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Snail habituation experiment

1. Write a hypothesis which this experiment will test.

Time taken for eye stalks to emerge

Touch number

The snails will show habituation. It will take less and less time for the snail to be fully
emerged from its shell after the stimulus is applied.
2. Using your graph, state whether you think there is a positive, negative or
no correlation between the number of stimulations and the time for eye stalk

There is a negative correlation between the number of stimulations and the time for eye
stalk emergence. As the number of stimulations increase, the time taken for the eye
stalks to emerge decreases. Also, with each stimulation, the time for eye stalk
withdrawal increase, showing positive correlation. That is, the snail is less responsive to
prodding, so its eye stalks do not immediately withdraw upon prodding with the cotton
3. Explain any patterns or trends in your data, supporting your ideas with
evidence from the data and your biological knowledge of habituation. Relate your
findings to your hypothesis.
The graph shows negative correlation- the time taken for the eye stalks to re-extend
decreases with each stimulation. There is positive correlation between the number of
stimuli and the time for eye stalk withdrawal. With each increasing stimulation, the time
taken for the snail to withdraw its eye stalks increases. This shows habituation, that is, a
decreased response to the stimulus (touching the snail between its eye stalks with a
damp cotton bud) that is repeated without reinforcement (reward or punishment). As the
stimulus is repeated, the snail takes less time to re-extend its eye stalks. With repeated
stimulus, the calcium channels in the presynaptic membrane of the sensory neurones
become less responsive. Less calcium ions cross into the presynaptic membrane, so
less neurotransmitter is released into the synaptic cleft. Therefore, less neurotransmitter
reaches the post-synaptic membrane and the post-synaptic excitatory potential is not
large enough to generate an action potential in the post-synaptic membrane of the
motor neurone. The eye-stalk shows less response to prodding, and eventually the snail
becomes fully habituated- it does not withdraw its eye stalks upon prodding.
4. Suggest a reason why snails may become habituated to a prodding
stimulus in the wind.
Snails withdraw back into their shells as a defense mechanism, to protect them from
predators. However, snails become habituated to a prodding stimulus in the wind as it
helps them to save energy as they do not withdraw with every single stimulus, eg a
slightly stronger breeze. Habituation helps snails survive by balancing responses to
either harmful stimuli or stimuli with uncertain significance.
5. Evaluate the procedure used for this experiment.
Controlled variables
The surface on which the snail is placed (white tile) is controlled.
The number of prods given to the snail at each stimulus is controlled.
Sources of error and modifications

Degree of response of snail which is the length of tentacle retracted during

the stimulation may vary with degree of force used when touching its head.
Stimulation must be given by the same person throughout the experiment
and by poking with the same force each time.
As different spots of the snail may have different sensitivity, it should be
ensured that stimulation is applied to precisely the same area between snails
eye stalks.
The experiment was carried out in the lab, and not in the snails natural
environment, therefore the results may not be biologically valid. A lab experiment
wouldnt be appropriate as the lighting and the environment are too artificial. The
snails response may be different compared to its response in the wild.
The experiment was only carried out once with a single snail. To make the
results more reliable, the experiment could have been carried out more times
with different snails.
The degree of retraction of the snails eye stalks may vary and be difficult
to judge.
6. This experiment has been shown to be less successful if the snails are
handled regularly prior to the experiment. Suggest why handling prior to the
experiment could affect the results of the experiment.
If the snails are handled regularly before the experiment, they may already be
slightly/partially habituated to the prodding stimulus. Therefore, they are desensitised
to the prodding and will not show a significant response to the stimulus during the
experiment. The time taken for the snails eye stalks to withdraw may be longer than
expected, or the eye stalks may re-emerge faster than expected.

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