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Enzyme Lab Report

Nathan Brooks 2B

Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Function

Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Function
Height of oxygen bubbles (mm)


Temperature (C)

*Numbers are in mm

When the hydrogen peroxide was poured into the liver extract, the enzymes broke
apart the hydrogen and oxygen and created oxygen bubbles that went high up the
test tube. The enzyme was in the liver extract, the substrate was the hydrogen
peroxide, and the products were hydrogen and oxygen. The calalase mediated
reaction was measured by marking the highest the oxygen bubbles expanded with a
ruler. This is a good way to measure because the more oxygen bubbles that appear,
the more the enzymes worked to split the substrate, hydrogen peroxide. Some of
the constants were the test tubes, amount of liver extract, and amount of hydrogen
peroxide. These constants are needed to perform a good experiment because each
individual test needs to be the same with a minimal amount of variables. When the
liver extract was placed at room temperature, the bubbles rose very high, and
seemed to work very well. This temperature is close to regular body temperature,
so I would expect this, However, the boiling temperature, 100 degrees Celsius, did
not work well at all. There was little to no bubbles, and this would not work at all
well for the body. The way this experiment worked, the higher the temperature, the
lower the number of reactions. Therefore, the higher the fever, the more energy the

Enzyme Lab Report

Nathan Brooks 2B
body must use to encourage chemical reactions, and it will slow the immune
system's work.

Effect of pH on Enzyme Function

Hieght of Oxygen Bubbles (mm)

Effect of pH on Enzyme


pH Level

We had to wear lab aprons and goggles to protect our bodies from the hydrogen
peroxide and liver extract, and had to be especially cautious around the hot plate.
We also had to handle the test tubes with care as to not let them fall on the ground
and shatter. As shown in the graph, the neutral pH worked the best, and the acid
worked slightly better than the base. The neutral pH works the best because that is
closest to the actual pH of blood, which is 7.4. I accept my hypothesis because it
reflects the outcome of the experiment. Water has a neutral pH in its natural form.
This means that the enzymes will work close to best in those conditions. Each
experiment could have multiple repetitions involved, as well as smaller increments
of temperature and pH levels, so the results and reflect a more effective pH or
temperature level. The estimated best environment for the catalase mediated
reaction is in about 22 degrees Celsius heat, and a neutral (7) pH level.

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