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Badhaka Badhakesh Badhakasthana

PM Aspect, Badhaka, Benefic, Graha, Houses, Inauspicious, Jyotisha, Karma, Malefic, Planets,Trikona, Trines,
Vedic Astrology

Badhaka comes from word 'badha' meaning Obstacles. Different

schools of thought have contradictory opinion on the concept of
Badhaka, and the area it impacts. Many prefer to ignore it while
analyzing the charts.
Badhakasthana is the house Badhaka is positioned for specific
lagna and Badhakesh is the lord of Badhakasthana.
BPHS has mentioned about Badhaka but the concept is strongly
propounded by Varaha Mihira.
When the ascendant falls in Mobile sign(Aries, Cancer, Libra and
Capricorn) - badhakasthana is 11th house and badhakesh is 11th
Lord; for ascendant in fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and
Aquarius) - 9th house and 9th Lord become badhakasthana and
badhakesh; for ascendant in dual sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius
and Pisces) - 7th house and 7th Lord are considered as
badhakasthana and badhakesh.
How does badhaka impacts the native ?
- Planet placed in the Badhaka house faces obstacles in its
karatatwa, and cause problems in the area signified by the
houses under it's lordship.

- House where badhaka lord is positioned and aspects suffer from

obstacles in the matter signified by the house.
- The planets associated (aspect or conjunction) with the
badhakesh and badhakasthana will suffer in respect to the
significance of it's lordships.
There are two contrary opinions on the essence that badhaka
impacts. One school of thought strongly feels that it creates
obstacles in worldly pursuits, whereas another school believes
that badhaka in fact brings one closer to the material world,
creating badha in spiritual liberation.
Badhaka anyways is like hurdles in a race, which only creates
obstacles and causes delays. It never deprives one of the
Badhaka impacts one only during the running dasha of badhaka
or badhakesh, otherwise it has no effect on overall horoscope.
Why so many are against the concept of Badhaka ?
- For fixed signs the 9th house becomes the Badhaksthan and the
9th lord the Badhakesh but 9th house is the strongest trinal
house and thus a very benefic house - so how can it create
obstacles ?
- For Leo and Aquarius lagna, Mars and Venus are the Yogakarak
planets but also badhakesh since they lord the 9th house for fixed
sign; Will the planets be benefic being yogakarak or malefic being
- For dual sign the badhaka planet is already afflicted by
KendraPati Dosha - so which of the two is creating obstacles ? Go
Personally I have never found badhaka to be the only factor
creating obstacles for any planet - there are always other players

Harihara, the author of Prasna Marga gives two other theories for
determination of the Badhaka Rasi. He says that for all Chara rasis the house
of harm is always Kumba. For Simha, Kanya, Vrichika and Dhanur the house
of harm is always Vrichika. For Makara the house of harm is Vrishapa. For
Mithuna and Meena the house of harm is Dhanur. There is yet another view
which states that the planets in Kendra to Badhaka rasi shall also be causing
obstructions. But this view was not acceptable to many astrologers. This
theory is based on the consideration that Kendra planets support each other.
When it is Badhaka all planets will also do the obstruction.
When Sun or Moon is the Badhakesh, the person will loose his position of
power or Job. He will be punished in the office.
When Mars or Saturn act as Badhakesh, there is danger to life due to
accidents or atleast damage to parts of the body.
When Venus is acting as Badhakesh, the trouble comes from opposite sex,
molestation, affliction or pain.
When Mercury plays the role of a Badhakesh, a contradiction or objection
which is caused by a reasoning exercise.
When it comes to Jupiter the suffering will be on the happiness or
When it comes to nodes Rahu and Ketu it is very serious. Exclusion from
society, severe pain etc.


Badhakam or obstruction is caused due to the wrath of the deity also. The
wrath of the deity is to be judged based on various factors. The 12th house
from Atmakaraka is the place of Ishta devatha. The 12 th house from the
Badhakesa indicates the past history of maintanemce of the deity. If the
Badhakesa is in an adverse place and afflicted, if a malefic planet is placed in
the 12th house from Badhakesa, then the indications are that the worshipped
image has been mutilated. This brings the wrath of the Deity signified by the
Badhakesa. Depending n the malefic planet or Upagriha involved, we can
infer the following.
If Gulika or Rahu is there it is the curse of a serpant deity.
If Saturn is there then it indicates impurity.
If Mars is there then it indicates bad management and the curse of
Karthikeya and Badrakali.
If Sun is there it indicates Lord Shiva.
If Moon is there it indicates the curse of Durga.
If Mercury is there it is the curse of Krishna or Vishnu.
If Jupiter is there it is the curse of Samba Shiva.

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