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chutiyapa is one type of chutiyapa that u can'nt understand without being chutiy

so be a chutiya
A close English translation of the sense in which chutiya is used in Hindi would
be something dickhead or asshole or just plain idiot. However, the actual histo
ry of this Hindi expletive is pretty interesting. I discussed this a few months
ago on my blog Linguistrix (The Chutiya Community and Etymological Notes).
I used to assume that chutiya developed as the female counterpart of launda (one
who has a lund [penis]) which means guy/dude. I expected that chutiya would mea
n one who has a vagina, possibly used in a pejorative sense. I assumed that it m
ight have originally been used as an insult for guys who were effeminate/sissy,
and that it slowly changed into its current meaning stupid/foolish.
All was well until someone claimed that chutiya meant one born out of a vagina , an
d that he couldn t be called chutiya since he was born by Caesarean section. I tho
ught this was hogwash most expletives of this kind usually assert something offens
ive, whether it be claims of incest or of promiscuity or be it rude references t
o next of kin. Being born out of a vagina is the default situation, and I couldn t
figure out how it could be insulting in any way. Although it doesn't count for
much, even Urban Dictionary mentions this meaning. It was all hazy until I decid
ed to look in Platts Dictionary of Urdu, Classical Hindi and English, one of the
best works of its kind. Let s look at what Platts has to say about this word:
H ????? ?????? cutiya [cut, q.v.+Prk. ??=S. ???], s.m. One who lives on the earn
ings of his wife s prostitution; a term of abuse, a blockhead, dolt: cutiya-pa?ait,
cutiya-cakkar, cutiya-campa'i, s.m. A blockhead, a fool: cutiya-shahid, s.m. A cul
ly, a dupe; (slang) a man who kills himself by excess of venery, a martyr to vener
This makes much more sense to me, and I am prepared to believe it. Chutiya does,
in some sense, mean out of the vagina but it doesn t refer to the process of chil
dbirth, but rather refers to earning out of the [wife's] vagina. This makes much
more sense, because this makes it an actual insult, and makes much more sense t
han the other interpretation. Thus, the closest English translation of the origi
nal literal meaning as it came about would be something akin to a pimp. However,
the closest translation of the word in its commonly used sense would be somethi
ng like dickhead or asshole or any other term used to denote stupidity. It is no
t used, at least currently, in any other sense.
Languages never cease to be fascinating.
Updated 21 Sep 2015
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Prachi Lembhe
Prachi Lembhe, Media Group Head
Though in literal sense the word 'Chutiya' mean 'out of the vagina' and is less
harmful a word in its actual meaning, it is one of the most famous and vehementl
y used word as a hindi slang.The close translation of the slang in english is 'a
complete idiot',douchebag, dumb or fool but sounds less appealing.
Written 2 Aug 2012 View Upvotes

Antariksh Bothale - I write in context to your answer. I would have posted an in
-thread comment but Quora does not allow anonymous in-thread comments. I have to
, therefore, post this as an individual answer.
A "Chutiya" is a someone who is infatuated with "chut" (vagina).
"A martyr to venery" (venery means sexual indulgence) comes close to describin
g the term chutiya correctly - but you can be a chutiya even without indulging,
as long as you spend your time thinking about your indulgence too much.
Dickhead, asshole (or arseole), blockhead, bonehead - all point to some kind o
f idiotic behavior; but as words these do not contain (coded) information about
the cause of this idiocy.
Chutiya is a slang of superior order (read that again) because it contains inf
ormation about the cause of idiocy coded in itself. This is the same kind of su
periority which 'mama', or 'chacha' has over 'uncle' i.e. more coded informatio
n, uncle from which side of the family, father's elder or younger brother etc.
A chutiya is not someone who lives from his wife's prostitution. I am not awar
e of any word in Hindi or Urdu which describes someone who does so. A "pimp" is
a "bhadwa" or a "dalaal": so perhaps a "biwi-ka-bhadwa".
Bonus content.
In traditional societies it is considered improper to avoid your duty towards yo
ur community and society at large.
Think of it this way: as a man of the house, you are expected by the society t
o ensure the well being of your household. Similarly, as a father you are expec
ted to provide for your wife and children. As a son, you are expected to obey a
nd help. As a young man you are expected to make the best of yourself, and start
a family.
Serving your responsibilities requires significant amount of work, and spending
considerable amount of time. Anything which takes your focus away from your re
sponsibilities faces social derision.
Courtship takes time and effort and takes your focus away from your responsibili
ties. You are an idiot if you don't realize this. This kind of idiocy is chutiya
pa and the one who does so is a chutiya.
Chasing skirts = chasing chut = chutiyapa.
Yup, being a "player", being considered good trait is a recent phenomenon but it
s getting popular as a notion.Which is perhaps why you see more and more people
using the term chutiya incorrectly these days.
If your friend claims that he is not a chutiya because he was delivered through
a c-section. Perhaps next time you can tell him that he is technically not a "
bhosdi ka", he (may) still qualifies as a chutiya.
Kyla Cheung - apropos to your dilemma around the use of "bhosdi wala" in the Hij
da community.

"Bhosdi" or "bhosda" is the term for vulva: "wala" literary means "the bearer of
". :: "wala" is masculine form ("wali" is the feminine form).
"Bhosdi ka" (of the vulva born), and "bhosdi wala" (someone who is male but also
has a vulva) are both used as terms of derision against men (and are not used a
gainst women).
In its literal sense the term bhosdi wala is masculine i.e. someone who is male
but also has vulva (read that again, primary description is-male, secondary desc
ription also-has-vulva).
But a Hijda can actually have both the male and female organs, then why is it a
term of derision amongst Hijdas as well? I think this is so because Hijdas tend
to have a pronounced feminine self image::they do dress up as women do, and use
feminine gender to address themselves and others in their community.
What the heck - etymology of slang and cuss words, and their correct use is know
ledge as well.
All power to the three of us - we have extended the knowledge frontier today.
Written 13 Jul 2013
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Douche! Infact 100 times over!!
'Chutiya' in hindi has the same pejorative sense as 'Douche' in English. It is k
ind of comparing the uselessness of the brain of your subject to a used swab of
Written 3 May 2013 View Upvotes

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