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\\ the rabble rouser’s delight//

Do you live for music and

fashion but feel let down by
the homogenous nature
of lifestyle magazines?
Do you strive to become more aware of emerging issues but feel alienated
by the self-serving interests of the media machine? Do you want to create
change socially, culturally, economically, environmentally and politically?
Then let Angalossy feed your mind.
Angalossy has a universal mission – to create awareness and change.
At a time of unprecedented international anxiety we believe that young adults
need new forms of leadership; new methods of communication – a new voice.
Economic meltdown, global warming,
over-population, collapsing education systems,
the threat of terror attacks, social disorder,
a heightened state of consumerism, flimsy
government policies, societal addiction to
the gluttony of social drug-taking, alcohol
consumption and celebrity obsession are just
some of the issues that young adults have to
confront in 2009.
It’s no wonder then, that some are restless
with little sense of self or hope for their future.
Gaining identity from a street gang or similar
counter-culture remains all too easy. Angalossy
aims to harness this discontent by producing an
entertaining, informative and inspiring
alternative to other medias.
In our first stage of growth, we are an
upbeat online magazine. Using a worldwide
team contributors and guest editors, Angalossy
will encourage and foster global awareness,
urging its readers to create a better and brighter
future for themselves and others. For not only
will Angalossy burst the bubble of celebrity and
brand-obsessed culture it will offer-up an
alternative way of being to its readers and
viewers alike. Angalossy is more than inspirational
editorial: it’s a global community for the
Transition Generation.

Our enterprising
Angalossy will not only serve as a mode of
inspiration for young adults. It will also offer a
chance for less-advantaged and disaffected
young adults to enter the media industry and
speak out responsibly about their culture and
hopes for the future. We will target those who,
due to past experience, have low self-esteem
and/or lack confidence. Angalossy creates
opportunities to empower and enable young
adults to develop skills and experience they
would not usually acquire.
Our youth work division plan to create a
sustainable programme that will ensure each
young adult who joins our team is taught the
basics of the industry and help them
understand that whatever their background
their opinions are needed to create change in
the future. Empowering a less-advantaged
individual by giving them tools to change
everyone’s future will better prepare them for
their own future. With this in mind, Angalossy
will converse with its audience with a sincere
voice, creating community, and of course
creative cohesion.

Advertising and
Sponsorship Credo
Angalossy aims to be the altruistic crutch of its
community’s development, on both a macro
and micro scale. And we are looking for partners
to help us achieve our goal. However, we will
only seek alliance with those who forge an ethical
and sustainable way of being. Brands who exploit
their workforce, relinquish creativity or stifle
community growth need not apply.
If you’d like to advertise somewhere within
our medias you will undergo a vigorous
investigation to make sure your company
complies with our credo. If you don’t pass but
can offer-up a sustainable plan for your future
then we will reconsider. Don’t be offended if we
knock you back, we need to make sure our
community is knit with artistic purity in mind.
Do not think this is a lame attempt to create
sales via reverse psychology - our business
model is not reliant on an influx of adverts –
rather it hopes to create a better future by
uniting like-minded individuals around the world.
And if you do pass - Angalossy’s advertising
and sponsorship packages go beyond the meaning
of bespoke – they aim to please, provoke and
pioneer - you’ll see. We won’t disappoint you.
To see a sample of our unique approach to
advertising and sponsorship packages please
send a brief outline of your company’s mission
and credo to:

PSYCHOGRAPHIC Standard Advertising Opportunities

Early adopters, trendsetters and thrill seekers- Format Price (Euros)
all those who are deeply influential and can
Banner/Leaderboard ROS €30.00 pcm
change weak signals into mega trends.
Skycraper ROS €30.00 pcm


Solus Email
€60.00 pcm + production costs
€200.00 pcm
DUAL % female/male – 50/50 Email Newsletter Advert €100.00 pcm
AGE Median age: 24 Supplements Monthly tenancy 4,000.00 pcm
Target: 18 – 35 + production costs
AFFLUENCE median Other bespoke campaigns Price on request

Angalossy is an online magazine and print
newsletter which sets the tone, unearths
important issues and shows thinkers and doers
how to prime their minds for the world’s most
crucial century.


We won’t just update you on the obvious stuff, In Angalossy’s pursuit of visual supremacy our
we will also offer-up news and views from photo stories – often fashion-led – tell tales not
across the globe to keep your mind abreast of told before. Our photographers will deliver
events as and when they happen. ground-breaking and layered stories that will
not only provoke thought but capture
awe-inspiring imagery.
REVIEWS If you’d like to be part of the editorial team
please send your resume, a sample of your most
When you’re taking time out from saving the
recent work and cover letter to:
planet, the content of our documentary-film
reviews will inspire you to leave the confines of
your home. From the grimy back streets of
London’s Camden Town to Regaton dance
halls in Brazil, we will give you a proper taste of CREATIVE
– and appropriate mix of - emerging and iconic
live acts. As well as getting close to the All our media is design-led. As much as our
performers, Angalossy presenters speak to party editorial will provoke thought and prime the
revellers in their full glory showing the absolute minds of young adults, so too will our creative.
crux of global frolics, proving that we are also
All artwork is specially commissioned by
here to have some fun.
new and established creative, quite a few of
them are from fine art, or street art backgrounds.
FEATURES We give our photographers, illustrators and
designers a free rein; and although sometimes
that may be a little too eclectic for we feel it
Angalossy features inspire with profiles on the allows our look to be proper art, rather can a
movements and individuals that are reshaping stifled attempt at being creative.
the world. We examine obvious mega trends
and weak trend signals in society, culture, the Want to contribute? Please show us your work:
environment and politics. Plus give you a few
fashion and music tip offs.

Investigative reporting which aims to demystify
foggy media messages – our reports use futures
system research techniques to get to the root of
each issue discussed, and then, create change
via awareness. This technique produces unique
and proven blueprints that plot how,
collectively, Angalossy’s community can better
our future. These reports will also include a
dizzy mix of stunning photography, illustrations
and hard-hitting documentaries.
Topics currently in process:
The future of religion
Singularity and transhumanism
The future of the sex industry
The future of a good-old knees-up

We welcome inbound press queries and will
respond to your requests promptly. You are
welcome to use our research for your own
work, just tag us and if you’re feeling extra nice
send us a link or a copy of your hard work.
Bloggers also are welcome to use our work and
we will endeavour to send you our logo for your

For bright spar ks
So then, Angalossy isn’t just some tree-hugging,
do-gooding angry e-gloss, it’s an attempt to
entertain and inspire informed bright and positive
people who will in turn create a beautiful world
for themselves and future generations.
In fact, we will achieve a frenetic pace
throughout all our media platforms, creating
clean and uplifting medias without little bias or
dramatization. Be prepared to be dazzled, dazed
and utterly inspired.

Photography by Debbie Bragg

Design by Say Hello London


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