Asset What's New in v8.0.1

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Whats New in the

Quick Reference Guide

Software Version 8.0.1

Reference Guide Edition 1

Copyright 2012 AIRCOM International

All rights reserved
AIRCOM I-VIEW, I-VIEW Dimension, I-VIEW Live Plan, I-VIEW Traffic, MYRIAD,
AIRCOM OPTIMA, RANOPT, WEBWIZARD and Capesso are recognised
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This documentation is protected by copyright and contains proprietary and
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disclosed, used or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without the prior
written consent of AIRCOM International.
Although AIRCOM International has collated this documentation to reflect the
features and capabilities supported in the software products, the company makes no
warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, about this documentation, its
quality or fitness for particular customer purpose. Users are solely responsible for the
proper use of ENTERPRISE software and the application of the results obtained.
An electronic version of this document exists.
This User Reference Guide published on 24 October 2012.
Refer to the Online Help for more information.
This User Reference Guide prepared by:
AIRCOM International Ltd
Cassini Court
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+44 (0) 1932 442345
+44 (0) 1932 442005

Change History
This table shows the change history of this guide:



24 October 2012

First edition.

Explanation of Symbols
Throughout this guide, where appropriate, some symbols are used to highlight
particular pieces of text. Three different symbols are in use, and are explained as

Brief Description

Full Description


Signifies text that should be noted or carefully considered.


Signifies text that may help you do something in an easier or quicker way.

Warning or Important

Signifies text that is intended as a warning or something important.

Chapter 1

About this Guide

Chapter 2

What's New in ENTERPRISE Administrator 8.0.1?


View Access Control

Chapter 3

What's New in ASSET 8.0.1?



Antenna Inventory


Overview of Physical and Logical Antennas

About the Physical Antennas Tab
About the Logical Antennas Tab
Antenna Port information for Cellular Antenna Devices


GIS Export and Vector Import Support New File Formats

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

What's New in ENTERPRISE Data Services 8.0.1?


New Data Types Added to this Release


Native Co-ordinate System Support


About Physical and Logical Antennas


Sparse Data Improvements


Help Us Help You

What's New in the ENTERPRISE Suite 8.0.1?




Page 7

Page 8

What's New in the ENTERPRISE Suite 8.0.1?



About this Guide

For existing users of ENTERPRISE, the Whats New Quick Reference Guide gives a
brief overview of what has changed in the latest version.
However, if you are new to ENTERPRISE, you may find it more useful to refer to:

The ENTERPRISE User Reference Guide, which provides information about

common functionality across the tool suite

The specific User Reference Guide for each of the products (such as ASSET) that
you will be using

What's New in the ENTERPRISE Suite 8.0.1?

About this Guide

Page 9

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What's New in the ENTERPRISE Suite 8.0.1?

About this Guide


What's New in
ENTERPRISE Administrator
In ENTERPRISE Administrator 8.0.1, the following additional feature is now

View Access Control

While write permissions enable you to control who can edit the project data objects
(such as Properties, Sites, Nodes and Links) created by each user, ENTERPRISE
Administrator now provides read permission options so that you can control who can
view these objects.
A new step has been added to the wizard for creating a new user, allowing you to
specify view access permissions.
This picture shows an example:

Additional step in the Create A New User wizard

What's New in the ENTERPRISE Suite 8.0.1?

What's New in ENTERPRISE Administrator 8.0.1?

Page 11

In addition, a new tab named Read Defaults is now present for existing user accounts.
This picture shows an example:

Additional tab in the User Properties dialog box

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What's New in the ENTERPRISE Suite 8.0.1?

What's New in ENTERPRISE Administrator 8.0.1?


What's New in ASSET

In ASSET 8.0.1, the following additional features are now available.

Antenna Inventory
ASSET 8.0.1 provides more flexibility in how you configure and manage antennas in
the Site Database. The following points summarise the improvements:

In the Site Database, antenna configurations now (additionally) exist at the

Property level, split into physical and logical entities

Antenna configurations still exist (and can be modified) at network element level

Changes at either level are synchronised, offering flexibility to suit the preferences
of users

Antenna sharing is now easy to manage

Port information can be stored

The changes primarily involve the Cellular Antennas dialog box, Site Database and
Global Editor. The following topics provide more information.
Full information about the Physical Antenna and Logical Antenna tabs at the Property
level is included in the 'Configuring Networks in ASSET' chapter in the ASSET User
Reference Guide.
Full information about the Cellular Antennas dialog box is included in the 'Antennas
and Equipment' chapter in the ENTERPRISE User Reference Guide.
This added flexibility means there is an important new rule affecting the XML
Import process. The rule determines how the creation of physical antennas is handled
by ASSET when you are importing nodes or GSM cells that contain logical antennas.
See the 'XML Project File Formats' topic in the 'XML File Formats' chapter of the
ENTERPRISE Technical Reference Guide.

What's New in the ENTERPRISE Suite 8.0.1?

What's New in ASSET 8.0.1?

Page 13

Overview of Physical and Logical Antennas

The antennas in the Site Database are modelled as follows:

Physical Antennas - Represent the 'real-world' physical antenna configurations

available on the Property.
Key information: the antenna device and its location, as well as the azimuth,
height, mechanical tilt, and spatial diversity.

Logical Antennas - Represent logical instances of the physical antennas deployed on

particular network elements.
Key information: the antenna pattern used for the specific network elements.
The main purpose of the Logical Antennas tab at the Property level is to be
able to view all the logical antenna deployments of the physical antenna
(including which network elements are using them) in one place.

In previous versions, there was no separation between physical and logical antennas:
a (logical + physical) antenna was defined at a technology-specific element level.
Physical antennas can be associated with any number of logical antennas, which will
continue to reside on their existing, technology-specific, network elements (such as
UMTS NodeBs or GSM Cells).
The manufacturer information for the antenna equipment - such as antenna gain,
frequency band, radiation patterns - is still stored in the Cellular Antennas dialog box.
Optionally, port information for each antenna device can be defined there too, so that
it is displayed in the Site Database on the Physical Antennas tab.

Page 14

What's New in the ENTERPRISE Suite 8.0.1?

What's New in ASSET 8.0.1?

About the Physical Antennas Tab

On the Physical Antennas tab for a Property in the Site Database (or Templates dialog
box), you can set up any number of physical antenna configurations that you want to
be available to the network elements that exist on the Property.
There are two panes: the upper pane shows the physical antennas; the lower pane
shows any corresponding port information.
This picture shows an example:

Example of Physical Antennas tab on a Property

The grids on this tab that are editable support copy and paste from one box to
another. They also support bulk copy and paste from and to a clipboard such as Excel.

Physical Antennas Tab - Antenna Configurations

The upper pane of the Physical Antennas tab stores the information for the physical
antennas, such as location, device, azimuth, height and mechanical tilt.
This picture shows an example of the upper pane:

Example of upper pane of Physical Antennas tab on a Property

What's New in the ENTERPRISE Suite 8.0.1?

What's New in ASSET 8.0.1?

Page 15

You can add, edit or remove physical antennas. You can select the antenna device.
Each device on the same Property has a unique Index number.
If the physical antenna is already assigned to a network element as a logical antenna,
any changes to the physical antenna attributes (device, location, azimuth, height,
mechanical tilt) on the Property automatically update the corresponding attributes on
the network element (and vice versa). Therefore any changes are automatically
synchronised in both places.
For ADVANTAGE or ASSET ACP users: This tab also contains the constraints that
relate to physical attributes (such as antenna location, device, height, mechanical tilt,
azimuth) of each antenna. These previously resided on the Antenna Constraints tab of
the cells (GSM) or nodes (all other technologies).
Most of the above parameters can be edited for multiple cells by using the Global
Editor. They can also be pre-set in the Templates dialog box.

Physical Antennas Tab - Port Information

The lower pane of the Physical Antennas tab shows the physical antenna's port
information (if this has been added in the Cellular Antennas dialog box).
When you add a physical antenna on a Property's Physical Antennas tab, the port
information (if configured) appears automatically in the lower pane.
This picture shows an example of the lower pane:

Example of lower pane of Physical Antennas tab on a Property

The first four columns (Physical Index/Port Index/Position/Port Type) are read-only.
The other columns (such as MHA, RRU, Diplexer) are editable if required. If you
subsequently edit any of these in the Cellular Antennas dialog box, you may want to
update the information on this tab. To do this, you can highlight one or more of the
physical antennas in the upper pane and click the 'Synchronise with Antenna Device'
button. The synchronising option can be carried out for multiple Properties by using
the Global Editor.

Page 16

What's New in the ENTERPRISE Suite 8.0.1?

What's New in ASSET 8.0.1?

About the Logical Antennas Tab

On the Logical Antennas tab for a Property in the Site Database, you can view the
logical antenna configurations that are currently allocated to the network elements
parented to the Property.
There are two panes: the upper pane shows a repeat of the physical antennas; the
lower pane shows the logical antennas. The purpose of the (read-only) physical
antenna information in the upper pane is to help you match up the index numbers
between the physical antennas and logical antennas, without having to repetitively
switch between two tabs.
This picture shows an example:

Example of Logical Antennas tab on a Property

You can add, edit or remove logical antennas. You can select the antenna pattern. Any
changes to the logical antenna on the Property are automatically updated on the
corresponding network element (and vice versa). Therefore any changes are
automatically synchronised in both places.
You can also use the Port ID(s) column to specify the physical connections between
the ports and the logical antennas.
The grids on this tab that are editable support copy and paste from one box to
another. They also support bulk copy and paste from and to a clipboard such as Excel.

What's New in the ENTERPRISE Suite 8.0.1?

What's New in ASSET 8.0.1?

Page 17

Antenna Port information for Cellular Antenna Devices

In the Cellular Antennas dialog box (which stores antennas in the database), there are
now two additional tabs:



Example of Cellular Antennas dialog box

This table shows descriptions of the two new tabs:

On This Tab

You Can


View a list of the antenna patterns that belong to the currently selected antenna device. Here is an example:


View, edit, add or remove the ports associated with the antenna device. Here is an example:

In the Site Database, these ports will appear on the Physical Antennas tab of a Property when the antenna
device is added to the Property. If you make any subsequent changes to the port information in the Cellular
Antennas dialog box (after adding the device to the Property) you can use the 'Synchronise with Antenna
Device' button in the Site Database to synchronise the changes.
This antenna port information also enables you to add port details such as RRU and diplexer information to
the logical antennas in the Site Database, and specify the physical connections between the ports and the
associated logical antennas.
(The port information is optional and is for reference only. It has no impact elsewhere in ASSET.)

Page 18

What's New in the ENTERPRISE Suite 8.0.1?

What's New in ASSET 8.0.1?

GIS Export and Vector Import Support New File

ASSET 8.0.1 now supports additional formats relating to the import of vector files and
the export of map layers:

Vector Manager import:

Import options can now support KML/KMZ and ESRI (SHP)

Where an imported vector is in a different projection system to the current

project, it will be automatically converted during import

GIS Export tab for Raster Image options now includes ESRI HDR

GIS Export facility in Map View window now supports:

ESRI (SHP) export

Vector export

Vector Manager can now import KML/KMZ and ESRI (SHP)

In 8.0.1, the Import Vector File facility has now been extended to include ESRI Shape
(*.shp) files and KML (*.kml) files:

Vector Manager showing new Import Vector File options

An additional enhancement is that if the imported vector is in a different projection

system to the current project, it will be automatically converted during import.
What's New in the ENTERPRISE Suite 8.0.1?
What's New in ASSET 8.0.1?

Page 19

GIS Export tab for Raster Image options now includes ESRI HDR
Map View Display Layers: the Raster Image exports will offer extra output file types
(ESRI HDR) in the list box:

Example of GIS Export tab on a Map Layer item's display properties

GIS Export facility now supports export of ESRI (SHP) files

ASSET now includes ESRI Shape (*.shp) as one of the standard GIS export formats.
This means it is now possible to export map information from ASSET so that it can be
displayed in ESRI ArcGIS or a similar program:

GIS Export dialog box showing new layout of exporting options

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What's New in the ENTERPRISE Suite 8.0.1?

What's New in ASSET 8.0.1?

GIS Export facility now supports export of Vectors

ASSET's GIS Export facility to export map layers from the Map View can now include
the export of System and User Vectors.
(The Polygons/Rectangles option automatically produces any displayed Vectors
currently displayed in the Map View window.)

What's New in the ENTERPRISE Suite 8.0.1?

What's New in ASSET 8.0.1?

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What's New in the ENTERPRISE Suite 8.0.1?

What's New in ASSET 8.0.1?


What's New in
ENTERPRISE Data Services
In ENTERPRISE Data Services 8.0.1, the following additional features are now

New Data Types Added to this Release

This table summarises the new data types that have been added to the version 8.0.1

CRUD Support










































What's New in the ENTERPRISE Suite 8.0.1?

What's New in ENTERPRISE Data Services 8.0.1?

Page 23

Native Co-ordinate System Support

EDS natively supports the same coordinate system as ENTERPRISE through the use
of the open-source GDAL library. All element types which previously showed an
absolute Lon/Lat cooordinate now include a secondary "stored" coordinate which
contains the actual database value.
You need to choose which coordinate to supply to EDS when updating locations,
and in the case of the "stored" coordinate, you need to supply an appropriate EPSG
code denoting which Geodetic or Project system the coordinate uses.
This fragment from a GSM cell shows how the coordinates appear:
<gsm80:Antenna Index="1">
<gsm:AbsLocation EPSG="4269">
<gsm80:Location Relative="Relative" EPSG="0">
The "Location" element will contain the actual value that is stored within the
database, and the "AbsLocation" element will use this stored coordinate, and,
depending on whether it is absolute or relative, perform the appropriate conversion to
create an antenna location, including the location of the property.
When updating or creating antennas with EDS V80 types, you must decide whether
to specify the AbsLocation or the Location. EDS will accept both, but the Location
element will take precedence.
A valid EPSG code must be supplied to EDS. The list of available EDS codes can
be found at:

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What's New in the ENTERPRISE Suite 8.0.1?

What's New in ENTERPRISE Data Services 8.0.1?

About Physical and Logical Antennas

Before the release of ENTERPRISE 8.0.1, the database has always modelled cellular
antennas beneath the technology element (for example, NodeB, eNodeB and so on)
with which it is directly associated and the "logical" attributes pertaining to the RF
simulation ability of the planning tool (ASSET) are usually stored here. Any physical
attribute belonging to an antenna such as height or azimuth was also stored along
with this data, however in reality, a "physical" antenna on a given site may actually
have multiple technology elements attached to it.
From ENTERPRISE (and therefore EDS) 8.0.1, the concept has been improved to more
accurately separate this antenna information into physical and the logical antenna

Physical Antennas - Represent the 'real-world' antenna configurations available on

the Property (LocationObject). A physical antenna instance contains any
mechanical or physical attributes relating to an antenna instance, for example,
height, tilt, or azimuth. In addition, the antenna may also have antenna port
information stored at this level.

Logical Antennas - Represent instances of the physical antennas deployed for a

particular technology. These are found at the Node level and maintain backwards
compatibility with the physical attributes from the Property. The logical antenna
includes a required reference to its physical antenna index that is used to indicate
which antenna it is attached to.

If a given pair (or more) of logical antennas share the same physical antenna, the
same physical attributes will be seen at the logical level; however, manipulation of
those physical attributes will affect all associated shared antennas.

Sparse Data Improvements

Two new features have been added to EDS to improve performance and reduce the
amount of data that is exchanged with the web service:

Query Result Exclusion allows the client to specify a list of exclusions within an
EDS query that instructs the service to omit the specified branches from the xml
hierarchy that EDS produces in response to the query.

Sparse List Merge by default EDS will replace any list (such as antennas) with
the new list supplied by the client during an update operation. The feature
instructs EDS not to remove existing list data if it wasnt included in the new
dataset, this new behaviour is similar to the ENTERPRISE XML import "merge"

What's New in the ENTERPRISE Suite 8.0.1?

What's New in ENTERPRISE Data Services 8.0.1?

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What's New in the ENTERPRISE Suite 8.0.1?

What's New in ENTERPRISE Data Services 8.0.1?


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Also, if you are generally satisfied with these resources, we would appreciate any
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You can also help us by completing our brief online questionnaire (which you can
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What's New in the ENTERPRISE Suite 8.0.1?

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What's New in the ENTERPRISE Suite 8.0.1?

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