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Fall 2016/Spring 2017

Youth Soccer

Walk-In Open


Courier Hub

May 5 & May 23

Sandhill Elementary Field

5:00-7:00 pm

Thursday, April 21, 2016 Vol. 134, No. 39 Stoughton, WI $1

Online Registration Opens May 1 |

Kettle Park West

Pause on
Phase 2
Plat sent to
committee for more
Unified Newspaper Group

The Common Council

has decided Phase 2 of the
Kettle Park West development needs more discussion
before its ready for approval.
By a 7-5 vote, the council
referred the plan known
as a preliminary plat to
a special committee-ofthe-whole meeting involving the entire council. The
meeting was scheduled for
7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April

Photo by Derek Spellman

SHS sophomore Riley Miller explores the Galapagos Islands Monday as part of a Google Expeditions event. The school was selected as a Google Expeditions Pioneer Program School, which allows teachers to take their students on virtual field trips using cardboard
and smartphones.

See the world from Stoughton

SHS students go on virtual
field trips with Google
Taking students on field trips
around the world would be a fairly
costly prospect.
Good thing theres Google Expeditions, a technology that lets students explore the Great Barrier Reef,
visit World War II sites and view
Middle Age and Renaissance architecture without setting foot outside
their school.
After Stoughton High School was
selected as a Google Expeditions
Pioneer Program School earlier this
year, 18 groups of students got to use
the program on Monday afternoon,
with their teachers taking them on
virtual field trips using nothing more
than cardboard and Smartphones.
SHS library media specialist
Cathy Gargano signed up for SHS

to participate after learning about

the program during a Google Summit. In an email to the hub, Gargano
said teachers voluntarily signed up
for sessions and selected a field trip
based on their specific curricula.
It was a fun activity that was
designed to provide a different way
of looking the material being presented in the classroom, she said,
noting that more than 375 students
participated. The feedback I have
received from both students and staff
has been overwhelmingly positive.
Senior Bethany Buchwalds British Literature class went on a London Literary Tour, visiting sites like
the Globe Theater and Big Ben. She
was also in a science class that went
on an underwater excursion where
they explored Saunders Reef off the
coast of Australia and the Benwood
Wreck, a shipwreck off the coast of
Key Largo, Florida.
It was an educationally rich experience. Buchwald said.

The Google Expeditions kits consist of a tablet for the teacher and
cardboard viewers and phones for
every student. The teacher selects a
destination, and the entire classroom
jumps there automatically.
The trips are collections of virtual reality panoramas 360-degree
photo spheres, 3D images and video,
ambient sounds annotated with
details, points of interest, and questions that make them easy to integrate into curriculum already used
in schools, according to information
from Google.
At SHS, classes looked at flora
and underwater wildlife around the
Galapagos Islands, learned about the
history of Jazz and went on a London Literary Tour, among several
sites. During the program, teachers
can guide their class and point out
highlights while referring to editable
Derek Spellman and
Scott De Laruelle

Street from the late 1930s

until a few years ago is
being remodeled into a
retail folk art store and stuTOM ALESIA
dio, tentatively scheduled
to open in September.
Unified Newspaper Group
Stoughton resident and
A once-prominent gas a r t i s t B r e n d a B a r m a n
station along West Main bought the building two

Courier Hub

years ago and began the

colossal job of turning a
decades-old Citgo Station
into a spiffy business for
We basically gutted
the whole thing out, said
Barman, who added that
a significant amount of

Veteran alders step down

Swangstu reflect on
combined 27 years
as alders
Unified Newspaper Group

The April 5 election saw

the departure of longtime
city alders Ron Christianson and Sonny Swangstu.
Christianson lost an election for the second time
since he began representing

Krumholz chooses
to walk-on at

Page 11

0 0 00


0 00 0


0 0

Turn to Alders/Page 3

Turn to Gas station/Page 8


District 2 in 2000. He was

solidly defeated by Kathleen Tass Johnson in the
election two weeks ago.
Swangstu chose not to
run for another term and
will be succeeded in District 1 by Dennis Kittleson,
a local businessman and
2014 mayoral candidate.
Swangstu, who was elected as a write-in candidate
in 2004, told the Hub he
decided to seek a seat on the
Common Council because
people were pushing me to

Ready to
catch for the

junk remained. We also

had to take the gas tanks
out of the ground. Weve
gutted the entire inside to
preserve the outside of the
Renovations finally

e ur Fard
o bit C

for ad

Turn to KPW/Page 18

City of Stoughton

Ex-gas station fuels folk art store plan

Building may reopen
in September

19, in the council chambers

of the Public Safety building.
The councils decision
to postpone came Tuesday, April 12, a night after
the Planning Commission
unanimously recommended the council approve the
Those who voted to postpone included six whove
challenged the project in the
past Mike Engelberger,
Tom Majewski, Tim Swadley, Sid Boersma, Regina
Hirsch and Tom Selsor as
well as Pat OConnor, who
sided with what could be
considered the KPW opposition.



0 00 0



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April 21, 2016

Stoughton Courier Hub

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Prom court

Photo by Derek Spellman

The Stoughton High School 2016 prom court is, front, from
left: Olivia Nortwen, Danasha Hatchett, Maddie Posick, Augustyna Brestar, Payton Kahl, Kassidy McMillan and Kelsey Taebel; back row, from left: Joshua Bausch, Bryan Wendt, Mitch
Fuller, Jake White, Garrett Model, Malachi Alvarez and Tristan
Jenny. Prom was held Saturday night at the Overture Center in
Madison, with Once Upon a Prom.

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Sat. 7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.


Once Upon a Prom

Stoughton High Schools 2016 prom was held Saturday
night at the Overture Center in Madison.
The theme was Once Upon a Prom.
The king was Joshua Bausch and the queen was
Augustya Brestar.


Laura Dvorak

Prom king and queen

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Stoughton High School students Joshua Bausch was named king

and Augustya Brestar was named queen of the prom, held Saturday
at the Overture Center.


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April 21, 2016

Stoughton Courier Hub

McFarland man gets 2 years in Man charged in dog

death of Pick N Save employee deaths near Stoughton
Cora Rugland died almost
18 months ago in a one-car
crash on a crumbling Jefferson County rural road.
The accident created ripples through three communities, including Stoughton,
where she worked part-time
at Pick N Save, Oregon,
where she lived, and McFarland, where she was a senior
in high school. The buoyant
Rugland, then 17, was sitting in the back seat, behind
the driver, McFarlands
Johnathan Mueller, whose
Jeep Grand Cherokee veered
off a road with virtually
no shoulder and hit a tree
before a sharp curve.
Rugland died on contact.
Three others, including
Mueller, suffered non-life

service and put
a bouncy house
On April
in an adjacent
gym for stu12, Mueller
was sendents to gather
tenced to
At the school
two years in
years end in
prison and
three years Mueller
2015, several
superviwere awarded
sion after a three-day trial to students in Ruglands
in late January that hinged name. That tradition is
on his marijuana use more planned to continue annuthan three hours before the ally at McFarland High
10:30 p.m. crash.
Mueller rejected a plea
The life of Rugland
McFarlands Junior Prom agreement from the state
queen in spring 2014, a band that would have given him a
member and University of suggested six months in jail
Arizona-bound was cele- and five years of probation.
During Muellers senbrated at a daytime service
in the high school gym. Her tencing hearing, Judge Ranmother, Oregons Kris Hos- dy Koschnick said Muelford, wanted smiles at the lers option to go to trial
typically somber memorial did not affect his decision

in sentencing. Instead,
Koschnick considered that
Mueller received a speeding
ticket four months after the
crash and that he believed
Mueller lied on the stand,
linking Rugland to the marijuana use that night. Rugland tested negative for the
What wasnt in question
was that Mueller had a low
amount of marijuana in his
system Oct. 24, the night
of the crash when Rugland
joined three others to go
to a haunted house. Any
amount of marijuana in the
system while driving is illegal in Wisconsin.
Mueller, who turned 20
during the trial, spoke at his
sentencing: To this day, I
wish it would have been me.
I wish I could go back and
trade places with (Rugland).

Alders: Swangstu enjoyed term but also found it frustrating

It was related to the
Wal-Mart issue, Swangstu
recalled. I just about had a
heart attack.
Now, he and Christianson
are leaving in the wake of
a separate, but related WalMart issue.
Both had been strong
supporters of Kettle Park
West but expressed concern
about the projects second
phase. And now, both are
being followed by alders
who are skeptical of the
development, especially
using tax-increment financing to assist it.

Wal-Mart: Glad its

Swangstu told the Hub
hell turn 77 in December
and felt it was time to focus
on other things, particularly
his role as American Legion
Hes glad the Wal-Mart
Supercenter is finally going
to be built after essentially
being on hold for 12 years.
He considers getting the
project through the citys
approval process a significant accomplishment.
Its finally come to fruition, and Im glad its over,
Swangstu said.
He told Mayor Donna
Olson and others in the city
administration last year that
he wouldnt run for another
Im sure Wal-Mart was
on my mind, but the council
just got to be too much time

involved, he said in a telephone interview from the

American Legion Hall.
I spend a lot of time
here at the Legion, he said.
Its kind of
a relief now
not to have to
be thinking
about what
I have to do
for city council.
he enjoyed is time on
the council
and learned
a lot about
local politics
and how the
city operates.
But the experience was
also frustratSwangstu
ing at times.
Ever since I got on, it
seemed like there was a faction that was against development, he observed. I
cant understand it, because
costs go up every year and
people want raises every
year, and we didnt have the
money to spend.
Youve got to grow, he
added. That was one of
my big points. And also to
leave the old people like
me alone who live on fixed
incomes. They cant afford
their taxes raised every time
they turn around.
The Stoughton native said
the city needed the Supercenter because the existing
store isnt big enough and
is the only place in town
to shop for socks and other

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He also defended the

citys use of more than $4
million in tax-increment
financing to support the
They (opponents) grumble about the money we
spent out there on KPW, but
none of that money went
into the development, other
than the essentials, he said.
Now theyre going to
have a little problem coming up with more TIF money going into the development.
The council postponed
a decision on the Phase
2 preliminary plat at its
last meeting, which didnt
sit well with Swangstu or
Christianson. Christianson
abruptly left the meeting
after the vote to postpone a
decision a move Swangstu
said he didnt agree with.
The other night they sat
there and talked about it
for an hour and then they
tabled it, he said. I didnt
see why they didnt do that
at the beginning.
Ron got up and left, he
continued. I didnt think
that was right. You took the
job on, so finish it when its
one more meeting. If people
are good enough to put you
there, then do your job.

Didnt put a lot of

Christianson didnt return
a call after the meeting seeking comment, but following
his defeat, he told the Hub
he didnt put a lot of effort
into being re-elected.

The passion is still

there, he said. The mind
is still there but the body
isnt, so I decided to give it
an effort at least and go forward.
He wished the new council well and said he hopes
that theyre able to move us
into the future.
I think that Ive done
some good things for the
community, and Im proud
of what Ive done and the
service that Ive provided to
the city, he said.
After joining the council
in 2000, he was defeated
in his re-election bid three
years later, but he ran again
in 2004 to regain his seat.
He was a veteran of the
Planning Commission and
served as commission chair
for the past few years. He
also served many years on
the Redevelopment Authority.
Christianson previously
told the Hub that building a
new Wal-Mart was not his
goal in supporting KPW.
Instead, he viewed the project as expanding the citys
tax base and necessary to
spur new residential development and bring more families to the city.
Im going to take a year
off and give myself some air
and then see if the passion
is still there, he said. If it
is, Ill get back in there. But
I dont think Ill get back
on the council Ive had
enough of that. Im going
to take some time off and
reflect. Its been a blast.

Story Ideas?
Let us know
how were doing.
Your opinion is something we always want to hear.
Call 873-6671 or at

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Duane Broughton
& Joanne Lietz
were married on
April 23, 1966,
at St. Johns
Lutheran Church
in Edgerton.
They have one son, Scott (Valeri), granddaughter,
Dale and grandson, Kyle of Stoughton.
They will be having a family dinner and later this spring,
will be taking a trip to Alaska.

A man was charged with

two felony counts of mistreating animals for shooting and killing two dogs
last year after he mistook
them for coyotes.
The Wisconsin State
Journal reported April 14
that Kurt K. Rausch, 35,
of Evansville was charged
for the Jan. 22 incident at
the Badfish Creek State

Wi l d l i f e A r e a o u t s i d e
According to the State
Journal, the criminal complaint states Rausch called
911 after finding out what
he thought were coyotes
were dogs that belonged
to Deanna Clark, who was
walking her dogs without
a leash in the wildlife area.
Each of the dogs later
Rausch was scheduled
to appear in court April 27,
according to online court
Scott Girard

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Continued from page 1

Man thought dogs

were coyotes, shot
them at Badfish


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April 21, 2016

Stoughton Courier Hub

Letters to the editor

Equip kids with ways to refuse drugs

Do you know the significance
of 4/20? For those individuals
including 18 percent of the SHS
youth that smoke marijuana, it
is considered their celebration
day, their smoke-out day, which
dates back to the 1970s. It is also
known as a daily routine at 4:20
p.m. as a time to light up and get
StoughtonCARES wanted to
bring this to your attention once
again this year, for the statistics
are staggering regarding addiction issues when youth smoke
marijuana. Roughly 20 percent
of young people who smoke
marijuana could develop addiction issues in their lifetime. If
you take the enrollment numbers
at SHS of 1,056 students, that
equals to 211 potential students
could become addicted to marijuana in their lifetime. By contrast, the statistics for youth that
drink alcohol before the age of
21 that could develop addiction
issues in their lifetime is 10 percent.
So what can be done? Parents,
its suggested that you start communicating with your child by
fourth or fifth grade about drugs.
Be clear about your expectations
and give your child ways to say
no to marijuana and other drugs.
Role play with them, help them
find the right words to refuse
drug offers and let them know it

is fine to walk away even from

a friend.
Keep track of your child, and
network with other parents to
support each other and to create a
safety net for kids. Keep the lines
of communication open with your
child, eat dinner together whenever
possible and do fun family activities together. And remember that
our children learn by watching us,
not by what we say, so check your
behavior and think about the message it is sending to your child.
StoughtonCARES will be holding three town hall meetings this
year, with the first scheduled for
6:30 p.m. on May 25, at a to-be-decided location. The topic will be
Prescription Drugs: Going Back
to the Beginning, and there will
be a panel of experts discussing
their expertise in this critical area,
as prescription drug overdose has
become the number-one killer of
our youth. There will be plenty of
time left for question and answers.
The other two topics for our
town halls will be Marijuana:
Fact or Fiction and Binge Drinking and Alcohol Policy. Please
look for these important education
events in the near future.
Cathy Kalina,
Prevention Specialist

An article in last weeks Courier Hub attributed FoodShare food
assistance program to Second Harvest rather than to the government.
In Wisconsin, the name for the federal Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program (S.N.A.P.) is FoodShare. Second Harvest has a
FoodShare Outreach program to ensure people struggling with hunger understand what FoodShare is, the eligibility requirements and
the benefits they could be receiving if they got approved.
The Hub regrets the error.

Thursday, April 21, 2016 Vol. 134, No. 39

USPS No. 1049-0655

Periodical Postage Paid, Stoughton, WI and additional offices.

Published weekly on Thursday by the Unified Newspaper Group,
A Division of Woodward Communications, Inc.
POSTMASTER: Send Address Corrections to
The Stoughton Courier Hub, PO Box 930427, Verona, WI 53593.

Office Location: 135 W. Main Street, Stoughton, WI 53589

Phone: 608-873-6671 FAX: 608-873-3473
Circulation customer service: (800) 355-1892
This newspaper is printed on recycled paper.

General Manager
Lee Borkowski
Catherine Stang
Classifieds/Inside Sales
Nancy Garcia
Laura Young
Carolyn Schultz

Jim Ferolie
Jeremy Jones
Kate Newton
Samantha Christian, Bill Livick,
Anthony Iozzo, Tom Alesia,
Scott De Laruelle, Scott Girard

Unified Newspaper Group, a division of

A dynamic, employee-owned media company
Good People. Real Solutions. Shared Results.

Legislative Opinion

Wisconsin votes to
support local schools

n April 5, 53 public
school districts asked
their local citizens for
additional financial support
through 71 referenda questions.
Of those ballot issues, voters
approved 55, or more than 77
Funding from those referenda
questions will be used in places
like Spring Valley to maintain
their facilities.
The districts
elementary school is
between 40
and 88 years
old, depending on where
you stand. It
will be used in
districts like
Brodhead to
continue providing the level of
service the community is accustomed to by supporting staffing
needs and technology upgrades.
Over the past handful of years,
the passage rate of referenda
questions has steadily increased.
Ten years ago, in 2006, the

passage rate for referenda was

over 59 percent. And 15 years
ago, questions prevailed roughly
43 percent of the time.
Year-by-year snapshots cannot
tell the whole story of what is
happening with a school district,
state or nation, but the overall
trend in successful referenda
itself conveys an important message.
Referenda questions are being
prompted by budgetary shortfalls
as state support for PK-12 education stagnates. That is forcing
school boards to ask local taxpayers to shoulder more of the
cost to educate their children. It
troubles me to see the difference
between have districts that can
pass referenda, and have-not
districts that are unsuccessful.
As a state, we have a constitutional obligation to provide
an equal opportunity to access a
free public education system. I
fear our current pathway puts us
at odds with that guarantee.
The upcoming budget for the
state of Wisconsin presents a
perfect vehicle to engage on

two important issues: the need

for increased state support of
public education, and the need
to update our funding formula
to reflect our current educational
climate. I will be incorporating
these topics into the budget
request for education that Ill
propose for 2017-19.
Our state has undergone a
great deal of change in the
past two decades. Our public
school students overall are more
diverse, increasingly come from
low-income families, and more
are learning English. With technology all around us, methods
of learning and teaching have
changed as well. But despite all
this change, as Wisconsinites we
remain steadfast in our shared
value of maintaining a strong
system of public education.
Our public school funding
system must reflect the fairness
and equity we want for all of our
Tony Evers,
Wisconsin State Superintendent

Senators should explain refusal to perform job duties

Some members of the U.S. Senate refuse to consider the current
nominee to fill the vacant position
on the U.S. Supreme Court.
I wonder, is this civil disobedience? Certainly not! There is no
law that Senators must do this, but
it is written in the Constitution of
the United States of America that
the Senate shall advise and consent
on the appointee (Article II, Section 2). No footnotes give any reason for not carrying out this duty.
Is it dereliction of duty? That
seems clearly to be the case. What
would happen to an employee

who told his employer, Ill get

around to that in the future, when
the company has a new CEO? It
seems to me that you are telling
me that the Constitution does not
apply to you.
Is it obstruction of justice?
Obstruction of Justice is a criminal offense that involves interference, through words or actions,
with the proper operations of a
court or officers of the court. By
refusing to consider the present
nominee as well as 51 nominees
to lower courts, some members of
the Senate are clearly interfering

with the proper operation of the

federal courts, thus preventing the
courts from operating as the law
prescribes, thereby obstructing
I invite any Senator or any other citizen to explain to me how
Senators refusing to do their constitutional duty establishes justice,
ensures domestic tranquility and
promotes the general welfare, all
sought in our Constitutions preamble.
George G. Carlson,
City of Stoughton

Printed by Woodward Printing Services Platteville


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April 21, 2016

Help Pack the Truck Saturday

while getting rid of unwanted items.

People can drop off gently used
clothing, jewelry, fashion accessories, handbags, shoes and household

Email Unified Newspaper Group

reporter Scott De Laruelle at scott.

Emigration discussion at Livsreise


If You Go

Unified Newspaper Group

Many Stoughton residents are

already intimately familiar with the
exodus of Norwegian
emigrants to America in the 19th century,
and how it defined the
city they call home.
The circumstances that prompted that
exodus, however, will
be the focus on a dis- Yilek
cussion at Livsreise
Saturday, when Norwegian history instructor and author
John A. Yilek leads a presentation
titled, Leaving Norway for the New

What: Leaving Norway for the New

World with author John Yilek
When: 11 a.m. Saturday, April 23
Where: Livsreise Norwegian Heritage Center, 277 W. Main St.
Info: 873-7567

Yilek, whose own ancestors emigrated from the Norwegian mining
town of Rros and the mountain valleys of Nordland will discuss the
conditions that prompted thousands

to seek a new life in the U.S. The

presentation will include stories
of those first emigrants, Ole Bulls
failed settlement at Oleana and a disgraced woman who found success in
the American Midwest.
Yilek teaches Norwegian history in the Mindekirken Norwegian
Language and Culture Program in
Minneapolis, and frequently gives
history presentations for other Norwegian-American organizations. He
will be signing copies of his new
book, History of Norway, at the
Nordic Nook after the presentation.
Admission to the discussion is
free, and parking is available across
the street from the center. For information, call 873-7567.

Students to rally at Capitol Sunday

Kicking off state
Student Council

O n S u n d a y, c l o s e t o
2,000 middle and high
school students representing more than 250 schools
across Wisconsin will participate in a rally at the
State Capitol, beginning at
11:30 a.m. on the Capitol
Steps on State Street.
This rally marks the
beginning of the 82st

Annual WASC State Student Council Conferences,

and the participating students are members of their
respective schools student
council or student government organizations.
Various state representatives, Bucky Badger, UW
ROTC and UW Athletes
are tentatively scheduled to
appear at the rally, which
will be led by Evansville
Middle School and the
national Dude Be Nice
Project, which is celebrating an unsung hero

of the local community the

following day at the Overture Center.
The inside rally will
begin at 10 a.m. followed
by the outdoor rally at
11:30 a.m. Students will
participate in competitions
and meetings throughout
the State Capitol during the
morning of April 24, beginning at 9 a.m. After the
rally, students will head to
their conference hotels in
Madison for the remainder
of the programming, which
includes keynote speakers,

recognition programs and

breakout sessions.
Area schools attending
include: Waunakee, Oregon, Verona, Sun Prairie,
DeForest, Stoughton, Madison, Evansville, Monona,
Beaver Dam, Cross Plains,
Fort Atkinson, Horicon,
Lodi, McFarland, Middleton, Brodhead, Monroe,
Pardeeville and Watertown.
Email Unified Newspaper
Group reporter Scott
De Laruelle at scott.


What: Kegonsa Elementary Working

for Kids Pack the Truck
When: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday,
April 23
Where: Dollar General Store parking
lot, 1050 W. Main St., Stoughton
Info: 877-5200

Search for us on Facebook as

Stoughton Courier Hub and then LIKE us.


Lambing & Kidding Days
APRIL 2&3, 9&10,
16&17, 23&24
10:00am - 4:00pm

Unified Newspaper Group

T h e c i t y s R ive r a n d
Trails Task Force will do
its annual river and trail
cleanup at 9 a.m. Saturday,
April 23.
Participants will gather at the pedestrian bridge
near Coopers Causeway in
Division Street Park. Litter
bags and locations will be
available for anyone that
would like to volunteer.

The cleanup includes the

Yahara River and Virgin
Lake trails, the riverbanks
around Mandt and Veterans Parks, and selected
There will also be a dedication for the newly named
Helen Johnson Trail segment at 11 a.m. For more
information, contact Tom
Lynch, director of Parks
and Recreation, at 6460432.

If You Go
What: River and trail
When: 9 a.m. Saturday,
April 23
Where: Pedestrian bridge
at Coopers Causeway
Info: 646-0432

(Last admission sold at 3:00)


Chicken Shoot

Sunday, April 24
10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Turn in Raffle Tickets 10 a.m. Drawing at 3 p.m.
Located on Amidon Road
Everyone Welcome

VFW Badger Post 328 Inc.

200 Veterans Rd., Stoughton 608-873-9042

Friday Night

All-You-Can-Eat Fish Fry

Dine-in only
Regular menu also available
Friday, April 22, also serving BBQ Ribs.
Every Friday Night Meat Raffle starts at 5-ish
Every Thursday Night - Bingo starting at 7:00 pm
Serving Lunch Tuesday-Friday 11:00 am - 1:30 pm
Open to the Public

Volunteers needed for trail cleanup



As the weather warms up, theres

no better time to get started on
spring cleaning and help others in
the meantime.
With that idea in mind, Kegonsa
Elementary Working for Kids is
holding a community wide Pack the
Truck event from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saturday, April 23 at the Dollar
General Store Parking Lot, 1050 W.
Main St.
Pack the Truck is a chance for
the community to support Kegonsa
WFK and Easter Seals Wisconsin

If You Go

linens; all items are tax deductible,

and receipts will be provided.
Funds raised from Pack the Truck
will not only help Kegonsa WFK,
but Easter Seals programs such as
Camp Wawbeek, Respite Camp, the
FARM Program and more. For more
information about Pack the Truck,
contact Cally Ehle at 219-4309 or
email To find out
more about Easter Seals Wisconsin,

Get Connected

Find updates and links right away.


Kegonsa Elementary hosting

spring cleaning event

Stoughton Courier Hub

Like us on Facebook


Healthy Women Community Talks

Hot Flash or Power Surge?
What Every Woman Needs to Know
May 4th from 5:30-7pm
Sign-up to participate via webinar
(seats in the live audience are sold out)


Join Dr. Makeba Williams, UW Health Ob-Gyn, and find out how
this mid-life physiological change is actually an opportunity
to power-up for the years ahead.

in the Classifieds!
873-6671 or



April 21, 2016

Stoughton Courier Hub

Coming up

Community calendar

Button sales
Syttende Mai 2016 buttons are on
sale in advance of the festival on May
Designed by artist Paula Riley, the
buttons are for sale for $5 each at the
Stoughton Chamber of Commerce. This
years coin design costs $12 per coin.
The buttons and coins are also available at 30 area businesses and locations,
including Anchor Bank, McGlynn
Pharmacy, Stoughton Hospital and the
Nordic Nook.
For information, call 873-7912.

Earth day event

The city will hold an Earth Day event
at Westview Ridge Park, 1915 Hilldale
Lane, from 1-3:30 p.m. Friday, April
22. The event will focus on All Things
Trees, with demonstrations on trimming/pruning, planting, mulching and
hugging, as well as a viewing of a solar
tree kiln. For information, contact Sid
Boersma at 279-7622.

Veterans park campaign

Thrivent Financial is leading a Raise
the Flag campaign to raise funds for
maintenance of the Stoughton Area Veterans Memorial Park.
Area residents can pay $50 per year
to have a 3x5 U.S. flag placed in their
yard five times per year: on Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day,
Patriot Day (Sept. 11) and Veterans
Day. The flags will be installed no later
than 8:30 a.m. and will be taken down
by dusk on each holiday.

The campaign will be holding an

event at 9 a.m. Saturday, April 23 at the
American Legion Post 59, 803 N. Page
St., where the nine groups that will be
placing the flags will review flag etiquette and procedure. The public is welcome to stop by to view the flags.
The deadline to sign up and submit
payment is Sunday, May 15. To request
a form or for information, contact Tammy Niedfeldt at 873-3910 ext. 5 or at

Style show

class and a Strategies for Social Security and Retirement Income class
Monday, April 25 at the library.
The class will begin at 4:30 p.m. and
provide a broad overview of Medicare
coverage. The second, at 6 p.m., will
teach the various options for filing for
benefits. Both programs are presented
by The Retirement Classroom.
For information, call 873-6281.

Music on the Mezz

The library will host a Music on the
Mezz concert at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April
26. The concert will feature instrumental ensembles from the Stoughton
High School band, choir and orchestra
performing classical and contemporary
works. For information, call 873-6281.

Stoughtons PEO International chapter will host a style show at 1 p.m. Saturday, April 23 at the senior center.
Members of the chapter will showcase clothing from St. Vincent de Paul
in a show lasting approximately 45 minutes. Afterwards, homemade desserts Parkinsons communication
and beverages will be available. Tickets
Learn how to deal with communicaare $10. For information, contact Karin tion issues associated with Parkinsons
Campbell at 873-0993.
disease at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, April
27 at the senior center. Vicki Conte,
Style show and sale
the program manager of community
The Stoughton Lioness Club will education at Froedtert and the Medical
hold its annual style show at noon Sun- College of Wisconsins Department of
day, April 24 at BBGs, 800 Nygaard St. Neurology, will lead the program. For
Doors open at 11 a.m., with a lun- information, call 873-8585.
cheon beginning at noon and the style
show at 12:30 p.m. There will be a Chi- Over 90 luncheon
nese auction and a slightly-used sale,
Attend the senior centers annual
of items including purses and jewelry.
Over 90 Luncheon at noon Thursday,
Tickets are $20 and are available from April 28.
any Lioness Member. For information,
Entertainment will be provided by
contact Amy Hermes at 516-8720.
Shari Sarazin on the Celtic Harp. Reservations for lunch are required by noon
Medicare/retirement classes
Tuesday, April 26. For information or to
Attend a Getting to Know Medicare make a reservation, call 873-8585.

Thursday, April 21

6 p.m., The Vikings series, Sons of Norway Mandt

Lodge, 317 S. Page St., 873-7209
6:30-7 p.m., E-Rate funding hearing, library, 873-6281
6:30-8 p.m., Menu for the Future course begins ($60
for six weeks; advance registration required), Terra Simpla Permaculture and Retreat Center, 845 State Highway
138, 492-2060
7:30 p.m., Kacy and Clayton ($25), Stoughton Opera
House, 381 E. Main St., 877-4400

Friday, April 22

Noon, Lunchtime yoga (free; registration required),

library, 873-6281
1-3:30 p.m., Earth Day event, Westview Ridge Park,
1915 Hilldale Lane, 279-7622
7:30 p.m., Peter Yarrow with Mustards Retreat ($35),
Stoughton Opera House, 381 E. Main St., 877-4400

Saturday, April 23

8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Kegonsa Elementary Working for Kids

Pack the Truck clothing drive, Dollar General Store
parking lot, 1050 W. Main St., 219-4309
9 a.m., Annual river and trail cleanup, Division Street
Park pedestrian bridge, 873-6677
9:30-10 a.m., E-Rate funding hearing, library, 873-6281
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (repeats Sunday), Lambing and Kidding Days ($7 per person; children 1 and under free),
Eugsters Farm Market, 3865 State Road 138, eugsters.
11 a.m., Leaving Norway for the New World with John
Yilek, Livsreise, 277 W. Main St., 873-7567
1 p.m., PEO Chapter DG St. Vincent de Paul Style
Show ($10), senior center, 873-0993
7:30 p.m., Iris DeMent ($30), Stoughton Opera House,
381 E. Main St., 877-4400

Sunday, April 24

Noon, Stoughton Lioness Club style show ($20),

BBGs, 800 Nygaard St., 516-8720

Monday, April 25

Bahai Faith

For information: Alfred Skerpan, 877-0911

or Gail and Greg Gagnon, 873-9225 Stoughton study classes.

Covenant Lutheran Church

Bible Baptist Church

1525 N. Van Buren St., Stoughton 873-7494
Saturday: 5:30 p.m. Worship
Sunday: 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Worship
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.

Christ Lutheran Church

515 E. Main St., Stoughton 834-9050
Sunday: 10 a.m.

2095 Hwy. W, Utica

873-7077 423-3033
Sunday: 10 a.m. - Worship; 6 p.m. - Worship
700 Hwy. B, Stoughton
873-9353 e-mail:
Sunday: 8 and 10:30 a.m. Worship,
9:10 a.m. Family Express followed
by Sunday School

Christ the King Community Church

401 W. Main St., Stoughton 877-0303 Sunday: 10 a.m. - Worship

Christian Assembly Church

1844 Williams Drive, Stoughton 873-9106

Saturday: 6 p.m. worship; Sunday: 10 a.m. worship

The Church of Jesus Christ

of Latter-day Saints

825 S. Van Buren, Stoughton

877-0439 Missionaries 957-3930
Sunday: 9 a.m. Sunday school and Primary

Cooksville Lutheran Church

11927 W. Church St., Evansville

Interim Pastor Karla Brekke
Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship and Sunday School

Ezra Church

First Lutheran Church

310 E. Washington, Stoughton

Saturday: 8 a.m. weekly prayer breakfast
Sunday: 8:30 & 10 a.m. worship

Fulton Church

9209 Fulton St., Edgerton

Saturday: 8 a.m. weekly prayer breakfast
Sunday: 8, 10:30 a.m. Worship;
9 a.m. coffee hour; 9:30 a.m. Sunday School;
12-3 p.m. Varsity (teens); 3-5 p.m. AWANA

Good Shepherd By The Lake

Lutheran Church

1860 Hwy. 51 at Lake Kegonsa, Stoughton

Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Education Hour for all ages: 9:15 a.m.

Seventh Day Baptist

Church of Albion

616 Albion Rd., Edgerton

Worship Saturday 11- Sabbath School 10
Fellowship Meal follows service on first Sabbath

Stoughton Baptist Church

Corner of Williams Dr. & Cty. B, Stoughton

Sunday: 10:30 a.m. - Worship;
6 p.m. - Evening Service

St. Ann Catholic Church

323 N. Van Buren St., Stoughton

873-6448 873-7633
Weekday Mass: Nazareth House
and St. Anns Church
Weekend Mass: Saturday - 5:15 p.m.;
Sunday - 8 and 10:30 a.m.

United Methodist of Stoughton

525 Lincoln Avenue, Stoughton
Sunday: 8 a.m. - Short Service;
10 a.m. - Full Worship

West Koshkonong Lutheran Church

LakeView Church

2200 Lincoln Ave., Stoughton

Sunday: 9 & 11 a.m. worship

1911 Koshkonong, Stoughton

Sunday: 10:30 a.m. - Worship

Western Koshkonong
Lutheran Church

2633 Church St., Cottage Grove

Sunday: 9:30 a.m. worship
11 a.m. Bible study

The Least of Your Brothers


221 Kings Lynn Rd.

Stoughton, WI 53589
(608) 873-8888


Pete Gunderson
Mike Smits Dale Holzhuter
Martha Paton, Administrative Manager
Sara Paton Barkenhagen, Administrative Assistant
Paul Selbo, Funeral Assistant


1358 Hwy 51, Stoughton

It can be tempting to judge ourselves by how we respond to those who

treat us well. Its easy to be kind to those who are kind to us. But perhaps a more accurate moral assessment can be made by looking at how
we respond to those who treat us poorly. There are many ways in which
people can mistreat us, from lying to us, to insulting us, to ignoring us,
to stealing from us, and even to abusing us physically or emotionally.
How we respond to these insults is probably the best measure of our
character. How we behave in times of health and prosperity says very
little about us. How we behave in times of sickness and adversity speaks
volumes about our character. Courage stands out on the battlefield when
bullets are flying and not during target practice. So perhaps at the end of
each day we should reflect on how we treated those difficult co-workers
or clients, and how we dealt with the people we consider unworthy of our
kindness. Thank God for the opportunity to test your mettle by giving you
difficult people in your daily life. They truly are the least of your brothers.
Christopher Simon, Metro News Service
Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers
and sisters of mine, you did for me.
Matthew 25:40 NIV

3 p.m., Spring Music Appreciation Series, senior center,

4:30 p.m., Getting to Know Medicare class, library,
6 p.m., Strategies for Social Security and Retirement
Income class, library, 873-6281

Tuesday, April 26

6:30-8 p.m., Freedom Through Forgiveness class

series (register at, Stoughton
Hospital boardroom, 900 Ridge St., 873-2356
7 p.m., Music on the Mezz concert, library, 873-6281

Wednesday, April 27

1:30 p.m., Communication and Parkinsons: Turning

the Triple Whammy Into a Triple Crown, senior center,
3 p.m., Travelogue: Argentina, senior center, 873-8585

Thursday, April 28

Noon, Over 90 Luncheon with entertainment by Shari

Sarazin (reservations required), senior center, 873-8585
12:15-2:15 p.m., 4-C Play and Learn group (newborn
to age 5), United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 525
Lincoln Ave.,
6:30-8:30 p.m., Sustainable Stoughton Green Thursday: Container Gardening Growing on a Small Scale,
7:30 p.m., Dailey and Vincent ($35), Stoughton Opera
House, 381 E. Main St., 877-4400

Support groups
Diabetic Support Group
6 p.m., second Monday,
Stoughton Hospital, 6286500
Dementia Caregivers
Support Group
2 p.m., second Thursday,
senior center, 873-8585
Support Group
5:30 p.m., third Wednesday, Stoughton Hospital,
Grief Support Groups
3 p.m., third Tuesday,
senior center, 873-8585

Low Vision Support

1-2:30 p.m., third Thursday, senior center, 873-8585
Parkinsons Group
1:30-2:30 p.m., fourth
Wednesday, senior center,
Multiple Sclerosis Group
10-11:30 a.m., second
Tuesday, senior center, 8738585
Older Adult Alcoholics
2 p.m., Tuesdays, senior
center, 246-7606 ext. 1182

Submit your community calendar

and coming up items online:

April 21, 2016

Stoughton Courier Hub

Treats for the top guns

Girl Scouts donate cookies to

Madison-based 115th Fighter Wing
Unified Newspaper Group

Making sure the friendly skies over America stay that way make an
airman work up quite an appetite.
So to help provide some treats for local troops, Scouts from Stoughton
Girl Scout Troop 2057 collected 60 boxes of cookies over the past few
weeks to donate to the 115th Fighter Wing of the Wisconsin Air National
Guard on April 2. The unit is based at Truax Field in Madison.
One of the Scouts, Carly Haas, said the girls decided on the idea of the
cookie drive to thank people in the military for their service. Its part of
the Scouts Cookie Share program.
It was fun handing them out, and the soldiers really appreciated it, she
According to the Badgerland Council Girl Scouts website, Cookie Share
is an opportunity for a customer to purchase cookies to be donated. A
customer pays for the cookies, which are then donated by the troop to an
organization of their choice.
Photos submitted
This is a very popular feature of the Cookie Program for the girls who At right, Stoughtons Girl Scout Junior Troop 2057 collected 60 boxes of Girl Scout cookies to donate to the 115th Fighter Wing.
enjoy selecting where to donate their Cookie Share cookies, the website From left, Scouts Nevaeh Smithson, Morgan Rhyner and Carly Haas delivered these cookies to Truax Field on April 2.

Girl Scout Junior Troop 2057 members Carly Haas (left) and Nevaeh Smithson (right) deliver cookies to Col. Jeffrey Wiegand,
commander of the 115th Fighter Wing, while Nevaehs family members look on.

Girl Scout Morgan Rhyner delivers cookies to a member of the 115th Fighter
Wing Air National Guard at Truax Field on April 2.

Quilt faire

Subscribe to

The Skaalen Auxiliary held its

annual quilt faire Saturday, April
9 at Christ Lutheran Church,
where more than 100 quilt
creations from a wide array of
exhibitors were on display. The
event also included quilt and
basket raffles and showcased
the work of guest artist Marlene
At left, Sandy Doll of Janesville
gets a close look at the hanging

by calling

or log on

Photos by Tom Alesia



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April 21, 2016

Stoughton Courier Hub

Gas station: Building could turn into folk art store

Continued from page 1


Introducing the all-new 317G CTL and 312GR, 314G,

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started last November after

Barman dealt with environmental issues of removing
the gas tanks then dealing
with financing and developing a business plan.
The building at the corner of West Main and South
Monroe streets, across the
street from Kwik Trip, is
notable for its stone exterior. Portions of a long-closed
gas station name painted
on one side remain on the
brick above the stones.
We havent been able to
get all of that off so were
going to re-paint, Barman
Barman lives near the
building at 603 W. Main
St. and had been following
the vacant buildings woes.
Shes confident the art
store, called Deck the Season, will succeed.
Its going to be homemade folk-style art. Most of
art will be done by myself
and, eventually, other artists
from around the area will
present their homemade
art, too, said Barman. Im
going to have a studio in the
back where Im going to be

Photo by Tom Alesia

A former gas station dating back to the late 1930s will become a folk art store and studio at the corner
of West Main and South Monroe streets this fall.

working. The shop is going

to be in the area where
you walk in and also in the
(garage space) where the
cars would go in. Most of it
will be a shop.
Renovations remain to
put windows back where

cinder block covered the

building original windows.
She also has flooring to be
Its looking really good
already, she said.
During renovations, Barman found no valuable

artifacts, only private written exchanges.

We found a few letters, she said. They were
wrapped up above the furnace of a couple writing
back and forth from many
years ago.

On the web
See more photos from the
community expo:




Photos by Kate Newton

Open for business


The Stoughton Chamber of Commerce hosted its annual community expo Thursday, April 14, at the
Mandt Community Center. The center filled up with area businesses showcasing their goods and services while snacking, socializing and giving away prizes to the public. Above, Royce Bjelde, 6, gets
ready to enter his name in a drawing at the Cress Funeral and Cremation Services booth with a little
help from Sherry Cress, left.

Join us to learn about the options and benefits

of Advance Funeral and Cremation Planning,
followed by informal questions and answers.

Tu esday, April 26, 2016

11:00 am
Cress Funeral and Cremation Service
206 W. Prospect Street | Stoughton, WI 53589

Please call to reserve your free meal

and a seat, as reservations are limited.
Funding underwritten by Physicians Life Insurance Company



(608) 249-6666

Leaf Filter employee Leah Conway chats with Matt Wogsland during the event.

April 21, 2016

Stoughton students
compete in Math 24 of your
Stoughton elementary
school students won 10 trophies during a recent Math
24 Competition. Fourth-graders Ella Hembrook, Aubrey
Hutchins, Brett Walter and
Madelyn Moline helped
Stoughton earn five of the
six trophies in that age group.
Fifth-graders Megan Blommel, Brianna Hook, Owen
Markgraf, Conrad Moline,
Ava Perkins and Mea Roberts

also helped Stoughton earn

five of the six trophies in the
fifth-grade group.
The Math 24 Regional
Competition was held on
the UW-Madison campus at
Union South on March 8. The
competition draws participants from all over Southern
Wisconsin and teaches students about the relationship
between numbers through a


Stoughton Courier Hub

Share your pets story and photo with a

Pet Profile
Submit* online at
ClickSubmit an Item
on the homepage
and then Pet Profile

We thought so.

Deadline is April 25
Questions? Call 845-9559.

*You must be a Stoughton-area resident to submit

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1015 North Main St.,


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April 21, 2016

Stoughton Courier Hub

Stoughton Civil Air

Patrol cadet honored

Kiwanis recognize FFA

members for leadership
White wins leadership award

of Vocational Agriculture Education

from 1924-1960. He was fondly known
statewide as Mister Agriculture for
Stoughton FFA president Samantha his tireless support of secondary agriWhite was recently honculture education and the FFA (Future
Farmers of America). He was a longtime
ored with the 2016 LouDowntown Kiwanian, and the Kiwanis
is M. Sasman Leadership
endowed these awards in his honor folThe Kiwanis Club of
lowing his death in 1983.
At the luncheon, members and guests
Downtown Madison hosted 76 FFA members and
also learned about The Genetics of
Yeast: Beer, Bread and Beyond from
their advisers from 10 area
high schools at its March
Chris Todd Hittinger, assistant professor
14 luncheon. An FFA stu- White
of genetics at the University of Wiscondent leader from each
sin School of Agriculture and Life Scischool received the award.
Whites FFA adviser is Mariah Ross.
Sasman was Wisconsins Supervisor
Samantha Christian

ORourke honored with Neil

Armstrong award

Civil Air Patrol Cadet Ethan ORourke,

a Stoughton resident, recently received
the Neil Armstrong Award. He is a member of CAP Madison Composite Squadron
153 in Madison.
According to a press release from the
Civil Air Patrol, the award follows the
Robert Goddard Award and promotion
to Cadet Chief Master Sergeant and is
awarded to cadets who have not only been
promoted to Chief Master Sergeant, but
subsequently passed a comprehensive
leadership exam, prepared a leadership
essay, presented a speech on leadership
and passed both a physical fitness test and
a test on drill and ceremony.
To earn the award, ORourke had to
demonstrate proper wear of the Air Force
style uniform and knowledge of CAPs
core values, as well as meeting all of the
requirements for his previous promotions,
which include studying leadership, aerospace science and character development,
as well as passing fitness tests.
Civil Air Patrol, the longtime all-volunteer U.S. Air Force auxiliary, is the newest member of the Air Forces Total Force,
which consists of regular Air Force, Air
National Guard and Air Force Reserve,
along with Air Force retired military
and civilian employees. CAP, in its Total
Force role, operates a fleet of 550 aircraft
and performs about 90 percent of continental U.S. inland search and rescue missions as tasked by the Air Force Rescue
Coordination Center and is credited by
the AFRCC with saving an average of 78
lives annually.
Civil Air Patrols 56,000 members
nationwide also perform homeland
s e c u r i t y, d i s a s t e r r e l i e f a n d d r u g
interdiction missions at the request of
federal, state and local agencies. Its
members additionally play a leading
role in aerospace education and serve
as mentors to more than 24,000 young
people currently participating in the CAP

Church raises money for area food pantries

East Koshkonong
Lutheran Church, Cambridge, used the season
of Lent to give to the area
food pantries of Cambridge, Deerfield, Fort

Atkinson, Stoughton and Grant to purchase food.

In total, 300 pounds of
T h e c h u r c h c o l l e c t - food and $1,000 were split
ed donations of food and between the five pantries.
money and also used a
$ 2 5 0 T h r iv e n t A c t i o n

Its your paper, too

We gather the news. We go to the events. We edit the words. But we cant be everywhere or know everything.
The Stoughton Courier Hub depends on submissions from readers to keep a balanced community perspective. This includes photos, letters, story ideas, tips, guest
columns, events and announcements.
If you know of something other readers might be interested in, let us know. E-mail or call 873-6671 and ask for editor Jim Ferolie. For
sports, e-mail or ask for sports editor Jeremy Jones.

Photo submitted

Civil Air Patrol Cadet Ethan ORourke, a Stoughton

resident, recently received the Neil Armstrong
Award. He is a member of CAP Madison Composite Squadron 153 in Madison, and is pictured with
his mother, Janine ORourke.

cadet program. Performing missions

for America for the past 75 years,
CAP received the Congressional Gold
Medal in 2014 in honor of the heroic
efforts of its World War II veterans.
Visit for more
Scott De Laruelle
Email Unified Newspaper Group reporter
Scott De Laruelle at scott.delaruelle@

See something wrong?

The Hub does not sweep errors under the rug. If you see something you know or even
think is in error, please contact editor Jim Ferolie at 873-6671 or at stoughtoneditor@ so we can get it right.







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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Courier Hub
For more sports coverage, visit:



dominates as
Vikes win twice
Sports editor

The Stoughton High School

softball team went 2-1 last

Stoughton 3, Monroe 0

Photo by Jeremy Jones

Stoughton senior Adam Krumholz will join the UW-Madison football team this fall as a preferred walk-on. Krumholz started one year on varsity before being offered an
opportunity with the Badgers.

It all just clicked

After spectacular
comeback season,
Krumholz takes walk-on
offer from Badgers
Sports editor

There arent a lot of Division 1

football recruits around the country with only one-and-a-half years
of high school football experience,
but Stoughton senior wide receiver
Adam Krumholz is one of them.
Krumholz (6 feet, 3 inches, 179

pounds) accepted a preferred walkon spot to the University of Wisconsin-Madison earlier this month.
His family has had season tickets since he was little, Krumholz
said, so it was an easy choice to
accept the offer.
Growing up I thought it would
be really cool to play at Camp Randall, he said. (Wisconsin) was the
college to get into academically
and athletically. I always loved the
campus and atmosphere at (Wisconsin).

The comeback
A few years ago, it didnt look
like a spot at any level of college

sports may be a reality for Krumholz, who didnt play football his
sophomore or junior year.
He had played half his freshman
season before suffering a concussion getting ready for his sophomore season. Krumholz tried out
the summer of his sophomore year,
but decided he just didnt like it.
But when he got back on the field
this year, things just clicked, the
senior said. He amassed 803 yards
and 10 touchdowns on 42 receptions in eight games.
Krumholz credits a lot of his
success to track (one year of cross
country) and basketball for keeping him in shape and helping with

his athleticism during those two lost

years. He also pointed to natural
I was always good at football,
especially when I was younger. It
just comes kind of natural running routes and catching balls,
Krumholz said. I had a good senior
year of football, and the Badgers
got ahold of my highlight film on
Krumholz said he also talked to
South Dakota, Hawaii and Memphis, as well as several D2 and D3
My dad said he always wanted to go to every Big 10 school to

Turn to Krumholz/Page 13

Liz Auby may be a collegiate womens hockey recruit

but she continued to show
shes not too bad with a bat in
her hands either last week.
The Colgate recruit cracked
a two-run double into the right
center field gap to help the
Vikings improve to 5-2 overall
(4-0 Badger South Conference) with a 3-0 shut out of
three-time defending champion Monroe.
It feels really great. I think
this is the best start weve had
to our season in a long time,
Auby said. Its good to be
getting wins and playing as a
A scoreless game through
three-and-a-half innings, it
proved more than enough
run support for Stoughton
ace Holly Brickson, who was
locked in a pitching battle
with Monroes Natalie Dillon.
Both Brickson and Dillon
had 10 strikeouts.
Brickson scattered four
hits over seven innings with
a walk, while Dillon allowed
two earned runs on seven hits
and walked one in the loss.
Maddy Brickson led off the
bottom of the fourth with a
strikeout, but reached base as
the Monroe catcher dropped
the ball. The next pitch she
stole second and two outs later scored on a Samantha Tepp
double to left center.
Kayley Novotny doubled
up the third baseline and later
came around to score in the
bottom of the fifth, exchanging places with Auby.
Kayley (Novotny) got on
before me so I was just trying to keep it going, making
contact and getting on base,

Turn to Softball/Page 12

Boys golf

Vikings shoot 303 to finish

runner-up at MG invite
Assistant sports editor

The Stoughton High School boys golf

team shot a 303 Thursday to finish runner-up
in the Monona Grove invite at The Oaks Golf
Seniors Austin Kotlowski and Drew Bellefeuille both shot 74s (tied for fifth overall),
while senior Ian Sutton followed with a 77.
Junior David Graffin finished the scoring
with a 78, and senior Jack Buckles who had
his score thrown out shot an 80.
That was a fun day. The kids put it together and played to the potential we know they
could play at, head coach Dave Taebel said.
We played smart and executed some shots.
It was four strokes off our course record, so it

was a great day.

Marquette University won the meet with
a 299, while Waunakee finished third with a
Matt Davidson (McFarland) and Harrison
Ott (Marquette) both finished with 72s to
lead individuals, while Evan Hussey (Marquette) and Matt Unger (DeForest) both shot
Stoughton travels to Oregon at 3:30 p.m.
Thursday for a Badger South Conference
dual at Foxboro Golf Club and hosts Milton
at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 26, at Stoughton
Country Club.
The Vikings also travel to Geneva National
Golf Club at 9 a.m. Saturday for an invite.

Turn to Golf/Page 12

Photo by Dave Taebel

The Stoughton High School boys golf team shot a 303 four strokes off the SHS course record
April 14 to finish runner-up at the Monona Grove invite at The Oaks Golf Course. Pictured (from
left) David Graffin, Austin Kotlowski, Ian Sutton, Drew Bellefeuille and Jack Buckles.


April 21, 2016

Stoughton Courier Hub

Girls track

Boys track

Relays shine, throwers improve Vikings use triple dual to try

at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April
26, for a quad against the
Blackhawks, Milton and

Assistant sports editor

The Stoughton High

School girls track and field
team had plenty to be excited about during Tuesdays
triple dual against Madison Edgewood and Fort
Atkinson at Stoughton High
Not only did the 4x100,
4x200 and 4x800 relays
all win, but in an area that
hasnt brought a lot of
points, the discus throwers
also had a big meet.
Hannah Hobson (89 feet,
1 inch) and Natalie Zientek
(90-9) both picked up PRs in
the discus, and Kennedy Silbaugh finished third (93-4).
That is an area we need
to get better at, and they
improved today which is
great, head coach Erik benedict said.
The 4x100 (Maddie
Posick, Kendra Halverson,
Maren Gryttenholm, and
Aly Weum) won in 53.25
seconds. The 4x200 relay
(Kiley Lynch, Halverson,
Gryttenholm and Weum)
finished first in 1:53.1.
The 4x800 (Alex

Mount Horeb quad

Photo by Anthony Iozzo

Sophomore Bronwynn Ziemann clears 4 feet, 8 inches Tuesday in

the high jump during a triple dual at Stoughton High School.

Ashworth, Abby Kittleson,

Margaret Ross and Anna
Wozniak) won in 11:21.5.
Halverson also won the
100 (13.12), while Emily
Reese (5:55.2) and Aly
Weum (27.08) won the mile
and the 200, respectively.
Bel Dennis (14-4), Bre
Viken (13-6 3/4) and Kassidy McMillan (13-5 3/4)
took 1-2-3 in the long jump,
and Marissa Robson tied for
first in the high jump (4-8).
Bronwynn Ziemann and
Payton Kahl also reached

4-8 and tied for third.

Ziemann also added a first
place in the triple jump (305 1/2), while Posick (13.28),
Gryttenholm (27.17) and
Lynch (52.11) all took runner-up in the 100 dash, 200
dash and 300 hurdles.
The Vikings won with 69
points. Edgewood had 51,
and Fort Atkinson finished
with 38.
Stoughton travels to the
Monroe Simpson relays at
4:30 p.m. Friday and then to
Fort Atkinson High School

Stoughton traveled to
Mount Horeb High School
on Thursday for a quad
against Mount Horeb, Monroe and Oregon.
The 4x400 and 4x800
relays both took first place.
The 4x400 (Halverson, Payton Kahl, Lynch and Weum)
won in 4:33.60, while the
4x800 (Ashworth, Emily
Reese, Ross and Wozniak)
won in 10:55.
The 4x100 relay (Posick,
Hobson, Corrine Olson and
Robson) took second in
Robson (5-0) and Kahl
(5-0) finished 1-2 in the high
jump, while Emma Gunsolus (6-6) was third in the
pole vault. Lynch (16-2 1/2)
was third in the long jump.
Lydia Schultz (1:11.20)
a n d O l iv i a P a n t h o f e r
(1:13.30) finished second
and third, respectively, in the
400. Sam Beach took third
in the 300 low hurdles in

Golf: Vikings take 10th at Wisconsin PGA invite

Continued from page 11

Milton tournament
Stoughton traveled to Bonnie Meade
Golf Course for the Milton Select Ball
tournament Saturday and finished
fourth with a 209.
The pairing of Buckles and Graffin
finished with a 69, while the pairing of
Gunnar Goetz and Kotlowski also shot
a 69. The pairing of Bellefeuille and
Sutton finished with a 71.

WI PGA invite
Stoughton traveled to Maple Bluff
Country Club on Monday for the Wisconsin PGA High School invite and
tied for 10th overall with a 339.

Besides learning about the Badger

South Conference with Madison Edgewood, Oregon, Milton, Monroe, Monona Grove and Fort Atkinson all at the
meet, there were also several sectional
teams that the Vikings could compare
themselves to.
We finished in the top half, and that
is a challenging course, Taebel said.
It is a good gauge to show where we
are at.
Sutton shot an 81 to lead the Vikings,
while Kotlowski finished with an 84.
Bellefeuille, Buckles and Graffin all
finished with 87s.
I know some of the guys want some
shots back, but it is a pretty tough
course at Maple Bluff, Taebel said.
Middletons Joey Levin was the

medalist with a 2-under 69. The Cardinals also won the team title with a 313.

Monroe 161, Stoughton 164

The Vikings traveled to Monroe
Country Club on Tuesday for a Badger South Conference dual against the
Cheesemakers and fell 161-164.
Sutton (39), Graffin (40), Buckles (41) and Kotlowski (44) had their
scores count.
I was hoping to steal a victory on
the road in the Badger, which is always
challenging, Taebel said. We left
some strokes out there and had a lot of
kids with double and triple bogeys on
their card. We will continue to work on
getting away from those bigger numbers.

athletes in different spots

Assistant sports editor

The Stoughton High

School boys track and field
team used Tuesdays triple
dual against Madison Edgewood and Fort Atkinson at
Stoughton High School as
a time to get a lot of guys
Besides the normal
events, head coach Trevor
Kramolis also put guys in
other spots to see what they
could do.
With several top three
finishes, everything went as
planned for the Vikings.
We have a lot of older
talented kids. We are a pretty solid team. We just need
the freshman and sophomores to put it together,
Kramolis said.
Sam McHone won the
100 in 11.29 seconds, while
Kyle Wilkinson took third
in the 100 (11.76), 200
(24.36) and long jump (16
feet, 5 inches.
Wilkinson also joined
Collin Kraus, Jakob Benson and Max Quale on the
4x200 relay, winning in
Buck Krueger won the
discus (137-8), and the
4x400 relay (Benson,
Kraus, Ed Zeichert and
Adam Krumholz) won in
The 4x800 relay of Garrett Model, Jacob Tobie,
Owen Roe and Tristan Jenny also won in 8:44.3.
Stoughton took 1-2-3
in the two mile Tanner
Hanson (11:08.7), Carson
Fleres (11:11.9) and Hunter
Zaemisch (11:28.6) and
Model was second in the
mile (4:53.8).
Sean McLaury added a
second-place in the 400
(56.03), and Calvin Vincent
was third in the 300 hurdles

Softball: Vikings edged by non-conference Janesville Parker

The Vikings defeated
Madison Edgewood (36)
but fell to Fort Atkinson
S t o u g h t o n t r ave l s t o
Monroe on Friday for
the Simpson Relays at
4:30 p.m. The Vikings then
head to Fort Atkinson High
School at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 26, for a quad
against the Blackhawks,
Milton and Monroe.

Mount Horeb quad

Stoughton traveled to
Mount Horeb High School
on Thursday for a quad
against Mount Horeb, Monroe and Oregon.
Owen Roe won the
1,600 in 4:54.1, while Garrett Model was second in
Max Quale added a win
in the pole vault with a
height of 11-0, while Evan
Ouk was third (9-6).
Buck Krueger also won

Turn to Boys track/Page 13

Girls soccer

Stoughton falls
to Baraboo

Continued from page 11

Auby said. The pitch was basically right down
the middle a little inside and I was able to pull
Stoughton picked up two more hits but was
unable to score a run as Auby was thrown out at
home before Monroe pitcher got a strikeout and
line out to end the threat.
We definitely have a team-first attitude this
year, Auby said. Everyone supports each other.
We have a lot of energy and were just excited to
be here.
Madysn Robinson led off the sixth with a double, advanced to third on a wild pitch and came
home on Gabby Saunders RBI single into right
field to cap the scoring in the home half of the
Trailing by three, the Cheesemakers (6-2, 1-1)
got a one-out single by Kaya Teasdale in the top
of the seventh only to see Vikings catcher Morgan Neuenfeld gun down her down trying to steal
second with a perfect throw to shortstop Maddy
Brickson covering the bag.
Although the Cheesemakers have won the last
three conference titles, the Vikings have always
played Monroe tough, splitting the series last season after losing a pair of one-run games back in
Monroe seems to always be at the top of the
standings, Stoughton head coach Kristin Siget
said. We always feel like we can play with them,
but this win was a big confidence boost.
Thursdays win was a big step toward the
teams goal of winning a conference title.
For sure, thats one of our goals, Auby said.
Coming into tonight we were both undefeated
in conference. This win is going to be a big deal

Photo by Anthony Iozzo

Junior Kyle Wilkinson turns the

corner at the start of the third
leg of the 4x200 relay Tuesday
in a triple dual at Stoughton
High School. The 4x200 won the
race in 1 minute, 39.7 seconds.

Assistant sports editor

Photo by Jeremy Jones

Stoughton shortstop Madison Brickson tags out Monroe baserunner Kaya Teasdale in the top of the seventh
inning. Kaya Teasdale singled with one out before being caught stealing. The host Vikings won the game 3-0 to
improve to 4-0 in the Badger South Conference.

at the end of the season if both teams keep win- for Janesville to hold on for the win.
Molly Skonning took the loss for Stoughton,
allowing eight runs on eight hits and three walks
Parker 9, Stoughton 8
over four innings. Holly Brickson allowed a run
Morgan Neuenfeld went 4-for-4 with two dou- on three hits in three innings of relief.
bles Friday, driving in four runs and scoring twice
at non-conference Janesville Parker. Stoughton Stoughton 4, Edgewood 3 (9 inn.)
left 11 runners on base, however and lost 9-8.
Robinson hit an RBI double in the bottom of
Madisyn Robinson, Sammy Tepp and Raven the ninth inning to lead Stoughton to a 4-3 victory
Poirier each drove in a run for the Vikings.
over Madison Edgewood.
Stoughton trailed 8-4 through three innings, but
Neuenfeld singled and came home to score
were able to claw back into the game with a run on the game-winner. Robinson had two RBIs in
in the fourth and fifth and two more in the sixth.
the win, while Holly Brickson struck out 22 in a
A run by Parker in the fifth proved to be enough complete-game effort.

The Stoughton High

School girls soccer team
traveled to Baraboo on
Thursday for a Badger
crossover contest and fell
Peighton Trieloff scored
t h e l o n e Vi k i n g s g o a l .
H a n n a h Wo o d fi n i s h e d
with eight saves.
S t o u g h t o n t r ave l s t o
Oregon at 7 p.m. Thursday and to non-conference
Lake Mills at 6:45 p.m.
T h e Vi k i n g s h o s t
non-conference Elkhorn
at 1 p.m. Saturday before
heading to DeForest at
7 p.m. Monday for a Badger crossover.

Evansville (n/a)
Stoughton traveled to
non-conference Evansville
on Tuesday.
Results were unavilable
by the Courier Hubs Tuesday deadline.

April 21, 2016



Stoughton Courier Hub

Boys tennis

Nowicki shuts down Crusaders Vikings fall to Reedsburg

Assistant sports editor

The Stoughton High

School baseball team continued its momentum from a
win over Madison Memorial
on Monday.
Sophomore Dylan Nowicki, who hadnt won since
April 5, held the visiting
Madison Edgewood Crusaders to one run in a 4-1 win
The Vikings scored two in
the first. Junior Bryan Wendt
(2-for-3) scored on a wild
pitch, and senior Zack Kirby
(2-for-2) singled home sophomore Brady Schipper.
Senior Nick Woodstock
later added an RBI single to
score Kirby, and Kirby also
scored on a passed ball.
N ow i c k i a l l ow e d a n
unearned run on four hits
in six innings, striking out
eight and walking four.
Senior Jake Kissling collected the save. He allowed a hit
in one inning, striking out

Stoughton travels to
non-conference DeForest
at 5 p.m. Thursday and to
non-conference Oconomowoc at 5 p.m. Monday, April
25. The Vikings host Fort
Atkinson at 5 p.m. Tuesday,
April 26.

Monroe 9, Stoughton 3
Stoughton scored once in
the top of the fourth to cut
Monroes lead to one Thursday, but the host Cheesemakers picked up seven runs
in the next two innings to
knock off the Vikings 9-3.
Nowicki (2-for-3) picked
up an RBI single to score
Schipper in the fourth, but
Monroe came back with
four runs in the bottom of
the inning.
Garrett Gogin (2-for-4)
had an RBI single, while
Jaron Kuester (2-for-3) and
Hogan Edwards (2-for-4)
followed with back-to-back
RBI doubles. Kuester later
scored on an error.

Boys lacrosse

Stoughton knocks off Tomah

in non-conference game
Assistant sports editor

The Stoughton High

School boys lacrosse team
defeated non-conference
and first-year program
Tomah 16-1 on Friday.
The visiting Vikings had
four players with three goals
senior Parker Kruckenberg, junior Tanner Gutche
(two assists), junior Dylan
Gross and sophomore Cameron Furseth.
Junior Sam Onsager

added three goals and two

Sophomore Isaak Olson
and sophomore Matt Read
each scored once, while
sophomore Quinn Link and
senior Ethan Olsen assisted
on a goal.
Freshman Jack Sunby finished with one save.
Stoughton hosts Oregon at
5 p.m. Friday and non-conference Neenah at 1 p.m.
Saturday. The Vikings travel to La Crosse Central at
5 p.m. Tuesday, April 26.

The Cheesemakers later

added three runs in the fifth
to take a 9-1 lead.
Jacob Ritschard (2-for3) collected an RBI single
and Gogin added a two-run
double. Brent Edmunds finished 2-for-4 with two runs
Stoughton scored twice
in the seventh. Woodstock
picked up an RBI double to
bring home sophomore Nick
Waldorf and senior Nathan
Varese singled home Woodstock.
Hunter Weckerley picked
up the win. He allowed an
unearned run on four hits in
six innings, striking out four
and walking one.
Nowicki took the loss. He
allowed four earned runs
on 11 hits in four innings,
striking out four and walking one. Sophomore Brock
Wanninger finished the
game. He allowed two
earned runs on three hits in
two innings, striking out
three and walking one.

Stoughton 9, Memorial 0
The Vikings traveled
to Mansfield Stadium on
Monday for a non-conference game against Madison
Memorial and scored six
runs in the top of the second
en route to a 9-0 win.
Woodstock scored on a
wild pitch to open the second and Schipper added an
RBI sacrifice fly to bring
home senior Jack Nelson.
Nowicki followed with a
single to score Wendt.
Kissling capped the
inning with a hit to right
field scoring Kirby, Varese
and Nowicki, but Kissling
was thrown out at second on
the play.
Stoughtons other three
runs came in the first. Schipper singled home Wendt,
and Kirby tripled home
Varese and Schipper.
Varese picked up the win,
allowing three hits in seven
innings. He struck out eight
and walked one.

Boys track: Vikes win three

events at Mount Horeb
Continued from page 12
an event, taking the discus with a distance of
Jenny took second in
the 800 with a 2:09.7. He
was third in the 400 in
54.4. Model was third in
the 800 in 2:13.6.
S t o u g h t o n s 4 x 1 0 0
and 4x800 relays both
took second. The 4x100
(Quale, Sam Michel,
Jake Schipper and Alric

Lopez) finished in 50.5,

while the 4x800 (Jackson
Hampton, Collin Maloney, Hanson and McLaury) took second in 9:15.
McLaury was second in
the triple jump with a distance of 38-1. Eli Krumholz took third in the shot
put with a distance of
Vincent finished third
in the 110 high hurdles in
18.28. He was third in the
300 low hurdles in 47.02.

Sports editor

The Stoughton High

School boys tennis team
lost a match and had another postponed last week.

Stoughton (ppd.)
Stoughton was supposed
to host Monroe Tuesday in
a Badger South Conference
dual but rain forced the
match to be postponed.
N o m a ke u p d a t e wa s

Reedsburg 6,
Stoughton 1
Vi k i n g s e n i o r L e v i

Robbins earned the

Vikings lone win in a 6-1
conference crossover loss
at No. 2 singles. Robbins
defeated Reedsburgs Colis
Crolius 6-2, 6-2 on a day
with strong winds that
made for difficult play.
Logan Penkwitz took a
close win over Stoughtons
Nolan Meyer 7-5, 6-3 at
No. 3 singles, while Stefan
Butterbrodt fell 6-2, 6-4 to
Ryan Dregney at No. 1 singles.
N u m b e r t wo d o u b l e s
teammates Jon Blaikie
and Graham Beebe played
the Vikings next-closest match, falling 6-3, 6-3
against Tyson Holtz and
Patrick Pollard.

Sport shorts
First serve summer
The Stoughton First
Serve tennis camp will be
held July 5 to Aug. 4 at the
Stoughton High School tennis courts on Tuesday and
Thursday mornings for five
These camps are for tennis players of all abilities.
Participants will be placed
into appropriate groups the
first day of camp.

The camps will be run

by Stoughton High School
coaches Ryan Reischel,
Howard Roloff and Amy
The coaching staff will
also include current and
former college players.
Please bring the following each day: racquet, water
bottle and tennis shoes.
Questions? Contact
Coach Ryan Reischel at
628-4928 or reischelryan@

Camp times
Grade (entering fall 2016)
PreK 2nd
*All camps cost $80

8-9 a.m.
9-10 a.m.
10-11:15 a.m.
11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Krumholz: Joining SHS

alumnus Rosowski at UW
watch a football game. Now
this is his excuse, Krumholz

Fortunate return
Much like his path to UW,
Krumholzs choice to return
to the gridiron as a senior was
a fortunate one. He can credit Vikings quarterback Jake
Kissling with helping him
Jake told me there is a
kid we needed to get out for
football. I saw Adam play
basketball and high jump in
track my first year here and I
couldnt believe he didnt play
football, head coach Dan
Prahl said. I decided to reach
out to Adam because he could
help our team.
Prahl called Krumholz last
summer and invited him to a
7-on-7 tournament the team
was doing in Waunakee.
It was really fun, probably
one of my favorite football
memories. I got there, and it
just felt natural, Krumholz

Another level
Prahl said the coaching
staff thought about ways to

get Krumholz the ball every

week, Adam is too good of a
player not to get his touches.
He is an impact player and we
gave him a chance and he took
advantage of it.
While he had a lot of success in the Badger South,
Krumholz knows its not
going to come so easy against
Big 10 defensive backs.
Theyre a lot stronger
and quicker than what Ive
played, he said. Its a whole
new level, and it will take a
few years to be at that level.
Most Badger freshman
typically redshirt, which is
what former SHS athlete and
Wisconsin punter PJ Rosowski did and what Krumholz
expects to do this fall.
I was working out with PJ
a few months ago, and he really gave me a new outlook on
what its going to be like and
the challenges, Krumholz
First, he said, is making
sure the academics are in
order. And then its finding a
way to stand out.
Just getting better every
day is huge, he said. Once
you redshirt, youre facing the
varsity defense on the scout
team. You really have to make
an effort to get noticed.


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April 21, 2016


Stoughton Courier Hub

Berdine M. Alme

Berdine Alme

Berdine Mae (Anderson)

Alme, age 85, passed away
peacefully at Agrace HospiceCare on Sunday, April 17,
She was born at home in
the Town of Dunkirk on April
28, 1930, to Carl and Louise
(Spilde) Anderson. She grew
up on the family farm and
graduated from the Stoughton High School. On March
19, 1950, Berdine married
Edgar Alme and together
they farmed in the Town of
As a lifelong member of
First Lutheran Church in
Stoughton, she served on
Altar Guild and Women of
the Church and was a member of Circle #20. Berdine
also served more than 45
years as a poll worker and on

David P. Severson

David Severson

David Paul Severson died

unexpectedly Saturday, April
16, 2016.
He was born in Madison
on Jan. 17, 1997, the son
of Jim and Mary (Schutte)
Severson. David graduated
from Stoughton High School
in 2015, and was attending
UW-Stevens Point majoring in geography. He was an
active 4-H member for 13

the planning commission in

the Town of Dunkirk.
Berdine enjoyed many
years of golfing with her
friends at Coachmans on the
ladies league. More recently,
she volunteered at the Stoughton Hospital Gift Shop.
Edgar and Berdine valued their many friendships
during their 47 years of marriage including the card club
they belonged to for as long
as they were married. Berdine continued to be involved
with the group until her health
Berdine is survived by
her children, Sharon (Warren) Luehring, Dale (Kathy)
Alme, James (Lori) Alme,
Judy (Mark) Rosenbaum and
Jeffrey (Lisa) Alme; grandchildren, Michael (Tracey)
Luehring, Brett (Ann) Alme,
Scott (Amanda) Alme, Ashley Alme, Amy (Daniel)
Loughridge, Sarah (Mike)
Luedke, Brian (Leslie) Alme
and Kelly (Joe) Steinhofer;
and six great-grandchildren.
She is furthered survived by
a sister-in-law, Marion Gjertson; a brother-in-law, Melvin
Alme; and many nieces and
Berdine was predeceased
by her parents; husband,
Edgar; brothers, Clifford and
Obert (infant); and sisters,
Claudine Anderson, Dorothy
Spilde and Edna Kleven.

Funeral services will be

held at 11 a.m. Monday, April
25 at First Lutheran Church,
310 E. Washington Street,
Stoughton, with the Rev.
Richard Halom officiating.
Burial will follow in Lutheran Cemetery South. Friends
and relatives are invited to a
luncheon following the burial in the church fellowship
hall. Visitation will be held
from 3-6 p.m. Sunday, April
24 at Cress Funeral Home in
Stoughton, and from 10 a.m.
until the time of services
Monday at the church.
Memorials may be given
in Berdines name to First
Lutheran Church, Agrace
HospiceCare or a charity of
your choice.
Berdine dedicated her
life to her family, creating a
loving and nurturing home.
Mom, your love is the heart
and soul of our family. We
will miss your apple pie,
homemade applesauce and
cinnamon sugar pie crust. We
know that you are at peace
now, dancing with dad in
Please share your memories of Berdine at: www.

years and enjoyed showing

rabbits, archery and participating in community service
projects. David served as a
youth member of the Dane
County Zoning and Land
Committee through the UW
Extension Youth in Governance Program for two years.
David was an accomplished vocalist and sang in
the Stoughton High School
Concert Choir and was a
Stoughton Madrigal Singer for three years. He loved
performing at the Madrigal
Dinners and another highlight of his music life was
traveling to New York City
and performing at Carnegie
Hall. He enjoyed working at
Subway in Stoughton during
high school and summer
breaks. One of his favorite
pastimes was playing games
of all types with his family
and friends: video games,
board games and role playing games. He traveled with
his family to Scotland twice

and enjoyed wearing his kilt

and going to Irish and Scottish festivals. David always
believed in helping others and
was a regular blood donor and
per his wishes, he became an
organ donor.
David is survived by his
parents, Jim and Mary; sister,
Laura (fiance Nick Gorden);
maternal grandparents, Ralph
and Luella Schutte of Dodgeville; uncles, John (Sue)
Severson, Paul Schutte and
Dale Schutte; aunts, Rita
(Larry) Sharlein, Irene (Bob)
Deutscher, Yvonne (Joe)
Mitchell and Ann (Tom)
Dunn; and cousins, Becky
(Mike) Tucker (Alexa, Ava,
Austin), Andy Sharlein,
Kyle Schluter, Adam Schluter, Martin Schutte, Isabel
Schutte and Gwen Dunn. He
is also survived by several
great-aunts and uncles.
David was preceded in
death by his paternal grandparents Richard and Kathleen
Funeral services will be
11 a.m. Saturday, April 23
at St. Ann Catholic Church,
323 N. Van Buren, Stoughton.
Burial will follow in St. Ann
Cemetery. Visitation will be
held from 4-8 p.m. Friday,
April 22 at Cress Funeral
Home, 206 W. Prospect, and
on Saturday, April 23 at St.
Ann Church from 9:30 a.m.
until the time of the service.
Please share your
memories of David at: www.

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Arnold F. Genske

Mayer as a Standards Checker for 37 years. Arnold wed

on April 7,
1956, and
they celebrated their 60th
wedding anniversary this
He was an amazing man,
loving father and doting
grandfather. Arnolds hobbies included lawn care and
gardening, being a handyman, working and framing jig-saw puzzles, model
trains and spending time in
his garage. He illuminated
many lives.
Arnold is survived by his
wife, Dorothy (Brisky); son,
David (Jean) Genske; daughter, Sue Genske; grandchildren, Kevin (Emily) Genske, Christopher Genske,
Timothy Genske, Dr. Kate
Helmich and Sam (Alexa
Earlywine) Helmich; sisters, Delores Tootie Koch,
Eda Bade and Eleanor (Ray)
Fallis; and his brother, Alvin
Genske. He is further survived by a special niece,
Marcia (Gregg) Knudtson;
and numerous other nieces

and nephews.
He was preceded in death
by his parents, Erwin and
Malinda (Mueller) Genske;
in-laws, Charlie and Albina (Holak) Brisky; brother, George (Fran) Genske;
sister-in-law, Leona Genske; and his granddaughter,
Christy Genske. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m.
Friday, April 22 at St. Bernard Catholic Church, 2450
Atwood Ave., Madison.
Visitation will be held from
5-8 p.m. Thursday, April 21
at Gunderson East Funeral
Home, 5203 Monona Dr.,
Madison, and at the church
from 9:30 a.m. until the time
of the service on Friday.
In lieu of flowers, please
make blood or monetary
donations to the American
Red Cross. A special thanks
to the nurses at St. Marys
Hospital, 5th SW. Online
condolences may be made at

Dec. 29, 2003.

Marrianne worked at
Monroe Hospital as a CNA
and an OR technician for 20
years, retiring in 1976. She
earned her GED in 1976,
in Beloit. Marrianne moved
to Stoughton in 1976, and
worked for Fellys flowers in Monona as a floral
designer, retiring in 2000.
She enjoyed entertaining
and spending time with her
family, especially at Syttende Mai festival parties.
Marrianne also enjoyed
being at the family cabin in
Tomahawk. She loved to go
dancing and trips to the apple
Marrianne is survived by
her daughter, Beth (Hugh)
Roberts; grandchildren,
Gunnar (Jennifer) Roberts
and Jaimie (Jared) Elliott;
great-grandchildren, Connor and Parker Roberts and
Colton and Brody Elliott;
and many nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death

by her husbands; parents;

son, Michael Duane Penniston; and brothers, Francis,
Ardell and Erling Olson.
A memorial service will
be held at 11 a.m. Saturday,
April 23 at Christ Lutheran
Church, 700 County Road B.
Visitation will be held at the
church from 10 a.m. until the
time of the service. In lieu
of flowers, memorials may
be made to Christ Lutheran Church, Dane County
Humane Society or Stoughton Senior Center, or to a
charity of the donors choice.
The family wishes to
thank Skaalen Home and
the staff for the care and love
they provided to Marrianne.
Online condolences may be
made at www.gundersonfh.

He was born on April

24, 1951, in Stoughton,
the son of
and Catherine (Hardwick) Lathrop. Carl was a
veteran of the U.S. Navy
and worked for Madison
Newspapers, Inc. Carl
loved fishing, hunting,
the outdoors, bowling and
cooking. His special friend
was Mountain Dew.
Carl is survived by his
brother, Ralph (Bonnie)
Carl Lathrop
Lathrop; sisters, Helen
Jewell and Linda (Daryl)
Carl E. Lathrop, age 64, Schneider; step-daughof Madison, passed away ters, Tara (Allen) Jenon Monday, April 11, 2016, k i n s a n d D a n a ( C r a i g
at home.
Kaltenberg) Kuck; and

step-grandchildren, Darren
Jenkins, Brooke Jenkins
and Craig Kaltenberg, Jr.
He was preceded in death
by his parents; and a brother, LeRoy Lathrop.
Funeral services were
held at Gunderson Stoughton Funeral Home on Friday, April 15, with burial
following in Cooksville
Cemetery. Online condolences may be made at

Arnold Genske

Arnold F. Genske, 84,

passed away on April 18,
2016, at St. Marys Hospital
after a seven-month struggle
with myelodysplastic syndrome.
Arnold lived a rich, full
life filled with a loving family and many friends. He
grew up on the eastside of
Madison and was a Korean
War Veteran, stationed on
the U.S.S. Evansville PF-70.
After he returned from the
service he worked briefly
for Royal Typewriter, and
was later employed at Oscar

Marrianne Erickson

Marrianne Erickson

Marrianne Erickson, age

83, passed away on Friday,
April 15, 2016, at Skaalen
She was born on May 21,
1932, on the family farm in
Wiota, Wis., the daughter of
Milven and Goldie Olson.
Marrianne married Darrell
Penniston on May 21, 1949,
and he passed away on Sept
18, 1970. She then married
Don E. Erickson on May 29,
1976 and he passed away on

Carl E. Lathrop

Gunderson East
Funeral & Cremation
5203 Monona Drive
(608) 221-5420

Gunderson Stoughton
Funeral & Cremation
1358 Highway 51 N. @
(608) 873-4590

Gunderson Stoughton
Funeral & Cremation
1358 Hwy. 51 @ Jackson
(608) 873-4590

View more obituaries on page 17


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April 21, 2016

Stoughton Courier Hub



Pursuant to Section 701.0508, Wisconsin Statutes, notice is hereby given

of the administration of the Marita S. Hettinger Living Trust dated April 26, 2000,
and as amended April 15, 2009, Patricia
Klever, Trustee. The decedent, Marita S.
Hettinger, whose date of birth was May 9,
1930, and date of death was September
24, 2015, died domiciled in Dane County,
Wisconsin, with a post office address of
3250 Brooklyn Dr., Stoughton, Wisconsin, 53589.
Creditors claims must be filed with
the Trustee of the Trust at the address
listed below on or before August 7, 2016,
which is four (4) months after the initial
publication of this notice, or be barred.
Marita S. Hettinger Living Trust
Patricia Klever, Trustee
c/o Walter R. Stewart, Attorney
W.R. Stewart & Associates, S.C.
110 E. Main St., Suite 813
Madison, Wisconsin, 53703
Published: April 7, 14 and 21, 2016


The City of Stoughton Planning

Commission will hold a Public Hearing
on Monday, May 9, 2016 at 6:00 oclock
p.m., or as soon after as the matter may
be heard, at the Public Safety Building, Second Floor, 321 S. Fourth Street,
Stoughton, Wisconsin, 53589, to consider a request to amend the City of Stoughton Municipal Code of Ordinances. The
proposed ordinance amendment is to
zoning code section 78-105(5)(a)2b and
to Appendix C of the City of Stoughton
Zoning Ordinance, Dane County, Wisconsin.
The amendment is proposed to
conditionally allow commercial outdoor
entertainment within the Planned Industrial District as a principal land use.
Specifically, there is a proposal to build
a military style obstacle course at 150
Business Park Circle, Stoughton. The
proposed amendment may be viewed
at the Department of Planning & Development, City Hall, 381 E. Main Street,
Stoughton, WI. 53589.
For questions regarding this notice
please contact Michael Stacey, Zoning
Administrator at 608-646-0421.
Michael Stacey
Zoning Administrator
Published April 21 and 28, 2016


Please take notice that Terri Zeman,

owner of the property at 524 S. Van Buren Street, Stoughton, Wisconsin, has
requested a variance from zoning code
section, 78-105(2)(e)8bL, Side lot line to
accessory structure: Four feet from property line, four feet from alley to allow installation of a carport three feet 2 inches
from the side lot line.
The property at 524 S. Van Buren
Street is formally described as follows:
Parcel number: 281/0511-071-60340, with a legal description of: THORSENS
property description is for tax purposes.
It may be abbreviated)
Notice is hereby given that the
Board of Appeals will conduct a hearing
on this matter on Thursday May 5, 2016 at
5:00 p.m., or as soon after as the matter
may be heard in the Council Chambers,
Second Floor, Public Safety Building, 321
S. Fourth Street, Stoughton.
For questions related to this notice
contact the City Zoning Administrator at
Published: April 21, 2016


Please take notice that Jamie Bush,

owner of the property at 1017 Nygaard
Street, Stoughton, Wisconsin, has requested a variance from zoning code
landscape surface ratio: 25 percent and
78-610, Landscaping requirements for
The property at 1017 Nygaard Street
is formally described as follows:
Parcel number: 281/0511-062-42183, with a legal description of: JOHN
LOT 118
(This property description is for tax
purposes. It may be abbreviated)
The applicant is requesting the variances to allow a building addition at the
south side of the principal building.
Notice is hereby given that the
Board of Appeals will conduct a hearing
on this matter on Thursday May 5, 2016 at
5:00 p.m., or as soon after as the matter
may be heard in the Council Chambers,
Second Floor, Public Safety Building, 321
S. Fourth Street, Stoughton.
For questions related to this notice
contact the City Zoning Administrator at
Published: April 21, 2016


Case No.16PR250
1. An application for Informal Administration was filed.
2. The decedent, with date of birth
June 27, 1945 and date of death March
8, 2016, was domiciled in Dane County,
State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 801 Truman Street, Stoughton,
WI 53589.
3. All interested persons waived notice.
4. The deadline for filing a claim
against the decedents estate is July 22,
5. A claim may be filed at the Dane
County Courthouse, Madison, Wisconsin, Room 1000
Lisa Chandler
Probate Registrar
April 13, 2016
Jonathan M. Hajny
221 Kings Lynn Road, Suite D
Stoughton, WI 53589
(608) 877-4081
Bar Number: 1014479
Published: April 21, 28 and May 5, 2016


Amending section 26-43 of the City

of Stoughton Municipal Fire Prevention
and Protection Ordinance
Committee Action: Public Safety
Committee recommends approval 4-0.
Fiscal Impact: N/A
File Number: O - 4 - 2016a
Date Introduced: March 29, 2016,
April 12, 2016
The Common Council of the City of
Stoughton do ordain as follows:
Sec. 26-43 Outdoor fired furnaces
a) Definition. Outdoor fired furnace means a fired furnace, stove or
boiler that is not located within a building
intended for habitation by humans or domestic animals.
b) Purpose. Outdoor fired furnaces
are designed to maintain fire over long
periods of time and are designed to
operate at low temperatures when not
heating. They frequently have a lower
chimney height than an indoor stove.
Restricted air-flow at low operating temperatures can cause smoldering which
results in excessive smoke. This smoke
can cause both acute and chronic health
problems if nearby residents are exposed in densely populated areas and
can be a nuisance to the public. The purpose of this ordinance is to protect the
public health and reduce the potential
public nuisance.
c) No person shall install, use or
maintain an outdoor fired furnace in the
city limits unless the burning is specifically permitted by this ordinance.
d) Enforcement. The building inspector fire marshal, or his or her designee, shall enforce this ordinance.
e) Any person who violates any provision of this ordinance shall be fined
according to section 1-3 of the Code including applicable court costs.
f) Exemptions. Notwithstanding subsection c) of this ordinance, outdoor fired
furnaces may be operated within the city
limits provided all of the following conditions apply:
1) The outdoor fired furnace was installed prior to the effective date of this
section, following the issuance of a valid
City of Stoughton building permit.
2) The only materials that may be
burned in the outdoor fired furnace
are clean wood, corn and wood pellets
pre-manufactured for the purpose of
burning in an outdoor fired furnace.
3) The outdoor fired furnaces chimney must extend at least twenty (20) feet
above ground level.
g) No outdoor fired furnaces allowed
under subsection f) of this ordinance
may be enlarged, extended, replaced, or
Secs. 26-44 - 26-70. Reserved
This ordinance shall be in
full force and effect from and after its
date of publication.
Council Adopted: April 12, 2016
Mayor Approved: April 12, 2016
Attest: April 12, 2016
Published: April 21, 2016


Amending Chapter 30, Floodplain

Zoning of the Municipal Code of the City
of Stoughton.
Committee Action: Plan Commission
recommendation 5-0 with the Mayor
Fiscal Impact: None
File Number: O - 3- 2016a
Dates Introduced: March 29, 2016,
April 12, 2016
The Common Council of the City
of Stoughton, Dane County, Wisconsin,
ordains as follows:
Sec. 30-1. Statutory authorization.
This ordinance is adopted pursuant
to the authorization in Wis. Stats., 62.23
and the requirements in Wis. Stats.,
Sec. 30-2. Finding of fact.
use of the floodplains and rivers of this
municipality would impair the public
health, safety, convenience, general
welfare and tax base.
Sec. 30-3. Statement of purpose.
This ordinance is intended to
regulate floodplain development to:
(1) Protect life, health and property;
(2) Minimize expenditures of public
funds for flood control projects;
(3) Minimize rescue and relief
efforts undertaken at the expense of the
(4) Minimize business interruptions
and other economic disruptions;
(5) Minimize damage to public
facilities in the floodplain;
(6) Minimize the occurrence of future
flood blight areas in the floodplain;
(7) Discourage the victimization of
unwary land and homebuyers;
(8) Prevent increases in flood
heights that could increase flood damage
and result in conflicts between property
owners; and
(9) Discourage development in a
floodplain if there is any practicable
alternative to locate the activity, use or
structure outside of the floodplain.
Sec. 30-4. Title.
This ordinance shall be known as
the Floodplain Zoning Ordinance for the
City of Stoughton, Wisconsin.
Sec. 30-5. General provisions.
(a) Areas to be regulated. This
ordinance regulates all areas that would
be covered by the regional flood or base
flood as shown on the Flood Insurance
Rate Map (FIRM) or other maps approved
by DNR. Base flood elevations are
derived from the flood profiles in the
flood insurance study (FIS) and are
shown as AE, A1-30, and AH Zones on
the FIRM. Other regulatory zones are
displayed as A and AO zones. Regional
flood elevations (RFE) may be derived
from other studies. If more than one
map or revision is referenced, the most
restrictive information shall apply.
(b) Official maps and revisions. The
boundaries of all floodplain districts
are designated as A, AE, AH, AO or A130 on the maps based on the Flood
Insurance Study (FIS) listed below. Any
change to the base flood elevations
(BFE) or any changes to the boundaries
of the floodplain or floodway in the
flood insurance study (FIS) or on the
flood insurance rate map (FIRM) must
be reviewed and approved by the DNR
and FEMA through the Letter of Map
Change process (See Article IX) before
it is effective. No changes to regional
flood elevations (RFEs) on non-FEMA
maps shall be effective until approved
by the DNR. These maps and revisions
are on file in the office of the Department
of Planning and Development, City
of Stoughton. If more than one map
or revision is referenced, the most

restrictive approved information shall

(1) Official maps: Based on flood
insurance study (FIS).
Flood insurance rate maps (FIRM)
dated January 2, 2009 as follows:
Panel numbers 55025C0638G, and
55025C0645G and Flood Insurance
Rate Maps dated September 17, 2014 as
follows: Panel numbers 55025C0609H,
corresponding profiles that are based on
the Dane County flood insurance study
(FIS) dated September 17, 2014, volumes
55025CV001C and 55025CV002C June
amendments. Approved by: The DNR and
(2) Official maps: Based on other
a. Wisconsin Wetland Inventory
Map stamped Final on 9/5/1989 and
subsequent revisions. Approved by: The
b. Dane County Flood Storage
District Map - Panel numbers 8 and 12,
dated September 17, 2014.
Approved by: The DNR and FEMA.
c. Yahara River, Fourth Street Dam
failure analysisincluding floodplain
map, water surface profile, and floodway
data table from dam failure analysis
report dated November 2010, prepared
by Mead & Hunt.
Approved by: The DNR.
(c) Establishment of floodplain
zoning districts. The regional floodplain
areas are divided into four districts as
(1) The floodway district (FW) is the
channel of a river or stream and those
portions of the floodplain adjoining the
channel required to carry the regional
floodwaters and are contained within AE
Zones as shown on the FIRM.
(2) The floodfringe district (FF) is
that portion of the floodplain between
the regional flood limits and the floodway
and displayed as AE Zones on the FIRM.
(3) The general floodplain district
(GFP) is those areas that may be covered
by floodwater during the regional flood
and does not have a BFE or floodway
boundary determined, including A, AH,
and AO zones on the FIRM.
(4) The flood storage district (FSD) is
that area of the floodplain where storage
of floodwaters is calculated to reduce the
regional flood discharge.
(d) Locating floodplain boundaries.
Discrepancies between boundaries on
the official floodplain zoning map and
actual field conditions shall be resolved
using the criteria in subsections (1) or (2)
below. If a significant difference exists,
the map shall be amended according
to Article IX Amendments. The zoning
administrator can rely on a boundary
derived from a profile elevation to grant
or deny a land use permit, whether or
not a map amendment is required. The
zoning administrator shall be responsible
for documenting actual pre-development
field conditions and the basis upon which
the district boundary was determined
and for initiating any map amendments
required under this section. Disputes
between the zoning administrator and an
applicant over the district boundary line
shall be settled according to section 3073(3) and the criteria in subsections (1)
and (2) below. Where the flood profiles
are based on established base flood
elevations from a FIRM, FEMA must
approve any map amendment or revision
pursuant to Article IX Amendments.
(1) If flood profiles exist, the map
scale and the profile elevations shall
determine the district boundary. The
regional or base flood elevations shall
govern if there are any discrepancies.
(2) Where flood profiles do not exist
for projects, the location of the boundary
shall be determined by the map scale.
(e) Removal of lands from floodplain.
Compliance with the provisions of
this ordinance shall not be grounds
for removing land from the floodplain
unless it is filled at least two feet above
the regional or base flood elevation,
the fill is contiguous to land outside
the floodplain, and the map is amended
pursuant to Article IX Amendments.
(f) Compliance. Any development
or use within the areas regulated by
this ordinance shall be in compliance
with the terms of this ordinance, and
other applicable local, state, and federal
(g) Municipalities and state agencies
regulated. Unless specifically exempted
by law, all cities, villages, towns, and
counties are required to comply with
this ordinance and obtain all necessary
permits. State agencies are required to
comply if Wis. Stats., 13.48(13), applies.
maintenance and repair of state
highways and bridges by the Wisconsin
Department of Transportation is exempt
when Wis. Stats., 30.2022, applies.
(1) This ordinance supersedes all
the provisions of any municipal zoning
ordinance enacted under Wis. Stats.,
59.69, 59.692 or 59.694 for counties; Wis.
Stats., 62.23 for cities; or Wis. Stats.,
87.30, which relate to floodplains. If
another ordinance is more restrictive
than this ordinance, that ordinance shall
continue in full force and effect to the
extent of the greater restrictions, but not
(2) This ordinance is not intended
to repeal, abrogate or impair any
existing deed restrictions, covenants or
easements. If this ordinance imposes
greater restrictions, the provisions of
this ordinance shall prevail.
interpretation and application, the
provisions of this ordinance are
the minimum requirements liberally
construed in favor of the governing body
and are not a limitation on or repeal
of any other powers granted by the
Wisconsin Statutes. If a provision of this
ordinance, required by ch. NR 116, Wis.
Adm. Code, is unclear, the provision shall
be interpreted in light of the standards
in effect on the date of the adoption of
this ordinance or in effect on the date of
the most recent text amendment to this
(j) Warning and disclaimer of liability.
The flood protection standards in this
ordinance are based on engineering
experience and research. Larger floods
may occur or the flood height may
be increased by manmade or natural
causes. This ordinance does not imply
or guarantee that non-floodplain areas
or permitted floodplain uses will be free
from flooding and flood damages. This
ordinance does not create liability on the
part of, or a cause of action against, the
municipality or any officer or employee
thereof for any flood damage that may
result from reliance on this ordinance.
portion of this ordinance be declared
unconstitutional or invalid by a court of
competent jurisdiction, the remainder of
this ordinance shall not be affected.
(l) Annexed areas for cities and
villages. The Dane County floodplain
zoning provisions in effect on the date

of annexation shall remain in effect and

shall be enforced by the municipality for
all annexed areas until the municipality
adopts and enforces an ordinance
which meets the requirements of ch.
NR 116, Wis. Adm. Code and 44 CFR 5972, National Flood Insurance Program
(NFIP). These annexed lands are
described on the municipalitys official
zoning map. County floodplain zoning
provisions are incorporated by reference
for the purpose of administering this
section and are on file in the office of the
municipal zoning administrator. All plats
or maps of annexation shall show the
regional flood elevation and the floodway
standards. The community shall review
all permit applications to determine
whether proposed building sites will
be reasonably safe from flooding. If a
proposed building site is in a flood-prone
area, all new construction and substantial
improvements shall be designed and
anchored to prevent flotation, collapse,
or lateral movement of the structure
resulting from hydrodynamic and
hydrostatic loads; be constructed with
flood resistant materials; be constructed
to minimize flood damages and to ensure
that utility and mechanical equipment is
designed and/or located so as to prevent
water from entering or accumulating
within the equipment during conditions
of flooding.
Subdivisions shall be reviewed for
compliance with the above standards.
All subdivision proposals (including
manufactured home parks) shall include
regional flood elevation and floodway
data for any development that meets the
subdivision definition of this ordinance
and all other requirements in s. 30.71(b).
Adequate drainage shall be provided to
reduce exposure to flood hazards and
all public utilities and facilities, such as
sewer, gas, electrical, and water systems
are located and constructed to minimize
or eliminate flood damages.
Any violation of the provisions
of this ordinance by any person shall
be unlawful and shall be referred
to the municipal attorney who shall
violators. A violator shall, upon
conviction, forfeit to the municipality
a penalty per section 1-3, Municipal
Code, together with a taxable cost of
such action. Each day of continued
violation shall constitute a separate
offense. Every violation of this ordinance
is a public nuisance and the creation
may be enjoined and the maintenance
may be abated by action at suit of the
municipality, the state, or any citizen
thereof pursuant to Wis. Stats., 87.30,
which limits penalties to no more than
$50 per day per violation.
Sec. 30-7. Definitions.
Unless specifically defined, words
and phrases in this ordinance shall have
their common law meaning and shall be
applied in accordance with their common
usage. Words used in the present tense
include the future, the singular number
includes the plural and the plural number
includes the singular. The word may is
permissive, shall is mandatory and is
not discretionary.
A zones: Those areas shown on
the official floodplain zoning map which
would be inundated by the regional
flood. These areas may be numbered or
unnumbered A zones. The A zones may
or may not be reflective of flood profiles,
depending on the availability of data for
a given area.
Accessory structure or use: A
facility, structure, building or use which
is accessory or incidental to the principal
use of a property, structure or building.
upgrading or substantial change or
modifications other than an addition
or repair to a dwelling or to electrical,
plumbing, heating, ventilating, air
conditioning and other systems within a
Area of shallow flooding: A
designated AO, AH, AR/AO, AR/AH,
or VO zone on a communitys Flood
Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) with a 1
percent or greater annual chance of
flooding to an average depth of 1 to 3
feet where a clearly defined channel
does not exist, where the path of flooding
is unpredictable, and where velocity
flood may be evident. Such flooding is
characterized by ponding or sheet flow.
Base flood: Means the flood having
a one percent chance of being equaled or
exceeded in any given year, as published
by FEMA as part of a FIS and depicted on
Basement: Any enclosed area of a
building having its floor sub-grade, i.e.,
below ground level, on all sides.
Building: See Structure.
Bulkhead line: A geographic line
along a reach of navigable water that has
been adopted by a municipal ordinance
and approved by the DNR pursuant to
Wis. Stats., 30.11, and which allows
limited filling between this bulkhead line
and the original ordinary highwater mark,
except where such filling is prohibited
by the floodway provisions of this
Campground: Any parcel of land
intended or used for the purpose of
providing sites for nonpermanent
overnight use by four or more camping
units, or which is advertised or
represented as a camping area.
Camping unit: Any portable device,
no more than 400 square feet in area,
used as a temporary shelter, including
but not limited to a camping trailer, motor
home, bus, van, pick-up truck, or tent that
is fully licensed, if required, and ready for
highway use.
certification that the construction and the
use of land or a building, the elevation of
fill or the lowest floor of a structure is in
compliance with all of the provisions of
this ordinance.
Channel: A natural or artificial
watercourse with definite bed and banks
to confine and conduct normal flow of
Crawlways or crawl space: An
enclosed area below the first usable floor
of a building, generally less than five feet
in height, used for access to plumbing
and electrical utilities.
Deck: Any unenclosed exterior
structure that has no roof or sides, but
has a permeable floor which allows the
infiltration of precipitation.
Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
change to improved or unimproved real
estate, including, but not limited to, the
construction of buildings, structures or
accessory structures; the construction
of additions or alterations to buildings,
structures or accessory structures;
the repair of any damaged structure or
the improvement or renovation of any
structure, regardless of percentage of
damage or improvement; the placement
of buildings or structures; subdivision

layout and site preparation; mining,

the storage, deposition or extraction
of materials or equipment; and the
installation, repair or removal of public
or private sewage disposal systems or
water supply facilities.
Dryland access: A vehicular access
route which is above the regional flood
elevation and which connects land
located in the floodplain to land outside
the floodplain, such as a road with its
surface above regional flood elevation
and wide enough for wheeled rescue and
relief vehicles.
Encroachment: Any fill, structure,
equipment, building, use or development
in the floodway.
Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA): The federal agency that
administers the National Flood Insurance
Flood insurance rate map (FIRM): A
map of a community on which the Federal
Insurance Administration has delineated
both the floodplain and the risk premium
zones applicable to the community. This
map can only be amended by the Federal
Emergency Management Agency.
Flood or flooding: A general
and temporary condition of partial or
complete inundation of normally dry land
areas caused by one of the following
The overflow or rise of inland
The rapid accumulation or runoff of
surface waters from any source,
The inundation caused by waves or
currents of water exceeding anticipated
cyclical levels along the shore of Lake
Michigan or Lake Superior, or
The sudden increase caused by an
unusually high water level in a natural
body of water, accompanied by a severe
storm, or by an unanticipated force of
nature, such as a seiche, or by some
similarly unusual event.
Flood frequency: The probability of
a flood occurrence which is determined
from statistical analyses. The frequency
of a particular flood event is usually
expressed as occurring, on the average,
once in a specified number of years or
as a percent chance of occurring in any
given year.
Floodfringe: That portion of the
floodplain outside of the floodway
which is covered by flood waters during
the regional flood and associated with
standing water rather than flowing water.
Flood hazard boundary map: A map
designating approximate flood hazard
areas. Flood hazard areas are designated
as unnumbered A-zones and do not
contain floodway lines or regional flood
elevations. This map forms the basis
for both the regulatory and insurance
aspects of the National Flood Insurance
Program (NFIP) until superseded by
a flood insurance study and a flood
insurance rate map.
Flood insurance study: A technical
engineering examination, evaluation, and
determination of the local flood hazard
areas. It provides maps designating
those areas affected by the regional flood
and provides both flood insurance rate
zones and base flood elevations and may
provide floodway lines. The flood hazard
areas are designated as numbered and
unnumbered A-zones. Flood insurance
rate maps, that accompany the flood
insurance study, form the basis for both
the regulatory and the insurance aspects
of the National Flood Insurance Program.
Floodplain: Land which has been or
may be covered by flood water during the
regional flood. It includes the floodway
and the floodfringe, and may include
other designated floodplain areas for
regulatory purposes.
Floodplain island: A natural geologic
land formation within the floodplain
that is surrounded, but not covered, by
floodwater during the regional flood.
Floodplain management: Policy
and procedures to insure wise use of
floodplains, including mapping and
and administration and enforcement of
floodplain regulations.
Flood profile: A graph or a
longitudinal profile line showing the
relationship of the water surface
elevation of a flood event to locations of
land surface elevations along a stream
or river.
Floodp roofing: Any combination
of structural provisions, changes or
adjustments to properties and structures,
water and sanitary facilities and contents
of buildings subject to flooding, for the
purpose of reducing or eliminating flood
Flood protection elevation: An
elevation of two feet of freeboard above
the water surface profile elevation
designated for the regional flood. (Also
see: Freeboard.)
Flood storage: Those floodplain
areas where storage of floodwaters has
been taken into account during analysis
in reducing the regional flood discharge.
Floodway: The channel of a river
or stream and those portions of the
floodplain adjoining the channel required
to carry the regional flood discharge.
Freeboard: A safety factor expressed
in terms of a specified number of feet
above a calculated flood level. Freeboard
compensates for any factors that
cause flood heights greater than those
calculated, including ice jams, debris
accumulation, wave action, obstruction
of bridge openings and floodways, the
effects of watershed urbanization, loss of
flood storage areas due to development
and aggregation of the river or stream
Habitable structure: Any structure
or portion thereof used or designed for
human habitation.
Hearing notice: Publication or
posting meeting the requirements of
Ch. 985, Wis. Stats. For appeals, a Class
1 notice, published once at least one
week (seven days) before the hearing, is
required. For all zoning ordinances and
amendments, a Class 2 notice, published
twice, once each week consecutively, the
last at least a week (seven days) before
the hearing. Local ordinances or bylaws
may require additional notice, exceeding
these minimums.
High flood damage potential:
Damage that could result from flooding
that includes any danger to life or health
or any significant economic loss to a
structure or building and its contents.
highest natural elevation of the ground
surface prior to construction next to the
proposed walls of a structure.
Historic structure: Any structure
that is either:

National Register of Historic Places
or preliminarily determined by the
Secretary of the Interior as meeting the
requirements for individual listing on the
national register,
Certified or preliminarily determined by the Secretary of the Interior as
contributing to the historical significance
of a registered historic district or a district preliminarily determined by the Secretary to qualify as a registered historic
Individually listed on a state inventory of historic places in states with his-

toric preservation programs which have

been approved by the Secretary of the
Interior, or
Individually listed on a local
communities with historic preservation
programs that have been certified
either by an approved state program,
as determined by the Secretary of the
Interior; or by the Secretary of the Interior
in states without approved programs.
Increase in regional flood height:
A calculated upward rise in the regional
flood elevation, equal to or greater than
0.001 foot, based on a comparison
of existing conditions and proposed
conditions which is directly attributable
to development in the floodplain
but not attributable to manipulation
of mathematical variables such as
roughness factors, expansion and
contraction coefficients and discharge.
Land use: Any nonstructural use
made of unimproved or improved real
estate. (Also see Development.)
Lowest adjacent grade: Elevation of
the lowest ground surface that touches
any of the exterior walls of a building.
Lowest floor: The lowest floor of
the lowest enclosed area (including
basement). An unfinished or flood
resistant enclosure, usable solely for
parking of vehicles, building access or
storage in an area other than a basement
area is not considered a buildings lowest
floor; provided that such enclosure is
not built so as to render the structure in
violation of the applicable non-elevation
design requirements of 44 CFR 60.3.
Maintenance: The act or process
of restoring to original soundness,
including redecorating, refinishing, non
structural repairs, or the replacement of
existing fixtures, systems or equipment
with equivalent fixtures, systems or
Manufactured home: A structure
transportable in one or more sections,
which is built on a permanent chassis
and is designed to be used with or
without a permanent foundation when
connected to required utilities. The term
manufactured home includes a mobile
home but does not include a mobile
recreational vehicle.
Mobile/Manufactured home park
or subdivision: A parcel (or contiguous
parcels) of land, divided into two or more
manufactured home lots for rent or sale.
Mobile/Manufactured home park or
subdivision, existing: A parcel of land,
divided into two or more manufactured
home lots for rent or sale, on which the
construction of facilities for servicing
the lots is completed before the effective
date of this ordinance. At a minimum,
this would include the installation of
utilities, the construction of streets and
either final site grading or the pouring of
concrete pads.
Mobile/Manufactured home park,
expansion to existing: The preparation
of additional sites by the construction
of facilities for servicing the lots on
which the manufactured homes are to
be affixed. This includes installation
of utilities, construction of streets and
either final site grading, or the pouring if
of concrete pads.
Mobile recreational vehicle: A
vehicle which is built on a single chassis,
400 square feet or less when measured
at the largest horizontal projection,
designed to be self-propelled, carried or
permanently towable by a licensed, lightduty vehicle, is licensed for highway use
if registration is required and is designed
primarily not for use as a permanent
dwelling, but as temporary living
quarters for recreational, camping, travel
or seasonal use. Manufactured homes
that are towed or carried onto a parcel of
land, but do not remain capable of being
towed or carried, including park model
homes, do not fall within the definition of
mobile recreational vehicles.
effective: A
corrects any errors that occur in the
Duplicate Effective Model, adds any
additional cross sections to the Duplicate
Effective Model, or incorporates more
detailed topographic information than
that used in the current effective model.
Model, duplicate effective: A copy
of the hydraulic analysis used in the
effective FIS and referred to as the
effective model.
Model effective: The hydraulic
engineering model that was used to
produce the current effective Flood
Insurance Study.
Model, existing (pre-project): A
modification of the Duplicate Effective
Model or Corrected Effective Model to
reflect any man made modifications that
have occurred within the floodplain since
the date of the effective model but prior
to the construction of the project for
which the revision is being requested.
If no modification has occurred since
the date of the effective model, then
this model would be identical to the
Corrected Effective Model or Duplicate
Effective Model.
Model, revised (post-project): A
modification of the Existing or PreProject Conditions Model, Duplicate
Effective Model or Corrected Effective
Model to reflect revised or post-project
Municipality or municipal: The
county, city or village governmental units
enacting, administering and enforcing
this zoning ordinance.
NAVD or North American Vertical
Datum: Elevations referenced to mean
sea level datum, 1988 adjustment.
NGVD or National Geodetic Vertical
Datum: Elevations referenced to mean
sea level datum, 1929 adjustment.
New construction: For floodplain
construction means structures for which
the start of construction commenced on
or after the effective date of floodplain
zoning regulations adopted by this
community and includes any subsequent
improvements to such structures. For the
purpose of determining flood insurance
rates, it includes any structures for
which the start of construction
commenced on or after the effective date
of an initial FIRM or after December 31,
1974, whichever is later, and includes
any subsequent improvements to such
existing lawful structure or building
which is not in conformity with the
dimensional or structural requirements
of this ordinance for the area of the
floodplain which it occupies. (For
example, an existing residential structure
in the floodfringe district is a conforming
use. However, if the lowest floor is lower
than the flood protection elevation, the
structure is nonconforming.)
Nonconforming use: An existing
lawful use or accessory use of a
structure or building which is not in
conformity with the provisions of this
ordinance for the area of the floodplain
which it occupies. (Such as a residence
in the floodway.)
conveyance of floodwaters such that
this development alone or together with
any future development will cause an
increase in regional flood height.


April 21, 2016

Stoughton Courier Hub

Legals continued from page 15

Official floodplain zoning map: That
map, adopted and made part of this
ordinance, as described in subsection
30-5(b), which has been approved by the
Open space use: Those uses having
a relatively low flood damage potential
and not involving structures.
Ordinary high-water mark: The point
on the bank or shore up to which the
presence and action of surface water is
so continuous as to leave a distinctive
mark such as by erosion, destruction
or prevention of terrestrial vegetation,
predominance of aquatic vegetation, or
other easily recognized characteristic.
Person: An individual, or group of
individuals, corporation, partnership,
association, municipality or state agency.
Private sewage system: A sewage
treatment and disposal system serving
one structure with a septic tank and
soil absorption field located on the
same parcel as the structure. It also
means an alternative sewage system
approved by the Department of Safety
and Professional Services, including
a substitute for the septic tank or soil
absorption field, a holding tank, a system
serving more than one structure or a
system located on a different parcel than
the structure.
Public utilities: Those utilities using
underground or overhead transmission
lines such as electric, telephone and
telegraph, and distribution and collection
systems such as water, sanitary sewer
and storm sewer.
Reasonably safe from flooding:
Means base flood waters will not
inundate the land or damage structures
to be removed from the floodplain and
that any subsurface waters related to the
base flood will not damage existing or
proposed buildings.
Regional flood: A flood determined
to be representative of large floods
known to have occurred in Wisconsin. A
regional flood is a flood with a one percent
chance of being equaled or exceeded in
any given year, and if depicted on the
FIRM, the RFE is equivalent to the BFE.
Start of construction: The date the
building permit was issued, provided
the actual start of construction, repair,
reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition,
placement, or other improvement was
within 180 days of the permit date.
The actual start means either the first
placement of permanent construction
on a site, such as the pouring of slab
or footings, the installation of piles,
the construction of columns, or any
work beyond initial excavation, or the
placement of a manufactured home on
a foundation. Permanent construction
does not include land preparation, such
as clearing, grading and filling, nor
does it include the installation of streets
and/or walkways, nor does it include
excavation for a basement, footings,
piers or foundations or the erection of
temporary forms, nor does it include the
installation on the property of accessory
buildings, such as garages or sheds not
occupied as dwelling units or not part of
the main structure. For an alteration, the
actual start of construction means the
first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor
or other structural part of a building,
whether or not that alteration affects the
external dimensions of the building.
Structure: Any manmade object
with form, shape and utility, either
permanently or temporarily attached
to, placed upon or set into the ground,
stream bed or lake bed, including, but not
limited to, roofed and walled buildings,
gas or liquid storage tanks, bridges,
dams and culverts.
Subdivision: Has the meaning given
in 236.02(12), Wis. Stats.
Substantial damage: Damage of any
origin sustained by a structure, whereby
the cost of restoring the structure to its
pre-damaged condition would equal
or exceed 50 percent of the equalized
assessed value of the structure before
the damage occurred.
repair, reconstruction, rehabilitation,
addition or improvement of a building
or structure, the cost of which equals
or exceeds 50 percent of the equalized
assessed value of the structure before
the improvement or repair is started. If
the structure has sustained substantial
damage, any repairs are considered
substantial improvement regardless of
the work preformed. The term does not,
however, include either any project for
the improvement of a building required
to correct existing health, sanitary or
safety code violations identified by
the building official and that are the
minimum necessary to assure safe living
conditions; or any alteration of a historic
structure provided that the alteration will
not preclude the structures continued
designation as a historic structure.
special conditions affecting a particular
property, which were not self-created,
have made strict conformity with
restrictions governing areas, setbacks,
frontage, height or density unnecessarily
burdensome or unreasonable in light of
the purposes of the ordinance.
Variance: An authorization by
the board of adjustment/ appeals for
the construction or maintenance of a
building or structure in a manner which is
inconsistent with dimensional standards
(not uses) contained in the floodplain
zoning ordinance.
structure or other development to be
fully compliant with the floodplain
zoning ordinance. A structure or other
development without required permits,
lowest floor elevation documentation,
floodproofing certificates or required
floodway encroachment calculations is
presumed to be in violation until such
time as that documentation is provided.
Watershed: The entire region
contributing runoff or surface water to a
watercourse or body of water.
Water surface profile: A graphical
representation showing the elevation of
the water surface of a watercourse for
each position along a reach of river or
stream at a certain flood flow. A water
surface profile of the regional flood is
used in regulating floodplain areas.
Well: An excavation opening in the
ground made by digging, boring, drilling,
driving or other methods, to obtain
groundwater regardless of its intended
Secs. 30-830-20. Reserved.
Sec. 30-21. Hydraulic and hydrologic
(a) No floodplain development shall:
(1) Obstruct flow, defined as development which blocks the conveyance of
floodwaters by itself or with other development, causing any increase in the regional flood height; or
(2) Cause any increase in the regional flood height due to floodplain storage
area lost.
(b) The zoning administrator shall
deny permits if it is determined the
proposed development will obstruct flow
or cause any increase in the regional
flood height, based on the officially
adopted FIRM or other adopted map,
unless the provisions of sec. Article IX

Amendments are met.

Sec. 30-22. Watercourse alterations.
No land use permit to alter or relocate a watercourse in a mapped floodplain shall be issued until the City of
Stoughton Department of Planning and
Development has notified in writing including all adjacent municipalities, the
DNR and FEMA regional offices, and
requires the applicant to secure all necessary state and federal permits. The
standards of sec. 30-21 must be met and
the flood carrying capacity of any altered
or relocated watercourse shall be maintained.
As soon as is practicable, but not
later than six months after the date of the
watercourse alteration or relocation and
pursuant to sec. Article IX Amendments,
the community shall apply for a Letter of
Map Revision (LOMR) from FEMA. Any
such alterations must be reviewed and
approved by FEMA and the DNR through
the LOMC process.
Sec. 30-23. Chapter 30, 31, Wis.
Stats., Development.
Development which requires a permit from the DNR, under Wis. Stats., chs.
30 and 31, such as docks, piers, wharves,
bridges, culverts, dams and navigational aids, may be allowed if the necessary
permits are obtained and amendments to
the floodplain zoning ordinance are made
according to sec. Article IX Amendments.
Sec. 30-24. Public or private campgrounds.
Public or private campgrounds shall
have low flood damage potential and
shall meet the following provisions:
(1) The campground is approved by
the department of health and family services;
(2) A land use permit for the campground is issued by the zoning administrator;
(3) The character of the river system
and the elevation of the campground are
such that a 72- hour warning of an impending flood can be given to all campground occupants;
(4) There is an adequate flood warning procedure for the campground that
offers the minimum notice required under
this section to all persons in the campground. This procedure shall include a
written agreement between the campground owner, the municipal emergency
government coordinator and the chief
law enforcement official which specifies
the flood elevation at which evacuation
shall occur, personnel responsible for
monitoring flood elevations, types of
warning systems to be used and the procedures for notifying at-risk parties, and
the methods and personnel responsible
for conducting the evacuation;
(5) This agreement shall be for no
more than one calendar year, at which
time the agreement shall be reviewed
and updated, by the officials identified in
subsection (4) above, to remain in compliance with all applicable regulations,
including those of the state department
of health services and all other applicable regulations;
(6) Only camping units that are fully
licensed, if required, and ready for highway use are allowed;
(7) The camping units may shall
not occupy any site in the campground
for more than 180 consecutive days, at
which time the camping unit must be removed from the floodplain for a minimum
of 24 hours;
(8) All camping units that remain on
site for more than 30 days shall be issued a limited authorization by the campground operator, a written copy of which
is kept on file at the campground. Such
authorization shall allow placement of a
camping unit for a period not to exceed
180 days and shall ensure compliance
with all the provisions of this section;
(9) The municipality shall monitor
the limited authorizations issued by the
campground operator to assure compliance with the terms of this section;
(10) All camping units that remain
in place for more than 180 consecutive
days must meet the applicable requirements in either article III or IV,IV or V for
the floodplain district in which the structure is located;
(11) The campground shall have
signs clearly posted at all entrances
warning of the flood hazard and the
procedures for evacuation when a flood
warning is issued; and
(12) All service facilities, including
but not limited to refuse collection, electrical service, gas lines, propane tanks,
sewage systems and wells shall be properly anchored and placed at or floodproofed to the flood protection elevation.
Secs. 30-2530-30. Reserved.
Sec. 30-31. Applicability.
This section applies to all floodway
areas on the floodplain zoning maps and
those identified pursuant to section 3054.
Sec. 30-32. Permitted uses.
The following open space uses are
allowed in the floodway district and the
floodway areas of the general floodplain
district, if:
They are not prohibited by any
other ordinance;
They meet the standards in
sections 30-33 and 30-34; and
All permits or certificates have
been issued according to section 30-71:
(1) Agricultural uses, such as:
horticulture, viticulture and wild crop
(2) Nonstructural industrial and
commercial uses, such as loading areas,
parking areas and airport landing strips.
(3) Nonstructural recreational uses,
such as golf courses, tennis courts,
archery ranges, picnic grounds, boat
ramps, swimming areas, parks, wildlife
and nature preserves, game farms,
fish hatcheries, shooting, trap and
skeet activities, hunting and fishing
areas and hiking and horseback riding
trails, subject to the fill limitations of
subsection 30-33(d).
(4) Uses or structures accessory to
open space uses, or classified as historic
structures that comply with sections 3033 and 30-34.
(5) Extraction of sand, gravel
or other materials that comply with
subsection 30-33(d).
(6) Functionally water-dependent
uses, such as docks, piers or wharves,
navigational aids and river crossings of
transmission lines, and pipelines that
comply with Wis. Stats., chs. 30 and 31.
(7) Public utilities, streets and
bridges that comply with subsection 3033(c).
developments in floodway areas.
(a) General.
(1) Any development in the floodway
shall comply with article II and have low
flood damage potential.
(2) Applicants shall provide the
following data to determine the effects of
the proposal according to section 30-21
and 30-71(b)(3):
a. A cross-section elevation view
of the proposal, perpendicular to the
watercourse, showing if the proposed
development will obstruct flow; or
b. An analysis calculating the effects
of this proposal on regional flood height.

(3) The zoning administrator shall

deny the permit application if the project
will cause any increase in the flood
elevations upstream or downstream,
based on the data submitted for
subsection (2)b. above.
(b) Structures: Structures accessory
to permanent open space uses or
functionally dependent on a waterfront
location may be allowed by permit if the
structures comply with the following
(1) The structures are not designed
for human habitation and do not have
a high flood damage potential and is
constructed to minimize flood damage;
(2) Mechanical and utility equipment
must be elevated or flood proofed to or
above the flood protection elevation;
(3) The structures must be anchored
to resist floatation, collapse, and lateral
movement; and
(4) The structure must not obstruct
flow of flood waters or cause any
increase in flood levels during the
occurrence of the regional flood.
(c) Public utilities, streets and
bridges may be allowed by permit, if:
measures are provided to the flood
protection elevation; and
development standards of section 30-21.
(d) Fills or deposition of materials
may be allowed by permit, if:
(1) The requirements of section 3021 are met;
(2) No material is deposited in
the navigable waters unless a permit
is issued by the DNR pursuant to Wis.
Stats., ch. 30, and a permit pursuant to
404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control
Act, Amendments of 1972, 33 U.S.C. 1344
has been issued, if applicable, and all
other requirements of this section are
have been met;
(3) The fill or other materials
will be protected against erosion by
riprap, vegetative cover, sheet piling or
bulkheading; and
(4) The fill is not classified as a solid
or hazardous material.
(5) The structure shall have a
minimum of two openings on different
walls having a total net area not less
than one square inch for every foot of
enclosed area, and the bottom of all
such openings being no higher than one
foot above grade. The openings shall
be equipped with screens, louvers, or
other coverings or devices provided they
permit the automatic entry and exit of
Sec. 30-34. Prohibited uses.
All uses not listed as permitted uses
in section 30-32 are prohibited, including
the following uses:
(1) Habitable structures, structures
with high flood damage potential, or
those not associated with permanent
open-space uses;
(2) Storing materials that are
buoyant, flammable, explosive, injurious
to property, water quality, or human,
animal, plant, fish or other aquatic life;
(3) Uses not in harmony with or
detrimental to uses permitted in the
adjoining districts;
(4) Any private or public sewage
systems, except portable latrines that are
removed prior to flooding and systems
associated with recreational areas
and DNR approved campgrounds that
meet the applicable provisions of local
ordinances and ch. SPS 383, Wis. Adm.
(5) Any public or private wells which
are used to obtain potable water, except
those for recreational areas that meet the
requirements of local ordinances and
chs. NR 811 and NR 812, Wis. Adm. Code;
(6) Any solid or hazardous waste
disposal sites;
(7) Any wastewater treatment ponds
or facilities, except those permitted under
NR 110.15(3)(b), Wis. Adm. Code; and
(8) Any sanitary sewer or water
supply lines, except those to service
existing or proposed development
located outside the floodway which
complies with the regulations for the
floodplain area occupied.
Secs. 30-35-30-40. Reserved.
Sec. 30-41. Applicability.
This section applies to all floodfringe
areas shown on the floodplain zoning
maps and those identified pursuant to
section 30-54.
Sec. 30-42. Permitted uses.
Any structure, land use, or
development is allowed in the floodfringe
district if the standards in section 30-43
are met, the use is not prohibited by this
or any other ordinance or regulation and
all permits or certificates specified in
section 30-71 have been issued.
development in the floodfringe.
(a) All of the provisions of section
30-21 shall apply according to the use
requested. Any existing structure in the
floodfringe must meet the requirements
of Article VII Non-conforming Uses;
(b) Residential uses: Any structure,
including a manufactured home, which
is to be newly constructed or moved
into the floodfringe area, shall meet or
exceed the following standards. Any
existing structure in the floodfringe must
meet the requirements of Article VII, Nonconforming Uses;
(1) The elevation of the lowest floor
shall be at or above the flood protection
elevation on fill unless the requirements
of sec. 30-43(b)(2) can be met. The fill
shall be one foot or more above the
regional flood elevation extending at
least 15 feet beyond the limits of the
(2) The basement or crawlway floor
may be placed at the regional flood
elevation if it is dry floodproofed to the
flood protection elevation. No basement
or crawlway floor is allowed below the
regional flood elevation;
(3) Contiguous dryland access
shall be provided from a structure to
land outside of the floodplain, except as
provided in subsection (4) (below).
(4) In developments where existing
street or sewer line elevations make
compliance with subsection (3) (above)
impractical, the municipality may permit
new development and substantial
improvements where roads are below the
regional flood elevation, if:
a. The municipality has written
assurance from police, fire and
emergency services that rescue and
relief will be provided to the structure(s)
by wheeled vehicles during a regional
flood event; or
b. The municipality has a DNR
approved emergency evacuation plan.
(c) Accessory structures or uses:
(1) Accessory structures shall be
constructed on fill with the lowest floor
at or above the regional flood elevation.
commercial structure which is erected,
altered or moved into the floodfringe
shall meet the requirements of sec. 30-43
(b. Subject to the requirements of sec. 3043 (f), storage yards, surface parking lots
and other such uses may be placed at
lower elevations if an adequate warning
system exists to protect life and property.
(e) Manufacturing and industrial
uses: Any manufacturing or industrial
structure which is erected, altered or

moved into the floodfringe shall have

the lowest floor elevated to or above
the flood protection elevation or meet
the floodproofing standards in sec.
30-75. Subject to the requirements of
subsection (f) below, storage yards,
surface parking lots and other such
uses may be placed at lower elevations
if an adequate warning system exists to
protect life and property.
(f) Storage of materials: Materials
that are buoyant, flammable, explosive,
or injurious to property, water quality
or human, animal, plant, fish or aquatic
life shall be stored at or above the flood
protection elevation or floodproofed in
compliance with section 30-75. Adequate
measures shall be taken to ensure that
such materials will not enter the water
body during flooding.
(g) Public utilities, streets and
bridges: All utilities, streets and bridges
shall be designed to be compatible with
comprehensive floodplain development
plans; and
(1) When failure of public utilities,
streets and bridges would endanger
public health or safety, or where
such facilities are deemed essential,
construction or repair of such facilities
shall only be permitted if they are
designed to comply with sec. 30-75;
(2) Minor roads or nonessential
utilities may be constructed at lower
elevations if they are designed to
withstand flood forces to the regional
flood elevation.
(h) Sewage systems: All sewage
disposal systems shall be designed
to minimize or eliminate infiltration of
flood water into the system, pursuant to
section 30-75(c), to the flood protection
elevation and meet the provisions of all
local ordinances and ch. SPS 383, Wis.
Adm. Code.
(i) Wells: All wells shall be designed
to minimize or eliminate infiltration of
flood waters into the system, pursuant to
section 30-75(c), to the flood protection
elevation and shall meet the provisions of
chs. NR 811 and NR 812, Wis. Adm. Code.
(j) Solid waste disposal sites:
Disposal of solid or hazardous waste is
prohibited in floodfringe areas.
(k) Deposition of materials: Any
deposited material must meet all the
provisions of this ordinance.
(l) Manufactured homes:
(1) Owners or operators of
all manufactured home parks and
subdivisions shall provide adequate
surface drainage to minimize flood
damage, and prepare, secure approval
and file an evacuation plan, indicating
vehicular access and escape routes,
with local emergency management
(2) In existing manufactured home
parks, all new homes, replacement homes
on existing pads, and substantially
improved homes shall:
a. Have the lowest floor elevated to
the flood protection elevation; and
b. Be anchored so they do not float,
collapse or move laterally during a flood.
(3) Outside of existing manufactured
home parks, including new manufactured
home parks and all single units
outside of existing parks, all new,
replacement and substantially improved
manufactured homes shall meet the
residential development standards for
the floodfringe in subsection (b) above.
(m) Mobile recreational vehicles.
All mobile recreational vehicles that
are on site for 180 consecutive days
or more or are not fully licensed and
ready for highway use shall meet the
elevation and anchoring requirements in
subsection 30-43 (l) (l), (2) and (3) above.
A mobile recreational vehicle is ready
for highway use if it is on its wheels or
jacking system, is attached to the site
only by quick-disconnect utilities and
security devices and has no permanently
attached additions.
Other floodplain districts may be
established under the ordinance and
reflected on the floodplain zoning map.
These districts may include general
floodplain districts and flood storage
Secs. 30-4530-50. Reserved.
Sec. 30-51. Applicability.
The provisions for this district shall
apply to all floodplains mapped as A, AO
or AH zones.
Sec. 30-52. Permitted uses.
Pursuant to section 30-54, it shall
be determined whether the proposed
use is located within the floodway or
Those uses permitted in the
floodway (section 30-32) and floodfringe
(section 30-42) districts are allowed
within the general floodplain district,
according to the standards of section
30-53, provided that all permits or
certificates required under section 30-71
have been issued.
Article III applies to floodway areas,
article IV applies to floodfringe areas.
The rest of this ordinance applies to
either district.
(1) In AO/AH zones, the structures
lowest floor must meet one of the
conditions listed below, whichever is
a. at or above the flood protection
elevation; or
b. two (2) feet above the highest
adjacent grade around the structure; or
c. the depth as shown on the FIRM.
(2) In AO/AH zones, provide plans
showing adequate drainage paths to
guide floodwaters around structures.
Sec. 30-54. Determining floodway
and floodfringe.
Upon receiving an application for
development within the general floodplain
district, the zoning administrator shall:
(1) Require the applicant to submit
two copies of an aerial photograph
or a plan which shows the proposed
development with respect to the general
floodplain district limits, stream channel,
and existing floodplain developments,
along with a legal description of the
property, fill limits and elevations,
building floor elevations, the flood zone
as shown on the FIRM and flood proofing
(2) Require the applicant to furnish
any of the following information deemed
necessary by the DNR to evaluate the
effects of the proposal upon flood height
and flood flows, regional flood elevation
and to determine floodway boundaries:
a. A hydrologic and hydraulic study
as specified in sec. 30-71(c) (b)(3);
b. Plan (surface view) showing
elevations or contours of the ground;
pertinent structure, fill or storage
elevations; size, location and layout of all
proposed and existing structures on the
site; location and elevations of streets,
water supply, and sanitary facilities; soil
types and other pertinent information;
c. Specifications for building
floodproofing, filling, dredging, channel
improvement, storage, water supply and
sanitary facilities.
Sec. 30-55. Flood Storage District

The flood storage district delineates

that portion of the floodplain where storage of floodwaters has been taken into
account and is relied upon to reduce the
regional flood discharge. The district protects the flood storage areas and assures
that any development in the storage areas will not decrease the effective flood
storage capacity which would cause
higher flood elevations.
Sec. 30-56. Applicability.
The provisions of this section apply
to all areas within the flood storage district (FSD), as shown on the official floodplain zoning maps.
Sec. 30-57. Permitted uses.
Any use or development which occurs in a flood storage district must meet
the applicable requirements in section
Sec. 30-58. Standards for development in flood storage districts.
(a) Development in a flood storage
district shall not cause an increase equal
or greater than 0.001 of a foot in the
height of the regional flood.
(b) No development shall be allowed
which removes flood storage volume
unless an equal volume of storage as
defined by the pre-development ground
surface and the regional flood elevation
shall be provided in the immediate
area of the proposed development to
compensate for the volume of storage
which is lost, (compensatory storage).
Excavation below the groundwater table
is not considered to provide an equal
volume of storage.
cannot be provided, the area may not
be developed unless the entire area
zoned as flood storage district - on this
waterway - is rezoned to the floodfringe
district. This must include a revision
to the floodplain study and map done
for the waterway to revert to the higher
regional flood discharge calculated
without floodplain storage, as per Article
IX Amendments of this ordinance.
(d) No area may be removed from
the flood storage district unless it can
be shown that the area has been filled
to the flood protection elevation and is
contiguous to other lands lying outside
of the floodplain.
Secs. 30-59-30-60. Reserved.
Sec. 30-61. General.
(a) Applicability. If these standards
conform with Wis. Stats., 62.23(7)(h), for
cities, they shall apply to all modifications
or additions to any nonconforming use or
structure and to the use of any structure
or premises which was lawful before
the passage of this ordinance or any
amendment thereto.
(b) The existing lawful use of a
structure or its accessory use which is
not in conformity with the provisions of
this ordinance may continue subject to
the following conditions:
(1) No modifications or additions
to a nonconforming use or structure
shall be permitted unless they comply
with this ordinance. The words
modification and addition include,
but are not limited to, any alteration,
addition, modification, structural repair,
rebuilding or replacement of any such
existing use, structure or accessory
structure or use. Maintenance is not
considered a modification this includes
painting, decorating, paneling and
other nonstructural components and
the maintenance, repair or replacement
of existing private sewage or water
supply systems or connections to public
utilities. Any costs associated with the
repair of a damaged structure are not
considered maintenance.
The construction of a deck that
does not exceed 200 square feet and
that is adjacent to the exterior wall of a
principal structure is not an extension,
modification or addition. The roof of the
structure may extend over a portion of
the deck in order to provide safe ingress
and egress to the principal structure.
(2) If a nonconforming use or the
use of a nonconforming structure is
discontinued for 12 consecutive months,
it is no longer permitted and any future
use of the property, and any structure
or building thereon, shall conform to
the applicable requirements of this
(3) The municipality shall keep a
record which lists all nonconforming
uses and nonconforming structures,
their present equalized assessed value,
the cost of all modifications or additions
which have been permitted, and the
percentage of the structures total current
value those modifications represent;
(4) No modification or addition to
any nonconforming structure or any
structure with a nonconforming use,
which over the life of the structure
would equal or exceed 50 percent of
its present equalized assessed value,
shall be allowed unless the entire
structure is permanently changed to a
conforming structure with a conforming
use in compliance with the applicable
Contiguous dry land access must be
provided for residential and commercial
uses in compliance with subsection 3043(b). The costs of elevating the lowest
floor of a nonconforming building or a
building with a nonconforming use to the
flood protection elevation are excluded
from the 50 percent provisions of this
(5) No maintenance to any
structure with a nonconforming use,
the cost of which would equal or exceed
50% of its present equalized assessed
value, shall be allowed unless the entire
structure is permanently changed to a
conforming structure with a conforming
use in compliance with the applicable
Contiguous dry land access must be
provided for residential and commercial
uses in compliance with sec. 30-43 (b).
(6) If on a per event basis the total
value of the work being done under (3) (4)
and (4) (5) above equals or exceeds 50%
of the present equalized assessed value
of the work shall not be permitted unless
the entire structure is permanently
changed to a conforming structure
with a conforming use in compliance
with the applicable requirements of the
ordinance. Contiguous dry land access
must be provided for residential and
commercial uses in compliance with sec.
30-43 (b).
(7) Except as provided in this sec.(8)
below, if any nonconforming structure or
any structure with a nonconforming use
is destroyed or is substantially damaged,
it cannot be replaced, reconstructed or
rebuilt unless the use and the structure
meet the current ordinance requirements.
A structure is considered substantially
damaged if the total cost to restore the
structure to its pre-damaged condition
equals or exceeds 50 percent of the
structures equalized assessed value.
(8) For nonconforming buildings
that are substantially damaged or
destroyed by a nonflood disaster, the
repair or reconstruction of any such
nonconforming building may shall be
permitted in order to restore it to the size
and use in effect prior to the damage
event, provided that the minimum federal
code requirements below are met and all

required permits have been granted prior

to the start of construction.
a. Residential Structures
1. Shall have the lowest floor,
including basement, elevated to or
above the base flood elevation using
fill, pilings, columns, posts or perimeter
walls. Perimeter walls must meet the
requirements of sec. 30-75(b).
2. Shall be anchored to prevent
flotation, collapse, or lateral movement
hydrodynamic and hydrostatic loads,
including the effects of buoyancy and
shall be constructed with methods and
materials resistant to flood damage.
3. Shall be constructed with
electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing
and air conditioning equipment and
other service facilities that are designed
and/or elevated so as to prevent water
from entering or accumulating within
the components during conditions of
4. In A zones, obtain, review and
utilize any flood data available from a
federal, state or other source.
5. In AO zones with no elevations
specified, shall have the lowest floor,
including basement, meet the standards
in sec. 30-53.
6. In AO zones, shall have adequate
drainage paths around structures on
slopes to guide floodwaters around and
away from the structure.
b. Nonresidential Structures
1. Shall meet the requirements of
sec. 30-61(b) (8)a1 6.
2. Shall either have the lowest floor,
including basement, elevated to or above
the regional flood elevation; or , together
with attendant utility and sanitary
facilities, shall meet the standards in sec.
30-75(a) or (b).
3. In AO zones with no elevations
specified, shall have the lowest floor,
including basement, meet the standards
in sec. 30-53.
(9) c. A nonconforming historic
structure may be altered if the alteration
will not preclude the structures
continued designation as a historic
structure, the alteration will comply
with subsection 30-33(a), flood resistant
materials are used, and construction
practices and floodproofing methods
that comply with section 30-75 are
used. Repair or rehabilitation of historic
structures shall be exempt from the
development standards of sec. 30-61(b)
(8)a if it is determined that the proposed
repair or rehabilitation will not preclude
the structures continued designation as
a historic structure and is the minimum
necessary to preserve the historic
character and design of the structure.
Sec. 30-62. Floodway District.
(a) No modification or addition
shall be allowed to any nonconforming
structure or any structure with a
nonconforming use in a the floodway
district, unless such modification or
(1) Has been granted a permit or
variance which meets all ordinance
(2) Meets the requirements of
section 30-61;
(3) Shall not increase the obstruction
to flood flows or regional flood height;
(4) Any addition to the existing
structure shall be floodproofed, pursuant
to section 30-75, by means other than
the use of fill, to the flood protection
elevation. ; and
(5) If any part of the foundation
below the flood protection elevation is
enclosed, the following standards shall
a. The enclosed area shall be
designed by a registered architect or
engineer to allow for the efficient entry
and exit of flood waters without human
intervention. A minimum of two openings
must be provided with a minimum net
area of at least one square inch for every
one square foot of the enclosed area.
The lowest part of the opening can be no
more than 12 inches above the adjacent
b. The parts of the foundation
located below the flood protection
elevation must be constructed of flood
resistant materials;
c. Mechanical and utility equipment
must be elevated or floodproofed to at or
above the flood protection elevation; and
d. The use must be limited to
parking, building access or limited
(b) No new on-site sewage disposal
system, or addition to an existing onsite sewage disposal system, except
where an addition has been ordered by
a government agency to correct a hazard
to public health, shall be allowed in a
the floodway district. Any replacement,
repair or maintenance of an existing
on-site sewage disposal system in a
floodway area shall meet the applicable
requirements of all municipal ordinances,
sec. 30-75(c) and ch. SPS 383 Wis. Adm.
(c) No new well or modification to an
existing well used to obtain potable water
shall be allowed in the floodway district.
Any replacement, repair or maintenance
of an existing well in the floodway district
shall meet the applicable requirements of
all municipal ordinances, sec. 30- 75(c)
and chs. NR 811 and NR 812, Wis. Adm.
Sec. 30-63. Floodfringe district.
(a) No modification or addition
shall be allowed to any nonconforming
structure or any structure with a
modification or addition has been
granted a permit or variance by the
municipality, and meets the requirements
of sec. 30-43 except where sec. 30- 63(b)
is applicable.
(b) Where compliance with the
provisions of subsection (a) above would
result in unnecessary hardship and only
where the structure will not be used
for human habitation or be associated
with a high flood damage potential, the
board of appeals, using the procedures
established in section 30-73, may grant
a variance from those provisions of
subsection (a) above for modifications
or additions, using the criteria listed
below. Modifications or additions which
are protected to elevations lower than
the flood protection elevation may be
permitted if:
(1) No floor is allowed below the
regional flood elevation for residential or
commercial structures;
(2) Human lives are not endangered;
(3) Public facilities, such as water or
sewer, shall not be installed;
(4) Flood depths shall not exceed
two feet;
(5) Flood velocities shall not exceed
two feet per second; and
(6) The structure shall not be used
for storage of materials as described in
subsection 30- 43(f).
(c) All new private sewage disposal
systems, or addition to, replacement,
repair or maintenance of a private
sewage disposal system shall meet all
the applicable provisions of all local
ordinances, sec. 30-75(c) and ch. SPS
383, Wis. Adm. Code.
(d) All new wells, or addition to,
replacement, repair or maintenance of a
well shall meet the applicable provisions
of this ordinance, sec. 30-75(c) and ch.
NR 811 and NR 812, Wis. Adm. Code.

April 21, 2016

Stoughton Courier Hub


Clarice G. Townsend

Clarice Townsend

Clarice Geraldine
Townsend, age 95, of Edgerton/ Stoughton passed
away peacefully on Friday,
April 15, 2016 at Azura
Memory Care in Stoughton, Wisconsin.
She was born on August
8, 1920 in Stoughton, the
daughter of Halvor and
Deanta (Bjoin) Veium.

She is survived by her

h u s b a n d , C l i ff o r d W.
Tow n s e n d , o f A l b i o n ,
Wis.; her five children,
Dennis Veium and Betty Townsend of Edgerton, Barbara Townsend
of Janesville, Steven
Townsend of Albuquerque, N.M., and Dale
Townsend of Janesville;
five grandchildren, Dawn
Veium-Crane of Union,
Mo., Zachary Townsend
of Iowa City, Iowa, Alex
Townsend of Albuquerque, N.M., Rebecca
Strandlie of LaCrosse,
Wis, and Debra Strandlie
of Mankato, Minn.; and
three great-grandchildren,
Miranda, Mitchell and
Merrick Crane of Missouri. She is also survived by
many other cousins, nephews and nieces.
She was preceded in
death by her parents; her

three brothers, Halvor Jr.,

Lloyd and Harold; and her
stillborn twin sons.
We would like to thank
the staff of Azura Memory Care and Agrace HospiceCare for their wonderful and loving care of our
Mom told us in her final
days that she felt that she
had a long and good life.
She was very proud of
the fact that at her age she
could still hear and see
and that her memory was
intact. Her age and physical limitations didnt stop
her from her daily taxi cab
rides to her favorite restaurant, Sunrise Caf. She
had hoped to get there one
more time, but it was not
meant to be.
Hold your special memories of her dear to your
heart and she will be with
you forever. Know that

she loved her children and

grandchildren dearly. Rest
in eternal peace, Mom/
There will be no funeral
services per our mothers
request. Please share
your memories at www.
Cress Funeral Home
206 W. Prospect
Stoughton, WI

Send it here
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Stoughton Courier Hub, there are many ways to contact us.
For general questions or inquiries, call our office at 8736671 or email
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and letters to the editor, at
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Legals continued from page 16

Sec. 30-64. Flood storage district.
No modifications or additions
shall be allowed to any nonconforming
structure in a flood storage area unless
the standards outlined in section 30-58
are met.
Secs. 30-6530-69. Reserved.
Sec. 30-70 Administration
Where a zoning administrator,
planning agency or a board of adjustment/
appeals has already been appointed to
administer a zoning ordinance adopted
under ss. 62.23(7), Stats., these officials
shall also administer this ordinance.
Sec. 30-71. Zoning administrator.
(a) The zoning administrator is
authorized to administer this ordinance
and shall have the following duties and
(1) Advise applicants of the
ordinance provisions, assist in preparing
permit applications and appeals, and
assure that the regional flood elevation
for the proposed development is shown
on all permit applications.
(2) Issue permits and inspect
properties for compliance with provisions
of this ordinance and issue certificates of
compliance where appropriate.
(3) Inspect and assess all damaged
floodplain structures to determine if
substantial damage to the structures has
(4) Keep records of all official
actions such as:
a. All permits issued, inspections
made, and work approved;
b. Documentation of certified lowest
floor and regional flood elevations;
floodplain zoning maps and ordinances,
nonconforming uses and structures
including changes, appeals, variances
and amendments;
assessment reports for floodplain
e. Floodproofing certificates.
f. List of nonconforming structures
and uses.
(45) Submit copies of the following
items to the DNR regional office:
a. Within ten days of the decision,
a copy of any decisions on variances,
appeals for map or text interpretations,
and map or text amendments;
b. Copies of case-by-case analyses,
and any other required information
including an annual summary of
floodplain zoning actions taken.
c. Copies of substantial damage
assessments performed and all related
(56) Investigate, prepare reports,
and report violations of this ordinance
to the municipal zoning agency and
attorney for prosecution. Copies of the
reports shall also be sent to the DNR
regional office.
(67) Submit copies of amendments
to the FEMA Regional office.
(b) Land use permit. A land use
permit shall be obtained before any
new development; repair, modification
or addition to an existing structure;
or change in the use of a building or
structure, including sewer and water
facilities, may be initiated. Application to
the zoning administrator shall include:
(1) General information.
a. Name and address of the applicant,
property owner and contractor;
b. Legal description, proposed use,
and whether it is new construction or a
(2) Site development plan. A site
plan drawn to scale shall be submitted
with the permit application form and shall
a. Location, dimensions, area and
elevation of the lot;
b. Location of the ordinary
highwater mark of any abutting navigable
c. Location of any structures with
distances measured from the lot lines
and street center lines;
d. Location of any existing or
proposed on-site sewage systems or
private water supply systems;
e. Location and elevation of existing
or future access roads;
f. Location of floodplain and
floodway limits as determined from the
official floodplain zoning maps;
g. The elevation of the lowest floor
of proposed buildings and any fill using
the vertical datum from the adopted
study - either National Geodetic and
Vertical Datum (NGVD) or North American
Vertical Datum (NAVD);
h. Data sufficient to determine the
regional flood elevation in NGVD or
NAVD at the location of the development
and to determine whether or not the
requirements of article III or IV are met;
i. Data to determine if the proposed
development will cause an obstruction
to flow or an increase in regional flood
height or discharge according to section
30-21. This may include any of the
information noted in subsection 30-33(a).
(3) Hydraulic and hydrologic studies
to analyze development
studies shall be completed under the

direct supervision of a professional

engineer registered in the State. The
study contractor shall be responsible for
the technical adequacy of the study. All
studies shall be reviewed and approved
by the DNR.
(a). Zone A floodplains:
(1) Hydrology
a. The appropriate method shall
be based on the standards in ch. NR
116.07(3), Wis. Admin. Code, Hydrologic
Analysis: Determination of Regional
Flood Elevation Discharge.
(2) Hydraulic modeling
The regional flood elevation shall
be based on the standards in ch. NR
116.07(3), Wis Admin. Code, Hydraulic
Analysis: Determination of Regional
Flood Elevation and the following:
a. Determination of the required
limits of the hydraulic model shall be
based on detailed study information for
downstream structures (dam, bridge,
culvert) to determine adequate starting
WSEL for the study.
b. Channel sections must be
c. Minimum four foot contour data
in the overbanks shall be used for the
development of cross section overbank
and floodplain mapping.
d. A maximum distance of 500
feet between cross sections is allowed
in developed areas with additional
intermediate cross sections required
at transitions in channel bottom slope
including a survey of the channel at each
e. The most current version of HEC_
RAS shall be used.
f. A survey of bridge and culvert
openings and the top of road is required
at each structure.
g. Additional cross sections are
required at the downstream and upstream
limits of the proposed development and
any necessary intermediate locations
based on the length of the reach if greater
than 500 feet.
h. Standard accepted engineering
practices shall be used when assigning
parameters for the base model such as
flow, Mannings N values, expansion and
contraction coefficients or effective flow
limits. The base model shall be calibrated
to past flooding data such as high water
marks to determine the reasonableness
of the model results. If no historical
data is available, adequate justification
shall be provided for any parameters
outside standard accepted engineering
i. The model must extend past the
upstream limit of the difference in the
existing and proposed flood profiles
in order to provide a tie-in to existing
studies. The height difference between
the proposed flood profile and the
existing study profiles shall be no more
than 0.00 feet.
(3) Mapping
A work map of the reach studied
shall be provided, showing all cross
section locations, floodway/floodplain
limits based on the best available
topographic data, geographic limits of
the proposed development and whether
the proposed development is located in
the floodway.
a. If the proposed development is
located outside of the floodway, then it
is determined to have no impact on the
regional flood elevation.
b. If any part of the proposed
development is in the floodway, it must
be added to the base model to show
the difference between existing and
proposed conditions. The study must
ensure that all coefficients remain the
same as in the existing model, unless
adequate justification based on standard
accepted engineering practices is
(b) Zone AE Floodplains
(1) Hydrology
If the proposed hydrology will
change the existing study, the appropriate
method to be used shall be based on
ch. NR 116.07(3), Wis. Admin. Code,
Hydrologic Analysis: Determination of
Regional Flood Discharge.
(2) Hydraulic model
The regional flood elevation shall
be based on the standards in ch. NR
116.07(4), Wis. Admin. Code, Hydraulic
Analysis: Determination of Regional
Flood Elevation and the following:
a. Duplicate Effective Model
The effective model shall be reproduced to ensure correct transference of
the model data and to allow integration of
the revised data to provide a continuous
FIS model upstream and downstream of
the revised reach. If data from the effective model is available, models shall be
generated that duplicate the FIS profiles
and the elevations shown in the Floodway Data Table in the FIS report to within
0.1 foot.
b. Corrected Effective Model.
The Corrected Effective Model shall
not include any man-made physical
changes since the effective model date,
but shall import the model into the most
current version of HEC-RAS for DNR review.
c. Existing (Pre-Project Conditions)
The Existing Model shall be required

to support conclusions about the actual

impacts of the project associated with
the Revised (Post-Project) Model or to establish more up-to-date models on which
to base the Revised (Post-Project) Model.
d. Revised (Post-Project Conditions)
The Revised (Post-Project Conditions) Model shall incorporate the Existing Model and any proposed changes to
the topography caused by the proposed
development. This model shall reflect
proposed conditions.
e. All changes to the Duplicate Effective Model and subsequent models must
be supported by certified topographic
information, bridge plans, construction
plans and survey notes.
f. Changes to the hydraulic models
shall be limited to the stream reach for
which the revision is being requested.
Cross sections upstream and downstream of the revised reach shall be
identical to those in the effective model
and result in water surface elevations
and topwidths computed by the revised
models matching those in the effective
models upstream and downstream of the
revised reach as required. The Effective
Model shall not be truncated.
(c3) Mapping.
Maps and associated engineering
data shall be submitted to the DNR for
review which meet the following conditions:
a. Consistency between the revised
hydraulic models, the revised floodplain
and floodway delineations, the revised
flood profiles, topographic work map,
annotated FIRMs and/or Flood Boundary
Floodway Maps (FBFMs), construction
plans, bridge plans.
b. Certified topographic map of suitable scale, contour interval, and a planimetric map showing the applicable items.
If a digital version of the map is available,
it may be submitted in order that the
FIRM may be more easily revised.
c. Annotated FIRM panel showing
the revised 1% and 0.2% annual chance
floodplains and floodway boundaries.
d. If an annotated FIRM and/or FBFM
and digital mapping data (GIS or CADD)
are used then all supporting documentation or metadata must be included with
the data submission along with the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection and State Plane Coordinate System
in accordance with FEMA mapping specifications.
e. The revised floodplain boundaries shall tie into the effective floodplain
f. All cross sections from the effective model shall be labeled in accordance with the effective map and a cross
section lookup table shall be included
to relate to the model input numbering
g. Both the current and proposed
floodways shall be shown on the map.
h. The stream centerline, or profile
baseline used to measure stream
distances in the model shall be visible
on the map.
(4) Expiration. All permits issued
under the authority of this ordinance
shall expire no more than 180 days after
issuance. The permit may be extended
for a maximum of 180 days for good and
sufficient cause.
(c) Certificate of compliance. No
land shall be occupied or used, and no
building which is hereafter constructed,
altered, added to, modified, repaired,
rebuilt or replaced shall be occupied until
a certificate of compliance is issued by
the zoning administrator, except where
no permit is required, subject to the
following provisions:
(1) The certificate of compliance
shall show that the building or premises
or part thereof, and the proposed
use, conform to the provisions of this
(2) Application for such certificate
shall be concurrent with the application
for a permit;
(3) If all ordinance provisions are
met, the certificate of compliance shall
be issued within ten days after written
notification that the permitted work is
(4) The applicant shall submit a
certification signed by a registered
professional engineer, architect or
registered land surveyor that the fill,
lowest floor and floodproofing elevations
are in compliance with the permit
issued. Floodproofing measures also
require certification by a registered
professional engineer or architect that
the requirements of section 30-75 are
(d) Other permits. Prior to obtaining
a floodplain permit, Tthe applicant must
secure all necessary permits from federal,
state, and local agencies, including but
not limited to those required by the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers under 404 of
the Federal Water Pollution Control Act,
Amendments of 1972, 33 U.S.C. 1344.
Sec. 30-72. Zoning agency.
(a) The city planning commission
(1) Oversee the functions of the
office of the zoning administrator; and
(2) Review and advise the governing

body on all proposed amendments to this

ordinance, maps and text.
(b) This zoning administrator shall
(1) Grant variances to the terms of
the ordinance in place of action by the
board of appeals; or
(2) Amend the text or zoning maps in
place of official action by the governing
Sec. 30-73. Board of adjustment/
The board of adjustment/appeals,
created under Wis. Stats., 62.23(7)(e),
for cities, is hereby authorized or shall be
appointed to act for the purposes of this
ordinance. The board shall exercise the
powers conferred by Wisconsin Statutes
and adopt rules for the conduct of
business. The zoning administrator shall
not be the secretary of the board.
(1) Powers and duties: The board of
adjustment/appeals shall:
a. Appeals: Hear and decide
appeals where it is alleged there is
an error in any order, requirement,
decision or determination made by an
administrative official in the enforcement
or administration of this ordinance.
b. Boundary disputes: Hear and
decide disputes concerning the district
boundaries shown on the official
floodplain zoning map.
c. Variances: Hear and decide, upon
appeal, variances from the ordinance
(2) Appeals to the board:
a. Appeals to the board may be
taken by any person aggrieved, or by any
officer or department of the municipality
affected by any decision of the zoning
administrator or other administrative
officer. Such appeal shall be taken within
30 days unless otherwise provided by
the rules of the board, by filing with the
official whose decision is in question,
and with the board, a notice of appeal
specifying the reasons for the appeal.
The official whose decision is in question
shall transmit to the board all records
regarding the matter appealed.
b. Notice and hearing for appeals
including variances:
1. Notice: The board shall:
i. Fix a reasonable time for the
ii. Publish adequate notice pursuant
to Wisconsin Statutes, specifying the
date, time, place and subject of the
hearing; and
iii. Assure that notice shall be
mailed to the parties in interest and the
DNR regional office at least ten days in
advance of the hearing.
2. Hearing: Any party may appear in
person or by agent or attorney. The board
i. Resolve boundary disputes
according to subsection (3) below.
ii. Decide variance applications
according to subsection (4) below.
iii. Decide appeals of permit denials
according to section 30-74.
c. Decision: The final decision
regarding the appeal or variance
application shall:
1. Be made within a reasonable time;
2. Be sent to the DNR regional office
within ten days of the decision;
3. Be a written determination signed
by the chairman or secretary of the
4. State the specific facts which are
the basis for the boards decision;
5. Either affirm, reverse, vary or
modify the order, requirement, decision
or determination appealed, in whole or
in part, dismiss the appeal for lack of
jurisdiction or grant or deny the variance
application; and
6. Include the reasons for granting
an appeal, describing the hardship
demonstrated by the applicant in the
case of a variance, clearly stated in
the recorded minutes of the board
(3) Boundary disputes. The following
procedure shall be used by the board in
hearing disputes concerning floodplain
district boundaries:
a. If a floodplain district boundary is
established by approximate or detailed
floodplain studies, the flood elevations
or profiles shall prevail in locating the
boundary. If none exist, other evidence
may be examined.
b. The person contesting the
boundary location shall be given a
reasonable opportunity to present
arguments and technical evidence to the
board; and
c. If the boundary is incorrectly
mapped, the board should inform
the zoning committee or the person
contesting the boundary location to
petition the governing body for a map
amendment according to article IX
(4) Variance.
a. The board may, upon appeal, grant
a variance from the standards of this
ordinance if an applicant convincingly
demonstrates that:
1. Literal enforcement of the
ordinance will cause unnecessary
2. The hardship is due to adoption
of the floodplain ordinance and unique
property conditions, not common to

adjacent lots or premises. In such case

the ordinance or map must be amended;
3. The variance is not contrary to the
public interest; and
4. The variance is consistent with
the purpose of this ordinance in section
b. In addition to the criteria in
subsection (4)a. above, to qualify for a
variance under FEMA regulations, the
following criteria must be met:
1. The variance shall not cause any
increase in the regional flood elevation;
2. Variances can only be granted
for lots that are less than one-half acre
and are contiguous to existing structures
constructed below the RFE; and
3. Variances shall only be granted
upon a showing of good and sufficient
cause, shall be the minimum relief
necessary, shall not cause increased
risks to public safety or nuisances, shall
not increase costs for rescue and relief
efforts and shall not be contrary to the
purpose of the ordinance.
c. A variance shall not:
1. Grant, extend or increase any use
prohibited in the zoning district.
2. Be granted for a hardship based
solely on an economic gain or loss.
3. Be granted for a hardship which
is self-created.
4. Damage the rights or property
values of other persons in the area.
5. Allow actions without the
amendments to this ordinance or map(s)
required in article IX Amendments; and
6. Allow any alteration of an historic
structure, including its use, which would
preclude its continued designation as an
historic structure.
d. When a floodplain variance
is granted the board shall notify the
applicant in writing that it may increase
flood insurance premiums and risks to
life and property and flood insurance
premiums could increase up to $25 per
$100.00 of coverage. A copy shall be
maintained with the variance record.
Sec. 30-74. To review appeals of
permit denials.
(a) The zoning agency (section 3072) or board shall review all data related
to the appeal. This may include:
(1) Permit application data listed in
subsection 30-71(b).
determination data in section 30-54.
(3) Data listed in subsection 3033(a)(2)b. where the applicant has not
submitted this information to the zoning
administrator. ; and
(4) Other data submitted with the
application, or submitted to the board
with the appeal.
(b) For appeals of all denied permits
the board shall:
(1) Follow the procedures of section
recommendations; and
(3) Either uphold the denial or grant
the appeal.
increases in regional flood elevation the
board shall:
(1) Uphold the denial where the
board agrees with the data showing an
increase in flood elevation. Increases
may only be allowed after amending the
flood profile and map and all appropriate
legal arrangements are made with all
adversely affected property owners.
as per the requirements of article IX
Amendments; and
(2) Grant the appeal where the
board agrees that the data properly
demonstrates that the project does not
cause an increase provided no other
reasons for denial exist.
Sec. 30-75. Floodproofing standards
for nonconforming structures or uses.
(a) No permit or variance shall be
issued for a non-residential structure
designed to be watertight below the
regional flood elevation until the applicant
submits a plan certified by a registered
professional engineer or architect that
the floodproofing measures will protect
the structure or development to the flood
protection elevation and submits a FEMA
Floodproofing Certificate.
(b) For a structure designed to
allow the entry of floodwaters, no permit
or variance shall be issued until the
applicant submits a plan either:
(1) Certified by a registered
professional engineer or architect; or
(2) Meets or exceeds the following
i. A minimum of two openings having
a total net area of not less than one
square inch for every foot of enclosed
area subject to flooding;
ii. The bottom of all openings shall
be no higher than one foot above grade;
iii Openings may be equipped
with screens, louvers, valves, or other
coverings or devices provided that they
permit the automatic entry and exit of
(bc) Floodproofing measures shall
be designed as appropriate, to:
(1) Withstand flood pressures,
depths, velocities, uplift and impact
forces and other regional flood factors;
(2) Protect structures to the flood
protection elevation;

(3) Anchor structures to foundations

to resist flotation and lateral movement;
(4) Minimize or eliminate infiltration
of flood waters; and
(5) Minimize or eliminate discharges
into flood waters.
Sec. 30-76. Public information.
(a) Place marks on structures to
show the depth of inundation during the
regional flood.
(b) All maps, engineering data and
regulations shall be available and widely
(c) Real estate transfers should
show what floodplain zoning district any
real property is in.
Secs. 30-7730-79. Reserved.
Sec. 30-80 Amendments
Obstructions or increases may only
be permitted if amendments are made
to this ordinance, the official floodplain
zoning maps, floodway lines and water
surface profiles, in accordance with sec.
(1) In AE Zones with a mapped
floodway, no obstructions or increases
shall be permitted unless the applicant
receives a Conditional Letter of Map
Revision from FEMA and amendments
are made to this ordinance, the official
floodplain zoning maps, floodway lines
and water surface profiles, in accordance
with sec. 30-81. Any such alterations
must be reviewed and approved by FEMA
and the DNR.
(2) In A Zones increases equal to
or greater than 1.0 foot may only be
permitted if the applicant receives a
Conditional Letter of Map Revision from
FEMA and amendments are made to
this ordinance, the official floodplain
maps, floodway lines, and water surface
profiles, in accordance with sec. 30-81.
Sec. 30-81. General.
The governing body shall change or
supplement the floodplain zoning district
boundaries and this ordinance in the
manner outlined in sec. 30-82. Actions
which require an amendment to the ordinance and/or submittal of a Letter of Map
Change (LOMC) include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) Any change to the floodplain
boundaries and/or watercourse alterations on the FIRM;
(2) Any fill or floodway encroachment that obstructs flow causing any increase in the regional flood height;
(3) Any floodplain fill which raises
the elevation of the filled area to a height
at or above the flood protection elevation
and is contiguous to land lying outside
the floodplain. ;
(4) Correction of discrepancies
between the water surface profiles and
floodplain maps;
(5) Any upgrade to a floodplain
zoning ordinance text required by NR
116.05, Wis. Adm. Code, or otherwise
required by law, or for changes by the
municipality. ;
(6) All channel relocations and
changes to the maps to alter floodway
lines or to remove an area from the floodway or the floodfringe that is based on
a base flood elevation from a FIRM requires prior approval by FEMA.; and
(7) Any changes to any other officially adopted floodplain maps listed in
Sec. 30-82. Procedures.
Ordinance amendments may be
made upon petition of any party according to the provisions of Wis. Stats.,
62.23, for cities. The petitions shall include all data required by section 30-54
and 30-71(b). The land use permit shall
not be issued until a Letter of Map Revision is issued by FEMA for the proposed
(1) The proposed amendment shall
be referred to the zoning agency for a
public hearing and recommendation to
the governing body. The amendment and
notice of public hearing shall be submitted to the DNR regional office for review
prior to the hearing. The amendment procedure shall comply with the provisions
of Wis. Stats., 62.23, for cities.
(2) No amendments shall become
effective until reviewed and approved by
the DNR.
(3) All persons petitioning for a map
amendment that obstructs flow causing
any increase in the regional flood height,
shall obtain flooding easements or other
appropriate legal arrangements from all
adversely affected property owners and
notify local units of government before
the amendment can be approved by the
governing body.
This ordinance shall take effect
upon passage and publication.
The foregoing ordinance was
adopted by the Common Council of the
City of Stoughton at a meeting held on
April 12, 2016.
Council Adopted: April 12, 2016
Mayor Approved: April 12, 2016
Attest: April 12, 2016
Published: April 21, 2016


April 21, 2016

Stoughton Courier Hub

KPW: Amendments aimed to

ensure better highway access
Phase 2

Among the five who did

not want to postpone were
Ron Christianson and Sonny
Swangstu, who were making their final appearance
as alders. Their successors
were to be sworn in just
before the COW meeting
and have shown less enthusiasm for Kettle Park West,
as well as the request for
tax-increment financing the
city is expected to get from
Before the vote to refer
t h e r e s o l u t i o n f o r f u rther discussion, the council defeated two attempts
to amend it for approval.
Both involved assurances that there will be a second access point from
Hwy. 138, something that
remains questionable.
Swadley wanted to require
the developer to provide a
written agreement with the
state Department of Transportation that it would allow
a second access point before
the city would approve a
final plat. He also suggested forming a committee to
work with the DOT toward
that approval.
Swadley contended the
plat does not conform to the

citys comprehensive plan,

and that in order to do so,
a second access point on
Hwy. 138 would be necessary.
Lawrence argued that
while that access point is
something everyone would
want and support, it should
not be a requirement tied to
plat approval.
Truehl also spoke strongly
in favor of passing the plat
as presented, noting many
changes the developer had
made to suite the Planning
Commission and council.
Hirsch moved to refer the
matter to a Committee of the
Whole, Selsor seconded.




FOR SALE!! Sylvan Profisherman Boat

16 feet 1990. 60HP Johnson Motor,
Shorelander Trailer, Trolling Motor/cover,
Water Skiing equipment included. Good
Condition/Very Clean $8,200 Phone

FOR SALE!!! 2002 Four Seasons Motorhome. 29 Feet long. 58233 miles. New
tires/awning/trailer hitch. Many other
Extras!!! Good Condition/very clean
$22,500 Phone 1-608-291-0088

FEED MILL Attendant/Driver Full time w/

benefits. M-F 7:30am-4pm CDL required.
E-mail resume to mfcoop@chorus.
net. Middleton Farmers Coop, PO Box
620348, Middleton, WI 53562-0348

Size: 82 acres (original

size; later reduced)
Housing units: 426 (minus reduced area)
Commercial: 80-room
Parkland: 16 acres
Deadline for action: June
TIF request: Expected to
be $6 million to $7 million

Photos by Derek Spellman

Genius Hour at River Bluff

Middle School
River Bluff Middle School students recently had a Genius Hour
at the school. Students made a variety of projects for science class
and later demonstrated their projects.

Drivers: CDL A or B to transfer vehicles between various

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We currently have part time openings for aides
in our Assisted Living area. The openings are for
the pm and night shifts every other weekend.
Duties include assisting residents with activities
of daily living, maintaining cleanliness of rooms,
participating in resident programs, administering
medication and more. The successful candidates
must be able to lift up to 50 pounds.
Interested candidates may submit
resumes/applications to:
Shari Kellogg, RN
Heritage Center Manager
Skaalen Retirement Services
400 N. Morris St.
Stoughton, WI 53589
608-873-5651 Ext. 318

EXCLUSIVELY ROSES is seeking drivers for Mother's Day deliveries May 5th
6th and 7th. Routes go to Chicagoland.
$200/route + gas. Drivers must use their
own vehicle. STRICTLY LIMITED to minivans and cargo vans. For further inquiries, please contact us at 608-877-8879.
Nature Center, in Stoughton, is hiring
camp counselors for summer. Full and
part time available. Email resume to fort.
Day bouquet production April 26th-May
4th in a bright, energetic working environment! We offer flexible shifts, days, evenings and weekends. Starting at $9/hour
+ referral & completion bonus. For more
information,contact us at (608) 877-8879



Monday FOR THE Stoughton Courier Hub



411 - 511 Town Shop Road, Camp Douglas, WI

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7 prime tracts totaling 728 tillable acres of fully-leased farmland
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Home includes - indoor pool, racquetball court, fitness center & tennis court

Farmland Lease Income: $131,600 Annually

Ideal for Continued Agricultural, Recreational or Redevelopment Use!

PART-TIME LABORER Pressure washing cleaning trucks and equipment.

Changing batteries and hoses, etc. Edgerton 608-884-4455
3-4 times per week, for sporting events.
CDL preferred, but will train. Excellent
pay. 608-669-2618


Skaalen Nursing & Rehabilitation Center currently

has the following benefit positions available all with
alternating weekends and holidays in the schedule.
Nutrition Services Aide - 29 hours per week,
7:00 am-2:45 pm.
Cook - 36 hours per week, 11:15 am-7:00 pm
for weekdays, 10:45 am-7:00 pm for weekends.
For the Cooks duties previous knowledge and
experience with institutional size cooking, kitchen
safety and sanitation is preferred. The successful
candidate will be required to complete and pass a
Serv-Safe course. The Aide duties include serving
meals, clean up, and washing dishes. Both positions
require the ability to lift, push and pull at least 50

Applications are available from

the Human Resource department,
the Front Desk or
our website:
Equal Opportunity Employer
Smokefree/Tobacco free campus

TOURS: APRIL 21, 30 & MAY 5 - 1PM

For Additional Info & Terms of Sale, Please Call or Visit:


Interested candidates should submit application/resume to:

Nancy Martin, Director of Human Resources
Skaalen Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
400 N. Morris St. Stoughton, WI 53589
Phone: (608) 873-5651 Ext. 308
Fax: (608) 873-0696

Applications are available from

the Human Resource department,
the Front Desk, or our website at
Equal Opportunity Employer
Smokefree/Tobacco free Campus

CLASSIFIEDS, 873-6671 or 835-6677. It

pays to read the fine print.

Applications available at
Sugar & Spice Eatery.
317 Nora St. Stoughton.

Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer, Curtis Allen Schneider #2784-52.

Jeff D. Azuse Wisconsin Broker #50983-90. Buyers Fee 7%.

University Wisconsin-Madison, Physical Plant, Electric Shop
is seeking an Elevator Constructor position. This position is
responsible for assembling, installing, maintaining, and repairing
traction or hydraulic freight or passenger elevators, escalators or
dumbwaiters on campus. Starting rate is $52.648 to $54.354 per
hour depending on leave time selected, plus excellent benefits.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Possession of Elevator Mechanic
License by the WI Department of Safety and Professional Services
or ability to obtain licensure no later than the effective date of
employment. For more information on obtaining Elevator Mechanic
Licenses, see the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional
Services website:
To apply go to the following web site:
Weblisting/External/Staff.aspx and Search All Staff Vacancies
for Vacancy ID #98210. Click on the Apply Online button and
follow the instructions. If you have any questions contact Dawn
Bierman at 608.265.4057, Deadline to
apply is Monday, April 25, 2016.
UW-Madison is an affirmative action/equal employment employer
and we encourage women, minorities, veterans, and people with
disabilities to apply.



River Bluff Middle School sixth-grader Annaliese Skerpan talks

about how sound works using a website she created as part of
her science classs genius hour.

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Above, River Bluff Middle School sixth-grader Aiden Tiesman talks

about how airplanes work during his science classs Genius Hour
last month.


Continued from page 1

hours in the afternoon, Monday through
Friday. This is a job sharing position
and would have flexibility to take days
off in exchange for filling full day shifts
for their counterpart. Job duties would
include answering the phone, greeting
guests and light administrative work.
Naviant is looking for a friendly professional with administrative experience
but will also train the right person. If
you are interested, please email Tricia
Shields@ or call
at 608-848-0894

MECHANIC WANTED Diesel and gas
Heavy truck and equipment Edgerton


COURIER - Naviant is looking for a courier to be the face of Naviant's physical
records division. We are looking for a
well-rounded individual that can provide
traditional courier duties as well as complete tasks in our warehouse and production area. Courier and forklift experience
is a plus but will train for the right fit. If
you are interested, please email Tricia
Shields @
semi-driver. Our business has expanded.
We are adding new equipment. Must be
professional, courteous and have clean
MVR. Runs from Madison area to Arizona and S. California. No touch freight,
paid mileage and insurance. Serious
inquries only. 608-516-9697
area paving company accepting applications for CDL drivers and laborers. Full
time May thru October. for more information call 608-842-1676

Mon-Fri 4 hours/night. Visit our website: or call our
office: 608-831-8850
THEY SAY people dont read those little
ads, but YOU read this one, didnt you?
Call now to place your ad, 873-6671 or

"Honey Do List"
No job too small
35 + Years Professional
Arthur Hallinan
RECOVER PAINTING Offers carpentry,
drywall, deck restoration and all forms of
painting Recover urges you to join in the
fight against cancer, as a portion of every
job is donated to cancer research. Free
estimates, fully insured, over 20 years of
experience. Call 608-270-0440.
Professional, Interior,
Exterior, Repairs.
Free Estimates. Insured.


Proudy serving the local community
for 5 years. Call us today for all your
lawncare and landscaping needs.
Free your time! Call 608-807-3320.
trimming, roto-tilling. Garden
maintenance available.608-235-4389
Residential & Commercial
Fully Insured.
608-873-7038 or 608-669-0025
RIGHT HAND MAN Services: Spring
lawn mowing & trimming, cleaning, etc.
Over 17 years experience. Call Jer 608338-9030.
Shredded Garden Mix
Shredded Bark
Decorative Stone
Pick-up or Delivered
Limerock Delivery
5995 Cty D, Oregon, WI


"Wisconsin's Largest Antique Mall"
Customer Appreciation Week!
May 2-8. 20% Discount!
Enter daily 8am-4pm 78,000 SF
200 Dealers in 400 Booths
Third floor furniture, locked cases
Location: 239 Whitney St
Columbus, WI 53925



Memorial United Church of Christ
5705 Lacy Road
Friday, April 22 9am-3pm
Saturday, April 23, 9am-1pm
Furniture, household good, children's
clothes, toys, and more.
MILITARY RIDGE Addition Verona,
Annual Rummage Sale. 501 Military
Ridge Dr. Open April 28-30, 8-5. Huge
selection of high quality girls and boys
baby clothes sizes 3mo.-24mo. and baby
items (triplets!). Name brands including
Ralph Lauren, GAP, Janie and Jack,
Hannah Anderson. Many household
items and accessories. Business casual
and professional clothing for men (size
L/XL) and women (size 10), primarily
Banana Republic.
VERONA: 1453 and 1391 Fritz Rd, April
23 8-4. Multi house moving/estate sale.
Tools, karate/fitness equipment, disposable coveralls,unfinished carpentry
wood/flooring, household items, furniture
709 Christiansen Way
Stoughton, WI
Sat April 23rd 9-4
Sun April 24th 11-2


FOR SALE Garden rear tine rototiller
$75 608-835-7159


WE BUY Junk Cars and Trucks.
We sell used parts.
Monday thru Friday 8am-5:30pm.
Newville Auto Salvage, 279 Hwy 59
Edgerton, 608-884-3114

Apartments for Seniors 55+, currently
has 1 & 2 bedroom units available
starting at $750 per month, includes
heat, water, and sewer.
608-835-6717 Located at:
139 Wolf St., Oregon, WI 53575
OREGON 3-BEDROOM duplex, 3
baths, 2.5 car garage. Over
1,700 sq. ft. Quiet area. Smoke-free.
Small pet. $1,525+. 6/1. 216 Thomson
Lane. 608-835-9269.
STOUGHTON 1616 Kenilworth Ct.
Large 2-BR apts available now.
Pets welcome. Many feature new wood
laminate flooring.
$775-$825/mo. 608-831-4035.
dead end st. One upper, one lower. $750/
mo. lower, $795/mo. upper. 1 month
deposit. 561-310-5551
2-bedroom, balcony, water. Private
Owner. No Pets. $830 mo. Available 6/1
& 7/1. 608-212-0829
Friday for The Great Dane and Noon
Monday for the Courier Hub unless
changed because of holiday work
schedules. Call now to place your ad,
873-6671 or 835-6677.
CLASSIFIEDS, 873-6671 or 835-6677. It
pays to read the fine print.


10X10 10X15 10X20 10X30
Security Lights-24/7 access
Credit Cards Accepted
CALL (608)444-2900
Located behind
Stoughton Garden Center
Convenient Dry Secure
Lighted with access 24/7
Bank Cards Accepted
Off North Hwy 51 on
Oak Opening Dr. behind
Stoughton Garden Center
Call: 608-509-8904
Convenient location behind
Stoughton Lumber.
Clean-Dry Units
5x10 thru 12x25
Only 6 miles South of
Verona on Hwy PB.
Variety of sizes available now.
Call 608-424-6530 or
10x10 through 10x40, plus
14x40 with 14' door for
RV & Boats.
Come & go as you please.
10x10 through 10x25
month to month lease
Call Karen Everson at
608-835-7031 or
Veronica Matt at 608-291-0316
6x10 thru 10x25
Market Street/Burr Oak Street
in Oregon
Call 608-520-0240
10x10 - 10x15
10x20 - 12x30
24 / 7 Access
Security Lights & Cameras
Credit Cards Accepted
1128 Union Road
Oregon, WI
Located on the corner of
Union Road & Lincoln Road




Dedicated Fleet, Top Pay, New Assigned Equipment, Monthly Bonuses
CDL-A, 6 mos. OTR exp. reqd EEOE/AAP

Make A Difference Build Connections Empower Independence

Help Individuals in Your Community Live Their Best Lives!


In Oregon facing 15th hole
on golfcourse
Free Wi-Fi, Parking and
Security System
Conference rooms available
Autumn Woods Prof. Centre
Marty 608-835-3628


16379 W. Milbrandt Road
Evansville, WI




and these attachments. Concrete
breaker, posthole auger, landscape rake,
concrete bucket, pallet forks, trencher,
rock hound, broom, teleboom, stump
By the day, week, or month.
Carter & Gruenewald Co.
4417 Hwy 92
Brooklyn, WI, 608-455-2411

Find updates and

links right away.
Search for us on
Facebook as
Stoughton Courier Hub
and then LIKE us.

Experience the
ElderSpan Difference!
Were proud to employ top-notch staff at the senior living
buildings we manage. We have a campus administrator
position and a variety of resident assistant/CNA shifts
available at our Madison assisted living location.
We offer competitive wages, Paid Time Off, $1/hour
night & weekend shift differentials, plus other benefits.

to download an application:
to request an

N o t j u s t ca r i n g. . . b u t l i v i n g !


Skaalen Nursing & Rehabilitation Center currently has a
40-hour per week opening on the day shift. This position
offers a variety of duties with the upkeep of the facility, both
interior and exterior. The successful candidate must have
at least one year experience in commercial maintenance
work, such as painting, electrical, carpentry or plumbing.
There are some weekend and holiday requirements. We
offer a full benefit package that includes medical and dental
insurance, 7 paid holidays and personal holidays, sick time,
vacation time, 403b pension plan, and company-paid life
insurance. We also offer voluntary benefits that include
Flex Spending and other supplemental policies through
AFLAC, vision, additional life insurance for you and your
family and long-term disability. Other things available to our
staff include an onsite fitness center, company-sponsored
recognition dinners, a scholarship program and more.
Interested candidates should submit application/resume to:
Nancy Martin, Director of Human Resources
Skaalen Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
400 N. Morris St. Stoughton, WI 53589
Phone: (608) 873-5651 Ext. 308
Fax: (608) 873-0696
Applications are available from
the Human Resource department,
the Front Desk or
our website:
Equal Opportunity Employer
Smokefree/Tobacco free campus

Office ReceptiOnist
Do You Like to Meet People?
Are You Self-Motivated?
Do You Possess Computer Skills?
If youve answered yes, we are very interested in talking to you. We are
seeking a candidate for a part-time opening in our front office. Hours
are 9am-3pm Monday-Friday. Responsibilities for this position include,
but are not limited to, selling and processing classified ads, receptionist
duties, assisting walk-in customers and processing reports. Previous sales
experience preferred. The position is located in the Stoughton office.

Community Living Connections is a local Non-Profit organization that provides residential

and community-based support to adults with developmental disabilities. We believe that
every individual can make a unique contribution to our society and will promote the active
community partnership between the agency, the employees, and the individuals supported.
CLC is currently hiring for Part-time and Full-time positions in
the Stoughton area, including daytime, evening and weekend hours.
The ideal candidate should have an upbeat personality, motivation for
community involvement, a willingness to learn.

We are an employee-owned company offering a competitive benefits

package including 401K, ESOP, vacation, and more.

Join Community Living Connections!

Progressive Organization - Casual Work Environment - Mileage Reimbursement
Paid Training with Competitive Wages - Excellent Full-Time Benefits

If this part-time position interests you and you have the equivalent of a
high school diploma and at least two years of office/computer experience,
apply on-line today at


Visit Our Website Today for Available Career Opportunities and

Apply Directly Online!

6515 Watts Road Suite 100, Madison | AA/EOE



55+. 1 & 2 bedroom units available
starting at $750 per month. Includes
heat, water and sewer. Professionally
managed. Located at
300 Silverado Drive, Stoughton, WI
53589 608-877-9388


DIETARY COOK- If you want a chance to

work and get to know the elderly Oregon
Manor is the place to make that happen.
Oregon Manor, an EOE, is a small town
skilled nursing facility just 8 miles from
Madison. We have an opening for a
full-time 32 hours per week including
every other weekend on the PM shift .No
experience is required will train. Please
stop by 354 N Main St, in Oregon, WI to
fill out an application or apply at http://

Light Construction Remodeling
No job too small



Seeking caregivers to provide care
to seniors in their homes. Valid DL/
Dependable Vehicle required. FT & PT
positions available. Flexible scheduling.
UP TO $2000 Sign-On Bonus!
Call 608-442-1898



Stoughton Courier Hub

Oregon Observer, Stoughton Courier Hub,

Verona Press, The Great Dane Shopping News
Unified Newspaper Group is a part of Woodward Community Media,
a division of Woodward Communications, Inc.
and an Equal Opportunity Employer.




April 21, 2016

20 - Stoughton Courier Hub - April 21, 2016

April 20-25, 2016

Support local agriculture!

Shop outside the
box store.
Register to Win
a Hanging Basket Daily or:







Grand Prize drawing to be held 4/25/2016




off each

Expires 4-25-2016

Limit 12 per Koupon per day.




off each packet

Expires 4-25-2016


Any Hanging Basket


Limit 1 per customer

Expires 4-25-2016

1 Koupon per Kustomer per day.

Recycle your pots & containers

at our farm location
1828 Sandhill Rd.
Oregon, WI
Quality Bloomers,
Reasonable Prices Like us on Facebook

Come visit Wisconsins premier grower of quality

bedding plants and hanging baskets

April Hours:


Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Saturday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Sunday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.



Directions from Stoughton:

Take 138 toward Oregon. Go past Eugsters
Farm Market, one mile and turn right on
Sunrise Rd. Go one more mile then turn left
on Town Line Rd. Continue on to Sand Hill Rd.
(approximately one mile) and turn right.
Directions from Fitchburg:
Take Fish Hatchery Road south to Netherwood
Road. Turn left and go through Oregon past
Walgreens to a left on Sand Hill Road.
Directions from Verona:
Take Cty. M to Fish Hatchery Rd. Turn
right and go to Netherwood Road. Turn left
at Netherwood Rd. through Oregon past
Walgreens to a left on Sand Hill Rd.

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