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The environment is the most important resource for life. We get water,power and oxygen
from the environment. Its helps to clear pollution and is large habitat for animals, we get lot
resources from there but if we use too much from sustainable forest we may run out of
resources which is not good.So, we would like to present about how to help save the

1.Changing Daily Habits (Nuratiqah Binti Tajudin)

-Switch off anything that uses electricity when not use. If not using it, turn it off.
This goes for lights, televisions, computer, printers and so on. We can also use timers on
fan and also air condisioner use timers to turns off fan and air condisioner use it at same
time each day.
-Run your air conditioner sparingly or not at all. Air conditioners use a great deal
of electricity. Use natural ventilation or a fan to keep cool, as much as possible. If you do
use an air conditioner, set it to a slightly lower temperature than outside. Remember that
setting the temperature lower uses more electricity, and it won't cool things off any faster.
-Recycle all you can. if you have curbside recycling, use it. Be sure to separate your
recycling into glass, metal, paper and so on.Take special trips to a recycling center if you
dont have curbside recycling, or if you need to recycle certain materials not accepted by
your recycling service.
- Conserve water. Take shorter showers or fill the bathtub only one-quarter to onethird full. Run your dishwasher only when it is completely full. Wash full loads of laundry
in a washing machine. Choose a front-load machine if possible. f you hand wash your car,
park it on your lawn and use buckets and sponges. Use the hose to rinse. Use a hose

nozzle to stop the water or turn the hose off between rinses. Keep in mind, however, that
the soap and other cleaning products If you have a swimming pool, use pool covers to
reduce evaporation and keep leaves out.might go down the storm drain (if you have one),
leading to pollution.
-Avoid using disposable items. Anything you use only a few times and throw away
consumes resources only to spend centuries in a landfill.Carry your own reusable cup or
water bottle, eating utensils, and cloth shopping bags with you. Pack a waste-free
lunch.Use rechargeable batteries instead of disposable batteries. Batteries not only take up
landfill space, as they can't be incinerated. They also can leak acid into the Earth.
- Be a mindful consumer. Ask yourself how your purchases are impacting other
people and the natural environment.Do not buy what you do not need. Besides saving
money, you'll save resources if you don't purchase a lot of excess stuff.Buy for durability.
For items you do buy, look for things which will last a lifetime. Search "buy it for life" to
find forums and recommendations for durable products.Buy used. Reuse is a far higher
purpose for used goods than the landfill, plus you'll save money.

2.Engaging in Activism (Sahrin Bin Abd Said)

-Contact your goverment officials. Call or email your congressional representatives
and local officials. Ask them to support environmental conservation and renewable energy.
-Join an environmental organization. Choose an organization that focuses on an
aspect of the environment, such as Greenpeace, the Sierra Club or the Environmental Defense
Fund, and become a member.[4]

-Volunteer your time. Pick up litter, educate others, fix bikes, start a repair cafe,
plant trees, observe birds and animal populations. There are many ways you can create and
promote a better environment by volunteering.
- Write a letter to the editor. Use the news media to highlight environmental issues.
Write a letter to the editor about fossil fuels or endangered animals. This can help start a
dialogue in your community about a particular environmental issue. Alternately, propose
writing an opinion editorial for your local newspaper.
- Participate in rallies and Donate to an environment cause. Most cities hold
rallies to raise awareness of environmental issues. To be effective, these demonstrations need
lots of people. Attend a rally in your community. Make signs to carry during the
demonstration to convey your message.Recruit family members and friends to join you and
Choose an organization working on an environmental issue. Donate money to this
organization. Many organizations have different giving levels, from very small amounts to
large amounts. Choose to give monthly or annually.Donations to nonprofit organizations are
tax-deductible. Ask for a receipt so that you can deduct this donation on your taxes.

3.Adapting Yard (Muhammad Aideed Affifuddin Bin Solah)

-Plant a garden. Create a garden plot with vegetables, fruits, and/or herbs.Try to
implement techniques so that your garden does not require fertilizers or excessive watering.
For example, adding mulch to your garden will seal in water and make the soil moister.
Include plants that produce your favorite fruits and vegetables so you wont need to buy these
at the store.Use rain barrels or other containers to gather rainwater. Use this water on plants in
your garden.

-Make your yard friendly to wildlife. Modern developments encroach upon natural
habitats and pose risks to wildlife. Take some steps to make your yard friendlier to wildlife.

Plant many different types of vegetation. Various creatures will visit your yard if you

provide them with reason to be there. When you have many different types of vegetation,
youll attract different types of animals.Create a frog pond in your back yard. Frog
populations are dwindling because their breeding areas are disappearing. If you create a
habitat for them in your back yard, they may breed there.
-Plant a tree. Add a tree to your yard. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen,
and they also improve area water quality and help make the ground more fertile for other
plants.[15]Deciduous trees carefully located near your home can also help keep your home
warmer in winter and cooler in summer.If you plant a fruit tree, you will have the added
benefit of being able to harvest your own fruit instead of needing to buy it at a store.
-Make a compost area. Designate an area in your yard to put your yard waste, fruit
peels, and uneaten food. Find some worms who can break the waste down and produce a very
rich soil that works great with your landscaping. Keep your compost heap as far from all
water sources as possible.
-Use a rake instead of a leaf blower. Ditch your noisy electric- or gas-powered leaf
blower and use a rake to gather up leaves or other debris in your yard.Similarly, use a broom
instead of a hose to clean dirt from a paved area.

4.Changing Transportation Habits (Muhammad Rabbani Bin Mohd Hafidz)

-Walk or Bike for local trips. Walk or ride a bicycle when your destination is close
to home. Short trips are generally the hardest on your car and on the environment, so swap

out your car for your feet or bike.Always wear a helmet and safety reflective gear when
riding a bicycle. You can also buy pannier racks, a bike trailer, or a sturdy basket to hold
items during your ride.
-Organize a carpool for work or School. Coordinate with another person or two to
carpool to work or work with other parents in the neighborhood to carpool kids to school.
-Carpooling will also enable you to take the High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane
on a highway. This lane will usually save time and money on gasoline.If you live near your
children's school, consider organizing a "walking school bus" instead of driving. Children
walk to school together in groups, supervised and guided by parents. Neighborhood parents
can take turns leading the group.
-Take mass transit. If you live in an area that has a bus, light rail, or subway system,
consider taking this option to get to work, school or other destinations. Reducing car trips in
favor of mass transit trips reduces congestion on roads and reduces the amount of gasoline
that is used.Many bus systems in major cities operate diesel-electric hybrid buses, which
further reduces harmful emissions.
-Drive a hydrid car. If you have been looking for a new vehicle, consider buying a
hybrid car. These kinds of cars, which run on both gasoline and electric motors, are rapidly
becoming more popular and available in different models. They not only give off less
emissions into the air, but they also can save you money with fewer trips to the gas station.
You may also be able to get a tax credit on your federal taxes during the tax year that you
bought a hybrid car.
-Maintain your car. you do have a car, keep it in good repair by changing the oil and air
filter on schedule, repairing fluid leaks promptly, keeping the tires properly inflated.

Actually, we have another ways that can use to help save the environment such as adapting
our home (Plant Barrier trees to protect our house from wind and sun), Reusing items (buy
secondhand clothes and other items)and also changing our eating habits (buy local food).It is
the responsibility of everyone to save or protect environment.So, lets us fulfill our
responsibilities in environment protections by know a ways for help to save the environment.

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