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a. The efficiency of a refrigerator or refrigerator performances are
defined by means of the coefficient of performance, COP denoted by
COPref which is given by



where COP is sometimes called the performance ratio. The best COP
will be given by a circle which is a Carnot cycle operation between
the given temperature conditions. The objective of a refrigerator is
to remove heat QL from the refrigerated space. To accomplish this
objective, it requires a work input of Wnet,in.
b. If the heat load increases in the cold store, then the temperature tends to rise and this
increases the amount of refrigerant boiling off. If the compressor cannot move this,
then the pressure on the suction side of the compressor increases and so the
evaporating temperature increases tending to reduce the evaporation rate and correct
the situation. However, the effect is to lift the temperature in the cold space and if this
is to be prevented additional compressor capacity is required. As the evaporating
pressure, and resultant temperature, change, so the volume of vapour per kilogram of
refrigerant changes. If the pressure decreases, this volume increases, and therefore the
refrigerating effect, which is substantially determined by the rate of circulation of
refrigerant, must also decrease. Therefore if a compressor is required to work from a
lower suction pressure its capacity is reduced, and conversely. So at high suction
pressures giving high circulation rates, the driving motors may become overloaded
because of the substantial increase in quantity of refrigerant circulated in unit time.
Changes in the condenser pressure have relatively little effect on the quantity of
refrigerant circulated. However, changes in the condenser pressure and also decreases
in suction pressure, have quite a substantial effect on the power consumed per ton of
refrigeration. Therefore for an economical plant, it is important to keep the suction
pressure as high as possible, compatible with the product requirement for low

temperature or rapid freezing, and the condenser pressure as low as possible

compatible with the available cooling water or air temperature.
c. The term load is the amount of heat which must be transferred per unit time from the
cold chamber and is known as the refrigeration capacity. Heats, both sensible and
latent, enter an enclosure through door openings whenever the air surrounding the
enclosure is warmer than the box temperature. Knowing the location, size and number
of the door openings and the temperature to which they are exposed will greatly aid in
determining the heat load of the infiltrating air. Regardless of its size or complexity, a
refrigeration system has one basic function. That function is to remove heat from a
place or substance where it is not wanted, and transport it to a location where it can be
diffused into air or water. In order to select the proper equipment for a given
application, we must carefully estimate the amount of heat to be moved. There are
many examples of actual loads in refrigeration practice in a domestic fridge, in a room
and in a factory. These examples are shown below:




The product load is

The heat leakage

The miscellaneous

heat from warm food

load is heat that

heat load is heat

or other solids or

infiltrates the

introduced by lights,

liquids that are being

refrigerated area

motors, and other heat


through walls,

producing devices

ceilings, roofs, and

located in the

Entering temperature
Motors including fan

refrigerated area.


processes and human
occupancy also may
contribute to the
miscellaneous heat



From the experiment that we had done, we can conclude that we
have achieved our main objective to investigate the variation in Coefficient of
Performance (COPref) of a vapour compression refrigeration system. This is

achieved by looking at the effect of the COPref as the load increased. The
effect of COPref that we get from this experiment is that the higher the
value of load, the COPref increased but due to some factor during the
experiment, the COPref decrease at some point and increase back. Apart
from this experiment, we are able to find out that the higher the value of
COPref, the better the refrigeration cycle is. Also for this experiment, it is

recommended that, we carefully done the experiment and follows the

entire steps to avoid getting errors and it is highly recommended that the
refrigerant flow rate and cooling water flow rate can be fixed so that we
can clearly see the effect of COPref of the refrigeration cycle.

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