Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Administración de Empresas Comercio Exterior Ley de La Ventaja Competitiva Integrantes

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Universidad Politcnica Salesiana

Administracin de Empresas
Comercio Exterior
Ley de la Ventaja Competitiva

Grupo: 3

Aula: 20

Docente: Mara Guevara

Ao Lectivo
2016 2016

History of money
The word money is derived from the latin denarium which was a coin that the Romans
used to carry out its commercial activities. The history of money begins around the 7th
century v b.c. with the first minting of the coin. First coins coined in Lidia present-day
Turkey in the 7th century BC were of gold and silver the pioneer in used banknotes was
the mongol Emperor Kubali Khan in the 11th century.
Abolition of slavery
Denmark was the first country to abolish the slave trade in 1792. In the year 1807
begins in the British Empire various legislative measures and declared abolished
slavery. Then the majority of the European countries under pressure British do the same
between 1830 and 1860. In 1810 was Mexico the 6 December abolished slavery for the
first time in America. In Puerto Rico was in the year 1970 and the last nations to abolish
slavery were Cuba 1886 and Brazil 1888. In the United States was necessary a civil war
in which many people died to abolish slavery though not the only cause war, if it was
the main, therefore had to wait until the year 1865 to be abolished completely.
First World War
World War I was the armed conflict that erupted in 1914 and ended in 1918 between the
powers of the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Italy) and the Triple
Entente (Britain, France and Russia). This second block was reinforced by Italy since
1915 and the United States since 1917. The main cause was the ambition of the
imperialist powers to control the best colonial and semicolonial the planet. They longed
to possess the rich sources of raw materials and good markets to sell their manufactures
Second World War
World War II was the armed conflict that erupted in 1939 and ended in 1945 between
the Axis powers (Germany, Italy and Japan) and the Allies (Britain, France and the
Soviet Union). This second block was reinforced by the United States since 1941. His
main reason was the ambition of Adolf Hitler (Germany), Benito Mussolini (Italy) and
Hirohito (Japan) for economic and political dominance of the planet, snatching their
colonies and semi-colonies to allied powers.
The Great Depression
The Great Depression, also known as twenty crisis was a global economic crisis that
lasted during the 1930s in the years before World War II. Its duration depends on the
countries analyzed, but most began around 1929 and lasted until the late thirties or early
forties. It was the longest depression in time and deeper. The Great Depression
originated in the United States, after the stock market crash of October 29, 1929 and
quickly spread to almost all the countries of the world.
Bretton Woods Agreement
The Bretton Woods are the resolutions Monetary and Financial Conference of the
United Nations, held in the resort of Bretton Woods, between 1 and 22 July 1944, was
there the rules for commercial and financial relations among the industrialized countries
were established. The agreements creating the World Bank and the International

Monetary Fund was also decided, using the dollar as an international reference. These
organizations became operational in 1946.


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