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Running Head: GENRE ANALYSIS 1

Eating Disorders: Genre Analysis of a Website and You-Tube Interview

Vivian Gonzalez

The University of Texas at El Paso

Carolyn Drapes

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Society tends to pressure people towards meeting certain expectations when it comes to

beauty. In the United States it has gone far beyond for people to become obsessive towards

obtaining the perfect image in which most are willing to risk their own lives in order to obtain

that certain level of beauty created by society; magazines, models, and TV media. Many people

are convinced and made to believe that being thin and unhealthy is a way towards achieving

body perfection beauty, without realizing that in reality that thin body image is the cause of their

poor choice in perceiving perfection through starvation. The two genres that focus on eating

disorders are, which is a website, it is also residential recovery treatment center

located in Tucson, Arizona and a you-tube interview with Misty Rees who is the Program

Director and founder of Selah House which is a facility intended for people suffering from an

eating disorder. These two genres help understand this difficult and nationwide issue that has had

a greatly negative impact on people of all ages all around the world. Through these two genres

people have the ability to compare and contrast the great influence this issue has affected more

than 8 million Americans, which was estimated by The South Carolina Department of Mental


Audience and Purpose Questions

The intended audience for both genres is mainly for men, women, and young teenagers.

The purpose of the website is to inform valuable facts related to eating disorders and

how to obtain online support, medical treatment for a certain eating disorder, and cognitive

behavioral therapy when dealing with this disease. The audience is also able to know how to get
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Audience and Purpose Questions

involved in this organization and recovery center. As well as positive strategies for parents to

know if their child is suffering from this disease. It is commonly known that eating disorders

target young adolescents which are able to hide this disease and symptoms for years until they

tend to reach their early or mid 20’s when it is far beyond advanced in their body organism and

physical appearance. Therefore this website provides various different ways towards obtaining

support through the process of recovery knowing their not alone. The website obtains much

helpful information that captures the reader’s attention due to the fact that it is explicit with much

detail and focuses on various topics related to this disease. The purpose of this genre is to inform

readers that starvation is not always the answer towards achieving beauty.

The you-tube interview with Misty Rees the founder and program director of the Selah

House also informs the audience of the different kinds of risks when experiencing an eating

disorder. It provides information on how the Selah House facility helps patients step by step

towards healing. From providing techniques on how to eat correctively to prevent this disease in

the nearer future to many more various helpful techniques when having an eating disorder. In

order to be able to live a normal healthy life and prevent this disease from striking continuously

in the nearer future. This video also captures the viewers’ attention as the speaker points out

important steps which are helpful towards recuperating from an eating disorder. This interview’s

purpose is to alert everyone who has or is experiencing an eating disorder to seek for help.

Rhetorical Issues: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos:

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The website generally encourages viewers to seek help through this recovery

center. It provides many different icons which obtain information and are intended for credibility

to the reader. It provides advertisement of medication, other topics such as obesity, videos, as

well as links and eating disorder resources which support this website in order for the viewer’s

credibility to be effective. Eating Disorder statistics are also provided such as 1 in 200 American

women suffer from Anorexia, (National Eating Disorder Association, 2010). As well as 2 to 3 in

100 American women suffer from Bulimia, (National Eating Disorder Association, 2010). It also

includes death rate statistics which evoke emotional response from the audience. Such as 5-10%

of anorexics die within 10 years after contracting the disease and 18-20% of anorexics die after

20 years, without treatment up to 20% people die, with treatment the morality rate falls to 2-3%.

The mortality rate associated with anorexia nervosa is 12 times higher than the death rate of all

causes of death for females 15-24 years old, (the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and

Associated Disorders, 2010). These statistics provide sympathy for the audience to become

aware of the dangers of a serious eating disorder. The type of evidence provided supporting the

claims of the information of the genre are factual testimonials of people as well as factual

statistics from various associations. This makes it appropriate due to the fact that they are

accurate as many statistics are specific cases or studies of people with this disease.

The interview informs and encourages people to take care of their health by providing

information on the Selah House facility which symbolizes credibility. As it specializes on

bulimia, anorexia, and eating disorder. “We provide healthy eating patterns, emotional therapy,

and spiritual which separate us from other facilities”, (Misty Rees, 2008). This genre evokes
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emotional response as the speaker reveals her personal experience as she once was a victim of an

eating disorder. “My eating disorders lead me to kidney failure and medical crisis”, (MistyRees,

2008). This also creates sympathy towards a personal experience which makes it fully believable

to the viewer. The type of evidence presented by the speaker that supported the claims of the

information was her personal testimony and the way the facility was created. It is appropriate

because from a personal struggle a difference was made to help others in her region of Indiana.

“Our staffs are fully recovered victims who share their personal stories which give hope towards

survival”, (Misty Rees, 2008)


The information provided on the website was explicit and well organized. By providing

different sections with various information having to deal with the topic. The space was not

limited at all; therefore it was much detailed and provided various different information. The

layout was also well provided to the audience. The structure facilitates the purpose of the

information in the genre by dividing important topics that are useful factual information as well

as containing important factual statistics.

In contrast the interview was also explicit, but quite different it is a shared personal

experience directed towards unhealthy people. Though the time was quite limited therefore it

was not quite detailed but rather focused on main key points by the speaker. The genre was well

organized when informing the different kinds of risks and consequences this disease brings. The

structure of the interview facilitates the purpose of the information in the genre in a way that the

message is clear and focused on.

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The website includes formal language in exposing the eating disorder information. The

vocabulary consists of professional words. The website also contains eye-catching features like

the colors and texture presented. It contains soft colors with various advertisements of joyful

people after recovery. This encourages people that it is a safe factual site. Overall it is all well

organized with a proper layout.

In t the interview also contains formal language presented by the speaker in exposing the

issue. The speaker uses a soft informative tone which gives the audience a sense of safety and

reassurance of factual statements. The video is also well structured.


The genre that was mainly most effective in conveying this message was the website due

the fact that it is more explicit with the information provided. There are various different factual

facts that people are not aware of. It absolutely captures the reader’s attention on how well

statistics and general studies are shown. As various ways towards helping a loved one or

someone you know who is experiencing this disease and how to prevent it from occurring. As

well as medical help, treatment, and support if already a victim of this disease. The impact of the

genre is absolutely strong on reflecting this disease towards a movement to make a change and

encourage people in maintain healthy. This disease is well recognized over the United States and

Through organizations, recovery centers, and websites a difference is slowly being made around

the world.
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 Mirasol, Initials. (2010). Mirasol eating disorder recovery centers. Retrieved from

 Rees, M. (2008, June 24). Selah house TV interview on eating disorder. Retrieved from

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