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Day: Feb.

29, 2016 (Monday)

Course: Japanese IV
Block: B8
ACTFL Standard 1.1: Learners interact and negotiate meaning in
spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information
reactions, feelings, and opinions.
ACTFL Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the
relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture
ACTFL Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the
concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and
their own.
*Students will be able to:
--Act out target vocab.
--Ask and answer questions using target vocab.
--Compose a brief letter using target grammar.
--Debate public transportation using target grammar and vocab.
*Use different levels of questioning during vocab practice including
asking questions that dont require a verbal response (can respond
nonverbally by raising hands), asking questions of individuals as well
as full group etc
Lesson Sequence:
1. Lesson 5 Vocabulary (30 min.)
a) Review vocab by having students perform TPR actions for as many
words as possible (i.e. crossing at the crosswalk, driving slowly,
stopping a car suddenly, dozing off at the wheel, driving drunk, eating
corn etc.)
b) Introduce new vocab (pg. 227 starting from #43) and use as much
TPR as possible. When TPR isnt possible, ask as many questions using
the target words as possible. Alternate between full-class and
individual questions.
2. Writing Practice RAFT (30 min.)
a) Introduce scenario (Imagine you are a member of the worst high
school class in Japanso bad that your teacher recently suffered a
nervous breakdown and had to be admitted to the hospital. Feeling

horribly guilty, the class has decided to write letters to the teacher. In
your letter, you should: 1. Express concern for the teachers well being.
2. Apologize for past behavior that sent the teacher to the hospital. 3.
Promise to try harder to do/not to do various things in the future. 4.
Close by expressing your hope that the teacher will return to class
b) Brainstorm as a group the set phrases and the grammar theyll need
to write their letters.
c) Have students collect laptops to use to compose their letters. They
make work alone or in pairs, but each student must type his/her own
letter. Circulate around the room providing assistance as needed.
d) Have 1-3 students share their letters (depending on time), but ask
all students to email you their letters, complete or incomplete.
3. Public Transportation Debate (30 min.)
a) Divide students into two teams. Make sure that there is one student
at each level of competency on each team so that they have someone
of matching level to debate on the opposite team.
b) Introduce the scenario: Des Moines is considering implementing a
public transportation system similar to those used in New York and
Japan (i.e. subways within the metro area and trains/buses to outlying
towns and major cities like Chicago and Minneapolis). Designate which
team will be arguing for and against the plan.
c) Give each team 10 min. to prepare their arguments and predict
counterarguments they may need to make based on what they think
the other team will say.
d) Debate time. Give each team 3 min. to make their argument each
student on the team should make a point. Give them 2 min. to
formulate rebuttals to the other team, and 2 min. each to present their
e) If time, debrief after the debate. Invite students to express their
actual positions on the subject rather than those they were assigned.
Ask them to reflect on what they could have done better, what kinds of
grammar and vocabulary they wish theyd had to express themselves

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