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Report on Communication Gap in

the campus of National Institute of
Technology Arunachal Pradesh

Prepared by: K Dinesh

M.Tech Apporiate Technology and Entrepreneurship
National Institute of Technology Arunachal Pradesh

Prepared by K.Dinesh, M.Tech (Appropriate Technology and Entrepreneurship),

National Institute of Technology Arunachal Pradesh

Table of Contents
Role of SMS in NIT AP

Page Number

Prepared by K.Dinesh, M.Tech (Appropriate Technology and Entrepreneurship),

National Institute of Technology Arunachal Pradesh

When communication gaps arise between Departments and Students, the results
are often confusion, unclear motives, misaligned priorities and indecisive actions.
Such communication gaps could be technological in nature, requiring an upgrade
of the office computer equipment. Other times, gaps emerge because of personal
problems originating from personality differences. But nowadays in campus, the
communication bridge is more inclined to rely on technological devices for
communication, whatever the reason, bridging these gaps requires an extensive
analysis of the issues and corrective steps to rectify the problems. The analysis
involves identifying communication problems; assess which or what device is
responsible for the breakdown of communication. Evaluate relationships between
Management and Departments, Faculty and Students. Measure the gap. Assess the
resources needed to fix the problem. During research it was found that information
regarding various events in the campus such as workshops, seminar, cultural event,
literature and various arts competition. It was noticed that many students didnt
participated who can excel in that particular event, because the students were
unaware of that information. For this, research has been carried out and tried to
find the best optimal solution for this problem. For this, SMS based
communication was felt to be best for this these kinds of problems.

Prepared by K.Dinesh, M.Tech (Appropriate Technology and Entrepreneurship),

National Institute of Technology Arunachal Pradesh

Communication gap refers broadly to a situation in which miscommunication, or
the complete lack of communication, adversely affects the work as well as the
relationships among the people carrying out the work. Communication gaps can
occur between individuals and groups at all organizational levels, regardless of
whether the message is communicated face-to-face, by phone, fax, letter, e-mail, or
carrier pigeon. Gaps can occur whenever people offer ideas, present information,
introduce change, propose policies, gain input, make recommendations, implement
standards, give or receive feedback, or simply conversewhether with customers,







gaps are pervasive

According to the research, understanding the barriers that students face in
accessing information was notice board. Sometimes minor events are not displayed
in the notice board. Similarly sometimes the position of that circular information in
that notice board is wrongly placed or overshadowed by any other information.
SMS can be a perfect tool which enhances the use of mobile and wireless devices
to improve communication and bridge the communication gap. Overall, majority
students are considered enthusiastic adopters of mobile phones and avid users of

Prepared by K.Dinesh, M.Tech (Appropriate Technology and Entrepreneurship),

National Institute of Technology Arunachal Pradesh

Role of SMS in NIT AP Campus

Communication plays a vital role in our campus. Students need to be kept in-theloop and notified at all times with what is going on within the College. This can be
difficult trying to communicate to a large audience all at once. However, here at
my research, I have a perfect solution for this problem. SMS Messaging is a fast,
reliable and effective way to communicate a message with a large audience, you
can be sure that your message will reach your audience within minutes if not
We all know a key factor to running a successful college is communication
between all parties. SMS will allow you to do this, by sending a bulk text to who
you may be trying to contact, if its the parents, students or faculty, this message
will be delivered directly to their mobile phones.
There are many different ways in which SMS Messaging can be used for colleges,
below I will explain in greater detail how this can benefit your college, helping you
put a better communication platform in place.
How Colleges can use SMS for Communication:

Faculty-Faculty and Student-Faculty meetings are very important in every colleges
and universities. It is vital that Students meet with Teachers throughout the year to
discuss their problems and improvements and progress in class. With SMS
Messaging it offers the college the opportunity to communicate directly with the
students informing them about these meetings and when they will take place.
Circular information or notice boards are not always the best option as these
information may not reach the students. Direct communication is the most effective
Prepared by K.Dinesh, M.Tech (Appropriate Technology and Entrepreneurship),
National Institute of Technology Arunachal Pradesh

way of getting this message to the students, making sure that they dont miss out
on this important meeting.

After College Activities/ Learning

A lot of college activities involve sports activities or supervised study. Its
important to keep students up-to-date at all times with training timetables and what
days supervised study will be taking place , along will all other activities . Often
these can be cancelled; students need to be informed about this so they are not left
waiting around after classes. SMS Messaging will allow you to directly contact the
students regarding any changes made.

SMS Messaging can work really well for colleges when it comes down to
absenteeism; its a great way of informing students. The students may already be
aware of this but its a great way to keep communication open between both
students and teachers.

Around the Mid Semester and End Semester exams this can be a very stressful
time of the year for both Faculty and Students. College have the responsibility to
make sure that support is available at all times, its good to let the faculty and
students know that help is available if needed. SMS Messaging can be of big
benefit here where colleges can send out an SMS to faculty and students offering
tips on how to study and how to relieve stress around exam times. Before exams
its also a great idea to send a good luck message to students, this will keep morale
high knowing that the college is behind them 100%.

Prepared by K.Dinesh, M.Tech (Appropriate Technology and Entrepreneurship),

National Institute of Technology Arunachal Pradesh

Outstanding Fees / College Trips

Its often we find that college tuition fees have not been paid up in full, SMS
Messaging is a great way to remind students regarding any outstanding fees that
may need to be paid . By using SMS messaging this will guarantee that the
message will get into the right hands of the parent/ student that you need to
communicate with .Again, notice board circulars may not be the most effective
way to communicate this message as it will not always reach the right person.
With college tours parents and students also need to be informed about the cost of
this and when it will need to be paid by, SMS Messaging will make sure that
students are aware of the deadline and that they will have the money in on time so
that they will not miss out on the college trip.

Emergency Alerts
SMS Messaging is fast and reliable, if the college is experiencing any issues and
need to communicate this with a large audience, SMS messaging is the best way to
issue these timely warnings. Also around winter time weather conditions are not
always the best and colleges may need to close due to weather warnings or bad
roads. Its better to be safe than sorry. Simply by sending a bulk SMs to students
with this information will keep everyone informed and keep everyone satisfied.

Closing & Opening Times

With so many different holidays during the college year, its sometimes hard to
keep up with when the students are off class and when they are due to return. SMS
Messaging can help keep all students informed about college opening and closing
times during the different holidays. Sending a message the day before the holidays
Prepared by K.Dinesh, M.Tech (Appropriate Technology and Entrepreneurship),
National Institute of Technology Arunachal Pradesh

start and the days before students are expected to return is a great reminder for

Event Reminders
SMS Messaging can be used for a variety of other different reminders. Students
can be reminded about college event shows that are taking place, any fundraising
events or sales that may be going on in the college, reminders for special days, any
masses or other events taking place during the college year.

Student Support
College can be a scary but exciting time for new students, often when starting in
college the newbie are unaware of the campus surroundings and may get lost.
SMS Messaging can be used to send a text alert to these students with a link to a
map of the college, this way the students will be able to easily access this
information. New students may also not be aware of opening days or what day they
will start, again, simply by sending a text message will keep them informed and
help them feel at ease. Offer support and information to these students through text
messaging letting them know that help is at hand.

Different Societies
SMS messaging works great for all the different college societies. For example if
you run a drama society in college its easy to set up two-way communication that
will allow students that are interested in taking part make the first point of contact
with you . This can be done by getting the students to Opt In for text message alerts
about meeting times and dates. This is very effective as it will help you target
people who are actually interested in your society and who want to hear from you.

College Sports Teams

Prepared by K.Dinesh, M.Tech (Appropriate Technology and Entrepreneurship),
National Institute of Technology Arunachal Pradesh

College sport teams can benefit hugely from SMS Messaging. This can be used to
send text reminders about training times and matches that will be taking place. This
way it will ensure that your message gets into the hands of your team members and

Assignment Deadlines
Lecturers can benefit also from using SMS Messaging; it is possible to set up
different a system which will allow lecturers to target their class all at once. Not
every student will check their emails on a regular basis; therefore, SMS is the best
way to communicate with students regarding assignment deadlines and where and
how this needs to be submitted to the lecturer.

Class Cancellations
Sometimes during the semester a Lecturer may fall ill and not be able to attend a
lecture for a certain time period, it is important to communicate this message with
all students and make them aware that their lecture will not be taking place. Send
an SMS Message to all these students so they are not waiting around and can get
other work done for these free periods. It is important to note, not every student
will check their email with SMS you are guaranteed that your message has reach
them in real time.

College Opening & Closing Times

Like Primary and Secondary schools, colleges can benefit from using SMS
Messaging by informing the students on Opening & closing times of the college
during different holiday periods.

Library Reminders
Prepared by K.Dinesh, M.Tech (Appropriate Technology and Entrepreneurship),
National Institute of Technology Arunachal Pradesh


SMS Messaging can be used also for the college library, this is a great way of
communicating with the students about books being overdue and when they need
to be returned. SMS Messaging will also help inform students about opening and
closing times of the library during the year.

Exams / Results
Exams can be a stressful time of the year, again like the Secondary schools
colleges can offer support and send out tips on how to study and how to relieve
stress during the exams. SMS Messaging can also be used to inform the students
when their results are in simply by sending a bulk text to students with a link in the
message that will allow them to access their results.

Prepared by K.Dinesh, M.Tech (Appropriate Technology and Entrepreneurship),

National Institute of Technology Arunachal Pradesh

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