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How Did Jesus Fight the Devil and Demons?..................... 1

Scriptures to Win Every Battle............................................. 2
Prayer Against the Enemy.................................................... 16
References............................................................................. 18

How Did Jesus Fight the Devil and Demons?

Many people question whether a born-again believer can have
a demonic spirit. Demons cannot possess a believer, but they
can torment you. Jesus referred to a spirit of infirmity in Luke
13:11. In 2 Corinthians 12:7, Paul described a messenger of
Satan [sent] to buffet me.
Our fight is not in the visible world, but in the invisible world.
Ephesians 6:12 says, For we do not wrestle against flesh and
blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the
rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of
wickedness in the heavenly places.
Did you know that one-third of Jesus ministry included casting out demons? If you have been praying for healing without
seeing results, the source of the sickness may be demonic. If it
is, you need to rebuke the spirit that is oppressing you in order
to be healed.
I had a demon that was assigned to annoy me. It was disrupting my sleep. That is what motivated me to compile this list of
Scriptures designed to win every battle. Whether it is a spirit
of infirmity, fear, anger, confusion, loss of memory, insomnia
or addiction, the Word cure works!
When Jesus was confronted by the devil in the wilderness, He
fought using the Word of God. He would say, It is written,
and then quote the Scripture. This is exactly how we fight the
devil. We say out loud, Devil, it is written... and then speak
forth the appropriate Scripture. I also personalize the verses.
Take this medicine three times a day and also as needed when
you suspect demonic activity.
Speak the following Scriptures out loud to the demonic spirit that is oppressing you. Always remember: Jesus lives BIG
inside of you! Compared to Jesus, the demon is like a pesky
gnat! Your job is to believe these Scriptures before you see
evidence. Thats called faith!

Scriptures to Win Every Battle

(Before each verse, I have added Devil, it is written... but

you can replace Devil with whatever spirit or obstacle you
are facing so you can address it and defeat it!)

Devil, it is written in Revelation 12:11, I have overcome and conquered the

devil and demons by means
of the blood of the Lamb
and by the utterance of my
Devil, it is written in Luke 13:16
that Jesus released a daughter
(descendant) of Abraham whom
Satan had bound for 18 years.
I am under a better covenant
than Abraham. I am loosed from
my bonds!

Devil, it is written in John

10:10, the thief comes
only in order to steal and
kill and destroy. But Jesus
who lives in me came that
I may have and ENJOY LIFE,
and have it in ABUNDANCE
[to the full, till it OVERFLOWS].
I will not give up until I am
normalnormal as defined
by the Bible.

Devil, it is written in Hebrews 2:14, Jesus died for

me that He might render
INOPERATIVE the one having the dominion of death,
that is, the devil.

Devil, it is written in Matthew

28:18-19, ALL authority has
been given to Jesus in heaven and on earth. [And He has
delegated it to me by saying]
Therefore go

Devil, it is written in Luke 10:1720, Even the demons are subject

to me in Jesus name! Jesus has
given me authority and power to
trample upon serpents and scorpions, and over ALL the power
that the enemy [possesses]; and
NOTHING will in any way harm

Devil, it is written in Luke 9:1,

And having called together
his twelve disciples, He (Jesus)
gave them power and authority over all the demons, and to
cure sicknesses...

Devil, it is written in Isaiah

54:17, No weapon (demon) formed against me
shall prosper.
Devil, it is written in 1 John
4:4, Greater is He who is
IN me than he who is in the
Devil, it is written in Psalm
91:13, the serpent shall
I trample underfoot.

Devil, it is written in Mark

16:17, These signs will accompany me because I believe: in Jesus name I will
cast out demons...

Devil, it is written in Matthew 16:18, On this rock

[Jesus] He will build His
church, and the gates of
Hades shall not prevail
against it.

Devil, it is written in Acts

10:38, God anointed and
consecrated Jesus of Nazareth
with the Holy Spirit and with
strength and ability and power; and He went around doing good and curing ALL who
were harassed and oppressed
by [the power of] the devil,
for God was with Him.
And God is with me because
Jesus lives IN me!

Devil, it is written in 2 Corinthians 1:20, All the

promises of God in Jesus are Yes, and in Jesus
Devil, it is written in Isaiah
54:14, I will be far from
[even the thought of] oppression or destruction, for
I will not fear, and from
terror, for it (YOU Demon)
will not come near me.

Devil, it is written in Deuteronomy 28:7, The Lord

will cause my enemies who
rise against me to be defeated before my face; they
shall come out against me
one way and flee before
me seven ways.
Devil, it is written in James
4:7, Since I resist you, you
must flee from me (as in


Devil, it is written in Isaiah 14:1216, How you are fallen from

heaven [devil]. You have been
thrown down to the earth....
For you said to yourself, I will ascend to heaven and set my throne
above Gods stars.
I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High.
Instead, you will be brought down
to the place of the dead, down to
its lowest depths. Everyone there
will stare at you and ask, Can
this be the one who shook the
earth and made the kingdoms of
the world tremble?

Devil, it is written in Ephesians 3:20, God is able to

do FAR MORE ABUNDANTLY beyond ALL that I ask or
think, according to the power that works WITHIN ME.

Devil, it is written in Matthew

18:18, Whatever I STOP on
earth shall have been ALREADY
stopped in heaven; and whatever I ALLOW on earth shall
have been ALREADY allowed in


Devil, it is written in John

14:13 that Jesus promised He
will do whatever I ask in His
name, so that the Father may
be glorified and celebrated in
the Son.

Devil, it is written in Colossians

2:15, When Jesus had disarmed
the rulers and authorities [stripped
the devil of everything he had], He
made a public display of them [exhibited them like a dead bug collection], having triumphed over them
through the cross.


Devil, it is written in Psalm

91:11, For God will give His
angels charge over me to protect and defend and guard me
in ALL MY ways.
God, in Jesus name, send angels to accompany, defend and
preserve me in all my ways!
Devil, it is written in Colossians
1:13, He has delivered me
from the power of darkness
and conveyed me into the kingdom of the Son of His love.

Prayer Against the Enemy

Pray this prayer out loud whenever you are being attacked
by the enemy. Fill in the blank with the name of the demonic spirit that is oppressing you if you know it. If not, it is not
I pray in Jesus Name that the spirit of ________________
(fear, infirmity, annoyance, marital trouble, death, unbelief, poverty, oppression, addiction, or spirit that entered
through trauma, etc.) is bound and must leave me and go
under the feet of Jesus and stay there! I nullify and cancel
the assignment of this demon. I command every demonic entity empowered by any word curse spoken against
me, or against anyone in my sphere of influence, to immediately cease from your assignment. This is my right,
privilege and my inheritance as a servant of the most high
God. Devil, you have no legal rights.
After you have built up your faith, all you need to say is I
bind you in the name of Jesus the Messiah of Nazareth and
command you to go and never return!
Many are healed of a disease after being delivered from a
demonic spirit, but may still need a healing from the damage
done by the demon. For instance, I believe all cancer is a demon. After the demon of cancer leaves, be sure to cast out
the spirit of death. But healing from the effect of treatments
may still be needed. If healing is needed, get my Healing
Scriptures package at that includes personalized Scriptures and a teaching on healing. Healing will
be easy after deliverance.
Now praise and worship God! Pray in tongues every day. If
you do not yet pray in tongues, get my Personal Trainer for
Tongues (PTT) package at


After you have done battle by reading these Scriptures OUT

LOUD, pray this prayer: I am not moved by what I feel or
see. I am only moved by faith in the Word of God. You will
wear the demon out! The demon will stay until it believes
you will NOT give up! Faith believes the Word of God is true
no matter what your natural senses tell you.
Through FAITH and PATIENCE I inherit the promises (Hebrews 6:12).
If I keep on asking for something to be given, I keep on
receiving, and since I keep on seeking, I keep on finding,
and since I keep on reverently knocking, it shall be opened
(Luke 11:10).



Acts 10:38
Isaiah 54:14
Psalm 91:11
Psalm 91:13
John 10:10
John 14:13
1 John 3:8
Luke 10:17-20
Luke 13:16
Revelation 12:11

Deuteronomy 28:7
Hebrews 6:12
Isaiah 54:17
Mark 16:17
Matthew 16:18
Matthew 18:18
James 4:7
1 John 4:4

New American Standard

Colossians 2:15
Ephesians 3:20

Hebrews 2:14
Luke 11:10

New King James

2 Corinthians 1:20
Colossians 1:13

Youngs Literal Translation

Luke 9:1

New Living Translation

Isaiah 14:12-16


Step Into Your Healing

Your Healing Scriptures experience contains:
The Healing Scriptures book of personalized healing Scriptures selected by Sid
Roth for you to meditate on and pray
over your life (also includes Q&A section
answering the most common questions
on healing and miracles)
An interactive audio reading of The Healing Scriptures by Sid Roth against a backdrop of soothing music by violinist LaDonna Taylor
A powerful audio teaching that will coach
you on how to have faith to receive your

60 Supernatural Seconds That Will

Change Your Life
Discover how only one minute with God
can be the key to your healing, miracle or
breakthrough with the One Minute with God
Challenge (Book, 2-CD Set, 40-Day Devotional and Journal)
Many have reported healings and miracles
even as the author, Dr. Keith Ellis, proclaims this anointed message.

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