Personal and Professional Development As

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Personal and Professional
Development Assignment 1
Name: Ly Quoc Do Minh
Thi Ngoc Mai

Introduction................................................................................................................ 1
1. Describe Kolbs experimental learning cycles and main approaches to learning.. .1
2. Approaches of learning and their advantages/disadvantages................................2
2.1 Facilitating learning........................................................................................... 3
2.2 Learning through research................................................................................ 3
2.3 Learning from others......................................................................................... 4
2.4 Secondments..................................................................................................... 4
2.5 Interview........................................................................................................... 4
2.6 Seminars and Conferences................................................................................ 5
2.7 Internet, Intranet and Extranet..........................................................................5
2.8 Newsgroups and forums.................................................................................... 5
3. Propose ways in which lifelong learning in personal and professional contexts
should be encouraged................................................................................................ 6
3.1 Honey and Mumfords learning styles...............................................................6
In concern with my job:........................................................................................ 7
3.2 Describe the meaning of continuing professional development........................7
Apply in Honey and Mumfords learning, there are several effective CPD ways
for each style:...................................................................................................... 8
4. Evaluate the benefits of self-managed learning to the individual and organization
................................................................................................................................... 8
5. Conclusion............................................................................................................ 10
References:............................................................................................................... 10

In today world personal intellectuality is taken very seriously. Unlike in the past
where people went to schools, finished, went to work and stopped studying
completely; People nowadays continue their learning even when they have done
with university, absorb new knowledge to improve their skills and create a tradition
of lifelong learning. Self-managed learning is a powerful technique that could help
individual on their study path with many effective methods. This assignment will
bring us a closer look into this system.

1. Describe Kolbs experimental learning cycles and main

approaches to learning.
Experiential learning is the process of learning from experience which is one the
major types of studying we use largely in our life. There is a famous saying of
Confucius around 450 BC that describe it: "Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I
may remember. Involve me, and I will understand. David A. Kolb promoted this idea
of learning with his work of experimental learning cycles:

Figure 1: Kolbs experimental learning cycles

Kolb - Learning Styles, 2013. Available from:
< [28 November 2000].
The process includes four continuing cycles though learner could decide to join from
cycle No.1 or cycle No.2:

Concrete Experience: requires the desire of learner to aggressively engage in

work to face new experiences. This could be from a new situation or a
reanalysis of existing experience.
1. With my anticipated position as EXECUTIVE ACCOUNTANT of Sapporo Beer
Company, I need to actively work with and support other managers of
different department to get a hold of situations and coordinate our works
precisely with companys plans.
2. Establish actions for future operations and plans for emergency crisis.

Reflective Observation: the reflections made by learner on new experience or

understandings. The materials could be ones own experiences or works

done by others. This opens an option for learner to join the cycles from this
step simply by observing others and/or their works.

1. I could achieve this by asking my colleagues, research old report files or

work with someone as assistant to learn the proper procedures.
Abstract Conceptualization: requires learner to develop and use necessary
analytical skills on acquired experiences, knowledge from previous cycle.
From there, they can grow new idea or improve existing concepts for the
1. I need vigorously conduct research in each issue to give my own report
and solutions. Studying present data and previous businesses to draw
improved plans for the board.
2. Spend time to brain storm new ideas and discuss with co-workers.
Active Experimentation: requires learner to achieve decision making and
problem solving skills to apply the new ideas gained from the experiences to
real world to see results.
1. Propose new plans to the board with logical and analyzed data.
2. Experiment new plans in selected installations and constantly monitor
changes and results for adjustments.

Available from: < >. [25

September 2014].
Kolbs cycles are among the most effective teaching and learning solutions
available. It focuses on process for the individual and can work even without the
need of a lecturer. However it heavily requires self-initiative from learner showing
the intention, the yearning of learning to work perfectly. The individual is
encouraged to directly engage in the new experience, then to reflect on results
using analytic skills, this way the valuable information will be understood thoroughly
and kept for a longer period in learners mind. This proved to be a hard and slow
process for new learner but will become an instinct with time and practice and
reward a prized guide for who mastered it.
Available from: < >. [25 September

2. Approaches of learning and their

There are many ways one can use to obtain knowledge. Below is a list of common

2.1 Facilitating learning

The learner is given more control of their own studying process with resources and
supports provided by instructor. The main way to access knowledge is working with
other learner through challenges, obstacles and develops solutions.
This type is used mostly in university and more formal study where there are plenty
participants and time. It is probably wont be used by mentors in active fields with
limited time and human resources though still offers some lessons can be merged
into for long training courses. An example is action plans developed by individuals
follow the course but based on their personal needs.

1. Learner is able to discover the interests of studying.
2. Promote teamwork and working in group.
1. Learner must have a motive to maintain this type of freedom learning
2. Requires many students.
3. Time costly.

2.2 Learning through research

One of the benefits of modern life style is the ability to access internet for research.
Type in a short phrase and within a few seconds you are exposed to basically all
human knowledge related with it. It comes from different sources, disciplines;
includes simple and complex meaning, all simultaneously.
It is overwhelming.
This method is always up-to-date with global data; open space; easy to obtain;
supports various requirements with little to no hassles; offers vast opportunities;
can be used in education and training alike through blogs, social networks, wikis
and most importantly: It cost is relatively cheap. However it requires learners ability
to analyze information and sort through junk data in the sea of World Wide Web.
There are also other sources of knowledge one can rely on such as books,
magazines, etc

1. Can be accessed from anywhere.
2. Near unlimited source of knowledge.
3. Greatly reduce the time and money cost.
1. Too many information on the same topic.
2. Requires experience from user to filter out unnecessary data.
Available from: <>.
[25 September 2014].

2.3 Learning from others

Another method is asking the help of others. These are coaches and mentors. While
both are one-on-one working system, they offer different supporting styles.
Coach helps to improve a persons skills or knowledge. He concerns about the
personal and professional development of individual and is most effective to help
employees for their own learning and bring out the best of them.
Mentor leans more on facilitating learning: offers help, guidance and support to
learner in order to maximize the effectiveness of the training course. He is assigned
to help new recruits to fit in companys culture; shows how it works and observes
their mistakes for further reports.

1. Build good relationships between employees and employers.
2. Proved to be quite effective.
1. The process needs time to show result.
2. The monetary cost is high.

2.4 Secondments
A temporarily change of job role for employee in the same company or transfer to
another organization for a period time. This action brings out many benefits for all
Employees can explore new career possibility without losing current
job; Acquisition new skills whilst still employed by the same
organization; Improve flexibilities and adaptabilities, both of which are
essential skills.
o Employers can have multi skills employees with vast knowledge that
can work with many sections in the company. Build a wider network for
the organization.
o Host organization has assistance from skilled personal.
1. Equip employees with new set of skills and motivations.
2. Employer has access to new worker with high demanded skills and forges
positive relationships with other companies.
1. Temperately lose a skilled employee for needed projects.
2. May not bring out the desired results with selected employee.
3. High chances of employee quitting original company to work for
transferred organization.

2.5 Interview
They are conducted for the purpose of information gathering, problem solving or
behavior change of a party. Their objectives are clear and required efforts from both

sides. Usually open questions will be used to gain maximize the information
gathered. A summary of findings will be produced at the end.

1. Give privacy to sensitive cases.
2. Create mutual understanding from both parties.
3. Time saving.
1. The lack of people may not have enough power to persuade important

2.6 Seminars and Conferences

Seminar typically has small to medium size participants; focuses on a specific topic
which is general via lecture or presentation.
Conference is a large meeting between members of mutual interest, often comes
from different organizations. It is more formal and provides bigger degree of
Other similar meetings include: forum, workshop.

1. Fresh new information provided by many experienced people in that
2. Promote exchanging data and grow new potential idea.
1. Time costly.
2. Monetary costly.

2.7 Internet, Intranet and Extranet

Internet is a worldwide communication which shares public information and

can be accessed by anyone.
Intranet offers a much more private way to communicate information in a single
Extranet is a more open type of Intranet, allow selected people outside the organization to
access the companys classified data such as suppliers, customers, etc

1. Save time and money.
2. Provide readily available banks of data that can be shared from anywhere,
3. Connect people and organizations in the most simple and effective ways.
1. The risk of security with classified information is extremely high.

2.8 Newsgroups and forums

Newsgroups focus on discussion: anyone on the internet is allowed to enter to ask
or answer a question. The discussions could last for a day or several weeks. They
are usually free or monitored by an admin. Newsgroup is extremely good for
research as there are many people in the same field to interact with, thus provide
large new information.
Another similar form is forum which is also an online discussion site. It follows tree
like structure: a forum contains many subforums in which have many topics for
different discussions. User can easily create a new discussion or reply as many as
they want in a forum setting, of course under the supervision of an admin.

1. Up-to-dated data for specific information.
2. Easy to navigate.
3. Helps will be given by people with a same goal.
1. The information may not be always reliable.
2. The risk of flame war.

3. Propose ways in which lifelong learning in personal and

professional contexts should be encouraged
3.1 Honey and Mumfords learning styles
Base on Kolbs work, Peter Honey and Alan Mumford developed an adaption learning
style that will assist users ability to learn efficiently. It is divided into four separate
catalogues: Activist, Theorist, Pragmatist and Reflector. These are optimized
learning styles that will fit with specific people. However, its absolutely fine for a
person to take on more than one of them, even encouraged to, as they reveal more
approaches to successful learning.
Below are the definitions of each style to help with ones choice:

They learn by doing and
prefer to experience it
firsthand. With an openminded, enthusiasm spirit and
eagerness to learn, nothing is
too far for them to reach.



problem solving

group discussion



Theories before anything else.

These people prefer to have a
solid concepts or logical facts
to begin study. Books and
models are their best
equipment. A perfectionist
who loves to analyze and
catalogue, they wont stop
until the problem is solved.








Pragmatist They study via practice.

Pragmatist loves to
experiment theories and ideas
in real life to get the best
results. Usually have little
patient for discussions, they
tend to do it quickly and
practical. Each problem is a
challenge to them and they
will quite literally get down to
the bottom and fix it with
precise decisions.

As their name, reflector

observes, analyzes others
actions and reflects them.
They work closely with people
who have experience in the
field, preferably a mentor.
Books, case studies and
articles are their best friends.
Collect views from different
perspectives, thinking
thoroughly then come to a
most fit conclusion is the way
of Relectors.

applying theories

time to think about

how to apply
learning in reality

case studies

problem solving


paired discussions



time out

observing activities

feedback from



In concern with my job:

With my position as an executive accountant it would seems theorist is my best bet
to achieve all the core skills and fulfill my task in the company. An accountant needs
to have solid knowledge in his field and sharp senses to analyze complicating
reports and numbers. A plan to be draw for the future of the company must be
flawless and theorists logical mind will ensure it.
Nonetheless, I realized Pragmatist learning style will also serve me well. With so
many plans and theories, it would be impossible to know which are practical and
which is most effective unless they can be tested in real situations, even in small
scale. Case studies and discussions with others will also grand invaluable data.
Precise decisions needed to be made in the mist of information and Pragmatists
practical way is indispensable.
This proved that even if each style of the Honey and Mumfords learning is primary
focus on single type of person, in reality a job can utilize multiple styles to bring out
the best result. Another example is scientists: they are Theorist in the heart (with
all the time spent in studying, analyzing) but most if not all of them are also
Pragmatist (testing, experimenting new formula). Inventor is a combination of all
the first three.

3.2 Describe the meaning of continuing professional

Continuing Professional Development is the process of preserving and expanding
ones knowledge after schooling which is used by many people includes
professionals. With the fast development of the world, it is important to always
support and renew your information for new challenges and career advancement.
Not many realize it but almost everything that increases knowledge and skills level
is considered as CPD.
Possible benefits of CPD for user:

Increase performance for current job.

Have significant advantages over other colleagues.
Open higher position and new job possibility.
Keep your knowledge fresh thus improve your confident in working
Enhance your profession and gain new potentials.

Possible benefits for organization:

Hard work employees result in high performance.

Better trained employees.
Enrich working environment with high spirit.
Open new possibilities for companys business.
Discover talent and high asset person in the mist of employees.

Apply in Honey and Mumfords learning, there are several effective CPD
ways for each style:

CPD activities


Interactive learning.
Working group.
Attend classes or conferences.


Review, study and develop theories, ideas in a variety ways.

Join debate groups of different subjects to discuss and
compare ideas, thoughts.


Practicing and learning at the same time.

Discover current problems and missing skills and plans to fix


Review finished works, books.

Observe a subject from different perspectives.
Working with other experienced colleagues.

4. Evaluate the benefits of self-managed learning to the

individual and organization
Self-managed learning concerns about individuals efforts to manage their learning
progress. The learner has full responsibility for their course: time, place, mean. It
helps to attain new skills and knowledge in working time, especially when
organization offers lesser advance opportunities thus employee has to take control
of their own career path.
Some handy question for a good standing point:

Where have I come from? (referring your past experiences)

Where am I now? (referring your own advantages/disadvantages and your
Where do I want to get to? (referring your objectives, targets, goals)
How will I get there? (referring which course of learning you should take)

How will I know if I have arrived? (referring the criteria you can use to
measure your studying)

It is possible for learner to achieve a clear goal of learning with SMART :

Specific: have a list of details, descriptions or behaviors of your outcome.

Measure: use a clear, related system to evaluate your process.
Attainable: make sure the goal is possible to achieve with your current
Relevant: the goal must be beneficial toward your lifes grand picture.
Time-sensitive: set a realistic deadline for your learning that is long enough
to have effects and short enough to not interfere with other projects.

Benefits for individuals:


Create a purpose to advance.

New career paths available.
Increase ones satisfaction while working.
Give confidence and efficiency when working with others.
Realize what is missing and means to overcome them.

Benefits for organization:

1. Build an effective working environment that promotes shared goals and
2. Better knowledge means improve performance.
3. Enhance companys possibilities to expand and increase profit.
As an executive accountant its no doubt that self-managed learning will help me a
lot in my career. The storm of works in my position will make it hard to maintain and
execute my personal goals. Self-managed learning will ensure that Ill always
prepare for problems with renewed knowledge in any circumstance. It will also
boost my working performance and possibly career advancement.
Below is a list of SMART goals of mine in the past, present and future:

2014: Finish accountants degree with exceptional scores.

2015: Practice internship at Vietcombank as a junior accountant.
2016: Finish internship and graduate from FPT business school.
2017: Take an accountant position at Sapporo Beer Company.
2018: Achieve a manager degree while make a steady progress to higher
2019: Promoted to Executive Accountant.
2020: Successfully implement several plans for the company draw from a few
years back.
2021: Keep the company struggling through the crisis and make plan to take
CFO position.

5. Conclusion
Self-managed learning is proved to be an effective tool in study and management
process. Companies today have developed and expanded far more than before and
it is fell on employee to seek out their own solutions for learning needs. Selfmanaged learning also raise self-confidence and skill ceiling if applied correctly,
furthermore it enrich workplace environment with high moral and promote
That being said, individuals will need support from company to provide encouraging
atmosphere and resources to grow and utilize talents. Otherwise the processes
maybe slow and disappointed for both sides.

1. Approaches to self managed learning. Available from:
s >. [25 September 2014].
2. Approaches to self managed learning. Available from:
s >. [25 September 2014].
3. Helen H. Schmidt, Newsgroups. Available from: < >. [25 September
4. Ethical work and life learning. Available from: < >. [25 September 2014].
Available from: <>. [25 September 2014].
6. Saul McLeod, Kolb - Learning Styles. Available from: < >. [25 September 2014].

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