Nursing Mnemonics: Everything Made EASY Part 2: Memory

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Nursing Mnemonics: Everything Made EASY Part 2

Mnemonic device, is any learning technique that aids memory. To improve long term memory, mnemonic
systems are used to make memorization easier. They do so by increasing the efficiency of the process of

Another way to remember the eyes is:
You look OUt with Both eyes.
Take the Right dose so you won't OD [overdose].
The only one that is Left is OS.
Both eyes=OU, Right eye=OD, Left eye=OS.
It is about fetal accelerations and decelerations!!!
Just remember VEAL CHOP
Variable Cord compression
Early Head compression
Accelerations OK
Late Placental insufficiency
Heart sounds:
S3= Heart fail-ure (3 syllables)
S4=Hy-per-ten-sion (4 syllables)
And the effects of anticholinergics:
Can't see
Can't pee
Can't spit
Can't --defecate
Nine-point Postpartum Assessment...
B- Breasts
U- Uterus
B- Bladder
B- Bowel function
L- Lochia
E- Episiotomy
H- Homan's sign
E- Emotional Status
R- Respiratory System
LDL ("bad" cholesterol)
This one really helped me in the cardiac system when you need to know when you
hear a murmur like on Mitral regurgitation you hear it on systole.
ARD = Atrial regurgitation diastole
ASS = Atrial stenosis systole

MRS = Mitral regurgitation systole

MSD = Mitral stenosis diastole
The 5 P's of circulation loss in a limb.
Pain, Pallor, Pulselessness, Parasthesia, Poikilothermia
Heres one I learned about EKG
Snow over Grass- white over green
smoke over fire- black over red
and ground in the middle- brown
I finally know what METHODS mean on DISCHARGE PLANNING.
H-ealth Teaching
O-ut patient follow-up or check-up
S-ex(sexual activity)
Side effects & adverse reactions to immunizations:
F- Fever
I- Itching
S- Stiffness
H- Headache
E- Edema
R- Redness
F- Fussy
L- Localized Tenderness
A- Appetite decrease
G- General Aches Pains
WHUTN- "Whutnthehell?"
W- Wheezing
H- Hypotension
U- Uticaria
T- Tachycardia
N- Nasal Decongestion
Assess for treatable causes of changes in cognition and behavior. The mnemonic
DEMENTIA can be used to remember potential causes:
D: Drugs and alcoholincluding over-the-counter drugs
E: Eyes and earsdisorientation due to visual/auditory distortion
M: Medical disorderse.g., diabetes, hypothyroidism
E: Emotional and psychological disturbancese.g., mood or paranoid disorders
N: Neurological disorderse.g., multiinfarct dementia
T: Tumors and trauma
I: Infectionse.g., urinary tract or upper respiratory tract
A: Arteriosclerosisleading to heart failure, insufficient blood supply to heart and brain, and
***GRANULOCYTES are Never Eat Bananas.
Normal (Neutrophils)
Monkeys (Monocytes)
Like to (Lymphocytes)

Eat (Eosinophils)
Bananas (Basophils)

Parkinson's Medications: "Ali Loves Boxing Matches"

L- Levodopa
B- Bromocriptine
M-MAO inhibitors
The 4 H's that invalidate a neuro exam:
3 ICP waveforms: A is awful, B is bad and C is common
Glasgow Coma Scale: #'s go low to high, with head to toe: eye, mouth, motor
1. Eye opening (1-4)
2. Verbal response (1-5)
3. Best Motor response (1-6)
Glasgow Coma Scale: If they're <8, they intubate!
To remember DECEREBRATE posturing, it is abnormal extension. Their hands look
like the flippers of a seal - Think DESEALEBRATE!
Pinpoint pupils: Drugs, drops & nearly dead
Drugs: opiates
Drops: meds for glaucoma
Nearly dead: damage in the pons area of the brainstem
Dilated pupils: Fear, Fits & Fast Living
Fear: panic, extreme anxiety
Fits: seizures
Fast Living: cocaine, crack, phencyclidine (PCP)
The pathophysiology of ARDS:
Assault on the respiratory system
Respiratory distress
Decreased lung compliance
Severe respiratory failure
Diagnostic criteria of ARDS
Acute onset
Ratio (PaCO2/FiO2) <200
Diffuse infiltration
Swan-Ganz wedge pressure (PAWP) <18mm Hg
Acute respiratory failure (ARF) Type II (hypoventilation) criteria: 50/50 Rule
PaCO2 >50
PaO2 <50 (on >50% oxygen)
Alpha 1 Receptor stimulation: arteries & arterioles

Causes vasoconstriction when stimulated which increases afterload

dobutamine (Dobutrex) stimulates beta 1 receptors (increase contractility & CO/CI)
Treatment of all acute coronary syndromes (unstable angina, NSTEMI or
Open coronary arteries
Here, think MONA greets all MI's:
Aspirin (CHEWED)
Anticoagulate & antiplatelet
Destress the heart (with beta blockers; limited activity for 12h)
Hemodynamic stability
Complications of thrombolytic therapy: The 3 B's
Brady's (dysrhythmias)
Bloodclots (d/t excessive thrombin)
Complications of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB): The 3 H's
Hypothermia (to decrease O2 consumption)...Effects SVR (vasoconstriction) and causes
myocardial depression (decreases contractility)
Hemodilution (to improve macrocirculation)...fluid shifting (third-spacing), e-lyte imbalances
(K+, Mg+ & Ca++ often need replacing!)
Heparinzation (to prevent clots in circuit)...monitor aPTT.
Signs and symptoms of cardiac tamponade (Beck's Triad): The Three D's
Distant heart sounds
Distended jugular veins
Decreased pulse pressure (think of a narrow pulse pressure as opposed to a wide one)
Atrial Arrhythmias: ABCDE
Adenosine/amiodorone or anticoagulate (if Afib/Flutter has been present >48h)
Beta blockers
Calcium channel blockers
Electrocardiovert (if <48h)
For ventricular arrhythmias: AL
8 A's for Hepatotoxic Drugs (Check SGPT/SGOT)
S - sodium Luminal
G - gabapentin
P - phenytoin
T - tegretol

Antifamily (contraceptice pills)

Breast self examination (i made a song out of this)
1 little 2, little 3 little fingers
Do BSE 7 days after menses
Press nipple once check for discharge
Call your doctor
I'm sure you will do it more...
A -irborne (PTB, SARS, Antrax)
B -lood and body fluids - AIDS, Hepa B
C -ontact - open wounds, lesions
D - roplet - Diphtheria, Pneumonia, Pertussis
E - nteric - GIT infections
A norexia and ascites
B loating and indigestion
C ardiomegaly
D istended neck vein
E dema-peripheral
F acial puffiness
G allop
H epatomegaly
I tchiness
J aundice
G oiter
R avenous appetite
A gitation and nervousness
V S increased
E xophthalmos
S kin is moist & heat intolerance:)
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