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Student Name: ____________________ Student I.D.______________
1. Affirmative action programs assure that majorities are given equal opportunities in
the workplace.
2. Human resource planning can be condensed into two steps: assessing current
human resources and assessing and meeting future resource needs.
3. Job descriptions focus on the job, while job specifications focus on the person.
4. Firing and early retirements are two recruitment options.
5. According to Equal pay act, pay discrimination on the basis of gender for same
position & performance is prohibited
6. Staffing is a process of hiring qualified employees at the right place at the right time
7. Recruiting is a term used for locating qualified candidates
8. Core employees refers to contract, part time or temporary employees
9. Employee referrals are used to decrease the predicted labor surplus.
10. Cost analysis is the method used to collect job analysis data.


1. Which HRM domain includes affirmative action/diversity, promotion and
A) Organizational design
B) Performance management and appraisal
C) Staffing
D) Employee training and organizational development
2. The products or services of HRM include all of the following EXCEPT:
A) Organizational Restructuring
B) Job Design
C) Personnel Planning
D) Manufacturing
3. Which act prohibits job discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, or
national origin?
A) Civil Rights Act of 1964
B) Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
C) Fair Labor Standards Act

D) National Labor Relations Act

4. The invisible barrier that block females and minorities from ascending into upper
levels of an organization, is termed as:
A. Gender discrimination
B. Glass ceiling
C. Affirmative action
D. Sexual Harassment
5. One drawback of promoting from within is
A. Orientation
B. Loyalty
C. Possible inferiority
D. Cost
6. Why are large applicant pool desirable?
A. Allow the firm the chance to be more selective
B. Increase cost involved in screening applicants
C. Extent time required to fil positions
D. To increase the cost of processing applicant
7. Ahmed must decide what positions the firm should fill in the next six months.
What activity is Ahmed working on?
A. Recruitment
B. Selection
C. Personnel planning
D. Interviewing
8. ___________ is the set of procedures through which one determines the duties
associated with positions and characteristics of people to hire for those positions
A. Job description
B. Job Specification
C. Job Analysis
D. Job Evaluation
9. Human resource management function does not involve
A. Staffing
B. Training and development
C. Motivation
D. Cost control
10. The contingent workforce generally includes all of the following EXCEPT
A. Part time employees
B. Employees working overtime
C. All Female employees
D. Workers on fixed term contracts

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