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Higher Dimensions of


The Spiritual Aspects of Ormus

I have a few things to say about the Spiritual Aspects of Ormus. It MAY LOOK like it is Inert, but Ormus
is Alive, Alive-O on other dimensions of existence.
On this forum, Chaz wrote:
It seems to me that historically the viewpoint has been a Western perspective and an Eastern
metaphysical approach is missing entirely. Seldom, if at all, has the point been made that white-gold
consciousness, i.e. consciousness wrapped in material and has some consistent behaviors (responds to
magnetic fields etc.)
It would seem that everyone is looking for white-gold to be the ultimate panacea and none realizing
that it is an educational toy. Educational in the sense that it is the tool of the philosopher. From
Wikipedia: Alchemy is an influential philosophical tradition. How many of us here are traveling that
Well, I agree and MORE! I propose that that road is a lot wider than Chaz described .. for that road is
the path of the spiritual evolution of the Mind/Body/Soul.
Not MANY folks here give even LIP SERVICE to the CONSCIOUSNESS aspect of Orme/Ormus.
Probably because it cannot be easily defended as an idea! Let alone as a full fledged REALITY that for
me it IS!
The most active (yet careful) proponent of the consciousness aspects of the Ormus/Orme realm is Bengt!
(No wonder we get on so well and have been known to talk for hours!)
It was Barry Carter who noted that Ormus is the doorway between Spirit and Matter! How could it BE
that no one seems to be paying attention to this aspect of this remarkable material. (??)
This Spiritual/Consciousness/Divine aspect of the Ormus realm is EXTREMELY OBVIOUS to me when
the Angelic realm and Mother Ormus show up during my Ormus making sessions. Like 2 weeks ago ..
our end
product being named IQ or Intuitive Quickening!
Whoever I have as an assistant, if I do, gets a BIG DOWNLOAD from being in one of these night
sessions! Especially if they are more spiritually evolved than is normal .. as if the Ormus realm people
would be in ANY WAY considered Normal!
For most Ormusians, Normal is a setting on the washing machine!
My last assistant, Sal, from Western Australia was clairvoyant enough to have been able to identify and
NAME the Archangels as they showed up .. AND Mother Ormus showed up too .. which starts usually
as soon as I begin preparing the sacred space for the Ormus ceremony. The space is FULL of the
energies of these beings!

Especially when I put the dedicated soundtracks on .. different for each batch! They seem to LOVE IT ..
as they keep coming back!
Most people tend to beg for personal favours when the Big Guns show up. (Lord wont you buy me a
Mercedes Benz Joplin) We ask only one thing when they come: That they leave some of their essence,
their wisdom, their extraordinary elevation and their spiritual accomplishment in the Ormus for the
benefit of anyone who takes it. We ask only that only that our current Ormus batch is blessed and
empowered by them. So it comes vibrationally loaded.
The point is .. Ormus should be, could be, would be if treated accordingly, a Sacred Substance and an
evolutionary enhancer. SOME people get it vibrationally and some dont! No big deal, some will, some
wont, we move on. But if WE deliver that substance to people vibrationally intact, then OUR part of the
job is done!
People will get what they get.
Bengt said about the Spice, and I quote People ask me why the material does not make them feel
I point out it has consciousness and that an interactive relationship is far more beneficial than an
energetic rush.
I would add to that that Ormus HAS a Spiritual, Invisible component that works in their lives, whether
they FEEL it or not. I encourage my customers to enter into a dialogue with Mother Ormus and pay
attention to what she suggests and act on the suggestion/impressions that emanate from her.
Many of my customers have had changes initiate as SOON as they ORDER their Ormus. As I said,
Ormus has a Spiritual Component that is beyond the space and Time constraints of any powder or
potion. I recommend that people enter into dialogue with their Ormus .. and sense whatever Depth and
Spirit that it has .. and even to give it a an intention.. and your gratitude that it exists!
I wrote below about our latest batch and the report of our experience. Read it if you havent already, for
it was quite revealing of these Spiritual Aspects that I write about.
Denis of Oz
Hi to the Ormus community!
I just got this delightful email from one of my long term customers who flew the 5 hour journey over
from Western Australia to make Ormus with me a couple of weeks ago. She was a treat to have stay
here ..
Sal is a amazingly intuitive clairvoyant who sees and communicates with the subtle realm beings that
are all around us .. they are always talking to her.

There was a real potency and spiritual urgency to the recent Aquarian Full Moon batch, as it had many
powerful energies associated with it .. not to mention all the beings that showed up for its making a
couple of weeks ago on the 2nd of August.
We have called this Aquarian Moon batch Intuitive Quickening (or IQ for short) (here is the link to
and speaking personally, I have noticed a big jump in my ability to apprehend by direct knowing the
inner nature of people and things around me lately. This IS the kind of insight I have always wanted and
I have felt lost
and psychically naked in my past without these perceptual abilities. I am recovering more and more of
these skills daily now.
So here is Salimahs report:
My parents and I have ingested Deniss lovely elixirs for a few years now. I had some TL
(Transcendence and Liberation) sent to me recently and it was awesome just holding the package. It was
I recommend his Mother of Abundance (MA) as it works fantastic for me as I am self employed. I take it
when I want more clients and the phone rings for bookings before the day is over.
I have recently flew over to Queensland and had the pleasure of watching Denis in Ormus making
What a divine experience.
After preparing the Ormus making space we became very present using the Shower of Power excercise.
As I am clairvoyant, I saw in my minds eyes a gathering of beings .. first a Goddess (Mother Ormus,
as Denis calls her) and then beautiful women celebrating in the centre of 4 angels. They were
Archangels! And they were protecting and enriching our Ormus making space, and what a blessing! This
all came about without invocation of any sort. They just showed up! Denis said this is normal at his
Ormus making!
The whole experience was so beautiful beyond words. When I was in the vicinity of that Aquarian moon
batch I felt like I was near the most sacred substance ever created. To me it has the most celestial energy
of anything or anyone I know.
Denis puts a lot of energy, focus and intention into his special Ormus batches. Hes a gifted alchemist
who lives and breathes Ormus. Denis Ormus can change your life, make you more conscious, help you
manifest faster and feel better just by being near it!
Try drinking it daily for a few months and youll wonder why you didnt start sooner!
Salimah Ainsworth
Perth Western Australia

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I

Cheers and love,
Denis of Oz
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