Gina V City of Augusta Amended Complaint 42 Usc 3601 Filed

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CIVIL NO. 1:16-cv-00100-NT


City of Augusta Maine


a municipality, a body corporate and politic and

as a government agent for the State of Maine
Judicial Branch, and
City of Augusta Police Department

Violation of

a body corporate and politic and a government

42 USC 3601 & 3604(f),

agent for the City of Augusta and the State of

42 USC 3617,

Maine Judicial Branch, and

City of Augusta All_Police Officers

1st Amendment, and

42 USC 1981, 1983, 1985 & 1986

in their individual and official capacities as

government agents for the City of Augusta
and the State of Maine Judicial Branch, and
William Stokes
in his individual and official capacities as Chief
Deputy Attorney General for State of Maine, as
Mayor for City of Augusta and as a government
agent for State of Maine Judicial Branch, and
Matthew Pouliot
in his individual and official capacities as a
Representative for Maine (part of District 86,
including 32 Court Street), as Vice Chair of
City of Augusta Planning Board, and as a
government agent for State of Maine Judicial
Branch, and


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William Bridgeo
in his individual and official capacities as
Manager for City of Augusta, and as a
government agent for State of Maine
Judicial Branch, and
Matt Nazar
in his individual and official capacities as
Director of Development Services for City
of Augusta and as a government agent for
State of Maine Judicial Branch, and
Gregory Roy
in his individual and official capacities as the
owner and landlord for 32 Court Street, and
as a government agent for City of Augusta, City
of Augusta Police Department, and the State
of Maine Judicial Branch
GinA files this Verified Amended Complaint which provides a wealth of facts,
direct and indirect prima facie and circumstantial evidence of a premeditated, longlived and continuing conspiracy against GinA starting in November 2009 among
countless government agents of the State of Maine, City of Augusta Maine, City of
Augusta Police Department and All_Police Officers, William Stokes, Matthew
Pouliot, William Bridgeo, Matt Nazar, Gregory Roy, Royce Watson (who will be
dealt with in a separate complaint), Ray Corporation (who will be dealt with in a
separate complaint), as well as Leigh Saufley, Donald Alexander, Joseph Jabar,
Robert Mullen, Michaela Murphy and Valerie Stanfill who are all named as
Defendants in companion case 1:16-cv-00095-NT, which is currently being amended
and will be filed by April 20, 2016 at 11:59pm via Electronic Court Filing.


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This tortious punitive conspiracy began as a result of GinAs known disability

which was the sole basis for an unlawful license suspension for GinAs alleged
incompetence to safely operate an automobile under 29-A MRSA 2458(2(D)
despite GinA having earned three years safe driving credits for years 2008, 2009
and 2010 which has perpetually motivated GinA to stand on her lawful rights to
travel without a license, to redress her grievances with her government, to have
equal and fair access to the courts, to receive reasonable accommodations for her
disability, to be heard, to speak, to not speak, to attend hearings, to enjoy due
process of law, inter alia.
William Stokes wrongfully acted in multiple capacities during the events
outlined in this complaint, as: (1) Chief Deputy Attorney General for State of Maine
Attorney Generals office, (2) Mayor for City of Augusta, who is the chief law
enforcement officer for City of Augusta Police Department with full administrative
control over All_Police Officers, administrative employees and departments, and
(3) as a viable candidate for a promotion to a judicial position, and (4) and
individual who would benefit by being able to afford a $100,000.00 home equity loan
when most of his public constituents are in, at or near homelessness or bankruptcy,
none of which he disclosed to the public in any type of recorded event, all of which
breach his duties of trust and public service under 5 CFR 2635.101(1) Public
service is a public trust, requiring employees to place loyalty to the Constitution, the
laws and ethical principles above private gain. (2) Employees shall not hold
financial interests that conflict with the conscientious performance of duty.(3)
Employees shall not engage in financial transactions using nonpublic Government
information or allow the improper use of such information to further any private
Matthew Pouliot wrongfully acted in multiple capacities during the events
outlined in this complaint, some capacities did not overlap whereas other capacities
overlapped and conflicted with each other, none of which he disclosed to the public
in any type of recorded event, all of which breach his duties of trust and public
service as outlined above, as: (1) member of the State House of Representative


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(126th) for part of District 86 including 32 Court Street, all of Perham Street, 14
Winthrop Court (which was Matthew Pouliots personal home during most of these
events and which is now owned by Matthew Pouliots real estate agency Alliance
Properties LLC with a parcel summary value of $99,000.00) and 99 Winthrop Street
(which is Matthew Pouliots current personal home as of June 2015 which he bought
for $77,000.00 with a clear title, a recorded land patent and historical designation),
(2) Vice Chair of the City of Augusta Planning Board from 2011 through 2014, (3)
Board Director for Augusta Housing Services Corporation (a 501(c)(3) agency
created by Augusta Housing Authority which has more than $300,000.00 assets), (4)
a licensed realtor, (5) as a viable candidate for re-election to the State House of
Representatives (127th) for part of District 86 , and (6) an individual.
GinAs federal constitutional, civil and fair housing rights have been grossly
violated based on one or many discriminatory reasons, because she is (1) female, (2)
disabled, (3) low income, and (4) a member of a protected homeless class in Maine.
GinA respectfully moves this court to order declaratory, monetary, injunctive
and equitable relief for Defendants premeditated conspiracy in their individual and
official capacities as public servants and government agents for the State of Maine
Judicial Branch and City of Augusta as well as all proper punitive damages.
Each and every Defendant, individually and jointly, conspired to violate and
did in fact violate GinAs federal civil rights as a disabled low income homeless
woman under color of state laws as described in this complaint to have equal rights
to speak, to not speak, to be heard, to make fair terms and enforce rental contracts
for her constitutionally protected property interest in Unit 1 at 32 Court Street
Augusta, to have equal access to public information about 32 Court Street that
directly impacts her life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, to have peaceful
enjoyment of her home at 239 Cony Street, 3 Washington Street Place, and 32 Court
Street, to be free from governmental intrusions on her right to exchange
information, to be free from being forced to testify at fraudulent eviction trials
enforced by courts and public servants who would be acting in a complete absence of
all jurisdiction, and to enjoy full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for


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the security of GinAs person and property as a disabled, low income homeless white
woman, inter alia, for purposes of Defendants concealing their official public acts as
GinA aptly alleged and supported by public records referenced in the companion
case 1:16-cv-00095-NT, GinA v. Leigh Saufley for construction of a Capital Judicial
Center and its parking lots at 32 Court Street, Augusta.
All Defendants named herein knew or had reason to know that Leigh Saufley
et al would be acting in complete absence of all jurisdiction during all judicial
proceedings for all evictions at 32 Court Street in August, September and October
2014 as alleged in the companion case 1:16-cv-00095-NT, GinA v. Leigh Saufley for
purposes of razing 32 Court Street to build a parking lot for the Capital Judicial
Center at GinAs and Maine taxpayers expense.


GinA claims federal jurisdiction under 42 USC 3613(a) for gross punitive
interference with her fair housing rights under Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of
1968 (Fair Housing Act) as amended by the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988.
GinA claims federal jurisdiction under 28 USC 1331, 28 USC 1343, 42
USC 3617 and Article III 2 which extends jurisdiction to all civil actions arising
under the Constitution, laws or treaties of the United States.
Declaratory and other proper relief is authorized by 28 USC 2201 and
2202 and 42 USC 3613(c).
Venue is proper in the District of Maine under 28 USC 1391(b).
All Defendants are located and residing in Maine, and all events, actions and
omissions giving rise to this claim occurred in Maine.


GinA requests a court-appointed attorney under 42 USC 3613(b)(1) to

advise her about federal laws and rules of procedure as stand-by counsel only.
GinA is authorized to initiate this action under 42 USC 3613(a) to bring a
civil action against any person who discriminates against, interferes with, coerces or
intimidates her in making fair terms, conditions, and privileges or otherwise makes


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a dwelling unavailable because she is a member of four protected classes of people

based on her being known to be female, low income, disabled and homeless.
GinA is authorized to initiate this action under 42 USC 1981 to bring suit
against any person who impairs her equal rights or discriminates against her as a
disabled, low income homeless white woman under color of state laws to violate her
equal rights to make fair terms and enforce rental contracts for her constitutionally
protected property interests for 239 Cony Street, 3 Washington Street Place, and 32
Court Street Augusta and to enjoy the full and equal benefit of all laws and
proceedings for the security of GinAs person and property.
GinA is authorized to initiate this action under 42 USC 1983 to bring suit
against any person who subjects or causes her to be subjected to the deprivation of
any rights, privileges and immunities secured to her by the Constitution and laws
under color of state law.
GinA is authorized to initiate this action under 42 USC 1985(2) and 1986
to bring suit against any person who conspires with any other person to deprive her
of federal rights under color of state law and against any person who, having
knowledge that any of the wrongs conspired to be done and having the power to
prevent or aid in preventing the commission of the wrongful action, neglects or
refuses to prevent such act which serves to violate GinAs federal rights as secured
by the Constitution and laws.
GinA brings this suit against Defendants individually and jointly for all
injuries resulting from Defendants violation of GinAs equal rights as a disabled,
low income homeless white woman as secured to her by the 1st Amendment of the
Constitution under color of state law in their individual and official capacities as
public servants and administrative agents of public and judicial servants during all
activities from 2011 until 2014 as related to 239 Cony Street, 3 Washington Street
Place, and 32 Court Street by wrongfully prohibiting GinAs equal right to speak, to
be heard, to make fair terms and enforce rental contracts for her constitutionally
protected property interest in 239 Cony Street, 3 Washington Street Place, and 32
Court Street Augusta, to have equal access to public information that directly


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impacts her life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, to have peaceful enjoyment of her
homes at 239 Cony Street, 3 Washington Street Place, and 32 Court Street, to be
free from government intrusions of her right to exchange information, to be free
from threat of a fraudulent eviction trials enforced by courts and judicial servants
who would be acting in complete absence of all jurisdiction, and to enjoy full and
equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of GinAs person and
property, inter alia.
GinA sues Defendants for their wrongful acts committed in their official
capacities as public servants and administrative agents for judicial servants during
performance of official public duties for the State of Maine Judicial Branch, Chief
Justice Leigh Saufley, and Justice Joseph Jabar which led to the Maine
Governmental Facilities Authority recording legal title to 32 Court Street Augusta
on October 29, 2014 on behalf of the Maine Judicial Branch and benefiting Greg Roy
in an amount exceeding $140,000.00 of Maine taxpayers money.


GinA is known to be a member of four classes of protected people in Maine:
(1) female, (2) low income, (3) disabled, and (4) homeless pursuant to 17-A MRSA
1151, sub-8, B, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 149, 1, effective August 23, 2006.
GinA is known to be a woman with permanent disabilities who has paid into
the Social Security system which qualifies her to receive monthly Social Security
Disability Insurance payments.
GinA is known to be a member of the low income community as evidenced by
her eligibility for and receipt of Medicare, MaineCare, SNAP and LIHEAP benefits.
GinA always pays her own full housing costs from federal disability benefits.
GinA has a history of being homeless and was known to be homeless from (1)
March 3, 2012 until January 13, 2013 and (2) October 16, 2013 until January 22,
2014, (3) September 26, 2014 through November 11, 2014.
GinA is currently living in a single family log cabin at 2528 West River Road,
Town of Sidney, County of Kennebec, Maine which is not suitable to be rented as a


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legal residential rental unit because the dwelling requires significant improvements
and safety repairs.
GinA has not engaged in any prohibited acts that would disqualify her from
exercising all of her rights under 42 USC 3604(f) and all other relevant laws.
GinA lived at Unit 1, 32 Court Street, City of Augusta, County of Kennebec,
Maine from January 22, 2014 through September 26, 2014 directly resulting from
Defendants premeditated conspiracy to allow tenant occupancy for only eight
months without proper public and private warnings or FOAA disclosures.
City of Augusta
City of Augusta is a municipality and a body corporate and politic with an
address of 1 Cony Street, City of Augusta, County of Kennebec.
City of Augusta Police Department
City of Augusta Police Department is a body corporate and politic with an
address of 33 Union Street, City of Augusta, County of Kennebec.
City of Augusta Police All_Police
City of Augusta Police All_Police includes all individuals who have ever
responded in their official capacity as a police officer to a call involving GinA.
William Stokes
William Stokes was employed as Mayor of City of Augusta at the same time
he was employed as Chief Deputy Attorney General, Criminal Division, for the
Office of Maine Attorney General, resigning from both roles on July 31, 2014 for a
judicial promotion.
William Stokes presides over cases as a superior court judge at the Capital
Judicial Center, 1 Court Street, Augusta after being nominated on May 7, 2014 and
confirmed on July 31, 2014.
William Bridgeo
William Bridgeo is employed as Manager of City of Augusta, 1 Cony Street,
Augusta, County of Kennebec. William Bridgeo was appointed as City Manager by
the Augusta City Council in April of 1998 to serve as the chief executive officer and
purchasing agent of City of Augusta, exercise control over all departments and


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divisions, make employee appointments and removals, and keep the City Council
fully advised as to the business, financial condition and future needs of the City of
Augusta, inter alia.
Matt Nazar
Matt Nazar is employed as Director of Development Services, City of
Augusta, 1 Cony Street, City of Augusta, County of Kennebec.
Matthew Pouliot
Matthew Pouliot is a member of the 126th and 127th Maine Legislature
representing District 86, part of Augusta including 32 Court Street.
Gregory Roy
Gregory Roy lives at 389 Costello Road, City of Gardiner, County of
Gregory Roy is a licensed real estate associate broker who owned and acted
as a landlord and construction expert for 32 Court Street, City of Augusta, County
of Kennebec.
City of Augusta, Stokes and Bridgeo oversee all activities of Nazar as the
Director of Development Services who directs Code Enforcement Bureau, Economic
and Community Development, Engineering Bureau, Facilities and Systems Bureau,
and Planning Bureau as well as the City of Augusta Police Department and
All_Police officers.
City of Augusta, Stokes, and Bridgeo are jointly officially responsible for all
official actions taken by the City of Augusta Police Department and All_Police
officers as well as all code enforcement officers in their official activities while
performing all law enforcement duties and life safety code inspections, issuing
building permits, ensuring that only licensed experts make certain critical repairs,
approving repairs, ensuring the safety, health and welfare of occupants, taking
administrative or legal action on behalf of the public to force building owners to
make certain repairs in compliance with life safety codes, and to prohibit occupancy
from all unsafe or unfit residential buildings, inter alia.


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City of Augusta, Stokes, Bridgeo and Nazar are jointly officially responsible
for all official actions performed by Keith Luke, Deputy Director of Development
Services, who directly communicated with Greg Roy about City of Augustas offer to
purchase 32 Court Street on behalf of Maine Governmental Facilities Authority and
Maine Judicial Branch to build the courthouse parking lot.
Greg Roy is a Maine licensed real estate broker who is educated and trained
to protect the public from all unsafe, hazardous and unfit properties and who
personally owned and acted as landlord and real estate broker for 32 Court Street
Greg Roy was quoted in a January 27, 2013 Kennebec Journal article saying
the courthouse construction project was making the living conditions unhappy at
32 Court Street and his former tenant Shannon Perkins publicly described living
conditions as insanely noisy due to the constant racket of the nearby courthouse
construction project.
Nazar authorized his code enforcement officer to shut down 32 Court Street
in March 2013 after telling Greg Roy the property was unfit to be occupied and all
occupancy was prohibited until he made certain repairs and improvements in
compliance with life safety codes.
Nazar formally approved an occupancy permit for Unit 1, 32 Court Street in
January 2014 after Greg Roy made certain repairs and improvements.
Nazars issuance of an occupancy permit for Unit 1, 32 Court Street caused
Greg Roy to post public rental advertisements which prompted GinA to answer the
rental ad by email on January 8, 2014.
Greg Roy and GinA viewed Unit 1 at 32 Court Street together on January 11,
2014 with a neutral witness at which time GinA expressly specified that she was
homeless and was requesting a long-term rental contract exceeding 5 years.
Nazars code enforcement officer spoke with GinA on January 13, 2014 via
email and telephone regarding GinA applying to live at Unit 1, 32 Court Street at
which time GinA was given official approval by the code enforcement officer that
Unit 1, 32 Court Street was safe, decent and approved to be occupied.


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Nazars code enforcement officer failed to inform GinA on January 13, 2014
that Defendants intended to raze the property for a courthouse parking lot.
Nazars code enforcement officers official approval that Unit 1, 32 Court
Street was safe, decent and approved to be occupied directly caused GinA to
communicate and sign a rental contract with Defendant Greg Roy on January 22,
2014 for Unit 1, 32 Court Street.
Greg Roy defrauded GinA to enter an at will rental contract without telling
GinA the property was going to be sold to City of Augusta within a few months on
behalf of Maine Judicial Branch. (See KEN-CV-14-176 and GinA v. Leigh Saufley)
Greg Roy defrauded GinA to enter an at will rental contract without alerting
GinA that the insanely noisy environment and other disruptions from the
construction project at 32 Court Street made the living conditions unhappy and
severely injuring former tenants by causing them to suffer emotional and physical
distress and financial damages by being forced to move to a different residence to
remedy or avoid damage caused by construction disturbances.


On April 11, 1968, Congress declared their commitment in Pub. L. 90-284,

title VIII, 801, 82 Stat. 81., to providefor fair housing throughout the United
States by codifying their policy under 42 USC 3601 stating, It is the policy of the
United States to provide, within constitutional limitations, for fair housing
throughout the United States. Pub. L. 100-430, 12, Sept. 13, 1988, 102 Stat. 1636,
provided that: Nothing in the Fair Housing Act [this subchapter] as amended by
this Actlimits any right, procedure, or remedy available under the Constitution or
any other Act of the Congress not so amended.
Effective March 13, 1989 Congress amended the Fair Housing Act of 1968 to
give equal protection to people based on familial status and those having or thought
to have physical or mental disabilities, more commonly known as the Fair Housing
Amendments Act of 1988, codified in 42 USC 3604 which outlaws Discrimination
in the rental of housing and other prohibited practices, specifically under (f)(1)(A)
To discriminate in the rental, or to otherwise make unavailable or deny, a


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dwelling to any renter because of a handicap of that renter and under (f)(2)(A)
To discriminate against any person in the terms, conditions, or privileges of rental
of a dwelling, or in the provision of services or facilities in connection with such
dwelling, because of a handicap of that person
The Supreme Court consistently prohibits discrimination based on a persons
disability by every individual, entity and agency who deals with all areas connected
with residential housing.
When Congress prohibited housing discrimination based on a disability, they
also outlawed interference, coercion or intimidation with the enjoyment or exercise
of any fair housing rights as codified under 42 USC 3617 which says, It shall be
unlawful to coerce, intimidate, threaten, or interfere with any person in the exercise
or enjoyment ofany right granted or protected by section 3604 of this title.
Embedded within those federal fair housing rights is the intrinsic federal
right to freedom of religion, press and expression as secured by the 1st Amendment
to the Constitution, which extends to all federal , state, county, local governments
and their official agents Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of
speech or of the press;.
42 USC 1981(a) Statement of equal rights was originally enacted to protect
people in minority groups from being discriminated against because of their race,
color, ethnicity or nationality, but 1981 certainly did not intend to exclude white
people from enjoying the same equal rights that minorities are guaranteed to have,
All persons within the jurisdiction of the United States shall have the same right in
every State to make and enforce contracts, to sue, be parties, give evidence, and to
the full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of persons and
property as is enjoyed by white citizens
42 USC 1981 cannot be used to prevent white people from enjoying equal
protection of their federal civil rights because that application of the law would be a
case of reverse discrimination by prohibiting a white person from utilizing a federal
statute that explicitly guarantees the same rightas is enjoyed by white citizens


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which did not intend to prohibit white citizens from enjoying the same protections
as other white citizens notwithstanding membership in any other protected class.
42 USC 1983 Civil action for deprivation of rights
Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom,
or usage, of any State , subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United
States to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the
Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in
equity, or other proper proceeding for redress,.
42 USC 1985(3) Depriving persons of rights or privileges
If two or more persons in any State conspire for the purpose of depriving,
either directly or indirectly, any person or class of persons of the equal protection of
the laws, or of equal privileges and immunities under the laws; or for the purpose of
preventing or hindering the constituted authorities of any State from giving or
securing to all persons within such State the equal protection of the laws; in any
case of conspiracy set forth in this section, if one or more persons engaged therein do,
or cause to be done, any act in furtherance of the object of such conspiracy, whereby
another is injured in his person or property, or deprived of having and exercising any
right or privilege of a citizen of the United States, the party so injured or deprived
may have an action for the recovery of damages occasioned by such injury or
deprivation, against any one or more of the conspirators.
42 USC 1986 Action for neglect to prevent
Every person who, having knowledge that any of the wrongs conspired to be
done, and mentioned in section 1985 of this title, are about to be committed, and
having power to prevent or aid in preventing the commission of the same, neglects or
refuses so to do, if such wrongful act be committed, shall be liable to the party
injured, or his legal representatives, for all damages caused by such wrongful act,
which such person by reasonable diligence could have prevented; and such damages
may be recovered in an action on the case; and any number of persons guilty of such
wrongful neglect or refusal may be joined as defendants in the action; and if the
death of any party be caused by any such wrongful act and neglect, the legal


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representatives of the deceased shall have such action therefor, and may recover not
exceeding $5,000 damages therein, for the benefit of the widow of the deceased, if
there be one, and if there be no widow, then for the benefit of the next of kin of the
deceased. But no action under the provisions of this section shall be sustained which
is not commenced within one year after the cause of action has accrued.


Disparate Treatment

Direct, Prima Facie and Indirect Circumstantial Evidence

o As evidenced throughout the driving record for #1491178, in November
and December 2009 State of Maine DMV sent written requests for
GinA to submit to an unconstitutional medical evaluation but USPS
returned both as undeliverable to DMV because GinA was homeless.
o On January 1, 2010 State of Maine, Bureau of Motor Vehicle, Medical
Unit arbitrarily suspended driver license #1491178 without any good
or legal cause for GinAs alleged failure to submit a medical evaluation
which was directly related to GinAs disability.
o On January 1, 2010, driver license #1491178 was suspended without a
hearing pursuant to 29-A MRSA 2458(2)(D) Is incompetent to drive a
motor vehicle
o On January 9, 2010, GinA moved into 239 Cony Street, Unit 2, and
had virtually no problems with either the landlord or the tenants for
over a year.
o On February 10, 2011, Augusta Police Ofc. Eric DosSantos stopped
GinA for failure to obey traffic control device on the corner of
Townsend Rd and Marketplace Drive and issued a ticket for a minor
traffic violation. (See AUGDC-CR-2011-512/513)
o On March 7, 2011, Augusta Police Ofc. Eric DosSantos stopped GinA
as a direct result of the February 10th stop because he knew the license
#1491178 was suspended for medical reasons and asked GinA if she


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had any medical issues that would cause the DMV Medical Unit to
suspend license #1491178. (See AUGDC-CR-2011-512/513)
o Ofc. Eric DosSantos issued two uniform summonses for Operating
After Suspension even though he knew the suspension was a benign
medical suspension and not considerable as a prior offense for any
reason. (See AP-13-17 and KEN-13-517)
o Ofc. Eric DosSantos issued two uniform summonses for Operating
After Suspension in spite of 29-A MRSA 2412-A(8). Traffic infraction.
A person commits a traffic infraction operating while license
suspended as described in subsection 1-A, paragraph A if the
person has not been convicted or adjudicated of a prior offense
under this section and the sole basis for the suspension is:
A. Failure to pay a fine;
B. Failure to pay a license reinstatement fee; or
C. Suspension for a dishonored check.
(See AP-13-17 and KEN-13-517)
o On April 17, 2011 the basement at 239 Cony Street, Augusta flooded
from excessive rain runoff from the Haskell Street hill overwhelming
the oil burner and causing it to emit carbon monoxide into the building
forcing GinA to call City of Augusta Fire Department for assistance.
o Augusta Fire Department could not communicate with Royce Watson
because Royce refused to answer his cell or house phone on that day.
o In July 2011, sand fleas invaded GinAs apartment causing her to ask
Royce Watson to eradicate the fleas which Royce refused to do.
o From July through the entire month of August 2011, GinA and Royce
engaged in very combative interactions via text message and email
regarding Royces refusal to eradicate the sand fleas in the building.


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o August 13, 2011, KJ article Big step to new county courthouse says,
In October 2009, MSJC CJ Leigh Saufley projected a $55 million new
building to include consolidated superior and district courts and
officesHowever, its taken longer than expected to secure the
o On September 1, 2011, Royce Watson moved Jack Alahverdian into
239 Cony Street, Unit 1 as Royces sweeper intended to sweep me
out of the building by terrorizing me with his violence.
o Jack Alahverdian told me Royce Watson has used Jack to sweep
other tenants out of other buildings prior to 239 Cony St. and that Jack
has also acted as Royces building and maintenance manager.
o Between Sept 1 28, 2011, GinA made more police reports for urgent
help with Jack Alahverdians violence and aggression to the Augusta
Police Department than she had ever called the police department in
the past for any reason up to that date.
o Throughout the month of September 2011 and until GinA moved out of
239 Cony Street, Augusta Police intentionally interfered with GinAs
quiet enjoyment by allowing Jack Alahverdian to play extremely loud
music which vibrated the walls and windows causing extreme duress.
o In September 2011, after GinA repeatedly demanded that the Augusta
Police Department prohibit Jack Alahverdian from torturing GinA
with his extremely loud, angry music, an agent of the Augusta Police
Department gave me a 17-A MRSA 506-A Notice and directed me to
serve it on Jack Alahverdian to cease and desist his harassment.
September 28, 2011, Tim Cason and GinA got permission from Jack
Alahverdian to enter the basement and discovered an oil leak from the
oil tank causing GinA to report the oil leak to Jack Alahverdian and
asking him to report it to Royce Watson because Royce was no longer
talking to GinA as a result of the flea problem.


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o September 30, 2011, 8:30am Royces plumber trespassed on GinAs

home by opening GinAs entry door and entering the internal landing
for the purposes of serving GinA with a Notice to Quit which claims
Royce made two prior attempts to serve the notice on September 29
even though it was not created until September 30.
o September 30, 2011, 10:05pm, Jack Alahverdian said to GinA, What
the f*ck do you want? Just because you got served an eviction notice
doesnt mean I had anything to do with it. even though GinA had not
told Jack that she had been served with an eviction notice.
o October 1, 2011, 6:20pm, GinA was threatened with bodily harm by
Jack Alahverdian to be committed by unknown third persons so GinA
called Royce and reported Jack Alahverdian as a dangerous tenant.
o On October 1, 2011, GinA called City of Augusta Police Department to
make a police report about Jack Alahverdians threats resulting in Ofc.
Christopher Guay filing a false police report under Incident #110022846-OF, Call #11-54462.
o City of Augusta Ofc. Christopher Guay twice named GinA as suspect.
o On October 3, 2011, GinA reported an environmental violation to
U.S. EPA on their website regarding the active oil leak occurring in the
basement at 239 Cony Street, Augusta Maine.
o On October 25, 2011, Tim Cason and GinA went to City of Augusta to
report the oil leak at 239 Cony Street to Code Enforcement which
prompted Robert Overton to perform an inspection on that day.
o Robert Overton called State of Maine DEP to report an active oil leak
at 239 Cony Street Augusta prompting DEP to arrive at 239 Cony
Street at 4:30pm on October 25, 2011 to perform a full inspection,
clean up strongly recommending Royce Watson replace the oil tank.
o Royce Watson refused to replace the oil tank in October 2011 and not
until March 29, 2012 after GinA was forcefully evicted from the house.


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o On November 2, 2011, Civil Deputy Sheriff Harry McKenney served

GinA with an F.E.D. Summons and Complaint for 239 Cony Street at
which time GinA recorded Harry McKenney say most landlords lie on
their eviction papers by claiming service was attempted three times in
good faith when the landlord and Harry McKenney know it has not.
o Despite GinA showing Harry McKenney the legal defects in the notice
to quit, Harry McKenney served the illegal summons and complaint.
o On November 18, 2011, GinA filed a 10 page sworn affidavit with the
City of Augusta Police Department to correct the false police report
regarding Alahverdian filed by Ofc. Christopher Guay in October 2011.
o On January 18, 2012, as a result of Jack Alahverdian complaining to
the City of Augusta Police Department about GinA exercising her civil
rights under the 1st Amendment to take video and audio recordings of
public spaces, Ofc. Peter Cloutier arrived at 239 Cony Street and
knocked on GinAs apartment door.
o On January 18, 2012, the moment Ofc. Peter Cloutier left 239 Cony
Street, GinA immediately sent an email to Chief Robert Gregoire and
several other law enforcement, government and private recipients with
an attached file of an unedited raw audio recorded interaction between
GinA and Ofc. Peter Cloutier.
o On January 19, 2012, GinA received an email from Deputy Chief Jared
Mills saying he initiated an internal investigation about Ofc. Peter
Cloutiers behavior which GinA recorded on January 18, 2012.
o On January 25, 2012, GinA and Tim Cason attended a personal
meeting at City of Augusta City Center with Sgt. Chris Shaw to tell
Sgt. Shaw the same details which GinA caught on audio recording on
January 18, 2012 when Ofc. Peter Cloutier illegally entered her home.


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o On February 16, 2012, City of Augusta Ofc. Christopher Guay made an

unconstitutional traffic stop on GinAs private automobile without any
probable cause. (See AUGSC-CR-2012-286)
o On April 5, 2012, GinA was falsely arrested in Oakland Maine by City
of City of Oakland Ofc. Steven Corbett (deceased April 29, 2013) and
Sgt. Rick Stubbert. (See AUGSC-CR-2012-667)
o On February 21, 2012, GinA received an official email from Major
Jared Mills confirming that Ofc. Peter Cloutier did in fact behave in an
unprofessional and inappropriate manner on January 18, 2012 in gross
violation of Ginas rights under the 1st Amendment.
o Major Mills extended his official apology to GinA on behalf of the City
of Augusta Police Department for her unfortunate incident.
o On February 23, 2012, GinA attended a City of Augusta City Council
meeting to notify the City of Augusta council and its agents that an
active oil leak was occurring at that moment at 239 Cony Street and
that GinA was being evicted as a direct result of making a report of it.
o GinA expressly asked the City of Augusta City Council, its mayor and
other agents to take proactive steps to remedy the oil leak and prevent
the illegal eviction from 239 Cony Street, Unit 2.
o On February 28, 2012, GinA was served by sheriff with an illegal Writ
of Possession issued by Augusta District Court.
o GinA took the writ of possession to the Kennebec Journal and asked
Betty Adams to help GinA to remedy the active oil leak that was
poisoning the neighborhood and to help prevent GinAs illegal eviction.
o Betty Adams and the Kennebec Journal declined to help GinA in any
way. (See
o GinA was homeless from March 3, 2012 until January 13, 2013 when
she moved into 3 Washington Street Place, Augusta.
o July 9, 2012, KJ article Courthouse expansion has Tuesday hearing


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The [Planning] boards approval would give the proposed

[courthouse] project green light to proceed pending a zoning change
which is up for public hearing by City Council at its July 19
meeting.The zone was changed several years ago to business
professional to accommodate a courthouse expansion.

o August 20, 2012, KJ article Augusta courthouse work promises traffic


A judge, the project manager and the court construction overseer

roughed out a construction schedule and its effect at a meeting last
week for judges, lawyers, clerks and others who work in the countyowned courthouse at Winthrop and State Streets.

vibration and noise from construction will affect both operational

and administrative functionsthe delivery of justice will clearly be
impacted during those high-noise periods ~ Superior Court C.J.
Thomas Humphrey

o September 26, 2012, KJ article Courthouse construction noise drives

trial from Augusta to quieter Farmington

[Judge Michaela] Murphy had to repeat herself several times

o On January 13, 2013, GinA moved into 3 Washington Street Place

with a belief GinA was renting a single room in a legal rooming house.
o On or about January 18, 2013, GinA made her first complaint for theft
and violence to Ray Corporation by GinAs roommate Tyler Robinson.
o Bernice Ray, Rob Ray, Matt Ray, Justin Ray, and Cody Degraf all
conspired with Tyler Robinson because he pays rent like clockwork.
o None of Ray Corporation agents or employees took any steps to stop or
prohibit Tyler Robinsons daily theft, violence and extreme aggression.
o January 26, 2013, KJ article, Court construction projects neighbors
endure noise, shaking with good humor

The front porch of the apartment building at 32 Court St. offers a

great view of the construction site of a new courthouse bordered by


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Winthrop, Perham and Court Streets. The tenants in the seven-unit

building, and other nearby households, get to hear and feel the
construction, as well. They rock to the rhythm of 276 piles being
pounded into bedrockThey hear the beep, beep, beep of the
trucksWork begins at 7a.m. and ends at 5p.m

I dont have to set my alarm clock any more in the morning, said
Rep. Matt Pouliot, R-Augusta, who lives on Winthrop Court, within
sight of the project. Pouliot is on the citys Planning Board and saw
the project proposal in its initial stages.

the constant racket has gotten to Shannon Perkins, who has lived
in an apartment at 32 Court St. for about a year. Its insanely noisy,
she said, which is a particular problem during her childrens nap

Scott Theriaulttook a more philosophical approachWe all

pretty much know theres nothing we can do about it

Gregory Roy, owner of 32 Court St, and a Realtor affiliated with the
Maine Real Estate Network, said the fallout from the courthouse
construction has done some damage to the occupants psyche. I
believe it may have resulted in some unhappy tenants Its easy
enough to find new tenants; its just making the living conditions

Some $62 million in bonds were authorized to pay for the Augusta
courthouse Its coming in under budget, and on target to be under
budget, [Philip] Johnston said.

o In March 2013, City of Augusta Code Enforcement shut down 32 Court

Street for code violations.
o In April 2013, City of Augusta Code Enforcement sent an official letter
to Ray Corp regarding unsafe conditions at 1 & 3 Jefferson Street.
o On June 1, 2013, GinA casually created MAINE TENANTS JUSTICE
LEAGUE, Inc. for the purpose of educating tenants and landlords


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about their legal rights and responsibilities to each other, to connect

them with public legal resources and to provoke legislative changes.
o On June 3, 2013, GinA emailed a Notice of Claim to Ray Corporation
for the injuries and other violations which were occurring at 3
Washington Street Place, Augusta.
o On June 3, 2013, 11:20am, an official public email was sent from
Detective Sergeant Matthew Clark to City of Augusta All_Police,

This morning a [sic] received a call from Gina Turcotte. She and
several other tenants at 3 Washington Street Place, [sic] are very
upset that Scott Andrews (a registered sex offender) moved in the
building over the weekend... She has voiced her plans to make life
difficult for the landlord, as well as Andrews. I have cautioned her
about harassment, and told her to try and work things out with the
landlord. After taking [sic] with her, I believe that she understands
our legal limitations here. FYI, in the event that we get called there
to deal with an issue there. [sic] I have drawn a call number
detailing her complaint so we have it on file.

***One thing of interest with Turcotte is that she has tried using the
Sovereign citizen standing with us in the past and is now looking
for each and every law she can use to get Andrews out of her home.
Double standards?
o On June 3, 2013, 12:44pm, Chief Robert Gregoire sent an email to
William Bridgeo, FYI, If you dont remember Ms. Tourcotte [sic] I can
refresh your memory.
o June 3, 2013, 2:02pm, William Bridgeo sent an email to Chief Robert
Gregoire, No refresher required..
o On June 7, 2013, GinA made an official report to Code Enforcement
regarding the illegal rooming house at 3 Washington Street Place
which provoked Rob Overton to conduct an immediate inspection.


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o On June 7, 2013, 11:53am, Code Enforcement sent an email to Ray

Corporation, It appears that you are renting this building as a
rooming houseThis building is not permitted by the city to be used as
a rooming house.
o On June 7, 2013, 4:58pm Matt Nazar sent an email to William
Bridgeo, Ms. Turcotte is the woman we spoke with at a Cony Street
address last year.
o On June 16, 2013, 12:13am GinA sent an email to Robert Overton,

We are all on the verge of homelessness if Ray Corporation

buildings are shut down. And we are all living in these buildings
because we have no other place to go.

I am here because of Royce Watsons illegal and retaliatory


There are many people who will certainly end up on the street if
Ray Corporation wiggles out of their responsibility on the heels of
their criminality. I am hoping that your office will support our
efforts to find safe housing without causing each of us undue
financial hardship above and beyond the injuries the landlord has
already caused us.

o On June 19, 2013, 10:43pm, GinA sent email to Robert Overton,

Ray Corporation has not respectedyour order to cease and desist
renting their Augusta buildings as rooming houses, as evidenced by
them RENEWING their craigslist ad on June 18 at 9:09am, which you
can find here:
o On June 20, 2013, Ray Corp. filed an F.E.D. complaint against GinA.
(See AUGDC-SA-2013-332)
o On June 25, 2013, Robert Overton, City of Augusta Fire Department
and Rob Ray of the Ray Corp conducted a full building inspection of 3
Washington Street Place.


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o On July 9, 2013, Robert Overton of the City of Augusta Office of Code

Enforcement issued Ray Corporation an official violation notice with
10 serious life-threatening violations including occupants living in 3rd
floor units without any 2nd emergency exit or egress windows.
o On July 19, 2013, 4:55pm, GinA sent an email to Robert Overton,
Today (Saturday) at 1p, RAY CORPORATION (Cody) showed up on
the property to show Unit 4 to a prospective tenant. I confronted Cody
with the code enforcement letter and asked him to read it which he
refused to do.
o On July 21, 2013, Augusta District court held an illegal F.E.D. hearing
in AUGDC-SA-13-332 issuing a judgment of forcible entry and
detainer against GinA despite City of Augusta Code Enforcement just
issuing an official notice of over-capacity with other serious violations.
o On July 22, 2013, 4:18pm, GinA sent an email to Robert Overton, I
have been told by the tenants on the 3rd floor (front) that they have been
told by Ray Corp. that they do NOT need to move out and that
everything is ok. FYI.
o On July 31, 2013, 10:10am, Robert Overton sent an email to Rob Ray
regarding 3 Washington Street Place, I spoke with an Augusta Police
Officer yesterdayThey want me to put an end to your buildings being
used as rooming houses
o On August 26, 2013, 3:48pm, GinA sent an email to Robert Overton
and Ray Corporation, Attached is a picture of a new hole in the porch
of Unit 1 which occurred today as a result of my stepping too hard on
the rotting board on my porch and which broke through with very little
o On August 29, 2013, 10:16am, William Bridgeo sent an email to
Council, All_City_Department_Directors, All_City_Bureau_Heads, Its
clear that the entire topic of our citys substandard rental housing stock
must be discussed by Council this fall


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o On August 29, 2013, 7:46pm, Cheryl Clukey sent an email to William

Bridgeo, Im happy to hear that the council will address the
substandard housing in Augusta and will work to propose new
ordinances to eliminate these shameful housing situation [sic]. I have
been in a few and I do not understand how they pass city code. The
large one on North St. in my neighborhood is a disgrace. Thanks,
Cheryl Clukey
o On September 10, 2013, 1:02pm Robert Overton sent an email to GinA
with a forwarded message dated September 4, 2013, 4:01pm from
Robert Overton to Ray Corporation re: 1 & 3 Jefferson Street and 3
Washington Street Place, I received a call from a concerned tenant
that recently signed a lease with you. They were told that vacant units
were ordered to not be occupied until they conformed with minimum
o On September __ 2013, William Stokes gave approval as Deputy AG
for Tracy Thompsons to conduct a formal criminal investigation about
GinAs legal advocacy work with MAINE TENANTS JUSTICE
o On or about September 19, 2013, Tracy Thompson called and asked
GinA for legal advice. (See )
o On September 27, 2013, 10:28am, Jim Osier sent an email to Keith
Luke refusing to sell his home at 13 Perham Street, Augusta for the
courthouse parking lot My property is not for sale and I will not allow
an appraisal of it!
o On October 2, 2013 3:11pm, Keith Luke sent an email to Jim Osier, I
appreciate that this is a difficult situation, which is one of the reasons
that the city (and not the state) has taken the lead on negotiations [sic]
Perham Street homeowners.


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o On October 2, 2013, David Pare sent a public defamatory email to Rob

Overton at City of Augusta Code Enforcement office alleging GinA was
giving free legal advice:
Your buddy Gina is back at it again. She is now giving free legal
advice! I think Im going to use her for my next eviction. If she
put this much effort toward an actual career, she could be
wealthy. I called Gina Turcotte. Lets settle this one. (See June 18, 2014 email from GinA to
Rob Overton)
o On October 4, 2013, Rob Ray shut off the hot water supply to the entire
building at 3 Washington Street Place padlocking the basement door to
try to prevent any tenants from making entry to turn it back on.
o On October 7, 2013, Rob Ray, Matt Ray and their agents physically
moved all tenants, except for GinA, out of 3 Washington Street Place.
o Ray Corporation relocated all tenants at 3 Washington Street Place,
except for GinA, to other locations at Ray Corporations expense.
o On October 8, 2013, Rob Ray, Matt Ray, Justin Ray and Cody Degraf
boarded up every window and door except for GinAs personal windows
and entry door at 3 Washington Street Place.
o On October 11, 2013, 3:33pm, William Bridgeo sent an email to Matt
Nazar, Lon called me this afternoon. He told me he has someone who is
interested in Lon building an office building on the old Y site for lease.
Lon would like to have his brother David meet with us next week to
discuss the matter (zoning issues, etc)
o On October 14, 2013, GinA was served with a writ of possession for 3
Washington Street Place.
o On October 18, 2013, 2:28pm, Robert Overton sent an email to City of
Augusta Police Major Jared Mills, In the last few weeks, weve been
working to get the tenants out of 3 Washington Street Place. As of today
the only occupant of the building is Gina Turcotte. We didnt push too
hard to get her out due to the fact that she is about to be evicted.


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o City of Augusta public records for October 2013 show, The houses [on
Perham and 32 Court Street] have been appraised at $38,000, $50,000,
$85,000 and $110,000 for a total of $283,000. The City wants to help
resolve the parking issue with the new courthouse since it fought so
hard to keep it downtown. The best solution would be to purchase the 4
properties and build a parking lot for at least 100 spaces. (See FOAA
Response 001385)
o On October 30, 2013, Matt Nazar sent an email to Lon Walters and
William Bridgeo, Several members, including one that lives no more
than 50 feet from the Old Y property, spoke very favorably about the
possibility of redevelopment
o On October 30, 2013, 5:13pm, Lon Walters sent an email to Matt
Nazar, Matt, please pass along to the planning board members,
especially the person with big concerns, that they are all welcome to
have the building design they think best for the site. Just make the
check in the amount of $1m.
o On November 21, 2013, GinA testified at City of Augusta Council
meeting. (See )
o On December 31, 2013, Kennebec Journal published GinAs letter to
the Editor as the Founder of MAINE TENANTS JUSTICE LEAGUE,
Inc. expressing her desire to work with the City of Augusta, landlords
and tenants to help fix the low income housing crisis.
o On January 03, 2014, 5:36pm, GinA sent an email to Major Jared
Mills, Sgt. Chris Shaw, et al:
Dear Sgt. Shaw and Major Mills:
Now that I have properly disposed of the frivolous retaliatory OAS and
other criminal charges from February 16, 2012 with a full dismissal, I can
now turn my attention back to the aggressive, unprofessional and
unconstitutional incident with Ofc. Peter Cloutier from January 18, 2012.
I strongly believe these two incidents are directly correlated, with the
OAS arrest and subsequent court action being retaliation for my recording
and reporting Ofc. Cloutier's unprofessional conduct and publicizing it for


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the world to see on YouTube (which currently has more than 1800 views).
After I had an hour-long investigative meeting with Sgt. Shaw on
January 25, 2012, Major Mills sent me an
email on February 21, 2012, at 2:45pm which is restated below:
On January 18th 2012, Officers Cloutier and Drouin met with you in
response to a complaint they received from your neighbor. During the
course of their investigation Officer Cloutier began to question you in
reference to the odor of marijuana he believed he smelled coming from your
apartment. You filed a complaint with the Chief of Police in regards
Officer Cloutier's behavior during this incident. Sergeant Shaw
investigated the incident and determined that Officer Cloutier did in fact
act inappropriate in regards to his demeanor, and the way in
which he questioned you. Due to the fact that Officer Cloutier's
behavior was unprofessional, sanctions have been taken against
him and his behavior has been corrected. I want to apologize on
behalf of Officer Cloutier and the Augusta Police Department for this
unfortunate situation you had to endure. Thank you for bringing this
incident to our attention, and please contact me if you have any issues with
the Augusta Police Department in the future. If you have any questions or
if you would like to discuss this situation in person or by telephone please
let me know and I will make myself available upon your request.
Major Jared Mills
Augusta Police Department
Major Mills indicated "sanctions have been taken against [Ofc.
Peter Clouter] and his behavior has been corrected" but I was never
informed of those specific sanctions or corrective actions. Additionally,
nobody at the Augusta Police Department has ever offered me any kind of
remedial compensation for "this unfortunate situation [I] had to
I strongly believe this situation with Ofc. Cloutier was not only very
unfortunate, but it was also the cause which compelled Ofc. Christopher
Guay to stop me a month later on February 16, 2012 without probable
cause and only because he was familiar with my car and he knew I
recorded Ofc. Cloutier's illegal behavior. I believe Ofc. Guay and other
officers had seen the USDOT signs on my car during their regular patrols
along Cony Street because my car was always parked very close to the
I lived at 239 Cony Street from January 25, 2010 until March 1, 2012.
Additionally, as a direct result of that frivolous and unconstitutional
traffic stop by Ofc. Guay on Feb. 16, 2012, I was physically assaulted by
Sgt. Shaw, Ofc. Guay and Ofc. Harris in their unlawful and unreasonably
forceful seizure of my car and my body, then imprisoning me for several


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hours, not to mention the many injuries resulting from those actions which
have persisted ever since.
These are not just "unfortunate situations" which can be ignored; it
would be unwise to think these events have not impacted my life in very
significant ways for which the Augusta Police Dept. is directly
All criminal charges from Feb. 16, 2012 were dismissed on December
18, 2013 by A.D.A. Joelle Pratt and Judge Murphy. I am now going to
challenge all civil traffic infractions from that date as well.
I strongly believe the aggressive criminal prosecution and the Augusta
Police Department's willful destruction of and refusal to provide video and
audio evidence of the arrest all resulted directly from my interactions with
Ofc. Peter Cloutier in January 2012.
I believe the other Augusta police officers are extremely unhappy I
recorded Ofc. Cloutier acting unlawfully and I am now being aggressively
targeted as a violent "sovereign citizen" (a misnomer).
I have personally read the Maine Criminal Justice Academy's 2011
mandatory training manual regarding "sovereign citizens" and I know all
police officers are taught to believe and presume all "sovereign citizens" are
violent, gun-toting, deadly people suspected of carrying at least 1 gun and
1 sharp weapon at all times... also, the MCJA training manual indicates
"sovereign citizens" are considered to be "domestic terrorists" worthy of
heightened aggression and police action.
This type of stereotypical profiling violates my natural right to equal
protection, is unconstitutional, discriminatory, highly prejudicial and
directly causes all officers to act with unreasonable aggression against
peaceful people, as I believe happened to me on February 16, 2012 and
I strongly believe the formal education provided by MCJA and the
internal policies of the Augusta Police Department regarding "sovereign
citizens" have caused, and are continuing to cause an elevated risk of
unreasonably aggressive and unconstitutional behaviors by police officers
which is causing an elevated risk of physical, emotional and other types of
injury to peaceful people who are stopped or questioned without reasonable
suspicion or probable cause of committing a 'crime'.
I am extremely offended that I am being targeted by my public servants
who have sworn an oath to protect me simply because I assert my natural
rights as protected by the Maine Constitution and 17 MRSA 2931.
Unfortunately, it is now almost exactly 2 years after I was arrested by
your officers and I cannot even begin to express how severely my life has
been disrupted and injured by these unlawful, illegal and unconstitutional
My life has been seriously injured, my rights have been grossly
violated, my liberty consistently threatened, and being physically and
constructively imprisoned by not being able to transport myself or leave my
home without "supervision" (by a chauffeur) since early 2012. I was forced
to sell my car because of the effect these charges had on my ability to use or
financially maintain my car. I was forced by subsequent circumstances to
live in the armpit of Augusta's ghetto on Washington Street Place (so I

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could afford my rent and walk to the store), my family relationships have
been directly injured as a result of these actions and my emotional, mental
and physical health has also seriously deteriorated as a direct result of not
being able to transport myself or take care of myself the way I did before
these frivolous charges were lodged against me.
I have already expressed in writing to the State, via email on December
17, 2013, that I consider these actions to rise to the level of malicious
prosecution and am prepared to seek my proper redemption through the
only avenue available - the court system.
But I am coming to you first.
I know the police department, as well as each police officer, are
required to maintain a bond or an insurance policy intended to resolve
these exact unfortunate situations.
I also know that "discretionary immunity" and "qualified immunity"
does not apply when "(1) constitutional rights were violated, and (2)
those rights were so clearly established that reasonable [officers] would
have known that their specific actions transgressed those rights." Creamer
v. Sceviour, 652 A.2d 110, 113 (Me. 1995)
I believe the incident from January 18, 2012 with Ofc. Peter Cloutier,
admonished by Major Mills' apology, evidently proves my "constitutional
rights were violated, and (2) those rights were so clearly established that
reasonable [officers] would have known that their specific actions
transgressed those rights."
Also, combining Major Mills' decision about the January 18, 2012
incident with the full dismissal of all criminal charges for the February
2012 OAS arrest, I believe there is solid evidence to prove the existence of a
direct correlation between both incidents from January and February
This is a very serious situation which must be resolved immediately,
appropriately and fairly. I am a reasonable woman willing to negotiate a
reasonable settlement, but the Augusta Police Department must first
decide if they are going to accept responsibility for the unfortunate actions
of their officers.
I did notice that Ofc. Peter Cloutier's name is no longer listed on your
website as a Patrol
Does this obvious omission signify Ofc. Peter Cloutier has been
terminated from your employment and relieved of his police authority?
Please respond in writing within 7 business days with a request for a
meeting or an offer of settlement.
Thank you for your priority attention to this matter.
In Peace,
GinA Turcotte

o On January 3, 2014, 7:04pm, Robert Gregoire sent an email to William

Bridgeo regarding GinAs January 3rd email: Lets discuss with Ralph


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on Monday. (we will likely refer to our liability insurance carrier and
then review with the City Attorney) BB
o On January 8, 2014, 9:27am, GinA responded to Greg Roys internet ad
via email for 32 Court Street, Apartment for Rent which was posted
at (now deleted)
o On January 11, 2014, GinA viewed Unit 1, 32 Court Street with Tim
Cason at which time they observed several red City of Augusta Code
Enforcement signs on all doors indicating the house was unfit for
o GinA told Greg Roy she was disabled receiving monthly social security
disability benefits, that she had special housing needs and that she
had two well-trained service (emotional therapy) animals (cats).
o Greg Roy demanded six good housing references from GinA.
o On January 13, 2014, GinA sent an email to Robert Overton of City of
Augusta Code Enforcement:
I went and looked at an apt. at 32 Court Street today. The
building is owned by Greg Roy. He said one of the 2 bdrm units
is just about ready to be rented after he gets your approval. He
asked me to give him 6 references so I gave him your name as one
of them and explained that 3 Washington Street Place was under
city orders to close because it was being used as an illegal
rooming house, among other problems. I know you cannot give an
official reference for me but you can offer your personal opinion
of my character. I explained to Greg [Roy] that my interaction
with you has stemmed from my housing fiasco over the last 2 yrs
but mostly from the past year of my living at Washington Street
o On January 13, 2014, 10:58am, Robert Overton sent an email to GinA,
responding to her request for a reference to live at 32 Court Street,
Gina, I will gladly tell Mr. Roy that I believe that you are a
good tenant and that you keep your apartment in great condition.
I have to answer his questions honestly, but will offer no more
than what he requests not that I would have anything negative
to report. Rob.


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o On January 17, 2014, GinA sent an email and made a phone call to
Robert Overton at City of Augusta Code Enforcement office,
I left a message on your voicemail that Greg is waiting to hear
back from you asaphe wont [sic] rent me the apt. until he gets
your approval I gotta get outta where Im living BEFORE
o On January 17, 2014, 2:15pm, Robert Overton sent an email to GinA,
Just spoke with Mr. Roy. Have a great weekend!
o Nobody told GinA that 32 Court Street was under negotiations to be
sold to the City of Augusta on behalf of the State of Maine Judicial
Branch before the end of the year 2014.
o Greg Roy told GinA he was going to eventually convert the second floor
efficiency units to small legal offices to benefit from the courthouse.
o On January 22, 2014, GinA moved into Unit 1, 32 Court Street under
an at will lease despite repeatedly requesting a very long term lease.
o On January 22, 2014, Maine Municipal Association denied GinAs
Claim #212P3814 for the January 18, 2012 incident with Ofc. Cloutier.
o On February 9, 2014, KJ article Houses behind jail eyed for Augusta
courthouse parking
As a new four-story courthouse takes shape on Winthrop Streets lower
hill, overlooking downtown, efforts are underway to secure more
parking spaces for people who will use the justice center. So far, the
focus is on a block of four buildings, most of them more than a century
old, that form a residential island along Perham Street. The buildings
include an apartment house at 32 Court St. that had been for sale
previously, a two-family house at 19-21 Perham St. and single-family
homes at 13 and 15 Perham St
The city Planning Board required more parking than the 93 spaces in
the court systems original proposal to avoid having courthouse
parking spill over into neighborhood streets.
Maine Supreme Judicial Court Associate Justice Joseph Jabar and
Augusta City Manager William Bridgeo said establishing parking at
the Perham Street properties would be ideal and would allow for 87
more spaces for people using the new building.
Were trying to really make it more user-friendly by establishing a
parking lot behind the jail and next to the courthouse, Jabar said.
Thats a perfect spot. That would add over 80 parking spaces so people
wont have to walk up the hill.


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Parking on Perham Street would be about on the same level as the

buildings main entrance.
However, he said those planning the courthouse realize that people are
living in those houses. Were trying to negotiate a fair price for them,
Jabar said.
Bridgeo said a number of entities have worked cooperatively on the
courthouse project and related parking, including the county and the
Augusta Parking District.
Theres no discussion of anything other than attempting to negotiate
voluntary sales of these properties, Bridgeo said. What weve done so
far is the city accepted responsibility to secure appraisals of four
parcels to be paid out of the courthouse project.
He said negotiations then would take place with the property owners to
see if they can agree on a price.
Theyve all expressed a willingness to talk to us, Bridgeo said, adding
that the negotiations would be confidential.
In the meantime, the building project has reached the halfway stage

o On February 12, 2014, 5:47am, GinA sent an email to Betty Adams

regarding their February 9th article,
Responding to your article published on 2/9 titled, "Houses behind jail
eyed for Augusta courthouse parking", I must offer my input since
apparently none of our city councilors are thinking about the most vital
issue our city is facing lately - LACK OF SAFE, LOW INCOME
How can our public officials even entertain any idea of demolishing
more residential homes to make way for a parking lot without
comparatively replacing those dwelling units when there is a perfect
location for that parking lot or another parking garage on the old
YMCA building site at the corner of Winthrop and State Streets. That
parking garage can be connected to the old or new courthouses by a
catwalk or an underground tunnel, both which already exist in our
local government structures.
Did I mention this property is already cleared and ready for
construction and would save HUGE AMOUNTS of money for this
project's bottom line? There are no buildings to purchase, no people to
relocate, no structures to raze and no cleaning to perform... All that is
needed is for the city to purchase the property or exercise eminent
domain over that property for the greater good of the public, if
necessary, which they are likely to do on Court/Perham Street if push
comes to shove.
And why was this tiny detail not decided and finalized BEFORE they
broke ground on the new courthouse?
I moved into 32 Court Street 2 weeks ago because the location and rent
are perfect for my needs and the owner who, in my opinion is one of the
best landlord's in the city, has been renovating the building for the past


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The article says, "to residents, the idea appears to be somewhat

welcome." However, the article does not indicate that those residents
total only 4 individuals who have not been faced with homelessness in
the past 20 years and who do not necessarily understand the
paramount need for their buildings to remain intact whether they
choose to live on this block or not.
The article also does not mention that those 4 buildings are actually
capable of housing at least 20 people each having their own bedroom
because 32 Court Street is a 6 unit building, 13 Perham is a 5 bedroom
single family house, 15 Perham Street can be home for at least 3 people
and 19-21 Perham Street is currently home to at least 2 or more people.
Regardless of the longtime residents' willingness to sell their buildings,
what about low income tenants who are going to lose permanent use of
32 Court Street? Where are they going to live?
We all need to stop thinking about making more business and start
thinking about making more peace, which is not going to happen by
destroying 4 residential homes without replacing them with 4
comparable new buildings which will house the same number of
I will most definitely be objecting at all stages of the legal process with
whatever miniscule rights are afforded to tenants because I have a
right to not be forcibly removed from my home to make way for a
vacant piece of property that will be used ONLY M-F 8-5p!
How is any of this ok with any of you?
GinA Turcotte
Founder and President
32 Court Street, Apt 1

o On February 12, 2:21pm, GinA sent an email to City of Augusta,

William Stokes, William Bridgeo regarding the February 9th KJ article,
I am forwarding an email I sent to the KJ and Betty Adams
responding to the article on Feb. 9th about razing the Perham/Court
Street block of 4 residential homes to make the block into a parking lot.
I am flabbergasted the city council and our public officials would even
entertain such a notion in light of the epidemic of lost low income
rental units over the past few years.
Also, to add insult to injury, there is a perfect vacant lot at the old
YMCA site that would be ideal for a new parking garage which could
be attached to the new courthouse via underground tunnels or exterior
catwalks (since 18-wheelers do not usually use the Winthrop Street hill
to descend into Water Street).
I live at 32 Court Street and must be notified of all actions taken by the
city and the county courthouse project so I will be afforded my time to
object to being forcibly removed from my home so some people can


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build an unnecessary parking lot which will only be utilized 40 hours

per week !!
Please notify me of all hearings and meetings regarding this project so
I may have an opportunity to address the council and other interested
Thank you.
GinA Turcotte
Founder and President
32 Court Street, Apt 1

o On February 14, 2014, GinA sent an email to Greg Roy regarding the
KJ article, Hi Greg! I'm forwarding both emails to the city council
and the KJ about razing this block. I think we both need to go raise
some hell at the next city council meeting !
o On February 16, 2014, KJ article Augusta Housing Authority leader
wants to help renters,
The new leader of the Augusta Housing Authority wants the
organization to take a more aggressive role in addressing what
she describes as the near-crisis level lack of affordable, safe
housing in the city. Over the last year, 65 housing units were lost
in Augusta, some to fires, but most were shut down by the city for
safety code violations found in some of the aging rental housing
stock That has tightened up the availability of rental housing
in Augusta. Were at a near-crisis situation in this community
right now, said Amanda Bartlett, executive director of the
Augusta Housing Authority. With me coming on board, it seems
like a good time to look at expanding our role, so were not just
doing vouchers. This is an opportunity for us to address a need in
the community. I think the time is right to do something.
Bartlett said the authority already has an arm created
specifically for real estate development, the Augusta Housing
Service Corporation, but that entity has never really been active.
She said the nonprofit corporation has about $307,000 in funds
set aside for real estate development.
o On February 17, 2014, GinA sent an email to City of Augusta, William
Stokes, William Bridgeo and Greg Roy, about the courthouse project,
Please notify me of all meetings and hearings regarding razing
the Perham/Court Street block so I may be present to testify.


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o On February 20, 2014, GinAs letter to the editor was published by the
Kennebec Journal, Former YMCA site better for new parking garage,
Responding to your article published on Feb. 9 titled, Houses
behind jail eyed for Augusta courthouse parking, I must offer
my input since apparently none of our city councilors is thinking
about the most vital issue our city faces lack of safe, lowincome residential housing!
How can our public officials even entertain the idea of
demolishing more residential homes to make a parking lot
without comparatively replacing those dwelling units? There is a
perfect location for that parking lot or another parking garage on
the old YMCA building site at the corner of Winthrop and State
streets. That parking garage could be connected to the old or new
courthouses by a catwalk or an underground tunnel, both of
which already exist in our local government structures.
This property is already cleared and ready for construction and
would save huge amounts of money for this projects bottom line.
There are no buildings to purchase, no people to relocate, no
structures to raze and no cleaning to perform. All the city needs
to do is purchase the property or exercise eminent domain over
that property for the greater good of the public, if necessary,
which it is likely to do on Court Street/Perham Street if push
comes to shove.
The article also does not mention that those four buildings are
capable of housing at least 20 people or where future tenants of
32 Court St. will live.
We all need to stop thinking about making more business and
start thinking about making more peace, which is not going to
happen by destroying four residential homes without replacing
them with comparable new buildings that will house the same
number of people.
How is any of this OK with Augusta residents?
Gina Turcotte, AugustaFounder and presidentMaine
Tenants Justice League (See
er_for_new_parking_garage_/ )
o On February 25, 2014, Leigh Saufley states on page 3 of The State of
the Judiciary, The Judicial Branch General Fund budget for fiscal
year 2013 totaled 56.6 million dollars, less than 2% of the General
Fund budget. Total revenue collected by the Judicial Branch was just
over 39 million dollars.

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o On March 1, 2014, GinA sent an email to Frank OHara, Planning

Decisions, Inc., asking for an agenda for the March 4th housing forum.
o On March 3, 2014, GinA received an emailed response from Frank
OHara, with an agenda and a list of presenters which did not include
anyone speaking as a tenant or on behalf of any tenant groups
o On March 4, 2014, City of Augusta held their very first Augusta
Community Housing Forum, beginning at 6:30 8:30pm with nobody
speaking on behalf of tenants, except GinA as herself, as a tenant and
as the founder of MAINE TENANTS JUSTICE LEAGUE, Inc. (See
o On March 4, 2014, KJ article Augusta needs cheaper, safer housing,
forum participants say
The struggling economy is hitting both tenants and landlords as
the citys already-old housing stock ages, forcing low-income
tenants to live in unsafe apartments they cant afford and leaving
landlords without enough money to make needed improvements.
Officials, tenants, landlords and others at a housing forum
Tuesday described a housing situation in need of repair.
The housing stock in Augusta is very old, Code Enforcement
officer Rob Overton said at a housing forum hosted by the city
and Augusta Housing Authority. Take a building built in the
early 1900s, long before the existence of any of the life safety codes
we have today, combine it with years of neglect, and youve got a
recipe for very dangerous situations. Were finding tenants in
these buildings are very aware of the problems but feel they have
no other options, so they remain there. Were finding many
different attitudes among owners. One is the inability to fix the
buildings because of the cost. In many cases, youre talking about
tens of thousands of dollars. In very few instances, so far, are we
seeing these conditions corrected. Id like to say the housing stock
is in better condition than it was 18 months ago, but Im sad to
say thats not the case.
Amanda Bartlett, executive director of the Augusta Housing
Authority, said the lack of affordable housing in the city is a
near-crisis situation. She wants the authority to play a larger
role in improving local housing beyond distributing federal
Section 8 housing vouchers to low-income residents in the
Augusta area. So she wants the quasi-municipal Augusta


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Housing Authority to expand its role by potentially getting into

developing, rehabilitating, building and/or owning housing
o On March 7, 2014, Robert Overton sent an email to Royce Watson,
Royce, Per your previous request to receive any information/documents
pertaining to Gina Turcotte and your property at 239 Cony Rd. I
forward the following to you
o On March 10, 2014, 10:05am, Royce Watson sent an email to Robert
Overton, [GinA] needs to take some of her free time and get a job.
o On March 18, 2014, Philip Johnston sent an email to William Bridgeo,
matt Nazar, Joseph Jabar et al, In a meeting this morning Bill
Bridgeo suggested we present the parking lot project at a Planning
Board Workshop, even though we do not have purchase and sale
agreements in place for any of the properties. The idea is to informally
present the project to the Board to reduce the application/approval time
once agreements are in place.
o On April 10, 2014, City of Augusta Police Ofc. Laura Drouin called
GinA for the purpose of threatening to arrest GinA for GinA trying to
communicate with her daughter about private family issues. (See
o On April 17, 2014, Keith Luke sent an official offer to Greg Roy on
behalf of the City of Augusta to buy 32 Court Street for $85,000.00.
o On May 3, 2014, Greg Roy asked for GinAs help to draft and edit his
rejection letter to the City of Augusta.
o On May 5, 2014, Greg Roy submitted GinAs letter to City of Augusta.
o On May 5, 2014, GinA submitted her own objection letter to City of
Augusta William Stokes, Matt Pouliot, William Bridgeo, and Gregory
This letter shall be considered my legal public objection to
all negotiations between all elected officers of the City of Augusta
and the State of Maine to acquire 32 COURT STREET,
AUGUSTA for the purpose of building a parking lot for increased


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court business and enhancement of tax revenue at the peoples

expense causing severe injury to the public.
I am a legal tenant of 32 COURT STREET having
excitedly moved into this building in February 2014 after being
homeless for many years. I did not impetuously choose this
building without thorough economic discernment.
I chose this building for many critical reasons, some of
which are listed below:
Location (next to Superior Court for ongoing
personal court business)
Location (near District Court for ongoing personal
court business)
Location (walking distance to my daughter and
granddaughters home)
Location (walking distance to libraries, businesses
and social services)
Location (few residents, peaceful nights, weekends
and holidays)
Location (very high safety area, no crime or public
Location (unique view of historical buildings, river
and sunset/sunrise)
32 COURT STREET is a safe, decent and sanitary
building capable of housing seven low income tenants at very
reasonable rates with many amenities included
Taking this dwelling away from the community you are sworn to
represent, protect and serve would perpetuate a homelessness
crisis which all officers of the City of Augusta and the State of
Maine are duty-bound to prevent or remediate, not proliferate
with illogical tax-enhancing, liberty-endangering commercial
Increasing court business does not benefit the public nor is
it for the greatest public good since most court business imposes
sizable taxes, individual duties and liberty injuries.
Tax is defined by Blacks Law 9th, as A charge, usu.
monetary, imposed by the government on persons, entities,
transactions, or property to yield public revenue.
As you can see, the definition of tax is not restrained to a
particular type of tax ~ if any municipality or body politic
assesses a fee on 'the public, it is a tax by definition.
Therefore, all court revenue, fines, fees, penalties and
charges are taxes.


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1 MRSA 816(1)(B) prohibits exercising eminent domain

power when taking a private property primarily for the
enhancement of tax revenue, such as for a new courthouse.
Arbitrary destruction of a rare licensed rooming house to
build a parking lot is utterly abusive, discriminatory and
repugnant to many constitutional and human rights protections
afforded to every low income and homeless tenant in the state.
32 COURT STREET is an exceptional property with its
rooming house licensure, its unique and peaceful view of the
horizon and historic buildings, and a secluded location near
many businesses and city services.
The People of the State of Maine will be doubly taxed by
this project by the fact that public bonds were issued to finance
this project which need to be paid by the very same people who
will be taxed, sanctioned and their liberties hijacked within the
court facility they paid to build.
Additionally, since the new court facility will
accommodate more people, attract new business and will have
certain financial expenses paid for by those very people, naturally
the state and the city will be increasing their budget
appropriations to meet those tax burdens which naturally will
increase the need for increased court tax revenue which will come
directly from the public.
Evidently, the public does not benefit from more court fees,
fines, duties and taxes.
Amanda Bartlett is the new executive director for Augusta
Housing Authority who recently said Were at a near-crisis
situation in this community right now, and that she wants
Augusta Housing Authority to expand its role by potentially
getting into developing, rehabilitating, building and owning
housing units.
A Kennebec Journal newspaper article dated February 16,
2014 indicates, The new leader of the Augusta Housing
Authority wants the organization to take a more aggressive role
in addressing what she describes as the near-crisis level lack of
affordable, safe housing in the city.
The City of Augusta co-sponsored a community housing
forum with Augusta Housing Authority on March 4, 2014 to
discuss how to fix the homelessness crisis and rapidly decreasing
number of safe, decent and habitable apartment buildings in the
Augusta Housing Authority is a municipal board created
by elected officials of the City of Augusta; therefore, Augusta


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Housing Authority is a municipal subdivision and a body

politic having only as much authority as the people explicitly
authorize it to have and only for the publics collective safety,
health, and welfare benefit.
Amanda Bartlett indicated that their sister corporation,
Augusta Housing Service Corporation, which is an IRS
170(b)(1)(a)(vi) organization and which receives most of its
support from a governmental unit or the general public, has
liquid assets of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) which
is purportedly saved for acquisition, development and
maintenance of low income properties although none has been
spent since the private corporation was formed in 1997.
City of Augusta Office of Economic and Community
Development has declared on their official government website,
We're strengthening already-established neighborhoods with
programs designed to rehabilitate vacant or dilapidated homes.
We're working with developers to bring contemporary loft-style
apartments, overlooking the scenic and recreational opportunities
afforded by the majestic Kennebec River, to our revitalized
downtown district.
City of Augusta OECD further states on their
Neighborhood Revitalization page, City officials and the
OECD staff value these neighborhoods, and we're investing in
them. We're striving to preserve the special qualities of our
community, and revitalize the areas that need our helpAnd
we're encouraging and supporting the establishment of
neighborhood associations, so that we can all work together in
planning for the future of our neighborhoods and our city.
Offensively contradicting these pledges made by the
OECD, the city has engaged in ongoing secret negotiations since
2009, without any consideration for the public you serve or your
electors in this neighborhood, about demolishing four residential
buildings which are capable of housing at least twenty people
and which are all currently inhabited by peaceful, law-abiding
individuals, many of whom have lived in this small
neighborhood for decades.
As reported by the Kennebec Journal on March 19, 2014,
While the new building near the intersection of State and
Winthrop streets isnt expected to generate new jobs, it will
consolidate about 100 employees under one roof. Hundreds more
will come to conduct business.
It is imperative to note that court business is not conducted
for the publics benefit but instead imposes a serious fiscal injury
on many citizens who are coerced and intimidated to use court


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services under duress, imminent threat of arrest and loss of

As disclosed in the March 19th newspaper article, the new
building isnt expected to generate new jobs illustrates its
limited actual benefit to the public who are paying the bonds
which are financing this $55 million project with no new jobs.
It is imperative to note the old YMCA lot on the corner of
Winthrop and State Streets is clear and ready for development
and which will not eliminate any habitable dwellings nor
displace any tenants or businesses.
It is also a more practical location for a parking lot since
the patrons of the Lithgow Library and surrounding businesses
will also be able to use the parking spaces.
If the size of that lot is less than what is needed for a
parking lot, another reasonable option would be to build another
parking garage to supplement the parking garage at the bottom
of Winthrop Street which is not currently used to full capacity.
If there are safety concerns when crossing Winthrop Street
from the YMCA lot, the next reasonable option would be to build
a suspended catwalk or underground tunnel from the old YMCA
lot connecting to the old or new court house.
Building a suspended catwalk or underground tunnel
across Winthrop Street is viable because the street is not allowed
to be used by oversized vehicles or heavy equipment and all
traffic moves very slowly and cautiously due to pedestrians and
regular traffic. The catwalk and tunnel will also guarantee
pedestrian comfort and safety during the winter months.
I rented this apartment at 32 COURT STREET with the
intention of living here for many years in order to develop my
professional business which requires living within immediate
proximity to the courthouses, as well as other critical reasons.
If the elected officers for the City of Augusta and State of
Maine truly want to preserve the special qualities of our
community they will abandon all ideas of destroying 32 COURT
STREET and all PERHAM STREET residences.
If elected officers acting as the agents for the City of
Augusta and the State of Maine decide to continue negotiations,
they will be required to explain how taking four residential
properties instead of utilizing a comparable vacant parking lot is
for the greatest good of the public and with the least private
injury to the tenants and businesses who will be displaced.
I also reserve and will exercise all my rights under the
Maine Constitution and Maine Revised Statutes to receive just
compensation for all losses, injuries, expenses and other related


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costs required to pay for and relocate me to a comparable

residence with identical financial and personal benefits.
Since I will be directly impacted by all activities against
32 COURT STREET, I require to be notified with appropriate
advance written notice and be included in all subsequent
hearing, conferences, meetings and negotiations.
Please send correspondence about all conferences,
meetings, negotiations and hearings to me at 32 Court St Apt 1,
Augusta or you can telephone me at 207-333-0628.
In Peace,
GinA Turcotte
32 Court St Apt 1
Augusta, Maine 04330
o On May 7, 2014, William Stokes was publicly nominated by Governor
Paul LePage for superior court judgeship which did not happen until it
was clear that William Stokes was interested in receiving a promotion.
o On May 15, 2014, GinA testified at a City of Augusta Council meeting.
(See )
o On May 15, 2014,KJ article Augusta councilors OK former Hodgkins
Middle School lease; The Augusta Housing Authority plans to turn
vacant school of the Capital Citys east side into housing for senior
Resident Gina Turcotte, in a tense exchange with Mayor
William Stokes over how much time she should be allowed to
speak, said she agrees there is a need for more affordable housing
for seniors in the city, but said Hodgkins is a not a safe building
for that housing because of the presence of asbestos and mold in
the old school.
Stephen Langsdorf, city attorney, said any such issues with the
safety of the building would be remediated by the developer.
Bunker confirmed that, noting generally asbestos is completely
removed from buildings for such projects, by environmental
engineering firms who remove it and test to verify it has all been
removed. He said most kinds of molds can be removed, as well,
and testing would take place to make sure it is all gone, and the
air is safe to breath.
It is very highly regulated, he said of asbestos. Just about
every old building has asbestos in it. Its part of the deal.


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Amanda Bartlett, the housing authoritys executive director, said

the agency plans to use federal and state historic preservation tax
credits and low-income housing tax credits from the state
housing authority to help pay for the project.
City Manager William Bridgeo said the city also could consider
granting a tax increment financing package to help fund the
project, thus allowing the authority to keep some or all of the
property taxes it would pay on the building.
The housing authority is a nonprofit organization, and thus it
normally wouldnt be required to pay property taxes, but it might
form a for-profit company to be able to take advantage of tax
credits unavailable to nonprofits.
In response to criticism from Turcotte the city would be making a
profit from the venture, through the housing authority,
Langsdorf said the for profit designation is simply a legal
designation that would allow the housing authority to obtain
state and federal tax credits for the project, and the city would
not be engaged in any sort of profit-making venture.
This is about the only way historic structures in Maine get
rehabilitated, Bridgeo said. Without using state and federal tax
credits, wed be tearing down buildings like Old City Hall and
the flatiron building.
Bartlett said the Augusta Housing Authority is one of only a few
housing authorities in Maine that doesnt develop and own
housing properties.
We need to get it done, Bartlett said. It is time here, in
Augusta, to expand some housing opportunities.
o On May 15, 2014, GinA had a conversation with Rep. Matthew Pouliot
on Facebook,
GinAthena Turcotte
we need to talk about the courthouse project and the
perham/court street plan
i jsut went head to head with mayor stokes
i live at 32 court street
i'm not moving
my landlord is not selling
we will be the last tenants standing

Matthew Pouliot
I'm afraid there is not many options for parking


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GinAthena Turcotte
what about the ymca lot?
no mention of that whatsoever
its DOUBLE the size of this lot!!!
and its already cleared !!!
.96 acres !!
these 4 properties are ONLY .4 ACRES!!
and we will lose 20 UNITS!
the bldg next door is a 5 bedroom house!
this bldg is a 6 unit bldg
19-21 perham st is at least 3 or 4 units
and danny ayotte's is a single family that needs a lot of work
so where do i go ??
the city has no plan for me or the other 5 tenants in this bldg
we need to talk
the owner and i have sent our official objections to the city
and MTJL sent their official objection also
last week
the owner and i are working closely and collaboratively. he also
joined MTJL as a board director representing landlords and real
estate agents and homeowners
did you know the city has been planning to take these 4 bldgs
since 2009 and NEVER SAID A WORD until 2012 !!
or 2011 at the earliest to the residnets on the street
i've surveyed people on this street
the city has made a total of 4 contacts with the next door
neighbor starting 3yrs ago
but they've been planning this since 2009 according to the KJ
why did they wait until NOW ????
whats going on????
and why did Mayor Stokes just get nominated to be a superior
court judge in the very courthouse they are going to destroy my
bldg to make a parking lot for ????
did he sell my block for the judgeship???
i sure think so !
i'm HOT
i'm going PUBLIC
my landlord is hot
he is stubborn and will not back down
we have already spoken at length


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he and i will be standing here when the other 3 homes are

it WILL go to court
Matthew Pouliot
I am certain the.building.project has.nothing to do with the
GinAthena Turcotte
i wouldnt be so sure, but i appreciate your caution
Matthew Pouliot
I just think it's too far into the project to change it. I dont.think
Lon Walters wants to sell the YMCA lot.for.parking
GinAthena Turcotte
its not a matter of want anymore... the city IS going to take this
block by eminent domain if we dont do something... why cant
they take the YMCA lot by eminent domain instead? it will be
Matthew Pouliot
It's a terrible situation but takings occur every day
GinAthena Turcotte
no people to relocate, no bldg to destory, no cleanup to perform...
its all ready to buildg
its NOT OK
I will file as a tenant
or a 3rd party intervenor
i will fight the state and the city to the end
and i'm good at what i do
they are taking my home away form me
without a backup plan!! as MY CITY COUNCILORS/??
Matthew Pouliot
I'm sorry you have to go through this, but I feel like you
purposely seek out these situations
GinAthena Turcotte
i did not know this was an issue when i moved in here
i had no clue


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do not blame me for landlng in this situation

that is OFFENSIVE !!!!
i did NOT choose this !!
Matthew Pouliot
You could move, no? There are a ton of vacant units in Augusta
GinAthena Turcotte
i want to stay with this landlrod
given my prior experiences
as you just clarified
my landlrod and i are friends
he is now a board director of MTJL... this is not just about
displacement of a tenant
this is a government issue that needs a public resolution
Matthew Pouliot
Takings are terrible but happen for the public good.
Again, sorry you have to deal with this
GinAthena Turcotte
if you are a city representative for augusta, i am officially
requesting that you schedule an appt to come here to talk with me
and this bldg owner... this is NOT OK... this is not going to
happen without a court battle... i guarantee it
i'm already researching eminent domain precedent
i'm good at what i do
this will cost the city $$$$$$$$$$$$
i promise you that
they are NOT acting in the public's best interest
i just testiifed to that fact on the record tonight
on the live broadcast
i am not going to be silent any longer
i will be very very public
if yu care about us as your constituents, then you will make a
point to listen to greg roy about what has happened to his bldg
this is NOT ABOUT ME
this is about THE PEOPLE


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the angels put me in this bldg... i did not choose this fight and
would prefer to deal with my other issues instead.
but i dont have much of a choice now
and i am asking you as my city rep. to take time to speak with my
landlord and the person who will be detrimentally affected by
this unnecessary taking
its abusive and a breach of the city's fiduciary duty
i respect you, Matt, and am coming to you with that respect
intact ...
but, if you dont listen to greg and what the city has done to him
to take this property, i will wonder what your agenda is ...
do not make this about me... it has nothing to do with me... this
is about Greg and how the city has been secretly planning to take
his property since 2009 at least without a word to him !!
and they know this is a FOR PROFIT BUSINESS they are
taking away from him !!
and they only offered him $85,000 !!
such an insult
like i said, I'M HOT
but i'm in control of myself and have my focus well refined
i will be taking this public in every venue i have available to me
as soon as it stops live streaming i will be cutting a copy and
uploading it to youtube so the public can see what i just did
for them
so, with that said, please call Greg Roy, the owner of 32 Court
Street, or come by to see him anytime during the day... if there is
a burgandy pickup truck or burgandy car in front of the
building, he is here working
his phone humber is 207-215-8548
he knows im making contact with you and approves
i'm signing off FB now and going to do some work for a
Scarborough tenant ... please think about what i've said and give
me a thoughtful response in due time... thank you for your time
and consideration.
Matthew Pouliot
Ok, I'll talk to Greg
o On May 20, 2014, GinA sent an email to Matthew Pouliot regarding
Official Complaint against State of Maine,
Rep. Matthew Pouliot, (Augusta),
This message is being sent as an OFFICIAL COMPLAINT about
the State of Maines and City of Augustas secret negotiations


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since 2009 (or earlier) to destroy 4 occupied private homes and a

private for-profit business of 17 years on Perham/Court Streets
to build a parking lot for the new courthouse in Augusta.
Rep. Matthew Pouliot, since you have removed and blocked me
from your Facebook wall, I am sending this message to your
official public email address as a Maine legislator demanding
you launch an official investigation into this injurious, deceptive
and commercial public activity.
The State MUST PROVE this eminent domain taking IS NOT
for COMMERCIAL PURPOSES nor Primarily for the
enhancement of tax revenue under 1 MRSA 816(1)(B) which is
the very nature of ALL COURT BUSINESS!!
I WILL be filing an official claim in Superior Court as a tenant
and 3rd party intervener under Maine Tort Claims Act for the
GRAVE INJURY caused to myself by the State of Maine, the City
of Augusta, the Maine Governmental Facilities Authority and
Rep. Matthew Pouliot, you are a STATE REPRESENTATIVE for
myself and Greg Roy and all other inhabitants on this block.
at the state level.
I am requiring you to launch an official investigation into this
fraudulent activity and that you make your investigation and its
results public.
Be advised that ALL COMMUNICATIONS between myself and
ALL PUBLIC OFFICERS will be made publicly available on the
internet so everyone knows what their representatives are doing
with their money and credit.
I require that you respond within 24 hours since I have already
previously communicated with you about this official matter.
Greg Roy, the owner of 32 Court Street, Augusta, is also waiting
for your official contact.
In Peace,
GinA Turcotte
32 Court Street, Apt. 1
o On May 22, 2014, City of Augusta Code Enforcement issued a letter to
Greg Roy approving occupancy for the two rear apartments on the
second floor at 32 Court Street,
May 22,2014
Gregory Roy
389 Costello Road

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Gardiner, ME 04345
Re: 32 Court Street
Tax Map 33, Lot 230
Augusta, ME 04330
Mr. Roy,
This letter is to confirm that the Code Enforcement Office
has approved occupancy of the two rear apartments on the
second floor at the above referenced address.
Occupancy of the second floor apartments on the Court
Street side of the building and on the floors above the
second floor is currently prohibited.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do
not hesitate to contact my office.
Robert Overton
Code Enforcement Officer
o On June 5, 2014, Greg Roy asked GinA to post internet rental ads on
his behalf for both of the 2nd floor units expressly giving preference for
long-term residents.
o On June 17, 2014, GinA made an official complaint to City of Augusta,
Matt Nazar, regarding noise from the courthouse construction site,
This is being sent as an official complaint about the hours
worked by the construction crews at the court house project on
Court Street.
I was awoken again this morning at 6:30am by the nuisance of
the beeping noises coming from the heavy construction
These workers arrive on the worksite as early as 5:30am and
begin work anywhere between 6:15-6:30am every day complete
with construction noises.
These construction people show NO RESPECT for the residences
in this neighborhood and make unnecessary noises by beeping
machinery horns to drown out someone talking to them, throwing
metal onto metal to create loud, booming noises at early hours of
the morning, and other unnecessary activities that create loud
noises at unreasonable times and for unreasonable purposes.
I am at the end of my patience with this construction project and
the disrespect being shown to the people who live in this


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Please inform Consigli and any other contractor that they are not
to begin any work before 7am M-F.
I expect to hear from you promptly.
Thank you.
GinA Turcotte
o On June 18, 2014, 8:56am, GinA sent an email to Rob Overton,
Who is David Pare? What was the context and content of your
conversation with him about me as referenced in the message
[dated October 2, 2013, 8:21:44am]? GinA
o On June 18, 2014, Rob Overton sent an email to GinA regarding David
Pares email to Rob Overton,
Mr. Pare is one of the good local landlords and seems to be a
good person. He pays attention to the City Council meetings and
has called me regarding some of the issues you have brought up
at the meetings and some of the earlier issues that you
experienced on Cony Street. He also calls me occasionally to ask
about code requirements for different type of buildings. He
believes that you could make a good living providing (for a fee)
landlords the type of advice/advocacy you give to tenants.
I actually have received several calls from landlords about what
you are doing with MTJL. You are becoming very well known
among the landlord community. I always recommend that they
contact you directly if they want info on what you do.
I certainly do not believe that Mr. Pare meant any disrespect to
you, but I can certainly see how it could appear as such without
knowing the context of the phone conversation that we had prior
to this email!
I will forward the other emails that he has sent me (I do not
recall any others that involved you or MTJL, but will check and
send them to you).
o On June 18, 2014, 12:59pm GinA sent an email to Rob Overton,
and I slept in my bed for the first time in several months (I
usually sleep on the couch to create a sound buffer between my
ears and the construction zone).


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o On June 20, 2014, William Stokes recorded a $100,000.00 Home

Equity Mortgage in Kennebec County Registry of Deeds for in Book __,
Pg __
o On July 10, 2011 Greg Roy gave GinA a 30-day Notice to Quit.
o On July 10, 2014 Lindsey Liepman of WMTW news reported live in
front of 32 Court Street regarding the demolition of the Perham Street
properties which were delayed by the Citys Historic Preservation
o On July 11, 2014, 7:55am, GinA sent an email to Matt Nazar and
Robert Overton,
The construction workers have begun to violate the noise
ordinance again. They are beginning to deliver and use heavy
equipment before 7am. This morning they had heavy equipment
delivered at 6:00am and they opened the gate and began using
the equipment before 7am.
This has been happening progressively over the past couple
weeks. Most workers still use the lower gate to enter but many of
them, especially the heavy equipment and deliveries, are still
using this gate as early as 5am
I dont know how loud I have to scream to get these people to
respect my need to sleep PEACEFULLY without the BEEP BEEP
BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP outside my window every morning
that makes for a very unpleasant awakening and a very
unpleasant day and very unpleasant experiences for people
who have to deal with me for the rest of that day
Please tell Consigli that I have legal rights to have quiet and
peaceful enjoyment of my home despite their desire and need to
stick with their work schedule there are laws and ordinances
for a reason.
Thank you.
GinA Turcotte
o On July 23, 2014, Keith Luke sent an email responding to GinAs July
22, 2014 FOAA request:


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If this request is being made to you in error, I request that you

forward this FOAA request to the appropriate person for a
prompt response.
Is it true the City of Augusta has offered Greg Roy $184,000 for
the purchase of 32 Court Street?
If this is not true, what is the 2nd offer which was made to Greg
I am aware Greg has rejected the 2nd offer as well.
Please immediately produce in accordance with the Maine
Freedom of Access Act all written correspondence between the
City of Augusta and Greg Roy since January 1, 2014 regarding
the purchase negotiations of 32 Court Street.
Thank you.
GinA Turcotte
Attached are the only two documents that are responsive to your
Keith P. Luke
Deputy Director of Development Services
City of Augusta
16 Cony Street
Augusta, ME 04330
ph: (207) 626-2336
fx: (207) 626-2520
September 26, 2013
Gregory B. Roy
389 Costello Road
Gardiner, Maine 04345
Dear Mr. Roy:
In 2012 you were contacted by the City of Augusta's Development
Services office regarding the purchase of your property to support
the expansion of the Kennebec County Courthouse. For a variety
of reasons, our ability to begin negotiations with property owners
and make fair market offers on property was delayed until now.
In the coming weeks the city will be preparing an offer on your
property. Our goal is to present you with an offer based on fair
market value. To assist in making this determination the city has
retained an independent licensed appraiser Tracy Vickerson of
Vickerson Appraisal Service in Winthrop (CG#215 State of


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Next week Tracy Vickerson will be contacting you to coordinate

an inside and outside inspection of your property. This will
insure the most accurate appraisal of your property's worth. Once
Vickerson Appraisal Service has completed their work, I will be
scheduling individual meetings with property owners to discuss
both the appraisal and corresponding city purchase offer.
The city's goal is to make this a transparent process and
maintain an open dialog with property owners. We understand
that the decision to sell property especially one's home is not
an easy one. We will do everything that we can to make the
process both fair and equitable.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about
either the appraisal or acquisition process.
Keith P. Luke
Deputy Director of Development Services
April 17, 2014
Gregory B. Roy
389 Costello Road
Gardiner, Maine 04345
Dear Mr. Roy:
As you are aware, work on the Maine Judicial Center is entering
its final phase, with the goal of completion in the winter of 2015.
An important part of the project is the acquisition of private
property on Perham Street to accommodate new parking for the
While the new Judicial Center will be owned by the State of
Maine, both Kennebec County and the City of Augusta have been
cooperating closely on the project. The City has taken the lead
role in negotiating the sale of private property. Our goal is to
negotiate the sale of your property both fairly and equitably.
In the fall of 2013 the city contracted with Tracy Vickerson a
licensed real estate appraiser from Winthrop to conduct an
external appraisal of the properties on Perham Street. A copy of
that appraisal has been included with this offer letter. Based on
that appraisal, the city is prepared to offer eighty-five thousand
dollars ($85,000) for the purchase of the apartment building and
property at 32 Court Street.
At this point, our suggestion is that you take ten days to consider
the citys offer and perhaps consult an attorney to discuss your
position with regard to an option agreement. I suggest that we
meet at Augusta City Hall on Monday, May 5th at 1PM to


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discuss the citys offer and your needs as we seek to move forward
on this project.
Additionally, I am available to discuss the citys offers and
address your questions at any time at (207) 751-2962.
Keith P. Luke
Deputy Director of Development Services
o On July 25, 2014, Robert Overton sent an email to GinA responding to
her July 25, 2014 FOAA request re: Map 33, Lot 230, 32 Court Street,
Every new public record created or received by your office since
May 1, 2014 regarding Map 33, Lot 230 (32 Court Street).
(See June 5, 2014 FOAA request, June 17 and July 11, 2014,
official complaints to City of Augusta, Matt Nazar)
May 22, 2014, 1:38pm email from Robert Overton to William
I met with Mr. Roy today at 1130am at 32 Court Street. While
inspecting the building, he mentioned the plans for the area to
potentially be used for parking for the Court facility. He went on
to say that he was aware that the other property owners on
Perham Street had come to agreements with the City for the sale
of their property. He said that he was not sure if he should
continue to fix up 32 Court Street or "move on to something else".
I told him that the City Manager would like to meet with him in
an effort to negotiate the sale of his property. He replied that he
received an email requesting a meeting and apologized for not
responding to it. He did not say what he intended to do.
Robert Overton
Code Enforcement Officer
City of Augusta
16 Cony Street
Augusta, Maine 04330
ph: (207) 626-2365
fax: (207) 626-2520
May 7, 2014, 1:04pm
From: Matt Nazar
To: William Bridgeo; AII_City_Department_Directors;
AII_City_Bureau_Heads; Robert Overton; Gary Fuller
Cc: Stephen Langsdorf
Subject: FW: FOAA request , Map 33, Lot 230, 32 Court Street,


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Ms. Turcotte is sending separate emails to staff members with
her FOAA requests. At this point, you've told me that Steve will
be handling the assembly of information for Ms. Turcotte. If any
other departments or bureaus receive FOAA requests from Ms.
Turcotte, I assume Steve will be handling them? So far, the
requests have been for two specific properties in the city- 32 Court
Street, and the old YMCA property.
Matthew A. Nazar
Director of Development Services
City of Augusta
16 Cony Street
Augusta,ME 04330
ph:{207) 626-2365
fax: {207) 626-2520
o On August 20, 2014, GinA was forced to participate in a fraudulent
eviction hearing for AUGDC-SA-14-453 presided over by Valerie
Stanfill. (See 1:16-cv-00095-NT)
o On August 23, 2014, 1:10pm GinA sent an email to William Bridgeo
regarding her objection to any extension of courthouse work hours,
Manager Bridgeo,
I have been told the courthouse construction crew has recently
submitted a request to extend construction work hours beyond
6pm M-F and that the decision is solely yours as City Manager.
If this is not true, I am filing my official objection for all future
requests for an extension of work hours for as long as I live at 32
Court Street.
As a resident who lives closest to the courthouse project, I
CATEGORICALLY OBJECT to any extension of work hours
beyond 6pm because it will severely exacerbate my current
injuries caused by the continuous noise pollution and physical,
emotional and psychological torture I am required to endure 7a6p M-F and which is the foundation of the Notice of Claim I filed
on August 5, 2014 against the City of Augusta and 14 public
officials including yourself.
Please understand and take official notice of the fact that I am
inside my home at 32 Court Street 99% of the time and I suffer
GREATLY during the day with emotional, mental and physical
issues caused by the construction noises and other related


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The City of Augusta and its employees are knowingly and

willfully torturing me with 11 HOURS EVERY WEEK DAY (55
hours per week) of CONSTANT noise pollution, earth work, dust,
dirt, debris, traffic, and interference with my freedom to
If the City of Augusta, any of its agents or employees grants any
extension of work hours for the construction project, those official
public decisions will be used as evidence by myself that all public
officials involved in that decision acted intentionally, wantonly
and recklessly in disregard for the needs of the areas residents
PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA for all residents on PERHAM &
COURT STREETS, clearly illustrating the Citys secret
motivations to intentionally injure the public which would be a
fundamental breach of their legal duties as public servants.
Manager Bridgeo, this situation is contentious enough without
exacerbating the situation by extending construction work hours
for the court house project which you know will most definitely
cause extreme distress for 4 residences.
If any extension to work beyond 6p M-F is granted for the
courthouse, I will take whatever legal action is available to
remedy my injuries in addition to the legal action I have already
Please understand that legal immunity defenses do not protect
against individual and professional negligence or reckless
In consideration of the fact that you are fully aware of the
trauma the construction project is already causing me and my
neighbors, your actions will be judged as intentional, wanton
and reckless if any extension is granted to the courthouse project.
If my objection is ignored and construction work hours are
extended, I will use that decision as further evidence of
discrimination against me as an alleged sovereign citizen and
domestic terrorist having no legal credibility with my public
officials because of their negative prejudice against me as a
truth-speaking constitutional woman and evidenced by their
pattern of behavior of ignoring me and allowing my rights to be
continuously and egregiously violated.
Manager Bridgeo, I have done nothing to deserve this kind of
blatant discrimination and negative prejudicial behavior by my
public officials.
I am a law-abiding, truthful, peaceful woman who is only
seeking community-wide lawfulness, fairness and justice.


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Please reject all requests by the courthouse construction crew to

work beyond 6pm M-F.
Thank you,
GinA Turcotte
32 Court Street Apt. 1
Augusta Maine
o On September 03, 2014 , 11:32am, GinA sent an email to Rob Overton,
I have spiders and fleas and other bugs that are becoming a
nuisance to both myself and my cats. I have ordered flea
medicine for my cats which will be here this week but I dont
know how to properly clean my house of the bug problem.
Please do not contact Greg about this yet. He got an eviction
judgment against me for a 30-day notice and I have appealed it
for a jury trial in Superior Court. Things are heating up on
Court Street.
o On September 11, 2014, 9:38am, Rob Overton sent an email to GinA,
Currently, are there any other tenants in the building?
o On September 11, 2014, 9:41am, GinA sent an email to Rob Overton,
Nobody else physically resides here except myself, although there
is a legal tenant and his belongings in Unit 2 who is in county
jail with no planned date of release
o On September 12, 2014, 1:25pm, Rob Overton sent an email to GinA,
I spoke with Greg this afternoon. He said that his exterminator
refused to work in your apartment, but declined to tell me why
o On September 16, 2014, 1:18pm, GinA sent an email to Rob Overton,
I just filed another notice of appeal in District Court on questions
of law claiming all at will leases and two sections of the eviction
law are unconstitutional which effectively strip me of my rights
to enjoy and possess my property and which prevent me from
asserting any legal defenses against eviction.
Ive also asked for a stay on the writ of possession which has not
yet issued.
My notice of appeal was filed properly within the 30 days after
judgment (August 20) and before the writ of possession issued so
I should be allowed to appeal on questions of law, but that
decision will be up to the same judges who are going to park their
cars in my bedroom when this building is torn down for the
courthouse parking lot so Im not going to hold my breath
expecting the judges to rule in my favor.
The judges, the City and the State want this block for their
precious courthouse parking lot and thats all there is to it and
they will get it one way or another


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But Im not going down without making them earn their victory
in public view
By the way, I will be testifying at the public council meeting this
week to protest their proposed historic district which I suspect
will not include the Perham/Court Street block its going to be
a very interesting public meeting
Ill let you know what District Court says about staying the writ
of possession on my appeal that I filed today
think good thoughts!
o On September 22, 2014, 4:32pm, Rob Overton sent an email to GinA,
I also made it clear to Greg that he will not be allowed to move
anyone else into the building until the electrical issues and the
porches and railings are corrected to my satisfaction. This will
require a master electrician to certify that the electrical is safe
and code compliant
o On September 24, 2014, 8:42am, GinA sent an email to Rob Overton,
The sheriff tried to serve a writ of possession on my yesterday
but I didnt answer the door. I have to be careful not to answer
the door for him today because it will start the 48 hours tolling
and I dont have a place to go yetAre you coming over today?
o On September 24, 2014, 9:19am, email from Rob Overton to GinA,
Yes, I will be there later this morning. Around 11 to 1130 if that
works for you?
o On September 24, 2014 around 11:15am, GinA was served with a writ
of possession while GinA was outside talking to Robert Overton.
o On September 25, 2014, 12:06pm, email from Rob Overton to GinA,
I know you already gave it to me, but I cannot find the name of
the gentleman that leases the other unit in your building. I want
to make sure that he does not fall through the cracks since he is
not there and may not be aware of the issues in the building. Any
contact info you can share is greatly appreciated.
I hope your apartment viewing on Gage went well. How does the
inside of that building look?
o On September 26, 2014, GinA moved out of 32 Court Street but she
was not able to remove all of her possessions and was forced to leave
some of her possessions at the property.

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o GinA was homeless from September 26 until November 11, 2014.

o While GinA was homeless, she was threatened with false arrest, with
gun violence, with bodily injury, and she lost over $1000 by the people
who gave her a place to sleep who were all strangers with shady pasts.
o GinA moved into 2528 West River Road, Sidney on November 11, 2014
with her elderly friend Wayne Richard Leach (deceased May 19, 2015)
for the purpose of living together as unregistered domestic partners.
o GinA and (Estate of) Wayne Richard Leach signed a renewable lease
agreement for at least five years with the agreement the terms would
change when either GinA or Wayne got a mortgage to buy the log cabin
at 2528 West River Road within six months (no later than May 2015).
o Wayne Richard Leach died on May 19, 2015 from a sudden onset of
fatal glioblastoma (multi-form brain tumor). (See KEN-2015-0534,
KEN-2015-0534-1, KEN-CV-15-58, KEN-CV-15-59, KEN-RE-15-68)
o Today, GinA lives alone at 2528 West River Road, Sidney with the
support of the community and her immediate neighbors while trying to
exercise her lawful natural, civil and fair housing rights to have a safe,
decent and affordable dwelling which Congress promised to protect
against all unlawful discrimination in 42 USC 3601. (See KEN-CV15-58, KEC-RE-15-68, WATDC-SA-15-271, 1:15-cv-00382-NT, 1:16-cv00095-NT)
o On July 10, 2015 at at 6:55am GinA commented on a July 9, 2015, KJ
article titled With Augusta apartment building gone, Kennebec
courthouse gains public parking lot,
such a slap in my face ... but i promise i'm not done yet ...
at 1:58pm Michael St.Andrews commented
So let me get this straight, we razed 3 apartment buildings for a
new parking lot (say goodbye to developed property tax income),


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when the old Ymca property was already there and available.
Where was the thinking on this?????
(See )
o On May 16, 2016 at 11:30am, GinA is scheduled to appear in Kennebec
County Probate Court to be appointed as Personal Representative for
the Estate of Wayne Richard Leach so GinA can proceed to file any and
all wrongful death lawsuits against all responsible parties for all acts
which led GinA and Wayne to live at 2528 West River Road Sidney and
which GinA and Wayne both believe was the direct and proximate
cause for the sudden manifestation of Waynes brain tumor (January
11, 2015, exactly 60 days after taking possession of 2528 West River
Road on November 11, 2014) which was the direct and proximate cause
for Waynes untimely death, to restore any and all proper value to
Waynes allegedly insolvent estate, to redress all injuries caused by
David Brennans breach of contract, failure to disclose defects and
intentional infliction of emotional distress, to get all legal remedies for
all other peoples wrongful actions and to administer his estate in the
manner he requested. (See GinAs affidavit in KEN-2015-0534-1)


Defendants wrongfully discriminated in terms, conditions, or privileges

wrongfully discriminated in terms, conditions, or privileges Defendants

wrongfully violated GinAs equal rights under color of state law to exchange public
information with public servants about Defendant City of Augustas plan to buy and
raze 32 Court Street on behalf of the Maine Judicial Branch which directly caused
GinA to make a rental contract with Defendant Greg Roy for her occupancy of Unit
1 on January 22, 2014.


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Nazars code enforcement officer wrongfully violated GinAs equal rights

under color of state law by acting under Nazars official direction to hinder exchange
of public information between GinA and public servants during official public
communications on January 13 by wrongfully censoring public data about the
ultimate demise of 32 Court Street.

Nazars code enforcement officer wrongfully violated GinAs equal rights

under color of state law by acting under Nazars official direction to inhibit
exchange of public information between GinA and public servants during official
public communications on January 13 by wrongfully censoring public data about
prior tenants injuries at 32 Court Street which were directly caused by an insanely
noisy environment and other harmful intrusions caused by the courthouse
construction project.

Defendants wrongfully violated GinAs equal rights under color of state laws

to exchange public information with public servants by wrongfully censoring public

data about 32 Court Street that would have given GinA adequate knowledge and
ability to avoid serious injuries that were caused by her rental contract with Greg
Roy and her actual physical occupancy at 32 Court Street.

Defendants wrongfully violated GinAs equal rights under color of state laws

to exchange public information with public servants by wrongfully censoring public

data about the demise of 32 Court Street which directly caused GinA to sign a
rental contract with Greg Roy for Unit 1, 32 Court Street thus directly resulting in
GinA suffering multiple severe permanent injuries from homelessness, fraudulent
court proceedings, threat of homelessness, severe emotional and physical distress,
financial and relational damages, as well as innumerable other severe injuries.

Defendants wrongfully violated GinAs equal rights under color of state laws

to exchange public information with public servants regarding the insanely noisy
environment which was the direct and proximate cause for daily constant violations
of GinAs equal rights to peacefully exchange information by being forced to endure
nerve-wracking incessant noises from the courthouse construction site and its


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traffic of heavy machinery which impaired all peaceful communications at 32 Court

Street regardless if those communications occurred in person or on the telephone.

Defendants wrongful violation of GinAs equal rights under color of state

laws to prevent GinA from exchanging public information with public servants
about 32 Court Street set certain wrongful events into motion which created merits
for GinA v. Leigh Saufley related to judicial proceedings for 32 Court Street and
2528 West River Road by virtue of the herein-named Defendants allowing and
soliciting GinA to occupy 32 Court Street knowing or having reason to know ab
initio the loud construction noises would make her living conditions unhappy and
that GinA would be forced to move out within a few months by force of excessive
police power by a court and its judges who were acting with a complete absence of
all jurisdiction as a result of that court being earmarked to be the final legal owner
and occupant of 32 (1) Court Street.

Defendants actions wrongfully created more court business for the Capital

Judicial Center by setting certain wrongful events into motion which created merits
for the lawsuits listed below, some are still pending in the Kennebec County
Superior and Probate Courts, not including any related federal lawsuits filed with
the U.S. District or Supreme Courts, namely:
o AUGDC-SA-14-453 (writ of possession executed on September 26, 2014)
o KEN-CV-14-176 (pending/active)
o AP-14-56 (closed/dismissed September 24, 2014)
o KEN-14-410 (closed/dismissed October 9, 2014)
o KEN-CV-15-58 (pending/active)
o KEN-CV-15-59 (closed due to deceased Plaintiff/pending reopening)
o WATDC-SA-15-271 (pending de novo jury trial appeal in Kennebec County
Superior Court)
o KEN-RE-15-68 (pending/active)
o KEN-2015-0534/0534-1 (Estate of Wayne Richard Leach) (pending/active)
o GinA v. AVANGRID/Iberdrola USA, Inc. d/b/a Central Maine Power Co.


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Defendants actions wrongfully created more court business for the Capital

Judicial Center by setting certain wrongful events into motion which resulted in
Leigh Saufley, Joseph Jabar, Robert Mullen, Michaela Murphy and Valerie Stanfill
wrongfully violating GinAs equal rights under color of state laws during the
wrongful adjudication of the above itemized cases for the purpose of concealing their
conspiracy with Defendant Greg Roy regarding 32 Court Street as alleged in GinA
v. Leigh Saufley, 1:16-cv-00095-NT.
Violation of 42 USC 3601

GinA re-alleges and incorporates by reference the allegations set forth above.
Defendants wrongfully violated the policy of the United States to provide,

within constitutional limitations, for fair housing throughout the United States. by
repeatedly denying GinA her fair housing rights to live in safe, decent and
affordable housing without the threat of interference, coercion or intimidation for
GinA exercising her fair housing rights under 42 USC 3601 et seq.
Violation of 42 USC 3604(f)

GinA re-alleges and incorporates by reference the allegations set forth above.


Defendants wrongfully discriminated in terms, conditions, or privileges of

a rental, and otherwise made unavailable and denied GinA the right to enjoy longterm rental contracts for her dwellings because of GinAs handicap and her being a
member of the homeless community which makes her most vulnerable to predator
landlords like Royce Watson, Ray Corporation and Greg Roy.
Violation of 42 USC 3617

GinA re-alleges and incorporates by reference the allegations set forth above.


The public information listed in this complaint amply prove Defendants have

repeatedly coerced, intimidated, threatened, or interfered with GinAs exercise and

enjoyment of, or on account of GinA having exercised or enjoyed, any right
granted or protected by section 3604 of Title 42 USC.


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Violation of 1st Amendment

GinA re-alleges and incorporates by reference the allegations set forth above.


The public information listed in this complaint amply prove Defendants have

repeatedly deprived GinA of her right to speak since 2011 as aptly evidenced in the
many public records stated in her Factual Background.
42 USC 1981

GinA re-alleges and incorporates by reference the allegations set forth above.


Defendants wrongfully violated GinAs equal rights under color of state law

to speak, to be heard, to make fair terms in her rental contracts, to have equal right
to have access to public information that directly impacts her life, liberty and
pursuit of happiness, to have equal rights to have peaceful enjoyment of her
residence free from governmental interferences with her right to exchange
information, to be free from threat of being forced to be a party to and give evidence
at fraudulent eviction trials presided over by courts and public servants who would
be acting in complete absence of all jurisdiction, and to enjoy full and equal benefit
of laws and proceedings for the security of GinAs person and property, inter alia.

Defendants wrongfully violated GinAs equal rights under to color of state

laws to have equal rights to speak and to be heard during public proceedings that
directly affected security of GinAs life, person and property by ignoring GinAs
demand to exercise her right to speak, to be heard and to give factual evidence of
alternatives for court parking during pubic proceedings about the sale and
destruction of 32 Court Street.

Defendants wrongfully violated GinAs equal rights under color of state laws

to make and enforce rental contracts by wrongfully suppressing critical public

information about Defendants plan to allow the Maine Judicial Branch to buy and
destroy 32 Court Street to build a parking lot for the new courthouse at GinAs and
Maine taxpayers expense.


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42 USC 1983

GinA re-alleges and incorporates by reference the allegations set forth above.


Defendants subjected or caused GinA to be subjected to a deprivation of her

rights, privileges and immunities secured to her by the federal constitution and
laws under color of state law during public proceedings and exchanges of public
information regarding imminent sale and destruction of 32 Court Street, Augusta.

Defendants subjected or caused GinA to be subjected to a deprivation of her

rights, privileges and immunities secured by the federal constitution and laws
under color of state law by allowing Unit 1, 32 Court Street to be opened and
occupied in January 2014 without warning GinA of the imminent dangers which
directly caused GinA to enter into a fraudulent rental contract with Defendant Greg
Roy for eight months of a torturous occupancy directly resulting in GinA being
forced to be a party to a fraudulent eviction lawsuit (See AUGDC-SA-14-453) and
ensuing fraudulent appellate proceedings (See AP-14-56, KEN-14-410) in August
and September 2014 which were all wrongfully presided over by state courts and
state judicial servants who knew they were acting with a complete absence of all
jurisdiction because of their significant conflict of interest with Defendant Greg Roy
in their future purchase and possession of his property at 32 Court Street.

Defendants wrongful deprivation of GinAs equal rights, privileges and

immunities secured to her by the Constitution under color of state laws by censoring
public information about the imminent demise of 32 Court Street was the direct and
proximate cause for the all of GinAs injuries caused during her occupancy and
business transaction for 32 Court Street, all injuries GinA sustained while she was
homeless between September 26 and November 11, 2014, and all injuries GinA has
sustained as an occupant at 2528 West River Road, Sidney as a direct result of
being fraudulently evicted by use of excessive and improper police power by
Defendants judicial agents on August 19 and September 26, 2014 in AUGDC-SA14-453.
Violation of 42 USC 1985


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GinA re-alleges and incorporates by reference the allegations set forth above.


Defendants wrongfully conspired to deter GinA by force, intimidation and

threat of force (by a default eviction judgment/writ of possession) under color of

state laws from testifying and attending court hearings in all stated eviction cases.
Violation of 42 USC 1986

GinA re-alleges and incorporates by reference the allegations set forth above.


Defendants had knowledge that the wrongs they conspired to do herein and

having the power to prevent or aid in preventing the commission of such unlawful
acts or neglected or refused to prevent those wrongful acts despite Defendants
ability to prevent such wrongful acts did in fact cause severe, permanent and
irreparable injuries to GinAs person, property, reputation, health, safety and

As a result of the herein described federal and constitutional violations, GinA

demands the following relief as provided by:

a) 42 USC 3613(c)(1),
1. Actual damages
2. Punitive damages
3. Permanent injunction barring the demolition of low income buildings,
4. Affirmative equitable relief as follows:
a. Build new, or repair existing unfit, low income single and multifamily homes to replace at least twenty low income units that were
destroyed on Perham and 32 Court Streets,
b) Actual costs to move into and out of 32 Court Street.
c) Actual costs to establish and maintain a safe permanent residence for 5
d) All monetary, declaratory, injunctive and equitable relief this Court finds


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e) Actual costs to bring suit.

Due to the public significance of the events cited in this complaint and GinAs
need to proceed without legal representation, GinA requests any necessary leave to
correct any future technical or procedural errors or omissions which may cause this
court to dismiss any part of the complaint, in part or whole, sua sponte.
Sworn and subscribed to under pains and penalties of perjury on this 8th day
of April, 2016.
2528 West River Road
Sidney, Maine 04330
(207) 209-1767
I, GinA, verify that I have read this Verified Complaint and swear the facts
stated herein are true based on my own knowledge, experiences, information, and
Executed under pains and penalties of perjury on this day in the town of
Sidney, county of Kennebec, state of Maine.
DATE: April 8, 2016



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e) Actual costs to bring suit.

Due to the public significance of the events cited in this complaint and GinA's
need to proceed without legal representation, GinA requests any necessary leave to
correct any future technical or procedural errors or omissions which may cause this
court to dismiss any part of the complaint, in part or whole, sua sponte.

Sworn and subscribed to undeM

enalties of perjury on this Sth day

of April, 2016.

2528 West River Road
Sidney, Maine 04330
(207) 209-1767

I, GinA, verify that I have read this Verified Complaint and swear the facts
stated herein are true based on my own knowledge, experiences, information, and
Executed under pains and penalties of perjury on this day in the town of
Sidney, county of Kennebec, state of Maine.

DATE: April 8, 2016


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