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MACNEILL OF CARSKEY From "His Estate Journal" (pp. 110-114) [MacNeil] of Carskey] used his Compt Book to record such multifarious transactions as he considered needed record and the following list therefore becomes as complete a Trades Directory of the place and period as could be hoped for. Tt does not include any person (though many such are named) whom it is impossible, for lack of particulars, to designate by his connection with place or occupation. Due allowance, here in this table ..., must be made for long passages in the original MS. illegible through fading of the old ink. I am aware of numbers of people now scattered over all the Earth who believe their forebears came from the Mull of Kintyre. To such, should it meet their eye, this table may be of help in tracing their ancestry. Name Place Year Status or From/To Occupation Neill Dow McNeill Lailt 1710 Steelbow Tenant Malcolm McCallum Kepragan qu Tenant John Me ffaill Glenadil1. 1h Tenant Charles 0 Drain ffeorlin 7 Tenant Duncan MeSporran Archd Weer Donald MeShenoig ALL payers of Donald McAlister rent, but no 171/14 William MeClarty place names Angus McMurray stated John MeMurchie Donald Bane McGeachy Drimnamucklich 1712 “Man to Campbell," the laird Neill NeQualisky Gartvean 1712/17 Tenant Duncan MeSporran carskey 112/17 ny" Tenant Henry McNeill Carskey V712/17 "my" Herd John McEarcharn Carskey 1712/19 "my" Man John McMurchy Upperglenadill 1712/19 Tenant Malcolm O Drain Ballinacuisag 1713, Tenant John McCamross. ffeorlin V71S/17/18/19 Tenant Margaret NcShenoig, carskey 1716 Servant Donald MeShenoig, Ballinacuissag 1716 Tenant Malcolm McMillen Borgadilmore 1716/22/24 Tenant Lauchlan McNeill Clennadill 1716/17 Brother-in-law & Tenant Cossin Margaret McNeill Amod Wi7 Tenant Donaid Metiheany Stragaoill i717 Tenant Thomas MeWachlain Gartvaij ir Tenant Donald MeKearchair Laile 17 Tenant Donald McNeil] Balligrogan amr Resident Ranald NeAlister Machrimore 1717 Resident Neill Melichonaly The Mill nT Shoemaker -118- John MeT1heany John MeI1chonaly Gillchuim McI1chonaly Hew McMillen Neill McKiarmoid Jo. MeViecar William Campbell John MeT1reanj Donald MeIloliney Arehd McNurehij Gilbert McQuailisky John MeNachlain William Campbell Christian Neffacar Lauchlan McMillen Robert Smith Mr Dugald Campbell Duncan Campbell of Neill McKay John MeInkaird John Ridd John Meffarlan Malcolm McNeill John MeIlheany Kathrin MeNeill Malcolm McMillen John McCamross Dugald MeIlvane John MeT1mun Georg Wallace Hugh Wallace Archd MeMath Arehd McNeill William MeClarty Lauchlan McMillen Hew McShenoig of Barbara MeTaylor william ffaill Lauchlan MeNeil1 Mary McT1heany John bane McMillen Neill MeViccar Donald Bane McMath Neill McI1heanie Archd MeMurchy Donald MeShenoig, Malcolm MeGibbon Thomas Burdie Donald McTlheany John McShenoig, Donald McMurchy Donald McQualisky Carskey Achinsavill Borgadilbeg Ormsary Laile Laile Machrimor Glenadill Glenadill Carskey Drimarranch Balimacomra The Muill Glemanuill Drimnmucklach Branerikin Kildavie Poliuillin Lepinbeg, Ballinacuissag Macharioch Borgadil more Macharioch Ormsary Carskey Dunglass Lailt Balliveanan Macharoich Cariskey Glenmanuill Lepinstra Carskey Campbeltown Glenadilt Lailt Uperkill Lailt Lailt Carskey Glenadill The Upertoun Kill [sic] Machrimore Mill Achinsavill Lepinstra Glenadiluachtrach Upertoun (with his father) -119- 1717/18 1717 1717 1717 1717/18 1717/18 1718 1718 1718 1718 1718, 1718 1718 1718, 1718, 1718 1718 1712/18/37 1718/21/22 1718/19 1719 1719 1719/33 1719 1719 1719 1719 1719 1719 1719 1720 1720 1720 1720 1720 1720 1720 1720 1720/21/22 1720/21 1721 1721 1721/22 1721/25 1721/22/23 1721 1721/26 1721 1721 1721 1722 1722 Schoolnaster Weaver Resident Tenant Tenant Tenant Tenant Tenant Weaver Tenant Part Tenant Tenant Tenant ‘Tenant Tenant Clothier Minister? Owner Tenant Weaver Tenant Tenant Tenant Tenant ‘Tenant Tenant Part Tenant Miller Tenant Tenant Tenant Tenant Part Tenant ‘Tenant Owner "former servant" Couper Tenant Tenant Tenant Tenant Tenant “my workman" Tenant Tenant Tenant Packman Part Tenant Tenant Tenant Tenant John MeInkaird Duncan MeGinnas John MeNeil1 Rori MeConachie John MeComara Archd McNeill Alexander Hyman Barbra Campbell Donald Omey Duncan MeShenoig, Dugald McCallum Gilbaert MeQualiskic Donald Morrison John MeCamross David Campbell Donald MeShenoig, John McMillen Gulchium MeI1chonaly Patrick McComra Neill McTIheany Neill MeLeonan Diarmoid MeVicear Neill MeMillen John MeI1miche1L Neill McComra Margaret MeMurchy Alexander McMillen Samuel Weer John MeMurchy Donald 0 Drain Neill MeKay Thomas Purdie Donald MeWillian William MeClarty William Hervie William Cordiner David Campbel1 James Speer Eun MeShenoig, Duncan MeShenoig, Malcolm MeNei11 Georg MeViccar Donald MeDonald Donald McKillop Georg Wallace Lachlan McNeill Archd MeMurchy Neill MeIIchonaly Donald MeMurchie Duncan MeMillen Alexr McMillen Malcolm McMillen Glenrean Ballivranan Borgadilmore Macharioch Carskey Kilwipnach Keill Kerameaneach Gartnacopaig, Carskey Machrimore ffeorlin Witchburn carris Keill Ballincacuisag Balimacomra Carskey Kerameanach Borgadilmore Upperkeill Glenamuil1 Borgadillmore Achinsavill Glenmanuill Lages Lower Glenadill Mucklich Branerikin Strone Clarskey Kilblan Kilchreist Campbeltown Monirua Branerikin Ballinacuissag Lepinbeg. Campbeltown Achinsavill Glenmanuill Machrimore Miln Glenadill Glenadill Mulbuy Achinsavill Glenmanuill Glenmanuilt 1722 1722 1722 1722/31/34 1722/23 1722 1722 1722 1722 1722 1722 1722 1722 1722/23 1722 1722 1722 1723 1723 1723/37 1723 1722 1722 1723/24 1723/31/34 1723 1726/28 1723 1723 1723/26 1724/25 1724 1723/24 1726 1724 1724 1725 1725 1725 1726 1726/28 1725 1725/34 1725/31 1726 1726 1726 1726 1726 1726/28/29 1726/32/34 /35/36 1727/29 Weaver Tenant Tenant Tenant Weaver Tenant Miller to Sanna Tenant (my antt) Tenant Tenant Tenant Servant Brewer Tenant Bailie Tenant Tenant Tenant Tenant Servant Tenant Tenant Tenant Tenant Part Tenant Part Tenant Part Tenant ‘Tenant Tenant ‘Tenant Merchant Tenant Servant Cloathier Baillie Tenant Tenant Tenant ‘Tenant Merchant, Tenant Tenant 2 Tenant Tenant Shoemaker Tenant Part Tenant Tenant Tenant

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