How Are Waste Materials Managed at Mine Site

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How are waste materials managed at mine site????

The type, amount, and properties of mine waste produced at different

mines vary depending on the resource being mined, process technology
used, and geology at the mine site. While many mine wastes are benign,
mining companies manage their waste in order to deal with the large
volumes of waste produced and to prevent the release of contaminates into
the environment. Waste management plans are developed as part of the
mine approval process in Canada, and consist of waste storage area
selection and design, strategies to address problematic waste, and longterm stabilization of waste as part of mine closure.
Origins of waste at mine sites
Like the majority of human activities, mining operations produce waste
materials. Waste is a general term for material which currently has little or
no economic value. [1] The soil and rock which is removed to gain access
to buried ore, and the material (water, solids, and gases) left behind after
the ore has been processed to remove the valuable commodities, are
considered to be waste materials. However, the difference in mineral
content between ore and waste rock can change depending on market
conditions and available extraction technology, and there are a number of
cases where material that was once considered waste has become a
resource for modern mining operations. [2]
Types of mine waste
There are different types of mine waste materials which vary in their
physical and chemical composition, their potential for environmental

contamination, and how they are managed at mine sites. Types of mine
waste include: [2]
Overburden: Overburden includes the soil and rock that is
removed to gain access to the ore deposits at open pit mines. It is
usually piled on the surface at mine sites where it will not impede
further expansion of the mining operation moving large volumes
of material is expensive. Overburden generally has a low
potential for environmental contamination, and is often used at
mine sites for landscape contouring and revegetation during mine
Waste rock: Waste rock is material that contains minerals in
concentrations considered too low to be extracted at a profit.
Waste rock is often stored in heaps or dumps on the mine site,
but may be stored underwater with tailings if it contains a lot of
sulphide minerals and has a high potential for acid rock
drainage formation. Waste rock dumps are generally covered
with soil and revegetated following mine closure, although there
are cases of waste rock being re-mined due to an increase in
mineral market prices or improvements in extraction technology.
Tailings: Tailings are finely ground rock and mineral waste
products of mineral processing operations. Tailings can also
contain leftover processing chemicals, and are usually deposited
in the form of a water-based slurry into tailings ponds
(sedimentation lagoons enclosed by dams built to capture and
store the tailings), although offshore tailings disposal has been

successful in some cases. Tailings dams are discussed in further

detail below.
Slags: Slags are non-metallic by-products from metal smelting,
and were historically considered to be waste. Slags are largely
environmentally benign, and are being used increasingly as
aggregate in concrete and road construction.
Mine water: Mine water is produced in a number of ways at
mine sites, and can vary in its quality and potential for
environmental contamination. Water at mine sites is
frequently monitored and various water management
strategies have been developed to reduce the amount of mine
water produced, and treat the water before it is discharged to the
Water treatment sludge: Sludge is produced at active water
treatment plants used at some mine sites, and consists of the
solids that had been removed from the water as well as any
chemicals that had been added to improve the efficiency of the
process. Although ways of recycling the sludge are being
explored, the majority of sludge has little economic value and is
handled as waste. Disposal of water treatment residues in
underground mine workings is the least expensive option where it
is permitted and environmentally safe. In extreme cases where
the sludge is rich in cadmium or arsenic, it may be classified as
hazardous waste and require special handling and disposal. [3]
Gaseous wastes: Gaseous wastes include particulate matter
(dust) and sulphur oxides (SOx). The majority of emissions to the
atmosphere are produced during high-temperature chemical

processing such as smelting, and vary in their composition and

potential for environmental contamination. Environmental control
technologies such as gravity collectors, cyclones, and
electrostatic precipitators are capable of removing up to 99.7% of
dust and fumes, and wet scrubbers typically remove 80-95% of
sulphur oxide emissions. [4, 5] In Canada, the atmospheric
sulphur dioxide emissions from metal smelters have decreased
by 37% between 2003 and 2010. [6]
Environmental impacts of mine waste
The environmental impact of mine waste depends on its type and
composition, which vary considerably with the commodity being mined,
type of ore, and technologies used to process the ore. [2] For instance,
where waste rock and tailings contain significant quantities of sulphide
minerals and are exposed to air and water, acid rock drainage (ARD) can
occur. [7] As a result, every mine requires its own waste characterization,
prediction, monitoring, control, and treatment. [8] Many mine wastes are
environmentally benign, and can be used for landform reconstruction,
vegetation covers, and road and dam construction. [8]
The major environmental impacts from waste disposal at mine sites can be
divided into two categories: the loss of productive land following its
conversion to a waste storage area, and the introduction of sediment,
acidity, and other contaminates into surrounding surface and groundwater
from water running over exposed problematic or chemically reactive
wastes. [2, 8]

Management of mine wastes

Mine wastes require careful management to ensure the long-term stability
of storage and disposal facilities, and to prevent and minimize air, water,
and soil contamination. [2] The inappropriate or unsafe management of
wastes at mining operations continues to generate opposition from local
communities, the general public, and non-government organizations, and
has contributed to the negative public perception of the mining industry. [2]
Technological advances and changes in regulations have resulted in
significant changes in waste management practices over the last 10 to 20
years, and mine wastes at modern mines are generally better managed
than they have been in the past. [9, 10] Waste management plans are
frequently developed before a mine is constructed, and the reclamation of
waste rock dumps and tailings ponds are increasingly incorporated into the
designs of new mines. [1, 9] In addition, in many parts of the world
authorities require a proper waste management plan before they will issue
a mining permit. [7]
Mine waste management practices and storage facilities used at different
mines are based on common design principles, but are optimized by mine
engineers depending on specific site conditions. [9] These designs take
into account the potential for extreme events, such as earthquakes and
floods. [11] Guidelines on waste management and mine closure have been
developed at international, national, and regional levels, and provide an
advisory framework for best practices in mine waste management. [9]
The usual approach to managing wastes is to contain and collect them at
the point of production, treat the wastes to make them environmentally safe
if necessary, and dispose of them to the land, water, or air. [2] The waste

management method used at a particular mine depends mainly on an

evaluation of cost, environmental performance, and risk of failure. [12]
Successful management of tailings and waste rock is based on selecting
appropriate waste storage locations, and proper material characterization,
including the accurate prediction of long-term chemical behaviour. [12]
Solid mine waste (overburden, waste rock, solidified tailings, slag, dust)
can be used as backfill in underground or open pit workings, stored in piles
on site or underwater to prevent ARD from occurring in the case of
problematic wastes, used in construction of roads and dams at the mine, or
recycled. [1] Water can be recycled and reused for dust suppression and
mineral processing, or treated and discharged into the environment. [10]
Tailings management
Because tailings are composed of fine particles (sand, silt, and clay-sized
material), and often have a high water content, they have been particularly
troublesome to manage. In the past, tailings were deposited directly into
rivers or wetlands, which would introduce sediment and contaminates into
those water bodies and in many cases adversely affect aquatic life. [1]
Tailings are currently used as backfill in underground mines, stored in open
pits, dried and stacked, or pumped into tailings ponds on site. [1]
Although there have been a number of incidents where the dams securing
tailings ponds have been breached, mining engineers have been learning
from the enquiries into tailing dam failures, and have improved tailings dam
design and execution. A compilation of worldwide tailings dam failure
statistics between 1909 and 1999 shows an improving trend as mining
companies have learned from past mistakes and as regulators have
imposed more stringent regulations and conducted more inspections. [7] In

the 1970s, there were 44 tailings dam failures, in the 1980s, 27 failures,
and in the 1990s, only 7 failures. [7] Modern tailings dam design is very
technical, and takes a number of site-specific factors into consideration,
such as rainfall and flooding predictions, earthquake response, seepage
control, tailings discharge method and rate, and changes over the lifetime
of the dams. [7] Non-critical structures are typically designed to withstand a
1-in-100-year flood, while more critical structures are designed for a 1-in1000-year event or above. [13]
In response to concerns over tailings dam failures and water
contamination, some mines are opting to produce thickened tailings,
which are pressed or have chemicals added to remove excess water. [2]
Thickened tailings can be mixed with cement and used in construction or
as backfill in underground mines. [1] Although producing thickened tailings
is often more expensive than storing the tailings in a pond, the use of
thickened tailings is increasing, especially in arid areas where water
availability is an issue. [2]
Turning mine wastes into a resource
The large volumes of waste produced at mining operations are expensive
to manage, and are frequently cited as an obstacle in the environmental
sustainability of mining. The mining industry plays a leading role in waste
management, and is one of few industries that recycles its own waste. [8]
Uses of mine waste include: [10 p. 406]
Waste rock: Can be reprocessed to extract minerals and metals,
used as backfill, landscaping material, aggregate in road
construction, or feedstock for cement and concrete

Manganese tailings: Manganese tailings have been used in

agro-forestry, buildings and construction materials, coatings,
resin, glass, and glazes
Clay-rich tailings: Clay-rich tailings have been used for making
bricks, floor tiles, and cement
Slag: Slag is often used for road construction, and in concrete
and cement
Red mud: Bauxite red mud is solid alkaline waste produced in
aluminium refineries. Red mud has been used as a soil amender,
in waste water treatment, and as a raw material for glass,
ceramics, and bricks
Mine water: Mine water is used for dust suppression and mineral
processing, industrial and agricultural uses, as a coolant, and as
a source of drinking water
Water treatment sludge: Sludge from ARD treatment, which is
high in iron, has been sold commercially for use in pigments
Sulphur oxide emissions: Many smelters have installed acid
plants to convert sulphur dioxide to sulphuric acid, a useful
industrial chemical [4]
Management of waste following mine closure
Despite the recycling and reuse of many wastes at mine sites, the majority
of waste produced is still placed into storage facilities, and
the reclamation and long-term management of these facilities has become
an important part of modern mine development and mine closure. [10]
Regulators may require any waste storage structures to remain stable for a
minimum of 100 to 200 years, which means they must withstand extreme

events such as floods and earthquakes. [11] Mine closure activities often
involve containing and covering tailings to prevent their escape into the
environment; minimizing the amount of water seeping from the tailings into
surface or groundwater; covering waste rock piles and exposed materials
with topsoil and planting vegetation to prevent erosion; and designing the
final land formation to minimize erosion and post-closure maintenance. [2]
Plans for mine closure and site cleanup are required as part of the mine
permitting process in Canada and these plans are updated after additional
study [19]. It is also common in Canada for government agencies to issue
a new permit on shutdown to cover mine closure. [19]

Case Study: Myra Falls Mine, Campbell River, Vancouver Island,

Myra Falls Mine is a zinc, copper, lead, gold, and silver mine located at the
south end of Butte Lake in the Strathcona-Westmin Provincial Park, 80
kilometers southwest of Campbell River on Vancouver Island, British
Columbia. [14] Myra Falls Mine is owned by the Belgian mining company
Nystar after it acquired Breakwater Resources, the mines previous owners,
in April 2011. [15] The mine began as an open pit in 1966, but now active
mining is only taking place underground over more than 240 kilometers of
tunnels and shafts. [14]
Ore is blasted and crushed underground before being hoisted to the mill on
the surface. [14] Water is added and the ore is ground up to sand-sized
particles; froth floatation cells are then used to separate the metal
concentrates from the resulting slurry, and the tailings are piped to a

tailings pond behind a man-made dam. [14] About half the tailings (the
coarser fraction) settle out of the slurry, and are removed, mixed with
cement, and piped back down to the mine as a paste which is used to
back-fill the mine workings. [14] The underground mine does not have a
waste rock dump because so little waste rock is mined and brought to the
surface. [14]
Much of the water coming from or flowing over the mine site becomes
contaminated with dissolved metals including aluminum, zinc, copper, and
iron as a result of acid rock drainage (ARD). [16] In the late 1970s, it was
discovered that the concentration of zinc in Butte Lake was increasing as a
result of inflows of mine water. [16] A number of water control and
treatment facilities were installed in the 1980s, which were very
successful in reducing levels of contamination coming from the mine. [16]
All the water from the mine, mill, and tailings pond is collected in six
polishing ponds, and lime is added to raise the pH and remove the metals.
[14] The resulting sludge is pumped to the tailings pond for storage. [14]
Most of the water used in the mill is pumped back and re-used, and the
water is tested daily to make sure it meets regulatory requirements. [14]
Myra Falls is the only mine in B.C. located within a Provincial Park. [14]
The Strathcona-Westmin Provincial Park is a Class B park, which means
certain activities (commercial logging, hydroelectric development, or
mining) may be permitted, where they would not be in a Class A park. [17,
18] An area of 3,328 hectares was separated out of the Strathcona Class A
Park in 1965 and given special designation because of value of the
minerals found in the area and the decision by the provincial government to
allow exploration and mining. [14] While the mine controls 36 square

kilometers (3,600 hectares) it only has surface footprint of 1.7 square

kilometers (170 hectares). [14] The objective of the Myra Falls mine
closure plan is to reclaim the land to a Class A park. [14]
The current reclamation plan calls for the waste rock from the original pit
mine to be used to backfill the open pit, and a cover system will prevent
further ARD formation at the ponds and old waste dumps. [14] Trials of
different materials that will form the cover system are being conducted, and
the best material so far has been made with a mixture of mine tailings and
sludge from the polishing ponds. [14] Revegetation and landscaping were
undertaken around the mine site following the completion of construction
activities in 1985, disused roads and facilities have been decommissioned
and removed, and plots were set up to identify the types of plants which
would be best suited for revegetation of the mine site. [16] So far CA$ 2
million has been spent on reclamation, and another CA$ 10 million dollars
has been set aside for future work. [14] The total reclamation cost is
expected to be CA$ 21.1 million. [14]
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