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Indian Education Versus Western Education 2009-


Lovely Professional University

Lovely School of Management

Master in Business Administration (Semester 1st)

Term Paper On

“Comparison Indian Education with Western education”

Submitted By:

Sandeep Kumar Dhuli

Reg. No. 10900638

Roll No. RS1902A04

Program Code: 193

Subject: Business Environment

Under The Guidance of

Prof. Mr. Ashish Sharma

Submitted On: 01st Dec 2009


Indian Education Versus Western Education 2009-


(Master in Business Administration)

I hereby declare that this term paper titled “Comparison Indian

Education with Western education” have been prepared by me during the

academic year 2009 – 2010 under the guidance of Prof. (Mr.) Ashish
Sharma subject-in-charge of Business Environment (MGT- 511) for
RS1902 section of Lovely school of Management (Lovely Professional
University) Phagwara, Punjab. I also hereby declare that this project
report has not been submitted at any time to any other university.


Indian Education Versus Western Education 2009-


Master in Business Administration

This is to certify that Sandeep Kumar Dhuli students of MBA general

section RS1902 (LSM) (Semester 1st) has prepared a term paper on titled
“Comparison Indian Education with Western education”

Internal Guide LSM H.O.D

(Prof. Mr. Ashish Sharma) (Mr. Suresh Kashyap)

(Signature) (Signature)


Indian Education Versus Western Education 2009-

Master in Business Administration

This is to certify that is dissertation is based on an original project study

conducted by Sandeep Kumar Dhuli under my guidance. This has not formed the
basis for any award for any Degree/Diploma by this University or any other

Place: Punjab


Internal Guide Signature

Prof. (Mr.) Ashish Sharma

Indian Education Versus Western Education 2009-

Sr. Page
No. No.

* Acknowledgement 6

1 Introduction 7

2 Chapter 1: Indian Education System 9

3 Chapter 2: Education Governing 12

4 Chapter 3: American Education 16

5 Chapter 4: American Indian/Alaska native 19

6 Chapter 5: Structure of American System 21

7 Chapter 6: Indian Education Microscope 23

Chapter 7: Comparison with Indian

8 25

* Conclusion 28

* Bibliography & Reference 31

Indian Education Versus Western Education 2009-


I wish to take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude to Prof.

(Mr.) Ashish Sharma subject-in-charge of Business Environment (MGT - 511) for
RS1902 section of Lovely school of Management (Lovely Professional University)
Phagwara, Punjab, for his valuable guidance in this endeavor. He has been a
constant source of inspiration for me and I sincerely thank for his suggestions and
help to prepare this report.

Finally, it’s my foremost duty to thank the entire Library Staff, who helped
me to complete the project work without which this project would not have been

Thank you,

Indian Education Versus Western Education 2009-


Education in India has a history stretching back to the ancient urban centers of learning at
Taxila and Nalanda. Western education became ingrained into Indian society with the
establishment of the British Raj. Education in India falls under the control of both the Union
Government and the states, with some responsibilities lying with the Union and the states having
autonomy for others. The various articles of the Indian constitution provide for education as a
fundamental right. Most universities in India are Union or State Government controlled.

India has made a huge progress in terms of increasing primary education attendance rate
and expanding literacy to approximately two thirds of the population. India's improved education
system was often cited as one of the main contributors to the economic rise of India. Much of the
progress in education has been credited to various private institutions. The private education
market in India was estimated to be worth $40 billion in 2008 and will increase to $68 billion by
2012. However, India continues to face challenges. Despite growing investment in education,
40% of the population was illiterate and only 15% of the students reach high school.

As of 2008, India's post-secondary high schools offer only enough seats for 7% of
India's college-age population, 25% of teaching positions nationwide are vacant, and 57% of
college professors lack either a master's or PhD degree. As of 2007, there was 1522 degree-
granting engineering colleges in India with an annual student intake of 582,000, plus 1,244
polytechnics with an annual intake of 265,000. However, these institutions face shortage of
faculty and concerns have been raised over the quality of education.

Although no Indian university made to the top 300 of the Chinese-conducted Academic
Ranking of World Universities in 2006, three Indian universities were listed in the Times Higher
Education list of the world’s top 200 universities — Indian Institutes of Technology, Indian
Institutes of Management, and Jawaharlal Nehru University in 2005 and 2006. Six Indian
Institutes of Technology and the Birla Institute of Technology and Science - Pilani were listed
among the top 20 science and technology schools in Asia by Asia week. While the NIIT has
been renowned as the largest provider of Information Technology training and education

Indian Education Versus Western Education 2009-

company in Asia and among the top 15 global head of education. The Indian School of Business
situated in Hyderabad was ranked number 15 in global MBA rankings.

Indian Education Versus Western Education 2009-

Chapter 1

Indian Education System

India has an ancient tradition of education. The world's first university was established in
Tashkila in 700 B.C. Indian mathematicians introduced the zero, the decimal system and the
method of multiplication.


India has made huge progress in terms of increasing primary education attendance rate
and expanding literacy to approximately two thirds of the population. The National Council of
Educational Research and Training (NCERT) was the apex body for school education in India.


The National Policy on Education (NPE), 1986, has provided for environment awareness,
science and technology education, and introduction of traditional elements such as Yoga into the
Indian secondary school system. Another feature of India's secondary school system was its
emphasis on profession based vocational training to help students attain skills for finding a
vocation of his/her choosing.


India's higher education system was the third largest in the world, after China and the
United States. Some institutions of India, such as the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs),
have been globally acclaimed for their standard of education.


Indian Education Versus Western Education 2009-

Women have much lower literacy rate. The number of literate women among the female
population of India was between 2-6% from the British Raj onwards to the formation of the
Republic of India in 1947.the Indian government has tried to provide incentives for girls' school
attendance through programs for midday meals, free books, and uniforms. Private education,
because of poor quality of public education, 27% of Indian children are privately educated.
Private schools cover the entire curriculum and offer extra-curricular activities such as science
fairs, general knowledge, sports, music and drama most teachers in private schools are female,
graduates and reasonably experienced.


Online courses in business, education, information technology, real estate, and even
healthcare allow you to advance your career without disrupting your life. You can study at home,
on your own time, at your own pace. A perfect choice for the working professional, online
courses are practical, focused, and relevant to your career. Electronic learning's a type of
Technology supported education/learning (TSL) where the medium of instruction was through
computer technology, particularly involving digital technologies. E-learning was naturally suited
to distance learning and flexible learning, but can also be used in conjunction with face-to-face
teaching, in which case the term Blended learning was commonly used.

Goals of e-learning

E-Learning lessons are generally designed to guide students through information or to

help students perform in specific tasks. Information based e-Learning content communicates
information to the student

Communication technologies used in e-learning Communication technologies are

generally categorized as asynchronous or synchronous Asynchronous activities use technologies
such as blogs, wikis, and discussion boards. Synchronous activities involve the exchange of
ideas and information with one or more participants during the same period of time. Benefits of
e-Learning versus traditional classroom settings e-Learning allows people to avoid travel, thus
reducing the overall carbon output.

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Indian Education Versus Western Education 2009-

1. E-Learning was a more environmentally friendly solution.

2. Quality education, made affordable.

3. Convenience and flexibility to learners:

Online Education in India

Online learning programs are gaining popularity day by day. In other words, online
learning programs are premium education programs that are aimed to enhance the knowledge of
students as well as individuals by using modern technologies and guidelines of skilled teachers.

Added Benefits of Online Learning Program In India Online learning programs are
different from traditional education systems and there was no need of a classroom and face-to-
face interaction with teachers.

• No need to actually live on campus or near the university

• Great flexibility in the type of course you choose to study

• A wide range of online programs to choose from.

Types of Degrees Available

1. Associate Degree

2. Bachelor's Degree

3. Master's Degree

4. Doctorate Degree

5. Degree Resources

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Indian Education Versus Western Education 2009-

Chapter 2

Education Governing Bodies

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE): These were the main governing
body of education system in India. It has control over the central education system. It conducts
exam and looks after the functioning of schools accredited to central education system.

The Council of Indian School Certificate Examination (CWASCE): It was a board for
Anglo Indian Studies in India. It conducts two examinations 'Indian Certificate of Secondary
Education' and 'Indian School Certificate'. Indian Certificate of secondary education was a k-10
examination for those Indian students who have just completed class 10th and Indian school
certificate was a k-12 public examination conducted for those studying in class 12th.

The State Government Boards: Apart from CBSE and CWASCE each state in India has
its own State Board of education, which looks after the educational issues.

The National Open School: It was also known as National Institute of Open Schooling. It
was established by the Government of India in 1989. It was a ray of hope for those students who
cannot attend formal schools.

The International School: It controls the schools, which are accredited to curriculum of
international standard.

Elementary Education

According to the Constitution of India, elementary education was a fundamental right of

children in the age group of 6-14 years. India has about 688,000 primary schools and 110,000
secondary schools. According to statistics two third of school going age children of India are

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enrolled in schools but the figures are deceptive as many don't attend schools regularly. At least
half of all students from rural area drop out before completing school. The government has
rolled out many plans to increase the percentage of elementary education. The plans such as
'Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (SSA), District Primary Education Program (DPEP), Operation
Blackboard, Mid Day Meal have been successful to great extent.

Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (SSA)

The main goal of these programs was that all children of 6-11 years of age should
complete primary education by the year 2007 and all children of 6-14 years of age should
complete eight years of schooling by 2010. These plans cover the whole country with special
emphasis on girl education and education of Schedule Caste (SC) and Schedule Tribe (ST)
children and children with special needs. The SSA centers are mainly opened in those areas,
which do not have any school or where schools are very far off. Special girl oriented programs

• Girl education at elementary level.

• National Program for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL)

• Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV)

• Mahila Samakhya Scheme

District Primary Education Program

This program was launched in 1994 with the objective of universalisation of primary
education. Its main features are Universal Access, Universal Retention and Universal
Achievement. It aims that the primary education should be accessible to each and every child of
school going age, once a child was enrolled in school he/ she should be retained there. The final
step was achievement of the goal of education. The main components of these programs are:

• Construction of classrooms and new schools

• Opening of non-formal schooling centers

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Indian Education Versus Western Education 2009-

• Setting up early childhood education centers.

• Appointment of teachers.

Providing education to disabled children

The program has been successful to the large extent as 1, 60,000 schools and 84,000 alternative
schools have been opened under these program. And work was going on for the construction of
new buildings of 52,758 schools. 4, 20,203 disabled students have been successfully enrolled
into the schools.

Operation Blackboard

It was started in 1987-88. The aim of these programs was to improve human and physical
resource availability in primary schools of India. According to these programs every primary
school should have at least two rooms, two teachers and essential teaching aids like blackboard,
chalk, duster etc.

National Bal Bhavan

The National Bal Bhavan was opened with the aim of developing overall personalities of
children of all strata of society irrespective of their caste, creed, religion and gender. It
supplements school education by helping children to learn in play way and natural environment.

Other important endeavors taken up by Indian government for the development of education
in India includes:

• Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

• Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan

• Integrated Education for disabled children

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Indian Education Versus Western Education 2009-

• National Council of Educational Research and Training

Secondary Education

The enrollment at secondary school throughout the country was close to 28 million in
1998-99. Efforts are being made to increase these figure through the implementation of proposed
new educational strategies.

Education system in India was making fast progress. The data of students' enrollment at primary
and secondary level of school education testifies to it.

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Chapter 3

American Education

Education in the United States was mainly provided by the public sector, with control
and funding coming from three levels: federal, state, and local. Child education was compulsory.
A sub-type of compulsory education was public education. Public education was universal at the
primary and secondary levels (known inside the United States as the elementary and high school

At these levels, school curricula, funding, teaching, and other policies are set through
locally elected school boards with jurisdiction over school districts. School districts are usually
separate from other local jurisdictions, with independent officials and budgets.

Educational standards and standardized testing decisions are usually made by state
governments. The ages for compulsory education vary by state, beginning at age’s five to eight
and ending at the ages of fourteen to eighteen. A growing number of states are now requiring
compulsory education until the age of 18.

Compulsory education requirements can generally be satisfied by educating children in

public schools, state-certified private schools, and an approved home school program or in an
orphanage. In most public and private schools, education was divided into three levels:
elementary school, middle school (sometimes called junior high school), and high school
(sometimes referred to as secondary education). In almost all schools at these levels, children are

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divided by age groups into grades, ranging from kindergarten (followed by first grade) for the
youngest children in elementary school, up to twelfth grade, the final year of high school. The
exact age range of students in these grade levels varies slightly from area to area.

In the year 2000, there were 76.6 million students enrolled in schools from kindergarten
through graduate schools. Of these, 72 percent aged 12 to 17 were judged academically "on
track" for their age (enrolled in school at or above grade level). Of those enrolled in compulsory
education, 5.2 million (10.4 percent) were attending private schools. Among the country's adult
population, over 85 percent have completed high school and 27 percent have received a
bachelor's degree or higher.

The country has a reading literacy rate at 98% of the population over age 15, while
ranking below average in science and mathematics understanding compared to other developed
countries. In 2008, there was a 77% graduation rate from high school, below that of most
developed countries.

The poor performance has pushed public and private efforts such as the No Child Left
behind Act. In addition, the ratio of college-educated adults entering the workforce to general
population (33%) was slightly below the mean of other developed countries (35%) and rate of
participation of the labor force in continuing education was high. A 2000s study by Jon Miller of
Michigan State University concluded that "A slightly higher proportion of American adults
qualify more scientifically literate than European or Japanese adults".

Common types of electives include:

• Visual arts (drawing, sculpture, painting, photography, film)

• Performing arts (drama, band, chorus, orchestra, dance)

• Technology education ("Shop"; woodworking, metalworking, automobile repair,


• Computers (word processing, programming, graphic design)

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Indian Education Versus Western Education 2009-

• Athletics (cross country, football, baseball, basketball, track and field, swimming, tennis,
gymnastics, water polo, soccer, wrestling, cheerleading, Volleyball, lacrosse, ice hockey,
field hockey, boxing, skiing/snowboarding)

• Publishing (journalism/student newspaper, yearbook/annual, literary magazine)

• Foreign languages (Spanish, French are common; Chinese, Latin, Greek, German,
Italian, Arabic, and Japanese are less common)

• Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps

Home schooling

There were 1.5 million children that were home schooled in 2007, up 74% from 1999
when the U.S. Department of Education first started keeping statistics. These were 2.9% of all
children. Many select moral or religious reasons for home schooling their children. The second
main category was "un-schooling," those who prefer a non-standard approach to education.

Most homeschooling advocates are wary of the established educational institutions for
various reasons. Some are religious conservatives who see nonreligious education as contrary to
their moral or religious systems, or who wish to add religious instruction to the educational
curriculum (and who may be unable to afford a church-operated private school, or where the
only available school may teach views contrary to those of the parents). Others feel that they can
more effectively tailor a curriculum to suit an individual student’s academic strengths and
weaknesses, especially those with singular needs or disabilities.

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Chapter 4

American Indian/Alaska Native


American Indian and Alaska Native populations in the United States began to increase at
the turn of the century. That increase now was accelerating. According to the United States
Census, the Native population of the United States more than doubled between 1970 and 2000,
from one million to almost two and half million. Half of these population lives in urban areas
and less than a third on Reservations.

The 2,476,000 Native Americans represent some 500 different tribes, each with its own
unique culture, and 200 surviving languages. But as population increases, American Indian
languages and cultures are being lost, partly as a result of federal and state education policies
over most of the last two centuries that called for the "Americanization" of Indian students.

A note on terminology was necessary here. I will follow terminology chosen by the
Indian Nations at Risk Task Force. They preferred to use the term American Indian/Alaska
Native for the initial reference to the indigenous people of North America and to thereafter use
the short form Native. However, because of the historical use of terms such as Indian and Native
American, I will use the terms somewhat interchangeably, especially the term American Indian
or the short form Indian when it was clear that Alaska Natives are not being included for
geographical reasons.

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In the early 1970s Indian activism, part of the Civil Rights Movement, created an
atmosphere that led to the passage of the 1972 Indian Education Act and the 1975 Indian Self-
Determination and Education Assistance Act. Self-determination was the idea that Indian people,
not the U.S. government, should decide what was best for Indian America. These concepts
survived the subsequent decline in federal funding, but Native Americans are still uncertain what
self-determination will ultimately mean for Indian people and Indian education.

In the early 1990s there was a revival of interest in Indian education that matched the
interest shown in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Evidence of these revivals included the Native
American Languages Act in 1990, the release of the final report of the U.S. Secretary of
Education's Indian Nations at Risk Task Force in 1991, and the White House Conference on
Indian Education in 1992. This revival of interest was part of a recurring historical cycle.
However, in the last few decades, in contrast to past episodes of concern, Indian people, rather
than non-Indian missionaries and government officials, are taking the lead in lobbying for new
laws, serving on Task Forces, and attending Indian education conferences.

Poverty and other social problems have plagued American Indians. They want political
and economic equality, and they want to regain their Native identities, including their languages
and traditions that historically were suppressed in schools. By recovering the past through a
strong sense of identity and by using culturally appropriate curriculum and instruction, some
Indian and Alaska Native students are achieving educational success that heretofore proved

For example, a 1991 Audit Report of the U.S. Department of the Interior's Office of
Inspector General showed students in BIA schools achieving on average far below non-Native
students and "generally not receiving quality educations." On the 2000 National Assessment of
Educational Progress reading assessment, 40% of white fourth graders scored at or above
proficient, compared to only 17% of Native American students. In math, 34% of white fourth
graders scored at or above proficient, while just 14% of Native Americans scored as high.

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Chapter 5



The main target audience, those, so to speak, the current readers of these article, are
international students. Having an idea about your own educational system, one might not even
imagine other ways of teaching, educational processes and certain details about other existing
systems. Therefore, it was essential to give an idea of a completely different American system of

The moment you enter a high school or college classroom, even before that, while
preparing to study in the USA, one certainly finds out that American educational system has
several distinctive features.

Known for its flexibility, it gives its students three kinds of courses: general education
courses designed to fulfill general education requirements for all students, regardless of their
specialty; required courses within their chosen field; and electives, which students can choose
from any discipline which interests them.

The American system also assesses its students continuously from the beginning, by
assigning grades at regular intervals through class work and examinations given by the
instructors who know each student's strengths and weaknesses. Thus, students are always

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informed about their own progress. Tests, quizzes, papers, problem sets, laboratory assignments,
projects, exams are just some of the assessment forms. In brief, the system looks like these.

Most Americans attend twelve years of primary and secondary school. With a secondary
school ("high school") diploma or certificate, a student can enter college, university, vocational
(job training) school, secretarial school, and other professional schools. Below was a more
detailed description.

Primary and secondary school begins around age six for U.S. children. They attend five
or six years of primary school. Next they go to secondary school, which consists of either two
three- year programs or a three-year and a four-year program. These are called "middle school"
or "junior high school" and "senior high school" (often just called "high school"). Americans call
these twelve years of primary and secondary school the first through twelfth "grades." After
finishing high school (twelfth grade), U.S. students may go on to college or university.

College or university study was known as "higher education."The American system of

higher education measures student's progress in credit hours, of which the student must earn 124
to graduate with a Bachelor's degree, the standard U.S. university degree. One credit equals 15
hours of classroom instruction.

For example, student attending history classes three hours a week for a full 15-week term
and earning a passing grade will receive three credits for the course. Americans enter the
university after twelve years of schooling at about the age of eighteen. At these points the
students are called freshmen. After earning 30 credits they become sophomores, after 60, juniors,
and after 90, seniors. Traditionally Americans have earned their Bachelor's degrees by attending
spring and fall semesters for four years, spending summers at home. Increasingly, however,
students today attend summer sessions as well, in order to complete their studies as quickly as

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Chapter 6

Indian Education under the


Students from the Lodge Grass School District in Montana

Over the past few months, hundreds of American Indian and Alaska Natives in the fourth
and eighth grades at schools across the nation have become part of a unique educational group.
They sat down in classrooms—along with thousands of their peers throughout the country—to
answer multiple questions like, "What makes these story a fable?" and "Which object was
heaviest?" that make up the 90-minute National Assessment of Educational Progress test. There's
nothing unusual about that: most Indian students today attend public schools and have been
taking the reading- and math-focused test since it was first administered in the U.S. in 1969.

Indian Education Budget Cuts

The recent budget proposal by President Bush has alarmed many educators involved with
Indian education. The budget cuts several grants that provide school supplies, tutoring and other
services to Indian students at public schools.

Bush has also asked for a $89.5 million reduction in funds for the construction of new
BIA schools (government-operated schools intended for Indian students)-though the construction

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program was a priority he had set during his first term, an online publication
focused on Indian issues, has more information about cuts to Indian education.

What was different these time out was that for the first time ever, Indian students are
being deliberately over-sampled to allow researchers to better analyze their performance as a
group. Often, Indian students make up such a small percentage of the student body in a particular
school that their results can't be assessed in a statistically meaningful way.

It's part of a National Indian Education Study being carried out by the National Center
for Education Statistics on behalf of the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Indian
Education. The study analyzes the progress of Indian students in thousands of schools
throughout the nation.

The study sample will include students attending public, nonpublic, and Bureau of Indian
Affairs schools, according to center officials. There are more than 250,000 Indian students, ages
5 to 18 years inclusively, enrolled in public, private, federal and BIA schools in the U.S.
However, the study will not report results by type of school.

A special report detailing American Indian student results in reading and mathematics will be
available from the center in spring 2006.

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Chapter 7

Comparing an education in India

versus one in the US

The basic and most important difference between the two educational systems was the
stress on math that was given in India (and Europe, I have been told) at the elementary and high
school level itself. Mathematics, in my humble opinion, teaches students logical and rational
thinking - it lays the foundation of independent and lateral thinking. Indian schools start teaching
math, like multiplication tables, at the elementary level itself. It was given a lot of importance
and was a must for students who plan to do science related study in college.

On the other hand, high school in America was so flexible that a lot of students who end
up majoring in sciences in college do not take advanced math and calculus in high school. In
general, I found that at the end of their 1st year of university, math majors in the US are
equivalent to high school graduates in India in terms of math study. This emphasis on math in
high schools and engineering programs was also the reason why India produces so many "good"
software engineers. The analytical thinking taught by mathematics was exactly what was
required for software development.

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The flexibility of the American education system was its greatest strength and also its
greatest weakness. Students can choose among a host of classes and courses in high school and
college. These means they can change their major (i.e. field of study) midway through college.
These usually mean that students in the US receive more exposure to a variety of subjects and
hence, are more aware of their career options and opportunities. However, the downside was that
they can avoid taking courses which are hard in their major. The computer science students in
my department in the US are often criticized for avoiding a lot of important computer science
courses by taking easier courses from other departments that fulfill their degree requirements.

On digging deeper into the root of the problem, I realized that the general problem with
the American education (high school and college) system was that it was designed so as not to
reduce/hurt the self-esteem of any kid in class. So, the system was designed in such a way that
nearly everyone can pass the high-school level. These leads to lowering the standards at the high
school, which in turn leads to lowering the standards for college entrance too and subsequent
college programs. So, college students in, say, computer science, are learning much less and at a
much slower pace than the students in computer science programs in India and Europe.

These were one of the main reasons why most of the graduate students in computer
science in the US are foreign students; American students are just not able to compete with the
quality of foreign student applicants. College education was becoming common place, with a
large proportion of high school graduates opting for it. Universities are under pressure from state
governments to take in more students, that was, in turn, leading to reduced quality and lower
standards (quality*quantity=constant). Universities are just not able to cope with the quick
increases and the corresponding lack of good faculty.

The situation was not improving either! People kick and scream about the fact that
immigrants are taking over the country and the hi-tech jobs, but very few people are examining
the reasons why these were happening. Most people are fiercely defensive about the country and
refuse to believe that anything can be wrong with the country's education system since they are
the technology leaders. However, nobody realizes or admits that these, to a great extent, were
due to brain inflow of immigrants from Asia (India included) and Europe.

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However, the flip side of the coin was that the Indian education and social systems are
very hard on kids and completely ignore their feelings, opinions and ambitions. Kids are pushed
to study from the age of 3 and non-performers are treated as dolts and ostracized by parents and
society. The preferred choice of learning and teaching was memorizing facts. These facts do help
in the long run; the multiplication tables we learned in elementary school keep us ahead of our
American peers who need a calculator to find out what 6 times 7 was not. However, the
memorization approach to study does not allow and teach kids to think independently. The
American school system lays stress on individual ability development and encourages kids to
express themselves and their opinions from an early age. As a result, most Americans are way
better at getting their point across as compared to people from other countries.

However, again, the downside of these was that students in the US who are more out-
spoken do well in class and outside class too only because they are more effective speakers. In
the Indian system, individuals are not asked to stand up in front of the whole class and recite
something. Instead, the whole class reads books out aloud together in unwise. These allow more
timid students to participate and overcome their fear of public speaking (since they are actually
speaking with a group). Individual speaking was only done with the teacher one-on-one during
"oral" examinations, where students are asked questions on the subject matter.

Both systems work, however, in the Indian system, just because you can't speak well,
does not mean you don't do well in class. But students in the US build more self-confidence and
are much better at public speaking. Indian students on the other hand find it hard to learn to
speak up or express their opinions (I know those are really broad generalizations). Classroom
discussion and asking questions to the professors was encouraged. However, in India, professors
expect you to treat them like God and often use their almost doctorial powers against students
who upset them in some way.

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Indian Education Versus Western Education 2009-

India aspires to be powerful, it wants to play a role in the international community, for
that to happen, its economy has to grow multifold and for that to happen, it requires a huge force
of entrepreneurs who could transform it into a nation which produces, from the one which only
consumes. India needs a huge force of innovators who could make it reliant in all kinds of
sciences and technologies. India needs artists who could make its culture the most popular in the
world. A culture which was not only saleable itself but also helps in selling India’s products
across the world. In a nutshell, India needs Henry Fords, Bill Gates, Thomas Alva Edison’s and
Michael Jacksons born and educated in India.

M. S. Swaminathan who made India self reliant in food grains, DhiruBhai Ambani who
proved a common man can become a billionaire, Dr. Varghese Kurien who was the father of
Amul milk movement, Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam who dared to build missiles for India, Pundit
Ravishankar who was the ambassador of the Indian music to the world. Such people though in
small numbers, were always there. But they are not the products of these education systems.
These systems did not teach them how to become innovators or entrepreneurs or artists. Had it
done so, they would have been millions in numbers.

These people were inspired themselves. To some of them, their education may have
given the technical know-how (though it was hardly conceivable), but not the dream or the
inspiration needed. It was the education which should inspire one to become something one
really wants to. Education should make you free, should make you experiment and it should
make you ask questions. Ultimately, it should make you realize what you are.

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Indian Education Versus Western Education 2009-

Youngsters in India, do not have the freedom of selecting there career, it was said. They
are forced to become engineers, doctors, MBA’s and IAS officers, it was said. Yes, agree. But
that was not the problem. The problem was, youngsters in India do not have the vision to think
beyond. Neither their parents, nor their grandparents had that vision. These were where the root
of the problem was. Generations have gone through a system which sucks. Now the beauty was
even the law-makers and educators of today’s India are products of that age old system. That
was why no less than a revolution was needed in the education system in India.

What do we expect from such a revolution?

A revolution means big changes. We expect the revolution in education to bring lots of
changes. These changes will result into:

1. Best talents of the country working in the education sector.

Today, education was not the career of choice, but it was the career of compromise. If
you are a teacher, people sympathize; they curse the prevalent unemployment in the country.
Education was one of the highest profit making ‘industries’ in the service sector, but its workers
are the least paid compared to those working in somewhat glamorous sectors like the IT
industry. These have to change.

2. A world class infrastructure.

The experience of shopping at malls was better than the old dirty bazaars. The experience
of traveling in a metro train was much better than suffering in the city buses. The experience of
driving on four or six lane highways was much better the same way. The same way,
infrastructure has a meaning in education. World class universities and schools with world class
libraries, laboratories and classrooms, in a world class building make a world class infrastructure
for education. Acknowledgement

3. Greater investments into education, public as well as private.

We need world class infrastructure and best talents in all schools and universities of
India. These resources should not remain limited to a handful of IIT’s or IIM’s. Each village

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Indian Education Versus Western Education 2009-

should have a school with all resources and facilities. Each university should have whatever it
needs for a better education. These would require huge money and hence, huge investments.

4. Education which encourages innovation and creativity.

When farmers in the villages of Punjab make a vehicle from the diesel engine and name
it Maruta (A male version of Maruti), that was innovation. When villagers of the Rajasthan and
Gujarat transform the Bike ‘Bullet Enfield’ into a local auto-rickshaw which was creativity.

5. Education which encourages entrepreneurship.

In a Hindi movie ‘Nayak’, the father of the actress refuses to permit for her marriage with
the actor because he was not a government servant. At last, he permits, but then the Actor had
become the chief minister of the state. These was mindset of the society, particularly of the
middle class, has to be changed. You are not a respectful person if after education you start a
business, as that was seen as a failure in getting a job. It was the task of the education system to
change this mindset. It also has to inspire the youth for the necessary courage and vision for

To conclude with, it can be said that although Indian Education System has few visible
flaws, the curriculum of it so very complete and well defined that it develops a hard working and
dedication in the student, which keeps him at much higher ranks when it comes to judging an
Indian child on global level.

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Indian Education Versus Western Education 2009-

Bibliography & Reference



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