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77. Paragraph 1 is related with paragraph 2 in that the former deals with . . . .

A. the change of forests for cattle raising, the latter the latter the balance of our
B. production of more chemicals, the latter fish ability to act like magnets
C. winter home of migratory birds, the latter their ability to control insects
D. the change of our life style, the latter its impacts on weather patterns.
E. the development of food chain, the latter the function of rain forests
78. The word they in They recycle and purify our water (paragraph 3, line 1)
refers to . . . .
79. Which of the following statements is relevant to the information in paragraph 3 ?
A. Insects disturb the balance of ecosystem
B. The home of migratory birds is recycled
C. Human lifestyle affects the ecosystem
D. Fish in the oceans can purify waters
E. Many birds die in their winter home
80. What is the tone of the next ?
A. Concerned
B. Pessimistic
C. Humorous
D. Emotional
E. Cynical
Problems 81 85 are based on the following passage.
If you want to farm green, two decisions about how you grow your crops are likely to
have the biggest impact on achieving your goal how much tillage you use and
how well you manage nitrogen.
Although there probably are hundreds our thousands of other decisions,
practices and technologies that can contribute to a green farming system, these
two factors alone can come close to eliminating your cropping systems global
warning footprint. At the same time, you will also reduce your operations impact on

soil and water erosion, as well as surface and groundwater degradation from
fertilizer and other agricultural inputs. You may also be able to turn this
environmental stewardship into extra cash by selling carbon credits associated with
This surprising finding that intensive crop production practices in use today can be
nearly carbon neutral-is emerging from research on both greenhouse gas production
and greenhouse gas capture associated with production of annual crops. The
research, shows that basic crop management decisions to reduce tillage and use
nitrogen more efficiently can cut a farming operations impact on global warming
gases by 90% or more. In a best-case scenario, which would include no-till, these
everyday practices come close to zeroing out a farming operations greenhouse gas
81. Which of the following best expresses the authors intention in writing the
A. Arguing on the importance of tillage and nitrogen control
B. Informing the fact of green farming and global warming
C. Describing eco-friendly strategies of crops production
D. Exposing the importance of a simple green farming
E. Proposing an innovative approach to green farming
82. What is the relation between paragraph 3 and the previous paragraphs ?
A. Paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 support strongly paragraph 3
B. Paragraph 3 provides academic support for paragraph 2
C. Paragraph 3 provides examples for paragraph 2
D. Paragraph 2 provides details for paragraph 3
E. Paragraph 2 provides facts for paragraph 3
83. The phrase . These two factors . In . These two factors alone can come
. (paragraph 2 line 4) refers to . . . .
A. surface and groundwater
B. practices and technologies
C. fertilizers and agricultural input
D. use of tillage and nitrogen management

E. global warming footprint and farming impact

84. A farmer who understands the impact of global warming caused by conventional
farming will do the following, except . . . .
A. to avoid using groundwater chemical pollutant
B. to rely in eco-friendly farming methods
C. to rely on nitrogen-rich fertilizers
D. to do green farming
E. to decrease tillage
85. The author believes that tillage use and nitrogen management can help
farmers . . . .
A. decrease operational cost
B. use fertilizers more effectively
C. increase sharply financial benefits
D. release carbon to the atmosphere
E. reduce greenhouse gas production
Problems 86 90 are based on the following passages
Hot yoga refers to yoga practiced in a heated environment, with the room
temperature generally reaching 90 to 105 degrees. The theory behind it is that hot
yoga helps the body to sweat out toxins while allowing the practitioner to safety
achieve deeper poses.
While the practice can offer health benefits and an sense of well-being, people
practicing hot yoga, especially beginners, should take certain precautions,
according to Diana Zotos, a certified yoga instructor and physical therapist in the
Rehabilitation Department at Hospital for Special Surgery in Manhattan.
Yoga of any type is physically challenging, and the heated environment of hot yoga
makes the practice especially demanding, Zotos says, The heat makes people feel
as if they can stretch deeper into poses and give them a false sense of flexibility.
This can lead to muscle strains or damage to the joint, including ligaments and
Passage B

Rose Parkes, a British Wheel of Yoga Teacher, is assessing the-role of yoga in prisons
as part of her PhD at the University of Leicester Department of Criminology. In her
research, she discusses the way in which spiritual activities can empower and
motivate prisoners to survive their imprisonment. Rose is investigating whether
yoga enables individuals to adjust to the prison environment and post-prison life.
She believes that prisoners can benefit from yoga because it is a practice which
helps to foster understanding, self-acceptance, peace and wellbeing.
Working as a part-time Probation Officer, Rose witnessed the effectiveness of the
technique at forming positive relationship with other offenders, prompting the study
to ascertain whether yoga can help people cope with incarceration. She added :
Prisons are highly stressful environments and yoga may offer prisoners a much
needed physical and mental release of the tension of prison life, paradoxically
turning prison cells into paces of retreat, where prisoners can develop self-discipline
and concentration skills.
86. Which of the following themes is mainly discussed in both passages ?
A. The dangers of yoga
B. The effect of yoga
C. Yoga certificates
D. Yoga in prisons
E. Hot yoga
87. Which of the following statements are true according to both passages ?
A. Yoga instructors must warn people to be careful
B. Prisoners enjoy practicing yoga regularly
C. Yoga poses can lead to muscle injury
D. Practicing can lead to muscle injury
E. Yoga helps people in various ways
88. Unlike passage B, Passage A . . . .
A. explains the need for a certified yoga instructor
B. illustrates yoga as a gentle form of exercise
C. shows the danger of yoga for beginners
D. reveals the impacts of practicing yoga

E. contradicts the benefits of hot yoga

89. Which of the following statements is the best summary of both passages ?
A. People from various backgrounds can practice yoga of all types
B. Yoga instructors need to socialize the power of yoga to society
C. Hot yoga is highly recommended for prisoners post prison-life
D. Precautions are necessary for yoga beginners and prisoners
E. Yoga has numerous physical and psychological benefits
90. It can be predicted that if yoga is . . . .
A. provided with a certified instructor, it will be safe for prisoners
B. well socialized, it will become popular among senior citizens
C. practiced properly people will live healthily and peacefully
D. allowed, levels of violence in prisons can fully decrease
E. practically simple, it will be attractive to everyone
1. Diketahui f (x)
Pernyataan berikut semua benar, kecuali . . . .
A. f(0) = 1
B. f(-1) tidak ada
C. f turun pada x > 0
D. f(x) diskontinu di titik x = -1
E. f(x) kontinu di titik x = 5
2. ******
A. 1 D.
B. 0 E.
C. -1
3. Pada gambar berikut, y = c memotong kurva y = 2x 3x 3 di kuadran I. Jika luas
daerah terarsir di bawah y = c sama dengan yang di atas y = c, nilai c adalah . . . .


A. D.
B. E. 1
4. sin 400 + sin 20 = . . . .
A. sin 600 D. sin 100
B. cos 100 E. sin 200
C. cos 600
5. Diketahui vektor **** dengan -4 < a < 4. Nilai maksimum *** adalah . . . .
A. -9 D. 5
B. -7 E. 9
C. -5

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