vampire Dust


2. Obtain a Deathbell Flower


3. Obtain a Silver Ingot


4. Obtain a Flawless Ruby


5. Deliver the Ingredients


6. Inhale the fumes


7. Kill Orchendor


8. Report Orchendor's death to Peryite

| Unique Items: Key to Bthardamz Elevator



If you go to the Shrine of Peryite, northeast of Markarth and speak with

Kesh the Clean. Ask to commune with Peryite and Kesh the Clean will tell you
that you need the incense first and thus you are off to collect four
for him.
Vampire Dust
The best places to find Vampire Dust is in your own home with an Alchemy
Lab upgrade or on any dead Vampire. You can find Vampires all over but try
Shriekwind Bastion or Broken Fang Cave. Some Alchemy Shops also carry these
but you might need to travel a little bit.
Deathbell Flower

The easiest places to find Deathbell Flowers is are at Anise's Cabin on
the river near Riverwood or any Alchemy Shop.
Silver Ingot
You can find several Silver Ingots in Dragonsreach or in the Treasury
in Markarth. You can also get Silver Ore and smelt it into the Ingots from
Mine that carries it.
Flawless Ruby
It's easiest to purchase this item but you can find them in many large
like Korvanjund or in rich places like the Katariah in Solitude.
Deliver all four ingredients to Kesh the Clean then inhale the fumes from
the concoction to speak with the Aspect of Peryite. The Daedric Lord has
deceived and he wants the traitor slain, an elf named Orchendor. Head to the
nearby area at Bthardamz and fight through the Afflicted before entering the
Bthardamz Upper District.
Head through the first room and down the steps to the sleeping quarters.
Kill the Afflicted in their sleep or unlock the gate and bypass them. In the
northern room is a locked gate with a [CHEST] behind it. Down the ramp on
other end you will find some Afflicted gathered round a statue. Move west
up the steps then kill more Afflicted. Go up the northern steps to find a
[CHEST] and a [LEVER].

Move up the ramps on the opposite end and through the gate you just
Drop down off this platform and down the steps to find a [CHEST] on the
Continue east to a dead end and loot the [CHEST] which will spawn some
Spheres as a defense mechanism. Leave this room and move south down the ramp
where you will find three more Afflicted. Kill them then go through the door
enter the Bthardamz Workshop.
Sneak through the sleeping quarters and enter an alcove to the east where
a Dwarven Spider and a [CHEST] are located. Go south and kill a few more
Afflicted and Dwarven Spiders as you find another [CHEST]. Head back to the
Bthardamz Upper District. Pass through this area and up the steps through
swarm of Afflicted and enter the Bthardamz Lower District. Kill the
and Dwarven Spiders here. The [LEVER] will make spinning blades appear
the middle platform where a [CHEST] sits.
Go east through the tunnels and eventually to an area with running water
under you. Cross the bridges and slay the Afflicted at the other end. In the
eastern room you can find a [CHEST]. The first set of steps just leads to a
roundabout so go east and up that set of stairs to enter the Bthardamz
Open the first gate to find a [CHEST] then go south up the ramp. At the top
of the ramp you can find a [CHEST] guarded by a Dwarven Sphere. Go west to
return to the Bthardamz Lower District.
Move around the winding path to find four Afflicted wandering the path.
south through the next door to enter the Bthardamz Arcanex. Move through the
winding path and slay the Dwarven machines that impede your path. At the top
the steps you will face a Dwarven Centurion, but the end is near as you will
find Orchendor around the corner. Loot his corpse for the [KEY TO BTHARDAMZ
ELEVATOR] then use the elevator at the top of the steps.

Return to the Shrine of Peryite and inhale the incense fumes once more.
the Daedric Lord pleased with Orchendor's death you are rewarded with the
[SPELLBREAKER] and free to do what ever you wish.




|::.|:. | Night to Remember

| Prerequisite: Achieve Level 14 or Higher
| Objectives:

1. Find Sam Guevenne


2. Find the Staff


3. Help clean up the Temple of Dibella


4. Ask about Sam and the staff in Rorikstead


5. Find Gleda the Goat


6. Bring Gleda the Goat back to Ennis in Rorikstead


7. Talk to Ysolda in Whiterun about the staff


8. Find the wedding ring in Witchmist Grove


9. Return the wedding ring to Ysolda in Whiterun


10. Search Morvunskar for Sam and the Staff

| Unique Items: Sanguine Rose


Head to any tavern across Skyrim and theres a chance you could run into a
black robed man named Sam Guevenne. He will challenge you to a drinking
humbly accept and slam threes flagons since Sam can only handle two. You end
up blacking out and waking up in the Temple of Dibella. Talk to the
and talk your way out of the situation. Apparently you were mumbling on
Rorikstead, so start your search there.
Speak with Ennis who tells you that you sold his prize winning goat to a
Giant. Search for Gleda the Goat who is being guarded by Grok the Giant.
him and take the goat back to Ennis. He tells you that you wrote a note
repaying Ysolda in Whiterun. Track down Ysolda in Whiterun who wants her
wedding ring back. Go to Witchmist Grove and find your betrothed. Slay Moira
and take back the [WEDDING RING]. Give the ring to Ysolda and she will
Morvunskar as the place for the reception.
Head out to Morvunskar and clear out the Conjurers as you make your
to the quest objective, eventually entering the Misty Grove. Approach Sam
he turns into Sanguine. After a brief conversation, tell him thanks and you
receive the [SANGUINE ROSE].


| |




|::.|he Mind of Madness


| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Gain access to the Pelagius Wing of the Blue Palace


2. Use the key to gain access to the Pelagius Wing


3. Search for Dervenin's master in the Pelagius Wing


4. Use the Wabbajack to escape from Pelagius's Mind

| Unique Items: Pelagius' Hip Bone



Head to Solitude and search for a man named Dervenin between the Hall of
Dead and the Bard's College. Agree to help him find his master and he gives
[PELAGIUS' HIP BONE] so you can enter the Pelagius Wing of the Blue Palace.
Speak with Erdi or Una to get the [PELAGIUS WING KEY] then open the door at
the bottom of the steps. Move up the steps and down the long hallway until
suddenly blink to a field with a tea party apparently occurring.
Talk to Sheogorath, Daedric Prince of Madness who gives you the
and tests you to see if you can escape the mind of Pelagius the Mad. Go to
northeastern area and use the Wabbajack on Pelagius to summon a Wolf. Use

Wabbajack again on the Wolf to turn it into a Sheep. Continue this routine
using the item on Pelagius and then the creature that is spawned until he
wakes up.
Head to the northwest and watch two Thrall battle it out. The trick is not
to change the Thralls but to hit the guards near Pelagius that change to
and remind Pelagius he isn't safe. Finally, move southeast and use the
on Anger until it shrinks. At this time shoot Confidence until he becomes
Return to Sheogorath and he will send you back to reality and lets you keep
___ ___


|. / \


|::.|:. |aking Nightmare

| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Follow Erandur to Nightcaller Temple


2. Speak to Erandur


3. Follow Erandur


4. Follow Erandur to the Library


5. Speak to Erandur


6. Locate "The Dreamstride"


7. Speak to Erandur


8. Follow Erandur to the Laboratory


9. Locate Vaermina's Torpor


10. Speak to Erandur


11. Drink Vaermina's Torpor


12. Release the Miasma


13. Disable the Magical Barrier


14. Speak to Erandur


15. Follow Erandur to the Skull of Corruption


16. Defeat Veren and Thorek


17. Speak to Erandur


18. Wait for Erandur to dispel the barrier


19. Murder Erandur


20. Take the Skull of Corruption

| Unique Items: Nightcaller Temple Key

Skull of Corruption


The Dreamstride


Vaermina's Torpor


Head to Dawnstar and visit the Windpeak Inn. Speak with Erandur who has a

crowd gathered round. He will explain the the Daedric Lord Vaermina has been
plaguing the minds of the villagers and asks for your help. Follow Erandur
Nightcaller Temple and talk with him to learn about the Orcs and Priests
that are affected by Miasma.
Follow Erandur inside and he will open a passageway and show you the Skull
Corruption. As you reach a blockade some Orc Invaders will rise. You can't
pass through this barrier but Erandur has a key to open the locked door you
passed earlier. Slay the five or so Devotees and Orc Invaders then talk with
Erandur. You need to find [THE DREAMSTRIDE], a book that resembles Vaerlina,
and you can find on the second floor in the corner.
Give the book to Erandur who discovers that a certain special Torpor will
allow you to perform a Dreamstride. Time to go to the Laboratory and kill
more sleepers of the Miasma. When the Lab is cleared out you need to find
[VAERMINA'S TORPOR], located on a shelf on the bottom floor. Tell Erandur
have found it then chug it down. You are taken into the body of a priest
the past and are tasked with releasing the Miasma. Make your way through the
blurry halls until you reach the chain to release the Miasma.
You are pulled back into reality and must find a way to release the
Slay the Devotees that arise as you make your way back towards the Skull of
Corruption. Open the door to find Erandur and then follow him up to a Soul
that must be removed. With the barrier removed, talk to Erandur then head
the Skull of Corruption. A short scene occurs and you must face Veren and
Thorek. Pick one and Erandur, aka Casimir, will fight the other.
You hear a voice in your head, it's Lady Vaermina! She commands you to
Erandur who would turn on you once he has the Skull in his possession. If

kill him then you can obtain the [SKULL OF CORRUPTION] otherwise, Erandur
complete his ritual and can become a follower. If you slay Erandur you can
the [NIGHTCALLER TEMPLE KEY] on his corpse.






|::.. . /lood on the Ice

| Prerequisite: Enter and leave Windhelm four times
| Objectives:

1. Question the witnesses


2. Report to the guard


3. Talk to Jorleif


4. Examine the crime scene


5. Get assistance from Jorleif


6. Get access to Hjerim


7. Look for clues


8. Follow up on the clues from Hjerim


9. Talk to Jorleif


10. Speak to Wuunferth


11. Patrol the streets of the Stone Quarter at night


12. Catch the murderer


13. Speak to Jorleif for reward

| Unique Items: Beware the Butcher!

Butcher Journal


Butcher Journal #1


Butcher Journal #2


Calixto's Key


Key to Hjerim


Necromancer Amulet


Strange Amulet


Enter Windhelm and you can hear people mention The Butcher and the murder
some of the young women around town. Leave and enter the city four times,
returning the fourth time at night. Venture to the graveyard where a guard
a few people are gathered around a corpse. The quest officially starts after
talk to the guard and tell him you will aid in the investigation. Talk with
Calixto Corrium, Silda the Unseen, and Helgird to see if they know anything,

but they all claim to have arrived after the murder.

Talk to the guard who wants you to speak with Jorleif about being
on the case. After you talk to Jorleif you can continue your investigation
the murders. Return to the scene of the crime and follow the blood trail to
north side of town and to the doorstep of Hjerim. Ask around town to find
how to get into Hjerim if you can't unlock the door. Everyone will point to
Tova Shatter-Shield and you can find her more often then naught next door in
her house.
Get the [KEY TO HJERIM] and enter the building. There is blood everywhere
and the first thing you should do is investigate the [CHEST] to find [BEWARE
THE BUTCHER!] notes and the [BUTCHER JOURNAL #1]. There is some mead that
can investigate but the next source is in the backroom under all the Butcher
fliers, the [STRANGE AMULET]. Next to this shelf is a wardrobe with a false
back panel. Here you can investigate the altar and obtain [BUTCHER JOURNAL
Leave the building and seak out Viola. Ask her about the Butcher and she
tell you what she knows. Mention the journal and she will tell you to speak
with Jorleif. You can also take the amulet to Calixto in his House of
Curiosities -- he'll give you 500 gold for it. Take your information to
and tell him you believe Wuunferth the Unliving is the killer. The quest
end and Wuunferth will be apprehended.
Return to Windhelm after three days have passed to discover that The
has struck again! From here go to talk to Wuunferth and he will tell you to
patrol the Stone Quarter tomorrow night where he suspects the next murder
occur. Heed his judgement and find Calixto Corrium stalking a woman in the
southwest corner of town near the stalls and the blacksmith. When he strikes

her take him down before he enters Hjerim. Loot his corpse for the
AMULET] if you sold it back to him. You can also buy the newly cleaned up
Hjerim and you become the Special Investigator of Windhelm. If you take
[CALIXTO'S KEY] from his body you can open his chest in the House of
Curiosities and find the original [BUTCHER JOURNAL].






|::.|orbidden Legend
| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Investigate the Gauldur legend


2. Learn the truth from Daynas Valen


3. Read Daynas Valen's notes


4. Find the Gauldur Amulet Fragment in Folgunthur


5. Find the Gauldur Amulet Fragment in Geirmund's Hall


6. Find the Gauldur Amulet Fragment in Saarthal


7. Reforge the Gauldur Amulet


8. Take the Gauldur Amulet

| Unique Items: Daynas Valen's Journal


Daynas Valen's Notes


Gauldur Amulet Fragment


Gauldur Blackblade


Gauldur Blackbow


Geirmund's Epitaph


Ivory Dragon Claw


Lord Geirmund's Key


Lost Legends


Saarthal Amulet


Staff of Jyrik Gauldurson


The Gauldur Amulet


Word of Power: Ice, Ice Form


Word of Power: Frost, Frost Breath


Writ of Sealing


There are multiple ways to start this quest but the earliest way is by
the book [LOST LEGENDS] in Farengar's quarters in Dragonreach. The story
that long ago, the Archmage Gauldur was murdered, and his three sons were
down by King Harald's personal battlemage. The entire incident was covered
but the legend survived. Now it's your job to find information on the
The quest points you to Folgunthur, so make the trek from a nearby location.

Folgunthur - Mikrul Gauldurson

When you reach the camp you will find [DAYNAS VALEN'S JOURNAL]. Enter the
of Folgunthur and avoid the trap where you can find another adventurer did
Down the ramp you can tell that someone has obviously been through here with
the Ivory Claw. As you turn the corner a Draugr stands firm, so avoid the
trap and slay it. The next room is fairly large and Draugr spawn, a total of
six. As you slay one another arises until they are all put down for good.
the room and use the [LEVER] if you fall in the water.
Climb the steps to find the corpse of Daynas Valen. Loot the [IVORY DRAGON
CLAW] and [DAYNAS VALEN'S NOTES]. Read the notes and use the claw on the
keyhole to lower the bridge where two Draugr will attack. On the left side
these crypts is a [CHEST], though heavily booby trapped. On the right side
can seem some Draugr that have yet awakened. Slay them in their sleep before
they even have a chance to fight back.
In the hall there are four switches that control the four portcullises.
the back left and front right (if you are facing the portcullises) to gain
entry. As you cross this room some rocks shake loose and most likely damage
Draugr you need to kill. In the next room are two Draugr and as you go north
you will find two more. Memorize the symbols on the statues then head to the
other room by using the [LEVER] where another Draugr awaits.
In this room you must match the symbols from the other room by moving them
around. From left to right, the order is [HAWK], [WHALE], [SNAKE] (Snake is
closest to the door). Return the main room and pull the [CHAIN] to reveal a
set of stairs. Descend and fight off the Frostbite Spiders and enter the

puzzle area. Draugr emerge from their tombs in groups of two as you slay
Once they have been defeated approach the door and examine your Ivory Claw
realize the pattern, [HAWK], [HAWK], [DRAGON]. Move past the door and enter
the Folgunthur Crypt.
Creep into the main chamber where Mikrul Gauldurson awakens. He will
a few Draugr to his side so it's best to draw Mikrul back towards the
where you can fight him one on one. Do your best to not get hit in melee
combat as Mikrul will absorb health per hit. Destroy him with your weapon of
choice then loot his corpse for a [GAULDUR AMULET FRAGMENT], [WRIT OF
and the [GAULDUR BLACKBLADE]. Exit via the door on the right and you will
a [CHEST] and a Word wall in the back that teaches [WORD OF POWER: FROST,
BREATH]. With the Ivory Claw in hand return to the first chamber and use it
the keyhole on the eastern side of the room. A secret chamber opens up where
a [CHEST] sits, locked and waiting for your looting.
Geirmund's Hall - Sigdis Gauldurson
Make the trek to Geirmund's Hall on an island east of Ivarstead. Enter the
dungeon and fight off the Skeevers. There are plenty of plants to harvest
a place to mine for [IRON]. Drop down into the water below and you can swim
through a door underwater to find a [CHEST]. Pop up and go through the iron
door where two Frostbite Spiders wait for you. The next room is filled with
water and Draugr. Clear out the Draugr and move the pillars to match the
at the rooms entrance. Along the left wall turn the first pillar to [HAWK]
the second to [WHALE]. On the right side turn the first pillar to [WHALE]
the second to [SNAKE].

Pull the lever to open the portcullis and find more Draugr. Climb the
to find Archmage Geirmund's corpse with [LORD GEIRMUND'S KEY] and
EPITAPH] lying next to him. Use the key to enter the next room where a
and [ARCANE ENCHANTER] sit. Move left and up the steps past the Skeevers and
Draugr. Turn right to find a lever on the ground. Don't flip it because it's
a false lever that will just shoot spikes at you. Instead find the one high
on the wall. Flip this [LEVER] to drop the drawbridge.
Cross over and hit another [LEVER] to drop another bridge and find two
Draugrs. Turn the corner and make it through the corridor of swinging axes.
In the watery area you will approach the coffin of Sigdis Gauldurson. When
spawns he will split into three, teleport, and try to keep his range. Attack
the one with curved horns, or the one that's actually taking damage -- they
are both the real Sigdis. When he goes down loot the [GAULDUR BLACKBOW],
[GAULDUR AMULET FRAGMENT], and [WRIT OF SEALING]. Head up the steps and
the [CHEST]. You can also find the book [WORDS AND PHILOSOPHY] that will
your Two-Handed Skill.
Saarthal - Jyrik Gauldurson
For this part to start you need to have started the College of Winterhold
questline and be on the quest Under Saarthal, it's the second quest in the
line. Refer to section [05.01.00] until you gain access to Saarthal.
Leave the College and move a short distance to the southwest to find
where Tolfdir waits. Tell him when you are ready to enter Saarthal then
his lead. When you reach the bottom of the spiraling ramp Tolfdir will stop
and see if you have any questions. Tell him you are done with questions and
he will give you an objective; Find Arniel Gane. Follow the pathway high

the ground and eventually down to where Arniel is located. Talk to him and
will task you with finding some magical relics.
Search the surrounding area for three [ENCHANTED RINGS] and the [SAARTHAL
AMULET]. When you grab the amulet a spear trap is set off and locks you in
room. Equip the Saarthal Amulet and check the wall where you took it from.
a spell at the wall and it blasts away! Tolfdir makes his way through and
you to follow him. When you reach the bottom area an apparition named Nerien
appears and tells you a chain of events has been set in motion that cannot
undone and that The Psijic Order believes you are the only one who can stop
Tell Tolfdir what you saw then follow him. As he approaches one of the
a Draugr awakens and strikes. There are a total of three that will attack,
sure to take them out. As you go further in you will find a [LEVER] to gain
access to a larger room with many coffins. Draugr will pop out in groups of
two, dispatch them quickly with Tolfdir's aid. When they are slain you can
continue to delve further into Saarthal. Activate the two [CHAINS] then head
through the door into a new area.
Pass through the hall and Draugr will emerge from their coffins, including
a Restless Draugar and a Draugr Wight. Go up the steps and back towards the
entrance of the room to find a [CHEST]. From the top of the steps head east
discover a [CHEST] and an iron door. Through the door and down the ramp you
find yet another [CHEST] and more Draugr to defend it. The next room has six
pillars and a [LEVER] that must be pulled when all the pillars are aligned
correctly. The trick is to match it with the smaller carving above it. From
the entrance heading towards the lever, the left side (north wall) should
[HAWK], [SNAKE], [WHALE]. The south wall should read from right to left (the
entrance to the lever) [WHALE], [HAWK], [HAWK].

Head into the next room and as you ascend the stairs a Draugr Scourge will
attack. Search the [CHEST] through the iron door and dodge the lightning
as you reach another puzzle. This puzzle is a little tricky as moving one
pillar could cause others to move.



Pillar 1: This moves pillars 1,3 and 4

Pillar 2: This moves all 4 pillars
Pillar 3: This moves pillars 3 and 4



Pillar 4: This only moves pillar 4

The easiest way to do this is start at pillar 2 and turn it until it's
it needs to be. Then move to pillar 1 and do the same, then pillar 3, and
finally pillar 4. Pull the switch when all four pillars match the carving
above to enter the next area. Watch out for the dart traps and enter a large
room with a mysterious power. Fight off Jyrik Gauldurson by attacking with
spells that counter his shield, ie; a Frost Shield will melt under a few
based attacks. Loot the corpse to find a [GAULDUR AMULET FRAGMENT] and the
[WRIT OF SEALING]. You can also find the [STAFF OF JYRIK GAULDURSON] on the
middle table. Talk to Tolfdir and he will ask you to report to the ArchMage.
Leave the room and find a [CHEST] in front of a Word Wall in the next room.
This Word Wall grants [WORD OF POWER: ICE, ICE FORM].
Gauldur - Reachwater Rock
Once you have all three pieces the quest will update and you can head out


Reachwater Rock. The fastest way is from Markarth, the cave is cleverly
behind a light waterfall. Head through the watery cavern and search the area
for mushrooms and even an [ORICHALCUM VEIN]. Climb to the middle area to
find a
tree where an Adventurer met his end. Take the [ANCIENT EDICT] and [EMERALD

DRAGON CLAW] from the altar and ascend the ramp to the door. Set the symbols
[BEAR], [WHALE], [SNAKE] and insert the Emerald Dragon Claw into the
Move to the next door and set the symbols to [HAWK], [HAWK], [DRAGON] and
insert the Ivory Dragon Claw into the keyhole. Move into the main chamber
place the amulets on the altars. Now you must face all the Gauldursons once
more, one at a time. They have the same abilities as when you first fought
them. Once you defeat them all, Gauldur appears and without a word, reforges
[THE GAULDUR AMULET]. You can search Gauldur himself for a wealth of gold.
Backtrack through the hall and you can find a [CHEST] in a newly opened


| |




|::.|he Forsworn Conspiracy

| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Go to the Shrine of Talos


2. Find evidence about Margaret


3. Find evidence about Weylin


4. Read Weylin's Note


5. Find out who "N" is


6. Find evidence about Nepos


7. Find evidence about Thonar

| Unique Items: Eltrys' Note

Margaret's Journal


Nepos's Journal


Weylin's Note


Enter Markarth and you will witness the murder of a woman in the middle of
the market. It was a Forsworn that attacked and if you hang around Eltrys
give you [ELTRYS' NOTE]. Read the note to officially start the quest and get
the message that Eltrys assures was yours from the start. Go to the Shrine
Talos and meet with Eltrys who wants you to investigate the murders and the
Forsworn. Head to The Warrens and sneak into Weylin's room in the back.
his chest for [WEYLIN'S NOTE] then leave The Warrens.
A man named Dryston will approach you and challenge you to a brawl. Win
fight and you can get some more information on the mysterious N. Head to the
Silver-Blood Inn and break into the room at the top of the steps on the
east side. In the end table you can find [MARGARET'S JOURNAL]. Read it to
information on Thonar. Head to the Treasury House and talk to Thonar. He
give up much information but then suddenly there's a commotion in the main
room. Slay the enemies and talk to Thonar who will tell you what you want to

Move to Nepos's House and speak with Nepos. He tells you quite a bit but
that's because he doesn't plan on you leaving alive. Slay the fools and take
[NEPOS'S JOURNAL]. WIth everyone dead you can search the area to find the
[MYSTERY OF TALARA, PART 4] which increases the Illusion skill, it's in the
right room near a three candle fixture. Return to Eltrys to find him dead
the Markarth Guards around him corrupt. Agree to be captured and the next
quest [NO ONE ESCAPES CIDHNA MINE] will begin.




|o One Escapes Cidhna Mine
| Prerequisite: Complete The Forsworn Conspiracy
| Objectives:

1. Ask a prisoner about Madanach


2. Get past Borkul the Beast


3. Talk to Madanach


4a. Hear Braig's story


4b. Kill Madanach


5a. Return to Madanach


5b. Search Madanach's body


6a. Kill Grisvar the Unlucky


6b. Read Madanach's note


7a. Return to Madanach


7b. Escape Cidhna Mine


8. Follow Madanach

| Unique Items: Armor of the Old Gods

Boots of the Old Gods


Borkul's Key


Gauntlets of the Old Gods


Helmet of the Old Gods


Madanach's Key


Madanach's Note


When you awake, Urzoga gra-Shugurz greets you. Move down the steps and
to Uraccen who tells you about Madanach. You need to get past Borkul the
in order to see Madanach so have a chit-chat with him. You need to have a
persuade Borkul, or win a brawl with him to pass. If you tell him you don't
have a shiv then Borkul tells you that Grisvar probably has one. Talk to
Grisvar and to discover he wants Skooma in return for the shiv. Find Duach
get the Skooma from him, or simply pickpocket it off of any the numerous men
imprisoned. Return to Grisvar to get the Shiv and in turn get past Borkul.
this point you can kill Madanach and move to siding with the Nords or you

side with the Forsworn and escape with Madanach.

Madanach and the Forsworn
Speak with Madanach to find out why he and the Forsworn are so bitter. He
wants you to hear Braig's story so leave this area and talk to Braig. Hear
man's sad story then return to Madanach who wants you to kill Grisvar the
Unlucky. Tell him you need a Shiv and he happily hands one over. Kill
then loot the few items he has and return to Madanach. He reveals his plan
escape so follow him through the ruins and fight off two Frostbite Spiders.
With little to no equipment, it's best to let the other escapees take the
damage so sit back and strike when you feel it's safe.
A little past the spiders are some Dwarven Spheres that must be dealt
Head down the steps and search underneath the platform for a few [POTIONS]
a [CHEST]. Meet up with Kaie who will return all your gear as well as give
GODS], and [HELMET OF THE OLD GODS]. Leave through the door into Markarth
the quest ends.
Thonar Silver-Blood and the Nords
This path is open once you kill Madanach. Search his body for [MADANACH'S
KEY] and [MADANACH'S NOTE]. Read the note and escape into the Markarth
Make your way through them until you fight a Frostbite Spider. There is
up ahead but you can run by it if you can't slay it. In the next room it's
recommended that you drop off the edge and avoid the Dwarven Spheres on the
upper platform. If you can kill them, more power to you. Underneath the

platform you can find some [POTIONS] and a [CHEST]. Escape the ruins and
Silver-Blood greets you, pardons you, and gives you the [SILVER-BLOOD FAMILY
RING] as well as the rest of your gear.


| |




|::.|he Golden Claw

| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Retrieve the Golden Claw


2. Cut Arvel down


3. Find the secret of Bleak Falls Barrow


4. Bring the claw to Lucan

| Unique Items: Arvel's Journal



Golden Claw


Word of Power: Force, Unrelenting Force


This quest can start from the Riverwood Trader, Lucan or you can simply
start it by entering Bleak Falls Barrow and freeing Arvel the Swift. This
quest coincides with the main quest [BLEAK FALLS BARROW].
Talk to Lucan in Riverwood to find his store has been robbed and the only
thing that got stolen was the Golden Claw he had. Accept his quest and head
Bleak Falls Barrow. You should meet some resistance before actually entering
the dungeon, but it shouldn't be anything you can't handle. As you enter the
area it will seem quiet but there are Bandits on the far side of the initial
room. Unlock the [CHEST] and continue onward through the long and winding
chasms until you reach an ominous room with a Bandit. This room has symbols
that give hints on how to unlock the gate. The correct combination to enter
the pillars on the bottom floor is [SNAKE], [SNAKE], [WHALE].
Skill Book Alert!
Search this next room to find the book Thief. This will increase your
Pickpocket skill by 1 if it's the first time you've read it.
The next small room has a [CHEST] and some [POTIONS], but be careful of
Skeevers coming up the winding staircase. Head down the steps and through
rooms until you find a pathway blocked by spider webs. Remove them and enter
the room to find a Wounded Frostbite Spider trying to attack a man. You can
bait the spider back to where you entered the room, it cannot cross into
room so you can sit back and launch magic at it for an easy kill. If you
yet to start the side quest [THE GOLDEN CLAW], it will start when you cut
Arvel down. Immediately slay him or he will take off deep into the crypts

become harder to track down.

Loot Arvel's corpse for the [GOLDEN CLAW] and [ARVEL'S JOURNAL]. Move
the burial room and into the crypt where ancient nords, the Draugr, will
and attack you. Be careful of the trap door and continue down the hall where
Restless Draugr is accompanied by some normal Draugr. The next trial is to
it through a narrow channel where axes are swinging. Simply time your run
sprint through to reach the other side unscathed. Descend the stairs and
the oil on the ground here. Bait some of the Draugr onto it and light it
a fire spell, such as Flames, and watch them burn.
Move through this crypt and up the steps to a watery room where a Restless
Draugr will emerge from his coffin. Slay him and loot the [CHEST] then pull
the [CHAIN] on the southern end and follow the watery path to a cavern.
the [CHEST] at the intersection. Continue down the path and kill the
Draugr then head to the bottom of the waterfall to find a [CHEST]. Go north
pass through the halls until you reach the last room where a Draugr Wight
challenge you. Once the Draugr falls, enter the Bleak Falls Sanctum.
The first room in the sanctum has a few Draugr that appear from the tombs
and there is oil on the floors that can be lit. Ascend to the second floor
cross the bridge and go through an iron door. The gate at the end of this
can only be opened by setting the pieces in the correct order. The order is
found on the Golden Claw, [BEAR], [BUTTERFLY], [OWL]. Enter the massive room
and search the [CHEST] then approach the Word Wall to learn [WORD OF POWER:
FORCE, UNRELENTING FORCE]. After learning the word, a Draugr Wight Lord will
awaken from his tomb. Defeat it and loot the [DRAGONSTONE], then activate

[HANDLE] at the top of the steps to reach the exit. Don't pass the [CHEST]
your way out and return to Lucan to finish the quest.




|::.|n My Time of Need

| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Find the Redguard woman

location |

2. Speak with Saadia or Inform the Alik'r of Saadia's


3. Talk to the Alik'r Prisoner or Inform the Alik'r of


Saadia's location


4. Kill Kematu or talk to him


5. Talk to Saadia

| Unique Items: None

After completing the Main Quest: Dragon Rising you can find two Alik'r
Warriors near the entrance of Whiterun. Talk to them to find out they are

searching for a fellow Redguard, a woman in town not using her real name.
woman you are searching for is Saadia in the Bannered Mare. Tell her about
Redguards searching for her and she will take you upstairs and ask for your
assistance. She tells you why they are looking for her and says that Kematu
the one leading the charge.
Talk to the Alik'r Prisoner in the Dragonsreach Dungeon. He won't divulge
information on Kematu unless you pay the 100 Gold fee for his release. Talk
a guard and pay the fee then return to the Prisoner. He tells you that
and the rest of the Alik'r are in Swindler's Den to the west of Whiterun.
your way there and a Bandit greets you at the entrance of this rocky den.
Inside are two Alik'r in the first large room. On a raised platform near
entrance to the next area is a [CHEST]. Two more Alik'r gather round a
in this room. Go through the hallway and into a much larger room where
Alik'r and a mage will strike at you. Take them down and head into the
quarters where you will find the book [THIEF] on a mat, it raises your
Pickpocket skill. Move to the balcony then through the watery area where
will have his Alik'r yield. He wants to talk you into bringing Saadia to
Accept or deny, the choice is yours and the quest result is the same in
you always get 500 Gold. Kill Kematu or find Saadia and convince her to meet
at the Whiterun Stables where Kematu will take her into custody. You could
always pull a double cross and kill Kematu at the Whiterun Stables. Saadia
be happy for using her as bait but at least she's free.
___ ___




|::.| . )yne's Sacred Trials

| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Defeat the Guardian Mudcrab


2. Defeat the Guardian Skeever


3. Defeat the Guardian Wolf


4. Return to Froki


5. Defeat the Guardian Bear


6. Defeat the Guardian Mammoth


7. Defeat the Guadian Sabre Cat


8. Return to Froki


9. Defeat the Guardian Troll


10. Return to Froki

| Unique Items: Froki's Bow

Kyne's Token


In the southwestern corner of the Rift, due west of Riften, you will find
Froki's Shack high on a mountaintop overlooking the area. Talk to Froki
WhettedBlade and ask him about the Divines. He will speak of Kyne and her Sacred
that warriors used to undertake to prove themselves. Tell Froki you want to
take the trials and he sends you off to fight three Guardians.
The Guardian Mudcrab is near Gjukar's Monument to the west of Whiterun. It
isn't that difficult but is good at keeping its distance. The Guardian
is sitting in the entranceway of the Windward Ruins near Dawnstar. Skeevers
will join the fray but focus on the Guardian. Next, the Guardian Wolf can be
found near Lake Ilinalta to the southwest of Helgen. Expect Wolves and
Spiders to be around this spirit. Return to Froki once all three have been
dispatched and he will task you with three more.
The Ursine Guardian is found northeast of the Twilight Sepulcher and is
typically by itself. The Guardian Mammoth is north of Whiterun in the
Burial Grounds and is also by itself. The Guardian Sabre Cat is southeast of
Winterhold along icy shores of the Sea of Ghosts. You can find Horkers and
Wolves around this area enroute to the Spirit. Return to Froki once more to
given a final challenge.
Head to Graywinter Watch near the Ritual Stone, east of Whiterun. You will
find the Guardian Troll along with a few other Trolls. Slay them and head up
the ramp to find [FROKI'S BOW] on top of a barrel. Return to Froki who will
give you [KYNE'S TOKEN], an amulet that grants -10% damage from animals.





|::.. . |aid to Rest

| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Talk to the Jarl


2. Investigate the burned house


3. Find Helgi after dark


4. Ask Thonnir about Laelette


5. Investigate Alva's house


6. Show Alva's Journal to the Jarl


7. Kill the master vampire


8. Return to Morthal's Jarl

| Unique Items: Alva's Journal

Head to Morthal and you can see some citizens expressing their opinion to
steward. Enter the Moorside Inn and talk to Jonna and ask about the burned
house. After the gruesome news, head over to the Highmoon Hall and talk to
Jarl. She says that if you prove Hrrogar innocent or guilty then you will be

rewarded. Head to the burned down house and speak with Helgi's Ghost. She
tell you what happened but only if you play hide and seek with her. You can
talk to the Jarl about Helgi to gain a quest marker then wait until
after 8 PM.
Go to the graveyard where Laelette the Vampire is hovering over Helgi's
Slay her and open the Child's Coffin to hear what Helgi has to say. Shortly
afterward, Thonnir will come running up to find his wife Laelette died. Head
to Alva's house and investigate the cellar. If you enter at night time then
chances are Alva isn't in her coffin. Take [ALVA'S JOURNAL] from the coffin
show it the Jarl. With proof that Alva set the fire and that Movarth yet
the Jarl tasks you with leading her troops into battle against the master
Enter Movarth's Lair in the swampy area outside Morthal. There are two
Frostbite Spiders in the first room and a Vampire Thrall sitting in a chair
in the next room. In the next area is a single Vampire Thrall and lots of
clothing just lying around. There is also a mass grave in this area but you
can ignore it. On your way to the next area you can either take the high
or the low path. The high path has a [IRON VEIN] on the wall and gives you a
better angle on the Master Vampire, Movarth Piquine.
Try to pick off the Vampire Nightstalker first then focus on Movarth. With
the master vampire dead you can search the northern alcove for an [IRON
and the southern area where another Vampire awaits. There is also a [CHEST]
an exit in that direction. The eastern room has a Vampire, [ALCHEMY LAB],
a [CHEST] for looting. Once you are done raiding the area, you can find
Ghost at the exit.





|::.. . |ights Out!

| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Put out the fire in the Solitude Lighthouse


2. Return to Jaree-Ra


3. Find Deeja at the Wreck of the Icerunner


4. Defeat Deeja


5. Find out where Jaree-Ra's bandits took the loot


6. Travel to Broken Oar Grotto


7. Defeat Jaree-Ra

| Unique Items: Hargar's Chest Key

Note From Jaree-Ra


If you head to Solitude you can find Jaree-Ra outside of Angeline's

and he wants your help in obtaining some loot. He wants you to put out the
lighthouse fire so a ship, the Icerunner, will crash and then you, him, and

his sister can raid it. Make your way past the East Empire Company Warehouse
and to the Solitude Lighthouse. There isn't anything stopping you from just
walking up the steps and putting the fire out.
When the deed is done, return to Jaree-Ra and he will tell you to meet his
sister Deeja at the Wreck of the Icerunner. As you find the wreck there are
plenty of dead Imperial Soldiers. It's time to make a decision on whether or
not you want to fight now or fight later. Either way you must fight Deeja
take the [NOTE FROM JAREE-RA] that details the location of the stolen goods.
Head over to Broken Oar Grotto after reading the note and defeat the two
Marauders on the platform. Move up the ramp and spot an Marauder near the
release [LEVER] for the bridge. Take him out and use the lever to cross over
to the next area where you have many ways of reaching the ship. Use the
sneak around from above, or just swim. In the main room at the top you can
a [CHEST] in the entrance and [HARGAR'S JOURNAL]. Kill Captain Hragar to get
If you head to the sleeping quarters in the middle of the area you can
a [CHEST]. With the area fully looted you can leave and feel satisfied.


| |




|::.|he Man Who Cried Wolf

| Prerequisite: None

| Objectives:

1. Clear Out Wolfskull Cave


2. Speak to Falk Firebeard

| Unique Items: None

Venture into Solitude and make your way to the Blue Palace. Head up the
and listen in on the meeting. Speak with Falk Firebeard afterwards and he
agrees to pay you if you clear out Wolfskull Cave. Make your way over to the
cave near Dragon Bridge and head down the path until you find a Skeleton. At
this point you can go high or low. Go high if you want to sneak up on the
Necromancers in the next room.
Go through the wooden door into a snowy area where a Necromancer, Draugr,
and Skeleton lurk. Drop down the hole, bounding from platform to platform
enter the Wolfskull Ruins. You will immediately notice the Ritual Master and
the chants to summon Potema, not to mention the lightshow. Sneak around and
slay a Necromancer then continue your descention. As you reach a set of
a Draugr and Necromancer make their way up them. Enter the tower and climb
to find a Draugr peaking out the window.
Leave the tower from the second floor and you will encounter several
and Necromancers. Eventually, you will get high enough to draw the attention
of the Ritual Master. All the Necromancers are now aware of your presence
will send their Draugrs after you. Continue to climb up the next tower and
the remaining spellcasters and the Ritual Master. Use the [LEVER] to drop
bridge then descend the steps and exit. Return to Falk who rewards you with



| |




|::.|he Wolf Queen Awakened

| Prerequisite: Complete The Man Who Cried Wolf
| Objectives:

1. Speak to Styrr


2. Defeat Potema


3. Retrieve Potema's remains


4. Return to Falk Firebeard


5. Give Potema's remains to Styrr

| Unique Items: Letter from Falk Firebeard

Old Solitude Crypts Key


Potema's Catacombs Key


Potema's Sanctum Key


Potema's Skull


Shield of Solitude


Turn Undead


Some measure of time after completing The Man Who Cried Wolf, a Courier
find you and deliver the [LETTER FROM FALK FIREBEARD]. Go to the Blue Palace
and tell Falk that you are willing to aid him. Speak with Styrr at the Hall
the Dead and agree to go to the Catacombs. Styrr will teach you Turn Undead
you don't know it and hand you [POTEMA'S CATACOMBS KEY]. Venture to the
of the Divines just a short trip up the road.
Go to the basement and unlock the gate then into Potema's Catacombs. Move
down the steps and button hook around to a blocked off area. Potema will
to you and the path will open up. Kill the single Draugr in this room then
through the hallway and down the steps where you can find a [CHEST] at the
bottom. In the next room you can find two Draugr and a Vampire that holds
[OLD SOLITUDE CRYPTS KEY]. Maneuver through the next hallway and slay a
on the way to a [LEVER] that raises the nearby portcullis.
There are three total Draugr in this room. Reach the far end and enter
another hallway. At the end of the hallway at the bottom of the steps is a
Vampire, kill it and enter the sewer-like area where Draugr lurk. Avoid the
floor trap as you make your way south to a [GRINDSTONE] and a [CHEST]. Use
[LEVER] at the bottom of the steps to start the wheel that will grant you
passage to the next area. Use the [LEVER] again to stop it when there is a
through. Take any [POTIONS] and use the [ALCHEMY LAB] as you see fit before
going into Potema's Refuge.
Kill the Draugr to the left and instead go right. Up the stairs you will

three [LEVERS] that control wheels just like the previous one. The front
corresponds to the front wheel, and so on and so forth. To your right
a gate is a Vampire, so be cautious or simply slay it. In the next hallway
two Soul Gems that will shoot fireballs at you, so remove them from the
before you take too much damage. In the throne room is a Draugr and Blooded
Vampire that will address you. Slay them and loot [POTEMA'S SANCTUM KEY]
opens the double door and leads to Potema's Sanctum.
The first room has a Vampire in it and the ensuing hallway has a Draugr
some Skeletons. Enter the room with half a dozen corpses and Potema will
to you again, then raise a few of the corpses. Proceed through the hallway
into the final room where Potema will deal Shock damage and summon hordes of
Draugr, increasing in number until they are all slain. Enter the newly
room and kill Potema's Remains, then loot [POTEMA'S SKULL]. Search the
for several items as well as the [LEGEND OF KRATELY HOUSE] which raises the
Sneak Skill.
Leave the dungeon and search the [CHEST] at the exit before returning to
Falk Firebeard. He rewards you with gold and the [SHIELD OF SOLITUDE]. Give
remains to Styrr and the quest ends.
___ ___


|. \_/


|::.|:. |issing in Action


| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Meet Fralia in her home


2. Find evidence of Thorald's fate


3. Deliver proof to Avulstein


4. Find a way to release Thorald from Thalmor custody


5. Rescue Thorald from Northwatch Keep


6. Lead Thorald to safety


7. Speak to Thorald Gray-Mane


8. Return to Fralia Gray-Mane

| Unique Items: Imperial Missive

Northwatch Captain's Key


Northwatch Keep Key


Head to the market in Whiterun and you can witness a scene with the
BattleBorn and Gray-Mane. Talk to Fralia who will want to discuss the matter of
missing son, Thorald, more privately. Meet Fralia in her home and discuss
Avulstein if Thorald is still alive. To get proof you need to enter the

of Clan Battle-Born and go into a backroom where you will find the [IMPERIAL
MISSIVE]. Deliver this to Avulstein and he will want to slay the Thalmor and
get Thorald out. At this point you can go with Avulstein, go alone, or go
and try to be peaceful.
The best option here is to just go with Avulstein since you get an
partner and trying to go stealthy results in Thorald be extremely loud
the escape, thus alerting all the guards anyways. Head to Northwatch Keep in
northwest corner of Skyrim. Start by picking off the initial guard then bait
the rest through the archway, taking them on one at a time. When the outside
has been cleared enter the dungeon.
Move down the steps and kill a guard and mage. Search the [CHEST] and
north. Enter the dining area where two more guards sit. In the next area you
will encounter several guards and mage that carries the [NORTHWATCH
KEY]. Enter the room on the bottom level to find the book [THE LEGENDARY
TOR] which raises your Two-handed Skill.
With the key in hand, head up the steps and open a [CHEST] as you move
through the hallway. A guard sits in the hallway and to the left you will
the Interrogator who holds the [NORTHWATCH KEEP KEY]. Search the nearby
and release Thorald Gray-Mane. Head north and kill a few more Thalmor Guards
and open the cells if you can (they are all Master). The door at the end of
the hallway can be opened with the Northwatch Keep Key and leads outside.





|::.|romises to Keep
| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Speak to Sibbi Black-Briar


2. Steal Frost's Lineage Papers


3. Steal Frost


4. Return to Louis Letrush

| Unique Items: Frost's Identity Papers

Stone of Barenziah


Head to Riften and enter the Bee and Barb. Talk with Louis Letrush who
you to talk to Sibbi Black-Briar in the Riften Jail about a breeding horse
named Frost. Move towards the Mistveil Keep, but before entering the Keep
itself go around the rightside and enter the Riften Jail. The guard here
stop you but a little persuasion or bribery will get you by. Move through
prison and find Sibbi Black-Briar on the top floor.
Talk to Sibbi to find out that he doesn't truly own Frost. You need to
the lineage papers for him, so head to the Black-Briar Lodge to the east of

Riften. The guards here will attack on sight so either sneak in or go in

swinging. If you break in from the west side of the house (an Expert locked
door) then you are right near [FROST'S IDENTITY PAPERS]. They are on the
table in the southern room. There is also a locked [CHEST] sitting next to
Search the rest of the house to find a [CHEST] on the middle floor and a
[STONE OF BARENZIAH] in the master bedroom on the top floor. Head outside
steal Frost then return to Louis Letrush. At this point you can accept the
or persuade Louis to let you have Frost. There's always the option of
Louis Letrush and taking everything as well.




|::.|:. | Return to Your Roots

| Prerequisite: Start Discerning the Transmundane
| Objectives:

1. Discover the significance of Crimson Nirnroot


2. Collect Crimson Nirnroot in Blackreach (30/30)


3. Bring 30 Crimson Nirnroot to Avrusa Sarethi

| Unique Items: Crimson Nirnroot


Sinderion's Field Journal


Sinderion's Serendipity


The Nirnroot Missive


This quest will start when find a [CRIMSON NIRNROOT] in Blackreach. In

to gain access to Blackreach you need to start the Daedric Quest Discerning
Transmundane [10.04.00]. Reference Main Quest Elder Knowledge [03.12.00] as
until you obtain the Crimson Nirnroot.
After starting the quest enter Sinderion's Field Laboratory in Blackreach.
Search the room for various [CHESTS] and the book [DE RERUM DIRENNIS]. When
have acquired all the extraneous goods, search Sinderion's skeleton to find
[SINDERION'S FIELD JOURNAL]. Scour the area of Blackreach for the herb and
you obtain 30 the quest will update. Take the herbs to Sarethi Farm, east of
Ivarstead, and give them to Avrusa Sarethi. She will return the favor and
a 25% chance of creating a duplicate potion when using your Alchemy Skill.
Latter is a mere document.




|::.|:. |ise in the East


| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Steal Suvaris Atheron's logbook


2. Give the logbook to Orthus


3. Talk to Stig Salt-Plank


4. Report back to Orthus


5. Depart for Japhet's Folly


6. Talk to Adelaisa


7. Kill Haldyn


8. Report back to Adelaisa


9. Speak to Adelaisa to return


10. Speak to Orthus

| Unique Items: Clan Shatter-Shield Office Key

Japhet's Folly Key


Japhet's Journal


Suvaris Atheron's Logbook


If you head to the East Empire Company Warehouse outside of Solitude you
be told it's off limits and that Orthus Endario in Windhelm is the man to
to. Make the trek to Windhelm and entire the East Empire Company on the edge
of the outside of town. Speak with Orthus to learn of the Blood Horkers that
are conducting raids. He wants you to find proof of the piracy and shut them
The Clan Shatter-Shield Office is conveniently right next door. The bad
is that the door is a Master lock and Torbjorn Shatter-Shield has the [CLAN
SHATTER-SHIELD OFFICE KEY]. So either pick the lock or steal the key and
the office. Sometimes the doors are open from about 4 to 6 PM and you can
walk in. In the back behind the business ledger you can find [SUVARIS
LOGBOOK]. There is also a [STRONGBOX] on this table if you can unlock it.
Return to Orthus with the logbook to deduce that the pirates are working
of Dawnstar. Venture to the Windpeak Inn at Dawnstar and talk to Stig SaltPlank. Challenge him to a brawl or bribe him to get information on Haldyn.
Report back to Orthus to find a woman named Adelaisa Vendicci with him. She
wants to lead an assault on Haldyn and you're going with her. Exit the
and talk to the mercenary to catch a ride on the boat.
Talk to Adelaisa aboard the boat then set out to Japhet's Folly and hunt
Haldyn. Move along the coast and enter the Sea Cave. Slay the two Mudcrabs
ascend through the pathway. Kill the Blood Horker and search the [CHEST]
go through the door to Japhet's Folly Towers. Climb the steps and kill the
Blood Horkers, making sure to avoid the trap.
Continue southeast and then take the steps going down. Slay the Blood
and search the middle room for a [CHEST]. Unlock the wooden door to find

[JAPHET'S JOURNAL], Japhet, and a Master locked [CHEST]. Climb to the top of
tower and kill Haldyn, just be wary of his spells. Loot his body for the
[JAPHET'S FOLLY KEY] and search the [CHEST]. Leave through the front door
sprint out to avoid catching any of the bombardments. Talk with Adelaisa to
return to Windhelm and speak with Orthus. The quest ends and Adelaisa is now
a follower if you want her to be.




|::.|:. |ising at Dawn

| Prerequisite: Become a Vampire
| Objectives:

1. Speak to Falion


2. Bring a filled Black Soul Gem to Morthal


3. Meet Falion at dawn


4. Speak to Falion


5. Wait for Falion to complete the ritual

| Unique Items:

For this quest to begin you must become a Vampire. This requires you to
contract Sanguinare Vampiris from a Vampire. After three days with this
you will turn. Talk to an Innkeeper after turning and you will be pointed to
Falion, a mage in Morthal. When you talk to Falion he will recognize you as
Vampire and offer to remove the disease if you provide a filled Black Soul
Return to Falion with the filled Black Soul Gem and meet him at dawn at the
north end of town. Falion will perform the ritual and the screen will fade
you are cleansed.
___ ___




|::.. . |nfathomable Depths

| Prerequisite: Achieve Level 14 or Higher
| Objectives:

1. Take the Lexicon to Avanchnzel

| Unique Items: Ancient Knowledge



Move along the docks outside of Riften and you will undoubtedly encounter


Argonian woman named From-Deepest-Fathoms. She will immediately ask you to

the [LEXICON] off her hands and take it to Avanchnzel. Make your way west to
the ruins of Avanchnezel where you will find a spectral meeting from the
taking place. Move through the cavern and through the hallways, fighting off
the two Dwarven Spiders. Open the iron door to enter a large room where
flashback occurs. Go east up the ramp and clear out the Dwarven Machina then
progress up another ramp to reach the Avanchnzel Balcony.
There is singular [CHEST] up here, so take it and return to the large
Move south this time through the hall, slaying more Dwarven Spheres and
until you reach a locked gate. Behind the gate is a [CHEST], loot it and
down the ramp. The next room is fairly large and has plenty of Dwarven
The southern path leads to a room with two [CHESTS]. Move east to see
flashback then check the left side for a [CHEST]. Further east you can enter
the Avanchnzel Animoncultory.
Clear out the Spiders and Spheres then watch the flashback. Unlock the
that the previous investigators could not. There is a [CHEST] and some
but nothing special. Move up the steps and around the U-shaped hallway, not
passing the locked [CHEST]. Move east through the room and into the eastern
room, but dodge the trap at the door. There is a [CHEST] and many busted up
Dwarven Spiders in this room.
Continue west and kill the Spider. There is an [ALCHEMY LAB] and plenty of
things on the shelves. Move down the ramp and slay the Machina and unlock

gate to find a [CHEST]. Go west down the ramp for another flashback and
the next large room. There's a multitude of enemies in this area but the
that you can get off them is worth the fight. You can find Drennen's corpse
the north. Turn the corner for another flashback and the entrance to the
Avanchnzel Boilery.
Pass through the hallway and view a few more flashbacks. The next hallway
has a spinning blade that moves up and down the ramp as pistons emerge from
wall. Jump over the pistons and find Watches-The-Roots corpse. Use the
to turn it off then go through the door. Defeat the Dwarven Centurion Master
and loot Breya's corpse. Activate the Lexicon Receptacle to acquire [ANCIENT
KNOWLEDGE], a perk that grants a 25% Armor Bonus while wearing all Dwarven
Armor and increases the Smithing Skill 15% faster. Use the door and then the
elevator to return to the entrance of Avanchnzel and make your exit.


| |




|::.|he White Phial

| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Retrieve the White Phial


2. Bring the Phial to Nurelion


| Unique Items: Cracked White Phial


Nurelion's Mixture


Word of Power: Kill, Marked for Death


Head to the White Phial in Windhelm and speak with Nurelion. Tell him that
you will go find the White Phial if he tells you where to go. Nurelion hands
you [NURELION'S MIXTURE] so you can enter the Forsaken Cave. To the west of
Windhelm in the mountains, you will find the Forsaken Cave. Move down the
when you enter the cave and slay the two trolls. Continue west through the
door and down the steps. Move through the hall and watch out for traps as
approach a [CHEST].
Draugr make their entrance at this point, so kill them as you move down
halls. At the intersection turn left to find the book [THE MIRROR] which
the Block Skill. Unlock the door at the bottom of the steps to find a
Move through the crypts until you enter a room with flame traps on the
Before you leave the room enter the passage on the right to find a [CHEST].
Dodge the traps as you move through this hallway and into the Forsaken
Slay the Draugr in this room and move through the hallway. There are a few
Draugr along the way but you eventually reach the bridge above the entrance
area. Kill another Draugr and loot another [CHEST] then proceed north. Climb
higher and through a long hallway filled with Draugr until you reach a path
with swinging axes. Just past here Curalmil will awaken from his slumber and
you must defeat him and any Draugr that attack.

Go up the steps to learn [WORD OF POWER: KILL, MARKED FOR DEATH]. Loot the
[CHEST] up here as well then drop down to find the Ancient Bowl. Activate it
and move into the room. There are tons of ingredients as well as the book [A
GAME AT DINNER] which raises the Alchemy Skill. There is also an [ALCHEMY
if you wanted to combine any of the vast amount of ingredients before you
back. Take the [CRACKED WHITE PHIAL] from is plinth and make your way back
the White Phial in Windhelm.




|::.|:. |epairing the Phial

| Prerequisite: Complete The White Phial
| Objectives:

1. Speak to Quintus Navale


2. Retrieve the Unmelting Snow


3. Find some Mammoth Tusk Powder


4. Take a Forsworn Heart


5. Return to Quintus Navale

| Unique Items: Letter from Quintus Navale

The White Phial


A few days after completing The White Phial, a Courier should track you
and deliver the [LETTER FROM QUINTUS NAVALE]. Read the letter to start the
then return to the White Phial in Windhelm. Talk to Quintus and he thinks
is a way to repair the Phial but it needs certain materials.
Unmelting Snow
This can only be found at the Throat of the World. You will need to have
completed the Main Quest up to this point or else you cannot reach this
Head past Paarthurnax and up the mountainside to reach the Unmelting
Activate it to receive some [UNMELTING SNOW].
Mammoth Tusk Powder
This powder can be found at Stonehill Bluff to the north of Whiterun.
up the snowy mountain and slay the Giants. Search inside a bowl to find the
Briar Heart
This item can be obtained from Forsworn Briar-Hearts anywhere you can find
them. Places like Red Eagle Redoubt or the Sundered Towers are perfect. If

go the Red Eagle Dedoubt route, be sure to loot [RED EAGLE'S FURY] (part of
Miscellaneous Objective) and take the book [RED EAGLE'S RITE].
With all the items in hand return to Quintus and he will get to work on
Phial. Follow him up the steps as his master passes away. Quintus will fill
the Phial with one type of liquid. Choose wisely:
- I'd like it to have the power of healing. (+100 health)
- I want to resist the forces of magic. (20% magic resist for 60 seconds)
- I want to be tougher in battle. (+20 stamina for 300 seconds)
- I want to strengthen my magical skills. (+20 magicka for 300 seconds)
- I want to deal more damage in battle. (+50% to one handed damage for 60
- I want to be better hidden in the shadows. (20% harder to detect for 60


| |




|::.|ending the Flames

| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Find King Olaf's Verse


2. Return to the Bards College


3. Help Viarmo reconstruct Olaf's Verse


4. Meet Viarmo at the Blue Palace


5. Watch Viarmo perform Olaf's Verse


6. Speak to Viarmo


7. Speak to Jorn


8. Speak to Jorn after dusk


9. Attend The Burning of King Olaf

| Unique Items: King Olaf's Treasury Key

Ruby Dragon Claw


Word of Power: Whirlwind Sprint


Talk to Corpulus at the Winking Skeever in Solitude to get a rumor about

joining the College of Bards. Visit the College and talk to Viarmo who will
give you this quest to find King Olaf's Verse. Head over to Dead Men's
west of Morthal and south of Solitude.
As you enter the cavern you can spot the [RUBY DRAGON CLAW] on a plinth in
the first room as well as an ethereal spirit. Removing the claw opens the
portcullis and awakens several Draugr in this room. Follow the spirit but
the floor trap that shoots spears into the narrow hall. At the end of the
activate the [CHAIN] to reveal a hidden path where Frostbite Spiders make
home. At the end of the hallway you can find a [CHEST] buried in spiderwebs.
Leave the dead end and turn right to find another [CHAIN] to enter a

part of the hallway where Draugr lurk. At the end of the hallway are several
[POTIONS] but most importantly the book [THE BUYING GAME] which raises your
Speech. Since you pulled the chain a different path opens up from the main
hallway. Move down the steps of the new path and avoid the floor trap at the
bottom of the steps.
Slay the Frostbite Spiders in the next room then pull the [CHAIN] on the
eastern wall to remove the grate on one of the holes. Drop into the water
move through the flooded hall, slaying the Skeever and Draugr. The room at
end of the hallway has several Draugr. Kill them and ascend the ramp and
the gate to start the swinging axes on the bridge you must cross. There is a
[CHAIN] on the other side that will stop the swinging of the axes. Climb up
another ramp and move through the double iron doors.
There is [ARCANE ENCHANTER] on end and the spirit on the other end of the
hallway. The door is sealed so head down the ramp and kill the Draugr then
into the next room to the west. The portcullis shuts behind you and all the
other ones open and awaken Draugr that attack from all sides. In the first
you can make a good stand and find a [CHEST]. When everything is quiet once
again, pull the [CHAIN] on the southern wall to remove the grate and reveal
the steps. At the bottom of the steps is Svaknir and his corpse is holding
Make your way back to the sealed door and Svaknir's Spirit will unseal it.
At the end of the hallway is a puzzle door, so look at the Ruby Dragon Claw
discover the order - [WOLF], [HAWK], [WOLF]. As you enter the room don't
in far. There are Draugr seated all around the room and if you want to avoid
fighting them all at once, use a strong spell or sneak attack with a bow to
kill them one at a time, they won't awaken any others.
Svaknir will call out Olaf and the Draugr will begin to awaken. Fight them
off and ascend the steps to face King Olaf One-Eye. Slay him and loot his

for [KING OLAF'S TREASURY KEY]. Behind him is a Word Wall that teaches [WORD
POWER: WHIRLWIND SPRINT]. Open the door to find a [CHEST] then race through
passageway to a [LEVER] that returns you to the entrance room.
Take the verse back to Viarmo then help him reconstruct it. You can say
ever you want, some of the funnier choices often need persuasion though.
Viarmo at the Blue Palace and watch him perform the Verse. Afterwards he
want you to speak with Jorn and tell him the Festival is back on, but make
to do so after dusk (8 PM). Attend the burning and you will be named a Bard
receive the patronage of Elisif.
Finn's Lute

1. Find Finn's Lute

2. Give Finn's Lute to Inge

Unique Items: Finn's Lute

Stone of Barenziah
Treasure Map X
This quest is part of the Bards College mini-questline. Speak with Inge
Six-Fingers and she will ask you to find Finn's Lute. Head to the far east
into Stony Creek Cave in the watery abyss. Move up the planks and through
creek slaying the Bandits that attack. There is an opening to the right but
continue to the end of the creek to find a Bandit, a [CHEST] and several
[MOONSTONE VEINS]. Head back to the side opening you passed and defeat the
leader of the Bandits.
On the table you can find a [STONE OF BARENZIAH] and the book [MYSTERY OF
TALARA, PART 4] which raises your Illusion Skill. Search the [CHEST] to find

[FINN'S LUTE] and search the boss for [TREASURE MAP X] then return to Inge.
Inge will increase all of your Thief Skills by 1.
Pantea's Flute

1. Find Pantea's Flute

2. Return Pantea's Flute

Unique Items: Pantea's Flute

Talk with Pantea Ateia at the Bards College and she will tell about a
note she received from her student Larina who stole her family's heirloom.
Move out to Hob's Fall Cave and go through the icy cavern, slaying a
then entering a room with a Necromancer and a [CHEST].
Continue through the passageway to encounter another Necromancer
by a Skeleton. Cross the bridge and defeat more foes until you reach a
chamber where two Necromancers and a Skeleton are located. Defeat them and
search the room for a locked [CHEST]. Pull the chain near the barred off
to gain access. As you move through the hall remove the Soul Gems that are
casting an icy spell, impeding your progress.
Move past another Necromancer and enter the holding chamber where your
is located. Defeat the Necromancers here and search the [CHEST] for
FLUTE]. Return to Pantea and she will increase all your Magic Skills by 1.

Rjorn's Drum


1. Find Rjorn's Drum

2. Give Rjorn's Drum to Giraud

Unique Items: Halldir's Staff

Rjorn's Drum
Speak with Giraud Gemane at the Bards College and he will tell you he has
found the location of Rjorn's Drum. He wants you to check it out, so head to
Halldir's Cairn to the south of Falkreath. Enter the cavern to find several
dead adventurers and a mysterious light coming from the rock they are
around. Move to the altar nearby and take [AGRIUS'S JOURNAL] and the [KEY TO
Open the door and move up the steps. As you approach the door two Ghosts
attack and let you know that you are not welcome in this place. Move through
the hall killing more Spirits until you see a Draugr sitting in a throne.
the Draugr will begin to attack, this time just three. Activate the [LEVER]
behind the throne to raise the portcullis and enter the puzzle room.
Kill the ghosts and Draugr then move into each of the three small rooms
notice the symbols above. Match up the pillar on the floor to the ones on
ceiling then use the [LEVER] in the fourth quadrant to reveal a hidden path.
Move through the first area and head straight, avoiding the floor trap to
a [CHEST]. Return to the intersection and go north to find Halldir.
Halldir will split into three spirits, each representing an element of
Destruction magic; fire, ice, and lightning. Defeat them and Halldir will
re-emerge in the center and is able to be defeated. Loot his remains for
[HALLDIR'S STAFF] then check the [CHEST] for [RJORN'S DRUM]. Open the trap
door and jump down to find the adventurer's corpses gone. Return to Giraud
he will increase all of your Warrior Skills by 1.


| |




|::.|he Lost Expedition

| Prerequisite: Gain access to Nchuand-Zel
| Objectives:

1. Recover Stromm's journal


2. Recover Erj's journal


3. Recover Krag's journal


4. Recover Staubs' journal


5. Re-activate Nchuand-Zel's automated defenses


6. Find someone who knows about the expedition

| Unique Items: Alethius's Notes

Erj's Journal


Key to Nchuand-Zel


Krag's Journal


Staubs' Journal


Stromm's Journal


Head to the Understone Keep in Markarth and speak with Calcelmo. Agree to
kill Nimhe and he will give you the [KEY TO NCHUAND-ZEL]. Move through the
area and slay the Frostbite Spiders and Nimhe. Search the Alethius's corpse
in this area to find [ALETHIUS'S NOTES] and officially start the quest.
Enter Nchuand-Zel and begin killing the Falmer that call the Dwarven Ruins
home. The path is short and you eventually reach the Nchuand-Zel Quarters.
through the area to a set of steps and commence the annihiliation of the
Move down the steps and slay some more and at the top kill the Giant
Spider. The eastern path leads to a living quarters but is otherwise
so just loot Stromm for [STROMM'S JOURNAL]. The southern area has a few odds
and ends but is ultimately a dead-end torture chamber.
Return the steps and move west, slaying the Falmer that impede your
Unlock the gate at the top of the steps to find a [CHEST]. Move down the
and defeat the slew of Falmer that strike at you then move to the next room.
Some more advanced Falmer and a Giant Frostbite Spider guard this room. Move
east and into a room at the end of corridor to find a [CHEST]. Open the door
return to Nchuand-Zel and find a [CHEST] on this balcony. Jump into the
and enter the Nchuand-Zel Armory.
Bypass the steps and take the bottom path to a locked gate. Unlock it and
up the steps to find Erj; take [ERJ'S JOURNAL]. Open the locked gates, one
them has a [CHEST] behind it. Move up another set of steps and kill the
and Chaurus that attack. At the intersection continue east, because going
south takes you back to the armory's entrance. Exit back to Nchuand-Zel via
the door to find Krag and [KRAG'S JOURNAL] lying nearby. Head up the ramp

you can find a [MOONSTONE VEIN] to the right of the door to Nchuand-Zel
Move up the ramp and through this Falmer filled hallway until you find
[STAUB'S JOURNAL] lying near his body. Progress up the steps and kill the
Dwarven Spiders and Falmer along the way to a [LEVER] in the control room.
Search the [CHEST] and follow the path you've just opened to another
Leave the area and kill the Dwarven Centurion that attacks then go up the
to make a quick exit. Return to Calcelmo who gives you the reward he was
to give to the excavators.




|::.|:. | Scroll for Anska

| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Help Anska Retrieve Her Scroll


2. Return The Scroll To Anska

| Unique Items: Sealed Scroll

Spell Tome: Conjure Flaming Familiar




Word of Power: Storm Call


To start this quest you must enter the High Gate Ruins to the northeast of
Ustengrav, directly west of Dawnstar in the cold tundra. Talk to Anska and
agree to help her with the priest, Vokun as she only wants the scroll. Anska
is a pretty strong mage, so melee players will find her particularly
Enter the large room and search the [CHEST] in the middle once the Draugr
eliminated. Search the eastern side of the second floor for another [CHEST].
Proceed north into an apothecary's room where Draugr awaken to slay you.
Loot the room of it's various [POTIONS] and somewhat rare [INGREDIENTS] then
go north, making sure to avoid the floor trap. Move through the hallway and
into the puzzle room. Anska points out the obvious; the [LEVERS] must be
in a certain order and that order is hanging on the southern wall [HAWK],
[WHALE], [FOX], [SNAKE]. With the gate opened, descend the staircase and
the High gate Ruins Catacombs.
Kill the Draugr feigning sleep and go down another set of steps. As you
through this area, slay more Draugr and avoid the floor trap as you enter
the narrow catacombs. You'll come across a [CHEST] with a floor trap in
of it and a Draugr before turning the corner to an iron door. In this room
a Soul Gem on a plinth, removing it awakens two stronger Draugr. There is
a locked door that has a [CHEST] behind it. Continue south through the booby
trapped room (all floor traps) and through the iron double doors.

In this room you must use the middle [LEVER] to open the right door where

Draugr and another [LEVER] are located. This leads to another [LEVER] and
on the left side, and finally the [LEVER] that opens the portcullis and
you access to a wealth of [POTIONS] as well as Vokun's Throne Room. The
swing open as you approach them and Vokun awakens. This Dragon Priest wields
Staff of Fireballs and normally summons a Storm Atronarch to his side. As
all Dragon Priests, have some magic resistant gear equipped and either wait
out his magicka or get up close to stop the spellcasting.
Loot [VOKUN] from the corpse and head into the next room where you can
the [SEALED SCROLL], two [CHESTS], and a Word Wall that teaches [WORD OF
STORM CALL]. Give the scroll to Anska and she rewards you with a [SPELL




|::.. . |iege on the Dragon Cult

| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Obtain Rahgot's mask


2. (Optional) Find Skorm Snow-Strider's journal


3. Return to Valmir


4. Kill the imposter Valmir

| Unique Items: Dragon Priest Staff

Forelhost Balcony Key


Forelhost Entrance Key


Forelhost Well Key


Glass Claw




Skorm Snow-Strider's Journal


Valmir's Orders


Word of Power: Storm Call


On the lone mountain to the southeast of Riften you can find Forelhost. In
the camp you will find a single Imperial Legionnaire, Captain Valmir. He
you to venture into the dungeon and obtain Rahgot's mask for the purpose of
war. He also mentions Skorm Snow-Strider's journal and how it could aid you
progressing through the dungeon.
Enter the Forelhost Stronghold and slay the spectral being and enter the
area, avoiding the floor trap. Kill two more Dragon Cultist then go east up
steps. In the dead end you can find a locked [CHEST] but you want to go

the corridor with the swinging axes. In the room you will find two more
Cultist and [SKORM SNOW-STRIDER'S JOURNAL] next to a locked [CHEST]. Go
the doors and into the sleeping quarters to face more Dragon Cultists.
Move to the next area and go across the bridge to reach a locked [CHEST].


down the steps now to find a Dragon Cultist and a [CHEST] amongst the
area. Passed the kitchen area you will find more Dragon Cultists and Draugr
that awaken. Head up the spiraling ramp and find a booby trapped [CHEST].
down and go through the door then avoid the floor traps and use the [LEVER]
show the quick access out. Backtrack and enter the Forelhost Crypt.
Kill the Dragon Cultist and turn left past the axes to find a master
gate. If you can unlock it then you just saved yourself some time! Otherwise
go through the other hall and slay the Draugr. When you reach the fourway
intersection go southeast to find a [CHEST] just passed a floor trap. Move
the hallways and kill more Draugr as you notice the spiderwebs. You'll come
a master locked [CHEST] before finding three Draugr in a quick s-turn.
At this point the number of Draugr and floor traps increase quite a bit.
you escape the hallways you will enter a room with three strong Draugr and a
[CHEST] that contains the [FORELHOST WELL KEY]. Climb the steps and jump
the broken bridge to find a hidden [CHEST]. Jump back and up the ramp where
Soul Gem will shoot ice at you. Unbar the door and return to the well where
gate was locked. Open it and swim to the other side and slay the Skeevers.
Emerge from the water and through a wooden door to make a quick pass into
Forelhost Refectory.

Move up the hall and kill any Draugr in the way. There is an item on a
in the back as well as a [CHEST]. Enter the dining area and move through the
iron double doors. Use the oil to your advantage as you clear through the
in this hallway. While the flowers in the next room may bring comfort, the
attacking horde of Draugr most certainly will not. Take the [INGREDIENTS]
the next room and kill the Draugr, there are some [ALCHEMY LABS] if you need
any last minute potions.
At the top of the steps is a spell tome on an altar, take it if you need
then move down the ramp. A Soul Gem will shoot lightning at you and a Draugr
will try to keep you distracted. Snag the [GLASS CLAW] from the altar and
to unlock the two master locked doors before moving through the newly opened
area. Search the [CHEST] on your way up the path to a Draugr and a room with
an [ARCANE ENCHANTER] and booby trapped [CHEST].
Further ahead you will reach the puzzle door. Investigate the Glass Claw
acquired earlier to discover the order is [WOLF], [OWL], [SNAKE]. Enter the
large chamber and be ready for a fight. You could face upto four Draugr and
Rahgot, along with the Flame Atronarch he is likely to summon. Loot the
Search the [CHEST] then make your way out to the Forelhost Battlements.
Go down the right side to find a Word Wall that teaches [WORD OF POWER:
CALL]. Jump down and slay the imposter Valmir then loot his corpse to find
[FORELHOST ENTRANCE KEY] and [VALMIR'S ORDERS]. If you read the orders you
notice they say to take the mask to Labrynthian, a quest you can undertake
you so choose.






|::.. . |vil in Waiting

| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Collect the Vessels (3/3)


2. Perform the ritual with Valdar


3. Defeat Hevnoraak

| Unique Items: Hevnoraak

Hevnoraak's Staff


Iron Claw


Opaque Vessel


Word of Power: Aura Whisper


Southeast of Markarth and southwest of Rorikstead you will find the ruins


Valthume. As you enter the Vestibule you will find the ghost of Valdar.
with him and agree to help banish Hevnoraak. A new path opens up and you are

free to venture into the depths of Valthume. Move through the throne room
down to the right past it. Avoid the floor trap in the hallway and kill the
two Draugr in the next area. Continue east into a room where you catch a
of a ghostly figure in the distance.
Down the steps is a trap door and some Draugr. If you fall through the
then you must fight through Frostbite Spiders and pick a lock to escape.
the southern path and you can find some side rooms that lead to the book
[WITHERSHINS] that increases your Restoration. Continue down the hall and
the Skeevers but don't hit the floor trap as it will light the entire floor.
Use the handle on the eastern wall to open a hidden passage where you can
a Draugr and the first [OPAQUE VESSEL].
The portcullis in the previous room raises as you remove the Vessel from
plinth. Move west and around to another room where three Draugr are located.
Unlock the door to find a room with [POTIONS] and a [CHEST]. Head down the
in the previous room and make your way to the Valthume Catacombs. Search the
[CHEST] and slay the Frostbite Spiders. Use the [CHAIN] on the other side of
the room to raise the portcullis. Go through the hallway slaying the Draugr
that awaken and use the floor trap to kill another (it initiates the
Move through these catacombs until you reach a part where it's squared
Use the [CHAIN] near the portcullis to raise it and grant access to a room
a Draugr and another [OPAQUE VESSEL]. Remove the Soul Gems from their stands
then go through the hallway. The crypt is large but largely uneventful. At
end of it just use the [CHAIN] to raise the gate and go across the bridge at
the top to find a [CHEST] and several Draugr.

Go west on the bottom floor and through the iron double doors and battle
Frostbite Spiders. Take the [IRON CLAW] from the altar and observe it to
the proper order for the puzzle door; [DRAGON], [HAWK], [WOLF]. Exterminate
Draugr in the next room and take the final [OPAQUE VESSEL]. The path to the
Word Wall opens and teaches you [WORD OF POWER: AURA WHISPER]. Check the
and use the [CHAIN] to make a quick exit back to Valthume.
Return to Valdar and pour the Vessels into the Sconce infront of the
Sit on the throne and Hevnoraak will be released. He wields [HEVNORAAK'S
and deals deadly shock damage. Magic resistance is always a plus when
a Dragon Priest as well as closing the gap and pounding it into submission.
Loot [HEVNORAAK] and talk to Valdar to complete the quest.




| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Use the backdoor to gain access to Treva's Watch


2. Use the lever to open the gate to Treva's Watch


3. Meet up with Staleo in the courtyard

| Unique Items: Spell Tome: Bound Sword

Spell Tome: Courage


Spell Tome: Detect Life


Treva's Watch can be found between Ivarstead and Riften. There is a small
near the river where you can find Stalleo. Agree to help him reclaim his
by opening the gate. Enter Treva's Watch Escape Tunnel and kill the three
Bandits inside -- mine the [IRON VEIN] if you want. At the top of the steps
another Bandit near a [CHEST]. Move south and avoid the bear trap, then
up the stairs to find a Bandit working on an anvil. Use the door to enter
inside of the watch where you can find a Bandit at the top of the steps.
There are few more Bandits and a [CHEST] in the sleeping quarters. Across
from the sleeping quarters is a locked door with a [CHEST] in the room. A
further you will find the Bandit Chief, a [CHEST], and the [SPELL TOME:
SWORD] on his desk. In the dining room you will find three more Bandits and
the next room are two more and [CHEST] before moving through a new door.
Avoid the floor trap and head up to the next floor. Don't keep going up,
instead move out on this floor to the prison cells and kill the Bandits to
reach the [CHEST]. At the far end of the hallway near the exit you can also
find a [CHEST]. Move to the top floor and kill three more Bandits as you

a [CHEST], [TWIN SECRETS] which raises your Enchanting Skill, [SPELL TOME:
COURAGE], and an exit to the roof. Open the [CHEST] here and return to the
second floor and make your exit.
Use the [LEVER] to raise the gate and with Stalleo's aid, clear the Fort.
Talk to him to receive [SPELL TOME: DETECT LIFE] and the quest is finished.


| |




|::.|he Blessings of Life

| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Retrieve Nettlebane


2. Bring Nettlebane to Danica


3. Retrieve Eldergleam sap


4. Return to Danica

| Unique Items: Eldergleam Sap

Eldergleam Sapling




Talk to Danica Pure-Spring in the Temple of Kynareth in Whiterun about

repairing Gildergreen, the large tree in Whiterun. She will tell you that
first must acquire Nettlebane, a material strong enough to aid in the
Make your way to Orphan Rock, southeast of Riverwood. Kill the Hags then
cross over to the plateau and kill the Hagraven and take [NETTLEBANE] off
corpse. There are a few [CHESTS] in the area if you care to search them.
to Danica and she will send you to the Eldergleam Sanctuary to the east.
Maurice Jondrelle will ask to assist you, this is the recommended choice.
Rush down the path to enter a serene cavern where Asta and Sond can be
found. With Nettlebane equipped the two will start a conversation and ask
to not harm Eldergleam. Check the book [MYSTERY OF TALARA, V2] which will
your Restoration Skill.
If Maurice isn't with you then use Nettlebane to reach the top of the hill
and activate the Eldergleam and receive the [ELDERGLEAM SAP]. This will
several Spriggans that you must slay on your way out and make Asta and Sond
hostile. If Maurice is with you he will pray to the tree and you receive the
[ELDERGLEAM SAPLING] to return to Danica.


| |




|::.|he Book of Love


| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Talk to Fastred


2. Talk to Fastred's parents


3. Talk to Bassianus or Klimmek


4. Return to Dinya Balu


5. Talk to Calcelmo


6. Get advice from Yngvar


7. Deliver poem


8. Deliver Faleen's letter


9. Return to Dinya Balu


10. Put on the Amulet of Mara


11. Talk to the long-dead lover


12. Find Fenrig


13. Bring Fenrig to Ruki


14. Return to Dinya Balu

| Unique Items: Agent of Mara

Amulet of Mara


Faleen's Letter to Calcelmo


Love Poem


Accept this quest from Dinya Balu in the Temple of Mara located in Riften.
She wants you to help the cause of love through out Skyrim, so make your way
to Ivarstead. Speak with Fastred to understand her predicament then talk to
parents. Her father wants her to stay, but her mother only wants Fastred to
happy. Speak with either Bassianus or Klimmek at this point. Neither one is
right or wrong, but you must push one of them towards marrying Fastred.
Return to Dinya Balu and offer to help her once more. Go to Markarth and
Calcelmo in the Understone Keep. He wants you to talk to Yngvar about what
say to the woman he loves. He offers a poem that you must pay 200 gold for.
Deliver the poem directly the Faleen who in turn gives you a letter to give
Calcelmo. After playing cupid, return to Dinya Balu to receive the final
of the quest.
Equip the Amulet of Mara and head to Gjukar's Monument. Talk to Ruki then
seek out Fenrig on the other side of the mountain. Escort him back to his
to start a short scene in which they both disappear. Return to Dinya Balu
more to receive the perk [AGENT OF MARA].


| |




|::.|he Heart of Dibella


| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Find the future Sybil of Dibella


2. Rescue Fjotra from the Forsworn


3. Bring Fjotra to the Temple


4. Pray at Dibella's Altar

| Unique Items: Agent of Dibella

Broken Tower Prison Key


Find Degaine in Markarth, either at the Inn or wandering the streets near
market area. He'll want you to steal the statue in the Temple of Dibella. If
you do this the quest will end when you return the statue to him. Likewise,
can enter the Temple and break into the Inner Sanctum and talk to Hamal. She
will task you with finding the next Sybil, supposedly in Karthwasten.
Make the journey to the east and after the scene ask around to be pointed
towards Enmon. He will explain that his daughter was taken captive by the
Forsworn that inhabit the Broken Tower and will offer his services to you.
Make your way to the Broken Tower Redoubt and kill the Forsworn outside.
In the first room inside is a Forsworn on the bottom floor and another on
top. Go through the door and avoid the floor trap as you find another

In the middle room you can find the book [THE MIRROR] which raises your
Skill. There is also a [CHEST] and a few [POTIONS], grab them and go east
the long hallway and eventually up a set of stairs. Watch out for the trap
and slay the three Forsworn at the top of the steps.
There are various crafting [INGREDIENTS] and a [CHEST] in this area. Head
the steps and out through the top of the tower and back down another side.
Slay the Forsworn Briarheart and loot the [BROKEN TOWER PRISON KEY] off his
corpse. In the side room you can find a [CHEST] but the main objective is
unlocking the gate and talking to Fjotra. Escort her back to the Temple of
Dibella in Markarth and talk to Hamal. Pray at the Altar to receive the perk


| |




|::.|he Bonds of Matrimony

| Prerequisite: Get someone to like you
| Objectives:

1. Speak to Maramal about arranging your wedding


2. Attend your wedding ceremony

| Unique Items: The Bonds of Matrimony


Talk to Maramal at the Bee and Barb in Riften who explains the process of
marriage in Skyrim and offers to sell an [AMULET OF MARA] for 200 gold. Any
of the following people can be chosen for marriage. The simplest one is
Camilla Valerius in Riverwood after completing the quest The Golden Claw.
| Potential Spouse

| Location

| Aela the Huntress

| Whiterun (Jorrvaskr)

| Aeri

| Anga's Mill

| Ainethach

| Karthwasten

| Angrenor Once-Honored

| Windhelm (Candlehearth Hall)

| Anwen

| Markarth (Temple of Dibella)

| Argis the Bulwark


| Markarth (Vlindrel Hall)

| Athis

| Whiterun (Jorrvaskr)

| Avrusa Sarethi

| Sarethi Farm

| Balimund

| Riften

| Benor

| Morthal

| Borghak the Steel Heart


| Mor Khazgur

| Brelyna Maryon

| College of Winterhold

| Calder

| Windhelm (Hjerim)

| Camilla Valerius

| Riverwood

| Cosnach

| Markarth

| Derkeethus

| Darkwater Crossing

| Dravynea the Stoneweaver


| Kynesgrove

| Erik the Slayer


| Rorikstead

| Farkas

| Whiterun (Jorrvaskr)

| Flinjar

| Shor's Stone

| Gat gro-Shargakh

| Left Hand Mine

| Ghorbash the Iron Hand


| Dushnikh Yal

| Ghorza gra-Bagol

| Markarth

| Gilfre

| Mixwater Mill

| Grelka

| Riften

| Iona

| Riften

| Jenassa

| Whiterun

| Jordis the Sword-Maiden


| Solitude

| Lydia

| Whiterun

| Marcurio

| Riften

| Mjoll the Lioness


| Riften

| Moth gro-Bagol

| Markarth

| Muiri

| Markarth

| Njada Stonearm

| Whiterun (Jorrvaskr)

| Octieve San

| Solitude

| Omluag

| Markarth

| Onmund

| Winterhold

| Orla

| Markarth

| Pavo Attius

| Left Hand Mine

| Perth

| Soljund's Sinkhole

| Quintus Navale

| Windhelm

| Revyn Sadri

| Windhelm

| Ria

| Whiterun (Jorrvaskr)

| Roggi Knot-Beard

| Kynesgrove

| Romlyn Dreth

| Riften

| Scouts-Many-Marshes

| Windhelm

| Senna

| Markarth (Temple of Dibella)

| Shahvee

| Windhelm

| Sondras Drenim

| Darkwater Crossing

| Sorex Vinius

| Solitude

| Stenvar

| Windhelm

| Sylgja

| Shor's Stone

| Taarie

| Solitude

| Temba Wide-Arm

| Ivarstead

| Torvar

| Whiterun (Jorrvaskr)

| Uthgerd

| Whiterun

| Vilkas

| Whiterun (Jorrvaskr)

| Viola Giordano

| Windhelm (Candlehearth Hall)

| Vorstag

| Markarth

| Willhelm

| Ivarstead

| Ysolda

| Whiterun


Talk to Maramal about arranging your wedding then come back the next day
between 7 AM and 7 PM. After the ceremony you receive the [BOND OF
You can either move in with your spouse or have them move in with you.


| |




|::.|reasure Maps of Skyrim

| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Find the Treasure Map


2. Discover the location of the Treasure

| Unique Items: Fort Neugrad Treasure Map


Treasure Map I


There are several treasure maps, 11 in total, that are around Skyrim. Each
leads to a decent treasure trove with several chests and valuables.
Fort Neugrad Treasure Map
Go to Fort Neugrad to the southeast of Helgen and clear the Bandits. On
roof you can find a locked [CHEST] with the [FORT NEUGRAD TREASURE MAP]
At the northern end of the lake is a log with Mora Tapinella, this is your
first landmark. Go up a small path to find two [GOLD ORE VEINS] then drop
down to the lakeshore. Move along the shoreline and upwards to an evergreen
tree. Further up past two more trees you will notice a crevass where two
are pinned against the mountainside, this is where the [CHEST] is located.
Treasure Map I
To the south of the Guardian Stones you can find a Bandit camp. Slay the
Bandits and loot one of them to find [TREASURE MAP I]. Standing at the
Mill in Riverwood and looking mostly west, directly at Bleak Falls Barrow,
should spot a large fallen tree. The [CHEST] is inside this massive tree
Treasure Map II

Venture to Journeyman's Nook, southeast of Winterhold, directly east of

Whistling Mine. Kill the single Bandit and read the book [HERBALIST'S GUIDE
SKYRIM] to increase your Alchemy Skill. Search the knapsack behind the table
find [TREASURE MAP II] and search Borvir for [BORVIR'S DAGGER]. The map
Valtheim Towers, a key point along the White River running east of Whiterun.
If you are standing near the waterfall looking back the Towers you can see
the [CHEST] wedged against a large rock.
Treasure Map III
Head down the river south of Windhelm and you will eventually find the
Riverside Shack. Kill the Bear, read [RISLAV THE RIGHTEOUS] to increase your
Light Armor Skill, then open the [CHEST] to find [TREASURE MAP III]. Head to
the Solitude Lighthouse and go to the northeast of it. Search under the
on the shoreline of the Sea of Ghosts just below the lighthouse to find the
Treasure Map IV
Go to Redoran's Retreat, south of Dustman's Cairn and west of Whiterun. In
this small cavern you can quickly reach the back room to find a [CHEST] with
[TREASURE MAP IV] inside. There is a path that leads up to the snowy
south of Pelagia Farm. Head from the Farm to Riverwood but take the trail
to start climbing the mountain. You'll be able to have a clear few at the
when you start to enter the snowy part of the mountain. Further along you
find the treasure [CHEST] sitting near newly growing trees.

Treasure Map V
Head to Angi's Camp high on the mountain southeast of Falkreath. In her
Table near her bed you can find [TREASURE MAP V]. Head to Lost Valley
base (where the Fast Travel takes you) and search for the waterfall near the
path at the bottom. Behind the very last part of it that meets with the
is where you can find the [CHEST] (near a Nirnroot).
Treasure Map VI
Go to Volunruud then start trekking northwest. You will past a Shrine of
as you climb a snowy mountaintop. Go almost due north of this Shrine and
this area is a dead Wood Elf carrying the [TREASURE MAP VI]. If you find a
different Wood Elf, follow the blood trail to find the other one. This chest
simple to find. Stroll on over to Korvanjund and atop the barrows arch is a
gnarled tree with the treasure [CHEST] sitting behind it.
Treasure Map VII
To the east of Windhelm, just north of the Sacellum of Boethiah, you can
the Traitor's Post along the road. Find and unlock the [CHEST] in the back
after slaying the Bandits to find [TREASURE MAP VII]. Now head on over to
Gallow's Rock and move through the initial archway. To your right is a large
rock with a noose hanging down, almost pointing at the treasure [CHEST].






| |




|::.|he Legend of Red Eagle

| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Find Red Eagle's sword


2. Unlock the secret of Red Eagle's Tomb

| Unique Items: Red Eagle's Bane

Red Eagle's Fury


Red Eagle's Rite


This quest starts when you read the book, The Legend of Red Eagle. The
earliest place to find the book is in Farengar's study in Dragonsreach. Head
to Red Eagle Redoubt and clear a path to the top where a high level Forsworn

Briar will sit. Slay him and take [RED EAGLE'S FURY] and the book [RED
RITE]. With the sword in hand, make your way to the nearby Rebel's Cairn.
As you enter the cave you can find an unfortunate adventurer with a copy


the Legend of Red Eagle. Activate the weapon slot to place Red Eagle's Fury
the pedestal and unlock a hidden passage. Pass into the large room and
the sarcophagus as Red Eagle arises (a Dragon Priest). While there aren't
unique items in the area, there is a [CHEST] and plenty of enchanted gear to
loot. On your way out, check the pedestal for the true reward, [RED EAGLE'S
___ ___


|. \_/


|::.|:. |asks of the Dragon Priests

| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Obtain the masks of the Dragon Priests


2. Place the masks on the busts in the Bromjunaar Sanctuary


3. Take Konahrik

| Unique Items: Hevnoraak


Hired Thug's Missive








Saerek's Skull Key


Torsten's Skull Key


Wooden Mask


Word of Power: Far, Throw Voice


Word of Power: Fool, Throw Voice


Word of Power: Kyne's Peace


Word of Power: Voice, Throw Voice


There are various Dragon Priests thru out the land of Skyrim. Each has a
that is part of a set, that when combined at the Bromjunaar Sanctuary
creates a
new mask.
Reference the side quest Evil in Waiting [11.24.00] on how to obtain this

Krosis can be found atop Shearpoint, a mountain found across the river
High Hrothgar. Since this area always contains a Dragon, it's best to fight
Dragon first then approach the Word Wall where Krosis will be summoned. This
Dragon Priest wields the Staff of Fireballs so Fire Resistance is
You can either close the gap and kill him or drain him of his Magicka to
he is no longer a harm. Loot his mask, [KROSIS], the nearby [CHEST], and
the Word Wall to learn all three words of [WORD OF POWER: THROW VOICE].
This mask can only be obtained during the quest The Staff of Magnus
which is in the College of Winterhold questline.
Consult the main quest The World-Eater's Eyrie [03.15.00] on how to obtain
this mask.
Otar the Mad
Head to Ragnvald Temple to the north of Markarth along the mountainside.
There a few Skeletons outside this area, but nothing too hazardous. Move

the Draugr and down the two ramps, turn right to find a [CHEST]. Continue
down the steps and into a room where Draugr attack. On the bottom floor you
move through a corridor with swinging axes. In the chamber you will find
Draugr, a [LEVER] to stop the axes, and a [CHEST].
Move back to the second floor and move west, killing all the Draugr. At
bottom on the west side you can find a locked sarcophagus that can only be
opened with a special key. Search this bottom floor for a [CHEST] then go
through the door on the north end to enter the Ragnvald Canal. Move across
bridge and turn right to find a small alcove with a [CHEST]. Go south and
off another Draugr then open the iron door, avoiding the flame trap that
across the pathway.
Inside the room is a [CHEST], now double back and use the [LEVER] outside
room to lower the bridge. Cross the bridge and maneuver south as you find
[TORSTEN'S SKULL KEY] on the altar. This will awake the Guardian Torsten and
other powerful Draugr, so be ready for a fight. There is a [CHEST] near the
sarcophagus that Torsten came out of. Climb up the steps to reach the top of
the room. Avoid the floor trap as you go north as it sets off the swinging
in the long corridor. The [LEVER] at the other end will bring them to a
Move across the bridges to a locked [CHEST] and an [ARCANE ENCHANTER]. At
other end is door leading back to the Ragnvald Temple. Unbar the door and
south along the top layer to find a door to the Ragnvald Crypts. Move down
steps and kill a Draugr, then take the right hallway since both lead to the
same area but the left one has four floor traps that just slow you down.
through the crypt and slay the Draugr that awaken.

When you find yourself in an open room you can find a [CHEST] underneath
book [MYTSERY OF TALARA, V2] which increases your Restoration Skill. Go up
stairs and east to find [SAEREK'S SKULL KEY] on the altar. The Guardian
and two other Draugrs awaken when you take the key. Search the [CHEST] near
Saerek's sarcophagus then go west to return to the Ragnvald Temple with both
Skull Key's in hand.
Place the keys in the slots on the sarcophagus to awaken Otar the Mad. He
wields the Staff of the Storm Wall and deals lightning damage. A Storm
is not uncommon for him to summon so close the distance and take him out
or run and hide until his Magicka is depleted. Obviously, resistance to
and Lightning are preferable. Loot his corpse for [OTAR] then go through the
newly opened path to find a Word Wall and learn [WORD OF POWER: KYNE'S
as well as a [CHEST].
See the side quest Siege on the Dragon Cult [11.23.00] on how to obtain
The side quest A Scroll for Anska [11.22.00] details how to obtain this

In the northwest corner of the map, north of Deepwood Redoubt and Hag's
you will find the ruins of Volskygge. Clear the outside of Bandits then head
into the dungeon. Move through the throne room and down the ramp where more
Bandits await. Slay them and avoid the floor trap that springs a spiked door
at you and move down another ramp. A locked [CHEST] and Bandit greet you as
you continue to descend into the ruins. When you enter the large dining room
area you can duck into the northern halls but all thats in the vast rooms
Continue east and avoid another floor trap as you enter the puzzle room.
can find the book [THE FOUR TOTEMS OF VOLSKYGGE] which presents the riddle
the order in which you must pull the handles around the rooms. The correct
order is [SNAKE], [BEAR], [FOX], [WOLF]; the price for failure is a Draugr
fight (up to four of progressing difficulty) while success opens the
on the northern end. Search the [CHEST] and descend the steps into the
Go down the hallway and through the iron door, the [LEVER] only raises the
portcullis into a dead end. Use the [LEVER] in the next room and move over
grates and avoid the floor trap that sets off the swinging axe. Move down
steps under the grate that opens or go down the passageway, both lead to the
same cryptic halls. Avoid a floor trap and search the locked [CHEST] in the
corner of the hall. Progress to an intersection as you fight off more and
Draugr. Go north at the intersection to a dead end room with some [POTIONS].
Take the other direction at the intersection this time and avoid a deadly
floor trap and kill the Draugr that clogs the hall. The next challenge is a
long cavern with lots of Frostbite Spiders that only get larger as you move

deeper. Eventually you return to the ruins where a booby trapped [CHEST]
in the corner of a hall. Move through the next room and into a throne room
where a more powerful Draugr awaits. Kill it and loot the [CHEST] then exit
the Volskygge Peak.
At the top you can find a Word Wall to learn [WORD OF POWER: WHIRLWIND
but then Volsung is awakened behind you! Watch out for his Frost magic and
quickly slay him to loot his corpse and obtain his mask, [VOLSUNG].
With the other eight masks acquired head to Labyrinthian. In the central
you can find a skeleton with the [HIRED THUG'S MISSIVE] and the [WOODEN
Reading the missive hints at putting the Wooden Mask on, do so. You are
to the Bromjunaar Sanctuary where you must now place the eight masks. Doing
raises the dragon's head and reveals [KONAHRIK]. This makes a total of 10
that you can wear, nine of which will aid you in your trials. Take the
Mask off to return to Labyrinthian.




|::.. . /ecoming Thane


| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Speak to the Jarls of Skyrim

| Unique Items: Axe of Whiterun

Axe of Eastmarch


Blade of Falkreath


Blade of Haafingar


Blade of Hjaalmarch


Blade of the Pale


Blade of the Reach


Blade of the Rift


Blade of Winterhold


Across the Holds of Skyrim you are able to become a Thane under each Jarl.
This usually requires some grand deed or deeds to be accomplished and allows
you to purchase property in that Hold most of the time.
These quests are assumed to be done before completing the Civil War
Doing the Civil War quests first can result in varied objectives and
can result in not being able to become Thane of said Hold.

All cities have a beggar that you can give one gold to. This counts
the favors you must do to be named Thane. It's the easiest and fastest way
accomplish the objective!
Thane of Haafingar
You must first complete the quest The Man Who Cried Wolf [11.10.00] before
becoming Thane. Once that quest is completed talk to Jarl Elisif and she
ask you to take [TORYGG'S WAR HORN] to a shrine of Talos as tribute to the
fallen High King. Place the War Horn at the base of the Shrine of Talos in
White River Valley. Return to Elisif and she is grateful and grants you the
ability to purchase Proudmoore Manor in Solitude.
Now all you have to do is assist the people of Solitude and purchase the



Quest Giver



| Ahtar

| Jala's House

| Kill the leader of [Random Dungeon]

| Angeline Morrard | Angeline's

| Ask Aldis for information about


| Angeline's daughter

| Aromatics

| Captain Aldis

| Castle Dour

| Bring one The Mirror to Aldis

| Evette San

| Evette San's Home | Convince Vittoria Vici to release


| the Spiced Wine shipment

| Noster Eagle-Eye | The Winking

| Find Noster's Helmet inside [Random


| Dungeon]

| Skeever

| Octieve San

| Evette San's Home | Talk to Irnskar about Octieve

| Sorex Vinius

| The Winking

| Deliver the Stros M'Kai Rum to Falk


| Skeever

| Firebeard

| Sybille Stentor

| Blue Palace

| Kill the leader of [Random Dungeon]


After completing five of these objectives or quests starting in Solitude,

return to Elisif to receive the title of Thane of Haafingar, a personal
Housecarl, and the [BLADE OF HAAFINGAR].

Thane of Hjaalmarch
Talk to the Jarl of Morthal and you will be tasked with aiding the
of Hjaalmarch in order to become Jarl.




Quest Giver



| Benor

| Guardhouse

| Win the Brawl with Benor

| Falion
night |

| Summoning Circle

| Discover Falion's secret after


| falls

| Gorm

| Moorside Inn

| Deliver Gorm's letter to Captain


| Aldis

| Idgrod the

| Thaumaturgist's

| Deliver Idgrod's Note to Danica

| Younger

| Hut

| Lami

| Jorgen and Lami's | Bring Song of the Alchemist's to


In addition to the Miscellaneous Objectives you can do in the Hold, you

also do Side Quests that start in Morthal to count towards the total. Return
to Jarl Idgrod Ravencrone after you have helped atleast three citizens and
will become a Thane. You will receive the [BLADE OF HJAALMARCH] as well as
Thane of The Pale
Talk with Jarl Brina Merilis and ask if there is anything you can do to
Dawnstar. Once you have helped three citizens return the Jarl Brina to be
Thane and receive the [BLADE OF THE PALE].




Quest Giver




| Captain Wayfinder| Docked Ship


| Find the Fine-Cut Void Salts

| Frida

| The Mortar and

| Find the Ring of Pure Mixtures


| Pestle

| Rustleif

| Rustleif's House

| Bring Night Falls on Sentinel to


| Rustleif


Thane of The Reach

Talk with Jarl Igmund of Markarth in the Understone Keep. He will allow
to buy property but only if you're willing to work for it. He will send you
to kill the leader of a Forsworn camp. The next request will be to recover
[HROLFDIR'S SHIELD]. Make your way to the dungeon where Hagraven's lurk and
fight your way to the shield. With this completed, you can purchase the





Quest Giver



| Banning

| Markarth Stables

| Deliver Spiced Beef to Voada

| Bothela

| The Hag's Cure

| Deliver the Stallion's Potion to


| Raerek

| Brother Verulus

| Hall of the Dead

| Investigate the Hall of the Dead

| Calcelmo

| Understone Keep

| Kill Nimhe inside Nchuand-Zel

| Cosnach

| The Warrens

| Defeat Cosnach in a Brawl

| Degaine

| The Warrens

| Steal the statue in the Temple of


| Dibella

| Lisbet

| Arnleif and Sons

| Retrieve Lisbet's shipment from


| Trading Company

| [Random Forsworn Camp]

| Omluag

| The Warrens

| Talk to Mulush about Omluag

| Ondolemar

| Understone Keep

| Find evidence of Ogmund's Talos


| worship


Buy the property and help five people in Markarth, then return to the Jarl
to be named Thane of the Reach, receive a Housecarl, and receive the [BLADE
Thane of Falkreath
Speak with the Jarl of Falkreath and ask if there is anything you can do


aid the citizens. He tells you if you help them he will name you Thane.




Quest Giver



| Dengeir of Stuhn | Dengeir's House

| Destroy the vampire Vighar


| Jarl's Longhouse

| Steal the Berit's Ashes for Dengeir


| Buy the Book off Lod


| Lod

| Lod's House

| Locate the stray dog

| Runil

| Hall of the Dead

| Find Runil's Journal inside [Random


| Dungeon]

| Siddgeir

| Jarl's Longhouse

| Kill the leader of [Random Dungeon]

| Thadgeir

| Dead Man's Drink

| Deliver Berit's Ashes to Runil


After completing three of the tasks return to the Jarl to be named Thane


Falkreath and receive the [BLADE OF FALKREATH].

Thane of Winterhold
Talk to Jarl Kraldar in the Jarl's Longhouse in Winterhold. He will grant
the title of Thane if you help the people of Winterhold. Return to Kraldar
you've helped the people to receive the title of Thane and the [BLADE OF
WINTERHOLD] as a badge.




Quest Giver



| Haran

| The Frozen Hearth | Talk to Ranmir about Haran

| Korir

| Jarl's Longhouse

| Find the Helm of Winterhold inside


| [Random Dungeon]

| Malur Seloth

| Jarl's Longhouse

| Steal [Item] for Malur

| Ranmir

| Birna's Oddments

| Make Ranmir dance for joy


Thane of Eastmarch
Talk to the Jarl of Windhelm after completing the quest Blood On Ice and
will allow you to purchase property. Ask if there is anything else you can
help him with and he will deem you Thane if you can help his people.





Quest Giver



| Adonato Leotelli | Candlehearth Hall | Deliver Adonato's Book to Giraud
| Brunwulf

| Brunwulf Free-

| Kill the leader of [Random Dungeon]

| Free-Winter

| Winter's House

| Hillevi Cruel-Sea| House of Clan

| Deliver the Nightshade Extract to


| Wuunferth the Unliving

| Cruel-Sea

| Malborn

| New Gnisis Corner | Find the Thalmor assassin


| Club

| Oengul War-Anvil | Blacksmith Quarter| Find Queen Freydis's Sword inside

| [Random Dungeon]

| Revyn Sadri

| Sadri's Used Wares| Plant Viola's Gold Ring in [House]

| Scouts-Many|

| Argonian

| Talk to Torbjorn about Scouts-Many-

| Marshes

| Assemblage

| Marshes

| Shahvee

| Argonian

| Find Shahvee's Amulet of Zenithar


| Assemblage

| inside [Random Dungeon]

| Stands-In|

| Argonian

| Steal Shahvee's Amulet of Zenithar

| Shallows

| Assemblage

| for Stands-In-Shallows


Return to the Jarl of Windhelm with the people helped and property bought
and he will grant you the title Thane of Eastmarch, a Housecarl for your
Thane of The Rift
Acquiring this title is a little more in-depth then the others. First, you
must find Wujeeta at the Riften Fishery (outside the walls) and help her by
giving her a potion. She was sick because of the Skooma she drank, you must
now locate the skooma dealer. Persuade Wujeeta to tell you that it's Sarthis
at the Riften Warehouse.
Report this finding to the Jarl and she will give you the [RIFTEN
KEY] and ask you to find proof. Enter the Warehouse and kill Sarthis Idren,
then take [SARTHIS'S KEY] and head to the basement. Open the door and search
Sarthis's Satchel to find a note, [SHIPMENT'S READY]. Read the note and
the Jarl of the source. Venture to Cragslane Cavern and slay the Bandits and
Gamblers. There are two [CHESTS] in the cave and the book [THE WOLF QUEEN,

behind the bar which raises your Lockpicking Skill.

With the place cleansed return to the Jarl who should now hold you in high
favor and allow you to purchase Honeyside. Assist various people around the
Hold and you can be granted the title of Thane.



Quest Giver



| Alessandra

| Hall of the Dead

| Bring Alessandra's Dagger to Andurs


| in Whiterun

| Balimund

| The Scorched

| Bring 10 Fire Salts to Balimund


| Hammer

| Bolli

| Riften Fishery

| Deliver the purchase agreement to


| Kleppr in Markarth

| Brand-Shei

| Market

| Help Brand-Shei uncover his past

| Dinya Balu
within |

| Temple of Mara

| Distribute the Warmth of Mara


| Riften

| Hafjorg

| Elgrim's Elixirs

| Obtain Ore Sample from Filnjar

| Ingun Black-Briar| Black-Briar Manor | Find 20 Nirnroot for Ingun

| Find 20 Nightshade for Ingun


| Find 20 Deathbell for Ingun

| Madesi
Madesi |

| Market

| Find 2 Flawless Sapphires for


| Find a Mammoth Tusk for Madesi


| Find Gold Ore for Madesi

| Romlyn Dreth

| Black-Briar Mead

| Deliver Mead to Willhelm

| Shadr
debt |

| Market

| Speak to Sapphire about Shadr's

| Sibbi Black-Briar| Riften Jail

| Discover Svidi's whereabouts

| Svanna Far-Shield| Haelga's Bunkhouse| Obtain a Mark of Dibelle from
Bolli, |

| Hofgrir, and Indaryn

| Wylandriah

| Mistveil Keep

| Retrieve Wylandriah's Spoon, Ingot,


| and Soul Gem


Return to the Jarl to receive the title of Thane and the [BLADE OF THE
Thane of Whiterun
Receiving this title is by far the simplest as it takes place during the
quest. Complete up to the quest Dragon Rising and purchase Breezehome.
to Jarl Balgruuf and you will receive the title of Thane, receive a
and the [AXE OF WHITERUN].






|::.|orgemaster's Fingers
| Prerequisite: The Cursed Tribe isn't completed, Player isn't an Orc
| Objectives:

1. Find the Forgemaster's Fingers


2. Bring the Forgemaster's Finger to [Orc Chief]

| Unique Items: The Forgemaster's Fingers

Go to any of the Orc Strongholds located in the corners of Skyrim and you
will be unwelcome. Ask about how you can gain entry and you will be told
the Forgemaster's Fingers. You will be sent to a random dungeon based on the
Chief you are required to turn the gauntlets in to. Go to the dungeon and
acquire the [THE FORGEMASTER'S FINGERS], usually found in a chest. Return to
the Orc Chief to become Blood-Kin and gain access to trade and train with
Orc Stronghold.




|::.|:. |ngarvunde
| Prerequisite: None
| Objectives:

1. Destroy the Draugr in Angarvunde (3/3)


2. Talk to Medresi in Angarvunde


3. Find a way to open the gates


4. Open the other gate


5. Return to Medresi

| Unique Items: Angarvunde Key

Medresi's Notes


Word of Power: Animal Allegiance


Head to Angarvunde to the west of Riften along the mountains where you can
find [MEDRESI'S NOTES] and the book [A DANCE IN FIRE, V7] which increases
Speech Skill. Enter the cave and talk to Medresi who will want you to kill
three Draugr since her forces have abandoned her. Race to the area where the
three Draugr are located and slay them. Return to Medresi then follow her
to the previous room where she hands you the [ANGARVUNDE KEY] and tasks you
with opening the gates. Go south an enter the Angarvunde Catacombs.
Move through the cave and down the steps, then drop down and kill the
Down the steps is another Draugr and if you take the north branch in the
hallway you can find a [CHEST]. Turn the corner and slay another Draugr as
you enter the crypts. Obviously, more Draugr awaken as you enter their
chambers, so slay them and unlock the [CHEST] before entering the open room.
There is a [CHEST] behind the large pillar in the middle of the room. Go
more catacombs and watch out for the trap on the step that the Draugr will
undoubtedly set off.
There are a few more Draugr to encounter before you enter more crypts

several Draugr slumber. Once you make it through this area you will return
the original area where a [LEVER] will lower the gate and a [CHEST] sits
by. Enter the Angarvunde Ruins to the northwest and move down the steps, be
sure to avoid the floor traps. In the first room you will notice a few
off rooms, a Draugr, and the book [BEFORE THE AGES OF MAN] which raises your
Illusion Skill. Unlock the [CHEST] then move to the next room and down the
stairs, slaying the two Draugr.
Move through the next hallway and kill another Draugr as you enter a room
with a [LEVER] that lets you reach a locked [CHEST]. Move through the newly
opened path and avoid the floor traps as you find two more Draugr. In the
room a few Draugr emerge from their sarcophagi, kill them and move up the
where another Draugr is located. Move across the bridge and kill the final
Draugr before returning the main room once more. In this room is another
and another [LEVER] that releases the final gate.
Return to Medresi and she rushes off to an untimely demise. In the back
can find an open chest with a Lord of the Rings reference. Head down the
to find the real reward, a [CHEST] and a Word Wall that teaches [WORD OF





|::.|:. |lchemy
An alchemist can create magical potions and deadly poisons.
Journeyman Trainer: Lami, Morthal
Expert Trainer: Arcadia, Whiterun
Master Trainer: Babette, The Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary


] -----------+----------- [

+--------------------------- [


| Number

| 1

| Perk

| Alchemist

| Requires

| 0/20/40/60/80

| Description | Potions and poisons you make are 20/40/60/80/100% stronger

| Number

| 2

| Perk

| Physician

| Requires

| 20

| Description | Potions you mix that restore Health, Magicka, or Stamina are

| 25% more powerful.

| Number

| 3

| Perk

| Benefactor

| Requires

| 30

| Description | Potions you mix with beneficial effects have an additional


| 25% greater magnitude

| Number

| 4

| Perk

| Experimenter

| Requires

| 50/70/90

| Description | Eating an ingredient reveals 2/3/4 effects

| Number

| 5

| Perk

| Poisoner

| Requires

| 30

| Description | Poisons you mix are 25% more effective

| Number

| 6

| Perk

| Concentrated Poison

| Requires

| 60

| Description | Poisons applied to weapons last for twice as many hits

| Number

| 7

| Perk

| Green Thumb

| Requires

| 70

| Description | Two ingredients are gathered from plants

| Number

| 8

| Perk

| Snakeblood

| Requires

| 80

| Description | 50% resistance to all poisons

| Number

| 9

| Perk

| Purity

| Requires

| 100

| Description | All negative effects are removed from created potions, and

| positive effects are removed from created poisons






|::.|:. |lteration
The School of Alteration involves the manipulation of the physical world
its natural properties. This skill makes it easier to cast spells like
Waterbreathing, magical protection, and Paralysis.
Journeyman Trainer: Melaran, Solitude
Expert Trainer: Dravynea, Kynesgrove
Master Trainer: Tolfdir, College of Winterhold










| Number

| 1

| Perk

| Novice Alteration

| Requires

| 0

| Description | Cast Novice level Alteration spells for half magicka.

| Number

| 2

| Perk

| Alteration Dual Casting

| Requires

| 20

| Description | Dual casting an Alteration spell overcharges the effects

into |

| an even more powerful version.

| Number

| 3

| Perk

| Apprentice Alteration

| Requires

| 25

| Description | Cast Apprentice level Alteration spells for half magicka.


| Number

| 4

| Perk

| Mage Armor

| Requires

| 30/50/70

| Description | Protection spell like Stoneflesh are 2/2.5/3 times as strong


| if not wearing armor.

| Number

| 5

| Perk

| Magic Resistance

| Requires

| 30/50/70

| Description | Blocks 10/20/30% of a spell's effects.

| Number

| 6

| Perk

| Adept Alteration

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Cast Adept level Alteration spells for half magicka.

| Number

| 7

| Perk

| Stability

| Requires

| 70

| Description | Alteration spells have greater duration.


| Number

| 8

| Perk

| Expert Alteration

| Requires

| 75

| Description | Cast Expert level Alteration spells for half magicka.

| Number

| 9

| Perk

| Atronach

| Requires

| 100

| Description | Absorb 30% of the magicka of any spells that hit you.
| Number

| 10

| Perk

| Master Alteration

| Requires

| 100

| Description | Cast Master level Alteration spells for half magicka.






|::.|:. |rchery

An Archer is trained in the use of bows and arrows, The greater the skill,
the more deadly the shot.
Journeyman Trainer: Faendal, Riverwood
Expert Trainer: Aela the Huntress, Whiterun
Master Trainer: Niruin, Riften








| Number

| 1

| Perk

| Overdraw

| Requires

| 0/20/40/60/80

| Description | Bows do 20/40/60/80/100% more damage.

| Number

| 2

| Perk

| Eagle Eye

| Requires

| 30

| Description | Pressing Block while aiming will zoom in your view

| Number

| 3

| Perk

| Steady Hand

| Requires

| 40/60

| Description | Zooming in with a bow slows time 25/50%.

| Number

| 4

| Perk

| Power Shot

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Arrows stagger all but the largest opponents 50% of the
time. |
| Number

| 5

| Perk

| Quick Shot

| Requires

| 70

| Description | Can draw a bow 30% faster.


| Number

| 6

| Perk

| Critical Shot

| Requires

| 30/60/90

| Description | 10/15/20% chance of a critical hit that does extra damage.

| Number

| 7

| Perk

| Hunter's Discipline

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Recover twice as many arrows from dead bodies.

| Number

| 8

| Perk

| Ranger

| Requires

| 60

| Description | Able to move faster with a drawn bow.

| Number

| 9

| Perk

| Bullseye

| Requires

| 100

| Description | 15% chance of paralyzing the target for a few seconds.






|::.. .


The art of blocking an enemy's blows with a shield or weapon. Blocking
reduces the damage and staggering from physical attacks.
Expert Trainer: Njade Stonearm, Whiterun
Master Trainer: Larak, Mor Khazgur



| Number

| 1

| Perk

| Shield Wall

| Requires

| 0/20/40/60/80

| Description | Blocking is 20/40/60/80/100% more effective.

| Number

| 2

| Perk

| Deflect Arrows

| Requires

| 30

| Description | Arrows that hit the shield do no damage.

| Number

| 3

| Perk

| Elemental Protection

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Blocking with a shield reduces incoming fire, frost, and


| shock damage by 50%.

| Number

| 4

| Perk

| Block Runner

| Requires

| 70

| Description | Able to move faster with a shield raised.

| Number

| 5

| Perk

| Quick Reflexes

| Requires

| 30

| Description | Time slows down if you are blocking during an enemy's power

| attack.

| Number

| 6

| Perk

| Power Bash

| Requires

| 30

| Description | Able to do a power bash.

| Number

| 7

| Perk

| Deadly Bash

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Bashing does five times more damage.

| Number

| 8

| Perk

| Disarming Bash

| Requires

| 70

| Description | Chance to disarm when power bashing.

| Number

| 9

| Perk

| Shield Charge

| Requires

| 100

| Description | Sprinting with a shield raised knocks down most targets.








|::.. . |onjuration
The School of Conjuration governs raising te dead and summoning creations
from Oblivion. This skill makes it easier to cast these spells as well as
Trap and bindings.
Journeyman: Runil, Falkreath
Expert Trainer: Phinis Gestor, College of Winterhold
Master Trainer: Falion, Morthal

15 ]


11 ]

14 ]

10 ]

13 ]





12 ]


| Number

| 1

| Perk

| Novice Conjuration

| Requires

| 0

| Description | Cast Novice level Conjuration spells for half magicka

| Number

| 2

| Perk

| Summoner

| Requires

| 30/70

| Description | Can summon atronachs or raise undead twice/three times as

far |

| away.

| Number

| 3

| Perk

| Atromancy

| Requires

| 40

| Description | Double duration for conjured Atronachs.

| Number

| 4

| Perk

| Elemental Potency

| Requires

| 80

| Description | Conjured Atronachs are 50% more powerful.

| Number

| 5

| Perk

| Conjuration Dual Casting

| Requires

| 20

| Description | Dual casting a Conjuration spell overcharges the spell.

| Number

| 6

| Perk

| Necromancy

| Requires

| 40

| Description | Greater duration for reanimated undead.

| Number

| 7

| Perk

| Dark Souls

| Requires

| 70

| Description | Reanimated undead have 100 points more health.

| Number

| 8

| Perk

| Twin Souls

| Requires

| 100

| Description | You can have two atronachs or reanimated zombies.

| Number

| 9

| Perk

| Mystic Binding

| Requires

| 20

| Description | Bound weapons do more damage.

| Number

| 10

| Perk

| Soul Stealer

| Requires

| 30

| Description | Bound weapons cast Soul Trap on targets.

| Number

| 11

| Perk

| Oblivion Binding

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Bound weapons will banish summoned creatures and turn raised

| ones.

| Number

| 12

| Perk

| Apprentice Conjuration

| Requires

| 25

| Description | Cast Apprentice level Conjuration spells for half magicka.


| Number

| 13

| Perk

| Adept Conjuration

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Cast Adept level Conjuration spells for half magicka.

| Number

| 14

| Perk

| Expert Conjuration

| Requires

| 75

| Description | Cast Expert level Conjuration spells for half magicka.

| Number

| 15

| Perk

| Master Conjuration

| Requires

| 100

| Description | Cast Master level Conjuration spells for half magicka.






|::.. . /estruction

The School of Destruction involves the harnessing the energies of fire,

and shock. This skill makes it easier to cast spells like Fireball, Ice
and Lightning Bolt.
Journeyman Trainer: Wuunferth the Unliving, Windhelm
Expert Trainer: Sybille Stentor, Solitude
Master Trainer: Faralda, College of Winterhold

12 ]

11 ]

10 ]




14 ]

13 ]------+


| Number

| 1

| Perk

| Novice Destruction

| Requires

| 0

| Description | Cast Novice level Destruction spells for half magicka.

| Number

| 2

| Perk

| Augmented Flames

| Requires

| 30/60

| Description | Fire spells do 25/50% more damage.

| Number

| 3

| Perk

| Intense Flames

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Fire damage causes targets to flee if their health is low.

| Number

| 4

| Perk

| Augmented Frost

| Requires

| 30/60

| Description | Frost spells do 25/50% more damage.

| Number

| 5

| Perk

| Deep Freeze

| Requires

| 60

| Description | Frost damage paralyzes targets if their health is low.


| Number

| 6

| Perk

| Augmented Shock

| Requires

| 30/60

| Description | Shock spells do 25/50% more damage.

| Number

| 7

| Perk

| Disintegrate

| Requires

| 70

| Description | Shock damage disintegrates targets if their health is low.

| Number

| 8

| Perk

| Apprentice Destruction

| Requires

| 25

| Description | Cast Apprentice level Destruction spells for half magicka.

| Number

| 9

| Perk

| Adept Destruction

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Cast Adept level Destruction spells for half magicka.

| Number

| 10

| Perk

| Rune Master

| Requires

| 40

| Description | Can place runes five times farther away.

| Number

| 11

| Perk

| Expert Destruction

| Requires

| 75

| Description | Cast Expert level Destruction spells for half magicka.

| Number

| 12

| Perk

| Master Destruction

| Requires

| 100

| Description | Cast Master level Destruction spells for half magicka.

| Number

| 13

| Perk

| Destruction Dual Casting

| Requires

| 20

| Description | Dual casting a Destruction spell overcharges the effects

into |

| an even more powerful version.

| Number

| 14

| Perk

| Impact

| Requires

| 40

| Description | Most destruction spells will stagger an opponent when dual


| cast.








|::.. . |nchanting
The more powerful the enchanter, the stronger the magic he can bind to his
weapons and armor.
Master Trainer: Hamal, Markarth




| Number

| 1

| Perk

| Enchanter

| Requires

| 0/20/40/60/80

| Description | New enchantments are 20/40/60/80/100% stronger.

| Number

| 2

| Perk

| Fire Enchanter

| Requires

| 30

| Description | Fire enchantments on weapons and armor are 25% stronger.

| Number

| 3

| Perk

| Frost Enchanter

| Requires

| 40

| Description | Frost enchantments on weapons and armor are 25% stronger.

| Number

| 4

| Perk

| Storm Enchanter

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Shock enchantments on weapons and armor are 25% stronger.

| Number

| 5

| Perk

| Insightful Enchanter

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Skill enchantments on armor are 25% stronger.

| Number

| 6

| Perk

| Corpus Enchanter

| Requires

| 70

| Description | Health, magicka, and stamina enchantments on armor are 25%


| stronger.

| Number

| 7

| Perk

| Extra Effect

| Requires

| 100

| Description | Can put two enchantments on the same item.

| Number

| 8

| Perk

| Soul Squeezer

| Requires

| 20

| Description | Soul gems provide extra magicka for recharging.


| Number

| 9

| Perk

| Soul Siphon

| Requires

| 40

| Description | Death blows to creatures, but not people, trap 5% of the


| victim's soul, recharging the weapon.


___ ___




|::.|:. |eavy Armor

Those trained to use Heavy Armor make more effective use of Iron, Steel,
Dwarven, Orcish, Ebony, and Daedric armors.
Journeyman Trainer: Hermir Strongheart, Windhelm
Expert Trainer: Gharol, Dushnikh Yal
Master Trainer: Farkas, Whiterun



| Number

| 1

| Perk

| Juggernaut

| Requires

| 0/20/40/60/80

| Description | Increases armor rating for Heavy Armor by 20/40/60/80/100%

| Number

| 2

| Perk

| Fists of Steel

| Requires

| 30

| Description | Unarmed attacks with Heavy Armor gauntlets do their armor


| rating in extra damage.

| Number

| 3

| Perk

| Cushioned

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Half damage from falling if wearing all Heavy Armor: head,

| chest, hands, feet.

| Number

| 4

| Perk

| Conditioning

| Requires

| 70

| Description | Heavy Armor weighs nothing and doesn't slow you down when

| worn.

| Number

| 5

| Perk

| Well Fitted

| Requires

| 30

| Description | 25% Armor bonus if wearing all Heavy Armor: head, chest,

| hands, feet.

| Number

| 6

| Perk

| Tower of Strength

| Requires

| 50

| Description | 50% less stagger when wearing only Heavy Armor.


| Number

| 7

| Perk

| Matching Set

| Requires

| 70

| Description | Additional 25% Armor bonus if wearing a matched set of Heavy


| Armor

| Number

| 8

| Perk

| Reflect Blows

| Requires

| 100

| Description | 10% chance to reflect melee damage back to the enemy while

| wearing all Heavy Armor: head, chest, hands, feet.






The School of Illusion involves manipulating the mind of the enemy. This
skill makes it easier to cast spells like Fear, Calm and Invisibility.
Expert Trainer: Atub, Largashbur
Master Trainer: Drevis Neloron, College of Winterhold


12 ]

13 ]--+



11 ]

10 ]



| Number

| 1

| Perk

| Novice Illusion

| Requires

| 0

| Description | Cast Novice level Illusion spells for half magicka.

| Number

| 2

| Perk

| Illusion Dual Casting

| Requires

| 20

| Description | Dual casting an Illusion spell overcharges the effects into


| an even more powerful version.

| Number

| 3

| Perk

| Apprentice Illusion

| Requires

| 25

| Description | Cast Apprentice level Illusion spells for half magicka.

| Number

| 4

| Perk

| Adept Illusion

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Cast Adept level Illusion spells for half magicka.

| Number

| 5

| Perk

| Expert Illusion

| Requires

| 75

| Description | Cast Expert level Illusion spells for half magicka.

| Number

| 6

| Perk

| Master Illusion

| Requires

| 100

| Description | Cast Master level illusion spells for half magicka.


| Number

| 7

| Perk

| Hypnotic Gaze

| Requires

| 30

| Description | Calm spells now work on higher level opponents. Cumulative


| with Kindred Mage and Animage.

| Number

| 8

| Perk

| Aspects of Terror

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Fear spells work on higher level opponents. Cumulative with


| Kindred Mage and Animage.

| Number

| 9

| Perk

| Rage

| Requires

| 70

| Description | Frenzy spells work on higher level opponents. Cumulative

with |

| Kindred Mage and Animage.

| Number

| 10

| Perk

| Animage

| Requires

| 20

| Description | Illusion spells now work on higher level animals.

| Number

| 11

| Perk

| Kindred Mage

| Requires

| 40

| Description | All Illusion spells work on higher level people.

| Number

| 12

| Perk

| Quiet casting

| Requires

| 50

| Description | All spells you cast from any school of magic are silent to

| others.

| Number

| 13

| Perk

| Master of the Mind

| Requires

| 90

| Description | Illusion spells work on undead, daedra and automatons.







|::.. . |ight Armor

Those trained to use Light Armor make more effective use of Hide, Leather,
Elven, and Glass armors.
Journeyman Trainer: Scouts-Many-Marshes, Windhelm
Expert Trainer: Grelka, Riften
Master Trainer: Nazir, The Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary







| Number

| 1

| Perk

| Agile Defender

| Requires

| 0/20/40/60/80

| Description | Increase armor rating for Light armor by 20/40/60/80/100%.


| Number

| 2

| Perk

| Custom Fit

| Requires

| 30

| Description | 25% Armor bonus if wearing all Light Armor: head, chest,

| hands, feet.

| Number

| 3

| Perk

| Unhindered

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Light Armor weighs nothing and doesn't slow you down when

| worn.

| Number

| 4

| Perk

| Wind walker

| Requires

| 60

| Description | Stamina regenerates 50% faster in all Light Armor: head,


| chest, hands, feet.

| Number

| 5

| Perk

| Matching Set

| Requires

| 70

| Description | Additional 25% Armor bonus if wearing a matched set of Light


| Armor.

| Number

| 6

| Perk

| Deft Movement

| Requires

| 100

| Description | 10% chance of avoiding all damage from a melee attack while

| wearing all Light Armor: head, chest, hands, feet.







|::.. . |ockpicking
The art of Lockpicking is used to open locked doors and containers faster
and with fewer broken lockpicks.
Expert Trainer: Majhad, Khajiit Caravan
Master Trainer: Vex, Riften

11 ]


10 ]-------[









| Number

| 1

| Perk

| Novice Locks

| Requires

| 0

| Description | Novice locks are much easier to pick.

| Number

| 2

| Perk

| Apprentice Locks

| Requires

| 25

| Description | Apprentice locks are much easier to pick.

| Number

| 3

| Perk

| Quick Hands

| Requires

| 40

| Description | Able to pick locks without being noticed.

| Number

| 4

| Perk

| Wax Key

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Automatically gives you a copy of a picked lock's key if it


| has one.

| Number

| 5

| Perk

| Adept Locks

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Adept locks are much easier to pick.

| Number

| 6

| Perk

| Golden Touch

| Requires

| 60

| Description | Find more gold in chests.

| Number

| 7

| Perk

| Treasure Hunter

| Requires

| 70

| Description | 50% greater chance of finding special treasure.

| Number

| 8

| Perk

| Expert Locks

| Requires

| 75

| Description | Expert locks are much easier to pick.

| Number

| 9

| Perk

| Locksmith

| Requires

| 80

| Description | Pick starts close to the lock opening position.

| Number

| 10

| Perk

| Unbreakable

| Requires

| 100

| Description | Lockpicks never break.

| Number

| 11

| Perk

| Master Locks

| Requires

| 100

| Description | Mater locks are much easier to pick.






|::.. . |ne-handed
The art of combat using one-handed weapons, such as daggers, swords,
and war axes. Those trained in this skill deliver deadlier blows.
Journeyman Trainer: Amren, Whiterun
Expert Trainer: Athis, Whiterun
Master Trainer: Burguk, Dushnikh Yal



10 ]





| Number

| 1

| Perk

| Armsman

| Requires

| 0/20/40/60/80

| Description | One-Handed weapons do 20/40/60/80/100% more damage.

| Number

| 2

| Perk

| Hack and Slash

| Requires

| 30/60/90

| Description | Attacks with war axes cause extra/more/even more bleeding


| damage.

| Number

| 3

| Perk

| Fighting Stance

| Requires

| 20

| Description | Power attacks with one-handed weapons cost 25% less stamina.
| Number

| 4

| Perk

| Savage Strike

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Standing power attacks do 25% bonus damage with a chance to


| decapitate your enemies.

| Number

| 5

| Perk

| Critical Charge

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Can do a one-handed power attack while sprinting that does


| double critical damage.

| Number

| 6

| Perk

| Paralyzing Strike

| Requires

| 100

| Description | Backwards power attack has a 25% chance to paralyze the


| target.

| Number

| 7

| Perk

| Bone Breaker

| Requires

| 30/60/90

| Description | Attacks with maces ignore 25/50/75% of armor.

| Number

| 8

| Perk

| Bladesman

| Requires

| 30/60/90

| Description | Attacks with a swords have a 10/15/20% chance of doing even



| more critical damage.

| Number

| 9

| Perk

| Dual Flurry

| Requires

| 30/50

| Description | Dual wielding attacks are 20/35% faster.

| Number

| 10

| Perk

| Dual Savagery

| Requires

| 70

| Description | Dual wielding power attacks do 50% bonus damage.







The stealthy art of picking an unsuspecting target's pockets. A skilled
pickpocket is less likely to be caught and is more likely to find valuables.
Journeyman Trainer: Ahkari, Khajiit Caravan
Expert Trainer: Silda the Unseen, Windhelm

Master Trainer: Vipir, Riften









| Number

| 1

| Perk

| Light Fingers

| Requires

| 0/20/40/60/80

| Description | Pickpocketing bonus of 20/40/60/80/100%. Item weight and


| value reduce pickpocketing odds.

| Number

| 2

| Perk

| Night Thief

| Requires

| 30

| Description | +25% chance to pickpocket if the target is asleep.

| Number

| 3

| Perk

| Poisoned

| Requires

| 40

| Description | Silently harm enemies by placing poisons in their pockets.

| Number

| 4

| Perk

| Extra Pockets

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Carrying capacity is increased by 100.

| Number

| 5

| Perk

| Cutpurse

| Requires

| 40

| Description | Pickpocketing gold is 50% easier.

| Number

| 6

| Perk

| Keymaster

| Requires

| 60

| Description | Pickpocketing keys almost always works.


| Number

| 7

| Perk

| Misdirection

| Requires

| 70

| Description | Can pickpocket equipped weapons.

| Number

| 8

| Perk

| Perfect Touch

| Requires

| 100

| Description | Can pickpocket equipped items.






|::.|:. |estoration
The School of Restoration involves control over life forces. This skill
it easier to cast spells like Healing, Turn Undead, and magical Wards.
Expert Trainer: Keeper Carcette, Hall of the Vigilant
Colette Marence, College of Winterhold
Master Trainer: Danica Pure-Spring, Whiterun




11 ]

10 ]

12 ]


| Number

| 1

| Perk

| Novice Restoration

| Requires

| 0

| Description | Cast Novice level Restoration spells for half magicka.

| Number

| 2

| Perk

| Respite

| Requires

| 40

| Description | Healing spells also restore Stamina.

| Number

| 3

| Perk

| Regeneration

| Requires

| 20

| Description | Healing spells cure 50% more.

| Number

| 4

| Perk

| Necromage

| Requires

| 70

| Description | All spells are more effective against undead.

| Number

| 5

| Perk

| Ward Absorb

| Requires

| 60

| Description | Wards recharge your magicka when hit with spells.

| Number

| 6

| Perk

| Apprentice Restoration

| Requires

| 25

| Description | Cast Apprentice level Restoration spells for half magicka.


| Number

| 7

| Perk

| Adept Restoration

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Cast Adept level Restoration spells for half magicka.

| Number

| 8

| Perk

| Expert Restoration

| Requires

| 75

| Description | Cast Expert level Restoration spells for half magicka.

| Number

| 9

| Perk

| Master Restoration

| Requires

| 100

| Description | Cast Master level Restoration spells for half magicka.

| Number

| 10

| Perk

| Recovery

| Requires

| 30/60

| Description | Magicka regenerates 25/50% faster.

| Number

| 11

| Perk

| Avoid Death

| Requires

| 90

| Description | Once a day, heals 250 points automatically if you fall below

| 10% health.

| Number

| 12

| Perk

| Restoration Dual Casting

| Requires

| 20

| Description | Dual casting a Restoration spell overcharges the effects

into |

| an even more powerful version.






|::.. . |mithing
The art of creating and improving weapons and armor from raw materials.
Journeyman Trainer: Ghorza, Markarth
Expert Trainer: Balimund, Riften
Master Trainer: Eorlund Gray-Mane, Whiterun


10 ]--------[




| Number

| 1

| Perk

| Steel Smithing

| Requires

| 20

| Description | Can create Steel armor and weapons at forges, and improve

| them twice as much.

| Number

| 2

| Perk

| Elven Smithing

| Requires

| 30

| Description | Can create Elven armor and weapons at forges, and improve

| them twice as much.

| Number

| 3

| Perk

| Advanced Armors

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Can create Scaled and Plate armor at forges, and improve
them |

| twice as much.

| Number

| 4

| Perk

| Glass Smithing

| Requires

| 70

| Description | Can create Glass armor and weapons at forges, and improve

| them twice as much.

| Number

| 5

| Perk

| Arcane Blacksmith

| Requires

| 60

| Description | You can improve magical weapons and armor

| Number

| 6

| Perk

| Dwarven Smithing

| Requires

| 30

| Description | Can create Dwarven armor and weapons at forges, and improve


| them twice as much.

| Number

| 7

| Perk

| Orcish Smithing

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Can create Orcish armor and weapons at forges, and improve

| them twice as much.

| Number

| 8

| Perk

| Ebony Smithing

| Requires

| 80

| Description | Can create Ebony armor and weapons at forges, and improve

| them twice as much.

| Number

| 9

| Perk

| Daedric Smithing

| Requires

| 90

| Description | Can create Daedric armor and weapons at forges, and improve

| them twice as much.

| Number

| 10

| Perk

| Dragon Armor

| Requires

| 100

| Description | Can create Dragon armor at forges, and improve them twice as

| much.






|::.. . |neak
Sneaking is the art of moving unseen and unheard. Highly skilled sneaks
even hide in plain sight.
Journeyman Trainer: Khalya, Khajiit Caravans
Expert Trainer: Garvey, Markarth
Master Trainer: Delven Mallory, Riften








| Number

| 1

| Perk

| Stealth

| Requires

| 0/20/40/60/80

| Description | You are 20/25/30/35/40% harder to detect when sneaking.

| Number

| 2

| Perk

| Muffled Movement

| Requires

| 30

| Description | Noise from armor is reduced 50%.

| Number

| 3

| Perk

| Light Foot

| Requires

| 40

| Description | You won't trigger pressure plates.

| Number

| 4

| Perk

| Silent Roll

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Sprinting while sneaking executes a silent forward roll.

| Number

| 5

| Perk

| Silence

| Requires

| 70

| Description | Walking and running does not affect detection.

| Number

| 6

| Perk

| Shadow Warrior

| Requires

| 100

| Description | Crouching stops combat for a moment and forces distant


| opponents to search for a target.

| Number

| 7

| Perk

| Backstab

| Requires

| 30

| Description | Sneak attacks with one-handed weapons now do six times



| damage.

| Number

| 8

| Perk

| Deadly Aim

| Requires

| 40

| Description | Sneak attacks with bows now do three times damage.

| Number

| 9

| Perk

| Assassin's Blade

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Sneak attacks with daggers now do a total of fifteen times


| normal damage.






|::.. . |peech
This skill of persuasion can be used to get better prices from merchants,
and persuade others to do as you ask.
Journeyman Trainer: Dro'marash, Khajiit Caravan

Revyn Sadri, Windhelm

Expert Trainer: Ogmund the Skald, Markarth
Master Trainer: Geraud Gemaine, Solitude




| Number

| 1

| Perk

| Haggling

| Requires

| 0/20/40/60/80

| Description | Buying and selling prices are 10/15/20/25/30% better.


| Number

| 2

| Perk

| Allure

| Requires

| 30

| Description | 10% better prices with the opposite sex.

| Number

| 3

| Perk

| Merchant

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Can sell any type of item to any kind of merchant.

| Number

| 4

| Perk

| Investor

| Requires

| 70

| Description | Can invest 500 gold with a shopkeeper to increase his


| available gold permanently.

| Number

| 5

| Perk

| Fence

| Requires

| 90

| Description | Can barter stolen goods with any merchant you have invested

| in.

| Number

| 6

| Perk

| Master Trader

| Requires

| 100

| Description | Every merchant in the world gains 1000 gold for bartering.
| Number

| 7

| Perk

| Bribery

| Requires

| 30

| Description | Can bribe guards to ignore crimes.

| Number

| 8

| Perk

| Persuasion

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Persuasion attempts are 30% easier.

| Number

| 9

| Perk

| Intimidation

| Requires

| 70

| Description | Intimidation is twice as successful.




| |




The art of combat using two-handed weapons, such as greatswords, battle
and warhammers. Those trained in this skill deliver deadlier blows.
Expert Trainer: Torbjorn Shatter-Shield, Windhelm
Master Trainer: Vilkas, Whiterun







| Number

| 1

| Perk

| Barbarian

| Requires

| 0/20/40/60/80

| Description | Two-Handed weapons do 20/40/60/80/100% more damage.

| Number

| 2

| Perk

| Limbsplitter

| Requires

| 30/60/90

| Description | Attacks with battle axes cause extra/more/even more bleeding


| damage

| Number

| 3

| Perk

| Chamption's Stance

| Requires

| 20

| Description | Power attacks with two-handed weapons cost 25% less stamina.
| Number

| 4

| Perk

| Great Critical Charge

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Can do a two-handed power attack while sprinting that does


| double critical damage.


| Number

| 5

| Perk

| Devastating Blow

| Requires

| 50

| Description | Standing power attacks do 25% bonus damage with a chance to


| decapitate your enemies.

| Number

| 6

| Perk

| Sweep

| Requires

| 70

| Description | Sideways power attacks with two-handed weapons hit all


| targets in front of you.

| Number

| 7

| Perk

| Warmaster

| Requires

| 100

| Description | Backwards power attack has a 25% chance to paralyze the


| target.

| Number

| 8

| Perk

| Deep Wounds

| Requires

| 30/60/90

| Description | Attacks with greatswords have a 10/15/20% chance of doing



| critical damage.

| Number

| 9

| Perk

| Skullcrusher

| Requires

| 30/60/90

| Description | Attacks with warhammers ignore 25/50/75% of armor.






|::.|:. |lteration

Novice |


| Creates a hovering light that lasts for 60 seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 18

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 12

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire

Expert |


| Nearby dead can be seen through walls.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 130 per second

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 87 per second

| Acquire: Tolfdir


Adept |


| Nearby living creatures, but not undead, machines or daedra, can be seen
| through walls.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 88 per second

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 59 per second

| Acquire: Complete Infiltration

Master |



| Caster ignores 80% of all physical damage for 30 seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 738

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 497

| Acquire: Complete Alteration Ritual Spell

Expert |


| Improves the caster's armor rating by 100 points for 60 seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 300

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 202

| Acquire: Tolfdir

Novice |


| Converts 25 points of health into magicka per second. Cast can be killed
by |
| this effect.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 0 per second

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 0 per second

| Acquire: Labyrinthian

Adept |



| Improves the caster's armor rating by 80 points for 60 seconds.

| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 235

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 158

| Acquire: Tolfdir

Apprentice |


| Ball of light that lasts 60 seconds and stick where it strikes.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 74

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 50

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire

Master |


| All targets in the area that fail to resist are paralyzed for 15 seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 826

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 556

| Acquire: Tolfdir (Complete Alteration Ritual Spell)

Novice |


| Improves the caster's armor rating by 40 points for 60 seconds.

| Magicka Cost at Level


15 - 91

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 61

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire

Expert |


| Targets that fail to resist are paralyzed for 10 seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 396

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 267

| Acquire: Tolfdir


Apprentice |


| Improves the caster's armor rating by 60 points for 60 seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 171

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 115

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire, Bleakwind Basin

Adept |


| Can pull an object to you from a distance. Add it to your inventory or
| throw it.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 149 per second

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 100 per second

| Acquire: Tolfdir, Labyrinthian

Adept |


| Transmutes one piece of unrefined Iron ore to Silver, or Silver or to Gold
| if the caster is carrying any.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 88

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 59

| Acquire: Halted Stream Camp, Ansilvund, Knifepoint Ridge


Adept |


| Can breathe water for 60 seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 196

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 132

| Acquire: Tolfdir, Labyrinthian






Master |


| Targets have improved combat skills, health and stamina for 10 minutes.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 577

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 389

| Acquire: Drevis Neloren (Complete Illusion Ritual Spell)

Apprentice |


| Creatures and people up to level 9 won't fight for 30 seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 129

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 86

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire, Drevis Neloren


Novice |


| Shows the path to the current goal.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 22 per second

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 14 per second

| Acquire: Embershard Mine, Farengar Secret-Fire, Drevis Neloren

Novice |



| Target won't flee for 60 seconds and get some extra health and stamina.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 35

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 23

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire, Drevis Neloren

Apprentice |


| Creatures and people up to level 9 flee from combat for 30 seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 135

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 91

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire, Faralda, Drevis Neloren

Adept |


| Creatures and people up to level 14 will attack anyone nearby for 60
| seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 184

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 124

| Acquire: Drevis Neloren

Novice |


| Creatures and people up to level 6 will attack anything nearby for 30

| seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 59

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 40

| Acquire: Innate to High Elf, Farengar Secret-Fire, Drevis Neloren

Master |


| Creatures and people up to level 25 nearby won't fight for 60 seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 927

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 624

| Acquire: Drevis Neloren (Complete Illusion Ritual Spell

Master |


| Creatures and people up to level 25 flee from combat for 60 seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 763

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 514

| Acquire: Drevis Neloren (Complete Illusion Ritual Spell)

Expert |


| Caster is invisible for 30 seconds. Activating an object or attacking will
| break the spell.

| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 295

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 198

| Acquire: Drevis Neloren

Master |


| Creatures and people up to level 25 will attack anyone nearby for 60
| seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 873

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 588

| Acquire: Drevis Neloren (Complete Illusion Ritual Spell)

Apprentice |


| You move more quietly for 180 seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 127

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 85

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire, Drevis Neloren

Expert |


| Creatures and people up to level 20 won't fight for 60 seconds.

| Magicka Cost at Level


15 - 256

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 172

| Acquire: Drevis Neloren

Adept |


| Targets won't flee for 60 seconds and get extra health and stamina.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 100

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 67

| Acquire: Drevis Neloren


Expert |


| Creatures and people up to level 20 flee from combat for 30 seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 278

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 187

| Acquire: Drevis Neloren

Novice |


| See what others cannot.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 0

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 0


| Acquire: Drevis Neloren (During Illusion Ritual Spell)





|::.. . /estruction

Master |


| Targets take 20 points of frost damage for 10 seconds, plus Stamina
damage. |
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 975

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 657

| Acquire: Faralda (Complete Destruction Ritual Spell)


Adept |


| Lightning bolt that does 40 points of shock damage to Health and half to
| Magicka, then leaps to a new target.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 137

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 92

| Acquire: Wuunferth the Unliving, Faralda, Enthir

Apprentice |



| Cast on a nearby surface, it explodes for 50 points of fire damage when
| enemies come near.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 207

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 139

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire, Wuunferth the Unliving, Enthir, Faralda

Master |


| A 100 point fiery explosion centered on the caster. Does more damage to
| to closer targets.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 1257

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 847


| Acquire: Complete Destruction Ritual Spell


Adept |


| A fiery explosion for 40 points of damage in a 15 foot radius. Targets on
| fire take extra damage.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 117

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 79

| Acquire: Wuunferth the Unliving, Faralda

Apprentice |


| A blast of fire that does 25 points of damage. Targets on fire take extra
| damage.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 36

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 24

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire, Wuunferth the Unliving, Enthir, Faralda

Adept |


| For 60 seconds, opponents in melee range take 8 points fire damage per
| second. Targets on fire take extra damage.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 254

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 171


| Acquire: Wuunferth the Unliving, Enthir, Faralda

Novice |


| A gout of fire that does 8 points per second. Targets on fire take extra
| damage.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 13 per second

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 8 per second

| Acquire: Innate, Farengar Secret-Fire, Wuunferth the Unliving, Enthir




Adept |


| For 60 seconds, opponents in melee range take 8 points frost damage and
| Stamina damage per second.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 278

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 187

| Acquire: Wuunferth the Unliving, Enthir

Apprentice |


| Cast on a nearby surface, it explodes for 50 points of frost damage when
| enemies come near.

| Magicka Cost at Level


15 - 258

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 174

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire, Wuunferth the Unliving, Enthir

Novice |


| A blast of cold that does 8 points of damage per second to Health and
| Stamina.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 14 per second

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 9 per second

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire, Wuunferth the Unliving, Enthir

Apprentice |


| A spike of ice that does 25 points of frost damage to Health and Stamina.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 42

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 28

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire, Wuunferth the Unliving, Enthir

Adept |


| A freezing whirlwind that does 40 points of frost damage per second to
| Health and Stamina.

| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 127

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 85

| Acquire: Wuunferth the Unliving, Enthir

Expert |


| A spear of ice that does 60 points of frost damage to Health and Stamina.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 282

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 190

| Acquire: Faralda, Enthir

Expert |


| A blast of fire that does 60 points of damage. Targets on fire take extra
| damage.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 262

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 177

| Acquire: Faralda, Enthir

Apprentice |


| A bolt of lightning that does 25 points of shock damage to Health and half

| that to Magicka.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 45

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 30

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire, Wuunferth the Unliving, Enthir

Adept |


| For 60 seconds nearby opponents take 8 points of shock damage and half
| magicka damage.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 326

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 220

| Acquire: Wuunferth the Unliving, Enthir

Apprentice |


| Cast on a nearby surface, it explodes for 50 points of shock damage when
| enemies come near.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 284

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 191

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire, Wuunferth the Unliving

Master |



| Target takes 75 points of shock damage per second to Health, and half that
| to Magicka.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 122

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 82

| Acquire: Faralda (Complete Destruction Ritual Spell)

Novice |


| Lightning that does 8 points of shock damage to Health and Magicka per
| second.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 16 per second

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 11 per second

| Acquire: Helgen, Dark Elf (Innate), Farengar Secret-Fire,


Wuunferth the Unliving, Enthir


Expert |


| A Thunderbolt that does 60 points of shock damage to Health and half that
| to Magicka.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 302

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 203

| Acquire: Faralda, Enthir

Expert |


| Sprayed on the ground, it creates a wall of fire that does 50 points of
| fire damage per second.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 104 per second

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 70 per second

| Acquire: Faralda, Enthir

Expert |


| Sprayed on the ground, it creates a wall of frost that does 50 points of
| fire damage per second.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 121 per second

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 81 per second


| Acquire: Faralda, Enthir

Expert |


| Sprayed on the ground, it creates a wall of lightning that does 50 points
| of fire damage per second.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 128 per second

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 86 per second

| Acquire: Faralda, Enthir







|::.. . |onjuration

Adept |


| Weaker summoned daedra are sent back to Oblivion.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 173

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 116

| Acquire: Phinis Gestor

Apprentice |



| Creates a magic battle axe for 120 seconds. Sheathe it to dispel.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 149

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 100

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire, Phinis Gestor

Adept |


| Creates a magic bow for 120 seconds. Sheathe it to dispel.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 183

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 123

| Acquire: Phinis Gestor

Novice |


| Creates a magic sword for 120 seconds. Sheathe it to dispel.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 82

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 55

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire, Phinis Gestor

Expert |


| Powerful summoned and raised creatures are put under your control.

| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 214

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 144

| Acquire: Mzinchaleft

Expert |


| Summons a Dremora Lord for 60 seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 316

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 213

| Acquire: Phinis Gestor

Novice |


| Summons a Familiar for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 94

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 63

| Acquire: Breton (Innate), Farengar Secret-Fire, Phinis Gestor

Apprentice |


| Summons a Flame Atronach for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing.

| Magicka Cost at Level


15 - 132

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 89

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire, Phinis Gestor

Adept |


| Summons a Frost Atronach for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 189

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 127

| Acquire: Phinis Gestor


Expert |


| Summons a Storm Atronach for 60 seconds wherever the caster is pointing.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 284

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 191

| Acquire: Phinis Gestor

Master |


| Reanimate a dead body permanently to fight for you. Only works on people.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 881

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 593


| Acquire: Phinis Gestor (Complete Conjuration Ritual Spell)

Expert |


| Reanimate a very powerful dead body to fight for you for 60 seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 265

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 179

| Acquire: Phinis Gestor

Expert |


| Powerful summoned daedra creatures are sent back to Oblivion.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 190

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 128

| Acquire: Phinis Gestor

Master |


| Summons a Flame Atronach permanently.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 793

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 534

| Acquire: Complete Conjuration Ritual Spell


Apprentice |


| Summons a flaming familiar which will charge into battle and explode.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 50

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 34

| Acquire: Complete A Scroll for Anska

Master |



| Summons a Frost Atronach permanently.

| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 969

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 653

| Acquire: Phinis Gestor (Complete Conjuration Ritual Spell)

Novice |


| Reanimate a weak dead body to fight for you for 60 seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 90

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 61

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire, Phinis Gestor

Apprentice |


| Reanimate a more powerful dead body to fight for you for 60 seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 101

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 85

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire, Phinis Gestor

Adept |


| Reanimate a powerful dead body to fight for you for 60 seconds.

| Magicka Cost at Level


15 - 162

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 109

| Acquire: Phinis Gestor

Apprentice |


| If target dies within 60 seconds, fills a soul gem.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 94

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 63

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire, Phinis Gestor


Master |


| Summons a Storm Atronach permanently.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 1057

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 712

| Acquire: Phinis Gestor (Complete Conjuration Ritual Spell)

Novice |


| Summons an unbound Dremora for 999 seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 88

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 59


| Acquire: Phinis Gestor (During Conjuration Ritual Spell)





|::.|:. |estoration

Master |


| Sets undead up to level 30 on fire and makes them flee for 30 seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 871

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 586

| Acquire: Complete Restoration Ritual Spell


Expert |


| Undead up to level 20 entering the circle will flee.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 151

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 101

| Acquire: Colette Marence

Adept |



| Heals the caster 100 points.

| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 111

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 75

| Acquire: Colette Marence

Apprentice |


| Heals the caster 50 points.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 65

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 43

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire, Colette Marence

Expert |


| Heals everyone close to the caster 200 points.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 224

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 151

| Acquire: Colette Marence

Adept |


| Increases armor rating by 80 points and negates up to 80 points of spell
| damage or effects.

| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 76 per second

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 51 per second

| Acquire: Colette Marence

Master |


| Undead up to level 35 entering the circle will flee. Caster heals 20
health |
| per second inside it.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 632

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 425

| Acquire: Colette Marence (Complete Restoration Ritual Spell)

Adept |


| Heals the target 75 points, but not undead, atronachs or machines.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 71

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 48

| Acquire: Colette Marence

Novice |


| Heals the caster 10 points per second.

| Magicka Cost at Level


15 - 11 per second

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 7 per second

| Acquire: Starting Spell, Farengar Secret-Fire

Apprentice |


| Heals the target 10 points per second, but not undead, atronachs or
| machines.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 22 per second

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 14 per second

| Acquire: First Lessons, Farengar Secret-Fire, Colette Marence

Novice |


| Increases armor rating by 40 points and negates up to 40 points of spell
| damage or effects.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 30 per second

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 20 per second

| Acquire: First Lessons, Farengar Secret-Fire, Colette Marence

Adept |


| All affected undead up to level 8 flee for 30 seconds.

| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 101

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 68

| Acquire: Colette Marence

Expert |


| All affected undead up to level 16 flee for 30 seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 311

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 210

| Acquire: Colette Marence

Apprentice |


| Increases armor rating by 60 points and negates up to 60 points of spell
| damage or effects.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 51 per second

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 34 per second

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire, Colette Marence

Expert |


| Undead up to level 21 flee for 30 seconds.

| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 235

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 158

| Acquire: Colette Marence

Apprentice |


| Undead up to level 6 flee for 30 seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 74

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 49

| Acquire: Farengar Secret-Fire, Colette Marence

Adept |


| Undead up to level 13 flee for 30 seconds.
| Magicka Cost at Level

15 - 148

| Magicka Cost at Level 100 - 100

| Acquire: Colette Marence





|::.. . |houts





A Shout for help from the beasts of the wild, who come to fight in your

| defense.
| Words of Power: Animal (Raan)

Allegiance (Mir)


Pack (Tah)

| Locations: Angarvunde

Ancient's Ascent


Outside of Ysgramor's Tomb

| Recharge Times: 50/60/70



| Your Voice is not a Shout, but a whisper, revealing the life forces of
any |
| and all.
| Words of Power: Life (Laas)

Seek (Yah)


Hunt (Nir)

| Locations: Northwind Summit




| Recharge Times: 30/40/50





The Thu'um reaches out to the Void, changing your form to one that cannot

| harm, or be harmed.
| Words of Power: Fade (Feim)

Spirit (Zii)


Bind (Gron)

| Locations: Ironbind Barrow

Lost Valley Redoubt



| Recharge Times: 20/30/40




Odahviing! Hear my Voice and come forth. I summon you in my time of need.

| Words of Power: Snow (Od)


Hunter (Ah)


Wing (Viing)

| Locations: High Hrothgar
| Recharge Times: 5/5/300




The valiant of Sovngrade hear your Voice, and journey beyond space and

| time to lend aid.

| Words of Power: Hero (Hun)

Champion (Kaal)


Legend (Zoor)


| Locations: Sovngarde
| Recharge Times: 180/180/180




Skyrim itself yields before the Thu'um, as you clear away fog and

| inclement weather.
| Words of Power: Sky (Lok)

Spring (Vah)


Summer (Koor)

| Locations: High Hrothgar
| Recharge Times: 5/10/15




Shout defies steel, as you rip the weapon from an opponent's grasp.

| Words of Power: Weapon (Zun)

Hand (Haal)


Defeat (Viik)

| Locations: Eldersblood Peak

Snow Veil Sanctum


Silverdrift Lair

| Recharge Times: 30/35/40





And the weak shall fear the Thu'um, and flee in terror.

| Words of Power: Fear (Faas)

Run (Ru)


Terror (Maar)

| Locations: Lost Tongue Overlook

Shalidor's Maze


Dead Crone Rock

| Recharge Times: 40/45/50





Your Voice lashes out at a dragon's very soul, forcing the beast to land.

| Words of Power: Mortal (Joor)

Finite (Zah)


Temporary (Frul)

| Locations: Throat of the World
| Recharge Times: 10/12/15




The Thu'um imbues your arms with the speed of wind, allowing for faster

| weapon strikes.
| Words of Power: Air (Su)


Battle (Grah)


Grace (Dun)

| Locations: Dragontooth Crater

Shriekwind Bastion


Outside the Statue to Meridia

| Recharge Times: 30/40/50




Inhale air, exhale flame, and behold the Thu'um as inferno.

| Words of Power: Fire (Yol)

Inferno (Toor)


Sun (Shul)


| Locations: Throat of the World


Sunderstone Gorge


Dustman's Cairn

| Recharge Times: 30/50/100




Your breath is winter, your Thu'um a blizzard.

| Words of Power: Frost (Fo)

Cold (Krah)


Freeze (Diin)

| Locations: Skyborn Altar

Bonestrewn Crest



| Recharge Times: 30/50/100




Your Thu'um freezes an opponent solid.

| Words of Power: Ice (Iliz)

Flesh (Slen)


Statue (Nus)

| Locations: Saarthal

Mount Anthor


Frostmere Crypt

| Recharge Times: 60/90/120




The Voice soothes wild beasts, who lose their desire to fight or flee.

| Words of Power: Kyne (Kaan)

Peace (Drem)


Trust (Ov)

| Locations: Ragnvald

Shroud Hearth Barrow


Rannveig's Fast

| Recharge Times: 40/50/60





Speak, and let your Voice herald doom, as an opponent's armor and

| lifeforce are weakened.

| Words of Power: Kill (Krii)

Leech (Lun)


Suffer (Aus)

| Locations: Autumnwatch Tower

Forsaken Cave


Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary

| Recharge Times: 20/30/40




Shout at time, and command it to obey, as the world around you stands

| still.
| Words of Power: Time (Tiid)

Sand (Klo)


Eternity (Ul)

| Locations: Labyrinthian

Hag's End



| Recharge Times: 30/45/60





A Shout to the skies, a cry to the clouds, that awakens the destructive

| force of Skyrim's lightning.

| Words of Power: Storm (Strun)

Wrath (Bah)


Lightning (Qo)

| Locations: Forelhost Stronghold

High Gate Ruins


Skuldafn Temple

| Recharge Times: 300/480/600



| The Thu'um is heard, but its source unknown, fooling those into seeking
it |
| out.

| Words of Power: Voice (Zul)

Fool (Mey)


Far (Gut)

| Locations: Shearpoint
| Recharge Times: 30/15/5




Your Voice is raw power, pushing aside anything - or anyone - who stands

| in your path.
| Words of Power: Force (Fus)

Balance (Ro)


Push (Dah)

| Locations: Bleak Falls Barrow

High Hrothgar

| Recharge Times: 15/20/45




The Thu'um rushes forward, carrying you in its wake with the speed of a

| tempest.
| Words of Power: Whirlwind (Wuld)

Fury (Nah)


Tempest (Kest)

| Locations: High Hrothgar

Dead Men's Respite


Volskygge, Outside up the hill

| Recharge Times: 20/25/35



The following sections detail Alchemy, Enchanting, and Smithing -- the
major crafts in Skyrim.
This chart lists the type of potion you can make by mixing two or more
ingredients. The potion is guaranteed to have the effect on the left but
normally have several more effects whether they positive or negative.





| Cure Disease

| Charred Skeever Hide, Hawk Feathers,


| Mudcrab Chitin, Vampire Dust

| Damage Health

| Crimson Nirnroot, Deathbell, Ectoplasm,


| Falmer Ear, Human Flesh, Human Heart,


| Imp Stool, Jarrin Root, Nightshade, Nirnroot,

Tail |

| Red Mountain Flower, River Betty, Skeever


| Small Antlers, Troll Fat, Void Salts

| Damage Magicka

| Butterfly Wing, Chaurus Eggs, Daedra Heart,

Feathers |

| Eye of Sabre Cat, Glow Dust, Hagraven


| Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root,


| Luna Moth Wing, Namira's Rot, Nordic Barnacle

| Damage Magicka Regen

| Bear Claws, Blue Butterfly Wing,

Dust |

| Blue Mountain Flower, Chicken's Egg, Glow


| Hanging Moss, Human Heart, Jarrin Root,


| Nightshade, Spider Egg, Spriggan Sap

| Damage Stamina

| Blisterwort, Blue Butterfly Wing, Bone Meal,


| Canis Root, Crimson Nirnroot,

Root, |

| Cyrodilic Spadetail, Giant's Toe, Jarrin


| Nirnroot, Rock Warbler Egg, Spider Egg

| Damage Stamina Regen

| Creep Cluster, Daedra Heart, Frost Mirriam,


| Giant's Toe, Histcarp, Juniper Berries,

Tail, |

| Large Antlers, Silverside Perch, Skeever


| Wheat

| Fear

| Blue Dartwing, Cyrodilic Spadetail,


| Daedra Heart, Namira's Rot,


| Powdered Mammoth Tusk

| Fortify Alteration

| Grass Pod, River Betty, Spriggan Sap

| Fortify Barter
Claw |

| Butterfly Wing, Dragon's Tongue, Hagraven


| Tundra Cotton

| Fortify Block
Pearl, |

| Bleeding Crown, Briar Heart, Honeycomb,


| Slaughterfish Scales, Tundra Cotton

| Fortify Carry Weight

| Creep Cluster, Giant's Toe, Hawk Beak,


| River Betty, Scaly Pholiota, Wisp Wrappings


| Fortify Conjuration

| Berit's Ashes, Blue Butterfly Wing,


| Blue Mountain Flower, Bone Meal, Frost Salts,


| Hagraven Feathers, Lavender

| Fortify Destruction

| Beehive Husk, Ectoplasm, Glow Dust,


| Glowing Mushroom, Nightshade, Wisp Wrappings

| Fortify Enchanting

| Blue Butterfly Wing, Hagraven Claw,


| Snowberries, Spriggan Sap

| Fortify Health
Toe, |

| Bear Claws, Blue Mountain Flower, Giant's


| Glowing Mushroom, Hanging Moss, Wheat

| Fortify Heavy Armor

| Ice Wraith Teeth, Sabre Cat Tooth,


| Slaughterfish Scales, Thistle Branch,


| White Cap

| Fortify Illusion

| Dragon's Tongue, Dwarven Oil, Mora Tapinella,


| Scaly Pholiota, Taproot

| Fortify Light Armor

| Beehive Husk, Hawk Feathers, Honeycomb,


| Luna Moth Wing, Skeever Tail

| Fortify Lockpicking

| Falmer Ear, Namira's Rot, Pine Thrush Egg,


| Spider Egg

| Fortify Magicka

| Briar Heart, Ectoplasm, Histcarp,


| Jazbay Grapes, Red Mountain Flower,


| Tundra Cotton, Void Salts

| Fortify Marksman

| Canis Root, Elves Ear, Juniper Berries,


| Spider Egg

| Fortify One-handed

| Bear Claws, Canis Root, Hanging Moss,


| Hawk Feathers, Rock Warbler Egg, Small Pearl

| Fortify Pickpocket

| Blue Dartwing, Nordic Barnacle,


| Orange Dartwing, Slaughterfish Egg

| Fortify Restoration

| Abecean Longfin, Cyrodilic Spadetail,


| Salt Pile, Small Antlers, Small Pearl

| Fortify Smithing
Tooth |

| Blisterwort, Glowing Mushroom, Sabre Cat


| Spriggan Sap

| Fortify Sneak

| Abecean Longfin, Beehive Husk, Frost Mirriam,


| Hawk Feathers, Human Flesh,


| Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower

| Fortify Stamina
Lavender, |

| Chaurus Eggs, Garlic, Large Antlers,


| Slaughterfish Egg, Torchbug Thorax

| Fortify Two-handed

| Dragon's Tongue, Fly Amanita, Troll Fat

| Frenzy

| Blisterwort, Falmer Ear, Fly Amanita,


| Hagraven Feathers, Human Heart, Troll Fat

| Invisibility

| Chaurus Eggs, Crimson Nirnroot,


| Ice Wraith Teeth, Luna Moth Wing, Nirnroot,


| Vampire Dust

| Lingering Damage Health

| Imp Stool, Mora Tapinella, Orange Dartwing,


| Slaughterfish Egg, Slaughterfish Scales

| Lingering Damage Magicka

| Hagraven Claw, Purple Mountain Flower,


| Swamp Fungal Pod, Torchbug Thorax, Wheat

| Lingering Damage Stamina

| Butterfly Wing, Chicken's Egg, Nightshade,


| Small Antlers

| Paralysis

| Briar Heart, Canis Root, Human Flesh,


| Imp Stool, Swamp Fungal Pod

| Ravage Health

| Cyrodilic Spadetail, Eye of Sabre Cat,

Perch, |

| Giant Lichen, Jazbay Grapes, Silverside


| Skeever Tail

| Ravage Magicka

| Frost Mirriam, Grass Pod, Lavender,


| Orange Dartwing, Red Mountain Flower,


| White Cap

| Ravage Stamina

| Bee, Bone Meal, Deathbell, Honeycomb,


| Thistle Branch

| Regenerate Health

| Garlic, Juniper Berries, Luna Moth Wing,


| Namira's Rot, Nordic Barnacle, Vampire Dust

| Regenerate Magicka
Grapes |

| Dwarven Oil, Fire Salts, Garlic, Jazbay


| Moon Sugar, Salt Pile, Taproot

| Regenerate Stamina

| Bee, Fly Amanita, Mora Tapinella,


| Scaly Pholiota

| Resist Fire

| Bone Meal, Dragon's Tongue, Elves Ear,


| Fire Salts, Fly Amanita, Mudcrab Chitin,


| Snowberries

| Resist Frost

| Frost Mirriam, Frost Salts, Hawk Beak,


| Moon Sugar, Purple Mountain Flower,


| Silverside Perch, Slaughterfish Scales,


| Small Pearl, Snowberries, Thistle Branch

| Resist Magic

| Bleeding Crown, Chicken's Egg,


| Crimson Nirnroot, Hagraven Claw, Lavender,


| Nirnroot, Tundra Cotton, Void Salts,


| Wisp Wrappings

| Resist Poison
Ear |

| Beehive Husk, Charred Skeever Hide, Falmer


| Garlic, Grass Pod, Mudcrab Chitin,


| Slaughterfish Egg, Thistle Branch, Troll Fat

| Resist Shock

| Blue Dartwing, Glow Dust, Glowing Mushroom,

Snowberries |

| Hawk Beak, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg,


| Swamp Fungal Pod

| Restore Health

| Blisterwort, Blue Dartwing,


| Blue Mountain Flower, Butterfly Wing,


| Charred Skeever Hide, Daedra Heart,

Egg, |

| Eye of Sabre Cat, Imp Stool, Rock Warbler


| Swamp Fungal Pod, Wheat

| Restore Magicka

| Briar Heart, Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil,

Salts, |

| Ectoplasm, Elves Ear, Fire Salts, Frost


| Giant Lichen, Grass Pod, Human Flesh,


| Moon Sugar, Mora Tapinella, Pearl,


| Red Mountain Flower, Taproot, Vampire Dust,


| White Cap

| Restore Stamina

| Bear Claws, Bee, Charred Skeever Hide,


| Eye of Sabre Cat, Hawk Beak, Histcarp,


| Honeycomb, Large Antlers, Mudcrab Chitin,


| Orange Dartwing, Pearl, Pine Thrush Egg,

Flower, |

| Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain

Pearl |

| Sabre Cat Tooth, Silverside Perch, Small


| Torchbug Thorax, Wisp Wrappings

| Slow

| Deathbell, Large Antlers, River Betty,


| Salt Pile

| Waterbreathing

| Chicken's Egg, Histcarp, Nordic Barnacle

| Weakness to Fire
Teeth, |

| Bleeding Crown, Frost Salts, Ice Wraith


| Juniper Berries, Moon Sugar,


| Powdered Mammoth Tusk

| Weakness to Frost

| Abecean Longfin, Elves Ear, Fire Salts,


| Ice Wraith Teeth, White Cap

| Weakness to Magic

| Creep Cluster, Dwarven Oil, Jazbay Grapes,


| Rock Warbler Egg, Salt Pile, Scaly Pholiota,


| Taproot, Torchbug Thorax

| Weakness to Poison
Eggs, |

| Abecean Longfin, Bleeding Crown, Chaurus


| Deathbell, Giant Lichen, Pine Thrush Egg,


| Sabre Cat Tooth, Small Antlers

| Weakness to Shock

| Bee, Giant Lichen, Hagraven Feathers,


| Void Salts


This is a list of all the ingredients and their four effects, including
common locations to find them.


| Weakness to Frost

| Fortify Sneak

| Weakness to Poison

| Fortify Restoration

| Found: Riften, Windhelm, Lakes, Rivers




| Restore Stamina

| Fortify Health

| Fortify One-handed

| Damage Magicka Regen

| Found: Bear Corpses




| Restore Stamina

| Ravage Stamina

| Regenerate Stamina

| Weakness to Shock

| Found: Honeystrand Cave, Goldenglow Estate, Beehives




| Resist Poison

| Fortify Light Armor

| Fortify Sneak

| Fortify Destruction

| Found: Honeystrand Cave, Goldenglow Estate, Beehives




| Weakness to Fire

| Fortify Block

| Weakness to Poison

| Resist Magic

| Found: Pinemoon Cave, Chillwind Depths, Geirmund's Hall |



| Damage Stamina

| Frenzy

| Restore Health

| Fortify Smithing

| Found: Chillwind Depths, Halldir's Cairn




| Damage Stamina

| Fortify Conjuration

| Damage Magicka Regen

| Fortify Enchanting

| Found: Evergreen Grove, Pine Forest




| Resist Shock

| Fortify Pickpocket

| Restore Health

| Fear

| Found: Lund's Hut, Steamcrag Camp, Shallow Ponds





| Restore Health

| Fortify Conjuration

| Fortify Health

| Damage Magicka Regen

| Found: Solitude, Riften, Wilds




| Damage Stamina

| Resist Fire

| Fortify Conjuration

| Ravage Stamina

| Found: Bleak Falls Barrow, Skeleton and Draugr Corpses




| Restore Magicka

| Fortify Block

| Paralysis

| Fortify Magicka

| Found: Lost Valley Redoubt, Red Eagle Redoubt




| Restore Health

| Fortify Barter

| Lingering Damage Stamina

| Damage Magicka


| Found: Shadowgreen Cavern, Pine Forest




| Damage Stamina

| Fortify One-handed

| Fortify Marksman

| Paralysis

| Found: Morthal, Summoning Stones, Folgunthur




| Restore Stamina

| Cure Disease

| Resist Poison

| Restore Health

| Found: Fort Dunstad, Sleeping Tree Camp




| Weakness to Poison

| Fortify Stamina

| Damage Magicka

| Invisibility

| Found: Frostflow Lighthouse, Chillwind Depths





| Resist Magic

| Damage Magicka Regen

| Waterbreathing

| Lingering Damage Stamina

| Found: Salvius Farm, Mixwater Mill




| Restore Magicka

| Damage Stamina Regen

| Fortify Carry Weight

| Weakness to Magic

| Found: Bonestrewn Crest, Kynesgrove




| Damage Health

| Damage Stamina

| Invisibility

| Resist Magic

| Found: Blackreach




| Damage Stamina

| Fortify Restoration

| Fear

| Ravage Health

| Found: Riften, Windhelm




| Restore Health

| Damage Stamina Regen

| Damage Magicka

| Fear

| Found: Nightcaller Temple, During The Black Star




| Damage Health

| Ravage Stamina

| Slow

| Weakness to Poison

| Found: Folgunthur, Labyrinthian




| Resist Fire

| Fortify Barter

| Fortify Illusion

| Fortify Two-Handed

| Found: Bonestrewn Crest, Kynesgrove




| Weakness to Magic

| Fortify Illusion

| Regenerate Magicka

| Restore Magicka

| Found: Mzinchaleft, Irkngthand, Alftand




| Restore Magicka

| Fortify Destruction

| Fortify Magicka

| Damage Health

| Found: Rannveig's Fast, College of Winterhold, Yngvild




| Restore Magicka

| Fortify Marksman

| Weakness to Frost

| Resist Fire

| Found: Riften, Whiterun, Black-Briar Lodge




| Restore Stamina

| Ravage Health

| Damage Magicka

| Restore Health

| Found: Karthspire Camp, Pine Forest




| Damage Health

| Frenzy

| Resist Poison

| Fortify Lockpicking

| Found: Alftand, Dwarven Dungeons




| Weakness to Frost

| Resist Fire

| Restore Magicka

| Regenerate Magicka

| Found: Sunderstone Gorge, Nightcaller Temple




| Resist Fire

| Fortify Two-handed


| Frenzy

| Regenerate Stamina

| Found: Pinemoon Cave, Geirmund's Hall




| Resist Frost

| Fortify Sneak

| Ravage Magicka

| Damage Stamina Regen

| Found: Various buildings in Riften




| Weakness to Fire

| Resist Frost

| Restore Magicka

| Fortify Conjuration

| Found: Harmugstahl, Dead Frost Atronachs




| Resist Poison

| Fortify Stamina

| Regenerate Magicka

| Regenerate Health

| Found: Solitude, East Empire Warehouse




| Weakness to Shock

| Ravage Health

| Weakness to Poison

| Restore Magicka

| Found: Fort Snowhawk, Kjenstag Ruins




| Damage Stamina

| Fortify Health

| Fortify Carry Weight

| Damage Stamina Regen

| Found: Talking Stone Camp, Sleeping Tree Camp




| Damage Magicka

| Damage Magicka Regen

| Fortify Destruction

| Resist Shock

| Found: Wispmothers, Frostmere Cave, Palace of the Kings |



| Resist Shock

| Fortify Destruction

| Fortify Smithing

| Fortify Health

| Found: Tolvad's Cave, Frostflow Lighthouse




| Resist Poison

| Ravage Magicka

| Fortify Alteration

| Restore Magicka

| Found: Japhet's Folly, Dawnstar




| Resist Magic

| Lingering Damage Magicka

| Fortify Enchanting

| Fortify Barter

| Found: Hag's End, Dead Crone Rock




| Damage Magicka

| Fortify Conjuration

| Frenzy

| Weakness to Shock

| Found: Hag's End, Dead Crone Rock




| Damage Magicka

| Fortify Health

| Damage Magicka Regen

| Fortify One-handed

| Found: Solitude Hall of the Dead, Dustman's Cairn




| Restore Stamina

| Resist Frost

| Fortify Carry Weight

| Resist Shock

| Found: Solitude, Bloated Man's Grotto




| Cure Disease

| Fortify Light Armor

| Fortify One-handed

| Fortify Sneak

| Found: Solitude, Bloated Man's Grotto




| Restore Stamina

| Fortify Magicka

| Damage Stamina Regen

| Waterbreathing

| Found: Riften, Windhelm Docks




| Restore Stamina

| Fortify Block

| Fortify Light Armor

| Ravage Stamina

| Found: Honeystrand Cave, Goldenglow Estate




| Damage Health

| Damage Magicka

| Damage Magicka Regen

| Frenzy

| Found: Alftan, Tolvald's Cave





| Damage Health

| Damage Magicka

| Damage Magicka Regen

| Frenzy

| Found: Rare - Lost Valley Redoubt, Sunderstone Gorge




| Weakness to Frost

| Fortify Heavy Armor

| Invisibility

| Weakness to Fire

| Found: Whiterun, College of Winterhold




| Damage Health

| Lingering Damage Health

| Paralysis

| Restore Health

| Found: Chillwind Depths, Halldir's Cairn




| Damage Health

| Damage Magicka

| Damage Stamina

| Damage Magicka Regen


| Found: Unique - During quest To Kill an Empire




| Weakness to Magic

| Fortify Magicka

| Regenerate Magicka

| Ravage Health

| Found: Mistwatch Folly, The Atronach Stone




| Weakness to Fire

| Fortify Marksman

| Regenerate Health

| Damage Stamina Regen

| Found: Markarth, Shrine of Dibella




| Restore Stamina

| Fortify Stamina

| Slow

| Damage Stamina Regen

| Found: Pine Forest, The Rift, Tundra Plains





| Resist Magic

| Fortify Stamina

| Ravage Magicka

| Fortify Conjuration

| Found: Whiterun, Cliffside Retreat




| Damage Magicka

| Fortify Light Armor

| Regenerate Health

| Invisibility

| Found: Nightcaller Temple, Shadowgreen Cavern




| Weakness to Fire

| Resist Frost

| Restore Magicka

| Regenerate Magicka

| Found: Riften, Sold by Khajiit Caravans




| Restore Magicka

| Lingering Damage Health

| Regenerate Stamina

| Fortify Illusion

| Found: Frostmere Crypt, Robber's Gorge




| Restore Stamina

| Cure Disease

| Resist Poison

| Resist Fire

| Found: Riverwood, Banks of most rivers/lakes/oceans




| Damage Magicka

| Fortify Lockpicking

| Fear

| Regenerate Health

| Found: Chillwind Depths, Halldir's Cairn




| Damage Health

| Damage Magicka Regen

| Lingering Damage Stamina

| Fortify Destruction

| Found: Labyrinthian, Falkreath




| Damage Health

| Damage Stamina

| Invisibility

| Resist Magic

| Found: Sarethi Farm, Dawnstar, River Banks




| Damage Magicka

| Waterbreathing

| Regenerate Health

| Fortify Pickpocket

| Found: Orphan's Tear, Hela's Folly




| Restore Stamina

| Ravage Magicka

| Fortify Pickpocket

| Lingering Damage Health

| Found: Solitude's Hall of the Dead, Forsaken Cave




| Restore Stamina

| Fortify Block

| Restore Magicka

| Resist Shock

| Found: Geirmund's Hall, Alftand, Vendors




| Restore Stamina

| Fortify Lockpicking

| Weakness to Poison

| Resist Shock

| Found: Shor's Stone, Rorikstead




| Restore Stamina

| Fortify Sneak

| Weakness to Fire

| Fear

| Found: Talking Stone Camp, Sleeping Tree Camp




| Restore Stamina

| Fortify Sneak


| Lingering Damage Magicka

| Resist Frost

| Found: Dragon Bridge, Dragon Bridge Overlook




| Restore Magicka

| Ravage Magicka

| Fortify Magicka

| Damage Health

| Found: Whiterun, Shadowgreen Cavern




| Damage Health

| Fortify Alteration

| Slow

| Fortify Carry Weight

| Found: Riften, Windhelm Docks




| Restore Health

| Fortify One-handed

| Damage Stamina

| Weakness to Magic

| Found: Valthume, Salvius Farm




| Restore Stamina

| Fortify Heavy Armor

| Fortify Smithing

| Weakness to Poison

| Found: Drelas' Cottage, Pine Forest, Snowy Mountains




| Weakness to Magic

| Fortify Restoration

| Slow

| Regenerate Magicka

| Found: College of Winterhold, Fellglow Keep




| Weakness to Magic

| Fortify Illusion

| Regenerate Stamina

| Fortify Carry Weight

| Found: Lake Geir, Darklight Tower




| Restore Stamina

| Damage Stamina Regen

| Ravage Health

| Resist Frost

| Found: Riften, Windhelm




| Damage Stamina Regen

| Ravage Health

| Damage Health

| Fortify Light Armor

| Found: Fort Dunstad, Nightcaller Temple




| Resist Poison

| Fortify Pickpocket

| Lingering Damage Health

| Fortify Stamina

| Found: Horker Standing Stones, Wreck of the Brinehammer |



| Resist Frost

| Lingering Damage Health

| Fortify Heavy Armor

| Fortify Block

| Found: Glenmoril Coven, Tolvald's Cave




| Weakness to Poison

| Fortify Restoration

| Lingering Damage Stamina

| Damage Health

| Found: The Rift, Pine Forest




| Restore Stamina

| Fortify One-handed

| Fortify Restoration

| Resist Frost

| Found: Geirmund's Hall, Alftand




| Resist Fire

| Fortify Enchanting

| Resist Frost

| Resist Shock

| Found: Driftshade Refuge, Traitor's Post




| Damage Stamina

| Damage Magicka Regen

| Fortify Lockpicking

| Fortify Marksman

| Found: Ironbind Barrow, Harmugstah, Whiterun




| Damage Magicka Regen

| Fortify Enchanting

| Fortify Smithing

| Fortify Alteration

| Found: Moss Mother Cavern, Shadowgreen Cavern




| Resist Shock

| Lingering Damage Magicka

| Paralysis

| Restore Health

| Found: Movarth's Lair, Morthal





| Weakness to Magic

| Fortify Illusion

| Regenerate Magicka

| Restore Magicka

| Found: Moss Mother Cavern, Shadowgreen Cavern




| Resist Frost

| Ravage Stamina

| Resist Poison

| Fortify Heavy Armor

| Found: Solitude, Dragon Bridge




| Restore Stamina

| Lingering Damage Magicka

| Weakness to Magic

| Fortify Stamina

| Found: College of Winterhold, Forsaken Cave




| Resist Poison

| Fortify Two-handed

| Frenzy

| Damage Health


| Found: East Empire Warehouse, Graywinter Watch




| Resist Magic

| Fortify Magicka

| Fortify Block

| Fortify Barter

| Found: Solitude, Redoran's Retreat, Bloated Mans Grotto |



| Invisibility

| Restore Magicka

| Regenerate Health

| Cure Disease

| Found: North Shriekwind Bastion, Broken Fang Cave




| Weakness to Shock

| Resist Magic

| Damage Health

| Fortify Magicka

| Found: Solitude, Riften





| Restore Health

| Fortify Health

| Damage Stamina Regen

| Lingering Damage Magicka

| Found: Katla's Farm, Rorikstead, Battle-Born Farm




| Weakness to Frost

| Fortify Heavy Armor

| Restore Magicka

| Ravage Magicka

| Found: Chillwind Depths, Halldir's Cairn




| Restore Stamina

| Fortify Destruction

| Fortify Carry Weight

| Resist Magic

| Found: Frostmere Crypt, Labyrinthian



All values for Charges on Weapon Enchantments are based on 100 Enchanting.
The percentage increase on Armor Enchantments is also based on 100
Weapon Enchantments have a range that you can set. The more powerful you
the enchantment the fewer charges it can have and vice versa. Armor
do not have charges and are always functional.




Absorb (1-20) points of health.


Can be placed on: Weapon


Charges - Grand Soul Gem:

77 - 2086


Greater Soul Gem:

51 - 1391


Common Soul Gem:

25 - 695


Lesser Soul Gem:

12 - 347


Petty Soul Gem:

6 - 173





Absorb (1-25) points of magicka.


Can be placed on: Weapon


Charges - Grand Soul Gem:

119 - 4136


Greater Soul Gem:

79 - 2757


Common Soul Gem:

39 - 1378


Lesser Soul Gem:

19 - 689


Petty Soul Gem:

9 - 344






Absorb (1-25) points of stamina.


Can be placed on: Weapon


Charges - Grand Soul Gem:

113 - 3929


Greater Soul Gem:

75 - 2619


Common Soul Gem:

37 - 1309


Lesser Soul Gem:

18 - 654


Petty Soul Gem:

9 - 327





Summoned Daedra up to level (1-25) are sent back to Oblivion.


Can be placed on: Weapon


Charges - Grand Soul Gem:

18 - 647


Greater Soul Gem:

12 - 431


Common Soul Gem:

6 - 215


Lesser Soul Gem:

3 - 107


Petty Soul Gem:

1 - 53





Creatures and people up to level (1-25) flee from combat for 30 seconds.


Can be placed on: Weapon


Charges - Grand Soul Gem:

Greater Soul Gem:

152 - 5265
101 - 3510


Common Soul Gem:

50 - 1755


Lesser Soul Gem:

25 - 877


Petty Soul Gem:

12 - 438





If target dies within (1-12) seconds, fills a soul gem. Burns the target

| for 10 points. Targets on fire take extra damage.


Can be placed on: Weapon


Charges - Grand Soul Gem:

211 - 3246


Greater Soul Gem:

140 - 2164


Common Soul Gem:

70 - 1082


Lesser Soul Gem:

35 - 541


Petty Soul Gem:

17 - 270





Burns the target for (1-25) points. Targets on fire take extra damage.


Can be placed on: Weapon


Charges - Grand Soul Gem:

236 - 8153


Greater Soul Gem:

157 - 5435


Common Soul Gem:

78 - 2717


Lesser Soul Gem:

39 - 1358


Petty Soul Gem:

19 - 679






Target takes (1-25) points of frost damage to Health and Stamina.


Can be placed on: Weapon


Charges - Grand Soul Gem:

189 - 6538


Greater Soul Gem:

126 - 4359


Common Soul Gem:

63 - 2179


Lesser Soul Gem:

31 - 1089


Petty Soul Gem:

15 - 544





(1-7) points of extra damage to Animals.


Can be placed on: Weapon


Charges - Grand Soul Gem:

903 - 7683


Greater Soul Gem:

602 - 5122


Common Soul Gem:

301 - 2561


Lesser Soul Gem:

150 - 1280


Petty Soul Gem:

75 - 640





Does (2-37) points of Magicka damage.


Can be placed on: Weapon


Charges - Grand Soul Gem:

Greater Soul Gem:

164 - 4080
109 - 2720


Common Soul Gem:

54 - 1360


Lesser Soul Gem:

27 - 680


Petty Soul Gem:

13 - 340





Raises the wielder's Smithing abilities, and does (1-12) shock damage to

| enemies on hit.

Can be placed on: Weapon


Charges - Grand Soul Gem:

227 - 3495


Greater Soul Gem:

151 - 2330


Common Soul Gem:

75 - 1165


Lesser Soul Gem:

37 - 582


Petty Soul Gem:

18 - 291





Chance to paralyze the target for (1-5) seconds.


Can be placed on: Weapon


Charges - Grand Soul Gem:

70 - 413


Greater Soul Gem:

46 - 275


Common Soul Gem:

23 - 137


Lesser Soul Gem:

11 - 68


Petty Soul Gem:

5 - 34






Target takes (1-25) points of shock damage, and half as much Magicka

| damage.

Can be placed on: Weapon


Charges - Grand Soul Gem:

187 - 6460


Greater Soul Gem:

124 - 4307


Common Soul Gem:

62 - 2153


Lesser Soul Gem:

31 - 1071


Petty Soul Gem:

15 -







While the moons are out, burns the target for (1-25) points.


Can be placed on: Weapon


Charges - Grand Soul Gem:

581 - 20051


Greater Soul Gem:

387 - 13367


Common Soul Gem:

193 - 6683


Lesser Soul Gem:

96 - 3341


Petty Soul Gem:

48 - 1670





If target dies within (1-10) seconds, fills a soul gem.


Can be placed on: Weapon


Charges - Grand Soul Gem:

299 - 3776


Greater Soul Gem:

199 - 2517


Common Soul Gem:

99 - 1258


Lesser Soul Gem:

49 - 629


Petty Soul Gem:

24 - 314





Does (2-37) points of Stamina damage.


Can be placed on: Weapon


Charges - Grand Soul Gem:

82 - 2043


Greater Soul Gem:

55 - 1362


Common Soul Gem:

27 - 681


Lesser Soul Gem:

13 - 340


Petty Soul Gem:

6 - 170





Undead up to level (1-25) flee for 30 seconds.


Can be placed on: Weapon


Charges - Grand Soul Gem:

82 - 2845


Greater Soul Gem:

54 - 1896


Common Soul Gem:

27 - 948


Lesser Soul Gem:

13 - 474


Petty Soul Gem:

6 - 237






Created potions are X% more powerful.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 16


Common Soul Gem:


Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Helm, Gloves, Amulet, Ring






Alteration spells cost X% less to cast.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 16


Common Soul Gem:


Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Helm, Armor, Amulet, Ring





Alteration spells cost X% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 10% faster.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:


Greater Soul Gem: 10


Common Soul Gem:


Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Armor





Bows do X% more damage.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 26


Common Soul Gem:



Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:



Can be placed on: Helm, Gloves, Amulet, Ring





Prices are X% better.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 16


Common Soul Gem:


Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Amulet





Block X% more damage with your shield.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 26


Common Soul Gem:



Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Gloves, Shield, Amulet, Ring






Carrying capacity increased by X points


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 24


Common Soul Gem:



Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Gloves, Boots, Amulet, Ring






Conjuration spells cost X% less to cast.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 16


Common Soul Gem:


Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Helm, Armor, Amulet, Ring





Conjuration spells cost X% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 10% faster.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 10


Common Soul Gem:


Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Armor





Destruction spells cost X% less to cast.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 16


Common Soul Gem:


Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Helm, Armor, Amulet, Ring





Destruction spells cost X% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 10% faster.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 16


Common Soul Gem:


Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Armor





Health regenerates X% faster.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 20


Common Soul Gem:



Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Armor, Amulet, Ring






Increases your health by X points.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 41


Common Soul Gem:



Lesser Soul Gem:



Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Armor, Shield, Amulet, Ring






Increases Heavy Armor skill by X points.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 16


Common Soul Gem:


Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Armor, Gloves, Amulet, Ring





Illusion spells cost X% less to cast.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 16


Common Soul Gem:


Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Armor, Helm, Amulet, Ring





Illusion spells cost X% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 10% faster.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 10


Common Soul Gem:


Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Armor





Increases Light Armor skill by X points.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 16


Common Soul Gem:


Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Armor, Gloves, Amulet, Ring





Lockpicking is X% easier.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 26


Common Soul Gem:



Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Gloves, Helm, Amulet, Ring






Increase your Magicka by X points.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 41


Common Soul Gem:



Lesser Soul Gem:



Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Gloves, Helm, Amulet, Ring






Magicka regenerates X% faster.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 41


Common Soul Gem:



Lesser Soul Gem:



Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Armor, Helm, Ring





One-handed attacks do X% more damage.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 26


Common Soul Gem:



Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Boots, Gloves, Amulet, Ring





Pickpocket succes is X% better.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 26


Common Soul Gem:



Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Boots, Gloves, Amulet, Ring





Restoration spells cost X% less to cast.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 16


Common Soul Gem:


Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Armor, Helm, Amulet, Ring





Restoration spells cost X% less to cast. Magicka regenerates 10% faster.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 10


Common Soul Gem:


Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Armor






Weapons and armor can be improved X% better.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 16


Common Soul Gem:


Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Armor, Gloves, Amulet, Ring






Sneaking is X% better.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 26


Common Soul Gem:



Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Boots, Gloves, Amulet, Ring





Increases your stamina by X points.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 41


Common Soul Gem:



Lesser Soul Gem:



Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Armor, Boots, Amulet, Ring





Stamina regenerates X% faster.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 20


Common Soul Gem:



Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Armor, Boots, Amulet





Two-handed attacks do X% more damage.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 26


Common Soul Gem:



Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Boots, Gloves, Amulet, Ring





Unarmed strikes do X additional damage.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem:


Common Soul Gem:


Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Gloves, Ring






Wearer is muffled and moves silently.


Can be placed on: Boots





Increases Disease Resistance by X%.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 41


Common Soul Gem:



Lesser Soul Gem:



Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Armor, Shield, Amulet, Ring





Increases Fire Resistance by X%.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 24


Common Soul Gem:



Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Boots, Shield, Amulet, Ring





Increases Frost Resistance by X%.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 24


Common Soul Gem:



Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Boots, Shield, Amulet, Ring





Increases Magic Resistance by X%.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 13


Common Soul Gem:


Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Shield, Amulet, Ring





Increases Poison Resistance by X%.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 24


Common Soul Gem:



Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Armor, Shield, Amulet, Ring





Increases Shock Resistance by X%.


X is equivalent to - Grand Soul Gem:



Greater Soul Gem: 24


Common Soul Gem:



Lesser Soul Gem:


Petty Soul Gem:


Can be placed on: Boots, Shield, Amulet, Ring





Can swim underwater without drowning.


Can be placed on: Helm, Amulet, Ring


Smithing is used to create many various Armor and Weapons. Many of them
be found while playing but you can obtain higher tiers of equipment earlier
if you craft it. Higher levels in Smithing also allow you to improve the
more as well. See the chart below for how to improve items and the effects
this has on your items.



With or with

| out the Perk

|-------------|--------------------------|-------------------| shows a vast





| difference in

|=============|==============|===========|=========|=========| skill level

| Fine

14 |

14 |

+2 |

+1 | required. The

| Superior

31 |

22 |

+6 |

+3 | effects are

| Exquisite

65 |

40 |

+10 |

+5 | for Chest

| Flawless

100 |

57 |

+13 |

+7 | and then for

| Epic

134 |

74 |

+17 |

+8 | everything

| Legendary

168 |

91 |

+20 |

+10 | weapons,

|------------------------------------------------------------| etc).

Note: Every additional quality level beyond Legendary improves Armor by 3.6
and other items by 1.8.



| Item Name: Hide Armor
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 22
| Weight: 5
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, 4 Leather
| Item Name: Hide Boots
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 6
| Weight: 1
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, 2 Leather
| Item Name: Hide Bracers
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 6
| Weight: 1
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Leather

| Item Name: Hide Helmet
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 11
| Weight: 2
| Requires: Leather Strips, 2 Leather
| Item Name: Hide Shield
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 17
| Weight: 4
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, 4 Leather



| Item Name: Banded Iron Armor
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 31

| Weight: 35
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, 5 Iron Ingots, Corundum Ingot
| Item Name: Banded Iron Shield
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 24
| Weight: 12
| Requires: Leather Strips, 4 Iron Ingots, Corundum Ingot
| Item Name: Iron Armor
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 28
| Weight: 30
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, 5 Iron Ingots
| Item Name: Iron Battleaxe
| Damage: 21
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 25
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 4 Corundum Ingots
| Item Name: Iron Boots

| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 11
| Weight: 6
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, 3 Iron Ingots
| Item Name: Iron Dagger
| Damage: 12
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 3
| Requires: Leather Strips, Iron Ingot
| Item Name: Iron Gauntlets
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 11
| Weight: 5
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, 2 Iron Ingots
| Item Name: Iron Greatsword
| Damage: 20
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 18
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, 2 Iron Ingot, 4 Corundum Ingots

| Item Name: Iron Helmet
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 17
| Weight: 5
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, 3 Iron Ingots
| Item Name: Iron Mace
| Damage: 22
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 15
| Requires: Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 3 Corundum Ingots
| Item Name: Iron Shield
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 22
| Weight: 12
| Requires: Leather Strips, 4 Iron Ingots
| Item Name: Iron Sword
| Damage: 18
| Armor: N/A

| Weight: 11
| Requires: Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 2 Corundum Ingots
| Item Name: Iron War Axe
| Damage: 20
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 13
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 2 Corundum Ingots
| Item Name: Iron Warhammer
| Damage: 24
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 26
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 4 Corundum Ingots



| Item Name: Studded Armor

| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 26
| Weight: 6
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, 4 Leather, Iron Ingot



| Item Name: Imperial Armor
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 28
| Weight: 35
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, 2 Leather, 4 Steel Ingots
| Item Name: Imperial Boots
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 11
| Weight: 8
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Leather, 2 Steel Ingots

| Item Name: Imperial Bracers
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 11
| Weight: 4
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Leather, 3 Steel Ingots
| Item Name: Imperial Helmet
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 17
| Weight: 6
| Requires: Leather Strips, Leather, 2 Steel Ingots
| Item Name: Imperial Shield
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 22
| Weight: 12
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, 4 Steel Ingots




| Item Name: Scaled Armor
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 35
| Weight: 6
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, 2 Leather, 2 Corundum Ingots, 3 Steel Ingots
| Item Name: Scaled Boots
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 10
| Weight: 2
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Leather, Corundum Ingot, 2 Steel Ingots
| Item Name: Scaled Bracers
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 10
| Weight: 2
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Leather, Corundum Ingot, Steel Ingot
| Item Name: Scaled Helmet

| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 15
| Weight: 2
| Requires: Leather Strips, Leather, Corundum Ingot, 2 Steel Ingots
| Item Name: Steel Armor
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 34
| Weight: 35
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 4 Steel Ingots
| Item Name: Steel Battleaxe
| Damage: 17
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 21
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 4 Steel Ingots
| Item Name: Steel Cuffed Boots
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 12
| Weight: 8
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 3 Steel Ingots

| Item Name: Steel Dagger
| Damage: 5
| Armor: N/A
| Weight:


| Requires: Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, Steel Ingot

| Item Name: Steel Greatsword
| Damage: 18
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 17
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, 2 Iron Ingot, 4 Steel Ingots
| Item Name: Steel Helmet
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 17
| Weight: 5
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 2 Steel Ingots
| Item Name: Steel Horned Helmet
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 17

| Weight: 5
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 2 Steel Ingots
| Item Name: Steel Imperial Gauntlets
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 12
| Weight: 4
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 2 Steel Ingots
| Item Name: Steel Mace
| Damage: 11
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 14
| Requires: Leather Strip, Iron Ingot, 3 Steel Ingots
| Item Name: Steel Nordic Gauntlets
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 12
| Weight: 4
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips
| Item Name: Steel Plate Armor

| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 40
| Weight: 38
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, Corundum Ingot, 3 Steel Ingots
| Item Name: Steel Plate Boots
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 14
| Weight: 9
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, Corundum Ingot, 2 Steel Ingots
| Item Name: Steel Plate Gauntlets
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 14
| Weight: 6
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, Corundum Ingot, 2 Steel Ingots
| Item Name: Steel Plate Helmet
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 19
| Weight: 6
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, Corundum Ingot, 2 Steel Ingots

| Item Name: Steel Shield
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 24
| Weight: 12
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 3 Steel Ingots
| Item Name: Steel Shin Boots
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 12
| Weight: 8
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 3 Steel Ingots
| Item Name: Steel Sword
| Damage: 9
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 10
| Requires: Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 2 Steel Ingots
| Item Name: Steel War Axe
| Damage: 9
| Armor: N/A

| Weight: 12
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 4 Steel Ingots
| Item Name: Steel Warhammer
| Damage: 22
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 25
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 4 Steel Ingots



| Item Name: Leather Armor
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 29
| Weight: 6
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, 4 Leather
| Item Name: Leather Boots

| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 8
| Weight: 2
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, 2 Leather
| Item Name: Leather Bracers
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 8
| Weight: 2
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Leather
| Item Name: Leather Helmet
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 13
| Weight: 2
| Requires: Leather Strips, 2 Leather



| Item Name: Dwarven Armor
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 34
| Weight: 45
| Requires: 3 Dwarven Metal Ingots, 3 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, Steel
Ingot |
| Item Name: Dwarven Battleaxe
| Damage: 23
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 23
| Requires: 2 Dwarven Metal Ingots, 2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot,

2 Steel Ingots

| Item Name: Dwarven Boots
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 13
| Weight: 10
| Requires: 2 Dwarven Metal Ingots, 2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, Steel
Ingot |
| Item Name: Dwarven Bow
| Damage: 20

| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 10
| Requires: 2 Dwarven Metal Ingots, Iron Ingot
| Item Name: Dwarven Dagger
| Damage: 10
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 3.5
| Requires: Dwarven Metal Ingot, Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, Steel Ingot
| Item Name: Dwarven Gauntlets
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 18
| Weight: 8
| Requires: Dwarven Metal Ingot, 2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, Steel Ingot
| Item Name: Dwarven Greatsword
| Damage: 21
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 19
| Requires: 2 Dwarven Metal Ingots, 3 Leather Strips, 2 Iron Ingots,

2 Steel Ingots

| Item Name: Dwarven Helmet
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 25
| Weight: 12
| Requires: 2 Dwarven Metal Ingots, 2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, Steel
Ingot |
| Item Name: Dwarven Mace
| Damage: 17
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 16
| Requires: 2 Dwarven Metal Ingots, Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, Steel Ingot
| Item Name: Dwarven Shield
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 30
| Weight: 12
| Requires: 2 Dwarven Metal Ingots, Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, Steel Ingot
| Item Name: Dwarven Sword
| Damage: 11
| Armor: N/A

| Weight: 12
| Requires: Dwarven Metal Ingot, Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, Steel Ingot
| Item Name: Dwarven War Axe
| Damage: 16
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 14
| Requires: Dwarven Metal Ingots, 2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, Steel Ingot
| Item Name: Dwarven Warhammer
| Damage: 25
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 27
| Requires: 2 Dwarven Metal Ingots, 3 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot,

2 Steel Ingots





| Item Name: Elven Armor

| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 31
| Weight: 4
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, Leather, Iron Ingot, 4 Refined Moonstone
| Item Name: Elven Battleaxe
| Damage: 24
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 24
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, 2 Iron Ingots, 2 Refined Moonstone,

Quicksilver Ingot

| Item Name: Elven Boots
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 9
| Weight: 1
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Leather, Iron Ingot, 2 Refined Moonstone
| Item Name: Elven Bow
| Damage: 13
| Armor: N/A

| Weight: 12
| Requires: 2 Refined Moonstone, Quicksilver Ingot
| Item Name: Elven Dagger
| Damage: 9
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 4
| Requires: Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, Refined Moonstone, Quicksilver Ingot
| Item Name: Elven Gauntlets
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 9
| Weight: 1
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Leather, Iron Ingot, Refined Moonstone
| Item Name: Elven Gilded Armor
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 38
| Weight: 4
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, Quicksilver Ingot,

4 Refined Moonstone


| Item Name: Elven Greatsword

| Damage: 23
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 20
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, 2 Iron Ingots, 2 Refined Moonstone,

Quicksilver Ingot

| Item Name: Elven Helmet
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 14
| Weight: 1
| Requires: Leather Strips, Leather, Iron Ingot, 2 Refined Moonstone
| Item Name: Elven Mace
| Damage: 14
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 17
| Requires: Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 2 Refined Moonstone, Quicksilver
| Item Name: Elven Shield
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 23

| Weight: 4
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 4 Refined Moonstone
| Item Name: Elven Sword
| Damage: 12
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 13
| Requires: Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, Refined Moonstone, Quicksilver Ingot
| Item Name: Elven War Axe
| Damage: 13
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 15
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, Refined Moonstone, Quicksilver
| Item Name: Elven Warhammer
| Damage: 26
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 28
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, 2 Iron Ingots, 2 Refined Moonstone,

Quicksilver Ingot




| Item Name: Orcish Armor
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 40
| Weight: 35
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 4 Orichalcum Ingots
| Item Name: Orcish Battleaxe
| Damage: 22
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 25
| Requires:2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 4 Orichalcum Ingots
| Item Name: Orcish Boots
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 15
| Weight: 7

| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 3 Orichalcum Ingots

| Item Name: Orcish Bow
| Damage: 10
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 9
| Requires: Iron Ingot, 2 Orichalcum Ingots
| Item Name: Orcish Dagger
| Damage: 7
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 3
| Requires: Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, Orichalcum Ingot
| Item Name: Orcish Gauntlets
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 15
| Weight: 7
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 2 Orichalcum Ingots
| Item Name: Orcish Greatsword
| Damage: 21

| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 18
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, 2 Iron Ingots, 4 Orichalcum Ingots
| Item Name: Orcish Helmet
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 20
| Weight: 8
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 2 Orichalcum Ingots
| Item Name: Orcish Mace
| Damage: 12
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 15
| Requires: Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 3 Orichalcum Ingots
| Item Name: Orcish Shield
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 30
| Weight: 14
| Requires: Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 3 Orichalcum Ingot

| Item Name: Orcish Sword

| Damage: 10
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 11
| Requires: Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 2 Orichalcum Ingots
| Item Name: Orcish War Axe
| Damage: 11
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 13
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 2 Orichalcum Ingots
| Item Name: Orcish Warhammer
| Damage: 23
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 26
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, Iron Ingot, 4 Orichalcum Ingots




| Item Name: Ebony Armor
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 46
| Weight: 38
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, 5 Ebony Ingots
| Item Name: Ebony Battleaxe
| Damage: 25
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 26
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, 5 Ebony Ingots
| Item Name: Ebony Boots
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 17
| Weight: 7
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, 3 Ebony Ingots
| Item Name: Ebony Bow
| Damage: 19

| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 16
| Requires: 3 Ebony Ingots
| Item Name: Ebony Dagger
| Damage: 11
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 5
| Requires: Leather Strips, Ebony Ingot
| Item Name: Ebony Gauntlets
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 17
| Weight: 7
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, 2 Ebony Ingots
| Item Name: Ebony Greatsword
| Damage: 24
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 22
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, 5 Ebony Ingots

| Item Name: Ebony Helmet

| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 23
| Weight: 10
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, 3 Ebony Ingots
| Item Name: Ebony Mace
| Damage: 18
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 19
| Requires: Leather Strips, 3 Ebony Ingots
| Item Name: Ebony Shield
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 34
| Weight: 14
| Requires: Leather Strips, 4 Ebony Ingots
| Item Name: Ebony Sword
| Damage: 14
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 15

| Requires: Leather Strips, 2 Ebony Ingots

| Item Name: Ebony War Axe
| Damage: 16
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 17
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, 2 Ebony Ingots
| Item Name: Ebony Warhammer
| Damage: 28
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 30
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, 5 Ebony Ingots



| Item Name: Glass Armor
| Damage: N/A

| Armor: 38
| Weight: 7
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, Leather, 2 Refined Moonstone,

4 Refined Malachite

| Item Name: Glass Battleaxe
| Damage: 25
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 25
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, 2 Refined Moonstone, 2 Refined Malachite
| Item Name: Glass Boots
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 11
| Weight: 2
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Leather, Refined Moonstone, 2 Refined
Malachite |
| Item Name: Glass Dagger
| Damage: 9
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 4.5
| Requires: Leather Strips, Refined Moonstone, Refined Malachite

| Item Name: Glass Gauntlets
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 11
| Weight: 2
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Leather, Refined Moonstone, Refined Malachite
| Item Name: Glass Greatsword
| Damage: 24
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 22
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, 2 Refined Moonstone, 2 Refined Malachite
| Item Name: Glass Helmet
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 16
| Weight: 2
| Requires: Leather Strips, Leather, Refined Moonstone, 2 Refined Malachite
| Item Name: Glass Mace
| Damage: 14
| Armor: N/A

| Weight: 18
| Requires: Leather Strips, Refined Moonstone, 2 Refined Malachite
| Item Name: Glass Shield
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 27
| Weight: 6
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Refined Moonstone, 4 Refined Malachite
| Item Name: Glass Sword
| Damage: 14
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 14
| Requires: Leather Strips, Refined Moonstone, Refined Malachite
| Item Name: Glass War Axe
| Damage: 19
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 16
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Refined Moonstone, Refined Malachite
| Item Name: Glass Warhammer

| Damage: 27
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 29
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, 2 Refined Moonstone, 3 Refined Malachite



| Item Name: Dragonplate Armor
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 46
| Weight: 40
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, 3 Dragon Scales, 2 Dragon Bones
| Item Name: Dragonplate Boots
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 19
| Weight: 8
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, 3 Dragon scales, Dragon Bone

| Item Name: Dragonplate Gauntlets
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 17
| Weight: 8
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, 2 Dragon Scales, Dragon Bone
| Item Name: Dragonplate Helmet
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 22
| Weight: 8
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, 2 Dragon Scales, Dragon Bone
| Item Name: Dragonplate Shield
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 34
| Weight: 15
| Requires: Leather Strips, 3 Dragon Scales, Dragon Bone
| Item Name: Dragonscale Armor
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 41

| Weight: 10
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, Leather, 4 Dragon Scales, 2 Iron Ingots
| Item Name: Dragonscale Boots
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 12
| Weight: 3
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Leather, 2 Dragon Scales, Iron Ingot
| Item Name: Dragonscale Gauntlets
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 12
| Weight: 3
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, Leather, 2 Dragon Scales, Iron Ingot
| Item Name: Dragonscale Helmet
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 17
| Weight: 4
| Requires: Leather Strips, Leather, 2 Dragon Scales, Iron Ingot
| Item Name: Dragonscale Shield

| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 29
| Weight: 6
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, 4 Dragon Scales, 2 Iron Ingots



| Item Name: Daedric Armor
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 49
| Weight: 50
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, 5 Ebony Ingots, Daedra Heart
| Item Name: Daedric Battleaxe
| Damage: 28
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 27
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, 5 Ebony Ingots, Daedra Heart

| Item Name: Daedric Boots
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 18
| Weight: 10
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, 3 Ebony Ingots, Daedra Heart
| Item Name: Daedric Bow
| Damage: 20
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 18
| Requires: 3 Ebony Ingots, Daedra Heart
| Item Name: Daedric Dagger
| Damage: 12
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 6
| Requires: Leather Strips, Ebony Ingot, Daedra Heart
| Item Name: Daedric Gauntlets
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 18

| Weight: 6
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, 2 Ebony Ingots, Daedra Heart
| Item Name: Daedric Greatsword
| Damage: 27
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 23
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, 5 Ebony Ingots, Daedra Heart
| Item Name: Daedric Helmet
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 23
| Weight: 15
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, 3 Ebony Ingots, Daedra Heart
| Item Name: Daedric Mace
| Damage: 18
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 20
| Requires: Leather Strips, 3 Ebony Ingots, Daedra Heart
| Item Name: Daedric Shield

| Damage: N/A
| Armor: 36
| Weight: 15
| Requires: Leather Strips, 4 Ebony Ingots, Daedra Heart
| Item Name: Daedric Sword
| Damage: 15
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 16
| Requires: Leather Strips, 2 Ebony Ingots, Daedra Heart
| Item Name: Daedric War Axe
| Damage: 17
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 18
| Requires: 2 Leather Strips, 2 Ebony Ingots, Daedra Heart
| Item Name: Daedric Warhammer
| Damage: 30
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 31
| Requires: 3 Leather Strips, 5 Ebony Ingots, Daedra Heart




| Item Name: Gold Diamond Necklace
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 0.5
| Requires: Flawless Diamond, Gold Ingot
| Item Name: Gold Diamond Ring
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 0.3
| Requires: Flawless Diamond, Gold Ingot
| Item Name: Gold Emerald Ring
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: N/A

| Weight: 0.3
| Requires: Flawless Emerald, Gold Ingot
| Item Name: Gold Jeweled Necklace
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 0.5
| Requires: 2 Flawless Amethyst, Gold Ingot
| Item Name: Gold Necklace
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 0.5
| Requires: Gold Ingot
| Item Name: Gold Ring
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 0.3
| Requires: Gold Ingot
| Item Name: Gold Ruby Necklace

| Damage: N/A
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 0.5
| Requires: Flawless Ruby, Gold Ingot
| Item Name: Gold Sapphire Ring
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 0.3
| Requires: Flawless Sapphire, Gold Ingot
| Item Name: Silver Amethyst Ring
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 0.3
| Requires: 3 Flawless Amethyst, Silver Ingot
| Item Name: Silver Emerald Necklace
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 0.5
| Requires: Flawless Emerald, Silver Ingot

| Item Name: Silver Garnet Ring
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 0.3
| Requires: Flawless Garnet, Silver Ingot
| Item Name: Silver Jeweled Necklace
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 0.5
| Requires: 2 Flawless Garnet, Silver Ingot
| Item Name: Silver Necklace
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 0.5
| Requires: Silver Ingot
| Item Name: Silver Ring
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: N/A

| Weight: 0.3
| Requires: Silver Ingot
| Item Name: Silver Ruby Ring
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 0.3
| Requires: Flawless Ruby, Silver Ingot
| Item Name: Silver Sapphire Necklace
| Damage: N/A
| Armor: N/A
| Weight: 0.5
| Requires: Flawless Sapphire, Silver Ingot

Version 0.10 - Initial release. Thanks go out to the Elder Scrolls Wikia
12 Nov 11

Version 0.20 - Added The College of Winterhold Quests

15 Nov 11
Version 0.30 - Completed the Main Story
16 Nov 11
Version 0.35 - Added the Main Quests for The Thieves Guild
17 Nov 11
Version 0.50 - Completed the Thieves Guild section and Dark Brotherhood
18 Nov 11
Version 0.80 - Added the Civil War Quests for both Factions and added the
21 Nov 11

the Daedric Quests.

Version 1.00 - Added most of the side quests. Sorry for the delay in
28 Nov 11

Holidays and lots of questing took longer then projected.

more content in more rapid release.

Version 1.10 - Added more quests and the Miscellaneous Quests section.
03 Dec 11
Version 1.20 - Added the Skills section and the quest The Wolf Queen
05 Dec 11
Version 1.30 - Added the Magic Spells and Shouts section and a few Misc.
06 Dec 11
Version 1.40 - Added Alchemy, Ingredients, and Enchanting. Working on
01 Jan 12

when I get around to it. I've been working 14 hour shifts

day so I haven't been able to play/write nearly the entire
month not to mention the holidays. Happy New Year and enjoy.

Version Final

Worked a lot this month. Got around to finishing the

01 Feb 12

This is the final update. Any other update will be spelling

grammar fixes. Thanks for reading.



This document is Copyright 2012 Greg Boccia (noz3r0) and is the
property of the author. It may be not be reproduced under any circumstances
except for personal, private use as long as it remains in its unaltered,
unedited form. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
of copyright.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.
The following sites are allowed to use my guide:

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