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Classroom Request Form

- Middlebury


will teach this summer and return it to your School

Coordinator by March 15th. Classroom assignments for the summer will begin soon after this date; Iate or
incomplete return could impact your being assigned an appropriate classroom. Due to the high volume of
classroom needs during the summer session, teaching space is limited and we make use of all possible spaces make no assumption of what will be provided without specifc request. Specific room requests may not be
granted; therefore, thorough completion ofthis form is vital to ensure you are provided the technology and type
ofspace needed.
Please complete this request form for each course you

Your full name:

E-mail address:
Work phone:

Course name & number:

List other courses you will be teaching:

Please tell us something about the format of the course (e.g. "This wll be a lecture with regular PowerPoint
presenlations," or "This is a once-weekly discussion at whichfilms will be shown"):



Classroom Te
Please check only those tems thal you will be using on daily basis. Classrooms wth projection are liniled, and there are
even fewer compuler labs to schedule for classes. It may not be possible lo honor all requesls.

White board/Chalk board




te: desktop + laptop computers are nol provided

needs Qclease desuibe):


E fV & VHS I

l6mm/35mm projection

please indicate "mulri region" if needed

Note: vHS wllt be disconrinued in 2013

Computer lab for students:

With headphones

If you are requesting

a computer lab, you must complete the space below explaining why your course
requires student access to individual computers during class.

Other technology needs (Requests


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te ch

nol ogy

ne e

for "Smarl Rooms" will

not be honoed. Classrooms will be assigned based on


(Software Needs on back of form)

Software Needs - Library and Information Services (LIS)

We provide suppoft for the Macintosh operating system and PCs running rvVindows. For a list of software
products available go to
If you need software for teachins, please complete the following table for each product you will need for
yourself or your students. Please estimate the number of computers that will need the software installed on them
(number of licenses needed), whether they will be Mac or PC, and whether you will bring the software with you or
Middlebury @IS) will need to provide it. LIS will work with you and the Language Schools to ensure proper
licensing of software. If you have taught at the Language Schools before, do not assume that any software that
may have been available in any previous year will be available without specific request.


& Version #

IMPORTANT: Sofmare to be installed in our compuler labs musl be mailed and received by us by March 3I't so we can
test itforfunctionality and comparblily wilh the software and hardware n the labs.

File Servers and Conferencing

Middlebury College Library and Information Services supports DFS-based file servers, which can be
used for classroom purposes to share information and to exchange assignments; however, LIS now
recommends using Moodle for these purposes.
Do you plan to use Moodle andlorWordPress for this course? Yes

fl Not

Laotops are not provided for summer faculty. When bringing your own laptop for use in classroom lectures, it
must have an Ethernet card to connect to our network and the appropriate virus protection and operating system
updates. Please check here ifyou are bringing your own laptop to use for classroom lectures:

Not all classrooms on campus have computer projection facilities. Please check with your school's coordinator
for details on the room you have been assigned.

Office Use Only

Date Received
Classroom Assigned

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