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Dragomirescu Adrian-Mihai

Grupa 10201 B

What is a water electrolysis device?

One such device is a cell that can decompose water into its basic elements
hydrogen and oxygen using an electric current is passed through it. The resultant
gas composed of hydrogen and oxygen so, such a gas gained many names such as
"hydroxy", "Browns Gas", "HHO Gas". Such gas is highly explosive, more explosive
than hydrogen itself comprises Because this has its own oxidant oxygen. The gas is
many times more dangerous than the gasoline vapors, burning nearly 1,000 times
faster than this. The slightest spark acetate product will ignite the gas, and a similar
volume of cups of this gas is enough to cause hearing impairments or deafness in
by breaking eardrums.Because of this, the most important part of water electrolysis
operation and safety devices consists in maintaining a gas as little unused to not be
accidentally ignited. The objectives are to maintain a small amount of gas in the
system to an absolute minimum and prevention of flame that gas. Now the question
is whether this gas is so dangerous, why would people build such devices? The
answer is because it is very useful. Gas emissions of a very simple such apparatus
mixed with air in the intake of an internal combustion engine of a vechicle can lead
to less consumption per hundred kilometers, cleaning the engine of any carbon
deposits from the combustion of fossil fuels, thus increasing the duration life of such
engine, and the exhaust gases of vehicles will be less harmful to the
environment.The gas produced by such a device larger and higher efficiency can
replace definitively conventional fuel used car, but with the installation of such a
device should be prepared for a quite complicated construction thereof and the rust
will occur in the exhaust system of cars due to water produced by burning gas. In
some cases can even rust pistons rings (the rings) but not in all cases and
depending on how the device realization.
The simplest method of building such a facility is the creation of a single cell. Its size
and shape may vary depending on the space available in the engine compartment
and the selected model herself. Many opt for a cylindrical vessel because they are
easy to make and the materials needed are found relatively easy.
The yield of a production gas Plants depend on:
1. The liquid used for electrolysis. If distilled water is used when the amount of
current flowing through it is negligible due to its high resistance, so the production
is very low.
If salt water is added gas production increase enormously. In any case the addition
of salt (NaCl) in such a device is very harmful because of the chlorine gas emitted
by decomposing it also has the ability to destroy the salt of the metal electrodes of
the device. It is also not advisable to introduce battery acid or other additives such
as water as unpleasant effects.

But it was found that two substances behave as well in their gas production and
also does not damage the metal electrodes. They are sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and
potassium hydroxide (KOH), the latter
the most recommended by acting as a catalyst helping to break down water.
2. The space between metal electrodes. As they are more even gas production
increases thus requiring less power from the battery. There is a limit because
plaques are too close if gas bubbles that form on these plates, electrodes would
come off hard so preventing a smooth production. Best space to be preserved is
approx 3 millimeters, although some people prefer to keep them at 5 mm from each
other. These boards must be made of stainless steel, sheet steel, quality 316 being
most preferred.
3. The contact surface area of electrodes with the electrolyte and prepare them for
The fluid is water that has been dissolved in one of the above mentioned
substances, KOH and NaOH. The more maire contact surface the better. It is
recommended that boards be as large to help loosen these bubbles are needed
about 13-25 cm and the amp used in the system.
How they are prepared plate has a major effect on the production of gas. A clear
improvement of the production is achieved if both sides of the boards are sanded
(polished) in two perpendicular directions (this forms on the plaque surface
elevations and dimples numerous microscopic bubbles help loosen the boards). The
plates are assembled and electrolyte are allowed to operate for about 3 days. This
creates a protective layer on the surface of plaque which helps break down water.
The plates are then rinsed with distilled water and the cell that carried out the first
electrolysis will be changed electrolyte. Do not touch the hands of pleasure during
these operations but to use rubber gloves, latex not to leave no traces of fat on
tomorrow plates, which prevents the formation of bubbles in the area, remain
4.Curentul passing through the boards. This is a key factor in gas production and
one of the most difficult to control accurately and economically. As the current is
stronger even greater production. Quantity of current is controlled by the
concentration potastiu hydroxide dissolved in water or sodium hydroxide and
tension is applied tiles. Voltage is applied to 1.24V board has limited effect. Once
past the threshold, the excess voltage will not be used to degrade water but its
warming. Let's say the cell amperage is 10A, in this case power is used to
decompose water 10A x 1.24V = 12.4 watts. When the engine is running voltage at
the battery terminals will be approx 13.8V due to additional energy generation by
the alternator to charge it. Excess voltage applied to the cell is minus 1.24 13.8V,
12.5V therefore say that will power water heating will only be 125W. This is a
strength 10 times greater than the one used for the decomposition of water that is
wasted, it is very inefficient. The best product for the manufacture of sheet steel
plate is quality 316L. It is hard to believe but there is a power failure on boards that
do 2V voltage to be applied to each side of the cell plates. So if you apply a voltage

of 12V on 6 cells in series to obtain a highest possible efficiency thereof. With the
engine we have nearly 14V is necessary to have seven cells for maximum efficiency.
The fluid that heats is a serious because it leads to the formation of water vapor,
after boiling it, which could reach the engine. The water entered the engine by
spraying it is a good thing because it leads to a lower temperature of the engine,
increasing its efficiency and increases performance. Water injected into the engine
instantly vaporize but in our case the water is already vaporized and help stop the
engine, on the contrary leading to its malfunction.
Forward voltage cell is stable, but its intensity is on contentratia KOH electrolyte and
the active surface of the tiles in contact with water. Cell once built, the contact
surface remains constant and can only be modified KOH concentration. There is also
a community KOH concentration limit of 28% water (mass). Once exceeded this
concentration gas production declines. Usually it uses a small amount of KOH.
Do not apply water KOH community. Water should be first in the pot and apply KOH
little by little, letting it cool in the steps of adding the substance, stirring well to
obtain a homogeneous mixture.
One problem is that it's a KOH tends to absoaba carbon from the atmosphere.
Carbon is an enemy in the electrolysis process and thus retains its container must
be tightly closed so that it would not take carbon from carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere. Carbon edge should not come in contact with the cell plates.
5. The temperature of the electrolyte. As it is greater the greater the current
intensity. This can be bad and good. For example the 125W used for water will
increase the intensity, this will lead to more energy used to heat water and so on,
eventually it gets out of control and defect occurring at both the cell and the motor
because boiling water and boil-off.
This is exacerbated because as time and vehicle running water in the cell consume
but KOHul remains the same thus increasing concentration and that leads to high
blood and boiling water.
There are ways to solve these problems. One method is to reduce the concentration
of KOH as time goes on and warming the water to reach the desired current. This is
easily accomplished but has the disadvantage that early start does not produce gas
cell to capacity. However, the energy used to heat water is so high that soon it will
reach maximum efficiency.
But the best method is recommended to use is to connect multiple cells in series. I
mentioned above that are required 6 cell for maximum efficiency. That is how cells
connected in series to 12V.
6. The number of bubbles that remain stuck to the surface of the tiles. This is a
pretty big problem but find ways to solve. Some use magnets, others set in motion
through the electrolyte pompandu it inside the cell to dislodge bubbles, others use
systems that vibrate the water and some cell voltage pulsing at the right frequency
to vibrate the cell. One of the best ways is to create a system to absorb the gas

produced by means of vacuum produced by the engine and thus forms a column of
air bubbles off the boards.

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