8cf0ca16a4b3b4e-Community Arts Grants (Quick Response) 2015-16

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Have you:

Contacted the Cultural Development Unit to discuss your application? (Required.)

Read the Grant Guidelines thoroughly?

Acquitted any previous City of Greater Geelong grants?

(If applicable) Provided Auspice with funding conditions?

Obtained the relevant ABN and GST details of your group?

Obtained a Certificate of Currency for your Public Liability Insurance?

Contacted Councils Events Unit (for events taking place on Council-owned property)?

Obtained copies of any approvals and/or permits from relevant property owners?

Obtained any relevant budget quotes?

Completed the Budget Section (to be sure the numbers balance)?

Previewed the Online Application Form?

COMMUNITY ARTS GRANTS (Quick Response) (9/2015)

All rights reserved. No part of this document can be reproduced except for the purposes of this grant program.

PAGE 1 of 11


go to www.geelongaustralia.com.au/grants and follow the grant program links
to Community Arts & Festivals Grants and the relevant Online Application

COMMUNITY ARTS GRANTS (Quick Response) (9/2015)

All rights reserved. No part of this document can be reproduced except for the purposes of this grant program.

PAGE 2 of 11

What Is The Community Arts Grants (Quick


The City of Greater Geelong is a municipality with great

cultural strengths. Council is working to build on these
strengths, and position the City as an exciting cultural centre
of innovation and excellence.

The Community Arts Grants (Quick Response) supports

urgent arts projects whose timelines prevent the applicant
from applying within the major Community Arts and Festivals
Grants Program application period occurring annually in July.

Applicants must provide a legitimate reason as to why the

application could not take place within the timelines of the
major annual funding round, and why funding is necessary at
short notice (eg. an arts program devised in response to an
environmental disaster).

Further details from www.geelongaustralia.com.au or by

contacting the Cultural Development Unit on 03 5272 4703.

Who Can Apply?

Incorporated (or those deemed by Council to hold a similar

legal status) not-for-profit community groups and
organisations are eligible to apply under this program.

Non-incorporated groups may apply if they have an auspice.

(See Page 3 for further details.)

If you have received funds from Council previously, you must

have submitted an Acquittal to Council to be eligible to
receive any further funds.

You will also need to ensure that your organisation has no

outstanding debts or is not in arrears to the City of Greater
Geelong to be considered for funding.

Applicants to Community Arts Grants (Quick Response) can

apply for amounts of up to $1,500, according to availability of

These funds are drawn annually from the Community Arts

Grants program, which has a total allocation of $120,000 per
financial year for applications across all four Arts streams
(Arts Project, Quick Response, Biennial and Professional

When Can You Apply?

Funds allocated within this stream are limited, and occur on

a first come, first served basis. Applications will be accepted
Between October and May, subject to availability of funds.

Applicants may not apply more than once a year to this


Applicants should allow a minimum of four weeks for


What Projects Are Considered For Funding?

Projects must have an arts and culture focus, be organised by an
incorporated not-for-profit community group, and occur within the
Greater Geelong municipality. Here are some examples of items
that you may wish to consider applying for:

Workshops and community arts events that have been

initiated at short notice due to circumstances beyond the
control of the applicant, and activities such as:

Arts project-based artist fees

Arts project-based equipment hire

Materials for arts projects for such events

Delivery of workshops, information sessions, seminars

and event series of an arts and cultural nature.

Activities that encourage collaboration between arts

organisations and other communities.

What Will NOT Be Funded?

Activities that are eligible under a different grant stream or


Applications that could be reasonably expected to have been

submitted to the Community Arts (Arts Project) or (Biennial)
stream within the main annual grant round.

Festival activities should apply under the Community

Festivals Grants.

Preparation or planning activities for larger events and

activities that will apply for funding at a later stage.

Capital works projects

Prizes and awards for competitions.

Equipment purchases for ongoing use.

Travel expenses - may be eligible under Community Art

Grants (Professional Development)

Retrospective funding for activities that have already taken

place prior to the grant application being acknowledged as

Activities which will commit future Council funds to future,

ongoing operational or other funding.

Insurance and permit costs (including public liability)

Activities that could be considered core business ie. that are

associated with the normal operational or day-to-day running
of your organisation (including administration and staff
salaries or wages) This includes activities for school-based
events, such as fetes.

Projects that start prior to this application being received by

Council, or acknowledged as successful (This does not
include any planning or preparation you may have done that
does not require the commitment of funds)

How Much Can You Apply For?

How Do You Apply?

There is a two-step application process:
1. Direct Contact with Arts & Culture Department:
To be eligible, all applicants must discuss their project with the
Arts & Culture Department directly prior to submitting the
application online. This can be done either by attending a Grant
Information Session, or by booking a one-on-one session with an
Arts & Culture Department officer. It is acceptable to do either.
Bookings are essential contact the Arts & Culture Department
on 5272 4703 to book a place.
2. Online Submission:
All applications MUST be submitted online via Councils web site
at www.geelongaustralia.com.au. Contact the Arts & Culture
Department on 5272 4703 if you require support.
Hard copy applications will not be accepted. However you can
use these Guidelines and sample form for reference only, to
assist in preparing for your online application.

How Are Applications Scored?

Applications must score 80% or above against the following

Benefit to Local Artists
Benefit to Broader Community
Strengthening Local / Cultural Identity 15%
Improving Arts Access
Environmental Sustainability
Budget and Marketing Plan

What is an Auspice?

If your group is not incorporated or a similar legal entity, you

may need to appoint an incorporated body to act as auspice
for your application.

The auspice will manage the funds on behalf of the

Applicant, and is legally responsible to manage those funds
in accordance with the Funding Agreement.

It is a condition of funding to the Auspice body that the

recipient of the grant be provided with the monies upfront,
whereupon an initial receipt of a funding invoice with later
confirmation of supplier invoices being required from the
recipient to the auspicing body upon completion of the

Auspice organisations are advised to read the Grant

Conditions and Funding Agreement to ensure that they fully
understand their responsibility prior to signing.

The applicant must keep the Auspice fully informed of the

details of the application.

Some Auspice organisations may charge an auspice fee, at

their discretion.


include any In-kind goods or services. In-kind refers to

goods or services that have been gifted to the project that
would otherwise need to be paid for. You must calculate an
estimated value for each in-kind item, and list it as an income
line and an expense line to show that the cost of the item has
been offset by the in-kind gift.

show the cash contribution from your organisation. It is

expected that your organisation will contribute a
reasonable proportion of the project cost.

show specifically what grant funds will be spent on.

Promotion and Marketing

The Mayor

Councillors on the Community Arts & Festivals

Assessment Committee

Arts and Culture Department

Privacy Information
The personal information on the Community Arts Grants
Application Form is collected by Council for the primary purpose
of processing your grant application. Should you wish to access
this information, you may contact Council on 5272 5272.
Council will publicly report grants awarded on an annual basis.

Please Note The Following:

Projects that are the same or similar to a previous years

application will generally not be funded more than once.

Allocated funds must be expended within 12 months of

receiving the funding, unless otherwise negotiated.

Check that you have chosen the correct grant program for
your project. Council offers a variety of funding programs
aimed at assisting the community with specific activities.
Information about these programs follow in this document.

A Tax Invoice is required to be submitted to The Arts &

Culture Department prior to payment of the grant.

Any event/program/project that is to be held on Council

property (this includes council owned buildings, parks and all
other open space areas including the Geelong Waterfront) is
required to have the approval of both the Council
Department with asset management responsibility for the
property, and Councils Events Services Unit. Grant
recipients should not assume that receipt of funds relieves
them of the requirement to obtain the appropriate permits
and permissions for use of these locations.

In a spirit of responsible care for our environment, grant

applicants are requested to carefully consider the
environmental issues such as energy use and greenhouse
emissions, water use, waste & recycling, sustainable travel,
natural environment, or awareness of the relationships
between people and our planet.

Changes to Project Prior to Completion

Funds are allocated on the basis of project descriptions

provided in Grant applications, with the expectation that the
project will be delivered as described. You must seek
approval in writing from Council via the Arts & Culture
Department if substantial changes are to be made to the
nature of the project, or if grant funds cannot be expended
within 12 months.

If a project does not go ahead, Council must be contacted

immediately to arrange for the return of grant funds.

Applicants must contact Councils Communication and Marketing

Department on 5272 4803 to obtain the relevant logo and
arrange for approval of proofs of all materials before production.
Unauthorised use of the Council logo may result in the Applicant
being ineligible to apply for further grants.
As a condition of Funding, successful recipients will be asked to
provide invitations to the public outcome of any funded activities.
You should invite the following parties:

Invitations can be sent to PO Box 104, Geelong Vic 3220.

Electronic invitations for Councillors may be emailed to
councillor@geelongcity.vic.gov.au .

The budget must:

be balanced i.e. the Total Income must be the same as Total

The Arts and Culture Portfolio Holder

You may also wish to send invitations be sent to other

Councillors, as well as representatives from the Events
Department and Community Development Department.

A well prepared and accurate budget is the foundation of all

successful applications.

Project Evaluation

For Council audit purposes, an Acquittal must be submitted

upon conclusion of any funded project. Acquittal is conducted
online using the same process as your application.

Acquittals will include a self evaluation of the projects

economic benefit to Geelong.

Organisations that do not submit a completed Acquittal Form,

including an accurate statement of actual expenditure of
funds, will be ineligible to apply to City of Greater Geelong
for future grants.

Unless written permission is obtained from the Arts & Culture

Unit, grant funds must only be used as indicated in the Grant
Application budget. Funds not used as originally intended
may need to be returned to Council.


Making a profit from your Project is acceptable, provided you

have used all grant funds strictly for the purpose for which
they were approved.


Professional Development Grants of up to $1,000 are available

all year round, subject to availability of funds. Volunteer arts
community workers and professional artists who reside
permanently within the Greater Geelong municipality may apply
at any time to finance selected professional and skill
development activities, including, but not limited to,
reimbursement of travel costs or registration fees for cultural
conferences, programs, mentorships or other arts education
activities for individuals.

Community Festivals Grants

The Community Festivals Grant Program is a Council initiative to
further strengthen community festival activities across the
municipality and, in doing so, celebrate the diverse and unique
communities within the City of Greater Geelong. The Program is
available to groups seeking to develop festivals which
complement the cultural life of the Geelong community.
Community Festivals Grants are available in three categories:
Festival (One-off); Festival (Development) and Festival
(Triennial). Triennial Grants are not open to festivals that have
been operating for less than three years.

Further details are available at

www.geelongaustralia.com.au/grants or by contacting
the Arts & Culture Department on 5272 4703

As part of the Evaluation process, randomly selected

projects may be required to provide additional detail of
expenditure to improve project accountability.

Council officers may request meetings with the Applicant to

check progress, or undertake an independent audit of the
books and records of the Applicant.


Accurate financial records of the recipient organisation must

be maintained and made available to Council in the event of
any further audit by Council into the use of the grant.

Community Grants Program

The City of Greater Geelong also provides the following other

funding opportunities to support the community:

The Community Grants Program is offered to assist not-for-profit

community organisations to provide opportunities that benefit the
Geelong community.
City of GRANT
Greater Geelong
provides the following other funding
opportunities to support its community:

Community Arts Grants (Arts Project)

The City of Greater Geelong is a municipality with great cultural
strengths. Council is working to build on these strengths, and
position the City as an exciting cultural centre of innovation and
The Community Arts Grants (Arts Project) aims to support the
initiation, development and delivery of quality arts projects,
enriching the cultural fabric of the Geelong region and
maximising community participation in local arts activity.
The program is structured to enable a wide range of arts and
cultural groups to obtain a share of the grant funds for a varied
range of projects spanning all arts genres.
Eligible organisations may apply for activities that will take place
within the Greater Geelong municipality, and which demonstrate
benefit to the cultural life of the Geelong community.

The program aims to contribute funds to assist eligible groups to

undertake a wide range of projects consistent with the Citys
Community Wellbeing priorities. The program has an allocation
of $240,000 per financial year, with most grant allocations
ranging between $500 and $3,000 per applicant.
There are several grant rounds per financial year when requests
for funds can made by completing our online application form.
Applications are assessed based on the established eligibility
guidelines and selection criteria of the program.
For further information, please go to
http://www.geelongaustralia.com.au/grants or contact the
Community Grants staff on 5272 4736 or via email

Victorian Seniors Festival Grant Program

Community Arts Grants (Biennial)

The Senior Citizens Festival in Geelong is a month-long

celebration and acknowledgment of the important contribution
that senior citizens make in our community.

This Biennial Grant category provides a more substantial level of

funding for the development of large-scale arts projects with one
or more phases of activity that span across a two-year period.

Grants are available for amounts of up to $400 for activities that

take place during Seniors Week.

Grants of up to $12,000, may be disbursed across two years

(max $6,000 per year), to successful applicants.

The program is advertised once per financial year and

applications are accepted within specified timelines.

Community Arts Grants (Professional


Eligible groups must meet grant guidelines and complete an

application, available at www.geelongaustralia.com.au/grants or

by contacting Councils Health Promotions Officer Aged &

Disability Services Unit on 5272 5272

Geelong Major Events Funding (GME)

GME aims to develop a broad range of major events in the region
by providing financial support to organisations delivering high
quality, large scale events.
Applications for funding will be accepted throughout the year but
should be made at least four months prior to the proposed event.
Further details are available via the City's website at
www.geelongaustralia.com.au or by contacting Councils Events
& Marketing Services Unit on 5272 5272.

Swim Sport and Leisure Sponsorship (Inkind Support)

The City of Greater Geelongs Swim Sport and Leisure Centres
provide services to Geelongs community with a wide range of
programs and facilities available. Swim Sport and Leisure
Sponsorship looks at investing in a number of opportunities that
reflect our vision, corporate values and program initiatives.
Contact the Citys Swim Sport and Leisure Unit on 5272 5272 for
further information regarding sponsorship opportunities and how
to apply.

Bis-Sport Funding
This small grant fund (for amounts between $100 to $1,500) is
for Individual sports people over 12 years of age who are
participating in regional, state and national sporting events or
competitions. Funds can be used to assist participants with costs
associated with: accommodation; travel; uniforms; special
coaching activities; and special equipment etc.
Applicants must conform to the grant guidelines and complete an
application form. Further information can be obtained by
contacting the Barwon Sports Academy on 5224 9110.


SECTION 2: Sample Application Form (For Reference Only)
nb. Please complete ALL questions.

Reason for Requesting a Quick Response

(a) Please provide your reasons for requesting a Quick
Response grant rather than applying within the main annual
grant round?

If your group is not incorporated or a similar legal entity,

you may need to appoint an incorporated body to act as
auspice for your application. (See the Guidelines for
explanation of auspice.)

The auspice will manage the funds on behalf of the

Applicant, and is legally responsible to manage those funds
in accordance with the Funding Agreement.

Some Auspice organisations may charge an auspice fee, at

their discretion.
Do you require an aucpice?


If Yes, your Auspice details must be completed in full (below) and

their Incorporation number inserted above.
N.B: Being unaware of grant round dates, missing a deadline or loss
of other funding are not eligible reasons. Please limit your response
to 150 words.

(b) How urgently do you require a decision? (Note: allow min 4

weeks for application process).

(c) * Australian Business Number (ABN) of the Organisation

Please be aware that If you do not provide either an ABN or a
Statement by a Supplier Form, Council is obliged to send 48.5%
of your allocation directly to the Australian Tax Office (ATO).
Statement by a Supplier Forms can be obtained by following this
ATO link: Statement by Supplier Form.
(d) Are you registered for GST?

Please tell us if a critical milestone is dependent on this funding by a

specific date. e.g. booking deadline or financial commitment date
that will compromise the activity if a delay in funding notification

Grant Discussion
It is a requirement for all potential applicants to discuss their
proposal with the Arts & Culture Unit prior to applying for a
Community Art or Festival Grant. Applications may only be
made after attending either a relevant public information
session or a one-on-one grant chat with a grants officer.
(a) Have you met with the Arts & Culture Department directly to
discuss your Project?


If you are registered for GST and you are allocated funds,
Council will pay an additional 10% to accommodate GST.

Capital Works & Equipment

This Grant Program does not fund Capital Works or Equipment
for on-going use. Do you intend to use the grant for one or more
of the following?
Building or renovations/ refurbishment works to the inside or
outside of a building?
Purchase (not hire) of equipment eg. sound equipment,
instruments, mobile staging, indoor or outdoor venue
amenities such as shade sails, air conditioners etc?
Alterations/renovations to any outdoor spaces such as
playgrounds, sporting grounds, parks or reserves etc?

(b) When did you attend? (Date)

(c) Which grant officer did you meet with?

The grant program overview, application process and detailed
discussion of guidelines must have been explained at this meeting
to be valid. If you require any further explanation of these topics,
please contact the grants officer on 5272 4703 to book a grant chat.

Legal And Taxation Requirements

You must complete all questions in this section. The
information you provide will determine if your application is
eligible to progress to the first assessment stage.
(a) Name of Applicant Group or Organisation



If Yes, your activity is NOT eligible for funding under this program


To be eligible for funding under this program, you MUST have

Public Liability Insurance (PLI).
If you have an Auspice who is providing PLI to cover your
project/event, you must acquire a Certificate of Currency from
them for inclusion with this application. (a policy statement or
receipt is NOT sufficient).

Have you arranged for a Certificate of Currency for PLI?



Where insurance is not in place, Regional Arts Victoria (RAV) can

provide recommendations for affordable cover for artists and for
groups. RAV can be contacted on 03 9644 1800. You will need
to upload your Certificate as part of the online form.

(b) Incorporation Number of Applicant Organisation* (or

Only Incorporated Not-For-Profit groups or those with an Auspice
can receive funds.

Other Council Funding


SECTION 2: Sample Application Form (For Reference Only)
Have you entered into an agreement or discussion regarding this
project with any other City of Greater Geelong Department or


If yes, please provide details below:



Person Completing this Form:

First name



Business hours number

After hours number

Mobile number

Funding History
Have you received any funding from the City of Greater
Geelong, for any other project/event in the last three years?

Name Funding

If yes, please provide details below:

Name of Project Amount


Email (required):


*NB. Until Acquittal Reports with all required support material

have been received by Council for all previous projects, any
future projects will not be eligible for funding.

(For official email concerning this grant application)

Applicant Organisations Street Address:

Street name

Ownership* and Permits

(a) Who owns the facility where the project will take place?

*NB. Permission may be required if the facility is owned by

Council or other Government bodies. If the land or building is
owned and/or managed by the City of Greater Geelong, you
must contact the Events Unit on 03 5272 4214 and arrange
to submit appropriate Event Application Forms.



Post code

Postal Address for official correspondence

about this grant application:
(Please DO NOT write As Above)
Street name

(b) Who manages this facility?



Organisation Name (Not the name of the person you deal

with - unless the venue is owned and operated by the
Has the owner/manager provided you with approval to
undertake the activity in this facility?.


Not Applicable

If your organisation owns the venue/s for your project/event, you

are still required to upload written permission.
Upload approvals and permits
(d) Have you contacted Councils Events Unit if



Alternate Contact Persons Details:

MUST be a person who is authorised to represent the project if
the person submitting this application is not available.
The second contact MUST HAVE different phone and email
information to the applicant.
First name


Title in organisation

Business hours number

After hours number

Mobile number

Not Applicable

When did you attend? (Date)

Which events officer did you meet with?

Post code

Email (Required):


SECTION 2: Sample Application Form (For Reference Only)
Auspice (if applicable)
Auspice Postal Address:
* For clarification, please refer to the Grant Guidelines
The auspice will manage the funds on behalf of the Applicant,
and is legally responsible to manage those funds in accordance
with the Funding Agreement.
It is a condition of funding to the Auspice body that the recipient
of the grant be provided with the monies upfront, whereupon an
initial receipt of a funding invoice with later confirmation of
supplier invoices being required from the recipient to the auspice
body upon completion of the project.

Note: Grant Payments will be made to the Auspice


The Auspice must be fully informed of the details of this

application and be made aware of their legal responsibilities
before completing this application.
The Auspice contacts signature will be required on the Funding
Name of Auspice Organisation

Auspice ABN

Auspice Contact Persons Details:

First name


Title in Auspice organisation

Business hours number

After hours number

Mobile number

Email contact
(For official email concerning this grant application where

Legal documents including Agreements and payment details will

be sent to this address when applicable.

Street name



Post code

How will you know if these outcomes have been


Project Title:
Must be no more than 100 characters.

Describe your project in 50 words or less:

What plan, process or strategy will you use to evaluate whether

your project has been successful?

How many people do you expect will

attend/participate in your activity? (Approximately)
Please provide a clear and engaging summary of your
project.What do you wish to do? Must be no more than 50

How much do you wish to apply for?

(Max $1,500)
Please use increments of $100 only.


1.Benefit to Local Artists (20% of total score)

(a) How many local professional artists will work on the

Where will your project take place?

Where will the main activity of this project will take place?
Include any venue names and other locations.

In which Council Ward will the main activity take

place? (select from list)

The City of Greater Geelong is divided into 12 Wards

with their own elected Councillors. Click on this Ward
Map link to see your ward.

Date your planning phase will start:

Date your planning phase will end:

(e.g. professional arts practitioners or arts workers who

charge for their work. Where an Artistic Director or Lead Artist
has been engaged, please provide artists' CVs in support
(b) How many of these artists will be paid?

(c) How many non-professional artists will work on this


(e.g. hobbyists, club members etc. who do not charge for their
(d) How will all the artists involved benefit from this project?

Launch date:
When will you hold the public launch or a significant promotion
of your project?

Launch Location:
Where do you plan to hold the public launch or a significant
promotion of your project?

Where will your Public Outcome be held?

Where do you plan to hold the public presentation or
performance of your finished project?

Public Outcome Start date:

(Tell us how involvement with your project will support the

financial position, reputation and professional development
of the artists. Please limit your response to 250 words)

The date your project activities will begin (including workshops

and community participation activities)

Public Outcome Finish date:

The date your project activities will finish. (including workshops
and community participation activities)

2.Benefit to the Broader Community

(20% of total score)

How will the broader community benefit from this project?

(What will the project do for local residents, audiences and

partners? Please provide a detailed response. Limit your
response to 250 words)

3. Strengthen local Cultural Identity

(15% of total score)
How will the project strengthen local identity/cultural life?

(How does your project express, interpret and strengthen the

unique character of Geelong and its surrounds? Please
provide a detailed response. Limit your response to 250

4. Improving Arts Access

(15% of total score)
How will your project improve access to the arts for the whole

(Access is about maximising people's ability to connect with

the project. e.g. disadvantaged groups, people of all abilities,
people of diverse cultural backgrounds, low income earners,
elderly people, etc. Limit your response to 250 words).

5. Environmental Sustainability (15% of total score)

How will this project respond to environmental issues?

(How 'green' is your project? Discuss elements such as

energy use and greenhouse emissions, water use, waste &
recycling, sustainable travel, or awareness of the connections
between people and natural environment etc. Limit your
response to 250 words)

6. BUDGET AND MARKETING PLAN (15% of total score)

Detail all costs of running your project in the budget section below. Include all In-kind goods and services.
A well-prepared and accurate budget is the foundation of all successful applications

In kind Details:
nb. $15 - $25 per hour is a suggested figure to use when estimating Unskilled Workers and Volunteers Fees.

You may also find this site a helpful guide. http://www.alliance.org.au/equity-summaries

Information should be as detailed and accurate as possible.
Add the total in-kind $ amount to both the Income and Expenditure tables below.
In-kind Income - please note which items have already been confirmed.




Volunteer labour (please detail)

Goods (please detail)
Services (please detail)

If NO, add
Total In-kind Contribution:



Be sure to add the total In-kind $ Amount to both the INCOME and EXPENDITURE tables of the budget.

(b) Other Grants:

Provide detail of other non-CoGG grants applied for to support this project:

Other grant fund applied to:


Be sure to add the total Other Grants applied for $ Amount to the INCOME table of the budget.

COMMUNITY ARTS GRANTS (Arts Project) PART 5 (9/2015)

All rights reserved. No part of this document can be reproduced except for the purposes of this grant program.

PAGE 12 of 15

(c) Income & Expenditure:

Please list ALL project costs, and attach quotes from suppliers/contractors where possible.
Nb. Total Income MUST equal Total Expenditure
Please list ALL sources of income

Please list ALL project costs, and obtain quotes from

Nb. Show which income sources are already confirmed

using the selection box next to these items.

Nb. Show where you plan to use the grant funds using
the selection box next to these items.

City of Greater Geelong Community Arts

Grant amount requested

Artist Fees

In-kind Goods & Services *(from 10a)

In-kind Goods & Services *(from 10a)

Other Grants applied for **(from 10b)



Marketing and Promotion

Cash contribution your organisation

Equipment hire

Other cash donations

Project administration (not eligible)

Sale of products or merchandise

Cost of products or merchandise

Entry Fees (based on $____ per head)





*As detailed in section 10 (a)

**As detailed in section 10 (b)

***Total Income MUST equal Total Expenditure

(d) Upload Budget Quotes (required)

Upload quotes obtained for all Budget items.
Comments about the Budget (optional):

COMMUNITY ARTS GRANTS (Arts Project) PART 5 (9/2015)

All rights reserved. No part of this document can be reproduced except for the purposes of this grant program.

PAGE 13 of 15


What are you going to do to publicise and promote this project to the public? For example: brochures, newspapers, radio,
direct mail, launch event etc.
It is wise to promote your activity as widely as your budget allows. Some professionals suggest 10-20% of budget for best results.
Provide the dates when these strategies will be used:
(If you need to record more than four dates, please start a new line for the same marketing tool and continue adding dates)
Please change the examples to suit your project.
Marketing Tool (What you are going to do to publicise and
promote your project to the public)

Date 1

Date 2

Date 3

Date 4

Date 5

If applicable

If applicable

If applicable

If applicable

Geelong Advertiser (add details)

Bellarine Times
ArtsAtlas listings
Social Media campaign
Poster/Flyer drop
Radio Advertising

Support Material (optional)

Please attach any further support material you feel may be relevant to your application e.g. examples of previous work, pictures, long term
plans, letters of support etc. Up to 5 items accepted.

Additional Comment about this Application (Optional)

Need any help completing your application?

Please contact the Arts & Culture Department on 03 5272 4703 for assistance and further information about your application and this


www.geelongaustralia.com.au/community/arts and follow the grant program links to an Online
Application Form.

COMMUNITY ARTS GRANTS (Arts Project) PART 5 (9/2015)

All rights reserved. No part of this document can be reproduced except for the purposes of this grant program.

PAGE 14 of 15

COMMUNITY ARTS GRANTS (Arts Project) PART 5 (9/2015)

All rights reserved. No part of this document can be reproduced except for the purposes of this grant program.

PAGE 15 of 15

COMMUNITY ARTS GRANTS (Professional Development)

SECTION 3: Sample Funding Agreement (For Reference Only)

Please read this agreement carefully, then sign the second page.


ABN 18 374 210 672 (the Council) of 30 Gheringhap Street, Geelong

(Insert Name of Applicant Organisation)

(the Applicant) of
Street Name



Post code


Application Reference:
Funding Amount Approved:
Office use only



The Council makes funds available for community

programs and activities each year for the benefit of
residents of, and for activities that take place in, the City of
Greater Geelong Municipality.

c. It will obtain any necessary Council permits or other

permits required for the event/program to take place;
d. It will spend any funds granted by Council on the
approved activity;
e. It will not make any significant changes to the activity or
how the funds are allocated unless such changes are
requested in writing and subsequently approved in writing
by Council;
f. It will spend any funds provided under this agreement
within 12 months of the date of this agreement, unless an
extension is requested in writing and subsequently
approved in writing by Council;
g. It will complete an Acquittal process for the grant within
one month of the conclusion of the activity;
h. It will return to Council any funds not spent on the activity
as originally detailed in the budget submitted;
i. It will maintain accurate financial records of the recipient
organisation, and make these records available to the staff
of Council in the event of any further audit by Council into
the use of the Grant;
j. It shall release and indemnify the Council, its servants,
agents and employees against any claim, demand,
liability, costs, expenses, actions arising out of or in any
way connected with the activities of the Applicant, or the
Applicants agents in consequence of this agreement
except where the claim, demand, liability, costs or action
are caused by the Council or its servants or agents;
k. It will not hold the Council responsible for any financial
shortfall should the activity run over budget;

The Grant Program criteria must be met by the Applicant

before funding is provided as set out in this Agreement.


This Agreement will only take effect if the Applicants

submission is approved by the City of Greater Geelong
General Manager Community Services, under Delegation.


Any variation of this Agreement shall only be made in

writing between the parties.


The Council reserves the right to:


a. refuse funding to any applicant;

b. provide the applicant with a different amount than that
requested in the application;
c. impose additional *Special Conditions on the
d. stage or otherwise customise funding to any applicant;
e. discontinue funding at any stage, for any reason;
f. recall funding in whole or in part, for any reason;
g. request progress reports from the Applicant during the
period of the activity;
h. undertake an independent audit of the financial books
and records of the Applicant.
The Applicant confirms and agrees that:

It is a Not-For-Profit incorporated association or a

natural person authorised by the incorporated
association to enter into this agreement;

Activities arising from the grant allocation will take

place within the City of Greater Geelong and/or benefit
City of Greater Geelong residents and workers;

It will acknowledge Council as a funding source on all

marketing and publicity materials. This will include the City
of Greater Geelong logo (used in accordance with the
Guidelines) and the words This project is supported by
City of Greater Geelong through its Community Arts
Grants Program;

m. It will submit a promotional article for inclusion in City of

Greater Geelongs weekly ArtsAtlas Bulletin, at
www.artsatlasgeelong.com.au at least two weeks prior to
the launch event or public outcome for their project. Phone
5272 4703 for assistance;
n. It will provide invitations to the launch event or public
outcome of any funded activities, for the following Council

Mayor of the City of Greater Geelong

Arts and Culture Portfolio Holder
Other members of the Community Arts and
Festivals Assessment Committee
4. Arts and Culture Department
Invitations to be sent to:
PO Box 104, Geelong VIC 3220

If your entity or organisation is registered for GST, Council

will require a Tax Invoice to be submitted prior to payment
of the grant.


The Applicant agrees to the following *Special Conditions:

COMMUNITY ARTS GRANTS (Arts Project) PART 5 (9/2015)

All rights reserved. No part of this document can be reproduced except for the purposes of this grant program.

PAGE 16 of 15

COMMUNITY ARTS GRANTS (Professional Development)

SECTION 3: Sample Funding Agreement (For Reference Only)
Office use only



This section requires completion and signature by two committee
or authorised staff members of the organisation that are
managing the funds of this project (or by the auspice
organisation if applicable).




I affirm, on behalf of the applicant organisation, that any funds

provided by the City of Greater Geelong will be expended in
accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in the Funding
I affirm that all details supplied in this application and
attachments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge
and that the application form has been submitted with the full
knowledge and agreement of the applicant organisation.
I acknowledge that the Guidelines and Funding Agreement have
been read and fully understood.
7. TWO signatures are required.
8. At least one signatory must have authority to
administer financial activity for the applicant
9. Groups that have an Auspice organisation must get
that organisation to sign this section (see the Grant
guidelines for a description of groups that may require an





Applicant Organisations Name (or Auspice if applicable)


ABN (use Auspice ABN if applicable)









COMMUNITY ARTS GRANTS (Arts Project) PART 5 (9/2015)

All rights reserved. No part of this document can be reproduced except for the purposes of this grant program.

PAGE 17 of 15

COMMUNITY ARTS GRANTS (Professional Development)

SECTION 3: Sample Funding Agreement (For Reference Only)
Office use only
Kaz Paton
Manager - Arts and Culture Department


COMMUNITY ARTS GRANTS (Arts Project) PART 5 (9/2015)

All rights reserved. No part of this document can be reproduced except for the purposes of this grant program.

PAGE 18 of 15

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