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K to 12 implementation

The show must go on

By Hilario Corrompido
Productive. Advanced. Progressive. Competence.
These words are the best promises that accompany the implementation of the K-12
education curriculum. But as we forward nearer to its full realization, the question left at hand is
are we now ready?
With only a few months left and the journey of the junior high school students will end,
and the senior high school will begin. With the same token of hope, every parent have gradually
taken understanding of the K 12 curriculum, while it aims to uplift the economy it also provides
an avenue for a parallel benefit both to the country and to its citizens.
It might have been implemented abruptly. But the promises it bring are undeniable.
Perhaps, if you have talked to parents, they might have had negative repercussions on the
curriculum, but now that there have been thorough information drive in the community, they
have come to truly realize that at the end of day, the strings to where this curriculum is attached
is solely touching the fabric of the society.
At the other side of the picture, while this curriculum stretches the purse to two more
years of education in high school, but most importantly its primary aim is to upgrade our
education at par with our neighboring countries. Looking through our neighbors, ours is the only
remaining 10-year basic education. Thus, is the implementation of the K12 to be at level with
the education of the world.
With this, most of the things concerning teaching and learning are changed from books
to the style of teaching. Yet, as of today some facilities are not yet ready. Rooms need to be
added or renovated in order that it may fit the needs of the curriculum. Some tracks or courses
for senior high are not offered in some pilot schools thereby placing other students to find
another school where their inclinations are, thus adding more to the cost for transportation. But
this meager sacrifice is nothing compared to the promise K-12 unravels if achieved, for as said,
sweet harvest is only reaped by those who are willing to stick their necks.
Inspite of the problems and shortcoming in the implementation of the K 12, the show
must go on because whether you are in the negative or in the positive, the program is now off
the ground and airborne. The best thing we can do is support it.
So, just enjoy the show.

2016 Elections
Hoping for change
By Hilario Corrompido
Election a time for promises. Reshaping the future. Reviewing the visions. Reforming
value systems. These are the perfect ammunitions of every political aspirant to gain the trust
and confidence of the people. Performing duties as well as reaching goals, showing it all for the
good image and prove that they are worthy to be the next leader. From the filing of candidacy to
conducting campaigns, they display their good sides and best visions for the future enchanting
people to believe that they are the answer to the problems of the society the superman the
society long awaits.
But behind all these, only a few are deserving and the rest beckons untruthfulness and
bathes in plain self-interests. Only a few returns back the favor to the people. Some rained the
people with money and token to strip their attention leading to a great illusion that what they are
doing is a favor to the citizens. They pulverized the right handling of the situation to good
governance by slowly backstabbing the trust of the people.
Doubtlessly, some people revolve in this kind of regime and have been used to it. They
take refuge in the meager amount they receive from the loathsome crocodiles pretending to be
superheroes. They usually go with the flow without looking back or realizing the consequences.
They give their votes in exchange of a one day life. Unfortunately, this is how the game of
thrones is played in the country and in this respect this is also how people allowed the plagued
to cascade from generation to generation buying time with money and forgetting the virtue and
the heart of true election.
But at the end of every tunnel is a speck of hope. Hence, remembering every story of
failure, is also a story of hope and optimism. Although this election plague has plummeted
various waterloos in the history of our government but together as one society let us pen out the
battle as we choose wisely the people whom we choose to lead us.
What we need more than ever is people empowerment to impress upon everyone that
what goes with the power of voting is the power to choose upon where our future will go. Let us
ignite the fireworks within ourselves and let us think more responsibly of our future; for the
country does not end at the last page of the novel of the present generation because there are
still future that are yet to be written the stories of untold tales that are yet to unfold in the years
coming. Hence, the cost of a vote is so much more precious that to exchange it for a meager
amount would spell out surrender to ones right of a banquets share of a bright future.
Again this 2016, we would be facing another Armageddon, a battle of choosing a lasting
and temporary progress. Clich as it may be, but vote wisely. When you vote, think of the future
of your children and your childrens children. Pick not the person who bathes himself with
perfume in front of many people but choose those who without them being watched opt to do
what is right justly, unselfishly and honestly.

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