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Beer Market

As we can see in the pie chart, beer accounts for 38% of the sales by value. It
can only be rivalled by wine at 25.5%. However this market share is slowly
shifted towards other type of brewery and will be explained in the upcoming
slides. In contrary, the wine consumption is predicted to increase due to the
popularity of premium wine and the fact that costumer just change the type of
wine been bought. Mean while, bottled spirit and RTD market has an opposite
trends, Bottled spirits demand is still stable due to popularity of cocktail product
while, RTD market is decreasing due to demand of new product.
The other thing that need to be aware of is Cider, although right now it has the
lowest percentage, only 4%, currently this is the fastest growing segment and
this will continue to increase this year. This increase is due to the effective
marketing campaign and saturated consumer from existing product.
In the internal market share of beer, we can see that traditional beer has the
highest percentage, followed by premium beer and mid strength beer. There are
steady decline in traditional beer and light beer. Consumer who used to buy
traditional beer now shifted towards premium and craft beer due to shifting of
consumer taste and demand for more variety. Although these two has the same
trend and become the fastest growing segment, Premium beers growth mostly
come from International brand such as Heineken, Carlsberg and Corona. In craft
beer market, since the big industry have been joining the market by acquiring
most of the craft beer producer, the original craft beer still can be found in
microbrewers in pub and bars, where the production is limited to 15000
barrels/year. Mean while, in Light beer segment, the costumer shifted their
preference to low carb beer and non alcoholic beverages.
Beverage Revenue Comparison
This slide of beverage revenue is to justify the shifted trend in alcoholic market.
As we can see here, although cider revenue is decreasing, it still has the highest
growth percentage compared with others. Comparing spirit and mixed spirit/RTD,
as explained in previous slide, spirit demand is still higher compared with RTD. In
period 2012-2014 there was an interesting trend, the consumption of beer and
cider has a contrast with the consumption of other beverages. In 2013 the
consumption of beer and cider increased and decrease in 2014, in contrast with
the other beverages which has an opposing trend. This shows a shifting
consumer preference towards the product from quantity to quality. Consumer
prefer to buy more premium product such as Wine and Spirits.
Beer market life cycle, there are two segments that we need to look for. The first
one is the traditional beer which already reach its maturity stage, this market is
already dominated by 2 players. CUB and Lion Nathan, the other thing that
indicate is that consumer is struggle to differentiate between products available.
And the industry only rely on the marketing to compete with each other. In the
other hand, craft beer segment still in a growth stage especially the micro
breweries that can be seen by the constant introduction of new and innovative
products and the growing demand of the product. So overall beer is in a mature
stage since its effected by two segments.
Beer Ownership Share in Australia

There are two largest owner of this share which is SAB miller which is originally
from South Africa and Lion Nathan owned by kirin, Japanese company which
have 43% and 40.7% shares respectively. Coopers brewery is the only Australian
owned brewery that only has 4.7% of the shares, Coca-cola and Asahi only has
1% of the shares and Others which mostly consist of craft brewers and
microbreweries only has 9.6% of the shares.
This is the detailed list of the major breweries in Australia, its location and the

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