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Why I Love Argentina

And What I Really Love About Argentina

By David Chu ~
December 7, 2014

Why am I writing "Why I Love Argentina"?

Recently I read an article with the same title by John Simpson, a journalist from the UK.
His overflowing praise of Argentina (readers should check it out:
brought back some poignant memories for me and made me realize just how much I really
love Argentina. And I want to counter some of the Big Lies and Big Propaganda said
against Argentina and our President in the LIE-stream media.

Let me explain.

First of all, I live in beautiful Northern Patagonia, Argentina. I have been living here since
August 2008. Now, I am permanent resident of this most beautiful country and people. I
was a temporary and permanent resident of the USA for some 20 years, working as a
professional engineer and project manager in 6 states and in 7 cities and towns throughout
the western portion, except for 2 years of temporary insanity when I moved to Eagan,
Minnesota (note: never ever visit a place to live during its best weather season!).

Secondly, in March 2003 I was living in Santa Rosa, California. Santa Rosa is about one
hour north of San Francisco. At that time, I was married (now gratefully divorced and free)
and pretty much brainwashed like most Yankee sheeple (I use this term "Yankee" to
differentiate the peoples of the United States of America from the peoples of ALL the
Americas, as in North, Central and South America; we are ALL Americans!).

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The foto on the first page was taken by me in Santa Rosa during the second of four
"Support Our Troops" rallies that I organized in that very progressive town! This was in the
month of March 2003 when Bush Jr. was just about to invade Iraq to "save the Iraqis".
And I truly believed that he was going in there to free the Iraqi people from that evil dictator
Saddam Hussein. Don't laugh. As Bush Jr. once said, "Fool me once . . . I can't be fooled
again!" [I purchased all those "Liberate Iraq" signs from a man in Eagan, Minnesota.]

And here is another one of me (I no longer wear any glasses) and the in/famous Melanie
Morgan, a conservative talk radio host in San Francisco who came to our fourth and last
rally just after the US invasion of Iraq began in late March 2003.

During the third rally, if I remember correctly, I gave the keynote speech in front of some
1,000+ (maybe a lot more) very enthusiastic local supporters and almost all the local
moms whose sons and daughters were sent to Iraq War 2.0 (Iraq War 1.0 were the many
years of US Sanctions against Iraq that killed over 500,000 Iraqi children). It was a long
and rambling speech, but the audience and the mothers listened on intently as I was the
organizer. They had no choice but to listen to my speech!

What was the topic, or more importantly what was the title, of my speech?

Why I Love America!

My speech was full of pompous praises of Bush Jr. and why the USA is the "Light of the
World" and other such ridiculous and fictitious platitudes. I still have an audio and video
tape recording of it somewhere, if anyone is interested.

Well, I did get the America part right, as in Latin America!

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All I will say now is that the America I truly love lies in South America. Specifically, my love
lies in Argentina of South America.

Why I Love Argentina!

It was not always the case.

My first trip to Argentina was in July and August 1998 when I went "kicking and screaming"
literally! I was just married and living in San Diego, California, and working for a USGerman company called GEA Power Cooling Systems. They were the number one leader
in the building and erection of something called "Air Cooled Condensers" or ACCs.
Basically, these "football field size" pieces of equipment condensed the stream coming out
of steam turbines in power plants. Somewhat similar to the radiator in your car, ACCs can
have 30-foot diameter fans and 200-horsepower motors.

In 1998, I was the project engineer (de facto project manager but paid as a project
engineer) working on the first "merchant power plant" in the USA in Dighton,
Massachusetts. GEA also had a big project in San Miguel de Tucumn in the Argentina
province of Tucumn. It was not my project, but the company needed to have a
representative onsite during the entire duration of the project. It was my turn. I didn't want
to go, as I thought like most people that Argentina is "dirty, poor, corrupt, and third world"!

Argentina is! Well, sort of . . .

When I arrive in the city of Tucumn, which is the place where Argentina's Independence
was born, I immediately fell in love with an Argentina delicacy called empanadas. They
are like samosas that Indians in India love to eat: a rather large dumpling full of chopped
beef, egg, and a delicious sauce, usually fried. Tucumn, it turns out, is the place in
Argentina to eat empanadas, as they make the best empanadas in all of Argentina.

The second thing that I feel in love with were the lovely seoritas of Tucumn. I swear:
one out of every four ladies in Tucumn that I passed on the streets looked like a fashion
model! They even dress like fashion models! Luckily for my newlywed wife (now ex-wife)
back in San Diego, I was a faithful husband.

The third thing I noticed was the incredible generosity and kindness of Argentineans. This
period of time was during what I call "Menem 1.0" when "Washington Consensus",
"Neoliberalism" and "Free Markets" were in full bloom under the then President Carlos
Menem and his sidekick, the Economic Minister Domingo Cavallo (USA's eCONomic
Hitman Nmero Uno for Argentina who was trained by the Yankees at Harvard University).

The fourth thing I noticed were the many people begging on the streets and the
abandoned dogs everywhere. This period of time was very hard for Argentina, but
wonderful for the 1% as always. The Argentina peso was artificially pegged 1:1 to the US
Dollar (USD). The policia of Tucumn were underpaid and extortion was quite rampant.
Another eye-opener were all these taxi drivers driving around at night with their headlights
turned off to save a few drops of fuel! That was the Argentina under "Menem 1.0".

Anyways, those were my first tastes and impressions of Argentina. Completely different
from the Presstitute Lamestream Media's account of Argentina that we so often read and
hear about. Even in the so-called "alternative media" like Zerohedge and the Daily Bell,
Argentina is always presented in the same narrative, and always negative. Whenever the
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same narrative is presented as "the truth" throughout all media platforms, it's time to take
off the blinders and do some independent research. Like go and visit the country!

My Escape to Patagonia!

In 2006, I had enough of slaving away for companies and wanted to escape from the USA
for geopolitical reasons (for those interested, my "Escape to Patagonia" article provides
some of the details: I was watching a movie called "Danny Deckchair"
about a beautiful place in Australia and it got me thinking about other beautiful places in
the world. I remembered Argentina and did some research online. The one place that
always came up, literally jumped out in terms of its incredibly natural beauty was San
Carlos de Bariloche in Northern Patagonia. I took the following signature foto in 2008 that
captures the essence of what this region looks like and how it feels.

So I visited Bariloche in September 2006 and that was it.

San Carlos de Bariloche, as one Yankee described to me, is "Lake Tahoe on steroids!".
And he should know as he is from Lake Tahoe.

Crystal clear lakes. Fresh pure air. Beautiful blue skies with real clouds.

What more can one desire? Or want?

I had to return to the USA for a little while, but then permanently left for Argentina on
August 7, 2008. And the rest, as they say, is history . . .
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What I Really Love About Argentina!

Argentina is definitely not without problems. But is there any place on Earth that is without
problems? What about corruption? Name me one country that doesn't have corruption!

I am not going to spend time in this article explaining our problems to our readers. You get
plenty of that already from the Presstitute Lamestream Media and the "alternative media",
most of it untrue or half true.

What I am going to do is talk about a few key subjects that are dear to my heart and that
really make Argentina stand out in a unique and positive way.

Five examples to be specific of what I really love about Argentina.

[1] Argentina's CAN-Do Spirit! ~ We are the Real AmeriCANs!

If there is one single thing that I have learned and come to greatly admire about the people
of Argentina, it is their practicality and ingenuity at surviving ALL things.

You see, Argentina seems to go through one crisis or another about every 10 years. The
joke here is that Argentineans eat crises for breakfast! And "duct tape and wire" will fix
almost anything!

Peoples in the USA and in Europe haven't experienced a real crisis (except recently for
those in Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Portugal, etc.) since the Great Depression that began in
1929. That's almost 100 years ago. Of course, WW2 devastated Europe during the
1940s. So, the peoples of the so-called "developed world" haven't had any real practice at
surviving a major crisis in a long time. Now, a lot of Yankees are so fat that they aren't
going to survive anything major that is coming, good or bad.

Argentina is a completely different case.

We are experts at survival and crises
management. I remember this one time I remarked to an ex-girlfriend of mine that she is a
"survivor" and she took offense at my innocent compliment! Argentineans are a very
proud people. And she is a real survivor.

In the USA, the key lesson that I learned was this: "It's not how much you make, but how
much you save that counts." There are millionaire Yankee dentists, doctors and lawyers
who never save a single penny and who have huge debts. Why is that?

In Argentina, the key lesson that I have learned so far is this: "It's not how much money
you spend that counts, but how much you can enjoy life with very little or no money."

Let me give you an example or two.

When the sun is shinning, even during our mild winters here in Northern Patagonia, I will
strip down to my shorts and enjoy a lunch meal out in the sun. This Reconnection with the
Source is not only priceless but a wonderful way to get my daily Vitamin D naturally. All of
Bill Gates' (of Hell) billions cannot help him enjoy these "suntan lunches" any more than I
can and do.

Currently, I don't have a car, so I hitchhike quite often when I don't take the bus or if I miss
the bus. It's one of the practical lessons I learned from my ex-girlfriend who would always
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hitchhike. It's kind of funny because I hitchhiked once or twice in the USA (where I speak
English) and now I almost always hitchhike here in Argentina (where my Spanish is not so
great)! I get to practice my broken Spanish with the locals, meet some really interesting
people that I would never have met otherwise, and it saves me a few pesos to boot!

From that same ex-girlfriend, her name is Marisa by the way, I have also learned how to
set wood posts for building almost anything like a chicken casita. I am at a point in life
where nothing is impossible to accomplish with a little "duct tape and wire"! Of course, 20
years of experience in professional engineering and project management don't hurt either.

In the movie, Once Upon A Time in Mexico, staring Johnny Depp and Antonio Banderas,
there is an iconic movie moment when Johnny is just about to meet Antonio for the first
time. Johnny is talking to his Mexican contact played by the unforgettable Danny Trejo
who is acting a bit nervous and doubtful about their plans:

Depp: Are you a Mexi-CAN or a Mexi-CAN'T?

Trejo: I'm a Mexi-CAN.
Depp: Good. Then do as I say.

Argentineans are AmeriCANs! So are most Latin AmeriCANs!

Are you an AmeriCAN or are you an AmeriCAN'T?

[2] Los Teros ~ Las Aves Ms Indomables

Los Teros are also known as "southern lapwings" (Vanellus chilensis). I have never
encountered them before anywhere else except here in Northern Patagonia, Argentina.
Boy, do they made an impression when you meet them. And they are absolutely afraid of
nothing and no one, including humans!

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First of all, they have these strikingly red eyes! They are very faithful birds, they mate for
life or until one of them gets killed. They will return to the same place where they lay their
eggs and give birth to their baby Teros. That means if you have them on your property, it's
almost forever. They are nature's alarm system against intruders as they will make this
distinctive high pitch sound as a warning to anyone or anything that gets too close to them.

Taken from wikipedia (

This lapwing is the only crested wader in South America. It is 32 to 38 cm (13 to 15

inch) in length and weighs approximately 250 to 425 g (8.8 to 15.0 oz). The
upperparts [sic] are mainly brownish grey, with a bronze glossing on the shoulder.
The head is particularly striking; mainly grey with a black forehead and throat patch
extending onto the black breast. A white border separates the black of the face
from the grey of the head and chest. The rest of the underparts are white, and the
eye ring, legs and most of the bill are pink. It is equipped with red bony extensions
under the wings (spurs), used to intimidate foes and fight birds of prey.

What I admire and really love about these incredible and also very ancient birds is their
tenacity and indomitable nature. They live out in the open environment on a grassy field or
by the side of a road with no shelter whatsoever: in the rain, snow, wind or sunshine. They
will "attack" hawks that come near their territory and chase them off. And they are very
possessive of their territory from other Tero couples that intrude.

The most admirable quality of these birds is their tenacious tending and guarding of their
babies and young Teros. Where I am currently living, I have at least 2 Tero couples. My
two big dogs literally will kill anything that they can chase down and sink their teeth into.
But these two Teros are able to outsmart my two dogs every time, safeguarding and
protecting their one baby Tero. My next door neighbor has at least 6 outdoor cats. Their
Tero couple has to safeguard their 3 baby Teros from 6 cats and my 2 dogs! And they are
100% successful. Simply amazing!

As I am writing this sentence, I am watching my Tero couple and their young Tero who is
able to fly now, laugh at my two dogs!

I have come up with the term "Tero Consciousness" to describe and denote the incredible
tenacity and indomitability one needs to embody to protect one's family and children and
animals during these very trying times . . . like these amazing Teros.

Argentina should make Los Teros the national bird because they represent the fighting
spirit and the indomitability of the Argentina people.

[3] Ado y Nancy ~ Los Agricultores Orgnicos Generosos

Ado and Nancy are an organic farmer couple who have been doing organic farming for 16
years now. They sell their organic produce at the famous El Bolsn feria or town fair every
Saturday. And during the summers, each Tuesday and Thursday as well.

The total amount of land used for their organic farming is about one and half hectares (a
little under 4 acres). I mention this because that is enough land with greenhouses of
course to supply fresh organic produce to the local community, well at least to those who
buy from them at the feria, from early October through until the end of May.

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Every Saturday, I eagerly look forward to visiting with Ado and Nancy, and buying their
wonderful organic produce. The early birds arrive around 9:00 or earlier and get the best
selection. I get there around 10:00 as I have to take a bus into El Bolsn. But the
selection is still very good.

As to prices, I think I have been getting a "family and friends" deal, I haven't paid over
$100 pesos ($12 USD) yet on each trip. And we are talking about 2 recycled shopping
bags overflowing with organic veggies that probably weigh around 4 to 5 kg (9 to 11 lb). In
the USA at places like Whole Foods Market, you would be paying well over $150 USD.

Right now, our late spring and early summer, I especially buy lots of espinaca or spinach
and acelga (a green leafy vegetable, kind of like Swiss chard but not bitter tasting).

Ado and Nancy are just wonder and kind and generous. It's not easy to be an organic
farmer in Argentina, even in a hippie town like El Bolsn. Why? Because everyone here
is very careful with the limited amount of money they have to spend. Organic vegetables
are somewhat of a luxury for most people. Ado and Nancy can only charge just a bit more
than the conventional vegetables that are sold in the supermarcados not too far from the

Ado and Nancy represent the resourceful and practical Argentineans who have learned
and earned a natural and organic means of living while providing a tremendous service to
the local community.

My hats off to this great couple for doing great things in a local setting!

[4] Romina ~ La Extraordinaria Dentista

Going to a dentist is like . . . going to hell!

Not with my dentist Romina!

She is completely different. Romina is the best dentist I have ever had, bar one. She
listens. Most dentists will tell you what they are going to do to you. Romina listens and
she cares.

First thing you would notice if you were her patient is that not only does she not have a
dental technician as her aide, she doesn't even have a front desk person to answer calls
and take down appointments! She does everything by herself. Romina will ask you to
hold that suction tube when necessary. Finally as a dental patient, there is something to

She works only two days per week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 10:00 through 18:00.
The rest of her days are spent on her chacra or small family farm with her husband and
children, and she devotes some of her time to a local clown and circus troop. Her
husband used to work with her as an orthodontist in the same small office casa, but he
recently "retired" from dentistry to do family farming full time. So, they basically live on just
her earnings.

Romina currently charges $300 pesos per visit (for regular dental things like teeth
cleaning, fillings, tooth extractions, etc.). $300 pesos is about $35 USD. By the way, all
tooth filings in Argentina are of the new composite kind, i.e., no mercury sliver filings.
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I always wanted to replace all the mercury silver filings that I got when I was young, thanks
to my parents and grandparents who spoiled me with "rotten" candies. In Durango,
Colorado, a local dentist gave me an estimate of $5,276 USD (in Sept. 2004) to do
everything. I got a more competitive quote from a dentist in Tijuana, Mexico, just south of
San Diego, California, and his estimate for fixing my teeth was $3,324 USD (in Dec. 2007).

With Romina, we did everything for $4,500 pesos. Or $530 USD.

More importantly, she was patient and kind and always listening to my broke Spanish
about how I wanted things to be done. For example, I didn't want any novocaine, so for
almost all of the mercury filings that were replaced, we did it without ANY anesthesia!
There was one tooth that needed a root canal, so she sparingly used some very local
anesthesia, as it had 4 roots!

Why am I talking about Romina and presenting her as what I really love about Argentina?

Because she represents the ingenious, practical and, most importantly, caring and
listening dentist (and human being) who will dominate the dentistry "industry" in the near
future, as opposed to the profit-chasing millionaire dentists with their many dental
assistants and secretaries that currently infest this field, most especially in the USA.

And besides, Romina is a great Argentinean. She is a wonderful human being. Not to
mention she is the best and most caring dentist I have ever had the pleasure to meet.

[5] President Cristina Fernndez de Kirchner ~ Te Amo Mucho!

Now, before you cry or laugh or do both because of my above statement, let me tell you
why I feel this way about our President. Or how I have arrived at this.

In almost all media, whether it's the Presstitute Lamestream Media such the New York
Times and our very own yellow rag newspaper the Buenos Aires Herald, or the so-called
"alternative media" like Zerohedge and the Daily Bell, Argentina and our current President
are always presented in negative terms. ALWAYS.

Argentina is "corrupt". Our President and her close government officials are all "corrupt"
and "incompetent". Argentina's peso has "collapsed". Our economy is "dead". And it just
goes on and on like a mindless mantra that is repeated ad infinitum. You'd think we were
living in North Korea! There is a purpose and reason to this apparent "madness".

The following was what the Owner (Moderator) of the Daily Bell, a so-called "libertarian
news blog site" had to say about Argentina in a heated exchange with me via Disqus:

It is difficult to undersand [sic] why you defend Argentina when the currency has
collapsed, price-fixing is a government passtime [sic] and officials are intent on
prosecuting even the slightest attempt to remove dollar assets from a failing
economy. It combines the worse parts of a failed state and a police state and it
doesn't look like things are going to get better anytime soon. Young people are
leaving if they can and your adulation if [sic] this failed and failing system is
questionable indeed.

There are expat communities in Argentina that are flourishing but they do so despite
government corruption and incomptenence [sic] not because of it ...
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Having lived here in Argentina for over 5 years now, I don't even know where to begin to
counter all the lies and half-truths in the above quote. Almost every sentence is a lie or a
half-truth. For example, our economy has not collapsed, in fact it's doing quite well
considering the current global economic and financial situations, thank you.

Just to give you one concrete example: Argentina still manufactures most of the goods like
appliances, TVs, cars and everyday things that are sold here, unlike the USA and many
European nations. We do have a high inflation rate problem, but that is mainly caused by
the 1% business owners in Buenos Aires (who by the way have their 2nd and 3rd casas in
Miami and New York, to highlight where their real allegiance lies) chasing the US Dollar.

And I will also say this:

Whenever the Western mass AND alternative media ALL spout the SAME narrative about
a particular subject, in this case about Argentina and our President, it's time to stop and

Remember those 500+ incubator babies killed by Saddam and the Iraqis in Kuwait?

Or President Putin shooting down Malaysian airline MH-17 in Eastern Ukraine?

My Sidebar Rant on WHY They Attack Argentina & Our President:

What these mainly Yankees really want but cannot openly say is a "free" Argentina
as in "free markets", "free trade" and everything else "free" or as close to being
"free" as possible. They want to wine and dine at the finest restaurants in Buenos
Aires for next to nada, buy prime real estate properties anywhere in Argentina for
pennies on their USD, create "gated communities" to keep out those "dirty and poor
Argentinean masses", and build "islands of paradise" in the middle of nowhere like
what Yankee "Investor" Doug Casey has done near Salta in the province of Salta.

These Yankees vary from (1) navel-gazing, forever complaining expats living in
Buenos Aires who are preying (pun intended) for "Menem 2.0" in 2015/6 to (2)
"Libertarians" like Peter Schiff and Anthony Wile who owns and runs the Daily Bell
news blog to (3) ex-hedge fund traders turned news bloggers like the "Tyler
Durdens" of Zerohedge to (4) mini eCONomic hitmen like Joel Skousen who visits
Argentina once a year to "assess the local situation" when in reality he is conspiring
with his 1% buddies in Buenos Aires on how to get rid of the current President and
government, and replace them with "market friendly" stooges in 2015/6 with either
Maurico Marci (current mayor of Buenos Aires City and head of the PRO party) or
Sergio Massa (another PRO-USA politician in Buenos Aires who would love to
surfeit Argentina with IMF, World Bank and private debts (loans) as he has publicly
stated recently) to (5) "Financiers" or what I have called "Financial Terrorists" like
Paul Singer and George Soros who would love to buy up Argentina's industries and
companies and the beautiful lands of Patagonia for pennies on the USD to (6) so
forth and so on. You get the general idea.

In short, what these people really want is to have an Argentina remolded in their
own image, a kind of "mini USA" or "USA lite" so that they may come and go as
they please, and live the lifestyle of kings and queens while they are here, at the
externalized expenses and pains and sufferings of the Argentina people as it was
during "Menem 1.0" ( Their idea of helping Argentina and the
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Argentina people consists of employing a few servants and local builders for their
estancias and mansions on lake shores. As they fantasize about Cuba going back
to the "carefree days" before Fidel Castro or Venezuela before Hugo Chavez, they
would love Argentina to go back to "Menem 2.0" in 2015/6.

Let me sum up this rambling sidebar rant of mine in just three words:


Accusations of "corruption" are freely thrown about like candy before the sheeple without
any real substance or facts. In fact, the media lies almost all the time about us.

To illustrate what I mean about the lying media, here is one example: In 2008, President
Cristina Fernndez de Kirchner was accused of going on a shopping spree during her
official trip to Rome. This was sensational news splashed all over the mass media not
only in Argentina and Italy, but throughout the world. The Italian leading daily Corriere
Della Sera even had a catchy and double-edged title for this "story": Hunger and dolce
vita in Rome!

But was there any truth to this "story"?

Absolutely nada.

In fact, it was a complete fabrication and that Italian yellow news rag was fined 40,000
euros for slandering our President:

By the way, our President donated her court winnings to a childrens hospital in La Plata.

I will be the first to say that President Cristina Fernndez de Kirchner is not a saint, she is
a politician for Pete's sake!, but she is not "Corrupt!" as the Presstitute Lamestream Media
and the "alternative media" want you to believe. And she really does care about Argentina
and our people, once you see through all the media lies.

Even Yankee's flagship business magazine Forbes was forced to say some good things
about our President, when it named her the 7th most powerful woman in the world in 2012:

Her predecessor and husband, Nstor Kirchner, served as president before her and
was expected to run again until he died unexpectedly in 2010. Under her
administration the economy sharply grew--the GDP is up 34% since 2007 at $709
billion--pension and child welfare benefits increased and the poverty rate has fallen
steadily. (

From May 2001 to May 2003 (just when Nstor Kirchner became President), the extreme
poverty rate in Argentina more than doubled from 11.6% to 26.3%, while the under
poverty line rate skyrocketed from 35.9% to 54.7%. By the end of 2008, the extreme
poverty rate was reduced to 4.4% and the under poverty line rate went down to 15.3%.
Both statistics are still falling. That is the undisputed progress Argentina has made under
the Presidencies of our two Kirchners. (Source:

What totally changed my view of President Cristina Fernndez de Kirchner, I used to be

like everyone else who fell under the "Cristina is Corrupt!" mantra and miasma, was her
unwavering stance against the Financial Vultures or what I have called the US Financial
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Terrorists. If you want to know more about our life-and-death struggle against these
Yankee Financial Terrorists or eCONomic Hitmen, here is my article:

And what really turned my heart 180 degrees towards her was her momentous speech at
the United Nations delivered on October 4, 2014:

Please listen to her speech in its entirety and also read the article provided by the link

President Cristina Fernndez de Kirchner gave that Pivotal Speech from her heart: NO
teleprompters, NO earpieces and NO notes (maybe a one-page outline of her speech).

Just the Clarion Voice of Truth from her heart.

Her speech reminds me of the late President Hugo Chavez's famous United Nations
speech where he called Bush Jr. the Devil!

Her speech is that significant.

After listening to her speech three times, I said to myself, "This is a REAL President!
Thank God, we have Cristina as OUR President!".



Well, I hope you enjoyed reading this article. And maybe learned a thing or two. It was a
real pleasure for me to write this.
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In early 2015, we are going to launch a new YouTube channel under the username of
EscapeToPatagonia ( and we are going to
showcase short videos of (1) some of the wonderful and very practical things I have
learned during the short while that I have lived in Argentina, and (2) some of the valuable
lessons I have learned during my 20+ years stint in the USA.

Our YouTube videos, collectively called "Survive & Thrive GD2!", will include the following
aspects of surviving and more importantly thriving during Great Depression 2 which started
in October 2008:

How to make a simple and delicious GD2 soup starter with just potatoes, carrots,
onions and sea salt. No more GMO MSG soup starters!
How to make a very quick and extremely nutritious meal using our GD2 soup
starter. A hearty soup is for the body as sacred geometry & beauty is for the soul!
How to make the perfect brown rice every time with just 2 minutes of work!
How to utilize a large plastic dog food bag for all sorts of things like how to use it to
build a chicken casita (coop). "Duct tape and wire and dog food bag!"
How to make organic fermented Pink Veggies (full of probiotic bacteria and
vitamins, especially Vitamin C). Canning was not what our great grandparents did!
How to make organic fermented Kim Chi.
How to make organic fermented Sauerkraut.
How to make organic fermented Whole Wheat Sourdough Bread.
How to raise free range Chickens for non-GMO eggs.
How to raise free range Ducks for non-GMO eggs.
What to feed your baby chicks and baby ducks so they will grow up to be super
egg producers!
How to clean out your liver and gallbladder of stones (from eating fried foods) with
a natural old fashion recipe called the Liver-Gallbladder Flush.
How to detox the liver with the amazing Essiac Tea and boost your immune
system (and cure cancer!).
How to use something really inexpensive called Miracle Mineral Supplement or
MMS to safely and naturally cure just about anything and everything in the human
body! Including cancer and AIDS and Ebola.
How to set a fence post or any other wooden post incredibly inexpensively.
How to wash dishes without using any soap!
How to take showers without using any soap!
How to give your beloved a bed of roses without paying a dime!
Why independent systems (water, electricity, gas, etc.) are keys to survival during
And much much more!

If you would like to help us move forward with this YouTube project via "crowd funding",
please donate $5 or $10 at (PayPal).

Good fortune to you all! May God keep you and your family safe and protected during
these very trying times. It will get darker and much harder before things finally turn

Thanks for reading this article, and please tell your friends about it by asking them to go to (it forwards to this online PDF article).

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