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Official Publication of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles, Jaro, Iloilo City Tel. Nos.

. 320-9505 & 329-1625 website:

April 24 - 30, 2016

Vol. XXV No. 19

Are Catholics Born Again?

oesnt the Bible say we

must be born again
to be saved? Are
Catholics Born Again?
are born again they are
baptized! This born again
question is based on John
3:3-5 where Jesus says to
Nicodemus: I say to you, no
one can see the kingdom of
God without being born from
above (some Bibles read,
born again, here) no one
can enter the kingdom of God
without being born of water
and Spirit.
consider being born again
to mean, Have you accepted
Jesus as your personal Lord
and Savior and confessed
Sinners Prayer. They also
understand being born of
water and Spirit to be two
separate events. Being born of
water refers either to the amniotic
fluid of natural human childbirth or to
the preached Word of God, and being
born of spirit refers to accepting
Jesus as Lord and Savior.
How do Catholics answer this?
For starters, the phrase, born of
water and Spirit in the grammar
of the original Greek that St. Johns
Gospel was written in, is referring to
a single event, involving both water
and the Holy Spirit, not a separate
baptism of water, and then a second
baptism of the Spirit. And when

St. John actually does speak about

natural human birth in John 1:13, he
refers to it as being born of blood,
not as being born of water!
Additionally, since the time
of the Apostles, the Church has
always taught that John 3:3-5
unquestionably refers to baptism.
Every Church Father in the first
1000 years of Christianity that has
ever written on this passage has
unwaveringly understood it to refer
to baptism they are resoundingly
unanimous on this!

For example, in 151 A.D.,

St. Justin Martyr wrote: they
are led to a place where there
is water, and they are reborn.
In the namethe Father and
ofJesus Christ, and of the Holy
Spirit, they receive the washing
of water. For Christ said, Unless
you be reborn, you shall not
enter the kingdom of heaven.
Similarly, St. Irenaeus (190
A.D., taught by St. Polycarp,
who was taught by St. John
himself!) would write: we are
made clean, by means of the
sacred water and the invocation
of the Lord being spiritually
regenerated as newborn babes,
even as the Lord has declared:
Except a man be born again
through water and the Spirit, he
shall not enter into the kingdom
of heaven.
If you want to believe what
the early Church believed about
John 3:3-5, you must interpret
it as referring to baptism.
Thirdly, and perhaps most
obviously, it just simply isnt what the
text says! Now dont get me wrong,
accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior is
a good thing! And we shouldnt do
this just once, but even several times
a day! But the point is that John 3:35 speaks only of being born of water
and spirit, that is, Baptism, as the
means Jesus specifies for entering the
Kingdom of Heaven. It says nothing
about taking Jesus as Lord and Savior,
good as it is. No one would deny that
turn to page 8...


Msgr. Higinio C. Velarde

Amoris laetitia Kalipay sang Paghigugma

adtong Marso 19, Piesta ni San Jose,

ginpirmahan ni Papa Francisco ang
Apostolic Exhortation nga ginatigulohan, Amoris Laetitia kag ginpapubliko
ini sadtong nagligad nga Abril 8, 2016.
Ini nga Apostolic Exhortation amo ang
gintipon nga resulta sang duha ka Sinodo
sang mga Obispo nga ginhiwat sadtong
2014 kag 2015 nahanungod sa panimalay.
Ini nga Apostolic Exhortation nagasambit
sang mga katapusan nga report sang
duha ka Sinodo sang mga dokumento kag
pagtulon-an sang mga Santo Papa nga
iya ginbuslan, kag sang iya kaugalingon
nga katekesis nahanungod sa panimalay.
Dugang pa sa sini, ang Santo Papa
naggamit man sang mga kontribusyon
halin sa lainlain nga mga komperensya
sang mga Obispo sa bilog nga kalibutan
(Kenya, Australia, Argentina.) kag iya
man ginsambit ang pila ka kilala nga
mga tawo pareho kanday Martin Luther
King kag Erich Fromm. Iya man gani
ginlakip ang mga dinalan halin sa sinenga
Babettes Feast agud ipahangup ang
ideya sang kaalwan.
Isa ini ka malawig nga dokumento kag
angay gid man tungod sang importansya
sang kaundan sini. Bilang inyo Pastor
kag amay sa kalag, akon ginapakamaayo
nga ilubad ini sa Hiligaynon kag ipublikar
ini sa sining akon column sa Candle Light
agud mahatagan kamo sing kahigayunan
nga indi lamang makabasa sini kundi
maathagan kamo sang panghunahuna
sang aton Santo Papa nahanungod sa
mga isyu nga ginapangatubang sang
panimalay sa karon nga panahon.
Akon anay ihatag ang pangkabugosan nga kaundan sang Amoris Laetitia
(AL) dira sa pag-isa-isa sang sang siyam
ka mga kapitulo sini kag ugaling amatamat ko nga ipublikar ang bilog nga
dokumento kag ipaathag ang luyag
silingon sini.
Sa sini nga isyu, akon anay ihatag ang
titulo sang siyam ka mga kapitulo:
1. Introduksyon 1-7
Sa pito ka mga paragraphs, maathag
nga ginasiling ni Papa Francisco nga
komplikado ang mga isyu nahanungod
sa panimalay kag gani kinahanglanon
gid ang maid-id nga pagtuon sang
tanan nga mga aspeto nahanungod sini.
Sia nagapaandam nga indi tanan nga
diskusyon sang mga isyu sa doktrina,

sa moral ukon sa pastoral dapat nga

hatagan sing solusyon nga nagahalin sa
mataas nga pagtuluohan sang Simbahan.
Sa baylo, may mga isyu nga, ang tagsa ka
pungsod ukon rehiyon sarang makahatag
sing solusyon suno sa iya kaugalingon
nga kultura, tradisyon kag kinahanglanon
Nagasiling pa gid ang Santo Papa nga
dapat likawan ang huyog nga kambiohan
ang tanan bisan nga wala sing basihan ini.
Sia nagsiling sa sini nga introduksyon nga
ang mga debate nga ginahimo sa media,
sa pila ka mga pahayagan kag bisan pa
sa tunga sang mga ministro mismo sang
Simbahan, nagalakip halin sa handum
nga kambiohan ang tanan bisan nga wala
ini sing tuman nga pagpamalandong
ukon balasihan tubtub sa isa ka panimuot
nga luyag maghatag sing solusyon sa
tanan nga isyu paagi sa pag-aplikar sang
pangkabilogan nga pagsulondan ukon
ang paghimo sing konklusyon gikan sa
particular nga mga tinun-an sa teolohiya.
2. Kapitulo 1 Sa Kapawa sang Pulong
Ini nga Kapitulo naga-unod sang
pamalandong ni Papa Francisco gikan
sa Santos nga Kasulatan, ilabi na gid ang
Salmo 128 nga ginagamit sa liturhiya
sang kasal sang mga Judio kag sang mga
Katoliko. Siling niya, ang Bibliya puno
sang istorya sang mga pamilya, sang
pagkabun-ag sang paghigugma kag sang
mga crisis sa panimalay. Nagatulod ini

sa aton sa pagpamalandong nga ang

panimalay indi isa ka halandumon nga
bunga sang isip, kundi isa ka matuodtuod nga reyalidad sa eksperyensya.
Depat ini tatapon sing may kalulo
kag dapat dumdumon nga halin sa
ginsugoran ginsudlan na ini sang epekto
sang sala, sang mag-entra ang espiritu
sang pagdominar sa relasyon sang magasawa. Kag gani, ang Pulong sang Dios
indi isa ka koleksyon sang mga ideya
nga wala sa reyalidad, sa baylo amo ini
ang ginahalinan sang paglugpay kag pagupdanay sa tagsa ka panimalay nga nagaeksperyensya sang kabudlay kag pagantus, tungod kay ang Pulong sang Dios
amo ang nagapakita sang padulongan
sang pagpanglakaton sang panimalay.
Akon padayunon ang paghatag
sang Summary sa madason nga isyu. Sa
pihak nga bahin, ginsambit man ni Papa
Francisco nga maayo gid nga ginapublikar
ini nga Apostolic Exhortation sa sini nga
Tuig sang Jubileo sang Kaluoy tungod kay
ang kaluoy amo ang panimuot nga dapat
magtuytoy sa tanan sa pagpangatubang
sang mga problema nga nagakatabo sa
aton mga panimalay.
Gani, bilang buhat saang kaluoy, akon
ginapanugyan nga kon may panahon
kamo, maayo gid nga makakuha kamo
sang inyo kopya sang Amoris laetitia
kag magbasa sini sing amat-amat sa inyo
libre nga panahon.
CANDLE LIGHT (April 24-30, 2016)

CANDLE LIGHT (April 24-30, 2016)

:: Gospel Reflection

Ang Pulong Nangin Tawo

Jn 13:31-33, 34-35

for the
Sunday of
Acts 14:21-27
Ps 145:8-9, 10-11, 12-13
Rv 21:1-5
Jn 13:31-33, 34-35
Monday, April 25
1 Pt 5:5-14
Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17
Mk 16:15-20
St. Mark, Evangelist
Tuesday, April 26
Acts 14:19-28
Ps 145:10-11, 12-13, 21
Jn 14:27-31
Wednesday, April 27
Acts 15:1-6
Ps 122:1-2, 3-4, 4-5
Jn 15:1-8
Thursday, April 28
Acts 15:7-21
Ps 96:1-2, 2-3, 10
Jn 15:9-11
St. Peter Chanel, Priest &
Martyr or
St. Louis Mary de Montfort,
Friday, April 29
Acts 15:22-31
Ps 57:8-9, 10, 12
Jn 15:12-17
St. Catherine of Siena, Virgin
& Doctor of the Church
Saturday, April 30
Acts 16:1-10
Ps 100:1-2, 3, 5
Jn 15:18-21
St. Pius V, Pope

Sang makagua na si Judas, si Jesus

nagsiling, Karon ang Anak sang Tawo
pagahimayaon kag ang Dios ginahimaya
dira sa Iya. 32Kon ang Dios ginahimaya dira
sa Iya, pagahimayaon Sia sang Dios dira sa
Iya, kag pagahimayaon Sia sa gilayon.
Mga anak, yari Ako upod sa inyo sa
madali lang nga tinion; pangitaon ninyo
Ako, apang subong sang ginsiling Ko na sa

mga Judio kag karon nagasiling Ako sa

inyo. Kon diin Ako makadto indi kamo
makaupod. 34Isa ka bag-o nga sugo ang
ginahatag Ko sa inyo: Maghigugmaanay
kamo. Subong nga ginhigugma Ko kamo,
sa amo man nga bagay maghigugmaanay
kamo. 35Paagi sini ang tanan makahibalo
nga kamo Akon mga gintuton-an kon
kamo maghigugmaanay.


ng Paghigugma suno
kay Kristo.
Isa ka bag-o nga
sugo ang ginahatag Ko sa inyo.
Buot silingon, isa ka sugo nga nagakaigo sa
pag-abot sang bag-o nga panahon. Ang Daan
nga Kasugtanan naghambal nahanungod
sa katutom sang tagipusoon sa Dios kag
paghigugma sa isigkatawo, apang ini nga
mensahe nagpabilin nga natago sa madamo
nga mga ginapatuman sang Kasugoan.
Luas sini, may madamo nga mga paagi sa
paghigugma, bisan ang isa ka paraliko nga
relihiyoso makasiling nga ginahigugma niya
ang Dios.
Sa Bag-o nga Kasugtanan si Jesus
nagasiling nga ang paghigugma sa Dios
amo ang pinakamataas nga kasugoan.
Ang halimbawa nga ginpakita sang Ginoo
sadtong pagkabuhi Niya diri sa duta
nagapahanumdum sa aton nahanungod sa
paagi sa paghigugma.
Ang paghigugma nga kaangay sa
paghigugma sang Dios nagatuyo sa paghilway

sang aton isigkatawo kag paghatag sa iya

sang ikasarang sa pagpauswag sing bugos sa mga dulot nga ginhatag sang Dios
sa iya. Ang paghigugma nga kaangay
sa paghigugma sang Dios nagabulig sa
isigkatawo sa pagtigayon sang handum sang
Dios sa iya, paagi sa pag-agi sa kamatayon
pakadto sa pagkabanhaw.
Ang paghigugma suno kay Krissto
wala sa mga balatyagon (bisan may mga
kahigayunan nga magbatyag kita sang
pagpalangga ukon pag-unong nga sarang
makabulig sa aton), ang paghigugma sa
Dios amo ang pagpat-od sa pagtuman sang
Iya pagbuot sa tagsa ka tinion sang aton
kabuhi. Kag ang pagbuot sang Dios sa aton
nahanungod sa aton isigkatawo, amo ang
aton mahigugmaon nga pag-alagad kag
(Commentary Bag-o nga Kasugtanan
Bibliya sang mga Kristiano Katoliko
Pastoral Edision)

CANDLE LIGHT (April 24-30, 2016)


Sang Paghigugma



Ang kalipay sang pahigugma nga

ginaeksperyensya sang mga panimalay,
kalipay man sang Simbahan. Suno
sa natalupangdan sang mga Amay
sang Sinodo, walay sapayan sang
mga madamo nga timaan sang crisis
sa institusyon sang pag-asawahay,
ang handom sa pagpangasawa kag
pagtukod sang pamilya nagapabilin
nga mabaskog, ilabi na gid sa mga
lamharon, kag isa ini ka inspirasyon
para sa Simbahan (1). Bilang sabat sa
sini nga handom, ang Kristiano nga
pagbantala nahanungod sa pamilya
matuod gid nga Maayong Balita (2).
Ang proseso sang Sinodo nagpatigayon
nga usisaon ang sitwasyon sang
mga panimalay sa kalibutan sa
karon nga panahon, kag tungod sini,
magsangkad man ang panan-awan
kag magbag-o ang pagkilala sang
importansya sang pag-asawahay kag
sang panimalay. Ang komplikado nga
mga isyu nga nagtulohaw nagpakita
nga kinahanglanon gid ang padayon
kag bukas nga diskusyon nahanungod
sa pila ka mga pamangkutanon sa
doktrina, moral, espiritwal kag pastoral
nga mga bagay. Ang opinyon sang mga
pastor kag sang mga teologo, kon
nagasuno sa ginatudlo sang Simbahan,
kon tampad, kon nagatan-aw sa
reyalidad, kag kon mabinag-uhon,
makabulig gid sa aton nga madangat
ang kaathagan. Ang mga pagsilinuay
nga ginahimo sa media, sa pila ka mga
pahayagan kag bisan pa sa tunga sang
mga ministro sang Simbahan nagalakip
halin sa tuman nga paghandom para sa
lubos nga pagbag-o bisan pa nga wala
ini ginpamalandungan sing maayo
ukon wala sing balasihan, tubtob sa isa
ka panimuot nga luyag maghatag sing
solusyon sa tanan paagi sa pag-aplikar
sang mga pagsulondan pangkabilogan
ukon paagi sa pagdangat sang indi
nagakabagay nga konklusyon gikan
sa partikular nga mga paminsaron
Tungod kay ang panahon mas daku
sang sa espasyo luyag ko nga ipaathag
nga indi tanan nga diskusyon sang

CANDLE LIGHT (April 24-30, 2016)



mga isyu nahanungod sa doktrina,

moral ukon pastoral dapat hatagan
sing solusyon paagi sa gahom sang
pagtudlo nga iya sang Simbahan.
Matuod nga kinahanglan ang pagisa sa pagtulon-an kag buhat sang
Simbahan, pero wala ini nagadumili
sa pag-aplikar sang lainlain nga mga
paagi sa paghangop sang iban nga
mga aspekto sang sina nga pagtulonan ukon ang pagkuha sang pila ka mga
bunga gikan sa sina. Amo gid ini ang
padayon nga magakatabo tungod kay
ang Espiritu nagadala sa aton sa bug-os
nga kamatuoran (cf. Jn. 16:13) tubtob
nga madala niya kita sing bug-os sa
misteryo ni Kristo kag mahatagan kita
sing ikasarang nga makita ang tanan
nga mga butang pareho sa iya. Labot
pa, ang tagsa ka pungsod ukon rehiyon
sarang makakita sing solusyon nga
suno sa iya kultura, kag mabinatyagon
sa iya tradisyon kag kinahanglanon.
Ini tungod kay ang mga kultura
nagakinatuhay kag gani ang tagsa ka
pagsulondan pangkabilogan.....dapat
mangin suno sa sina nga kultura, kon
ini ginatahod kag gina-aplikar (3).
Dapat ko man isiling nga ang proseso
sang Sinodo nangin dalayawon kag
maathag. Nagapasalamat gid ako sa
madamo nga mga kontribusyon nga
nagbulig sa akon sa paghangop sing
lubos pa gid sang mga problema nga
ginapangatubang sang mga panimalay
sa bug-os nga kalibutan. Ang lainlain
nga mga panugdaon sang mga Amay
sang Sinodo, nga akon gid ginhatagan
sing pagtamod, sarang masiling
nga nangin isa ka malahalon nga
bato nga may madamo sing nawong
nga nagasalaming sang madamo
nga mga lehitimo nga kabalaka kag
tampad nga mga pamangkot. Tungod
sini, akon ginpakamaayo ang magaman sing Panugyan Apostolika sa
tapos sang Sinodo agod tipunon
ang mga kontribusyon sang duha
ka bag-o lang natapos nga Sinodo
nahanungod sa panimalay samtang
nga gindugangan ini sang iban pa gid
nga mga panghunahona bilang bulig sa
pagpamalandong, paghinun-anon kag
hilikuton pastoral, kag sa pagpabakod
sa mga panimalay sa ila matag-adlaw
nga tulomanon kag panghangkat.
Ini nga Panugyan tama gid ka
nagakaigo sa panahon ilabi na gid sa
sining Tuig sang Jubileo sang Kaluoy.
Una sa tanan, tungod kay nagaagda
ini sa mga panimalay nga Kristiano sa
pagpakamahal sang mga dulot sang
pag-asawahay kag pamilya, kag sa
pagpadayon nga may paghigugma
turn to page 9...

Quote of the Week


RT. REV. MsgR. Higinio C. VElaRdE, JR., JCd, Pa

Parish Priest
REV. FR. MaRTin B. alaRCon
REV. FR.MaRk lEsTER B. sEnina
Parochial Vicars
REV. FR. PHiliPP nEil Y. anTEnoR-CRuz
Special Assistant for Temporal Affairs
REV. MsgR. alEJandRo P. EsPERanCilla
Special Assistant for Liturgical Affairs
REV. FR. FRanCisCo T. angosTuRa
REV. FR. JoEniCk s. TERRiToRio
Resident Priests

Managing Editor
julIETA g. AquIlO
Feature Editors
Layout Artist
The Candle Light is a non-profit
weekly publication.

Things We Should Remember

Marie Therese Parreas
Colegio de San Jose

am too young to be perfectly independent.

I would like to elucidate the things we
should remember and things we should
learn first as Catholic. Avoid dishonesty
for it is dangerous instead do something in
good spirit, vibrantly! Give up your anger,
abandon your wrath; do not be provoke, it
brings only harm. (Ps. 37:8).
As a Catholic I would like to consider
myself as a tree of hope where my
branches serve as clamp of every
leaves that represents the people
united with one another to God. In
my being a youth, I would like to
be the roots of that tree holding
steadfastly on the ground, confident
and brave to spread the Good
News without any discrimination.
The flowers the tree bears which
exceedingly bloom in full will keep
the seeds of leadership, as it excels to
spread the teachings of the Great Leader.
My leaves with ever green color will be
the community that will represent the
universality of the young and oldA shield
before me is good who saves honest heart
(Ps. 7:11).
We must acknowledge that we are a
sinner upon all sinners. We dream and

set a goal to achieve. As a Catholic I am

also an achiever aspiring to be a great
leader, hoping and praying that God will
be the center of my heart guiding me to

the right path where no one is left behind.

As an achiever I am a body with different
parts head, body, hands legs, and other
parts as partners of a great combination
for a cause; eyes to see, ears to hear, mind
and heart that reflects good values, the
nose to sense danger and mouth to speak
goodness. So we need to take good care
of our body with dignity for it is first and
foremost the temple of the Holy Spirit.
You know what is right, so find the light,
and you will be find just like a calm
straight line.
In some instances I can say that
sometimes in our journey we are
led to hopelessness. I analyze this
losing of hope as just like a cell phone
and a charger, without the charger
the cell phone is of no use. If we are
the cell phone we regain life through
the charger just like our need of friends
to give us pieces of advise and regain our
hopes when recharged by them. We thank
God for the gifts of friends, our charger; for
we need them in continuing our journey to
fulfillment. Nurture the dreams of success,
live your life truthfully, keep your body holy,
and dont forget to say your prayers every
night and believe in Jesus Christ.

Youth: The hope and Future of Society

Princess Camille Maguad

o you believe in the saying, Ang

Kabataan ay ang Pag-asa ng Bayan.
Others find it as a corny thought but
it is indeed a reality. People may ask, Why
does it have to be the youth to take the great
responsibility within the society? You see,
the minds of the young people today are
very unique and inextricable with loads of
ideas and methods to aim an innovative
future, only if they apply their knowledge
and see the significance in it. Intelligence is
a gift, not a right. It must be wielded not as
a weapon but as a tool for the betterment
of others.
The world is now experiencing
problems and conflicts like poverty and
hunger. One of the biggest problems
the youth are now facing is Early Teen
What is the
reason behind? Maybe we,
the youth lack moral values!
We put aside what we have
learned from our catechism
classes that we are Gods
Lots of people including
our ancestors have shed their
own sweat and blood only to

believe that we, the youth of today, is really

the true hope and legacy of our society,
but it is devastating to think that we are
unaware of all the efforts they strive for us
to give justice and hope to our community
and to our country.
The world is changing with the young
people in its grasps. Try to ask yourself, when
was the last time you prayed? Prayer is not
a schedule for it is a personal relationship
with God we
should nourish
Have the youth
of today valued
the significance
and the holiness
of the Mass?

Have the youth of today live and care for

their parents by spending time with them
than spending time distracted by their
phones and gadgets? Technology is a big
issue which distracts us and detriment our
Filipino culture; our love for our family, the
elderly, and God in His service.
My fellow youth, how can we give
justice and prove not only to ourselves
but to our parents as well, that we really
are the Hope and Light of our society?
Let us not turn our backs against our own
responsibility, we must be one resilient
community devoted to follow the Church
and contribute good deeds. If we want to
change the society, let us first start with
ourselves so that we will be able to change
the society.
Though much is taken,
much abides, and though we
are not now that strength
which in the old days moved
heaven and earth, that which
we are, we are. One equal
temper of heroic hearts, made
weak by time and faith, but
strong in will to strive, to seek,
to find, and not to yield!
CANDLE LIGHT (April 24-30, 2016)


First Publication
Rev. Mark joseph dellomes hormigoso, resident of Brgy. Bakhaw, Mandurriao, Iloilo City, son of
Nestor Hormigoso and Josephine Dellomes, will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Presbyters by
His Excellency, Most Rev. Angel N. Lagdameo, D.D., at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles, St.
Elizabeth of Hungary Metropolitan Cathedral, Jaro, Iloilo City on 27 May, 2016.

Rev. Christopher Parreas Villa, resident of Brgy. Libertad-Sta. Isabel, Jaro, Iloilo City, son of
Rosario Villa (deceased) and Lourdes Parreas, will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Presbyters
by His Excellency, Most Rev. Angel N. Lagdameo, D.D., at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles,
St. Elizabeth of Hungary Metropolitan Cathedral, Jaro, Iloilo City on 27 May, 2016.
For any impediment or serious defect that will prohibit the said ordination, please inform the Parish Priest.

(Let us pray for each other)

Ordination Anniversaries

Birthday Celebrants


Fr. Jose Alex Serania

Fr. Herminio Tacardon
Fr. Joel Rudi

Fr. Nelson Toledo

Msgr. Jose Marie Amado Delgado
Msgr. Juanito Figura
Most Rev. Gerardo A. Alminaza, D.D.

Schedule of
Misa Pro Populo 2016

hIMIg Katedral Audition

Ang Himig Katedral Choir (HKC),
naga-agda sa tanan nga mga pamatanon nga naga-edad 13 tubtub 35 nga
may talent sa pagkanta kag luyag
magpasakop bilang choir sa katedral. Sa
mga interesado palihog lang magpakigangot kay Mark Lawrence Abanero,
ukon magkaddto sa Parish Pastoral
Office para sa mga detalya.


April 24 Lourdes DB & Jalandoni


01 Luna & Maria Cristina

08 Benedicto
15 - Democracia- Tabuc Suba Proper
22- Simon Ledesma
29- San Roque

dawn Rosary
1 Saturday of the Month 2016

May 7

Tabuc Suba Proper & Taft North

Faith Formation
Si Rdo. Padre Joenick Territorio nagapahibalo nga ang Faith Formation Class
magapadayon sa Mayo 11 kag 25, 2016 a las 6:00 sa hapon sa La Isabelita Hall.
Ginaagda ang tanan nga maluyag magtambong. Salamat gid!
CANDLE LIGHT (April 24-30, 2016)


National Shrine
of Our Lady of Candles
Parish Financial Report
April 11 - April 17, 2016
Receipts P 263,330.50


Balance (P 195,468.20)

In the spirit of
accountability, we are
submitting a weekly
financial report. For
details, feel free to
come to our parish
at Pius XII
during office hours at
telephone numbers:
320-9505 and 3291625.
Are Catholics...from page 1...

God-given faith and taking Jesus as

Lord are necessary before baptism is
given (see my earlier article on infant
baptism) but both faith and baptism
are necessary to be saved. That is
just simply what Jesus says!
And this brings up yet a fourth
point. The context all around John 3:35 is very much about Baptism. In John
1:31-33, Jesus Himself is baptized and
the Holy Spirit descends upon Him
clearly prefiguring the sending of the
Holy Spirit at Baptism. And in John
3:22 and John 4:1-3, we read about
Jesus and the Apostles baptizing.

But the final and irrefutable

answer comes from Scripture
itself. What does the Bible say
about Baptism? Is it just a symbolic
washing, as some Christians believe,
or is it necessary for salvation, that
is, does it save us, as the Catholic
Church teaches?
Unquestionably, the Bible teaches
that Baptism saves you. This is
literally what St. Peter says in 1 Peter
3:20-21: (In the ark) eight persons
were saved through water. Baptism,
which corresponds to this, now saves
you. It doesnt get much clearer than
that! Then, in Acts 2:38, St. Peter

again says: Repent and be baptized

every one of you in the name of Jesus
Christ for the remission of your sins
and you shall receive the gift of the
Holy Spirit. And in Galatians 3:27,
St. Paul confirms that all of you
who were baptized into Christ have
clothed yourselves with Christ.
But ultimately, it is Jesus Himself
Who definitively answers the
question. In Mark 16:16, He says,
whoever believes and is baptized will
be saved. Need we say more?
If God has ordained water baptism
as the means He chooses to convey the
Grace of salvation, who are we to argue?
CANDLE LIGHT (April 24-30, 2016)

use of Pen of Spirituality

Pureza D. Lacuesta

lection time is drawing near.

Everybody is excited to know who our
leaders would be, from the national
level down to the local. Campaigns are
going on day and night, and large crowds
of people gather to hear the campaign
speeches and endorsements of campaign
Each candidate in the group tries
his best to share his ideas of possible
improvement from material to physical,
physical to educational, and many more.
However, there is an improvement we all
need to hear; to expect and to materialize
- the Spiritual improvement. Accusations,
prisons cells, law-enforcing officers, trial
courts, and even electric chairs, are not the
only solutions to stop crimes and abuses.
There is a very effective means to stop
everything that could destroy homes, lives,
and even nations; and that effective shield,
is the shield of spirituality. We need to
pray to the greatest power over men and
all creation, to Him, Who at the snap of
His Fingers can change everything. God
hears. God listens. God gives. He is simply
waiting for us to talk to Him as a child talks
to his father, and if He knows that what we
are asking is for the good of our soul, He
never hesitates to smile and pour down His
Let us use own gift of prayer. Let us
lift our hands and our hearts to heaven
and pray that those who are elected will
use their intelligence and their capacity
to improve our religiosity and place God
before everything else.

From home, to school, to government

offices, to public buildings, let there be
friendliness and cordiality and give a chance
for material and spiritual improvement.
Last Sunday, April 17, during the
second Mass at the Jaro Cathedral, Msgr.
Velarde, the officiating celebrant, delivered
a homily that was beautiful, touching, and
easily understood. The Mass-goers listened
intently and commented positively when the
Mass ended.
Let us cooperate by implementing what
we have heard and by letting our children,
our relatives, and our friends, share the
joy, the spirituality, and the beauty of
understanding and living our faith.
Our habit we need to develop in order to
be spiritually inclined is to choose a devotion
which we can practice every day. Some of us
recite the Holy Rosary, others pray novenas
to their favorite saints, while others practice

religious activities of their choices.

I would like to share with you one
devotion which has done much for me and
for many others. I am already 88 years old
but I dont suffer headaches or fever, no high
blood pressure, no diabetes and some more.
I pray to God the father, offer myself and
my needs upon waking up in the morning
and before going to bed at night. I ask some
members of our family to join me in my
Petitional Rosary to God the Father in the
evening and much has been done for us. Try
the devotion to God the Father and you will
not regret.
May this years election lead to a change
and produce leaders who can change our
country to Christianity. May we pray to God
with faith and reverence so that our countrys
leaders will make God our real Father and
Leader, and give us peace of mind and love
in our heart.

Amoris...from page 5...

nga napabakod sang mga birtud
sang kaalwan, katutom, katampad
kag pasyensya. Ikaduha, tungod
kay nagapaisog ini sa tagsatagsa
nga mangin timaan sang kaluoy kag
pagkaisa sa diin ang kabuhi sang
pamilya indi himpit kag kulang sing
paghidait kag kalipay.
6. Sugoran ko ini paagi sa isa ka panugod
nga kapitulo nga inspirado sang
Kasulatan sa paghatag sing nagakaigo
nga tono. Dayon akon usisaon ang
tunay nga sitwasyon sang panimalay
agod magpabilin ini nga nagamot
sa reyalidad. Padayunon ko paagi
sa pagdumdom sang pila sa labing
importante nga aspekto sang ginatudlo
sang Simbahan nahanungod sa pagasawahay kag pamilya, sa pagbukas
sang alagyan para sa duha ka sentral
nga kapitulo nga napatungod sa gugma.
Dayon akon hatagan sing pagtamod
ang pila ka mga pastoral nga tikang
nga magatuytuy sa aton sa pagtukod
sing mabakod kag mabinungahon nga
panimalay suno sa plano sang Dios,
upod ang isa ka kompleto nga kapitulo
para sa pagpadaku sa kabataan. Sa
CANDLE LIGHT (April 24-30, 2016)

hingapusan, magahatag ako sing

pangagda sa pagkaluoy kag pastoral
nga pagkilala sa mga sitwasyon nga
kinulang sa ginapaabot sang Dios
sa aton, kag tapuson ko ina dira sa
isa ka malip-ot nga diskusyon sang
espiritwalidad sang panimalay.
Tungod sang bugana nga bunga sang
duha ka Sinodo, ini nga Panugyan
magatutok sa nagakalainlain nga mga
bagay sa lainlain man nga mga paagi.
Gani, indi mapaiway nga malawig
ini. Amo ini ang rason nga wala ko
ginarekomendar nga basahon ninyo
ini sing padali. Daku gid ang kaayohan,
para mismo sa mga panimalay kag para
man sa mga nagaobra sa apostolado
sang panimalay, kon ang tagsa ka
bahin basahon sing may pasyensya
kag pag-andam, ukon kon hatagan sing
atensyon ang mga parte nga nagatutok
lamang sa pinasahi nga kinahanglanon
sang tagsatagsa. Halimbawa, ang mga
kinasal mas luyag sa Ika-Apat kag IkaLima nga Kapitulo, samtang ang mga
ministro pastoral mas interesado sa IkaAnum nga Kapitulo, samtang ang iban
pa gid magabatyag sang panghangkat
sang Ika-Walo nga Kapitulo. Ako

nagalaum nga paagi sa pagbasa sini,

ang tanan makabatyag nga ginatawag
sila sa paghigugma kag pagpakamahal
sang kabuhi sa panimalay, kay ang
panimalay indi amo ang problema; una
kag labaw sa tanan, ang panimalay isa
ka kahigayonan. (4).




Third Extraordinary GeneraL AssembLy of The

Synod of Bishops, Relatio Synodi (18 October
2014), 2.
Fourteenth ordinary GeneraL AssembLy of The
Synod of Bishops, Relatio Finalis (24 October
2015), 3.
Concluding Address of the Fourteenth Ordinary
General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops (24
October 2015): LOsservatore Romano, 2627 October 2015, p. 13; cf. PontificaL Biblical
Commission, Fede e cultura alla luce della Bibbia.
Atti della sessione plenaria 1979 della Pontificia
Commissione Biblica, Turin, 1981; Second Vatican
EcumenicaL CounciL, Pastoral Constitution on the
Church in the Modern World Gaudium et Spes,
44; John PauL II, Encyclical Letter Redemptoris
Missio (7 December 1990), 52: AAS 83 (1991),
300; Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (24
November 2013), 69, 117: AAS 105 (2013), 1049,
Address at the Meeting of Families in Santiago
de Cuba (22 September 2015): LOsservatore
Romano, 24 September 2015, p. 7.

from the

Parish Office
Engr. Alberto H. Yanga
Parish Secretary


The couples below wish to contract marriage with each other. For any
impediments or serious defects that will prohibit marriage, please inform the
Parish Secretary or call 320-9505 or 329-16-25.


IAN MOlO gAdIAN, 37 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Lourdes, Jaro, Iloilo
City, son of Romeo Gadian, Sr. & Victoria Molo and gEMMA OdIAMAN
FERNANdEz, 35 yrs. old, resident of Baclayan, Iloilo, daughter of Herman
Fernandez & Enriqueta Odiaman.
ElMER lOPEz PEdROSA, 48 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Taft North,
Mandurriao, Iloilo City, son of Eliseo Sr. S. Pedrosa & Norma E. Lopez and
MARIA ROSE VIllACERAN guElOS, 38 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Taft
North, Mandurriao, Iloilo City, daughter of Rodrigo Sr. H. Guelos & Paulina
J. Villaceran.
jOhN REY RuAlES PIN, 27 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Teresa, San
Miguel, Iloilo, son of Reynaldo S. Pin & Judith N. Ruales and ROWENA jEANE
VIllACERAN guElOS, 26 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Taft North, Mandurriao,
Iloilo City, daughter of Rodrigo Sr. H. Guelos & Paulina J. Villaceran.
jENIFER CAMANO CANAWAY, 32 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Cararaan,
Leon, Iloilo, son of Dionisio C. Canaway & Susan C. Camano and jEBElYN
PIANO PEdROSA, 33 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Taft North, Mandurriao, Iloilo
City, daughter of Dionisio S. Pedrosa & Bebelyn V. Piano.
ROBERTO jR. juAREz ARAgORAT, 38 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Taft
North, Mandurriao, Iloilo City, son of Roberto V. Aragorat & Nelly L. Juarez
and ANAlYN lACORTE gATPATAN, 28 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Taft North,
Mandurriao, Iloilo City, daughter of Desiderio G. Gatpatan & Gina A. Lacorte.
jOEY CElESTE APAWAN, 36 yrs. old, resident of 208-A Javellana
Subd., Benedicto St., Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Teodoro Apawan & Fe Celeste
and ARgENTINA SAAVEdRA PASPE, 35 yrs. old, resident of 208-A Javellana
Subd., Benedicto St., Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Rolando Paspe, Sr. &
Redempta Saavedra.


jOEl ESTRAERO gARANgANAO, 33 yrs. old, resident of Mantangon,

Igbaras, Iloilo, son of Jose Garanganao & Lorna Estraero and MARgIE YAP
PANES, 32 yrs. old, resident of 186-D, Fajardo St., Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter
of Jimmy Panes & Marietta Yap.
ElIEMAR ChAVEz PASIgNASIgNA, 21 yrs. old, resident of E. Lopez
St., Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Mateo Pasignasigna & Flora Chavez and jOY MAY
gABAYERON ARIM, 23 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Lo-ong, Concepcion, Iloilo,
daughter of Welfredo Arim & Myrna Gabayeron.
RENE FACTO FABRIgAR, 61 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. San Roque, Jaro,
Iloilo City, son of Domingo Fabrigar & Estelita Facto and PACITA lOMIllO
BARANdA, 55 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. San Roque, Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter
of Diosdado Baranda & Lourdes Lomillo.
jOhN PAul MAgBANuA MuYCO, 26 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Bakhaw,
Mandurriao, Iloilo City, son of Danilo Demerin Muyco & Edna Alujado
Magbanua and RONNA MAE TEORIMA OBRERO, 23 yrs. old, resident of
Brgy. Bakhaw, Mandurriao, Iloilo City, daughter of Ruben Pasignasigna
Obrero & Lorna Miranda Teorima.


hARdY gAllEgO BARCElONA, 32 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Tabuc

Suba, Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Antonio Barcelona & Emma Gallego and jhONA
MAE gRATE dA-ANOY, 19 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Velasco, Lemery, Iloilo,
daughter of Dionisio Da-anoy & Mae Grate.
Ed lOuIE BONghANOY BRASIlEO, 33 yrs. old, resident of Alta
Tierra Village, Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Edson Brasileo & Lourdes Bonghanoy
and jANICE CABARlES jORquE, 33 yrs. old, resident of San Vicente, Jaro,
Iloilo City, daughter of Jolito Jorque & Estelita Cabarles.
dONNIE TAllAdOR lAgdAMEN, 39 yrs. old, resident of 6-F D.B.
Ledesma St., Jaro, Iloilo City, son of David Lagdamen & Maxima Tallador
and KRISTINE jOY ISlA TERRE, 30 yrs. old, resident of Kalamansig, Sultan
Kudarat, daughter of Aurelio Terre & Isabelita Isla.

APRIl 24, 2016 SuNdAY
05:00 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Margaret Ruth C. Florete
06:30 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of DMI for April Birthday
Celebrants by Ma. Fe Penecilla & Ma. Teresa Jamili
08:00 a.m.
09:30 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Dr. & Dr. Gerard Penecilla &
Family in Honor of Mary Help of Christians
12:00 n.n.
+Rey, Luz, Leon & Ney Tajanlangit, Serafin & Victoria
Mallare, Alfredo & Corazon Hugo, Encarnacion &

03:00 p.m.
04:30 p.m.
06:00 p.m.
07:30 p.m.

Maria Clara Gonzaga, Eduardo Nuguit, Augustus

Bacabac by Alice T. Mallare & Family
+Eliseo L. Siscar by Siscar Family
Thanksgiving Mass of Rogelio C. Florete, Jr.
Thanksgiving Mass of Association for OFWs Families

APRIl 25, 2016

05:30 a.m.
06:00 a.m.
06:30 a.m.
12:15 p.m.
05:30 p.m.

+Julianita Diaz by Atty. & Mrs. Enrique Arguelles
Thanksgiving Mass for the Birthday of Briella Francine
+Hermenio Sr. & Adela Ledesma by Mae L. Chua
+Magdalena B. Baluca by Chavez Family

APRIl 26, 2016 TuESdAY

05:30 a.m.
+Ricardo, Milagros & Michael Lebrilla by
Jose Rimi L. Lebrilla
06:00 a.m.
+Flora Rita Escartin by OJ & Swit Marcelo
06:30 a.m.
+Epifanio & Correa De Josef by Alice J. Zerrudo
12:15 p.m.
+Letecia & Robena by Reno P. Ceriaco
05:30 p.m.
+Ramon, Gloria & Cesar Jolipa by Beltran &
Calderon Family
APRIl 27, 2016
05:30 a.m.
06:00 a.m.
06:30 a.m.
12:15 p.m.
05:30 p.m.

Thanksgiving Mass of Noemi Hinolan Corral & Family
Thanksgiving Mass of Noly Maloto Corral & Family
Death Anniversary of Juan Guadarrama by
Guadarrama Family
+Wilbur, Luis, Sonia Dela Llana, Agustin Divinagracia
& All Souls in Purgatory by Leila Dela Llana & Family
+Pedro Destao, Sr. by Ali Destao

APRIl 28, 2016 ThuRSdAY

05:30 a.m.
+Primo Almajar, Natalia & Cornelio Guevara by
Teodora Guevara
06:00 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Herminio Jr. & Ma Pinky Torreta
06:30 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass and Healing for Jesusita M.
Henderson by Jaime, Corazon Majarucon & Children
12:15 p.m.
Thanksgiving Mass for Deneb Dela Llana, Joseph,
Angel, Boyting, Elvin, Ading, Ivan Paul Divinagracia, JP,
Willah & Santi Gorriceta by Leila Dela Llana & Family
05:30 p.m.
+Pilar Zaldarriaga by Mr. & Mrs. Rogelio Florete, Sr.
& Family
APRIl 29, 2016 FRIdAY
05:30 a.m.
+Leonardo, Elena, Letecia & Samuel Saludes, Rose
Millamena, Milagros Serag, Democrito Salvacion & Rita
Sampani by Concepcion Saludes
06:00 a.m.
+Bernardo Caperonce, Sr. by Mr. & Mrs. Rogelio
Florete, Sr. & Family
06:30 a.m.
Death Anniversary of Celso Jalandoni
12:15 p.m.
Death Anniversary of Ricardo Hortillas, Sr. & Alejandra
by Julieta Hortillas
05:30 p.m.
Thanksgiving Mass for the Birthday of Ma.
Victoria C. Padilla
APRIl 30, 2016 SATuRdAY
05:30 a.m.
+Milagros Jardiolin by Jardiolin Family
06:00 a.m.
Mass Intention for Guidance & Enlightenment of
Samantha Louise Jarder in taking the Board Exam
06:30 a.m.
+Amparo Baron by Lorna Catedral
05:30 p.m.
+Angelina Lavilla & All Souls in Purgatory by Nestor
Lavilla & Family

b A P Ti s m
APRIl 16, 2016
APRIl 17, 2016
APRIl 18, 2016

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