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Wich is the character of the

designers as world-citzens?
Politics are rooted in ancient Greek culture. Two terms became important (politikos), meaning citizens and (polis) which means state-city. The city was the state unit in Greece, it was a democratic character, a phenomenon that emerged there for the first
time in history, at least in Europe. All state concerns were matters of all citizens because
that was the real meaning of being a citizen, being worried about you state and taking care
of it. So the Greeks began to call these politiko issues, as opposed to those personal and
private interests of citizens called (idiotiks) or private. Later the men that
were not worried about all the issues concerning the polis were called (idiotes),
meaning private citizens (deriving centuries Later our current word idiot).

The last century Europe has been under diferent dictatorships (being more precise Europe has
being under dictators, kings, or caesars from the beginning of the time), so no that much people was feeling as that ideal citizen that we has mentioned before. With the becoming of the
capitalisim, gorwth of the countries, the creation of the welfare state, and the most important, the democracy, citzens realized that they had a choice on the kind of politics they could
be affected by, but markets and capitalisim would not work in this way, capitalisim could not
accept that proably the most important things on a citzen life are not for sale, so the machine start to work, and with the help of the designers, they turn our life us a choice between products, at the beginning those products were the banner of the middle class, so every
one wanted to access to them, wich made the economy and the capitilism stronger. That is why we
have spent almost 20 years with out feeling citzens, we didnt need it, the system started to
work with out our decisions. Fom 2008 until now has been happening two economic phenomena: first
our choices has being turning more and more personals and the consumer (also citizens) are now
more individualist, so products are now focused on selling self happinnes, hedonistic values,
because we reallized how important is to enjoy, the second phenomena has been the economic
crisis that for sure we are half guilties; markets has being selling huge products (also financial products), many of them overvalued, people were buying with out being really able to
afford it, and the most important no one was thinking as a citzen, no one was taking care about
witch kind of economic grouth the politicians were choosing, market rules were being tricked,
capitalisim turn into a the turbocapitalisim, that fake grouth stopped because of the collaps
of the economy of many countries (as and obiuous end) and many people suddenly realize that
being a citzen it is more important than being a consumer. But individualisim and turbocapitalisim are stronger than ever, market wants to sell freedom, passionate lifes, products are
created to to reaffirm our idenity, the main point of a product is still be sold.

So what has been the positions of the designers during the development of the states and the
markets? normaly a huge average of the designers has become slaves of the market, or the product, or the consumer, we have been making atractive the products to the consumers, if the product had not enough sales, the idea was not good. I belive that just an strong self-criticism
will bring some change, some development to the design, so as creators of ideas, shapes, materials, uses, functions, we must be part of the change that will make disapear the inequality
in the world and stop the self-destroying turbocapitalisim that will end with all the resources in the world (that for sure are limited). One of the biggest problems is that the economic globalization has not become with a global awareness, there is not real connetion between
consumers, despite internet we share information but we didnt analyze them. Those problems are
not even described on this text, just a few words that means nothing if you are not interested
on, so lets put transversal and interdisciplinar design way of thinking in order to found new
answers to our world-citizen problems using products as our material tool to conect the people

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