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Part 6

After our production was complete we showed other candidates our work to
obtain feedback, they suggested good points and faults about our work. The
responses received about the production were from our target audience so we
could easily identify if whether the film appealed to them which it did. I think
the research I did for my target audience was very reliable the feedback and
constructive criticism was expected.

I found out that the music interested and engaged my target audience, the fact
that we had three pieces of music meant that there was a lot of contrast which
made the opening sequence more exciting. The mise-en-scene also appealed
to them as my opening sequence included a range of locations. We made sure
we used both male and female characters to represent our audience as we
were targeting both genders. The narrative instantly got the audience asking
questions and wanting to find out more, the shots of the woman crying made
the audience wonder what happened. Here is the feedback I received.

Camera Work & Narrative Sound Mise-en- Improvements

Editing Scene
-Good variety of -Narrative is -Sound was -Good use of -Dialogue between
camera angles very clear, effect is locations and police men needs to
and shots shot types anchoring scenery in a be louder as you cant
-The black & are relevant the short amount hear what they are
white effect was to the narrative. of time. saying
really clear storyline and -Range of
representation of characters music so it -Alleyway is -music at the start
flashback wasn’t convention of should have been
-The hand held -Good use of boring dark films. slower to convey
shots were conventions more emotion
suitable as the
audience was in -Flashback -The ending needs to
position of the related well be made clearer when
stalker. to the the mans hand is out,
-Close up of characters its not clear whether
woman’s face he is holding a gun or
crying was really just his hand.
effective with the
music. -music jumps/overlaps

I asked the following questions to my target audience to get more feedback.
1. What do you think was the most effective part of production?
2. Why?
3. Do you think we showed aspects of the sub genre- Stalker?
4. Do you think the music was relevant to the film?
5. What do you think the narrative is about?
What do you think the narrative is about?
6. What things did you like about the production?
What things did you like about the production?
7. How could the opening sequence be improved?
How could the opening sequence be improved?
8. How much would you rate our production out of 10?

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