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26 Athlone News Wednesday June 10 2009 SPORT

P r i d e o f C h r i s te l H o u s e
■ Promising... Christel House fencing team leader Kristen Matthews, from Manenberg, says fencing it is not just about winning, but learning how to deal with losing. PICTURE: FUAD ESACK

Athlone fencers get to the point point for championships

The clang of metal rattles in the
background as the buzzer signifies the
winners and losers on the fencing
piste,but the team coached by Christel
House teacher Randall Daniels are
already winners just by donning their
fencing kit,writes JOHN ADAMS

outh Africa is not strong in

S fencing by world standards,

says the 2008 South African
Olympic fencing coach, Randall
Daniels, who now spends his time
teaching pupils at the Christel
House, and coaching the school’s
fencing team.
“The product and pride of bring-
ing fencing to these children is that
we are able to give them a chance.”
Daniels grew up in Athlone dur-
ing the early 70s and was intro-
duced to fencing while walking
home one day and seeing a group of PICTURE: DUNCAN VAN NIEKERK PICTURE: FUAD ESACK
children “sword fighting.” ■ All for one...From left,Tarryn Lasker,Wanda Matshaya, Kristen Matthews, Sheena McNab will take part in
■ Confident... Christel House,
As he looked into the practice
area, he was approached by the club
fencing coach Randall Daniels. the SA national championships, at the University of Cape Town, this weekend.
coach, Gwen Logan.
“I was asked if I wanted to give shaya, were selected to represent One student who typifies what same way the next time.” what Daniels said started the day
it a try, and I really enjoyed it,” South Africa against top interna- Daniels expects is team leader, Kris- Daniels continues to challenge his childhood coach offered him an
recalled Daniels. tional competition in Catalonia. ten Matthews. all his pupils beyond just fencing, alternative to disadvantaged living.
“Fencing started something that However, Daniels does not meas- Matthews was given the oppor- and Matthews could be well on her “Giving back is the passion we
changed my whole life. I had to ure success with wins and losses, tunity to learn fencing and travel way to a successful life on and off were given on the day my coach
determine the path I was on, and I but with how the sport changes the South Africa because of assistance the fencing strip. decided to give her time to us,” said
had to achieve education. character of those who walked the from Christel House and the finan- “It was up to me to decide if I Daniels. In turn we are doing very
“And I did because of the disci- same neighborhoods he did as a cial support from Western Province want this or if I want that in life, much the same to our new learners
pline I learned in fencing.” child.”If we can involve our kids in Fencing. and I knew I didn’t want to end up in the hope that they would inspire
For the past three years , Daniels sport, the chances of them going But the most valuable opportu- walking around in circles,” said others.”
has dedicated his time to teaching down the road of negativity like nity could be the confidence she has Matthews. ● The fencing senior national
the children at Christel House and drugs or any other thing is less- gained through the sport. “When I “Many want to first go down the championship takes place at UCT
now he has more than 20 fencers on ened,” said Daniels. fence it is not about winning,” said wrong road and then go down the on Saturday and Sunday June 13
his club team. “Those who participate tend to the Grade 11 student from Manen- right road, and I just chose the road and 14.
Last year two of his fencers, San- stay in school and even carry on berg. “It is about how I fence, and if that would give me a better future.” For more information about
disiwe Dingane and Wanda Mat- studying further.” I lose I know I don't have to lose the Matthews is another example of fencing, call 084 554 4566.

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