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5th House of Horoscope and related matters:
1.Questions related to intelligence and to intellect, should be considered from
reading the effects of this house in a birth chart. If all the three factors: namely, the
fifth house, its Lord, and Mercury the Significator of intellect are strong in the
Natals chart, one possesses high caliber and keen intelligence.
2. The ISTA DEVATA could be traced through this house. Sun: Vishnu; Moon:
Saraswati; Mars: Hanuman; Mercury: Vishnu; Jupiter: Brahmam Granthas, The
three Dieties; Venus: Durga; Saturn: Siva and Bhairava.
3. The fifth house would be a pointer for holding strong power of a ministeradvisers, leaders of society, working with community-empowered projects. If the
Lords of 5th house and 10th House exchange their positions by occupation mutually,
such as, if Jupiter occupies Taurus in 10th house and Venus in Sagittarius in fifth
house he would be a strong adviser in Governmental/ Public interested matters.
4. Male issues to be pointer from 5th House: 1st house is 5th from 9th house.
That is the reason it is considered as son of his father. Likewise, the fifth house
from Lagna is considered as the son to self and problems related to son should be
studied from this house, its Lord, and Planet Jupiter who are the Significator of
progeny. In addition, the 9th house with related Planets in its positions and other
factors should be studied under Bhavat Bhavam Rules, as 9th house will be 5th to
5th house from Lagna.
If malefic Planets influence in any manner on the 5th house, it will not be conducive
to the acquisitions of sons. If, Planets Mars and Saturn not only adversely affect 5th
house, but also the 9th house (as referred BB rules above) could deny male
progeny. Son, if located in the fifth house, could destroy pregnancy for women. It is
found that if Moon is located there, could beget more female children than male
child. Mars could destroy the issues born; (Please note: Mars in Aries and be 5th
house to Lagna, and if 12th House is occupied in that chart by Rahu, could cause
loss of many pregnancies). Jupiter in fifth house could be effective to beget male
children only it is strong and should be free from any malefic influence.
5. This house indicates paramour in female chart, and ladylove in a male chart.
6. Places of amusement like cinema, club, Race course, Sports etc., are examined
from this house. When Mercury and Venus are mutually linked, the native would be
passionately fond of places of amusement.
7.As said earlier, the 5th house is related to intellect of the person, all types of
competitive exams, success in them, is traced from this house. The general principle

of examining any problem from this house, its Lord, and Significator is involved here
8. Luck, Lottery, Sudden windfall of money etc: The fifth house is considered part of
speculation in all fields. If the 5th house is occupied by Rahu or Ketu and the lord
thereof is strong and under benefic influence by association or aspect, the native
could win a lottery or have a windfall of wealth from unexpected source, in the sub
period of Rahu and Ketu and Lord of 5th House. If Mercury is the lord of that house,
there are more chances to have such a gain. This will again be substantial, if this
house has influence in any form from the Lord of 9th house the 5th of 5th house.
9. An intimate link of the Lord of fifth house and the Lord of Kendra (any one of
them), confers Raja Yoga to live above wants the Lord of Kendra must not be
Lord of bad houses, 11th or 3rd House from Lagna to spoil the result of Raja
10. 5th house from Lagna is closely related to trace Balarista the sufferings in
child hood, related to sickness, studies and economical viability. When the Moon is
weak in the vicinity of sun in birth chart, and in the influence, by association or
aspect, of malefic Planets, one could have the danger to life of the newly born child
in its childhood. Mercury is considered as son of Moon. If Mercury in that house has
influence from malefic Planet/s this could cause severe child health hazards, disease
suffer extensive to need medical attention.
11. Sun in fifth House loss of pregnancies; Moon more daughters; Mars
destruction of sons born (Exception- if Mars is placed in its own sign Aries or
Scorpio, or in its sign of exaltation Capricorn). Afflicted Jupiter in this house will
not give male child at all.
12. This house represents the power of thinking and judgment, as well as tendency
to become lunatic. This house should be carefully judged to infer the
intelligence/reflex/ suffering in brain for lunacy and sickness of any kind/irreparable
mental status. Also first and 4th house should also be considered along with above
for any leads to decisions.
13. If Moon occupies the fifth house and is aspected by Saturn and Mars, then the
very first ruling period in the life o f the native and in the sub-period of the Lord of
the Navamsa occupied by the main ruling Planet, the father of the native could
suffer most from terrible disease.
This will not complete the study of the 5th house in a chart as many other
relationship of this house with planets and positions are to be considered for many
other results of this house, in respective Desha, Bukti, Anthara etc., as this house
plays very important part in natals life. An Astrologer must relate his findings to this
house and related Planets and their strength, after a very careful listing of results.
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reproduced for the general information only. However, if you want some

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