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DPAS II Sub-Committee


House Joint Resolution #6

Directing the DPAS II Advisory

Committee to Establish a Sub-Committee
to Review and Make Recommendations
for Changes to the Current Educator
Evaluation System

Report to be submitted to The Secretary

of Education, the State Board of
Education, and the House and Senate
Education Committees

The Sub-Committee
Made up of voting representatives from:
Delaware School Boards Association
The Delaware State Board of Education
Higher Education
Delaware Parent Teacher Organization
Delaware State Educators Association (DSEA)
Delaware Association of School Administrators
A Legislative Representative
And input from non-voting participants:
The State Board of Education
The Delaware Department of Education

Identified Deficiencies

The Student Improvement portion

(Component V) of the evaluation system was
weighted disproportionately among the
other components.

Many of the student growth measures,

especially at the outset, were of poor quality
and did not accurately measure student
growth with the fidelity necessary to build
an equitable educator accountability system.

Identified Deficiencies, Continued

There was not consistent rigor between the

measure Bs and Cs when they were applied
to employee groups. In addition, at the
outset, some measure Cs were growth
measures, while others were completion

Initial issues with the measures have caused

the users of the current structure to lack
confidence in the accuracy and fairness of
the system.

There were two major

recommended changes

Recommendation #1
Component V be weighted 20% of the total
Summative Evaluation, which will give it equal
weight with all of the other components. It
will be divided into two parts of equal

Part A

50% of Component V will consist of an

individual goal agreed upon by the
educator and the administrator. The goal
will be based upon each individual
institutions School or District
Improvement Document, and must target
student improvement and the educators
individual efforts to foster positive change
in the school in which he or she works.

Part B
Student improvement results from
uniform accountability measures, for
each content measure and employee
Where applicable, this includes, but is not
limited to, state assessments, Pre-and Post
tests by course, Portfolios, End-of-Course
projects, AP exam results, industrystandard measures for CTE courses,
industry standard measures for specialists.

Part B (continued)
If not already completed, the agreed upon
measures should be vetted for validity and
reliability on an ongoing basis by the
Department of Education.
We also recognize that there must be a
balance between the validity and reliability
of a measure and the practical and flexible
nature of administering and scoring the

Major Recommendation #2
Required annual summatives that will be
instituted as a result of the revisions of 14
Delaware Admin Code 106A are not
necessary and should be rescinded.
The discussion of Component V during
the required Measures and Targets
Conference each year enables educators
and their supervisors to engage in annual,
meaningful dialogue regarding teaching
and learning.

Miscellaneous Recommendations

The committee made some additional

recommendations, largely to foster
proper implementation of the modified
Component V.

Set Parameters

Professional development for Part A goals

is recommended for all users, to be led by
the Department of Education but
developed in conjunction with a
Committee of practitioners chosen by

Included should be guidelines and

parameters for goal setting, such as
processes to address potential conflicts
over the selection of measures, as well as
procedures and examples to assist
practitioners with developing meaningful

Review and Keep Existing Measures

that are Effective

The committee recommends that existing

measures that have been vetted for
reliability and validity be widely published
to foster more confidence in the system,
and that the usable measures be kept.
The measures that show sub-par
reliability and validity will be revised
and/or replaced.

Use an Algorithm to
Determine Ratings.
The committee recommends the use of
the mathematical algorithm developed by
the joint DSEA and DASA committee in
the Spring of 2015 to determine final
ratings for evaluations be piloted
The model was shared with the DPAS
Advisory Committee in May 2015.

Dont Rush

The committee proposes that the full

system be put into place in the 2017-2018
school year. 2016-2017 should be used
for measure refinement, professional
development on Part A of Component V, a
piloting of the mathematical algorithm,
and a piloting of the various measures in
Part B.


The committee recommends that a Public

School District or Charter School
continue to be permitted to submit
locally developed assessments to be
approved by the Department of
Education. Once developed and approved
by the DOE, the committee recommends
that the assessments become public
domain, and available for use for all
districts in Delaware.

Share More

The committee recommends that a Public

School District or Charter School
continue to be permitted to develop
alternate teacher and/or specialist
evaluation systems to be approved by
the Department of Education. Once
developed and approved by the DOE, the
committee recommends that the systems
become public domain, and available for
use for all districts in Delaware.

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