Kiosk Operator Manual - Quick Reference To All Services

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Name of the Service


Introduction on Mee S
Seva Services

List of Services

Login Process

Current Adangal

RoR 1B

FMB Copy

Certified Copy

Encumbrance Certificate

Income Certificate


Residence Certificate


Integrated Certificate




F-Line Petition


Village Map


Agriculture Income Certificate Service


No Earning Member Certificate Service


EBC Certificate


OBC Certificate


a. FMC for Social Security Scheme

b. FMC for Govt Employees


G.Os and Circulars


Key Contacts

Page No.



Government of AP wanted to provide the all the certificates like Current Adangal,
Residence, Income, Birth, Death, etc. online in the minimum time period there by
providing transparency and faster service to the citizen.
re categorized into A and B Categories. The A category
The MeeSeva services are
services are to be provided within a period of 15 minutes. B Category services
include processing by the concerned department. This requires some period of time.
The minimum period of days is fixed dif
ferently as per the service. This period is
known as SLA (Service Level Agreement).
In the case of B category services if the time period for clearing the certificate
(Approve/Reject) goes beyond the SLA, the concerned Officers are alerted by the
District Administration.
The present services being offered in MeeSeva and their respective SLA and
charges are provided in the citizen charter of the kiosk.
In this handbook a simplified steps are provided which are useful for quick


Adangal/Pahani is a very important revenue record, as it contains details of land

such as owner's details, area, assessment, water rate, soil type, nature of
possession of the Land, Liabilities, Tenancy and Crops grown, etc.
It is required for various purposes such as:
1. To know the genuineness
ss of seller (owner) when land is being purchased.
2. It is required at Sub-Register's
Register's office when sale transaction is being done
3. To raise the farm credit / loan from the Bank.
4. Court needs Pahani in case of Civil litigation.
5. For personal purpose.
Adangal/Pahani has the following details:
1. Survey Number and Hissa Number of Land.
2. Total Land under the Pahani.
3. Land Revenue details.
4. Land Owner's name with Extents and Khatha Number.
5. The way land is acquired by the owner.
6. Government/Public rights on the Land.
7. Liabilities of the Owners on the Land.
8. Classification of the Soil.

9. Number of Trees.
10. Source of irrigation and area irrigated.
11. Cultivators Details.
12. Utilisation of land under various categories.
13. Details of Crops grown season
14. Details of Mixed Crops.
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs20/- In addition to statutory charges
Documents Required: 1. Application Form *
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
lick on Revenue Department services to g
get the list of Revenue Department
 Select Current Adangal Service
 Select the district,
ict, mandal & village and enter the year of survey as per the
customers request
pon selection the list of survey numbers available in the village are fetched and
 Select the survey
rvey no from the list and click on get details to fetch the Adangal
details from the department server.
 In case if the survey no is not available, operato
operatorr has provision to enter the
survey no by selecting Others
Others in the list.
 Enter all the remaining
ing applicant details and click on show payment button to
calculate the service charges.
 For all those requests which require Tahsildar approval, Citizen has an option of
delivery of Adangal Copy either through post or Manual (at the centre).
 Based on the delivery option chosen by the citizen, the service charges will be
calculated and displayed in the show payment.
 After collecting he amount
unt from the customer, operator confirms the transaction
and on confirmation the receipt is generated as shown below.
 Please note that in case if the operator does not have sufficient balance with
service provider, system will not accept the request.
 Click on Print Adangal button to take the print out of the Adangal copy on the
pre printed stationery.
 For those requests/cases where the data is not available in the Department
Database, the Print Adangal button will appear as disabled. Whenever the
request is approved by the respective Tahsildar,, this button gets enabled.
Note 1:
Present only the current Fasli year data i.e. 2010
11 (July, 2010 to June,
2011) is available for MEE SEVA.
Please note that Document year (Fasli year) has to be entered as 2010 for
2010-11 Fasli year.

Note 2:
 Requests accepted through this provision would go to Tahsildar workflow for
further processing and after his approval; the Adangal copy will be available to
the Kiosk operator.
 Operator should
uld click on View Transactions and search for the specific
transaction id and take the print out of the Adangal Copy.


ROR is the Record of Rights. It is for providing the title deeds in the lands held by
the farmers. This register is maintained in Mandal Revenue Office for every village
separately. It contains 14 columns and includes the name
ame of the khatadar /father
name of the
he khatadar, khata number, survey number, classification of land, extent
held by khatadar Land Revenue.
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs20/- In addition to statutory charges
Documents Required: 1. Application Form *
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
lick on Revenue Department services to g
get the list of Revenue Department
elect the district, mandal & village and enters the Khata Number and click on
Get Details button to get the ROR 1B Details from the department server.
 In case if the
he data is not available with the department server for the given
Khata Number, the request would go into the respective Tahsildar workflow for
 For all those requests which require the approval of the Tahsildar,, citizen has an
option of delivery of ROR 1B Copy either through post or Manual (at the centre).
 Based on the delivery option chosen by the citizen, the service charges are
calculated and
d displayed in the show payment panel.
 Operator has to enter all the remaining applicant details and click on show
payment button to calculate the service charges.
 After collecting the amount from the customer, confirm the transaction and on
confirmation the receipt is generated.
 Click on Print ROR button to take the print out of the ROR 1B copy on the pre
printed stationery.
 For those requests/cases where the data is not available in the Department
Database, the Print ROR button will appear as disabled. Whenever the request is
approved by the respective Tahsildar, this button gets enabled.



FMB is the Field measurement Book, which will have the field measurement
sketches of all individual Fields. Basing on these measurements, the survey
numbers are demarcated and disputes settled maps are drawn and areas calculated
mathematically only on the mea
surements recorded in this book. These maps will
have details of all the survey numbers of the village both agricultural, nonnon
agricultural including, topographical details.
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs20/- In addition to statutory charges
Documents Required: 1. Application Form *
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
lick on Revenue Department services to g
get the list of Revenue Department
 Select the district, Mandal
andal & village and enter the Survey Number for which the
FMB Copy is required.
 Click on Get Details
ils button to get the FMB copy d
etails from the Department
server. If the FMB Copy is available with department, the Get
Get Details
Details button
will get disabled and the operator need to enter the applicant data to complete
the transaction.
 In case if the FMB Copy is not available for a given survey number with the
department server, the request would go into respective workflow of the
Tahsildar for approval.
nter all the remaining details of the applicant and click on show payment
button to calculate the service charges.
 After collecting the amount from the customer, confirm the transaction by
clicking on the confirm payment button.
 On confirmation
mation the receipt is generated.
 Click on Print FMB Copy button to take the print out of the FMB Copy.
rint the above FMB Copy on the pre printed stationery.
 For those requests/cases where the FMB data is not available in the Department
Database, the Print FMB Copy button will appear as disabled. Whenever the
request is approved by the respective Tahsildar,, this button gets enabled.



Certified Copy is a copy ((photocopy)

photocopy) of the primary document that has on
it, an endorsement or certificate
certificate, that it is a true copy of the primary document.
ertified copy of documents registered like Sale, Exchange, Mortgage etc. can be
ined online through this service.
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs90/-(Service
(Service Charge 20 + Statutory 70)

Documents Required: 1. Application Form *

* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
lick on Revenue Department services to get the list of Revenue Department
lick on Registration Department to go to the Registration Department services.
 Click on Certified Copy of Registration Document Service
elects the district based on the selected district, respect
ive SRO Offices are
listed in the SRO drop down.
 As per the customer request, operator selects the SRO Office where the
document was registered.
 Based on the SRO selection, the Registration Year gets populated in the Year
drop down.
 As per the customer input,
ut, Operator selects the Registration year from the drop
 Based on the year selection, system fetches the available Document Numbers
from the Department Server.
 Operator need to select the right document number from the list of documents
shown in the Document Number drop down.
 In case if the document number is not available in the list, operator has
provision to enter the document number as shown below by selecting Not
Found from the list.
 Once all the details are selected, operator clicks on Get Details button to fetch
the Certified Copy file from the Department Server.
 Operator enters all the remaining applicant details and clicks on show payment
button to calculate the service charges.
 After collecting the amount from the customer, operator confirms
transaction and on confirmation the receipt is generated
 Please note that in case you do not have sufficient balance with your service
provider (SCA), system will not accept the request.
 Click on Print
Print Certified Copy
Copy button to take the print out of the Certified Copy.
rint the certified copy on white paper only and hand it over to the customer.



An encumbrance is any right or interest that exists in someone other than the
owner of an estate and that restricts or impairs the transfer of the estate or lowers
its value.. An Encumbrance Certificate can be obtained through this service.
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs120/-- (Service Charge 20 + Statutory 100)
Documents Required: 1. Applicat
Application Form *
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.

Procedure for Applying:

 Click on Registration Department services to g
et the list of Registration
Department services.
 Click on Encumbrance
Encumbrance Certificate Service
 Select the District from the drop down and based on the district selection,
respective SRO Offices are populated in the Select SRO drop down.
 As per the customers request, select the SRO Office and enter the Period From
which the EC is required.
1. Always the EC is given as on previous working day, hence the Period To is
populated by default as previous working day.
2. Please note that, for submitting the request for EC, operator has 2 options.
 One is using the Help feature (next to Select SRO field) he/she can search
for the required
ired document and submit the request.
 And the other option is to enter all the details required for the EC and
3. Always the operator has to use the first option i.e. Help feature to search for the
document instead of entering all the fields in the s

lick on Help button, where he/she should enter the Document No and
Registration Year provided by the customer and click on submit button to fetch
the records from the Department server.
On search, the records will be fetched from the department se
rver and shown on
the screen as shown below.
Select the relevant record from the above list after confirming with customer,
upon selection automatically the relevant document data gets populated in the
application form.
nter all the remaining applicant de
tails and clicks on show payment button to
calculate the service charges.
After collecting the amount from the customer, confirm the transaction and on
mation the receipt is generated

Please note that in case the operator does not have sufficient balance with service
provider (SCA), system will not accept the request.

On submission the request would go into respective SRO workflow for further
processing of the request.

Please note that, requests submitted for EC upto 2 PM wil

willl be delivered/approved
by respective SRO on the same day and the EC Certificate will be available at the
Kiosk after approval of SRO.
Once the request is approved by SRO, go to
o view transactions and select the
date and service as Encumbrance Certificate from the service list drop down.


Operator can also search based on the transaction id also.

Upon search, the list of EC requests would be displayed as shown below.
Click on the respective transaction id and the screen is displayed in which if the
request is approved the Print Certificate button is enabled.
Click on Print
Print Certificate
Certificate button to take the print out of the EC, Encumberance
rint the certificate on the pre printed stationery supplied by SCA and hand over
the certificate to the customer.

Income Certificate
ficate is the issued by the MRO for certifying all the sources of income.
This income certificate is used for the purpose of education. It is
- Issued on production of salary certificate in case of employees.
- Based on the revenue enquiry in case of business people, agriculturists.
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs30/- In addition to statutory charges
Service Level
: 7 Days
Documents Required: 1. Application Form *
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
lick on Revenue Department services to g
get the list of Revenue Department
 After selecting the Income Certificate Service in the Rev
enue Department
services, the below screen would appear.
 Operator has to chose Apply option for submitting the request for Income
Certificate. The other option called Request will be used in future to issue
Income Certificate under Category A.
 Select the
he Apply option and enter all the remaining applicant details and income
particulars from various sources such as Income on land, Income on
Business, and Salary etc. and also the purpose of the request should be
Please note that all the mandatory fields have to be entered, otherwise request will
not be accepted by the system.

Operator has to select the Permanent Address of the applicant correctly as the
concerned mandal officials visit this place during the verification of his/her
income particulars.

Please note that based on the customer request, the delivery option (either through
post or Manual at the centre) has to be selected properly.

Based on the delivery option chosen by the citizen, the service charges are
calculated and displayed
yed in the show payment.
ollect the necessary supporting documents as indicated in the service page and
scan and upload to the system.
After collecting the amount from the customer, submit the request and on
confirmation the receipt is generated along wit
h the approximate date of

Please note that in case operator does not have sufficient balance with service
provider (SCA), system will not accept the request.


On submission, the request would go to the respective Tahsildar workflow for

further processing
rocessing of the request.
Once the request is approved by MRO, operator has to go to view transactions
and select the date and service as Income Certificate ffrom
rom the services list drop
Click on the respective transaction id. Click on the Print Certificate button to
take the print out of the approved Income Certificate.


Residence Certificate is generally issued to prove that the person bearing the
Certificate is a Domicile/Resident of the State/UT by which the Certificate is being
issued. This Certificate is required as proof of residence to avail Domicile/Resident
Quotas in educational institutions
tutions and in the Government Service, as also in case of
jobs where local residents are preferred.
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs30/- In addition to statutory charges.
Service Level
: 7 Days
Documents Required: 1. Application Form *
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
lick on Revenue Department services to g
get the list of Revenue Department
 Select Residence Certificate Service in the Revenue Department services
 Select the Apply option to collect the customer request.
Please note that, Operator has to chose Apply option for submitting the request
for Residence Certificate. The other option called Request will be used in future to
issue Residence Certificate under Category A (on the spot).

er all the remaining applicant details and Residence particulars such as,
as since
how long the customer is staying in that place (Residen
(Residence Since (in years)) and
also mention the purpose of the request.

Please note that all the mandatory fields have to be e

ntered, otherwise request will
not be accepted by the system.

elect the Permanent Address of the applicant correctly as the concerned
mandal officials visit this place during the verification of his/her Residence

Please note that based on the

he customer request, the delivery option (either through
post or Manual at the centre) has to be selected properly.

Based on the delivery option chosen by the citizen, the service charges are
calculated and displayed in the show payment.
ollect the necessary supporting documents as indicated in the service page and
scans and upload to
o the system.
After collecting the amount from the customer, submit the request and on
mation the receipt is generated along with the approximate date of

Please note that in case operator does not have sufficient balance with service
provider (SCA), system will not accept the request.


On submission, the request would go to the respective MRO workflow for further
processing of the request.
Once the request is approved by MRO,
RO, go to view transactions and select the
date and service as Residence Certificate from the services list drop down.
lick on the respective transaction id and click on Print
Print Certificate
Certificate button to
take the print out of the approved Residence Certificate.

An Integrated Certificate is issued for Caste, Date of Birth and Nativity.

Nativity This can
be used for multiple purposes
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs30/- In addition to statutory charges.
Service Level
: 30 Days
Documents Required: 1. Application Form *
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
lick on Revenue Department services to g
get the list of Revenue Department

Select the Integrated Certificate Service in the Revenue Department services

and enter all the remaining applicant details such as permanent address, postal
address and Caste particulars such as Caste Claimed, whether Education
Certificate contains caste, religion and purpose of the caste certificate etc.

Please note that all the mandatory fields have to be entered, otherwise request will
not be accepted by the system.

Operator has to select the Permanent Address of the applicant correctly as the
concerned mandal officials visit this place during the verification of his/her
Integrated Certificate particulars.

Please note that based on the customer request, the delivery option (either through
post or Manual at the centre) has to be selected properly.

Based on the delivery option chosen by the citizen, the service charges are
calculated and displayed in show payment.
Collect the necessary supporting document
s as indicated in the service page and
scans and upload into the system.
After collecting the amount from the customer, submit the request and on
confirmation the receipt is generated with the approximate date of delivery.

Please note that in case operator does not have sufficient balance with service
provider (SCA), system will not accept the request.


On submission, the request would go into respective Tahsildar workflow for

further processing of the request.
Once the request is approved by Tahsildar,, go to view transactions and select
the date and service as Integrated Certificate from the services list drop down
lick on print certificate button to take the print out of the Integrated Certificate
on Pre Printed Stationery and hand it over to customer.


Mutation is a process through which Owner's name or his particulars like liabilities
get changed because of some type of transactions. The type of transaction may be
one of the following:

Sale through registered deed.
Inheritance - Change of Ownership because of death of the Owner.
Division of Land within the Family.
Pledge / Release - Change in liabilities because of loan from bank or repayment
Court Decree - Based on the Court Order.
Alienation - Conversion of land from agricultural to other purposes.

7. Acquisition by Government for Public purpose.

8. Grant of Land
d by Government to Poor People.
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs30/- In addition to statutory charges.
Service Level
: 45 Days
Documents Required: 1. Application Form *
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
lick on Revenue Department services to g
get the list of Revenue Department
 Click on Mutation Service in the Revenue Department services.
 Operator enters all the remaining applicant details such as applicant name,
Father/Husband Name, permanent address etc. along with Document Particulars
such as district, mandal, village and Mutation Type.
As per the customers request, operator has to select the right mutation type
whether it is purchase or succession or will or gift.
 Based on the selection the screen as shown in page no.93 would appear where
the operator has to enter the relevant data as per customer request.
 Different screens will appear when any one either purchase or succession or will
or gift is selected.
 Enter all the remaining applicant details and mutation details and collect the
necessary supporting documents as indicated in the service page and scans the
and upload to the system.
Please note that all the mandatory fields have to be entered, otherwise request will
not be accepted by the system.

Operator has to select the Document District, Mandal & Village of the applicant
correctly as the concerned mandal off
icials visit this place during the verification of
his/her particulars.
 After collecting the amount from the customer, submit the request and on
confirmation the receipt is generate
generated along with the approximate date of
Please note that in case operator does not have sufficient balance with service
provider (SCA), system will not accept the request.
 On submission, the request would go to the respective Tahsildar workflow for
further processing of the request.
 Once the request is approved by Tahsildar, he would send the proceedings to
the operator address through courier/registered post.



F-Line Petition is for the outer boundary line in a sketch, which signifies the actual
field boundaries of the outer lines of the sketch. Petitions for demarcation of
boundaries are entertained by the concerned Tahsildar only and Mandal Surveyors
conduct demarcation after writte
written approval of the MROs concerned.
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs30/- (30 + Stipulated Statutory Charges)
Service Level
: 30 Days
Documents Required: 1. Application Form *
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
lick on Revenue Department services to g
get the list of Revenue Department
 Select F-LINE
LINE PETITIONS/SUB DIVISION Service in the Revenue Department
nter all the remaining applicant details such as applicant name,
Father/Husband Name, permanent address etc. along with Document Particulars
such as district, mandal, village and Document Type (F
Line Petition/Sub
Division), Category and Land Boundaries etc.
 Enter all the remaining applicant deta
details and collect the necessary supporting
documents as indicated in the service page and scan and upload to the system.
Please note that all the mandatory fields have to be entered, otherwise request will
not be accepted by the system.
 Operator has to selectt the Document District, Mandal & Village of the applicant
correctly as the concerned mandal officials visit this place during the verification
of his/her particulars.
 After collecting the amount from the customer, operator submits the request
and on confirmation
rmation the receipt is generated along with the approximate date of
Please note that in case operator does not have sufficient balance with service
provider (SCA), system will not accept the request.
 On submission, the request would go into respective Tahsildar workflow for
further processing of the request.
 Once the request is approved by MRO, he would send the proceedings to the
operator address through courier/registered post.



Village Maps are printed in the Central Survey office under very costly,
sophisticated offset printing machine and other machines. Printed village maps are
supplied to the concerned District survey maintenance units and also Revenue
units, the maps are printed in two scales.
a) For dry lands 8" - one mile (single scale) i.e. one inch=20 chains of 33.

b) For wet fields 16" - one mile (double scale) i.e, one inch= 10 chains of 33.
These maps will have details of all the survey numbers of the village both
agricultural, non-agricultural
agricultural including, topographical details.
Department Concerned:
and Records
Survey, Settlements & Land
Service Charges:
Service charge of Rs30/- and challan cost of Rs200/
Rs200/- for the first hundred survey
fields and Rs5/- for every survey field thereafter.
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs30/- and challan cost of Rs200/- for the first hundred survey
fields and Rs5/- for every survey field thereafter.
Service Level
: 5 Days
Documents Required: 1. Application Form *
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
lick on Revenue Department services to g
get the list of Revenue Department
 Click on the Village Map Copy, the village map application form will open.
Enter all the applicant details and Village Map Copy particulars such as District,
Mandal and Village for which the village map copy is required in the Document
Details section.
Only the villages for which the Village Map is available are shown in the Village drop down
under list of Document Details section. Hence the requests are accepted only for those villages.
Please note that all the mandatory fields have to be entered, otherwise request will not be
accepted by the system.
 Enter the Address of the applicant correctly as the Copy of the Village
Map is
sent by post to the address of the applicant.
As the village maps are directly sent to the applicants address through post, the delivery option
has to be chosen as post.
 Based on the delivery option chosen by the citizen, the service charges are
calculated and displayed in the show payment.
 Collect the physical application form and scan and upload to the system.
 After collecting the amount from the customer, submit the request and on
confirmation, the receipt is generated along with the approximate date of
Please note that in case if the operator does not have sufficient balance amount in his account
with the service provider (SCA), the system will not accept the request.
 On submission, the
he request would go into S
Survey & Land
and Records Department
workflow for further processing of the request.

Once the request is approved by SLR, the Village Map Copy will be dispatched
through courier to the customers address.



Agriculture Income Certificate is useful for getting Bank loans. Agriculture income is
exempted under the Indian Income Tax Act. This is issued by the Tahsildar.
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs30/- In addition to statutory charges.
Documents Required: 1. Application Form *
2. Ration card /EPIC Card/AADHAR Card
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
lick on Revenue Department services to g
get the list of Revenue Department
 After selecting the Agriculture Income Certificate Service in the above list,
list the
below screen would appear.
Enter all the remaining applicant details like applicant name, District, Mandal and
Village and Agriculture Income particulars such as Purpose of Income Certificate,
Pattadar Name,, Survey No, Extent, PPB TD/ Doc no and Income.
Please note that all the mandatory fields have to be entered, otherwise request will not be
accepted by the system.
 Operator has to select the Permanent Address of the applicant correctly as the
concerned mandal officials visit this place during the verification of his/her
Agriculture Income particulars.
 Based on the customers
s request, the delivery option (either through post or
Manual at the centre) has to be selected properly. The charges for Postal (Local)
is Rs. 33/- and for Postal Non Local is Rs. 46/
 Click on Add New Row Button to enter Additional Pattadar details as shown in
the below screen.
 After clicking on Add New Row button, operator enters the Additional Pattadar
details in the new row.
 After entering all mandatory fields and uploading the necessary supporting
documents, Operator Clicks on Show Payment butto
n like shown in the below
 Based on the delivery option chosen by the citizen, the service charges will be
calculated and displayed in the show payment.
 Operator collects the necessary supporting documents as indicated in the service
page and scans the same and uploads into the system
 After collecting the amount from the customer, operator submits the request
and on confirmation the receipt is generated long with the approximate date of

Please note that in case operator does not have sufficient balance with service provider (SCA),
system will not accept the request.
 On submission, the request would go to Tahsildar workflow for further
processing of the request.
 Once the request is approved by Tahsildar, the Certificate will be
e generated in
MeeSeva and is available for Kiosk to print the certificate. In case if the delivery
option is selected as Postal, it will be dispatched to customer
customers address.


No earning Member certificate is issued when a Government employee dies and

there is no earning member in the family. It is useful to receive the dues if any,
from Government due to the death of her/his husband/father/mother and further to
certify that there are no earning members in the family of the deceased.
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs30/- In addition to statutory charges.
Documents Required: 1. Application Form *
2. Ration card /EPIC Card/AADHAR Card *
3. Death Certificate *
4. Copy of Family Member Certificate
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
lick on Revenue Department services to g
get the list of Revenue Department
 Select No Earning Member Certificate Service
nter all the applicant details and the details of the deceased such as Deceased
Name/Retired Person Name, Fathers/husbands Name, Date Of Death,
Occupation, Reason For Certificate, Death Happened in Mandal, Death Happened
in Village, Native Village and Re
Reason for Death.
 And also enter the Family Member Details s
such as Name of the Family Member,
Age, Gender, Occupation and Relationship with Deceased etc
Please note that all the mandatory fields have to be entered, otherwise request will not be
accepted by the system.
 Select the Permanent Address of the applicant correctly as the concerned
mandal officials visit this place during the verification of his/her No Earning
Member Certificate particulars.
 Deceased persons Occupation has to be selected from the drop down list i.e.
either State Government services/Central G
Government services/Public
ervices/Public sector
under takings.
 Reason for Certificate should be selected from drop down list.
 Reason for Death also should be selected from the drop down list (Either
Accident/ Ill
ll health/General death)

Enter Family Member

ember Details such as Name of the Family Member, Age, Gender,
Occupation and Relationship with Deceased etc. In case if he wants to add more
members, operator clicks on Add New Row button and enters the other family
member details as shown below.
Based on the customers
s request, the delivery option (either through post or
Manual at the centre) has to be selected properly. The charges for Postal Local is
Rs. 33/- and for Postal Non Local is Rs. 46/
Collect the necessary
sary supporting documents and scan and upload to the system.
After entering all mandatory fields and uploading the necessary supporting
documents, click
lick on Show Payment
Based on the delivery option chosen by the citizen, the service charges are
calculated and displayed in the show payment panel.
After collecting the amount from the customer, submit the request and on
confirmation the receipt is generated along with the approximate date of

e sufficient balance with service provider (SCA),

Please note that in case operator does not have
system will not accept the request.

On submission, the request go

goes to Tahsildar workflow for further processing of
the request.
Once the request is approved by Tahsildar, the Certificate
ficate will be generated in
MeeSeva and is available for Kiosk operators to print the certificate.
In case if the delivery option is selected as Postal, it will be dispatched to
customers address by the EDS Office.



Economically Backward Classes Certificate called as EBC Certificate is useful for the
EBC Students of Government Degree Colleges for Claiming Scholarships.
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs30/- In addition to statutory charges.
Documents Required: 1. Application Form *
2. Ration card /EPIC Card/AADHAR Card
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
lick on Revenue Department services to g
get the list of Revenue Department
 From the Revenue Department Services, Selec
Select EBC Certificate Service.
nter all Mandatory Fields like applicant details and EBC Certificate particulars
such as Issued Caste Certificate in Past, Caste Claimed, Caste Category,
Religion, Purpose of Caste Certificate and Family Income.

ased on the customer request, tthe
he delivery option (either through post or
Manual at the centre) has to be selected properly. The charges for Postal (Local)
is Rs. 33/- and for Postal Non Local is Rs. 46/
ollect the necessary supporting documents as indicated in the service page and
scans and upload the scanned documents

Please note that all the mandatory fields have to be entered, otherwise request will not be
accepted by the system.
 Select the Permanent Address of the applicant correctly as the concerned
mandal official visits the place during the verification of his/her particulars.
 After entering all the mandatory fields and uploading the necessary supporting
documents, clicks
licks on Show Pa
Payment button.
 After clicking the Show Payment button, it will open the Confirm Payment.
 Based on the delivery option chosen by the citizen, the service charges are
calculated and displayed.
 Operator can collect the amount from the citizen and submit the request by
clicking on Confirm
rm Payment
Payment button.
 On confirmation the receipt with the delivery date of the Certificate is generated
as shown below.
Please note that in case operator does not have sufficient balance with service provider (SCA),
system will not accept the request.
 On submission, by clicking on the EBC Certificate Application, the request goes
to respective MROs workflow for further processing.
 Once the request is approved by MRO, and if the delivery type is Speed Post
Local/ Non Local, the EBC Certificate will be dispatched through courier to the
address provided by the customer
 If the delivery type
ype Is Manual, the citizen can collect the EBC Certificate from
the franchisee
e where he/she applied for the Certificate



Other Backward Classes have 27% of the vacancies in Civil Posts and Services in
the Govt. of India to be filled up through direct recruitment, subject to the
exclusion of the socially advanced persons/sections known as the Creamy Layer
Candidates belonging to the OBCs are recruited on the basis of merit and shall not
be adjusted against the reservation quota.
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs30/- In addition to statutory charges.
Documents Required: 1. Application Form *
2. Ration card /EPIC Card/AADHAR Card
3. Applicant Father/Mothers property particulars
4. A
Applicant Father/Mother Employment
particulars/ Income Tax returns (for professionals)*

* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.

Procedure for Applying:
lick on Revenue Department services to g
get the list of Revenue Department
 From the Revenue Department Services, Select OBC
BC Certificate Service as
shown in the below screen.
 After selecting the OBC Certificate Service in the Revenue Department
services, the screen will be displayed as shown in the page no.151 would
 Operator has to enter all Mandatory Fields like applicant details and Caste
Certificate particulars such as Issued Caste Certificate in Past, Caste Claimed,
Caste Category, Education Certificate Contains Caste, Purpose of Caste
ertificate and Family Income.
ased on the customer request, the delivery option (either through post or
Manual at the centre) has to be selected properly. The charges for Postal (Local)
is Rs. 33/- and for Postal Non Local is Rs. 46/
 Operator collects the
he necessary supporting documents as indicated in the service
page and scans and uploads the scanned documents as shown in the page
no.154 would appear.
Please note that all the mandatory fields have to be entered, otherwise request will
not be accepted by
y the system.
 Operator has to select the Permanent Address of the applicant correctly as the
concerned mandal officials visit th
the place during the verification of his/her
 After entering all the mandatory fields and uploading the necessary supporting
documents, Operator Clicks on Show Payment button as shown in the below
 After clicking the Show Payment button, it will open the Confirm
screen as shown below.
 Based on the delivery option chosen by the citizen, the service charges are
calculated and displayed as shown below.
 Operator can collect the amount from the citizen and submit the request by
clicking on Confirm
rm Payment
Payment button.
 On confirmation the receipt with the delivery date of the Certificate is generated
as shown below.
Please note that in case if you do not have sufficient balance with your service provider (SCA),
system will not accept the request.
 On submission, by clicking on the OBC Certificate Application, the request goes
to respective MROs workflow for further processing.
 Once the request is approved by MRO, and if the delivery type is Speed Post
Local/ Non Local, the OBC
BC Certificate will be dispatched through courier to the
address provided by the customer

If the delivery type

ype Is Manual, the citizen can collect the OBC
BC Certificate from
the franchisee where he/she applied for the Certificate



This certificate can be used for pension benefits, GPF, PF, Gratuity, etc. This is
given to the children and wife of a diseased person
person.. This particular certificate is for
benefitting from Apathbhandu Scheme/Chief Minister Relief Fund/Housing/ Prime
Minister Relief Fund/Ex-gratia.
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs30/- In addition to statutory charges.
Documents Required: 1. Application Form *
2. Ration card /EPIC Card/AADHAR Card *
3. Death Certificate *
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
lick on Revenue Department services to g
get the list of Revenue Department
 Click on the Family Membership Certificate Service in the Revenue Department
 Select the service from Select Service options (1. FMC for Govt Employees, 2.
FMC for Social Security) based on customers requirement
 The selected option here is FMC for Social Security Service
 After selecting the service, operator has to enter all the details of the applicant
and the deceased such as Deceased Name/Retired Person Name,
Fathers/Husbands Name, Date Of Death/Retirement, Reason For Death,
Occupation and Reason for Certificate along with the Family Member Details
such as the Name of the Family Member, Age ,Gen
der, Relationship etc.
 Based on the customers request, the delivery option (either through post or
Manual at the centre) has to be selected properly. The charges for Postal (Local)
is Rs. 33/- and for Postal Non Local is Rs. 46/
 Select the reason for De
ath from the drop down (Accident/ Floods/ Cyclones/
Thunder bolt / Fire accident/ Drowning/ Collapse of buildings/ Bridges)
 Select Occupation from the drop down (Cooli/ Agriculture Labour/ Rickshaw
Puller / Auto / Taxi / Lorry drivers/ Cleaners/ Building construction workers/
Working in factories/ Fishing/ Other professions).
 Select the reason for Certificate from the drop down menu (Apathbhandu
Scheme/ Chief Minister Relief Fund/ Housing/ Prime Minister Relief Fund/ Exgratia)
 Enter Family member details
etails such as Name of the Family Member, Age, Gender
and Relationship with Deceased
 Click on Add New Row button as shown below for entering the details of
another family member.
 Details of another family member can also be added.

Operator shall collect the necessary supporting documents as indicated in the

service page and scan and upload to the system.
Please note that all the mandatory fields have to be entered, otherwise request
will not be accepted by the system.
Operator has to select the Permanent Address of the applicant correctly as the
concerned Mandal officials visit the place during the verification of his/her
After entering all the mandatory fields and uploading the necessary supporting
documents, clicks
licks on Show Payment button.
After clicking the Show Payment button, it will open the Confirm Payment
screen as shown below.
Based on the delivery option chosen by the citizen, the service charges are
calculated and displayed.
Operator can collect
ct the amount from the citizen and submit the request by
clicking on Confirm Payment button.
On confirmation the receipt with the delivery date of the Certificate is generated
Please note that in case operator does not have sufficient balance with service
provider (SCA), system will not accept the request.
On submission, by clicking on the Family Membership Application button, the
request goes to respective Tahsildar workflow for further processing.
Once the request
st is approved by MRO, and if the delivery type is Speed Post
Local/ Non Local, the Family Member Certificate (For Social Security Schemes)
will be dispatched through courier to the address provided by the customer.
If the delivery type is
s Manual, the cit
citizen can collect the Family Member
Certificate (For Social Security Schemes) from the franchisee where he/she
applied for the Certificate



This certificate can be used for pension benefits, GPF, PF, Gratuity, etc. This is
given to the children and wife of a diseased person
person.. This particular certificate is for
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs30/- In addition to statutory charges.
Documents Required: 1. Application Form *
2. Ration card /EPIC Card/AADHAR Card *
3. Death Certificate *
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
lick on Revenue Department services to g
get the list of Revenue Department

From the Revenue Department Services, click on Family

Family Membership
Certificate Service.
Here Operator has to select the service for Select Service from the options (1.
MC for Govt Employees, 2. FMC ffor Social Security) based
ased on customers
After selecting the service,
ervice, operator has to enter all the details of the applicant
and the deceased
eceased such as Deceased Name
/Retired Person Name,
usbands Name, Dat
e Of Death/Retirement, Reason For Death,
Occupation and Reason for Certificate along with the Family Member Details
such as the Name of the
he Family Member, Age ,Gender
,Gender, Relationship etc.
Based on the customers
s request, the delivery option (either through post or
Manual at the centre) has to be selected properly. The charges for Postal (Local)
is Rs. 33/- and for Postal Non Local is Rs. 46/
Select the reason for death
eath from the drop down (Accident/ Floods/ Cyclones/
Thunder bolt / Fire accident/ Drowning/ Collapse of buildings/ Bridges)
Select Occupation from the drop down (State Government Service/ Central
Government Service / Public Sector Undertakings
Select the reason for Certificate from the drop down me
nu (Pension/ Gratuity/
Insurance/ Provident Fund/ Compassionate Appointment)
Family member details
etails such as Name of the Family Member, Age, Gender and
Relationship with Deceased are to be entered
Click on Add New Row button for entering the details of another
Details of another family member can also be added.
Operator shall collect the necessary supporting documents as indicated in the
service page and scan and upload the documents to the system.

Please note that all the mandatory fields have to be entered, otherwise request will
not be accepted by the system.

Operator has to select the Permanent Address of the applicant correctly as the
concerned Mandal
andal officials visit th
the place during the verification of his/her
After entering all the mandatory fields and uploading the necessary supporting
documents, click
lick on Show Payment button.
After clicking the Show Payment button, it will open the Confirm
Based on the delivery option chosen by the citizen, the service charges are
calculated and displayed..
Operator can collect the amount from the citizen and submit the request by
clicking on Confirm
rm Payment
Payment button.
On confirmation the receipt with the delivery date of the Certificate is generated.

Please note that in case if you do not have sufficient balance with your service
provider (SCA), system will not accept the request.

On submission, by clicking on the Fa

mily Membership Application button, the
request goes to respective MRO
MROs workflow for further processing.
Once the request is approved by MRO, and if the delivery type is Speed Post
Local/ Non Local, the Family Member Certificate (For Government Employees)
will be dispatched through courier to the address provided by the customer.
If the delivery type is
s Manual, the citizen can collect the Family Member
Certificate (For Government Employees
Employees) from the franchisee where he/she
applied for the Certificate

Electoral Photo Identity Card (EPIC) is mandatory in all the future elections. A
duplicate copy of the EPIC can be obtained through MeeSeva, which valid for
producing before casting the vote durin
g election process. This service is enabled
only to those centres who are ready with the below infrastructure.

Laser Printer
Lamination machine
Cutting machine
Pouches - Not less than 125 microns (thickness)
80 GSM white paper

Once the franchisee is ready with above infrastructure, the concerned ERO/AERO
shall issue the facsimile and holograms. All operators have to maintain
accountability on the usage of holograms handed over by the ERO/AERO.
Department Concerned: General Administration Department (GAD)
Service Charges : Rs 10/-Category Type
Service Level
15 Minutes
Procedure for Applying:
lick on Revenue Department services to g
get the list of Revenue Department
 Click on the Duplicate EPIC Voter Card
ck on the Search link to get the Search EPIC Card Details window
 Select District and AC No and Enter the full or part of the name. Click on
Search Details button
 The list of the persons having the name is displayed
 Select the appropriate record from the list by checking the check box on the left
 Click on the button Submit and you get the ID Card No.
 Click on the Get Details button, to get all the details
 Click on the Show Payment button to get the payment options
 Click on the Confirm Pay
ment button after verifying the details with the

The receipt is generated. Clicking on Print button will get the receipt printed.
Click on the Print Duplicate Voter ID Card to get the Duplicate Voter ID card
generated and printed.
Use 80 GSM white paper for printing.
Follow the below steps after the Duplicate Voter Id Card is printed:
1. The printed Duplicate Voter Id Card should be centrally folded on the line.
2. On the front i.e., on the side of the photograph, put the hologram sticker.
3. On the backside, the facsimile signature of the EO has to be stamped (rubber
stamp with signature of EO).
4. This folded Duplicate Voter Id Card should be kept in the prescribed
amination paper and laminated.



Greater Hyderabad
abad Municipal Corporation, known as GHMC, registers and maintains
the Births and Deaths taken place within the GHMC limits. These certificates can be
obtained through MeeSeva.
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs 40/-- (Rs 5/- for each additional copy)
Service Level
: 15 Minutes
Documents Required: 1. Application Form *
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
Click on GHMC Services services to g
get the list of GHMC Services services.
From the listed GHMC Services, select BIRTH/DEATH CERTIFICATE service
CERTIFICATE service in the GHMC services
Select Service Type (from drop down list of Birth Certificate or Death

The request can be processed in two ways:

1. Type1: Entering Acknowledgement
cknowledgement Number (or)
2. Type2: By clicking on search link.
ype1: Entering Acknowledgement Number
Operator can enter Acknowledgement No in the textbox
 After entering the Acknowledgement No, click on Get Details button
 After clicking on Get Details button
 Enter all the details such as name, relation, address, mobile number, delivery
type & purpose etc.
Based on the customer request, the delivery option (either Manual or In Person
or Speed Post - Local or Speed Post - Non Local) has to be selected properly

If the delivery type is post - local/ post - non local then, enter the postal details
in the post details panel that is generated as shown below screen

Operator has to enter all the postal details such as door no, locality/ land mark,
district, mandal, village/ ward, pin code & mobile no., along with purpose etc.
The necessary supporting documents as indicated in the service page are to be
collected from the applicant and scanned and uploaded to the system
After entering all the mandatory fields and uploading the necessary supporting
documents, click on Show Payment button
Based on the delivery option chosen by the citizen, the service charges are
calculated and displayed in the Show Payment Screen.
Show the details to the app
applicant and once everything is correct, money can be
collected from the applicant and then click on the Confirm Payment button
After clicking on Conform Payment, the Receipt is generated

Type2: Process with search link

This process can be followed when the Applicant does not have the
Acknowledgement Number
 Click on the search link as shown in the below screen
 Once the search link is clicked a popup window is generated as below
 Select Circle No from circle drop down list. Like shown in the below
belo screen.
Enter any one of the field details (date of birth, registration number, mother name,
father name etc) for fast accessing of record.


Select Gender (Male/Female) from Gender drop down list

After selecting the gender, click on Get Details button
After clicking on Get Details button, a list of records are generated as shown
Select the appropriate record by checking in the check box as shown below
After selecting the record, click on the Submit button
After clicking on Submit butt
on, the acknowledgement number is mapped to
main window as shown below
From this point onwards the process is the same as that of the Type1

Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, known as GHMC, registers and maintains

the Births and Deaths taken place within the GHMC limits. There may be corrections
required for any of the citizens data. In such cases, the citizen can apply for
corrections through MeeSeva.
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs 110/
110/- (Rs 5/- for each additional copy)
Service Level
: 6 working days

Documents Required:
1. Application Form *
2. Original Birth Certificate issues by the Registrar of Births
3. Ration Card/Any Other Residence Proof
4. School Bona fide Certificate
5. Secondary School Certificate (Marks Sheet)
6. Notarized Affidavit (Non
(Non-Judicial Stamp Paper)
7. Any Other Supporting Document
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
 Click on GHMC Services to g
get the list of GHMC Services.
 From the listed GHMC Services, select BIRTH/DEATH CORRECTIONS
 Select Service Type (from drop down list of Corrections in Birth Certificate or
Corrections Death Certificate).
This request can be processed in two ways:
3. Type1: Entering Acknowledgement Number (or)
4. Type2: By clicking on search link.
Type1: Entering Acknowledgement Number

Operator can enter Acknowledgement No in the textbox

After entering the Acknowledgement No, click on Get Details button
nter at least one change in Birth Details
Enter all the other details such as name, relation, address, phone no & delivery
type etc.

Based on the customer request, the delivery opti

on (either Manual or In Person or
Speed Post - Local or Speed Post - Non Local) has to be selected properly
If delivery type is post-local/non
local/non local then, postal details panel is generated. Like
shown in the below screen.

Operator has to enter all the postal details such as door no, locality/ land mark,
district, mandal, village/ ward, pin code & mobile no., along with purpose etc.
The necessary supporting documents as indicated in the service page are to be
collected and scanned and uploaded to the system
After entering all the mandatory fields and uploading the necessary supporting
documents, click on Show Payment button to get the payment details
Based on the delivery option chosen by the citizen, the service charges are
calculated and displayed in the Show Payment panel
Operator should show the details and once everything is correct, collect the
amount from the applicant and click on the Confirm Payment button
 After clicking on Conform Payment, the request goes to the respective AMOH
workflow and the Receipt is generated

Once the request is processed and approved by the concerned AMOH, the
Birth/Death Certificate will be dispatched through courier to the customers
address if the Delivery Type is Speed Post Local/Non Local. And if the Delivery
Type Is Manual, the citizen can collect the Birth/Death Certificate from
franchisee where he/she applied for the Certificate.
The operator of the franchise can get the app
roved certificate from the View
Transactions link.

Type2: Process
rocess by using search link.
This process can be followed when the Applicant does not have the
Acknowledgement Number
 Click on the search link to get a popup window is generated
 Select Circle No from circle drop down list.
Enter any one of the field details (date of birth, registration number, mother name,
father name etc) for fast accessing of record.

Select Gender (Male/Female) from Gender drop down list

lick on Get Details bu
button to get a list of records
Select the appropriate record by checking in the check box
After selecting the record, click on the Submit button
Once clicking on submit button the a
cknowledgement number has to be
mapped to main window
From this point onwards the process is the same as that of the Type1

The process is similar for Corrections in Death also



Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, known as GHMC, registers and maintains

the Births and Deaths
aths taken place within the GHMC limits. From the registered
data, certificates can be acquired by the applicants or they can apply for
corrections. But, when the data is not available, the applicant can register the Birth
or the Death that has taken throu
through this service.
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs 50/-- (Rs 5/- for each additional copy)
Service Level
: 3 working days
Documents Required:
1 Application Form *
2 Original Birth Certificate issues by the Registrar of Births
3 Declaration by Parent(s) attested by two gazetted officers
4 Notary Affidavit on Rs 10/
10/- Non-Judicial Stamp Paper

5 Available Documentary evidences like educational certificates, Election ID

Card, Ration Card, Passport, Driving License and Marriage Certificates are to
be produced
6 A letter from the Hospital Authorities where the Birth has occurred
mentioning the facts
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
 Click on GHMC Services services to g
get the list of GHMC Services services.
 From the listed GHMC Services,
 After selecting the NONAVAILABILITY CERTIFICATE service in the GHMC
 Select Service Type (from drop down list of Birth Certificate or Death
 Enter all the details such as name, birth details and all the services specific
details and the postal details as shown in the below screen.
 Based on the customer request, the delivery option (either Manual or In Person
or Speed Post - Local or Speed Post - Non Local) has to be selected properly
If the delivery type is post - local/ post - non local then, enter the postal details
in the post details panel that is generated as shown below screen

The necessary supporting documents as indicated in the service page are to be

collected from the
e applicant and scanned and uploaded to the system
After entering all the mandatory fields and uploading the necessary supporting
documents, click on Show Payment button to get the payment details
Based on the delivery option chosen by the citizen, the service charges are
calculated and displayed in the Show Payment Screen.
Show the details to the applicant and once everything is correct, money can be
collected from the applicant.
Click on the Confirm Payment button and the receipt is generated
he request goes to the respective AMOH workflow
Once the request is processed and approved by the concerned AMOH, the
Birth/Death Certificate will be dispatched through courier to the customers
address if the Delivery Type is Speed Post Local/Non Local.
Iff the Delivery Type Is Manual, the citizen can collect the Birth/Death Certificate
from franchisee where he/she applied for the Certificate.
The operator of the franchise can get the approved certificate from the View
Transactions link.

The process is the

he same for the Non
Non-available Death Certificate also.


Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, known as GHMC, registers and maintains
the Births and Deaths taken place within the GHMC limits. From the registered
data, certificates can be acquired by the applicants or they can apply for corrections
or inclusion of child name. Childs name can be registered with any name at the
time of the birth. Later the name can be changed through this service.
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs 60/-- if it is after one year
Rs 50/-- if it is within one year
And Rs 5/
5/- for each additional copy
Service Level
: 6 working days
Documents Required:
 Application Form * (Duly signed by both parents if the child is less than 3 years)
 Affidavit (If the child is below one year, it is not necessary)
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
 Click on GHMC Services services to g
get the list of GHMC Services services.
 From the listed GHMC Services,
ervices, select CHILD NAME INCLUSION service
 Request Type as Child Name Inclusion In Birth Register
The request can be processed in two ways:
1. Type1: Entering Acknowledgement Number (or)
2. Type2: By clicking on search link.
Type1: Entering Acknowledgement Number
 Enter Acknowledgement
nowledgement No in the textbox
 After entering the Acknowledgement No, click on Get Details button
 After clicking on Get Details button, the below screen will be displayed.
 Enter details for Changed Child Name under the Application Details Section
 Enter all the Informant Details such as name, relation, ration Card no, Aadhar
no, address, pin code, phone no & delivery type etc.
 Based on the customer request, the delivery option (either Manual or In Person
or Speed Post - Local or Speed Post - Non Local) has to be selected properly
 If delivery type is post-local/non
local/non local then, postal details panel is generated.
 Operator has to enter all the postal details such as door no, locality/ land mark,
district, mandal, village/ ward, pin code & mobile no., along with purpose etc.
 The necessary supporting documents as indicated in the service page are to be
collected and
d scanned and uploaded to the system
 After entering all the mandatory fields and uploading the necessary supporting
documents, click on Show Payment button
 After Clicking on Show Payment button, it will show the payment details
ed on the delivery option chosen by the citizen, the service charges are
calculated and displayed in the Show Payment Screen.

Operator should show the details and once everything is correct, money can be
collected from the applicant and click on the Con
firm Payment button

After clicking on Conform Payment, the request goes to the respective AMOH
workflow and the Receipt is generated
The request goes to the respective AMOH workflow.
Once the request is processed and approved by the concerned AMOH, the Birth
Registered Certificate will be dispatched through courier to the customers
address if the Delivery Type is Speed Post Local/Non Local.
And if the Delivery Type Is Manual, the ci
tizen can collect the Birth Registered
Certificate from franchisee where he/she applied for the Certificate.
The operator of the franchise can get the approved certificate from the View
Transactions link.

Type2: The process by using search link.

s process can be followed when the Applicant
Acknowledgement Number





Click on the search link

Once the search link is clicked a popup window is generated
Select Circle No from circle drop down list
Note: Enter any one of the field details (date of birth, registration number,
mother name, father name etc) for fast accessing of record.
Select Gender (Male/Female) from Gender drop down list
After selecting the gender, click on Get Details button
After clicking on Get Details button, a list of records are generated
Select the appropriate record by checking the check box
After selecting the record, click on the Submit butt
After clicking on Submit button, the acknowledgement number has to be
mapped to main window
From this point onwards the process is the same as that of the Type1


Apathbandhu is a Scheme to implement accident insurance for the below poverty
line families in Andhra Pradesh to provide insurance coverage in case of accidental
deaths in the policy year. Apathbandhu Scheme was launched on 2
The insurance coverage is for th
e adults in the age group of 18 to 69 years.
Persons Covered: Persons in age group of 18
69 years belonging to Below
Poverty Line Families [White Ration Card holders / Anthyodaya / Annapurna card
Scope of coverage: Death due to bodily injury arising solely and directly from
accident caused by external, violent and visible means.
gratia Payable: Rs. 50000/
50000/- in each case.

Category Type
Service Charges: Rs 30/- if it is after one year
Service Level: 10 days
Documents Required:
1. Application Form *
2. FIR*
3. Death Certificate *
4. Report of post Mortem/Panchanama
5. Affidavit on Rs. 10/
10/- Bond Paper *
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
 Click on District Administration services to go to District Administration services.
 From the listed District Administration services, select Apathbandhu Scheme
 After selecting the Apathbandhu Scheme Service in the District Administration
ces, the below screen will be displayed.
Enter all the details of the applicant
and the deceased such as Deceased Name, Father Name, Door No, Locality/Land
Mark, District, Mandal,, Village and Pin Code, Age, Occupation, Annual Income,
Date of Accident, Date of Death, Cause of Death, Ration card number, Aadhar
card number and along with Place of Death details, Place of Accident, Place of
Death, H.No, Locality(Police Station), F.I
.R No , F.I.R Date , Vehicle No In case
of Motor Vehicle Accident, District, Mandal, Village, Pin Code and Report
Available either postmortem/ panchanama etc.
 Select report
eport available field either post mortem
mortem// panchanama based on citizen
 After selecting the either Postmortem / Panchanama in Report Available field,
the below screen is displayed.
nter all post mortem details such as Place of Postmortem, Postmortem Date,
Postmortem No, Postmortem Enquiry, Postmortem Details, Doctor Name, Doctor
Designation, Death Certificate Date, Death Certificate No, Issued Person Name
and Issued Person Designation.
 Based on the customer request, the delivery option (either Manual or In Person
or Speed Post - Local or Speed Post - Non Local) has to be selected properly
 If the delivery type is post - local/ post - non local then, enter the postal details
in the post details panel that is generated as shown below screen
 After entering postal details, following screen will be displayed.
 Enter the family member details such as Name of the Family Member, Age,
Gender, Relationship with the deceased, Occupation a
nd Income as shown in
the below Screen.
Note: If you want to add details of another family member click on the Add New
Row button as in the below screen.

Collect the necessary supporting documents as indicated in the service page and
scan and upload to the system
Note: All the mandatory fields have to be entered; else request will not be
accepted by the system.
Select the Permanent Address of the applicant correctly as the concerned
officials visit the place during the verification of the particulars entered.
After entering all the mandatory fields and uploading the necessary supporting
ments, Click on Show Payment
After Clicking on Show
how Payment It will go to Confi
Confirm Payment.
Based on the delivery option chosen by the citizen, the service charges are
calculated and displayed in the Show Payment Screen.
Operator should show the details and once everything is correct, money can be
collected from the applicant. Click on the Confirm Payment button
Once the payment is conf
confirmed, the receipt is generated
The request will go to the respective Tahsildar workflow for further processing
Once process is completed successfully, cheque will be issued to concerned
family members and endorsement in case of rejections


Government of AP has upload the students data collecting through schools. This
data is available for providing different certificates like Integrated Certificate,
Residence Certificate and Income Certificate.
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs30/Service Level Agreement: 15 Minutes
Documents Required: 1. Application Form *
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
 Click on Revenue Department to go to Revenue Department services.
 Select ISES Services under Revenue Department Services as shown below s
 Select Request Type from the drop down lis
listt (either 1. Integrated Certificate 2.
Residence Certificate 3. Income Certificate) further shown below
Note: There are two types of processing here
Type 1: By entering Student ID
Type 2: By clicking on search link.
Type 1
Enter Student id in the textbox and click on Get Details button
 Enter all the Informant details such as name, relation, Ration Cad No, Aadhar
Card No, Address, PIN Code & Mobile no etc.
 Based on the request of the customer, the delivery option (either through post
or Manual) has to be selecte
selected. The charges for Postal - Local is Rs. 33/33/ and for
Postal - Non Local is Rs. 46/

Note: If the delivery type is chosen as post

non local then, the Postal
Details panel is activated. Enter all the details carefully

Enter the Postal details

ils such as Door no, locality/land mark, district, mandal,
village/Ward, Pincode, Mobile no & Email ID along with the purpose for which
the certificate is needed
Collect the application form, scan it and upload to the system
fter entering all mandatory fields and uploading the necessary supporting
documents, clicks on Show Payment button
After Clicking on Show Payment button, Confirm Payment is activated
Based on the delivery option chosen by the citizen, the service charges are
calculated and displayed under show payment
Collect the amount from the customer and submit the request by clicking on
Confirm Payment button
After clicking on Confirm
rm Payment Receipt is generated.
lick on Print Certificate button
After clicking on Print Certificate button, the certificate is generated
Note: If the Student Id is not available, follow the Type 2 procedure

Type 2
 Clicking on the search link will bring up a Search Student Details window
 Enter all the necessary field details (Student Name, Date of Birth, Gender,
Native District, Native Mandal/Municipality, Native Village/Ward etc)
 After entering all necessary details, click on Get Details button
 After clicking on Get Details button, the list of records with the particulars are
 Select the required record by checking the check box and click on Submit
 Afterr clicking on Submit button, Student Id is mapped to main window
 From this point onwards the steps provided in the Type 1
process may be
 The process is same for Residence Certificate and Income Certificate
 Both, Type 1 & Type 2 are Category - A services.
 If the data is not available it shall be Category - B
service which requires
Tahsildar Processing.


Money Landing is a process of offering an amount as loan to the needy at certain
rate of interest. The money lender has to have license from the Government for
lending money. It can be applied through MeeSeva for the licenses.
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs30/Service Level Agreement: 7 days

Documents Required:
1. Application Form*
2.National Saving Certificate for 10000/
10000/- in the name of Applicant/Firm *
3.Address Proof*
5.Copy of Attested Property Documents*
6.Bank A/C statement above 6 months with a min balance of 100000/-*
7.Copy of Firm Registration
9.Copy of Lease/Rental Document
10.Scanned Copy of Passport size photo*
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
 Select District Administration services under Application Process
 In District Administration Services Select Money Lending Service.
 After selecting the Money Lending service under the District Administration
Services, Money Lending App
Application Form will be displayed
 Enter all the applicant details, postal detai
ls, shop address details such as Door
No , Locality/Land Mark , District, Mandal , Village/Ward , Pin Code and Money
Lending Details such as, applicant having more than one shop
shop,, Shop Name ,
Address of each shop etc.
 Based on the customers request, the delivery option (either Manual or In Person
or Speed Post - Local or Speed Post - Non Local) has to be selected
 Based on the customer request, the delivery option (either through post or
Manual at the centre) has to b
e selected properly. The charges for Postal (Local)
is Rs. 33/- and for Postal Non Local is Rs. 46/
 Based on the delivery option chosen by the citizen, the service charges are
calculated and displayed in the show payment
 Collect the amount from the citizen and submit the request by clicking on
firm Payment button.
 After Submitting the request and on Confirmation the receipt is generated along
with Date of delivery.
 The request will go to respective process workflow for further processing.
 Once the Request is Approved in the Process then, Money lending certificate will
be dispatched through courier to citizens address if delivery type was postpost
Local/ Post Non Local.
 If delivery type is Manual/In Person, then citizen has to collect the certificate
from franchisee
isee where he/she applied.

Step 2
1. Once JC Approves/Rejects the request, Certificate/Endorsement link is
enabled at franchisee side where he/she applied.
2. Citizen gets the message when the Request is approved/Rejected
3. Citizen visits franchisee
ee for his/her certificates along with receipt.
 Click on View Transactions
 Select from date, to date, Service type and Transaction id based on the
receipt as in the below screen.
 Click on View Transactions button
 The specified transactions are displayed
 Operator can select the specified transaction
 Click on the Print certificate button to get the certificate printed
Print Certificate button is enabled only when the Process part is
 After clicking on Print Certificate button, Money Lending Certificate is
generated in pdf format
A pawnbroker is an individual or business (pawnshop or pan shop) that offers
secured loans to people, with items of personal property used as collateral. If
the loan is not paid (or extended, if applicable) within the time period, the
pawned item will be offered for sale by the pawnbroker. The amount of time,
and rate of interest, is governed by law
law or by the pawnbroker's policies.
The Pawn Broker has to have license from the Government for lending money. It
can be applied through MeeSeva for the licenses.
Category Type
Service Charges : Rs30/Statutory Charges: As stipulated
Service Level Agreement: 7 days
Documents Required:
1. Application Form*
2. National Saving Certificate for 10000/10000/ in the name of Applicant/Firm*
3. Address Proof*
4. PAN*
5. Copy of Attested Property Documents*
6. Bank A/C statement above 6 months with a min balance of 100000/
7. Copy of Firm Registration
8. Affidavit*
9. Copy of Lease/Rental Document
10. Scanned Copy of Passport size photo*
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
 Select District Administration services under Application Process
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In District Administration Services Select Pawn Broker Service

After selecting the Pawn Broker Service in the District Administration
services, Pawn Broker Application Form is displayed.
Enter all the applicant details,
details, Postal details, Shop address details such as
Door No, Locality/Land Mark, District, Mandal, Village/Ward, Pin Code and
Pawn Broker Details such as if the applicant has more than one shop, Shop
Name, Address of each shop etc.
Based on the customer request, the delivery option (either Manual or In
Person or Speed Post - Local or Speed Post - Non Local) has to be se
If the Delivery Type is chosen as postlocal/
local then the Postal
details can also be entered
Collect all the necessary supporting
supporting documents indicated in the service page
nd scan and upload to the system
After entering all the mandatory fields and the necessary fields and uploading
the necessary supporting documents, click on Show Payment button
After Clicking on Show Payment it will show the Confirm
Conf rm Payment panel
Based on the delivery option chosen by the citizen, the service charges are
calculated and displayed in the Show Payment Screen panel
Collect the amount
unt from the citizen and submit the
he request by Clicking on
rm Payment button
After the operator submits the request and on confirmation the receipt is
generated along with Date of delivery
On submission, the request will go to respective process workflow for further
Once the request is approved by the concerned officials, the Pawn Broker
Certificate will be dispatched through courier to citizens address if delivery
type was post-Local/
Local/ Post Non Local or the citizen collect the certificate
from the franchisee where he/she has applied.
Click on View Transactions
Select from date, to date, Service type and Transaction id based on the
Operator can click
lick on View Transactions button to get the certifica
Once the
he specified transactions are displayed
displayed, operator
perator can select the
specified transaction
Click on the Print certificate button to get the certificate printed
Print Certificate button is enabled only when the Process part is completed.
After clicking on Print Certificate button, Money Lending Certificate is
generated in pdf format
Operator can print the above certificate and handover to the citizen.


This service provides features for recording petitions receipt, and issuing
permission for construction on particular land. Any citizen of India holding land is
eligible to avail the service. District Administration is the concerned authority for
providing this service.
Category Type

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Service Charges : Rs30/Statutory Charges: As stipulated

Service Level Agreement: 7 days
Documents Required:
1. Application Form*
2. Sale Deed / Release / Will Gift / Settlement / Partition *
3. Link Documents from 1976 (Attested) *
4. Affidavit on Ten Rupees stamp paper (Notarized) *
5. Site Sketch plan prepared by licensed surveyor *
6. Self addressed envelope with stamp for postage *
* Denotes mandatory requirement of documents.
Procedure for Applying:
 Select District Administration services under Application Process
 Under the District Administration Services, Select No Objection Certificate
 Once selecting the No Objection Certificate Service from the District
Administration services, No Objection Certificate
Application Form is
 Enter all the applicant details, Permanent Address details and No Objection
Certificate details such Land In Square Yards, House Number, Street,
Locality/Land Mark, Village, Registration Doc No, and Delivery Type etc. Like
in the below screen
 Based on the customers request, the delivery option (either through Manual
or Speed Post - Local or Speed Post - Non Local at the Franchisee) has to be
 Choose the Delivery Type as post local/ post-non
non local based on citizen
requirement then operator can also enter Postal details
 Once the delivery option is selected as
a post local/ post-non local
 Collect the necessary supporting documents as indicated in the service page
and scan and upload to the system
Note: Select the Permanent Address of the applicant correctly as the concerned
officials visit the place during the verification of his/her particulars.
 After entering all the mandatory fields and uploading
uploading the necessary supporting

documents, click on Show Payment button

 Clicking on Show Payment will provide the Confirm Payment panel
 Based on the delivery option chosen by the citizen, the service charges are

calculated and displayed in the show payment panel

 Collect the amount from the citizen and submit the request by clicking on

Confirm Payment button

 Once the Confirm Payment
nt is clicked, the receipt is generated along with Date

of delivery
 On submission, the request will go to respective process workflow for further

 Once the request is approved, No Objection Certificate is dispatched through

courier to citizens
ns address if the delivery type is post-Local/
Post Non Local.
 If delivery type is Manual/In Person, the citizen can collect the certificate from

the franchisee where he/she applied.

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