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Plaintiff, )
) No.:
v. )
Defendant. )
A. Background
1. On September 4, 1996, the United States filed an action
to enforce title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of
1990 (the "ADA"), 42 U.S.C. SS 12181 through 12189, against HLS
Enterprises, Inc. (HLS), the owner of a Days Inn hotel at 302
Elbert Street, Elberton, Georgia ("the hotel" or the "Elberton
Days Inn").
2. On or about December 29, 1994, representatives of the
United States Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division,
visited and inspected the Elberton Days Inn, as part of an
investigation of the hotel conducted pursuant to the Department
of Justice's authority to review the compliance of entities
covered by title III of the ADA, 42 U.S.C. S 12188. 28 C.F.R.
S 36.502(c).
3. As a result of its investigation, including its
inspection of the hotel, the Department of Justice identified
several features, elements, and spaces of the Elberton Days Inn
which failed to comply with the ADA's Standards for Accessible
Design, 28 C.F.R. Part 36, Appendix A ("the Standards"). A list
of the features, elements, and spaces of the hotel which did not
comply with the Standards is attached hereto as Exhibit 1.
4. The parties have engaged in good faith negotiations in
an effort to resolve this dispute expeditiously, without resort
to litigation. The parties have agreed to enter into this
agreement to be filed simultaneously with the United States'
5. As specified below, defendant has agreed to remedy the
violations of the Standards set out in Exhibit 1.
B. Agreement of the Parties
Accordingly, by consent of the parties, it is hereby ORDERED
and DECREED that:
1. This court has jurisdiction of this action under
42 U.S.C. S 12188(b)(1)(B) and 28 U.S.C. SS 1331 and 1345.
The court may grant declaratory and other relief pursuant to 28
U.S.C. SS 2201 and 2202.
2. Venue is proper in this district.
3. The Elberton Days Inn is a non-residential facility
whose operations affect commerce. As such, it is a commercial
facility within the meaning of section 303(a) of the Act. 42
U.S.C. S 12183(a). In addition, because the Elberton Days Inn is
a place of lodging, it is also a public accommodation within the
meaning of section 303(a) of the Act. Id.
4. The last building permit for the Elberton Days Inn was
applied for on or about September 7, 1993.
5. The first certificate of occupancy for the Elberton
Days Inn was issued on or about March 21, 1994.
6. Defendant HLS is a private entity which owns the
Elberton Days Inn. Defendant HLS initiated, contracted for,
and/or participated in the design and construction of the hotel.
Defendant HLS contracted with an architect and a contractor for
the design and construction of the Elberton Days Inn.
7. The Elberton Days Inn is not readily accessible to or
usable by individuals with disabilities, as required by section
303(a)(1) of the Act, 42 U.S.C. S 12183(a)(1). The hotel fails
in numerous respects to comply with the Department of Justice's
regulation implementing title III of the ADA, 28 C.F.R. Part 36,
including the Standards. See 28 C.F.R. SS 36.401, 36.406.
8. For the purpose of this agreement, the parties
stipulate that the failures of defendant to design and construct
the Elberton Days Inn to be readily accessible to and usable by
individuals with disabilities constitute a pattern or practice of
discrimination within the meaning of 42 U.S.C.
S 12188(b)(1)(B)(i) and 28 C.F.R. S 36.503(a).
9. For the purpose of this agreement, the parties
stipulate that the failures of the defendant to design and
construct the Elberton Days Inn to be readily accessible to and

usable by individuals with disabilities constitute unlawful

discrimination that raises an issue of general public importance
within the meaning of 42 U.S.C. S 12188(b)(1)(B)(ii) and 28
C.F.R. S 36.503(b).
10. HLS contends that it believed that the hotel complied
with the ADA, has never knowingly violated the Standards, and
considers the hotel to be generally accessible to individuals
with disabilities. Since being notified of the position of the
Department of Justice, HLS has attempted to remedy the alleged
violations that could be remedied quickly and to develop a plan
for addressing all alleged violations. Although HLS disputed
some of the findings of the Department of Justice concerning the
alleged violations at the hotel, HLS enters into this Consent
Order and Judgment for the purpose of avoiding litigation, and
shall not dispute the validity of this Consent Order and
Judgment, the jurisdiction of the court to enter it, or the
authority of the Department of Justice to institute this action.
This Consent Order and Judgment shall not constitute an admission
by HLS of any wrongdoing or liability.
11. Not later than February 1, 1997, defendants will remedy
each and every failure to comply with the Standards identified in
Exhibit 1. The specific actions to be taken, and, where
appropriate, the architectural plans to be followed, by the
defendants to remedy the failures to comply with the Standards
identified in Exhibit 1 are set forth in Exhibit 2.

12. Not later than March 1, 1997, the defendants shall

provide to counsel for the United States a report on the status
of their compliance with this Order. The report shall indicate
which steps specified in Exhibit 2 have been completed. If any
steps have not been completed, the report shall so indicate and
explain why such steps have not been completed.
13. The parties shall negotiate in good faith to resolve
any dispute relating to the interpretation or implementation of
this Order before bringing the matter to the Court's attention.
14. The Court shall retain jurisdiction of this action to
enforce the provisions of this Order through December 31, 1998,
after which time all of its provisions shall be terminated,
unless the Court determines it is necessary to extend any of its
requirements, in which case those requirements shall be extended.
15. This agreement shall govern the compliance of defendant
HLS with the ADA's Standards for Accessible Design at the
Elberton Days Inn. This agreement does not address, and shall
not be construed to address, any other issues of ADA compliance
at the Elberton Days Inn, or at any other commercial facility or
place of public accommodation designed and constructed by
defendant HLS or owned, operated, leased, or leased by the HLS or
any other violations of federal law.
16. Defendant HLS shall comply with the ADA Standards in
any future involvement in the design and construction of a public
accommodation or commercial facility.
17. This Consent Order shall be binding on HLS as well as
any successor in interest.
18. This instrument reflects the entire agreement between
the parties.
SO ORDERED this day of , 1996.
United States District Judge
For Plaintiff United States of America:
Disability Rights Section
Civil Rights Division
United States Department of Justice
Post Office Box 66738
Washington, D.C. 20035-6738
(202) 616-9511
For Defendant HLS:
Attorney for HLS Enterprises Inc.
Heard, Leverett, Phelps, Weaver & Campbell
25 Thomas Street
P.O. Drawer 399
Elberton, Georgia 30635-0399
(706) 283-2651
Failures of the Elberton Days Inn to comply with the ADA's
Standards for Accessible Design as identified by the U.S.
Department of Justice
1. Parking and passenger loading zone violations
a. There are no accessible parking spaces. There are 38
spaces in the lot; the Standards require two accessible
spaces, including at least one van accessible space.
Standards S 4.1.2(5). While two spaces are designated
accessible, neither complies with the requirements of
the Standards, as specified in items 1.b., c., d., e.,
f., and g., below.
b. Neither of the parking spaces designated accessible is
on the shortest route from the parking lot to the lobby
entrance. Standards S 4.6.2.
c. Neither of the parking spaces designated accessible is
on an accessible route to the lobby entrance; from
either space, a guest must traverse a sloping area of
the hotel's exterior walkway that does not comply with
the requirements for ramps. (See item 2.a., below.)
Standards S 4.6.2.
d. Both parking spaces designated accessible are too
narrow. Standards S 4.6.3.
e. Neither of the parking spaces designated accessible has
an adequate access aisle; the access aisles provided
are too narrow, and have slopes exceeding 1:50.
Standards S 4.6.3.
f. The parking space designated accessible at the front of
the hotel has a slope exceeding 1:50. Standards
S 4.6.3.
g. Neither of the spaces designated accessible has a sign
marking the space that will not be obscured by a
vehicle parked in the space. Standards S 4.6.4.
h. The passenger loading zone at the front entrance to the
hotel lobby does not have a demarcated access aisle.
Standards S 4.6.6.
2. Exterior route violations
a. There is no accessible route connecting either the
lobby or the swimming pool to either of the guest rooms
designated accessible. At both the front and rear of

the hotel, there is a portion of the exterior walkway

with a slope of more than 1:12. These portions of the
walkways do not comply with the requirements for ramps
in that they are too steep, have no handrails, and have
inadequate landings. Standards SS 4.3.8, 4.8.
b. The light fixtures along most portions of the hotel's
exterior walkways protrude more than 4" into the
walkways. Standards S 4.4.1.
3. Violations at exterior and interior stairs and areas of
rescue assistance
a. The handrails on each of the hotel's stairways are too
large in diameter, too far from the wall, and do not
have adequate horizontal extensions at the top and
bottom risers. Standards S 4.9.4.
b. The design of the stairways at the front and rear of
the hotel reduces vertical clearance adjacent to an
accessible route to less than 80", but no barrier to
warn blind or visually-impaired persons is provided.
Standards S 4.4.2.
c. There are no areas of rescue assistance on the second
floor of the hotel. Standards SS 4.1.3(9), 4.3.11.
4. Entrance and exit violations
a. The exterior entrance to the manager's apartment (which
is being used as a storage area and employee lunch
room) is not accessible, in that the door has hardware
which requires tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of
the wrist, and the threshold is too high. Standards
SS 4.1.3(8), 4.13.8, 4.13.9.
b. The exterior entrance to the hospitality suite (also
designated guest room 104) is not accessible, in that
the threshold is too high. Standards SS 4.1.3(8),
c. The door at the exterior entrance to the hotel laundry
has hardware that requires tight grasping, pinching, or
twisting of the wrist. Standards SS 4.1.3(8), 4.13.9.
5. Front lobby violations
a. The registration desk is too high. Standards S 7.2.
b. The light fixtures on the wall protrude more than 4"
into the lobby. Standards S 4.4.1.

6. Interior route violations

a. The door to the storage area behind the front desk is
too narrow. Standards S 4.13.5.
b. There is inadequate maneuvering clearance for the side
approach to the door from the lobby area to the area
behind the front desk. Standards S 4.13.6.
c. The hardware on the door from the lobby to the
hospitality suite (also designated guest room 104)
requires tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the
wrist, and is mounted too high. Standards S 4.13.9.
7. Violations with respect to public and common use toilet
a. The sign for the lobby restroom is not mounted on the
wall adjacent to the door of the restroom. Standards
S 4.30.6.
b. The toilet in the lobby restroom is too far from the
wall. Standards S 4.16.2.
c. The grab bars for the toilet in the lobby restroom do
not comply with the requirements of the Standards, in
that the rear wall grab bar is too short, and the side
wall grab bar does not project far enough from the rear
wall. Standards S 4.16.4.
d. The hot water and drain pipes under the lavatory in the
lobby restroom are not insulated or otherwise
configured to protect against contact. Standards
S 4.19.4.
e. The restroom used by guests or visitors using the
hospitality suite (also designated guest room 104) is a
standard hotel guest room bathroom, and is
inaccessible. Standards S 4.1.3(11).
8. Violations with respect to public and common use rooms and
a. There are no visual alarms in the hospitality suite
(also designated guest room 104). Standards S 4.28.1.
9. Violations with respect to guest rooms generally
a. The guest room number signs are not mounted on the wall
adjacent to the door for each guest room. Standards
S 4.30.6.

b. The guest rooms designated accessible are not dispersed

among the various classes of sleeping accommodations
available to patrons of the hotel, as specified below.
Standards S 9.1.4.
i) The hotel has at least one suite with a large
whirpool tub, but none of the guest rooms
designated accessible has such a tub.
ii) Both of the guest rooms designated accessible are
non-smoking rooms. The hotel has approximately
20 rooms where smoking is allowed, but none of
those rooms is accessible.
c. The hotel has no rooms with visual alarms and too few
rooms with notification devices. The Standards require
a hotel with 35 rooms to have four rooms with visual
alarms and notification devices. The hotel has
notification devices for only one room. Standards
SS 9.1.2, 9.1.3, 9.3.
d. The doors to the bathrooms in the guest rooms not
designated accessible are too narrow. Standards
SS 4.13.5, 9.4.
10. Violations with respect to guest rooms designated accessible
-- Rooms 103 and 114
a. The thresholds at the doors to guest rooms 103 and 114
are too high. Standards S 4.13.8.
b. In guest room 103 there is inadequate maneuvering space
alongside and between the beds. Standards S 9.2.2.
c. The deadbolts and locks on the connecting doors in
guest rooms 103 and 114 require tight grasping,
pinching, or twisting of the wrist, and are mounted too
high. Standards S 4.13.9.
d. The operating controls for the lamps and drapes in
guest rooms 103 and 114 are too high, and require tight
grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist.
Standards S 4.27.4.
e. The shelf above the clothes rod in guest rooms 103 and
114 is too high. Standards S 4.25.3.
f. The bathroom doors in guest rooms 103 and 114 swing
into the clear floor space required at both the
lavatory and toilet. Standards S 4.23.2.
g. The towel racks in the bathrooms in guest rooms 103 and
114 do not have adequate clear floor space, and are too
high. Standards SS 4.25.2, 4.25.3.
h. The toilets in the bathrooms in guest rooms 103 and 114
are too far from the side walls. Standards S 4.16.2.
i. The grab bars for the toilets in guest rooms 103 and
114 do not comply with the requirements of the
Standards, in that the rear wall grab bar is too short,
and the side wall grab bar does not project far enough
from the rear wall. Standards S 4.16.4.
j. Use of the grab bar on the wall behind the toilet in
the bathrooms in guest rooms 103 and 114 is obstructed
by the towel rack mounted directly above the grab bar.
Standards S 4.26.2.
k. The grab bars in the bathtubs in guest rooms 103 and
114 do not comply with the requirements of the
Standards, in that the grab bar at the foot of the tub
is too short, and there is only one grab bar on the
rear wall of the tub. Standards S 4.20.4.
l. The controls for the bathtubs in guest rooms 103 and
114 are improperly located. Standards S 4.20.5.
m. The hot water and drain pipes under the lavatories in
guest rooms 103 and 114 are not insulated or otherwise
configured to protect against contact. Standards
S 4.19.4.
Actions to be taken by
HLS Enterprises, Inc. to remedy failures to comply
with the ADA's Standards for Accessible Design, ("Standards")
to remedy violations set out in Exhibit 1
1. Parking and passenger loading zone violations
a. Two accessible parking spaces, including at least one
van accessible space, with access aisles and signage
will be provided, consistent with the Standards,
SS 4.1.2(5), 4.6.2, 4.6.3, 4.6.4. An architect's
drawing showing the accessible parking spaces is
b. One of the parking spaces designated accessible will be
located on the shortest accessible route from the
parking lot to the lobby entrance, consistent with the
Standards, S 4.6.2. An architect's drawing showing the
accessible parking spaces and accessible route is
c. Both accessible parking spaces will be modified to have
a slope which does not exceed that allowed by the
Standards, and both accessible parking spaces will be
widened to 96", and will have the required access
aisles, consistent with the Standards, S 4.6.3. An
architect's drawing showing the modified accessible
parking spaces and access aisles is attached.
d. A demarcated access aisle and signage will be provided
at the passenger loading zone at the front entrance at
the hotel lobby, consistent with the Standards,
S 4.6.6. An architect's drawing showing the demarcated
access aisle is attached.
e. A curb ramp will be installed at the lobby entrance,
consistent with the Standards, SS 4.6.6, 4.7. An
architect's drawing showing the accessible curb ramp is
2. Exterior route violations
a. The route from the swimming pool to the accessible
guest rooms will be made accessible, consistent with
the Standards, SS 4.1.2(2), 4.3. An architect's
drawing showing the modified accessible route is

b. A ramp with the required slope, signage, and handrails

will be installed at the accessible walkway adjacent to
accessible guest room 103, consistent with the
Standards, SS 4.3.8, 4.8. An architect's drawing
showing the modified accessible walkway, parking space
and guest room is attached.
3. Violations at exterior and interior stairs
a. Handrails between 1 1/4 inches to 1 1/2 inches in
diameter will be installed not more than 1 1/2 inches
from the wall with rail extensions returning in the
direction of egress traffic for the required length at
the top and bottom risers in each of the hotel's
stairways, consistent with the Standards, SS 4.9.4,
4.26. An architect's drawing showing the handrails
with horizontal extensions is attached.
b. Barriers to warn blind or visually impaired persons
will be provided at the underside of the existing
stairs, consistent with the Standards, S 4.4.2. An
architect's drawing showing the cane-detectable
barriers is attached.
4. Entrance and exit violations
a. The existing hardware on the door to the employee lunch
room and storage area will be replaced with hardware
that is consistent with the Standards, and the
threshold will be lowered to a height that is
consistent with the Standards, SS 4.1.3(8), 4.13.8,
b. A threshold to the guest room formerly designated as a
hospitality suite will be installed that is consistent
with the Standards, SS 4.1.3(8), 4.13.8.
c. The existing hardware on the door at the exterior
entrance to the hotel laundry will be replaced with
hardware that is consistent with the Standards,
SS 4.1.3(8), 4.13.9.
5. Front lobby violations
a. An additional registration table of the required height
will be provided in the lobby, and a house telephone
with volume control will be located at the required
height, consistent with the Standards, SS 7.2, 4.31.
An architect's drawing showing the modified accessible
front desk area and house telephone is attached.

b. The door between the lobby and the staff area will be
relocated to allow for the required maneuvering space,
consistent with the Standards, S 4.13. An architect's
drawing showing the modified accessible door is
c. A visual fire alarm will be installed in the lobby, and
will be tied in to the building-wide fire alarm system,
consistent with the Standards, S 4.28. An architect's
drawing showing the lobby visual fire alarm is
6. Interior route violations
a. The door to the storage area behind the front desk will
be removed, and the doorway enlarged to a width that is
consistent with the Standards, S 4.13.5. An
architect's drawing showing the modified accessible
doorway is attached.
7. Violations with respect to public and common use toilet
a. The sign for the lobby restroom will be mounted on the
wall adjacent to the restroom door, consistent with the
Standards, S 4.30.6.
b. The existing rear and side grab bars in the lobby
restroom will be replaced with grab bars of the
required length, mounted at the required heights, and
at the required distance from the bathroom walls,
consistent with the Standards, S 4.16.4. An
architect's drawing showing the modified accessible
lobby restroom and grab bars is attached.
c. The drain and hot water pipes in the lobby restroom
will be insulated against contact, consistent with the
Standards, S 4.19.4.
d. A visual fire alarm will be installed in the lobby
restroom and will be tied in to the building-wide fire
alarm system, consistent with the Standards, SS 4.1,
8. Violations with respect to public and common use rooms and
a. The hardware on the pool gate will be mounted at the
required height, consistent with the Standards,
SS 4.3.1, 4.13.9. An architect's drawing showing the
placement of the pool gate hardware is attached.
9. Violations with respect to guest rooms generally
a. Guest room number signs will be mounted on the wall
adjacent to the latch side of the door for each guest
room, consistent with the Standards, S 4.30.6.
b. Visual alarms and notification devices will be
installed in 4 guest rooms and will be tied into the
building-wide system, including visual fire alarm
strobes in two guest rooms, consistent with the
Standards, SS 9.1.2, 9.1.3, 9.3. An architect's
drawing showing the required visual alarms and
notification devices is attached.
c. Doors to bathrooms in all the first floor standard
guest rooms will be modified to have the required 32"
clear opening width, consistent with the Standards,
SS 4.13.5, 9.4. An architect's drawing showing the
modified accessible bathroom doors is attached.
10. Violations with respect to guest rooms designated accessible
-- Rooms 103 and 114
a. The thresholds in guest rooms 103 and 114 will be
modified to have heights that are consistent with the
Standards, S 4.13.8.
b. One of the guest rooms designated accessible will have
two double beds, and the other will have one king size
bed, consistent with the Standards, S 9.1.4. An
architect's drawing showing the modified accessible
guest rooms is attached.
c. The beds in the accessible guest room with two double
beds will be reconfigured to provide the required
maneuvering space alongside and between the beds,
consistent with the Standards, S 9.2.2. An architect's
drawing showing the modified accessible guest room is
d. The existing hardware on the connecting doors between
guest rooms 103 and 114 will be replaced with hardware
that is easy to grasp with one hand and does not
require tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the
wrist to operate, consistent with the Standards, S
e. The existing operating controls on the lamps and drapes
in guest rooms 103 and 114 will be replaced with
operating controls that are consistent with the
Standards, S 4.27.4.

f. The shelf above the clothes rod in guest rooms 103 and
114 will be mounted at a height that is consistent with
the Standards, S 4.25.3. An architect's drawing
showing the modified accessible shelf is attached.
g. The bathroom doors in guest rooms 103 and 114 will be
modified so as not to swing out into the required clear
floor space at the lavatory and toilet, consistent with
the Standards, S 4.23.2. An architect's drawing
showing the modified accessible bathroom doors and
clear floor space is attached.
h. The towel racks in the bathrooms in guest rooms 103 and
114 will be remounted so as not to encroach on required
clear floor space and at a height that is consistent
with the Standards, SS 4.25.2, 4.25.3. An architect's
drawing showing the modified accessible bathrooms and
towel racks is attached.
i. The toilets in the bathrooms in guest rooms 103 and 114
will be repositioned to the required distance from the
sidewall to the center, consistent with the Standards,
S 4.16.2. An architect's drawing showing the modified
accessible toilets is attached.
j. The existing rear and side grab bars in the toilets in
guest rooms 103 and 114 will be replaced with grab bars
of the required length, and will be mounted at the
required height, consistent with the Standards,
S 4.16.4. An architect's drawing showing the modified
accessible toilets and grab bars is attached.
k. The towel rack above the grab bar in guest rooms 103
and 114 will be mounted so as not to interfere with use
of the rear grab bar, consistent with the Standards,
S 4.20.4. An architect's drawing showing the modified
accessible towel rack is attached.
l. The existing foot and rear grab bars in the bathtubs in
guest rooms 103 and 114 will be replaced with grab bars
of the required length, and will be mounted at the
required height, consistent with the Standards,
S 4.20.4. An architect's drawing showing the
accessible grab bars is attached.
m. The operating controls for the bathtubs in guest rooms
103 and 114 will be repositioned, consistent with the
Standards S 4.20.5. An architect's drawing showing the
placement of the accessible operating controls is

n. The drain and hot water pipes at the lavatories in

guestrooms 103 and 114 will be protected from contact,
consistent with the Standards, S 4.19.4.
o. The security devices on the doors in guestrooms 103 and
114 will be mounted at the required height, consistent
with the Standards, S 4.13.9.
p. The guest rooms designated accessible will have signs
with both raised lettering and Braille mounted on the
wall adjacent to the door at the required height,
consistent with the Standards, S 4.30. An architect's
drawing showing the placement of the signs is attached.
July 24, 1996
Alyse S. Bass, Esq.
U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
1425 New York Avenue, Suite 4039
P.O. Box 66738
Washington, D.C. 20035-6738
Re: Days Inn Elberton, Georgia
Dear Ms. Bass:
As per our conversation last week, the following items shall be noted;
1. Slope arrow shall be shown on all ramps.
(revision # 28)
2. The side flare on the ramps shall be dimensioning.
(revision # 29)
3. Handicap accessible ramp at rooms 103 and 104 shall have
(revision # 30)
4. Stair handrails shall be 34" to 38" AFF.
(revision # 31)
5. Grab bars shall be L-shape 36" x 54".
(revision # 32)
6. No special signage is needed for handicap rooms.
(revision # 33)
7. The visual alarm shall be mounted 6" below finish ceiling and
between 80" and 96"
(revision # 34)
8. Layout of the beds in handicap rooms 103 and 114 are
(revision # 35)
9. The door at lobby/office shall have no door closure.
(revision # 36)
10. Addendum shall be made to the specifications stating hardware
shall be single leaver
(revision # 37)

Ms Bass
Page 2
July 24, 1996
Thank you for working with us on this project. If you shall have any further
questions or concerns
please call me. Look forward to your response.
Ray E. Cox, Jr.
cc: Mr Ricky Patel
Mr Robert Leverett
Days Inn
Elberton, Ga.
Architect: Southern Design
Anderson, South Carolina
Architects Project Number
18 July 1996
Addendum number one consists of modifications/changes to the specification and
In section 8 DOORS AND WINDOWS for the clear meaning all lock/latch
shall be leaver handles, no knobs are to be allowed. Leavers to be brushed,
stainless steel finish to match existing on site.
All other information contained on the drawings and in the specifications is
to remain as is.
(MAP) FLOOR PLAN ROOMS 102, 103, 113 & 114

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