Mission Update: Standing Naked in Front of The Mirror

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MAY 2010

Our Transition into the Avatar Blueprint

Standing Naked in Front of the Mirror
Humans, Reptilians and Conspiracies
New Moon Planetary Grid Transmissions
Identifying our Overcharged Electrical Nature


Please use your discernment towards this vast subject matter which can be researched on the web
for further information. By bringing attention and increased awareness to this issue, we address the
crux of planetary problems and may more quickly transform and shift surfacing negative energy from
the planet. More support to this area will be given by COS members over the next few weeks.
Please check for postings in our online community networks and main website at


Acknowledging and Releasing our Overcharged Electrical Natures


Fear of death and the polarization of emotions have kept the human race controlled under
the veils of illusion for eons of time. These are two of the strongest traits of our electrical,
carbon based human blueprint and part of a genetic structure that has been manipulated
time and time again by certain negative influences, taking us further away from our original
nature. Since ancient times, the agenda in this genetic manipulation has been to produce a
matrix of fear and then to dominate, through mind control, all aspects of the dense human
and its very vulnerable emoting nature.

As the story has been written, the human race has undergone a very long and painful
period of spiritual slumber until such a time that a great Divine Dispensation could be given
to all choosing Humanity to support a quantum leap of consciousness into a completely
new blueprint of awareness. This long awaited blessing seems to have finally arrived. From
all walks of life, mass numbers of people are waking up and asking questions, demanding
answers and requesting greater accountability from governments, corporations, legal
systems, financial, political and other institutions that maintain strong hold over human
The driving force behind this great awakening is an indescribable energy that cannot be
seen, intellectualized or physically touched. Some people say it is the result of the
completion of cosmic cycles which is creating a continuous inflow of high frequency
particles of light from our solar system's Galactic Center. Others say that it is the
unmistakable unfolding of a well orchestrated Divine Plan. However we want to perceive
the immense changes or what is causing them, we are clearly experiencing a vast
quickening in consciousness from a seeming unstoppable flow of Benevolence.

As a result, we are witnessing a natural great breakdown of falsely built foundations, while
at the same time, an infinite flow of support being gifted to develop a new ecology of the
pure hearted and integrous.

Standing Naked in Front of the Mirror

As the pure of heart, we are constantly recalibrating to a new center point within, amidst the
swift changes without, each time enlivening our inherent knowing. Our poles are shifting,
and, as a result, the hidden closet of the subconscious reveals. This process is catalyzed
by the continuous shifting occurring with the Earth and in her own transformation at her
core polarity of being. All life upon the planet that is with a forcing, overcharged electrical
nature is being overturned and transformed. It will continue in greater speed and magnitude
and we must keep up in order to ascend.

As we prepare our own bodies to completely shift into a new, more balanced form of
transparency, the layers of our pre-programmed, electrical based sheath continue to
unplug, to eventually unveil our illumined core. There are certain locking mechanisms which
are now loosening to enable even quicker dis-assembly of the old blueprint and for greater
ease of transition into the new avatar form. No being who chooses to remain with the Earth
can escape this process.
Transforming the densely polarized, more electrical nature of our make-up, which
comprises such aspects as our behaviors, cellular patterning, ego controls, nervous system
and brain functioning, is not an easy one to endure. To stand naked in front of the mirror,
while our own held distortions, false perceptions and ego manipulations are exposed and
released, takes great surrender of the human pride, humility of heart and sincere
commitment to go fully into the transforming chrysalis.

Those of us choosing to make this ascension with Mother Earth while retaining a formed
expression are now being asked to seriously deepen our focus in this highly transcendent
process. We are doing this together, however, each of us alone must take this  very critical
step in dropping all resistance and offering up, completely, our controlling ego complex and
entire human genetic structuring for a complete redesign. Ready or not, it's happening and
our addictions in duality are dissolving.

Humans, Reptilians and Conspiracies... ILLUSION in the GAME

With all of this divinely metamorphic energy flowing into our planet, the surfacing
conspiracies and age long deceptions gift sacred confirmation that the glorious ascension is
now in swift outplay. Rather than judge, polarize against or go into fear about the
breakdowns or malevolent manipulators, we embrace our TOTALITY of being. We salute
and bless every event and every being with the deepest love and compassion that can be
felt. ALL that is happening is divinely purposed to break us OUT of the illusion of duality.

Humans, extraterrestrial races and all other species upon the Earth are part of the Whole of
this Earth experiment. We have all contributed to the entire experience of suffering, by
taking up roles of either the controller or the one being controlled. The Reptilian aspect of
our self is to be acknowledged and loved as it is part of our human make up, our genetics,
and, up to now has been a very big part in how we have experienced life.

The game is now over. By acknowledging, accepting and then consciously releasing this
controlling influence and our own electrical overcharge, we may help move and quickly
transform this undesired, incongruent energy from our intimate field of influence which
greatly assists Mother Gaia.

Through greater awareness and fearless acceptance of these inherent traits, we may more
easily shift our own mindset. While doing this, we address the crux of the greatest problems
being experienced on our great and sacred Earth. Next to Love, this is where our greatest
power lies.
Our greatest service is from within.

Planetary Grid Transmissions

New Moon Friday, May 14
In this next cycle of change and humbly standing naked in front of the mirror, Children of
the Sun moves into the CORE of what keeps us locked into a very worn out paradigm
blueprint. We are calling forth from the vastness of our Infinite Being the full release from
our electrical sheathing so that the codes of light that hold the program for the new race
genetics can be activated and actualized. We send out these intentions from the Love of
our being and qualified in accordance with our highest good and the highest good of all life

Together, may we hold highest intention and the deepest sacred space for every brother
and sister on the path of ascension currently undergoing this challenging and most
rewarding process of transformation.
To the blueprint of our very nature... which is spiritual being-ness of indescribable light and
sound... we are here now to express our Omni Gifts from the one heart as Group Avatar. As
above, so below. Let’s walk together hand in hand and sing the song of Love.

Identifying and Releasing our Overcharged Electrical Nature

Following are a few common examples of the electrically charged locking mechanisms that prevent
transition into the new, more magnetically balanced Avatar Blueprint. Very often, these negative
imprints are unconscious or brilliantly justified within the beholder. May we gently support our self
and all others around us who are in the deep process of consciously acknowledging, humbly
surrendering and releasing this old, programmed blueprint.


 Driven by having a sense of personal territory

 Reacting to what is mine versus what is yours

 Always keeping secrets, telling secrets

 Fear of being robbed, over insuring

 Constantly focused on wanting, having, owning

 Success is judged by what you own or the money you have

To Control or be Controlled:

 Needing to be in control

 Subtle mind manipulations to get people to believe or agree with you.

Being controlled through external dependencies in which we give our own inherent power
of intuition and knowing away.

Attachment and dependency upon gurus, Ascended Masters and other guidance
systems, spiritual practices, belief in prophecies, channeling entities for needed information.

Dependence upon external tools from which to access supposed power…

such as crystals, cards, psychic readings, horoscopes, signs and symbols, Reiki symbols or
certain techniques that give supposed power

 Being controlled through attachments to materialism

Being controlled through attachment to a spouse, a pet, a house a job, the body, the

 Controlled by your fears, anxieties, stress, self pity, anger, victim consciousness

 Controlled by a sex drive, sexual fantasies, sex for pleasure and release.

 Controlled by sensual pleasures such as food and eating.

 Controlled by money.

 Controlled by a glamour of self importance.

 Controlled by structure and societal programming

Compulsion, Obsession, Aggression:

 All compulsive behavior and reactions

 All acts of oppression, obsession or aggression.

 All acts of conflict

 Always trying to figure things out, having a rational, logical plan

All energies having to do with consuming, searching, seeking, getting, worshipping,


 Obsession with sex as a physical rather than a spiritual experience.

 Addiction to rituals, ceremonies, spiritual practices, the media, the internet

 Resistance to breaking structure and routine

 Substance addictions such as tobacco, alcohol, drugs, food, caffeine, sugar

Life addictions such as working, winning, being perfect, relationships, making money,
spending and debting, gaining power, getting notoriety, living out family dramas, shopping,

Polarized Emotion:

Seeming split personality... a sweet, loving side and another side that is quick to react
with assured negativity without any feeling of remorse.

 Quick emotional reaction without thinking or feeling things through.

 Being antagonistic, argumentative, needing to feel right.

 Defending, justifying, taking sides

 Seeing something as right or wrong.

 Holding an attitude of “us against them”, seeing or perceiving a “they”.

 Racism even on the most subtle levels.

 Emotional states like fear, guilt, anger, resentment, and frustration.

Attachment to Identity, Fear and Victimhood

 Always concerned about your reputation, what others will think, fear of losing your identity.

 Constantly scanning for threats, always thinking about survival, what could happen.

 Fear and resistance to throwing all of your belief systems and structured life out the

 Not taking personal responsibility for the creation of your life experience, blaming outside

 All forms of victim consciousness.

May we gently support our self and all others around us who are in the deep process of consciously
acknowledging, surrendering and releasing this old, programmed blueprint.
Together, may we hold the highest positive intention and the deepest sacred space for
Gaia and every brother, sister and all life on the ascension path.

Join Children of the Sun in Planetary Service

Children of the Sun is a global platform of unification with a mission serving the world
transformation of consciousness.  Please consider supporting this platform with a personal
contribution of any amount as all greatly assists in our continued momentum. Children of
the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc. operates as a global non-profit public charity,
operating number #27-0315891. All contribution is tax deductible in the USA.

Visit us at: www.childrenofthesun.org

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