JPM Newswire: Jeremiah Prison Ministry

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Volume 10, Issue 5

April 2010
JPM Newswire
I was in prison and you visited me – Matt. 25:36b

Jeremiah Prison Ministry

We are serving him by serving them! ”His mercy endures forever” Psalm 106:1

The Beauty of Spring made by God!

♦ I am so glad that spring has sprung! I love hearing the birds sing,
seeing God’s handiwork with the beautiful trees, flowers, the aroma in
the air, it just totally awesome. I always stand amazed at God’s master
work of His creation. We have so much to give thanks to our God!
Special points of interest:
♦I had my nerve study on April 7th on both hands and arms. I don‘t
• Our Mission & Our Vision. Tom & Monica
recommend this test to anyone. It was a shocking experience to say the
• You are an extended hand. least and I was charged up, lol. The patient prior to me didn‘t have kind words about the
doctor, myself I found him very nice, cordial, funny and educated. The test was just painful &
• 10 years in prison ministry.
I do have carpal tunnel in both hands. Only me right, lol! I will not be defeated or give in, I
• Good News am on the road to being healed by Jesus.

♦ Tom had a yearly checkup with his oncologist/radiologist April 6th and he remains cancer
free with a psa of 0.3. He will see his urologist in August. It’s been two years since his
surgery, wow! We rejoice and give God all the Glory!

♦It has been requested by inmates that we send our newsletter into the prisons chapels.
The production of our newsletters costs approximately $ .80 each plus postage. So, to get
newsletters into the chapels is above and beyond what we already have set aside in our
Inside this issue: budget. JPM solely operates on donations. So can you help us get the newsletters into the
A letter from Malvin 2 prison chapels? We would appreciate this & so will the inmates.
Gregory’s Testimony 2/3 ♦ Good News! We have learned and are waiting to see the official ruling on paper that a
Pastor Tom’s Corner 3/4 spiritual advisor is now allowed to go into the chapels without the inmate/s taking the
spiritual advisor off their visiting list. God has answered our prayers!
Prayer Corner 4

My Note 4
Our Mission & Our Vision
 OUR MISSION..........To help men in prison reach their fullest in the Lord.
 WHAT WE DO.....… Ministering to their spirit, soul and body, through one on
one mentoring as their spiritual advisor and friend.
 HOW WE BEGAN......... Jeremiah Prison Ministry began on November 30, 1999,
and was birth out of a bond for a young man that made a wrong choice in life
 OUR VISION……. To be able to go into the prison chapels without the inmates
having to take us off their visiting list. “With God all things are possible!”
Page 2 JPM Newswire

A letter from Malvin that blessed our hearts!

Wednesday 3-24-10 Praise the Lord! Hello my brother & sister in Christ. I truly great you
both in the name of Jesus. And in spite of my lack of writing, I honor and respect you both as
reverends and minister of the gospel. Amen I also praise God for your work in the ministry to
us who are incarcerated and for being an encouragement to all.

I received your newsletter this evening. Thank you for the time you give to write to me. Rev.
Monica, you wrote and I quote you: “Malvin, hope all is well with you! Keep praising, praying
& worshipping the Lord. He is faithful! God Bless.”

Those 18 words ministered to me more than you know. I needed to have had them at the
right time, which was/is the time they arrived. You see, early on this day, the enemy of our
faith came against me to provoke me to wrath. I prayed during those moments God’s word
and relying on the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. My trust was/is in my Lord to give me
Malvin is at EC Brooks CF in the victory. When I received your newsletter and read your hand written words, my soul cried
Michigan out, Hallelujah!! I felt a release within me and a peace that only the Lord can give. So
again, I say, thank you. Thank you for being a vessel of the Lord and obedient to Him. Never
doubt your effectiveness in Christ. You may not always know or hear about the good you’re
doing. You may not always hear the “thanks” you deserve. But know this: your labor of love
is not in vain.

Rev. Tom, I enjoy your preaching corner. A few of my fellow Christian brothers and I have a
regular Bible study and we recently had a study on the Name of Jesus. Your teaching on the
subject of this glorious name is an added blessing. Thank you. And I appreciate the
testimony of Anthony and Tom P.

It is my wish and expectation that our God, Jehovah-Jireh, will continuously supply your every
need and provide you with all your needs. And trust Him as your Healer III John 2
In His Love & Mine, Malvin R.

Gregory has a testimony to share…….

In my life, I’ve done many corrupt & evil things. And it felt as long as I was sinning,
people were always in my corner. But once I started following the Lord, I started to lose
everybody and everything. I stopped having money, stopped getting visits and stopped
getting mail. Everything started changing for me. I no longer wanted to be around my
friends and did not enjoy those things that once brought me pleasure.

The changes and loneliness caused me to struggle with my faith. People who once
feared me were now being disrespectful, and those who I once loved were not even
speaking to me. But I kept pressing on and reading God’s word. Then one day I came
across the scripture that says anyone who leaves father, mother, wife, sister or
brothers, for my name sake will receive 100 times fold on earth. I prayed to God and
Rev. Monica with Gregory said that had left all and was willing to leave whatever else He wanted me to. But where
at Mahanoy SCI was my 100 fold? (Please understand this was like a 5 year span.)

Then God placed Revs. Tom & Monica into my life. People I never met, but loved God so
much that they loved me. And it was through their love that my 100 fold began to fill my life.
When Rev. Monica would visit, she would tell me of God’s love and how He desired to bless
me. She helped me to accept that my life was significant value in God’s eyes.
Continued on pg3
Volume 10, Issue 5 Page 3

Gregory’s Testimony continued

She helped me to not only realize I was loved by God but that He has called me to "We loved you so much that we
preach His word. Since then I have not only gotten my family back, but millions were delighted to share with you
of brothers of sisters in Jesus. Along with hundreds of new friends who respect not only the gospel of God but our
me for my dedication and faithfulness God. lives as well, because you had be-
come so dear to us."
Since meeting Revs. Tom & Monica, God has truly grown in me. I have preached
1 Thessalonians 2:8
a sermon, lead others to the Lord, started Bible studies & prayer groups. And am
now by faith preparing to get out of prison and minister the word of God to all He
will send me to. Thank you for supporting Jeremiah Prison Ministry, and please
continue to because they are touching & changing lives for Jesus!
God Bless, Gregory

Pastor Tom’s Preaching Corner


1st Peter 2:9-

2:9-10 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy
nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who
called you out of darkness into His marvelous light: who once were not a people
but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have
obtained mercy.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord,
thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Isaiah 43:18-
43:18-29 Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of
old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth: Shall you not know it? I
will even make a road in the wilderness, And rivers in the desert.

God tells us in the book of Isaiah that we are to forget about the things of the
past for behold God is about to do a new thing. God has great plans for your
future.. Plans for peace. Plans for success. Plans for
for a great future and hope.

If you will let go of the past, God will begin to bless you. You will have to get all
your failures under the blood of Jesus Christ. Let God do a new thing.

Our spiritual enemy’s plan is: to hold us hostage to our past, to keep
keep us
remembering what folks did to us, to keep us looking back so we can’t move

Paul said, “Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead.”

God made you to soar with the eagles, to be more than a conqueror, to be a
giant killer
killer and to possess the land.

Maybe you have failed drastically, but you can get it behind you. All you have to
do is face your failures, repent and trust God for a new beginning. The Bible
says, “If you will diligently obey the Lord, He will command his blessings to
 Going past
come on you.” the prison
walls to take
God brought Lot and his family out of Sodom and said whatever you do, don’t the Love of
look back. Lot was trying to follow God but his wife looked back and was turned Jesus.
into a pillar of salt. Remember Lot’s wife, God had a great future for her but she
was stuck in the past. Continued pg 4
Jeremiah Prison Ministry

Revs. Thomas & Monica Cohee To Our Family & Friends

128 Conodoguinet Mobile Estates
Newville, PA 17241 We love you!
Phone: 717-776-3535
Fax: 717-776-3235

I was in prison and you visited me – Matt. 25:36b

Pastor Tom’s preaching corner continued….
Don’t look back anytime God delivers you from: a bad situation, from drugs, from a bad marriage. Your destiny will change, when
you walk away from you past. You can’t help where you’ve been, but you can help where you’re going.
going Trust God for a new
beginning today. God Bless, Pastor Tom

My note: I hope you are enjoying Pastor Tom’s preaching corner. I also hope you enjoyed the  You are an Extended
letter and testimony in this newsletter. When we mail the inmates newsletter we put theirs in an Hand and a vital part of this
envelope otherwise the mailroom cuts the top of the newsletter. So, in the address section I ministry. Together we are
making a difference with Je-
personally write a few lines to the inmates as God leads me. I am so glad to hear from Malvin on sus Christ, taking life to a
how those few words ministered to him. Its shows that a few words can do a lot because it’s the dark place! We go because
Holy Spirit that used the words to minister to him. I give all the praise to our Lord! you send us. Thank You so

Prayer Corner There Is Power In Prayer

 Hebrews 13:5b
 Pray for Kevin, Chris & Mike that God blesses them financially above and beyond their “Jesus will never leave
expectations. They faithfully stay in touch with us.
 Pray for Randall V. in prison falsely accused of a crime.
you nor forsake you.”
 Pray for Larry, Lewis, Corey, Bob, Greg, & Eric for favor to receive commutation.
Believe with them for a miracle!
 Pray for Jeremiah as we continue to believe for a miracle for him.
 Pray for healing for Larry, Bob and now pray for Ivan as he has cancer.
 Pray for Kevin D. from NY. Kevin is 16 and has Leukemia, he is in remission. Pray for
his complete healing. Pray for his Mom as she is a single parent.
 Leah continues to improve & is now in the 10th grade, she is so excited. Our prayers are
working. She remains cancer free! She is now in the survivor’s clinic! God is so faithful &
continues to hear our prayers!
 Pray for our grandson, Andy he is having back problems.
 Pray for Terri & Tayler they are doing much better but still miss Alan.
 Pray for my brother Norman as he may have to more surgery.
 Pray for the Salvation of every man, woman, boy and girl not saved in this world. Our
prayers are heard!
 Please pray for all the inmates, their families, our nation, our leaders, our military and
their families.
 Pray for reform in the prison system, for lives to be changed & a spiritual renewal across
this land with men, women, boys & girls being touched.
Christ is the Lighthouse by Ben
 Pray for Eric’s healing. His mother, Dotty is also a spiritual advisor & friend.
 Pray for us for strength and wisdom in all that we do, for Tom & Monica to stay cancer
free. God is faithful!

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