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SMS Messaging

for Marketing


Why SMS? Why Now? The Mobile World

SMS Marketing Statistics 6

SMS Messaging Services Outbound SMS 7
SMS Messaging Services Inbound SMS
Example Uses & Benefits 11
About MobiWeb 12
Quality 13

Why SMS? Why now? The Mobile World

Our world is more Mobile now than ever. Consumers are always on the move and it is increasingly hard to
reach them through traditional channels like TV, Radio and Internet. In 2013 there were more than 6 billion
subscriptions. With increasing penetration of mobile phones to the most rural areas, mobile networks
cover more than 90% of the worlds population. Availability, affordability and ubiquity make the mobile
phone an essential platform for retail marketing and business to customer communication.

The mobile phone has become the new must have for any serious innovative marketing project. Due to
the rapidly expanding capabilities of smartphones, there is a misconception that archaic technology such
as SMS is not up to the task at hand. The truth is far from it.

Most brands now choose SMS as a must-have when planning their mobile strategy. One of the reason
behind this is that while there are 1 billion smartphones, there are 5 billion feature phones. All these
phones have built-in SMS capability.

Why SMS? Why now? The Mobile World

6 billion subscriptions worldwide.

Mobile operators cover more than 90% of the world.
Consumers are always on the move. (Increasingly hard to reach them through
traditional channels)
All mobile phones support SMS. (Smartphones and feature phones)
SMS does not require data connections or apps.
SMS is cost effective and ubiquitous.
Mobile is the most personal channel. SMS is direct and immediate.
SMS has a greater open rate than any other traditional alternative. (E-mail)
Mobile SMS offers are redeemed more frequently than any other type of offer.
(Prints, web etc.)
Consumers carry their mobile phone and use it for everyday activities 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week.
SMS is stored in users mobile whether they engage with the message now or

Mobile cellular subscriptions (millions) - 6915 millions

The Americas; 1059

Developed Nations; 1515

Europe; 780
CIS; 397

Asia & Pacific; 3604

Arab States; 410

Developing nations; 5400

Africa; 629

Source: International Telecommunication Union (May 2014)

SMS Marketing Statistics

MMA: 91% of mobile phone users have their phones 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (ie
also sleep with the phones)
AT&T: 88% of consumers watch the 2nd screen (mobile) while watching TV
MMA: 43% of consumers use mobile as their primary search tool
SinglePoint: 90 percent of all text messages are read within 3 minutes of being received on
the mobile phone
Mobile Marketing Watch: Mobile marketing ad spend grew more than 100 percent in 2013.
Responsys: Nearly 2/3 of consumers subscribed to mobile marketing indicate that they have
made a purchase as a result of receiving a highly relevant mobile message.
Venture Beat: The open rate of SMS is 98 percent compared with 22 percent for emails.
Cellit: Text messages can be 8x more effective at engaging customers.
eMarketer: Mobile offers / SMS Coupons are redeemed 10x more frequently than print

SMS Messaging Services Outbound SMS

Outbound SMS is a fast and reliable way to send large volumes of SMS messages on a global scale.
By using MobiWebs enterprise platform, companies can send marketing campaigns, notifications,
promotions and special offers, increasing brand awareness, customer acquisition, customer retention
and driving sales.

Company sends
SMS campaign

Subscriber reads


SMS Messaging Services Outbound SMS

Company sends
SMS Campaign

Enterprise Platform

SMS Messaging Services Inbound SMS

Inbound SMS allows companies to globally receive SMS messages from consumers, engaging their
target audience, increasing customer loyalty, retention and reactivation by initiating 2-way
communication with the consumer through Inbound Marketing.

sends SMS



SMS Messaging Services Inbound SMS

Company sends
SMS Campaign

Enterprise Platform

SMS Messaging Services - Solutions


Special Offers
Trivia Quizzes
Marketing Surveys
One Time Pins

Increase Brand Awareness through consumer
interaction with your brand
Increase Customer Loyalty through contests,
questionnaires, promotions and discounts
Increase Sales and Customer Acquisition through
discounts, special offers and contests
Increase Customer Retention and Customer
Reactivation. Reach, Engage and Re-engage your
target markets through global mobile interaction
Acquire Valuable Marketing Information through
customer response measurements
Mobile Identity Verification

About MobiWeb
Since its establishment in 1999, MobiWeb is providing global SMS Messaging for B2B, B2C
and C2C mobile interaction.
MobiWeb has established multiple direct connections with mobile operators around the
globe. This makes MobiWeb the ideal partner for companies that demand high quality SMS
messaging services, meeting the most demanding enterprise requirements.
MobiWeb actively participates in the development of the mobile ecosystem as a GSMA
associate member and a Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) member.
Using direct connections to telecommunication carriers and operators in the largest cloud
data centers spanning across the globe, MobiWeb provides high quality telecommunication
solutions to more than 2350 enterprises.


Worldwide reach, covering 96% of the world

High performance SMS messaging processing


Strict Service Level Agreements

99% service availability with fallback ability
Redundant Infrastructure


Enhanced security
Easy integration with minimal footprint




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