The Trumpet Call: Our Vision

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East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church

Our Vision
To challenge and encourage everyone in our
congregation to know and follow Christ by:
Growing as disciples through Christs
Connecting with one another in Christian
Serving Christ by serving others
Praising God as we worship Christ

Sunday Services and Studies

Traditional 8:30 am
Contemporary 10:45 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Discipleship Groups 9:45 am

April 24, 2016

Small Group Studies The

Discipleship team is proud to announce
new study opportunities. These sessions
will run from April 24 June 12, 2016. All
sessions are flexible so if you have to miss
a week that is not a problem! Remember during the Sunday
morning sessions we also have nursery services and a
Sunday school program for children and youth up to 8th
grade. Read through the study description to find a study that
will feed and nourish you beyond the church service.
How to Register:
Contact Deanna Mayers at
Go to Discipleship page on Church Website
Contact the church office at 570-421-3280

Sunday Morning Study 9:45 am to 10:30 am

Pastors Corner
It seems hard to believe that we are two-thirds of the way through our $20 Challenge which
was launched in mid-March. At that time, I announced that we had nine weeks to decide how to
use the $20 and then go to work investing it for the Kingdom of God, returning it to the church on
Pentecost Sunday, May 15. Here we are now, just three weeks away from Pentecost,
coming down the home stretch. Even though I was the one initiating the challenge, it has been a
challenge for Karen and I to arrive at something we both feel excited about doing. I never want to
issue a challenge to all of you without challenging myself as well!
As its been six weeks since this whole process was launched, details can become a little fuzzy
and confusion can sneak in. Therefore, allow me to share some principles of the challenge which were both
announced in March and were part of the instructional letter in the $20 Challenge envelope:
1. The $3000 to launch the project was a loan from an anonymous church member. The check sent to the church
was converted to $20 bills and distributed. The agreement with this member was that these $20 bills would be
used to bless our Faith Promise mission program.
2. Therefore, we are expecting all of the initial $20 to come back to the church on May 15, accompanied by all the
other money our members and friends have been able to make from the initial seed money. The idea is to use
the $20 as seed money to make more money, as that is what happened in the Parable of the Talents.

3. As much as we love other ministries and projects in our community and want to support them, the intended
purpose of this project is to bless only the ministries of our Faith Promise program. Therefore, please do not
give the $20 to another agency; rather, use the money as seed money to make more for Faith Promise. I know
we were all inspired by Luke Billman sharing with us about Shores of Grace last Sunday. Use that inspiration to
raise money for Lukes work and other ministries of Faith Promise (see p. 3 for a Faith Promise update).
(Continued on page 2)

(Continued from page 1)

Since many of us will be selling things, we have designated next Sunday,

May 1, as Sellers Sunday to allow you to market your creations to church
members and friends. Also, its just before Mothers Day, and you might be
able to find something for a special mom in your life. If youd like to reserve a
table in Fellowship Hall, please call or email the church office by Friday, April
29 (570-421-3280, or In case youre recalling the story
of Jesus overturning the moneychangers tables in the Temple and
concerned about people selling things in church on Sunday, remember this:
the moneychangers were extorting money from those coming to make their
sacrifice to God and keeping it for themselves. We are giving all of our
profit to the glory of God and using it for Gods purposes.
The church body wants to hear your story about how God directed you to
use your $20. It can be in written form, a video, or even acted out similar to
what we saw in our recent church cantata. Please let me know if you want to
share something on Pentecost Sunday about your familys experience. On
the first day of Pentecost, the disciples recounted the mighty deeds of Jesus
and brought many to know the Lord. On our upcoming Pentecost Sunday,
we can share how Christ directed us to glorify him through this project.
Please be in touch!
Pastor Jim (

Read the Bible in a Year

The transition of leadership took place upon the death of Moses.

Joshua was selected by God to lead the Hebrew nation. He had big
sandals to fill and was probably overwhelmed by the task at hand. But
then he received these instructions from God: Have I not commanded
you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be
discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you
go. (Joshua 1:9)
Does this scripture also apply to us? Cant we embrace this in the
difficult situations we face in life? But maybe we feel we dont have
enough faith.
If we turn to the Gospels in the New Testament we find that Jesus
often talked about faith. He promised us that all things are possible to
one who has faith. I believe that we are alike in that there are times we all
struggle with doubts, but Jesus said you dont need a lot of faith. If we
just plug in to our faith, even if it feels as though its only the size of a
mustard seed, we can face up to any and all obstacles. What we need to
do is STOP limiting ourselves by denying the power of faith. Let us take
what we have, present our petitions to God (in the name of Jesus) and
get ready for mountains to move!
So how do we stay connected, how do we claim the full power of our
faith? Worship, prayer, staying in the Word and the fellowship of
believers as we remember that the victory that overcomes the world is
our faith. (1 John 5:5)
So my friends read on. Pastor Bob Hachtman
115Joshua 8, Joshua 9:1-15, Luke 22:63-71, Luke 23:1-25, Psalm 51:1-9
116Joshua 9:16-27, Joshua 10, Luke 23:26-56, Proverbs 10:21-30
117Joshua 11, Joshua 12, Luke 24:1-35, Psalm 51:10-19
118Joshua 13, Joshua 14, Luke 24:36-53, Psalm 52:1-9
119Joshua 15, Joshua 16, John 1:1-28, Psalm 53:1-6
120Joshua 17, Joshua 18, John 1:29-51, Proverbs 10:31-32,
Proverbs 11:1-8
121Joshua 19, Joshua 20, Joshua 21:1-19, John 2:1-25, Psalm 54:1-7
122Joshua 21:20-45, Joshua 22, John 3:1-21, Psalm 55:1-11
123Joshua 23, Joshua 24, John 3:22-36, Psalm 55:12-23
124Judges 1, Judges 2:1-5, John 4:1-26, Proverbs 11:9-18

Stephen Ministry

Accept Forgiveness!

Some of us are comfortable with

receiving partial forgiveness in certain
areas of our lives, but we refuse to
allow the forgiveness of Jesus to
touch some dark areas that we cant
let go of. Sometimes we cant forgive
ourselves! Whatever those mistakes
may be, allow Jesus to forgive you of
all your sins and receive healing. Let
go of the past. Let go of your
mistakes. Allow yourself to be free,
and learn to forgive yourself by
receiving with an open heart, the total
and complete forgiveness of Jesus.
Our Stephen Ministers are here to be
with you in your journey toward
healing and forgiveness.
For information about Stephen
Ministry, contact Peggy Strack at 570421-3280, ext. 1023.
Members of ESUMC who are unable
to attend church, always enjoy
hearing from you! Cards and notes of
encouragement may be sent to:
Gladys McKay
Grace Park 1170 West Main St.
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Hearing Assistance
Devices are Here!

ESUMC now owns several hearing

assistance devices which can be worn to
improve your ability to hear our worship
services. Please contact an usher to pick
up your hearing assistance device and
return to an usher after use.
Healthcare Equipment available:
Canes, crutches, walkers, adult potty
chairs, shower stools, Depends and more!

Special thanks to everyone who offered to

send a personal note of encouragement
and small gift card or goodie to our college
students before their finals. Please mail
by April 27th , for receipt by May 1st. Use
your name and 83 S. Courtland St. E.
Stroudsburg, 18301 as return address.
Questions contact :
Linda Johnson(570) 424-1285

Do You Know Everyone at ESUMC? Does everyone in church know

you? Are you wearing your name tag regularly? When we put names
with faces we form relationships and grow in our fellowship as believers.
When we know each other, our ministries flourish and we become a
stronger church to share the Good News of our faith!
If you have not yet received a name tag, please put your name on the list
on the name tag table in Oberholtzer Hall.

New Church DirectoriesSign Up Now!

A photographer from Re:Member Church Directories will be here to
take your photograph for a new church directory during the weeks of
May 16-21 and May 23-28. Sign-up for your photo session on Sundays
April 17 & 23 or May 1 in Oberholtzer Hall, or you may also sign up
online at this website: .
If you are photographed for the directory, you will receive a FREE 8X10
portrait and a free copy of the directory. You will have the opportunity
to purchase additional portraits if desired. Please help us draw our
church family closer! Sign up today!

The Older Adults will meet

May 11, at 11:30 am. The
meeting will feature
Attorney Kirby Upright, a
lawyer who deals with
elder issues. He will talk about wills,
power of attorneys, and related subjects
that are of interest to seniors. After his
talk there will be a question and answer
period. Even if you have wills, and they
were drawn up long ago, the laws change
and you might want to see if they are still
valid. This is your chance to see if you
are current free.
Remember, this is open to all who are
over 55. If you want to join us, you are
welcome. There is no charge to join us,
just help with the food. We ask for $1.00
to cover expenses and a dish to share if
we are eating a meal that needs it. When
we take a trip, you are expected to pay
any entrance fee and help with gas. But
no dues or that sort of thing.
We plan to have Barbeque sandwiches
next meeting. That and macaroni and
cheese will be provided, so please bring a
dish to pass that will accompany
it salads, desert. etc.)

Chancel Choir Rehearsals

The final Chancel Choir rehearsal dates

and places.
Each time is 6:30-8:30

Thursday April 28, in Choir Room

Thursday May 5, in Choir Room
Thursday May 12, in Sanctuary
Thursday May 19, in Choir Room
Contact Pauline Fox for questions.

Events and goals which have occurred or are

planned for the year:

A Mission Team of 8 members of the

congregation went to Brooklyn to help restore a home
damaged in Superstorm Sandy. (more info in Trumpet Call of 4/17/16)
Sunday, 4/17/16, Luke Billman and Pastor Todd dialoged about Lukes
family mission in Brazil, Shores of Grace, seeking to change lives with
the love of Christ to those enslaved in human trafficking. (Also in
Trumpet Call)
Maundy Thursday Soup Supper was a time of fellowship and delicious
soup before the Worship experience in Holy Week. Many soups were
provided which required second helpings. Thanks to all who came and
provided help.
A new Partnership was added this year with 100 Fold Studio. Chris and
Kelly Kulp are working with this unique ministry which provides
architectural expertise to mission organizations in various parts of the
world. They provide environmentally and efficient plans for buildings to
enable Missions to reach out to surrounding communities.
Spanish Health Ministries has lost some of their supporters due to their
aging at the same time the needs of their ministry have increased. The
team agreed to increase the pledge $1000 to $4000 for the year.
The pledge to Intervarsity Christian Fellowship was increased $1000
with Ryan Moyer at Temple University.
The pledge for UMCOR for International Disasters was changed to
Global Health Ministry. Global Health of the UMC plans to reach 1
million children with lifesaving interventions by the year 2020. This is so
essential because around the world 6 million children under 5 years old
die from preventable causes.

This briefly mentions five of the 13 Partners of Faith Promise. It shows

our support for a variety of mission organizations reaching out to many with
the transforming power of Gods love through Jesus Christ. Join with
prayers and donations today or anytime noting your gift is for Faith Promise
or Missions.


Contact Us

SWAT Meeting:

We always try to schedule SWAT on the fourth

Monday of the month, as we do this month, April 25, at 9:00 a.m. Thanks
to all who committed to this worthwhile work around our Church. We will be
cleaning and painting Scotts office and working on the moveable partitions on the 25th for
our SWAT project. See you on the 25th at 9:00 a.m. in the conference

MS Walk Pray Pledge - Sunday, May 1st at 12:20 pm

MS Alternative Walk We will walk from the church to and through
the ESU Campus and return to the church in one hour. Your prayer
support is critical for the success of this endeavor. Please join Toms
Trekkies and get a Team T shirt to wear on the walk. Pledge checks
should be made out to NMSS and given to Tom or Kathy Hinkey

Dollar Challenge - This month, April, spend your dollar on single

serve food items to place in backpacks. Contact Linda Drake for more

A night of baseball, fun and fellowship for the

NE District is planned for Monday, June 27 at
the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs game against the
Columbus Clippers. If you are interested in
attending, church vans are reserved and Sue
Randall is taking reservations.
Ticket price is $11 which is the base price of $10
plus $1 for the district mission project: Camperships for Pocono
Plateau. Your ticket will also have a $2 coupon towards food at the
stadium. Deadline for payment is May 17.
Sign up by calling Sue at 570-460-7052 or
The next hike will be on Sunday, April
24th. Please meet at 12:15 in the parking
lot. We leave at 12:30 SHARP. (note
new times). Please pencil in above date
and commit to this very worthwhile

Recovery Meetings Available in The Community Room of Office

Building Basement
NA: Monday through Saturday 12:00 P.M. to 1:30 P.M.

Just for Today

Wednesday 6:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. New Beginnings (Womens Group)

AA: Thursday & Saturday 8:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.

Keep It Simple

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East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church

83 S. Courtland St.
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301

Church Office
(570) 421-3280
Hours: 9 am to 3 pm
Mon thru Fri
Jim Todd
Ext. 1014
Maria Ragonese
Ext. 1010
Congregational Care
Peggy Strack
Ext. 1023
Youth Ministries
Scott Kuhnle
Ext. 1013
Childrens Ministries
Erica Dorsch
Ext. 1017
Sue Mertz
Ext. 1015
Financial Secretary
Cyndie Faunce
Ext. 1025
William Mack
Ext. 1018
Organist/Traditional Music
Pauline Fox
Contemporary Music
Doug Malefyt
Joe Dorsch
Technology Support
Michael Corey
Ext. 1012

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