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Lori Klein Corbin

Lori Klein Corbin is the owner of Lori Klein &
Associates, and currently is Vice President for
the Western Center for Journalism. She
specializes in promoting cutting edge
technologies/strategies for non-profit issue
advocacy and limited government projects. For
nearly two decades she has labored to manage
and pass voter initiatives to protect Arizonans
and their rights.
I would like your VOTE for Arizona
National Committeewoman! I have served
for many years as a PC and state
committeeman. You can count on me to be the conservative
advocate for Arizona. I am proud to serve you and seek your
She was elected to the Arizona State Senate in Legislative District 6 in
2010 and served in the Senate with distinction as a strong fiscal and social
conservative introducing some of the most sweeping legislation to
protect state sovereignty, end the income tax, choice in education to
empower parents to take over failing schools, protection of the rights of
homeowners, authored the (de-regulation bill of a decade) regulatory bill
of rights to protect business when government drags it feet and
encumbers business in the permitting process, SB 1598. She stood for
freedom and the constitution defending our 1st and 2nd Amendment
whenever it was challenged.
Her conservative resume is quite extensive. She served as the Executive
Director and Director of Development for The Health Care Freedom Act
which was on the Arizona November 2010 ballot and was passed by nearly
57% of the voters. This initiative was designed to protect Arizona residents
from nationalized healthcare like Obamacare.
She was the Executive Director and Spokesperson for Proposition 207
which passed with 65% of the vote in 2006. Prop 207 provided protection

for private property owners from government takings by eminent domain

or excessive regulations. Thanks to these efforts, Arizona now has the
strongest private property rights in the nation.
Ms. Klein served the National Director of Development for Americans for
Fair Taxation from 20022006. She worked as the Executive Director and
then the Director of Public Affairs for the Arizona School Choice Trust in
1998 and served for six years as Chairman of its Advisory Board.
She was the Executive Director of the Taxpayer Protection Alliance in
19992000 which spearheaded Proposition 107, a ballot initiative that
would have eliminated the Arizona state personal and corporate income
tax over the course of four years, making Arizona competitive with
Nevada, Washington and Texas in attracting business.
Prior to moving to Phoenix in 1994, Lori worked for US Term Limits from
1991 1993 and The Washington Times from 1983-1988 as Director of
Public Relations. She worked at the RNC in Research in 1979-1980. She
worked off and on Capitol Hill and represented free market clients and
principles to include The Nicaraguan Resistance, American Resort and
Residential Development Association, Keene Shirley and Associates and
Retired General John K. Singlaub (Western Goals).
Ms. Klein has been active in the Arizona Republican Party as a Precinct and
state Committeeman and as a former member of the Ponderosa
Republican Women and currently with the Republican Women of Prescott.
Ms. Klein Corbin is married to Robert K. Corbin former Arizona Attorney
General from 1979 1992 and then President of the NRA in 1992 1994.
She has three sons who are presently attending college and working in
Current Board Affiliations:

Americans for Fair Taxation (AFFT Grassroots Board Member)

The Orange Coalition (Board Member)
The Center for Entrepreneurship, Ethics and Enterprise
Western Conservative Conference

Former Board Affiliations:

Advisory Board for Arizona School Choice Trust (Chairman)

Arizona Federation of Taxpayers (Board Member)

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